Is matsoni useful? Matsoni (Matsun)

Matsoni is a fermented milk drink of Caucasian cuisine, made from fermented milk of buffaloes, goats, cows, sheep. Widely distributed in the Middle East and Asia Minor. The name of the drink comes from the verbs "Matsuts'anel" and "Matsnul", which in translation from Armenian mean "ferment" and "curl", respectively.

In appearance and taste, matsoni resembles liquid yogurt, kefir and yogurt. The main microflora of the drink is represented by heat-loving lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus, which endow it with healing properties. Beneficial bacterial cultures contribute to the transformation of milk components into an easily digestible form that does not burden the digestive tract. In addition, they create an acidic environment in the intestines, which suppresses the pathogenic and supports the development and vital activity of normal microflora.

The history of the drink

For the first time, a fermented milk product was obtained in the Caucasus. The legend says that 200 years ago the hostess poured milk into a jug of curdled milk and forgot to put it in a cold place. Under the influence of high temperatures, it was hot outside, after a while the woman discovered that a thick sour drink had formed in the container, resembling yogurt in taste. The story of the amazing transformation of milk into a refreshing fermented product quickly spread around the area and found its adherents. For a long time, the recipe for making yoghurt was kept secret, and only 15-20 years ago it was declassified, and the drink began to be produced on an industrial scale.

The composition of the fermented milk product

The nutritional qualities of the drink are due to the rich chemical composition, which contains essential amino acids, vitamins A, B, D, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, unique bacteria - streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus.

100 g of the product contains 65 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of proteins and 16 g of fats (of which 12 g are saturated triglycerides and 2 g each are mono- and polyunsaturated).

The energy ratio B: W: U is equal to 18%: 52%: 29%.

Matsoni is a low-calorie dietary product that is completely processed by the human body within 45 minutes, detoxifies the body, copes with constipation, and resists the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. The drink serves as an excellent alternative to kefir and is recommended for use for fasting days.

Beneficial features

Matsoni is a source of valuable lactobacilli, which facilitate the body's ability to break down and assimilate nutrients, and heal the intestinal microbiocenosis. In this connection, the drink is recommended for people with digestive disorders: with colitis, dysbacteriosis. The pleasant sour taste of the clot promotes the release of digestive juices and saliva, stimulates appetite.

Benefits of matsoni:

  • reduces gas formation, eliminates constipation, improves peristalsis;
  • normalizes metabolism, cleanses the liver;
  • strengthens bone tissue, reduces the likelihood of developing caries, osteoporosis;
  • stimulates the production of interferon and the activity of macrophages - protective cells;
  • improves blood circulation by increasing the tone of blood vessels;
  • stabilizes the activity of the liver, kidneys;
  • calms nerves, fights insomnia, helps to cope with stress;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • removes toxins, “bad” cholesterol, dissolves plaques, increases vitality;
  • improves the condition of the hair, strengthens the nails, promotes the regeneration of the skin.

Matsoni is recommended for athletes, since the drink has an anabolic effect, satisfies hunger and thirst well, and promotes muscle formation. In addition, it is indicated for obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis. The product has a positive effect on the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems. It is used externally as an analgesic and healing agent for burns.

The unique biocenosis of the traditional Caucasian drink has a powerful attacking effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestines (pathogenic microflora), fights free radicals. As a result, the cells heal, the causes of premature aging of the body disappear. Because of this, matsoni acquired an unspoken name among the inhabitants of the east - "longevity drink".

How to use

In the Armenian cuisine in the food system, the laurels of primacy belong to grain and dairy products. As a rule, matsoni is prepared from sheep's milk, from which, in turn, dry buttermilk chortan, zhazhik cottage cheese, and karag melted butter are obtained. Dairy products in Armenia are revered foodstuffs that stand along with bread products. A fresh drink is stored for 3 days, and in a "canned" salted, well-strained form - up to two months (kamatz matsoni).

Sour milk is used to prepare cereal-sour-milk, chicken, vegetable soups like tarkhan, spas and sarnapur. Matsoni with crushed garlic is served as a seasoning for the traditional Armenian dish - dolma, made from zucchini and grape leaves.

Interestingly, the national drink made from fermented sheep's milk is an indispensable attribute during the celebration of Shrove Tuesday (the so-called Bun Barekendan). Matsoni is usually served for dinner along with katn (milk rice porridge) on Sunday night.

In Georgian cuisine, the product is used for the preparation of seasonings, dough for khachapuri, sour national soups borani, shechamanda. In addition, it is customary to use it as an independent dish along with red pepper. It is believed that the drink is able to weaken the burning effect of the spice.

What do they eat with

Perhaps the most common way to eat strained yoghurt is to dip the pita bread into a fermented milk mixture or spread it on bread, depending on the consistency chosen. A sandwich with salted curd mass is a favorite snack among all mountain peoples. In addition, natural Fast Food is prepared from it: ground from matzona, basturma and chopped greens (basil, tarragon, cilantro) are wrapped in pita bread.

A fermented milk drink or curdled flakes separated from whey harmoniously complements the sweet table. Matsoni is served as a light sour addition to confectionery: jam, honey, gingerbread, pastries.

Cooking principle

Matsoni differs from sour milk in that it contains lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. The process of preparing a Caucasian drink lasts from 3 to 10 days. The production technology of matzona consists of the following stages: introduction of sourdough into fresh (pasteurized) milk for its primary oxidation, clot formation, growth of fungal flora with subsequent fermentation, decanting.

The amount of starter is taken based on the calculation of 15 ml per 200 ml of boiled, warm milk. Gradually it degenerates. The previous matsoni or live biokefir (“Aktimela”, “Laktoni”) is used as a sourdough matsoni. For 5-10 liters of milk, 200 ml of fermentative raw materials are enough.

Remember, matsoni should not stretch like sour cream starter. If this happens, the cause of this phenomenon is the presence of "long" bulgaric sticks or mucus-forming bacteria, indicating the use of low-quality starting components.

The fermentation temperature depends on the purpose of the final product. First of all, the milk is brought to 95 degrees, tightly closed with a lid, cooled naturally to 40 degrees. Carefully remove the creamy film from the surface before adding the starter. The pan with the milk mixture is placed in an electric oven, where the temperature is maintained at 50 degrees. To avoid overheating, the oven door is slightly opened. Milk with sourdough is left for 12-24 hours. The residence time of the raw material in the oven depends on the preferred acidity of the final product.

The lower the temperature, the more intensively the yeast bacteria grow, the stronger the lactic acid ones. At the same time, milk fungi develop, which form colonies.

Weak fermentation indicates the introduction of an insufficient amount of ferment. To eliminate the trouble, this period is extended for another 4 hours, followed by refrigeration. If the fermentation process has not even begun, you should think about the quality of milk, most likely it contains an antibiotic.

The next stage is the ripening of the matzona. At the end of the primary fermentation of milk, a healthy sour is formed at the outlet, which is recommended to be consumed after 12 hours of cooling.

The main purpose of the maturation of the kefir mixture is to prepare it for decanting whey. To do this, it is necessary to wait for the complete breakdown of milk sugar by means of yeast, lactic acid fermentation. At the stage of aging and intensive reproduction of fungal, yeast cultures, the drink is intensively enriched with vitamin B. After fermentation, it is placed in a cellar for 3 days with a temperature regime of 8-12 degrees. During this time, the matsoni continues to thicken. The finished drink should not be overly acidic, while it must “pinch the tongue” (due to fermentation).

In the process of making a drink at home, one should take into account the fact that the yeast culture, introduced simultaneously with the starter, dies at high temperatures. To restore it, a handful of raisins are added to the product or placed in a warm place for 2 days until “bubbles” appear on the surface.

Ripened matsoni is separated from the whey by filtering through a dense, undyed linen cloth or tarpaulin. The clot is squeezed until the liquid stops draining, placed in a refrigerator, where the growth of the acidity of the product stops at a low temperature. At the same time, the development of a beneficial fungal environment continues.

Store in a glass container with a lid for no more than 3 days. After this period, beneficial bacteria will turn into pathogenic cultures - molds that are dangerous to human health.

The clot yield is one fifth of the original volume of milk.

Harm and contraindications

Homemade matsoni is forbidden to be used by people with cholelithiasis, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, allergies to dairy products.

In order not to harm your health, you should consult a nutritionist before drinking a fermented milk drink.

In addition, an excessive amount of yoghurt can provoke the development of diarrhea. The maximum allowable daily allowance is 400 ml.

You should not introduce matsoni into the diet of babies under one year of age, since their digestive system has not yet grown stronger, which means they may not accept the product.


Matsoni is a fermented milk drink recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to normalize microflora, suppress pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, improve the functioning of the heart, digestive organs, and strengthen the immune system. It is used in cosmetology in the form of masks for hair, hands, face, milk for make-up removal, washing, body wraps for cellulite. Procedures with yoghurt nourish, moisturize the skin, help to restore the acid-base balance.

According to the taste characteristics, a clot of fermented milk resembles sour cream or yogurt. On its basis, sauces are created for fish and meat dishes, spicy marinades, dressings for vegetable vegetarian salads. Matsoni is an obligatory ingredient of the national Georgian khachapuri. They cook okroshka, cold soups with it. The fermented milk product is harmoniously combined with spicy spices, fruits, honey, vegetables. Interestingly, it is a low-calorie diet drink (65 kcal to 100 ml), which cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism and helps to reduce body weight. In this connection, it is recommended to arrange a fasting day once a week, during which to drink 1.5 liters of yoghurt, which will temporarily unload the digestive system.

Fermented milk products are products obtained by fermentation of milk, butter, cream, whey with special starter cultures (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria). Different peoples make fermented milk products according to their taste preferences and centuries-old traditions.

In the article we will talk about the traditional Armenian milk drink - yogurt.

Matsun (matsoni)

Matsun (matsoni) is a fermented milk drink obtained from boiled milk of cattle, sheep or a mixture thereof. Milk is fermented by adding starter (Bulgarian stick or heat-loving lactic streptococci) to it. The result is a drink with light notes of bitterness.

This product has Caucasian roots. It is a traditional component of the Armenian and Georgian national cuisines.

In general, matsun is considered a typical product of the ancient peoples that inhabited not only Anatolia (Asia Minor) and Mesopotamia (the Middle East), but also lived along the entire Great Silk Road from the Himalayas to Europe.

Did you know? Bulgarian stick, the main microflora of matsoni, Ilya Mechnikov considered the main "weapon" in the fight against aging.

A bit of history and etymology

It is believed that matsoni turned out completely by accident. Warm fresh milk was poured into a vessel, on the walls of which yogurt remained. A sour dairy product was combined with a fresh one, and the result was a new one with an unusual taste.
Georgians call this fermented milk drink matsoni, Armenians - matsun, Slavs - homemade. Whatever the name, all this is “sour milk”: this is how “matsun” is translated from Armenian.

It is believed that the word "matsun" came from mixing two verbs: "matsnul" (sour, turn sour) and "matsuts "anel" (ferment).

Most likely, the name has Indo-European roots, and in related languages ​​there are words with the same root. For example, in Persian "māst" means "yogurt" and in Sanskrit "mastu" is "sour cream".

We study the composition

The basis of matsun is milk. Therefore, it contains all the useful elements contained in this drink.

Vitamins and minerals


BJU and calorie content of matsoni from cow's milk

The calorie content of matsoni from cow's milk is 54 kcal per 100 grams. It contains:

  • proteins - 2.8 g;
  • fat - 3.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.6 g.

The calorie content of a low-fat product is 40 kcal per 100 grams. It contains:

  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fat - 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.6 g.

What is the use of the product?

Together with the lactic acid product, beneficial bacteria enter the human intestine, which put the digestive system in order, eliminate dysbacteriosis, and also increase the protective function of the body.

Also matsoni and its components have the following properties:
  • calcium is the main element for the formation of bones, teeth, nails, hair;
  • vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium;
  • potassium improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack;
  • protein takes an active part in the formation of cells and muscle tissue;
  • low calorie content allows matsoni to be a component of the diet menu;
  • vitamins and easily digestible protein tone the body;
  • able to remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, cleansing it;
  • has a diuretic effect.

Is it possible

There are no data on the benefits or harms of yogurt for pregnant, lactating and children. Since this is a fermented milk drink, we will proceed from the recommendations for the use of this group of products.

Pregnant and lactating

Dairy products have always been considered the best alternative to regular milk. They are easier to digest by the body, have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal microflora and on its work.

Therefore, their use during pregnancy will avoid dysbacteriosis and solve problems with the administration of natural needs. The vitamins and minerals included in the composition normalize the vitamin and mineral balance in a woman's body. Also, fermented milk products can improve lactation and milk composition.


Dairy products can be given to children when their digestive system and kidneys are ready to process all the components of the product. This happens around the age of 8-9 months.

Important!At the beginning of the intake of fermented milk products, their volume should not exceed 200 milliliters.

Harm from matsoni

Contraindications to the use of matsun:

  • ulcer;
  • increased acidity;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease.
In the presence of these diseases, drinking the drink can be harmful. Drinking more than two glasses a day can cause indigestion (diarrhea).

Rules for the selection and storage of the finished product

When choosing matsoni in the store, pay attention to:

  • date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • packaging. If there are signs of swelling, but the product is fresh, it is better not to buy it;
  • consistency - real matsun on this basis is more like not kefir, but thick milk jelly.

Opened goods can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours. After three days, beneficial bacteria turn into mold.

How to cook yogurt at home

The recipe is very simple. You will need a liter of milk and a tablespoon of thick. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat somewhere up to 50-60 ° C. Next, pour warm milk into any convenient vessel (container) and add sour cream to it.
We stir a little. We cover the container with a thick cloth and put it in a warm place for 8 hours. After the time has passed, we take out the container.

Important!If a thick layer has formed, then the matsoni is ready.

We remove the thick layer with a spoon (it will be a new sourdough) and we can drink.

How to drink matsoni

The lactic acid product can be drunk in any quantity you like, and at any time of the day.

If you want to drink yogurt as a medicine, for example, to treat the stomach, then it should be taken at 250 milliliters per night. After 10 days, positive changes will be noticeable.

You can not only drink matsun as a drink, but also prepare various dishes based on it, such as okroshka, salad, cold soup. Some housewives add it to the dough.

Other dairy products

Consider other healthy dairy products.


Beneficial features:

  • helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • the main source of energy, especially in the cold season;
  • actively involved in the renewal of brain cells.

It can be harmful if it is consumed in large quantities, and also if it is of poor quality.


Beneficial features:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • helps to solve the problem of constipation;
  • removes bile;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves kidney function;
  • increases the protective functions of the body.
Harm from the drink is possible in case of individual intolerance to its components and in case of improper preparation.

Did you know?In Transcaucasia, tan is made from matsoni.

Whey milk

Beneficial features:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • useful for heart patients and hypertensive patients;
  • fights depression;
  • reduces appetite, which means it normalizes weight;
  • well restores hair.

Contraindicated in people with individual intolerance to the components and those whose body does not absorb lactose.
Having become acquainted with the beneficial properties of matsun, it becomes clear why the mountain peoples cannot do without this drink, because it is not only a storehouse of useful substances, but also a source of energy. And in the hot season, chilled matsoni perfectly quenches thirst.

The benefits and harms of matsoni. Every cuisine in the world has its own special, signature dishes. They are pride and pride.

Each resident must know the recipe for their preparation and treat his guests when they visit his house.

The secret to preparing a specialty dish may even be kept secret in order to keep all the mystery of the meal. Or maybe it has a secret ingredient that only true gourmets know about.

Each nation boasts of its signature dish. Presents it as original and colorful as possible. If we know enough about the signature dish of our country and know how to cook it, then today we will talk about the traditional fermented milk product of Caucasian cuisine - yogurt.

The name is very interesting, as is the recipe. In addition, it is very simple and you can try to cook this dish yourself.

Matsoni or matsunit is a fermented milk product in Armenian and Georgian cuisine of natural fermentation which requires few costs. According to the retellings, this product was invented a couple of hundred years ago by the inhabitants of the Caucasus mountains.

At first, they kept the recipe for making yogurt in the strictest confidence. Since it was believed that it was thanks to this product that Caucasians were famous for their longevity.

It was the drink of long life, who gave youth and many years of life. Somewhat later, at the beginning of the 20th century, our Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov established a certain pattern: the inhabitants of the country, who reached the age of a century or more, often used matsoni in their diet.

Therefore, it can be argued that matsun is.

The recipe for making yogurt is simple. To do this, you need the milk of a cow, sheep, goat or buffalo. But according to stories, it is the milk of Caucasian cows that is ideal for making true matsun.

The thing is that cows from these parts are more mobile, often in the fresh air and eat fresh grass almost throughout the year. It turns out that they are, how to say, more athletically prepared, and their milk is tastier and healthier.

At the moment, there are already several recipes for preparing this dish.. Although, according to legend, the first matsoni turned out quite by accident. The hostess, after milking the cow, poured fresh milk into a jug. But I didn’t see that there was yogurt in it.

Leaving this jar in a warm place, after a few hours she discovered something thick and sour in taste.

This is how the first matsoni was made. Now we will not definitely prove whether this retelling is true, but several variations of the preparation of yogurt are known.

So, you will need milk and yogurt. You need to heat the milk to about 50 degrees. Then cool to 35 degrees and add 300 grams of yogurt to this mixture. Wrap the pan with some kind of blanket as warm as possible and put it for 7-8 hours in a dark place. Here is the first recipe for you.

According to another variation, you will need a liter of milk, one hundred grams of sour cream and a slice of black bread. Milk should be boiled for two hours over low heat. Don't forget to stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.

Then add sour cream, mix well and put a crust of bread into this mixture. After all the manipulations done, set the pan aside for a day in a warm place. Remove bread before eating.

According to the true recipe for making matsoni, you need milk and curdled milk. Boil milk, cool to about 50 degrees, add curdled milk, wrap in something warm and put in a dark place for about four hours.

If you want to get the finished product much faster, then you can not wrap it up and put it in a warm place, but simmer in a preheated oven. But its temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Otherwise, it will not turn out matsoni, but baked sour cream or something similar to it.

Matsoni is used not only as an independent product, it is added to soups, okroshka, this is an obligatory component of the dough for khachapuri. use this product is also used as a dressing for meat dishes, salads,base for sandwiches.

It is a good substitute for sour cream, mayonnaise, therefore, it is a good dressing for many dishes or an additional ingredient for baking, moreover, it is less harmful than mayonnaise.

Matsoni is a very tasty and very useful product. t. It contains vitamins, lactic acid bacteria, numerous useful microelements. Thanks to such a number of useful characteristics, matsoni has a beneficial effect on the human body and helps health in many ways.

  • Improves immunity. Periodic use of this product in the daily diet will reduce the risk of colds and help the body fight viral bacteria;
  • It is a pantry of useful components for our hair, nails, teeth and bones. Calcium, which is in the composition of matsoni, contributes to the rapid and strong growth of these parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for children for healthy and strong growth;
  • Matsoni satisfies thirst and hunger very well, besides it endows the body with vivacity, freshness and you will definitely feel a surge of strength and energy;
  • An interesting fact: matsun is useful and necessary for athletes, it helps to quickly build muscle mass, as it is a kind of building material for many body cells;
  • Frequent use of matsoni removes excess cholesterol and other unwanted substances from the body;
  • This product can be used by those who follow the figure, follow diets, since it contains only 60 calories;
  • Matsoni is also useful for pregnant women: it helps to unload the kidneys, relieves puffiness, having a mild diuretic effect;
  • If your nerves are naughty, you are restless, then include this product in your diet, it calms the nervous system, helps to fight.

In addition to a huge list of useful qualities, matsoni can also harm the body..

Also, do not abuse this drink. If you exceed the norm, then you can have stomach problems and sit in the toilet for a long time. It is better to drink one, maximum two glasses a day.

Did you like this Caucasian national dish? Try to cook it yourself.

True, you definitely won’t get milk from selected sports Caucasian cows anywhere, but the usefulness of matsoni will definitely not decrease from this.

Yogurt according to the principle of preparation is the closest relative of kefir. This product in the Caucasus is loved by both adults and children. Interest in it has increased in recent years. People are interested in the benefits and harms of matsoni, since the geography of the use of this fermented milk product has grown and covered almost all of Russia. It began to be prepared on an industrial scale.

What kind of drink

Given the consistency and rich composition, matsoni can hardly be called a drink. Rather, it is food. Thick fermented milk product made from boiled milk. The etymology of this word has 2 explanations. The word was brought along with the Persians, who conquered Georgia, and assimilated into the Georgian way. In ancient Persian, the product was called māst, which translates as yogurt. Georgians believe that the word matsoni is derived from the Georgian მომწონს (mamtsens) - to like.

The nomadic Turks were the first to produce it, and among different peoples this food is called gatykh, katyk, katuk. At first, the nomads accidentally noticed that milk poured into poorly washed furs, where yesterday's milk was, was fermented, and a product was obtained that was eaten for several days.

They did not think about beneficial bacteria or Bulgarian sticks, but simply began to add a little leftover gatykh to milk in order to take a ready-made fermented milk product with them on hikes. For several centuries now, this useful and irreplaceable product has been prepared in such a primitive way. In the territories of Asia Minor, Central Asia, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, in the Turkic-speaking republics of Russia, katuk, or matsoni, is considered one of the most necessary and favorite foods in the diet.

Why nomadic tribes fell in love with the fermented milk product matsoni, what is the use of it, and why this product has been and remains indispensable in the diet of these peoples, especially on hot summer days, will be discussed below.

The chemical composition and calorie content of matsoni

The calorie content of 100 grams of matsoni made from cow's milk is 65.3 Kcal. The calorie content of buffalo katyk is higher than that of cow's - 106 kcal. From buffalo milk, the fermented milk product is thick, like butter. If you stick a spoon into a saucepan with ghatykh, it will stand. The fat content of buffalo milk is 7–8%, which is almost 2 times higher than that of cow milk.

Useful properties of matsoni are determined by its composition. Protein in cow's milk is about 3% of the total content. Carbohydrates - 4.7%. Such a low carbohydrate content compared to other products makes them useful for diabetics.

Of the vitamins, cow ghatykha contains a large amount of beta-carotene - 274% of the daily norm, vitamin A - 3.6%, riboflavin - 5.6%, vitamin K - 5.7%. Microelements include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. 87% of the product is water. For comparison, buffalo milk ghatikh has a water content of 79.9%.

The benefits of matsoni for the human body are as follows:

  • amino acids help to assimilate the nutrients that are so necessary for people engaged in hard physical labor;
  • vitamin B and choline stimulate the central nervous system;
  • calcium is necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones;
  • organic acids normalize metabolism.

Thanks to amino acids and the same bifido- and lactobacilli, the fermented milk product is absorbed faster and better than milk.

In the Caucasus and Asian countries, gatyh, or katuk, is also prepared from mutton's milk, and its calorie content is higher than the calorie content of cow's and buffalo, since mutton's milk turned out to be the fattest of all those mentioned. Its energy value is 111 kcal. The fat content is almost the same as buffalo milk - 8%. But it does not contain carbohydrates, and thus this product becomes not only useful, but invaluable for diabetics. Lamb gatykh contains the same amount of carbohydrates as cow's.

Important! Matsoni is included in the nutrition of athletes, as the anabolic substances contained in the proteins of the product strengthen muscles.

In strengthening bones, thanks to calcium, and muscle tissue is the benefits of matsoni for men.

The benefits of matsoni for the body

It is no coincidence that matsoni was born in the south. A glass of a cool product pleasantly cools, lowers the temperature. Gatykh sauce with crushed garlic lowers blood pressure, and therefore in Azerbaijan it is served with lamb dolma, the meat of which increases blood pressure.

Gatykh is useful for hypertensive patients. It is able to temporarily replace vasodilator pills.

A fresh drink is given to drink with indigestion, intestinal poisoning and vomiting. Bifido-and lactobacilli will alleviate the condition, will benefit the exhausted stomach. It can also be drunk with constipation, it softens the stool, facilitates their exit.

The fact that this drink contains beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli, Bulgarian stick, or other microorganisms, people learned a couple of decades ago. And they didn't think about it before. All useful properties of the product were revealed as a result of its daily use. People who were engaged in cattle breeding ate katuk and other fermented milk products and lived a long time. They almost did not know problems with the stomach and intestines.

Let me reveal another small but useful secret. A glass of cool gatykh or ayran with a pinch of salt can alleviate a hangover in the morning.

Is it possible to drink yogurt for pregnant and lactating women

You can, without any doubt. It will benefit the expectant mother in that it will reduce the effect of toxicosis and ease the feeling of nausea in a pregnant woman. The exception is women with lactose intolerance, patients with pancreatitis and ulcers. Mommy will have to refuse matsoni during breastfeeding if the use of this product is reflected by an allergy in her baby.

At what age can matsoni be given to children

In Azerbaijan, qatih is given to children from about 6-7 months. An important condition is that it should not be overexposed and too acidic. Such a product in an adult can cause indigestion. A little sugar is added to yogurt for sweetness, bread or crushed biscuits.

The benefits of yogurt for weight loss

The product is used as a diet for weight loss. If the calorie or fat content of the product is scary, it is diluted with boiled cool water, in the ratio of 2 parts of yoghurt to 1 part of water. Unloading days on gatykha will not allow the body to weaken, since this product contains the main vitamins and microelements. For one day, you need to take 1.5 liters of gatykh and divide it into 4-6 servings. This product is included in therapeutic diets instead of kefir.

How to drink matsoni

Gatyh is almost never eaten for breakfast. This food is mainly for lunch time. You can eat a bowl at night, an hour and a half before bedtime. It is quickly absorbed and does not cause heaviness in the stomach.

Gatykh as a seasoning is added to dolma, kkyukyu, that is, a dish made from green beans and eggs, to khingali, or to boiled pasta.

Gatykh surprisingly evens out, softens the fat content of food, helps fats to be better absorbed.

The salad will become much healthier if the spicy, vinegared mayonnaise is replaced with gatykh. They are also seasoned with borscht instead of sour cream or mayonnaise.

What can be cooked from yogurt

In Azerbaijan and Georgia, matsoni is used to prepare dovga. This soup with rice and herbs is just a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements. In the hot summer, when the sun bakes over 40, it's hard to think of anything better than a cold dovga.

Ayran drink is prepared from gatykh. Gatikh is diluted with boiled, chilled water and a little salt is added. Ayran is also obtained from whey after butter churning. The drink is useful because ayran restores the water-salt balance in the hot summer.

If you add fruit syrup or jam to yoghurt, you get a dessert very similar in taste to store-bought yogurt.

How to make homemade matsoni

Matsoni or ghatykh are made from boiled milk. This fact alone deprives the product of most pathogenic bacteria. Boiled milk is poured into clean jars or an enamel pan. And leave to cool. When it becomes warm (40-50 o C), leaven is added. Sourdough is added at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of milk. Then the milk is thoroughly mixed, covered, wrapped in something warm and left to mature for 8-10 hours.

A yellowish or white foam forms on the surface of the matsoni, in which most of the fat is concentrated. It is denser, thicker than the foam formed when milk is boiled, sweetish and tasty. Children especially like to collect foam.

Cream (gaymag) is skimmed from buffalo milk before it is boiled. But even in this case, the product is rich and thick.

The use of matsoni in cosmetology

In Central Asia, in Azerbaijan, in the Russian Muslim republics, they once washed their hair with gatykh. Old women, out of habit, continue to wash their hair with gatykh, despite the abundance of shampoos and balms. Young people make nourishing matsoni hair masks before washing their hair. The benefits of matsoni for hair is that it strengthens and nourishes the roots, making hair strong.

If someone burned out on a sunny beach, and there is no burn cream at hand, you can rub the burned parts of the body with matsoni. It cools and nourishes burned skin, and is therefore useful. Relief will come soon. It will also bring down the temperature obtained due to thermal shock.

Swarthy Azerbaijani women, for whom light skin has always been the standard of beauty and good looks, have long smeared their faces with gatykh. A matsoni face mask has the following effect:

  • brightens the skin of the face;
  • cleanses pores;
  • eliminates acne;
  • nourishes dry skin.

The brightening effect will be stronger if you add equal proportions of freshly squeezed parsley juice to the matsoni.

Harm of matsoni and contraindications

Matsoni is practically harmless. But there are some contraindications:

  • lactase deficiency; it does not produce an enzyme that digests milk and dairy products.
  • allergy to the protein of one of the types of milk (cow, goat, sheep);
  • some forms of kidney disease, a tendency to stone formation.

Important! Matsoni should not be used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, with exacerbations of pancreatitis. Acids irritate the stomach, stimulate the production of pancreatic juice.

But a few days after the exacerbation subsides, kefir or matsoni is one of the first to be introduced into the diet of patients with pancreatitis.

How to choose and store matsoni

The best matsoni is the one made in the village from fresh milk. In Azerbaijan, even now, homemade ghat, brought from nearby villages, is sold in the markets, transported to city yards. Some buyers have their own suppliers, from whom they constantly take sour-milk products.

When ready for sale, milk is poured into glass liter, two-liter and three-liter jars. That's where they put the leaven. Banks are covered with lids and wrapped with a blanket, blanket. Thus, the foam is obtained in each bank. Then the peasant women who sell the gatyh exchange a can of the same type with the buyer. The quality of the product is evaluated by the state of the foam. It should be white or light yellow.

If you shake the jar, you can feel the degree of density of the drink. The buffalo matsoni doesn't even move. The presence of water on top of the foam indicates flaking. This does not mean that the matsoni is stale. Most likely, it is made from reduced viscosity milk, or water has been added to the milk.

On an industrial scale, for the preparation of matsoni, milk powder is often taken, diluted and fermented. Powdered milk product differs in taste and texture. And it's best to cook your own. Then you can be sure of the purity, freshness, usefulness of the product.

Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks without losing the taste of the product. This is another of its advantages over milk.


Thus, matsoni is a nutritious, healthy, even healing drink, especially indispensable on hot summer days. The benefits and harms of matsoni are incommensurable. The drink is useful for both children and the elderly, especially those suffering from brittle bones. It is recommended for women of reproductive age. Able-bodied men returns physical strength. First courses (dovga and okroshka), dessert, and confectionery are prepared from it. Matsoni will serve as a raw material for the preparation of secondary products (suzma, cottage cheese, butter). In a word, matsoni is a useful product for every day, which will never get bored, prolong life and improve health.

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Every day, the traditional Caucasian drink, which is called matsoni, is becoming more and more popular in other countries. The product is fermented milk, it is incredibly useful - and even small children and pregnant women can use it. Let's consider what useful properties this product has, in which cases it is impossible to drink matsoni and other interesting information.

general information

Another name for the product is matsun. Its taste, as well as texture, is different from the cultured milk products we are used to, such as fermented baked milk and kefir. In principle, it can be argued that this drink is a relative of Greek yogurt.

Matsoni are produced according to a special technology - experts use several types of milk, as well as a special sourdough - it is she who enriches the drink with useful elements. The composition of the product contains the so-called Bulgarian stick, beneficial microorganisms, vitamins, trace elements. In the end, a delicious, thick drink is obtained - and the fact that for a long time the inhabitants of the Caucasus did not want to share the recipe for making the product is noteworthy. But Mechnikov - that was the name of one scientist, nevertheless found out the recipe for yogurt. He did it in the following way. One Georgian fell in love with a Slavic woman very much - it was Mechnikov who managed to help get a Georgian to marry her, and as a reward he demanded a recipe for a fermented milk drink. To date, this product is manufactured in many countries, and even on an industrial scale.

What are the ingredients of the drink?

The calorie content of the drink is small - it is about 63 calories per hundred grams. The same applies to the glycemic index - about 20 units. These factors will become relevant for people who are watching their figure.

Matsoni also contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats, but the composition of the product is balanced, so you can drink it without fear for your figure. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the benefits and nutritional value of the drink are very high, so its consumption will bring a lot of benefits.

The product also contains the following components:

  1. Amino acids - improve the absorption of useful nutrients, are indispensable for people who are subjected to daily physical activity.
  2. Beneficial microorganisms (sour-milk) - improve the work of the digestive tract.
  3. Vitamins of group B (necessary for the activity of the nervous system), H, C.
  4. Calcium is vital to young children and pregnant women for normal bone growth.
  5. Ash - cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins.
  6. Choline - has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  7. Organic acids - allow you to normalize metabolism.
  8. Macro- and microelements.

In total, the drink contains about 17 different mineral compounds.

As you can see, if there is a desire to always feel great, build up, while not losing working capacity, then matsoni will become a wonderful product.

What's the use?

  1. Georgian fermented milk product contains a very large number of bacteria that are beneficial for the intestines - they help cleanse the entire body, improve microflora, and remove toxins that poison the body.
  2. Due to the high content of vitamins, matsoni helps to increase immunity, which means that with regular consumption of this drink, a person will be much less likely to get colds and flu. Also, the drink allows tissues and cells to regenerate faster, it literally rejuvenates the body from the inside. In this regard, many people call matsoni a “longevity drink” - people whose diet includes the product look great and have no health problems.
  3. Due to the fact that matsun removes toxins from the body, the complexion improves, hair, skin and nails become much healthier - due to the high content of calcium. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle and contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  4. The product will be very useful for people who suffer from atherosclerosis, since matsoni prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  5. B vitamins help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, so people who are often exposed to stressful situations, suffer from nervousness and insomnia should think about regular consumption.
  6. Athletes should also not give up the product - it has anabolic properties and helps to quickly gain muscle mass, increase endurance during training, and also reduce the recovery period after them.

While dieting, many are faced with such a nuisance as constipation. The drink will perfectly help get rid of it - due to the fact that it normalizes the work of the digestive tract. In addition, the product contains a large amount of nutrients, nutrients, and they are simply necessary for people who are on low-calorie diets. You can make a variety of cocktails based on sour milk, and a glass of matsun at night will help satisfy your hunger. If desired, dried fruits or fiber can be added to the drink in order to enhance the effect of losing weight.

Let's take a quick look at the main benefits of using products during weight loss:

  • promotes the destruction of fat cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • restores the work of the digestive tract;
  • satisfies hunger - a glass of drink can replace a full dinner;
  • helps to saturate the body with useful vitamins and elements.

What harm, are there any contraindications for use?

Due to the fact that the drink is sour-milk, experts do not recommend using it for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased acidity of gastric juice.

With some ailments, the general well-being of a person may worsen:

  • hepatitis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer.

However, here it is worth noting that all of the above diseases are not direct contraindications for use. The best option is to consult with your doctor before use, he will be able to determine exactly whether sour milk can be consumed, and in what quantities it should be done.

Application in cooking

You can use the product not only as an independent drink, but also for cooking all kinds of dishes, sauces. An excellent solution would be okroshka, prepared on the basis of matsun. You can also season salads with this product - especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Sauces with an original taste can be prepared on the basis of this drink - add herbs and various seasonings to it in order to eat with fish and meat dishes. Some gourmets with the addition of the product prepare pasta for sandwiches - it turns out not only low-calorie, but also very tasty.

Video: what is so useful for Armenian matsun (matsoni)