Why is it bad to eat hot food? Why is hot bread bad? Can you eat hot bread

Hi all! A very long time ago I heard, I don’t remember from whom, that you can’t eat hot bread, as it’s harmful. What exactly is this vermin was not explained to me. And recently, my husband brought hot cakes, the smell was such that his hands reached out to her. It was so fragrant and hot that, after spreading the butter, it almost immediately began to melt. And how delicious!

Dietary restrictions did not allow me to eat a lot, and then I remembered that such bread is harmful. I searched for information, but found not so much. So I am sharing with you what I have learned.

It is believed that hot bread is much harder to digest by the stomach and provokes the risk of developing diseases such as chronic gastritis, dysbacteriosis and colibacillosis.

Very fresh, just out of the oven, bread is hard to chew, rolls into lumps, which, getting into the stomach, are almost not saturated with gastric juice, which means they are hard to digest. If the bread is also hot at the same time, then its harm is multiplied, and digestive disorders may develop.

Fresh, soft bread does not need to be chewed for a long time, it is quickly swallowed and the intestines become like a distillation apparatus, in which microbes similar to yeast accumulate, causing fermentation processes. Bread starch is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. If this happens, then pain, cramps, and bloating may appear.

Hot bread, in theory, not yet fully cooked. I noticed it on those very cakes, they seem to be a little raw. As it turned out, the complete end of the cooking process ends at the moment of complete cooling of the bread to room temperature. Eating hot bread, we create an environment for fermentation in the intestines.

But besides the fact that it is harmful to eat hot bread, it is also not recommended to eat today's product that has simply cooled down. It is believed that yesterday's bread, slightly dried up, is best suited, which will be much easier to digest by the stomach, making it easier for the body to work.

And all because bread is a food product that is made on the basis of yeast. And over time, about a day after baking bread, significant changes occur in it. Yeast gives all the fermentation to the bread and practically no longer poses any danger to the stomach, since no fermentation occurs in the cooled bread.

All carbohydrates and B vitamins that bread contains will enter the body with maximum benefit, energizing it. Yesterday's bread, after being swallowed, will not stick together in the stomach into a lump and thereby cause blockage of the intestines.

In turn, I found a good solution for myself - I buy yeast-free cakes. They are very tasty and not as harmful to the figure as simple yeast bread!

All yeast baked goods present a certain danger when hot. The nutrient medium and high temperature in barely baked bread are excellent living conditions for yeast fungi. Due to the fermentation processes that are still going on in freshly baked bread, acidity rises in the stomach. This irritates and injures the mucous membrane, which as a result leads to the development of gastritis.

In the intestines, due to eating fresh baked goods, the process of gas formation begins. There is heaviness, a feeling of discomfort. The reason lies in all the same yeast fungi. They adversely affect the healthy intestinal microflora, inhibiting microorganisms that are beneficial and promoting the growth of dangerous microbes. As a result, a person has a whole bunch of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, although he does not seem to do anything reprehensible. He just loves fresh, hot, hot bread.

Warm, only from the oven baking not only clogs the stomach and intestines, but also greatly contributes to weight gain. Fans of hot bread have the same effect as beer fans - solid fat deposits in the press area, a swollen stomach, which again is to blame for yeast fungi.

Freshly baked bread has an incredible aroma that makes a person have an irresistible desire to immediately tear off a piece and immediately eat it. The smell of hot dough provokes profuse salivation and starts the work of the stomach. However, all doctors say that it is strictly forbidden to do this. So why can't you eat hot bread from the oven or oven, and what harm can it do to the body?

What should be the bread?

Experts are categorically against the use of fresh bread, at least it must stand for a while to cool completely. It is best to eat those that were baked yesterday. In this case, a person does not have extra pounds, and the stomach does not suffer from yeast.

First of all, yeast causes great harm. When they are heated to a certain high temperature, they have ideal living conditions. In this case, all fermentation processes are maximally activated, they continue for a considerable time even after the culinary product is ready.

When fresh, hot dough enters the stomach, acidity rises almost instantly. This process strongly irritates the mucous membrane, which leads to the development of gastritis. If a person already has this disease, then the side effects can be much more serious.

But not only the stomach suffers, after a while, when food enters the intestines, the process of gas formation begins. The person begins to feel heaviness and discomfort. The main reason for this lies in the same yeast fungi that continue to be active in the body. They also destroy the intestinal microflora, all microorganisms that prevent the growth of dangerous microbes lose their properties. In this case, the question of why you can’t eat hot bread becomes very understandable and logical.

Such adverse processes for the human body lead to the fact that a whole set of the most unpleasant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appears. These are just a few reasons why you shouldn't eat hot bread.

Also, warm dough seriously clogs the stomach and intestines, which leads to a sharp increase in weight. Hot bread acts on the body like beer, yeast fungi deposit impressive fat deposits in the press area. Therefore, they are extremely dangerous for humans.

What to do in such a situation?

So that the body does not regularly suffer from flatulence, heartburn and various unpleasant diseases do not develop, one should get used to the fact that bread is best consumed only in dried form. Therefore, it is recommended to buy dough products with the expectation of consumption the next day. During this period, the activity of yeast fungi decreases hundreds of times, and a significant part of them die altogether.

Recently, a large number of supporters of a healthy diet have appeared who have completely abandoned yeast bread. They replace it with various cereals and pastries, which are completely yeast-free. However, doctors are also not too happy about such life. A person should receive vitamins from all foods, so yeast in a small amount is also necessary.

Unleavened bread

Such bread should often be taken when the mucosa has been damaged and the person is on a diet. By and large, a properly prepared product is quite useful for the body, it can be periodically alternated with ordinary bread, this combination is considered the best option. The harm of hot bread in this case is minimal.

Unfortunately, modern manufacturers are not always honest, therefore, in order to make the product more magnificent and beautiful, various additives are added to the composition. Sometimes they are even more harmful than even fresh yeast bread. In this case, it is recommended to buy expensive products from trusted manufacturers.

Now you know why you can not eat hot, fresh bread, and how harmful it is to the body. Therefore, it is recommended to make it a habit to use which will be a little dried and will only benefit.

Can you resist eating a piece of freshly baked, hot bread? Few are capable of this, because hot bread smells so delicious, it is so soft, crispy! Even those people who are well aware that eating such bread is harmful still sometimes allow themselves to enjoy a fragrant crust. Why is hot bread bad? After all, we always try to eat any other food freshly prepared, while it has not yet cooled down.

Can you eat hot bread

The danger of hot bread is that it does not fully complete the fermentation process. And this can cause various digestive disorders - stomach pain, increased gas formation and acidity of gastric juice. In addition, if you eat a lot of such bread, while chewing it badly, then it can stick together in one big lump and clog the intestines. In general, fresh bread is digested much worse and slower than stale bread, settling on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, those people who suffer from diseases such as gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, diseases of the pancreas and liver, it is better not to eat hot bread. Even just fresh bread baked today is not recommended - it should lie down for at least a day, and even better - dry slightly. This is especially true for bread with the addition of rye flour.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, they were well aware of the ability of hot bread to cause various stomach ailments, so it was allowed to sell it only a few hours after baking.

Many of the readers may object that they constantly eat hot bread - fresh or heated in the microwave, toaster, and do not experience any health problems. Indeed, for a healthy person, it is sometimes possible to eat a little hot bread, but there will be little benefit from it, and problems may arise over time. Hot bread, in which fermentation processes continue, will begin to irritate the walls of the stomach.

Some people prefer not to eat bread at all - neither fresh nor stale, believing that it is because of it that they gain excess weight. However, dry bread can be very useful for digestion - it is quickly absorbed without settling on the walls of the stomach, and even cleanses the intestinal walls. Especially if it is bread made from wholemeal flour or with bran.

As for whether you can eat hot bread from the toaster or hot sandwiches cooked in the microwave, the answer is this: it's not as bad as freshly baked bread. In addition, bread is dried in the toaster, and those yeast, which may still be in the bread, die. But still, it is better to let such bread cool slightly before proceeding to the meal.

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