Are frozen cranberries healthy? Use of cranberries: medicinal properties and contraindications

Hi all! The beneficial properties of cranberries are known to everyone. Nothing quenches thirst and cures colds better than cranberries. During the harvest season, the cranberries on the marsh hummocks look as if they were scattered - there are so many of them! It grows on acidic peat and moss soils, mostly swamps. It most often grows in the northern regions of the country and in the central zone of the European part of the former Soviet Union, but is also found in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Siberia and the Carpathians.

Cranberries are good and healthy, both fresh and in the form of fruit juice. It contains a large amount of organic acids (quinic, benzoic, ursolic, citric, ascorbic), flavonoid substances, pectins, catechins, paponins, glycosides, carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose), dyes, microelements (iron, manganese, phosphorus , potassium, silver, chromium, cobalt).

Cranberries contain many vitamins: beta-carotene, ascorbic and folic acid, phylloquinone and B vitamins.

  • Tannin is the strongest antibiotic of plant origin.
  • Ursolic acid, contained in cranberries, is similar in composition to hormones.
  • The pectins contained in the berries help remove radionuclides and lead salt compounds, so it will be useful for workers in hazardous industries.
  • It stays fresh for a long time due to the content of benzoic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect.

The calorie content of the berry is low, only 28 kcal per 100 g of product. Moreover, cultivated berries have even lower calorie content. However, swamp berries are still more valuable than their garden counterparts. But dried berries are higher in calories - 308 kcal per 100 g of berries.

Cranberry - beneficial properties

Cranberry is an evergreen, creeping shrub with thin rooting shoots up to 1 meter long. The leaves are leathery, ovate with short petioles, covered with a waxy coating below. Cranberry plants overwinter well and are not afraid of even severe frosts. The berry is red, juicy, sour, shiny, up to 1 centimeter, and even more, in diameter. The berries ripen in August - late September.

The berries collected during the harvest are most valuable for medicinal purposes. What medicinal properties does it have?

  • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Fruit juice helps very well with colds, sore throats, various pharyngitis and upper respiratory tract infections.
  • Antiscorbutic effect. Cranberries contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C, due to this, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the result is that gums stop bleeding. It is good to use for bleeding gums and other dental pathologies.
  • Improves the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, which contributes to the normal functioning of these organs and improved digestion of food.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects, it is important to use it in the complex treatment of diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder. Prevents the formation of stones.
  • Due to its diuretic effect, it is recommended to use. It has the same effect in the case of glaucoma.
  • Due to the content of ursolic acid in cranberries (hormone-like effect), it can be used as an additional remedy in the treatment of Addison's disease, rheumatism, and bronchitis.
  • In dermatology, cranberries are recommended to be taken orally for vasculitis, vitiligo, baldness, psoriasis and allergic rashes.
  • Juice from cranberries is used externally as a means to facilitate the removal of nits in cases of pediculosis (lice).
  • Cranberry has a good antitoxic effect. Therefore, if you have symptoms of intoxication, no matter what it is: a cold, food poisoning or hangover, drinking plenty of cranberry juice very quickly helps with such conditions.
  • Cranberry is one of the excellent thirst quenchers. But for patients with gastritis with increased secretory activity and gastric ulcers, it is contraindicated.
  • Cranberries are widely used in the confectionery industry for the preparation of jams, preserves, marshmallows, sweets, as well as in wineries for the preparation of tinctures.

Contraindications for use

Although cranberries are healthy and do not cause allergies, you should still avoid eating them

  • if there is individual intolerance,
  • for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • with low blood pressure.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you need to be careful and better consult your doctor about the need for its use.

Storing cranberries

It has already been noted that cranberries are stored quite well. But not for a very long time. If you have a lot of cranberries, then in winter you can take them out into the cold, they will freeze and keep well until spring. If it is not possible to store it in the cold, then put it in plastic bags or containers and then store it in the freezer.

Cranberries can be ground in a meat grinder or blender and placed in clean, dry jars. With or without sugar, ground cranberries are perfectly stored and do not spoil, even under nylon lids.

Useful properties of dried cranberries

Dried berries are higher in calories and the concentration of nutrients in such a berry is higher. And what’s surprising: dried berries taste sweeter, since when dried, the sugars thicken and the sourness disappears. And this berry can also be consumed with low stomach acidity.

When consuming dried berries,

  • improves physical and mental performance, endurance ,
  • digestion is normalized,
  • Acidity in the stomach increases when it decreases.

How to dry cranberries at home? There are several simple ways.

On air. An ancient method that our ancestors used. Peeled berries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet lined with a towel or paper; you can use lattice trays. To make the berries dry faster, they are blanched or simply cut into halves before drying. Dry in a ventilated area. Turn the berries daily to ensure even air access to the berries.

In an electric dryer. Place the blanched berries on a cloth or paper that will absorb excess moisture and place in the dryer.

In the oven. Place the blanched berries on a baking sheet with paper in one layer. It is better to place the baking sheet on the lower level, so the berries will dry better. Set the temperature to 40º first, after the berries have slightly dried, add the temperature to 70º.

In the microwave. You can, of course, use this method, but keep in mind that many beneficial properties may be lost in the microwave. The process is the same as in the oven, but drying time can be reduced to 3-5 minutes.

Frozen cranberries - beneficial properties

Nowadays everyone knows how to freeze cranberries for long-term storage. But the question arises: are the beneficial properties of the berries lost when frozen?

I’ll say right away that when frozen, the beneficial properties of cranberries do not disappear. Moreover, with proper freezing they become even stronger. The main thing is to do it right. Whole, not crushed berries are selected for freezing. There is no need to wash them before freezing, you just need to remove the leaves and moss, if any.

Clean berries are placed in containers or plastic bags and stored in the refrigerator. At a constant temperature, the beneficial properties of the berry can be preserved for 2-3 years.

The berries should be defrosted gradually at room temperature. Under no circumstances should you use a microwave oven for defrosting.

Use of cranberries in cooking

The most popular cranberries are in the form of cranberry juice and jelly. Read on to learn how to prepare them quickly and easily.

Cranberry juice - how to prepare

Cranberry juice is an old Russian drink made from cranberries.

Add the cranberries, sorted out from garbage and washed, into the pan. Bring to a boil, but do not boil, so that the existing vitamins are not destroyed during boiling. Remove from heat and strain the berries through a colander or large strainer. You can, of course, boil the berry husks again. But I don’t do that; I throw away everything that’s left over from wiping. Add granulated sugar to taste and slightly bring to a boil.

For colds, it is better to drink this fruit drink hot. Then you will definitely sweat, everything unnecessary will come out of your body. For such diseases, it is recommended to drink as much cranberry juice as possible. The more you drink it, the faster all toxin microbes are washed out of the body, the faster the intoxication syndrome will pass.

Drink more cranberry juice, but not hot, if you have a hangover.

Cranberry jelly

First, prepare cranberry juice according to the recipe written above. While it is boiling, meanwhile prepare the starch.

Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of potato starch (preferably potato starch, not corn) with water at room temperature, mix thoroughly.
Bring the cranberry juice to a boil and, stirring continuously with a spoon, add starch diluted in water to the juice. Bring to a boil again and immediately turn off the stove. Kissel is ready. It is better to drink it warm or cold.

Filling for cheesecakes

Grind the cranberries in a meat grinder or blender, add sugar. Immediately before filling the cheesecakes add wheat flour to the ground cranberries. To stir thoroughly. We achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.

Why is it better to add flour? When baking, the flour is “baked” and does not spread. If we add starch to ground cranberries, it will boil and spread during baking. And the finished cheesecakes don’t look very presentable.

And watch this video from the TV program “About the Most Important Things”!

Dear readers, I hope you liked the story about cranberries and their beneficial properties and recipes. May you always have cranberries and then you will not be afraid of colds, and your immunity will always be at its best.

Cranberry is a truly Russian berry of northern latitudes. Cranberry has long been used in folk medicine for colds: throat diseases, gum disease, etc.

Scientists became interested in the properties of this berry and conducted their own research.

1. Four acids were isolated from cranberries: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), benzoic acid and two more, but more about them later.

2. And relatively recently: in 2005, substances called proanthocyanidins were isolated from cranberries. It turned out that these bioflavonoids have a very active effect on both viruses and microbes.

3. Cranberry suppresses bad oral flora and reduces the development of caries.

4. In addition, like any berries, it contains antioxidants, which reduce the possible development of cancer processes in the body, and also inhibit the aging process in the body. Here, cranberries give a head start to many products containing antioxidants, in particular red wines, which are considered record holders for antioxidant content.

5. Cranberries change the oxidation process of harmful fats, and this slows down the development of atherosclerosis.

6. Cranberry enhances the effect of antibiotics.

7. Cranberry proanthocyanidins were compared with similar components from other plants and it was concluded that cranberry proanthocyanidins are the most powerful in their effects on the body.

This bioflavonoid helps us fight bladder infections. In fact, this substance prevents intestinal bacteria from gaining a foothold on the inner surface of the bladder. They are washed off from the walls and inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) does not develop.

Cranberry is the only sour berry, the healing effect of which allows you to eat it with cystitis.

A patient with cystitis can drink one glass of cranberry juice per day. This is approximately 300 ml.

If you want to eat the berries themselves, then the daily serving is approximately 45 g of cranberries per day.

Cranberries and contraindications

Since cranberry juice greatly irritates the mucous membrane, doctors do not allow eating cranberries if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis. In general, all acidic foods are prohibited for these diseases, and cranberries are no exception.

How to choose the right cranberries

Cranberries ripen at the end of September, so fresh cranberries should be purchased in September.

To determine the quality of a cranberry, take a berry and throw it like a ball on the table. Cranberries are naturally elastic, so fresh, good cranberries will bounce on the table like balls.

But usually cranberries are sold fresh frozen.

How to store cranberries and how to defrost them correctly

If you want to store fresh cranberries, simply keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. If you plan to store cranberries for a long time, then you need to freeze them, spreading them in one layer on a baking sheet, and then, already frozen, pour them into a bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

If you need to defrost cranberries, then you need to remember the main thing: all types of defrosting must be done slowly, that is, do not pour boiling water over them, do not put them in the microwave. The fact is that when defrosting quickly, the skin ruptures and all the beneficial properties are lost. To defrost cranberries, just keep them on a plate at room temperature.

What to cook with cranberries

I offer the simplest recipes.

Pour a glass of cranberries into a bowl.

Add a spoonful of honey and press the berries very, very hard with a spoon.

Take a strainer and separate the juice.

Leftovers: pulp, pour boiling water and stir. After 10-15 minutes, express this decoction into the separated juice.

Cranberry salad


1 orange without zest, half a pear, half a glass of cranberries, chopped walnuts, 2 teaspoons of honey.

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In winter, the best preservative is, of course, cold. He can perfectly preserve cranberries for us. There's a lot of talk about frozen food. We live in a country where we have to freeze some foods to preserve them for the winter, because not all of them are available all year round.

Freezing is the best way to preserve and store food for a long time. Nothing is destroyed: neither vitamins nor minerals. After heat treatment, practically nothing useful remains.

Frozen cranberries are frozen goodness.
Cranberry is a wonderful berry of northern latitudes. Freezing completely preserves vitamin A. The daily requirement of this vitamin can be consumed in just 100 grams of this berry. Very low calorie content - only 26 kcal. In addition, it contains a lot of coarse fibers. But on the contrary, there are not so many sugars.

Cranberries contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which will be completely preserved after freezing. But the main function of this berry is medical. Bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory functions have been studied. For example, it has been statistically proven that people who regularly consume fresh cranberries have significantly lower rates of tooth decay. And caries is an inflammatory disease. Cranberries also have a bactericidal effect.

How to choose frozen cranberries?

Increasingly, berries in supermarkets are sold in colored bags, through which it is difficult to see anything. But there is a way out - you need to choose by touch. The berries should not stick together, each ball should be separate. If in front of you is a solid lump of cranberries, then you shouldn’t buy one. Most likely it was thawed and re-frozen. It most likely won't be of any use.

How to store it correctly?
If the package of cranberries has not yet been opened, it would be advisable to store it in the freezer. But if you opened the pack, defrosted it, but couldn’t eat it all, then it would be best to place the remaining berries in a glass container. Place it in the refrigerator. Within a couple of days, it will perfectly preserve all the useful components for you. Under no circumstances do I recommend freezing it again. You will lose all benefits.

You can use the method from our ancestors. Good cranberries can be stored in a jar of water for a very long time. But provided that it is fresh. Frozen can also be filled with water, but its shelf life is limited to a few days. Store in the refrigerator as well.

How to eat frozen cranberries?
From a taste standpoint, you can do whatever you want with it. All kinds of compotes, fruit drinks, casseroles. The list is endless. But from the point of view of benefits, temperature will kill all vitamins. It is best to consume cranberries fresh.

This way, all the beneficial components will be preserved and your body will receive them in full. Fresh frozen cranberries can also be added to cold dishes and desserts. For example, in ice cream.

Cranberry is often used in folk medicine; its beneficial properties and contraindications are discussed in this article. It is sold in various forms - fresh, frozen, dried, dried. It is easier to store dried and dried berries, because you don’t even need a freezer for this (as is the case with frozen ones).

Preparing the drink

Cranberry juice, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below, retains all the medicinal properties of the berry and has a minimum of contraindications. Suitable for both children and adults, including pregnant women. For its preparation, fresh or frozen berries are used. How to do:

  • take 1 glass of berries;
  • defrost them if using frozen;
  • squeeze the juice out of them (don’t use it yet);
  • add a third of a glass of sugar or honey to the peel of the berries (for diabetes, replace with a sweetener or omit it) and add one and a half liters of water;
  • boil the mixture for 2–3 minutes over low heat;
  • cool and add juice.

The benefits of cranberry juice according to this recipe with or without honey are maximum. This is due to the fact that the juice does not undergo heat treatment and the vitamins contained in it are not destroyed during cooking (vitamin C is destroyed up to 90%, vitamin B6 up to 40% when boiling). As a result, when cooking the peel, only the minimum of vitamins that remain in it are lost (10% ursolic acid). This means that the healing properties will remain.

You can prepare jelly in the same way. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. starch in a glass of water and add this solution to the peel and sugar or honey (a sweetener for diabetes), filled with water. Boil the mixture until thickened for 10–15 minutes. Then pour in the juice in a thin stream, stir and turn off the heat. This way you will be able to preserve the beneficial substances and get a drink with the usual viscous consistency.

Kissel and fruit drink are equally useful, but jelly also has an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting the mucous membrane and preventing the development of dysbiosis. You can add lingonberries to the juice in an amount of 1 to 1 with cranberries. Lingonberry enhances the diuretic effect, which is good in the presence of edema and sediment in the kidneys and bladder. But lingonberries give the fruit drink a bitter taste; to improve its taste, it can be sweetened with honey.

Important! The calorie content of the freshest cranberries is low - 28 kcal (calorie content of dried or dried cranberries - 308 kcal). The calorie content of a drink made from fresh berries is about 49 kcal due to the sugar content in the composition.

Cranberry for immunity

The benefits of cranberries for the immunity of children and adults are explained by the vitamin C content in the berries. Fresh and frozen berries contain 15 mg, and dried and dried berries contain 0.2 mg. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and increases the human body's resistance to viruses and infections.

The daily consumption rate for women and adolescents is 70–100 mg, for men – 120–150 mg. But during an outbreak of colds, as well as during illness, it should be increased to 100–120 mg for women and 150–170 mg for men. The consumption of berries to increase immunity is recommended for both children and adolescents, whose immunity is lower than that of adults, and for people with poor health, for example, during the period of recovery from illness. This will help avoid contracting new infections. Honey will enhance the effect of cranberries, as it also contains vitamin C (0.5 mg).

The benefits of cranberries for pregnant women are also explained by the presence of vitamin C. During pregnancy, weakened immunity is very dangerous. Infections and viruses that a woman can become infected with will harm not only herself, but also the child. However, the use of medications during pregnancy is limited. To keep your immunity high, it is recommended to consume more vitamin C – up to 120–150 mg. Include more foods containing this vitamin in your diet (cranberries, lemon, spinach, black currants).

Drink fruit drink or jelly with or without honey daily, 1 glass a day (both children and adults, including pregnant women). After three days, take a break for the same period to prevent increased acidity of gastric juice and heartburn. After this, continue taking it for another 3 days. You can stop the course after the end of the epidemic of colds or after recovery. Pregnant women should stop using it in the last weeks of pregnancy to prevent the acidity of breast milk from increasing. This can be harmful for children, as it damages the walls of the large and small intestines, as well as the stomach. Your doctor will help you determine the timing of your appointment more accurately.

Benefits for the urinary system

The benefits of cranberries for the body of children and adults also lie in its positive effect on the urinary system and kidneys. It manifests itself in the following:

  • The acid content in cranberries (3.1 g in fresh, 0.1 in dried and dried) contributes to the acidification of urine, resulting in a decrease in the content of calcium compounds in it. It is the low acidity of urine (high content of calcium compounds) that causes the formation and growth of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Cranberries (berries and juice) contain proanthocyanidins. These are natural antibacterial substances that have positive effects on health. From juice or berries that enter the stomach, they are absorbed into the body and excreted in the urine, exerting an antibacterial effect on the urinary system;
  • The mild diuretic effect of cranberries helps clear sediment from the kidneys and bladder. Lingonberry has a more pronounced diuretic effect. Adding it to fruit drinks increases the effect.

For both adults and children, you need to take cranberry juice or jelly (with or without lingonberries) in courses of 3 days, taking breaks for the same period. This way, the healing properties will be revealed to the maximum, and no harm will be done. The high acidity of the drink will not have a negative effect on the stomach and tooth enamel.

You can eat cranberries with honey (which will further increase immunity due to the vitamin C content) or without. Consuming lingonberries will additionally relieve swelling, as they have a diuretic effect.

Cranberry to normalize blood pressure

Cranberry fruit drink or jelly with or without honey is indicated for consumption by people with hypertension. This drink has a diuretic effect, relieving swelling and thereby lowering blood pressure. Cranberry has a mild diuretic effect. Lingonberries have a much stronger diuretic effect. It can be added to fruit drinks to enhance the effect. In this case, cranberries and lingonberries are mixed in equal proportions.

The potassium in the composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels and keeps them in good shape. This also has a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizing it.

Application in dentistry

The content of proanthocyanidins is the main property of the berry, which explains why cranberries are beneficial for the oral cavity. These compounds have antibacterial effects. They prevent infection and inflammation from developing. It is recommended to consume juices, jelly and other berry drinks for gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis), their increased bleeding (in order to prevent the development of infection), and stomatitis.

The acid content both in the berries themselves and in juices, jelly, and fruit drinks made from them has an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. This destroys the dark plaque on the teeth. Daily consumption of juice or jelly leads to getting rid of dark plaque. But it also tends to increase the acidity of saliva and begin to destroy tooth enamel. It is the increased acidity of saliva that causes caries between teeth. You can reduce it after drinking cranberry juice by drinking or rinsing your mouth with water with an alkaline reaction (Essentuki). Drinking milk also helps, as it also has an alkaline reaction.

Benefits for diabetes

Cranberries can be consumed for diabetes. Its use does not cause an increase in blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes. Eating cranberries for type 2 diabetes will not only not harm, but will also be beneficial.

This is due to its ability to regulate the functioning of the pancreas. It is this gland that produces insulin, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. For type 2 diabetes, regular consumption of up to 100 g of cranberries helps lower blood sugar levels.

Cranberry for men

Cranberries are beneficial for men for several reasons. Potassium has a positive effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and tone, which indirectly helps improve potency. In addition, catechin and epicatechin (organic substances present in cranberries) combine with proanthocyanidins, which are also present in the composition, and form large polymer bonds that promote vascular relaxation, similar to the drug Viagra. Cranberry is useful for men as a means of increasing potency.

When should you not eat cranberries?

Despite the fact that the benefits of cranberry juice are beyond doubt, there are also contraindications to drinking this drink. Also, in the following cases, you should not consume the berry in its pure form, juice or jelly from it:

  1. the property of cranberry juice to acidify the environment makes it unacceptable for thinned and partially destroyed tooth enamel, since consumption causes pain (when acid gets on the dentin located under the enamel, the processes of nerve cells located in it transmit an impulse to the dental nerve, provoking pain);
  2. this same property explains the contraindication to taking cranberries when the enamel is weakened, since the acid acts aggressively on it, destroying it even more;
  3. gastritis with high acidity, heartburn, ulcers are absolute contraindications to taking cranberries, their juice or cranberry jelly due to the fact that they increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  4. individual intolerance (allergy to cranberries) – contraindications to the use of its derivatives (juice, fruit drink, jelly, jam);
  5. Constant consumption of cranberry juice or jelly leads to the leaching of salts from the body, so take them 3 days in a row with a break for the same period;
  6. for diabetes mellitus, exclude sugar or honey in fruit drinks or replace them with natural sweeteners allowed for diabetes;
  7. the last weeks of pregnancy and breastfeeding are two more contraindications, since increased acidity of milk can lead to stomach problems in the child.

If cranberry consumption begins during pregnancy, it is better for the woman to first consult a doctor. Cranberries tend to mix poorly with some medications. For example, a contraindication to its use is taking sulfodrugs (antimicrobial agents, such as Dermazin, Kelfizin, Silvederm).

The benefits and harms of cranberries discussed in the article are relative. This is not a cure, but only an additional therapy. Cranberry juice with lingonberries will not relieve hypertension, but is good as an additional remedy.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • increased sweating;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Cranberry is a berry whose beneficial properties are very difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that the natural environment where cranberries grow is unsightly swamps, they contain elements important for human health, such as:

  1. vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, P;
  2. minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

Cranberries taste sour, so there are many ways to consume them other than in their pure form. One such way is cranberry juice. If you decide to adhere to a healthy diet, for example, vegetarianism, cranberry juice can not only provide your body with many useful substances, but also, when consumed systematically, it:

  • improves blood circulation in the body;
  • prevents the formation of plaque and kills oral bacteria;
  • is an effective support for the health of your eyes;
  • protects organs such as the colon and cervix from cancer;
  • prevents the development of peptic ulcers if there is a predisposition to it;
  • prevents the development of urolithiasis, and also promotes the destruction of already formed stones;
  • supports cardiovascular health;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol;
  • is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • significantly relieves asthma attacks;
  • is an excellent way to combat various infectious diseases and prevent them;
  • cleanses the body of various harmful substances.

And besides, everyone knows the healing properties of warm cranberry juice to fight colds. In the summer, a glass of cold cranberry juice will relieve you of thirst and maintain good spirits and tone throughout the body.

Below are ways to make cranberry juice and how to cook cranberry juice from frozen cranberries - recipes for any time of year.

Cranberry juice: preparation

The benefits of cranberry juice are obvious to everyone! This drink tones and invigorates, increases physical performance, and also activates the functioning of our brain. Among other things, cranberry juice helps maintain a beautiful, healthy appearance, and together with proper nutrition, restores youth, blooming appearance and slimness to the fair sex. So how can you prepare fruit juice in such a way that, during heat treatment, the cranberries retain all of the above-mentioned miraculous properties and substances?

It's very simple: prepare fruit juice with the addition of freshly prepared natural cranberry juice. This way, your body will receive everything that is healthy in fresh cranberries, but at the same time your stomach will not suffer from acid, which cranberries are also very rich in.

It is worth noting that cranberry juice with the lowest sugar content is the most healthy, so if you are not allergic to honey, replace sugar with it when preparing fruit juice.

Cranberry juice: recipe

Today there are a lot of recipes for making cranberry juice. Let's look at two recipes:

  1. cranberry juice with honey is an excellent prevention of colds in winter;
  2. cranberry juice with mint - quenches thirst and gives a boost of energy in the summer.

So, for cranberry juice with honey you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 cups fresh cranberries;
  • 1 liter of pure spring water;
  • 2-2.5 tablespoons of honey.

First of all, you need to sort out the cranberries and throw away any bad berries, if any. Mash the berries in a deep bowl with a wooden mortar; it is best to use non-metallic utensils. Now strain the resulting mixture either through a sieve or cheesecloth. You should have a paste with seeds and cranberry juice; Set the juice aside for now. Pour the pulp with seeds and peels into one liter of water and put on fire. As soon as the fruit drink starts to boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for five to seven minutes. After this time, turn off the fire, and filter the fruit drink again; Now the resulting pulp can simply be thrown away. Next, pour the cranberry juice we set aside earlier into the pan and let the fruit drink boil again. Add our honey to the resulting fruit drink, while it is still hot, and let it “disperse” there; You can help him and mix with a spoon.

To prepare cranberry mint juice we will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams or 3 cups of fresh cranberries;
  • 8-10 fresh mint leaves;
  • honey to taste.

As in the first case, we sort through the cranberries and remove the bad berries, then rinse them thoroughly. Mash the cranberries with a wooden mortar, squeeze out the pure cranberry juice and leave it aside for now. Transfer the resulting pulp into a saucepan. Mint leaves should be thoroughly washed and, like cranberries, crushed with a wooden mortar. Now add the crushed mint to the cranberry pulp. Next, pour the mixture of mint and cranberry pulp with two liters of water and put on fire. We wait until the fruit drink boils, now turn down the heat and let this broth “simmer” for five minutes. Next, turn off the fire, wrap the pan with fruit juice in a warm blanket and wait another hour; Now you can strain the fruit drink and pour in the previously obtained cranberry juice, mix thoroughly and add honey.

How to make cranberry juice from frozen cranberries

Cranberries are harvested late in the fall, when the first frosts have not yet arrived. Naturally, harvested cranberries cannot last long, even in the refrigerator, therefore, in order to be able to prepare fruit drinks in winter or use cranberries for baking, freshly picked berries are frozen. Below is a very simple recipe for making cranberry juice from frozen cranberries.

Helpful advice: if you have picked or purchased fresh cranberries and plan to freeze them, do not wash the berries.

So, there are frozen cranberries in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator; why not make a delicious and healthy fruit drink?

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 cups frozen cranberries;
  • 2 liters of clean spring water;
  • honey to taste.

Once you remove the berries from the freezer, rinse them with cool water and leave until they are completely defrosted. Then, using a blender, grind the cranberries until a paste forms. Squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth and put it aside for a while. Pour the resulting cake with two liters of water and boil for about ten minutes. After the fruit drink has boiled, turn off the heat and cover the pan with a blanket or towel and let the broth brew for an hour. Then we filter the now infused fruit drink again, then add our pre-prepared cranberry juice and honey to this fruit drink. The tasty, and most importantly healthy fruit drink is ready!

When preparing cranberry juice, you can also add your other favorite berries, for example, cherries or blackcurrants. This fruit drink made from a mixture of healthy berries is even more enriched with substances that have a beneficial effect on our body.

If you prefer the classic recipe for cranberry juice without any third-party additives, you can put the prepared drink in the refrigerator and consume two tablespoons of it daily half an hour before meals. This way you will prepare your stomach for upcoming food processing, support your immunity, and also help your body cope with daily stress and fatigue. And besides this, in this way you can maintain the health of your children, help them cope with constant stress and stressful situations at school. However, before letting your child drink fruit drink in large quantities (for example, a 200 ml glass), start with one tablespoon and see if there are any allergic reactions.

Try to use what nature gives us; in this case we are talking about cranberry juice. You will always have time to buy a bunch of medications at the pharmacy, which, by the way, do us more harm than good. In combination with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, cranberry juice is not just a thirst quencher that tastes good, but can also serve as a remedy for many ailments, such as migraines, impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and many others.