Why lettuce grows bitter. Can we also use wild herbs? What to do, how to remove bitterness

Usually, all the failures that haunt us in the garden are caused by us ourselves, that is, we do something wrong somewhere, overlook it, or even forget to do it. And from this the plant does not receive the care it needs, and therefore the fruits and taste may be completely bad. Here the salad has no fruits, but only leaves.

  • One of the reasons for the bitterness of lettuce is that you watered it poorly (when it was actively growing), that is, there was not enough water for it. Often this is precisely why he is bitter.
  • It is possible that you didn’t make a mistake with watering and watered the salad correctly, but you didn’t remove it at the right time. If this is the case, then the lettuce leaves gradually begin to coarse and again bitterness appears. So only cut the lettuce at the right time if you don't want to eat the bitter leaves. 4-50 days will pass after it is sowed and it will all need to be cut off. Usually at this time there are already 5 or 7 leaves on the lettuce. It is precisely in this phase that it needs to be cut off. So that the moment of leaf ripening comes a little later, the bed will need to be thinned. When the shoots appear, you should not leave them all. You should have 5-6 centimeters between adjacent lettuce shoots. Everything unnecessary is simply pulled out. When lettuce grows freely like this, it ripens later and, accordingly, the appearance of bitterness can also be delayed.
  • In addition, bitterness usually appears in green salad, so you can experiment with varieties and plant several of them. Also, if the beds with lettuce are constantly illuminated by the sun, then the appearance of bitterness in the leaves is also quite possible. It is better to shade the beds or sometimes change the location of these beds.

What to do if lettuce leaves are still bitter?

It is possible that you have already made some mistakes, and you were not able to save the lettuce leaves from bitterness this year. What to do then? That's it, just throw away the entire harvest?

  • You will always have time to throw away these “inedible” greens, but there is no need to rush here. It is quite possible to get rid of this bitterness.
  • To remove bitterness, cut off all the roots of the lettuce leaves. Next, wash the leaves themselves thoroughly and place them in a pan. You should already have salted water in this pan. For it you only need a tablespoon of plain salt per liter of water. In addition to salt, you will need to throw several ordinary ice cubes into this water, which many people have in molds in the freezer. Wait about half an hour, and then you can remove the leaves from this water. Next, blot them gently with a paper towel, and then dry them for about five minutes. Then you can use these leaves for various dishes.
  • If you still have enough time before you start collecting lettuce leaves, and they are already bitter, then you can try to drive all this bitterness away from the leaves themselves, namely into the roots. To achieve this, the bundles are simply placed in a jar where cold water is first poured. Let them stand there for 2 or even 3 hours. After this, we take out the bunches and again cut off all the roots. It would also be better to cut out the stems themselves from the leaves, especially if these stems are thick. So you will generally only have the most delicious and tender parts of the leaves, which will no longer taste bitter.

Lettuce is an unpretentious crop to care for, but at the same time it is very useful for the human body and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Thanks to this, various varieties and types of salads can be found quite often in Russian gardens. But sometimes the grown lettuce can be very bitter, and this bitterness is not varietal.

Despite the fact that, of course, there are lovers of “savory” salad, most often this fact upsets the gardener.

What to do in such situations: why do lettuce leaves become bitter and how to avoid bitterness when further planting the crop?

The reasons why bitterness usually appears may be different, but they still have one common characteristic.

In all cases, the gardener himself is to blame, who either does not adhere to the rules of agricultural technology and lettuce care, or did not collect it in a timely manner.

Below is a list of possible reasons why salad bitterness may appear.

What to do, how to remove bitterness

If, after all, the lettuce leaves are bitter, but you don’t want to throw away the harvest, then there are several ways that will help you.

  • If the cause of the appearance of bitterness in the leaves was untimely and irregular watering, then try the following method of expelling it: several bunches of lettuce are placed in a jar of cold water and left for a couple of hours. After this, the roots are trimmed again, and thick veins in the leaves can also be cut out. After this, the leaves can be eaten.
  • Bitter lettuce leaves are collected by cutting off all the roots and washed well. Prepare a solution of table salt in a container by adding 1 tbsp to cold water. per 1 liter of water and stir well until it dissolves. After this, it is advisable to add a few ice cubes. The leaves are placed in a container with the solution and wait 30 minutes. Then the lettuce leaves are taken out and dried for 5...7 minutes. Instead of salt, you can use a few drops of table vinegar.
  • Some people put lettuce leaves in warm water for 20 minutes, but after that they become limp and do not crisp. It’s better to try to overcome the salad’s bitterness already in the dish by adding a few drops of lemon juice, which simply neutralizes the bitter taste of the leaves.

How to prevent salad bitterness

In order for lettuce leaves to be juicy and tasty without unpleasant bitterness, it is enough to simply follow the agricultural practices for growing this crop, taking into account the location and planting pattern.

Although caring for lettuce is not difficult, watering must be provided in a timely manner.

By the way, the bitterness in lettuce leaves can also be varietal, so before purchasing it is important to pay attention to the description of the variety and its characteristics. It is believed that green types of lettuce are the least bitter and have a delicate taste.

Lettuce is a crop that has no limited sowing time. In this regard, it can be planted in small quantities and periodically reseeded as needed.

This way, the season for cutting leaves can be extended, and at the same time the entire harvest will be eaten on time, which simply will not allow the leaves to have time to harden and acquire bitterness.

Thus, by following the rules for growing lettuce and choosing the right variety, you can avoid the occurrence of bitterness in its leaves.

But even if some point was missed, and a bitter taste still arose, you should not get upset and throw away the collected leaves - you should first try to get rid of it using one of the above methods. And the next time you sow this crop, take into account all your mistakes and grow a delicious salad.

Garden lettuce is a leader among other leafy vegetables. The salad is especially tasty and pleasantly aromatic in spring. But what is a summer barbecue without lettuce or sandwiches? You can wrap meat, vegetables in salad and, of course, make all kinds of salad dishes even in summer.
The benefits of salads are a separate topic. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamins: C, K, carotene, B vitamins, as well as a number of minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iodine and others.
Leaf lettuce has a beneficial effect on the liver, pancreas, kidneys and cardiovascular system. It will help maintain good vision and can even protect against Alzheimer's disease
Lettuce leaves have a lot of fiber and in general salad is a low-calorie product. Therefore, salad improves metabolism in the body and helps to lose excess weight.
In addition, salad is included in the diet for diabetes, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers and high blood pressure.
However, overripe leaves acquire a bitter taste and lose their pleasant smell. There are also some varieties of lettuce that are bitter in themselves. It is better to grow varieties that have green juice, those with milky juice usually taste bitter. Varieties without bitterness include: Frillac, Bacardi, Critz, Embrace, Remus, Iceberg, Lollo Rossa.
To prevent the salad from becoming bitter, it is necessary to water it regularly and generously. Fertilizing with fertilizer high in magnesium also helps produce sweet, non-bitter lettuce.
And one more secret: you need to cut the lettuce not in the heat of the day, but in the early morning or late evening.
If you still feel bitterness, such a salad must be bleached.
To do this, place it under non-transparent dishes - a saucepan, a bucket and leave it like that for 3-5-7 days before cooking. During this time, the bitterness completely disappears, and the bleached crispy rosette of lettuce becomes tastier and healthier. You can also remove bitterness from overripe lettuce. Before you remove the bitterness of the lettuce, you need to wash it and trim the roots. After this, the leaves are placed in a deep plate or bowl and filled with cold water.
For the best effect, you can add additional ice to the bowl and leave everything to stand until the ice melts. After this, the lettuce leaves must be removed and placed on a towel to dry thoroughly. This helps get rid of half of the bitterness and gives the leaves a fresh taste. In addition, after this treatment, the lettuce leaves begin to crisp well.
Another method allows you to distill the bitterness from the leaves themselves into the roots. For this you need a glass of water. Lettuce leaves are placed in it, roots down. So they should stand for at least two hours. After this, the leaves must be removed and everything except the leaves themselves must be cut off. The roots and stems will be bitter, but the leaves will not.
And also, we cut the leaves into salad in advance, and let them stand separately for 15 minutes, and then mix them with other ingredients.

What to do if the lettuce is bitter, upsetting the hostess or her guests? Continue to eat it, not paying attention to the taste? Or should I do something? We'll tell you several simple and effective ways to remove unnecessary bitterness. Choose the one you like best – and enjoy it to your health!

1. Understand the varieties

The least bitter varieties are those whose juice green(they are obtained from the varieties Azart, Iceberg, Great Lakes...). And the most bitter are those whose juice white and opaque, similar to dandelion milk. Also pay attention to coarse leaves - if harvesting is delayed, a bitter taste appears.

  • By the way, for a more detailed acquaintance, we recommend taking a look at the article “ Green salad - what is it like?

2. Give the salad time.

If you only have a bitter variety of lettuce at your disposal, try chopping it in advance and set aside for 15 minutes before adding other ingredients. It is better to tear the salad with your hands, because... Some people feel that the bitterness comes from contact with a metal blade. If you don’t use a knife, you can avoid oxidation and at the same time preserve more vitamins.

3. Give him a bath

Too bitter salad leaves are also recommended previously soak in cold water with a couple of drops of vinegar. Other ways: dip in warm water for 20 minutes or add lemon juice to the dish itself to neutralize the bitterness. Since lettuce that has not been watered enough becomes bitter, there is also a known recommendation to cut off the roots and put the lettuce in water for a couple of hours - like flowers.

4. Make him pale

When growing bitter lettuce varieties (e.g., endive, escarole, romaine), a couple of weeks before consuming them bleach. To do this, you just need to cover the plant with an opaque bucket or thick cloth. The bitterness goes away, and the rosette becomes tasty and crispy.

5. Love him for who he is.

In fact, the bitterness in the salad may be evidence of its benefits. She stimulates appetite and it is precisely thanks to it that metabolism improves. There is no dispute about tastes - many people also like bitter salad. And if you still can’t get used to it... now you know what to do!

Many summer residents love to grow juicy and crisp lettuce on their plots. With the right agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest several times a season.

Lettuce is demanding on soil, watering and lighting. Lettuce is planted on loose, soft soils, after applying fertilizer. Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to water the beds with lettuce every other day, and when the rosette is actively forming, it is necessary to organize abundant watering. Lettuce is best planted in partial shade; in shady areas and under the scorching sun it will not be able to develop properly, which means it will not be as tasty and healthy. Lettuce does not develop well even in close quarters. For full growth, a distance of 15-20 cm must be maintained between plants. Space is especially important for head lettuces, so seedlings need to be thinned out.

Olive or walnut oil and aromatic vinegars such as balsamic or red wine are suitable. A sauce made with dairy products such as yogurt also goes well with bitter salads. A blend of powerful oils and vinegars for bitter substances. . Often bitter lettuce varieties are mixed with other lettuce varieties to soften the bitter substances. Different determinate varieties have different levels of bitter substances: smooth escaria is more bitter than frieza, which has fine-grained, delicate leaves.

Salad contains a lot of water and some energy. Therefore, it can help you lose weight or stay slim. To begin with, the salad is already saturated and delivers - this is a “lenten” dressing condition - but has little energy. As the main court, it is well saturated with large volume and many fibers. Compared to being low in energy, lettuce also has good nutrient density.

All types of lettuce contain large amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The salad is a record holder among vegetables for the content of vitamin K; it also contains vitamins C, A, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, and zinc. At the same time, the salad is low in calories: 100 g contains only 12-14 kcal.

There is a wide variety of lettuce varieties, all of which are divided into head and leaf. Most varieties have a delicate spicy taste, but salads with bitterness are also often found.

Since the lettuce is eaten raw, heat-sensitive vitamins and minerals are better preserved. But lettuce should be as fresh as possible and can only be washed for a short time. The relatively low sodium and high potassium content of most varieties is also beneficial for metabolism.

More information on preparing salads

How to combine salads

Particularly fresh, nutritious and low in nitrate is local outdoor-grown lettuce. Mixing different types of salads brings many benefits: the salad looks beautifully colorful - the eye eats with you too. More nutrient-rich varieties such as ice or lettuce are mixed with more nutritious varieties such as field lettuce and radicchio. During the winter months, classic winter varieties such as field lettuce, endive, endive or radicchio are the best choices.

Causes of bitterness in lettuce leaves

  1. Variety Salad varieties: Iceberg, Romaine, Moscow Greenhouse, Ballet, Zabava - crispy, juicy and without bitterness. Leaves of such varieties as: Frisse, Radicio, Lolo Rossa, Arugula, Watercress - are a little bitter.
  2. Age. Young lettuce has a mild taste. Overgrown lettuce has a more pronounced herbaceous taste and is capable of accumulating a small amount of the alkaloid lactucin in its leaves. Its presence can be determined by the milky juice on the break and bitterness in the taste. Alkoloids are part of many medications, and in nature they are found in the poppy, nightshade, legume, and ranunculaceae families.
  3. Season. In spring, even bitter varieties will have a pleasant taste. In summer, especially in hot sunny weather, the leaves quickly accumulate bitterness.

Can we also use wild herbs?

Other varieties are often only available from the greenhouse and often have higher nitrate values. In addition, organic products are usually less contaminated with plant protection products and nitrates. Rare or wild varieties add flavor to salads. These include dandelion, watercress, watercress, winter purslane, nasturtium, sorrel and wild lettuce such as French herbs, chamomile, lady's robe, nettle, white dead nettle or chickweed. Wild herbs are almost always richer in valuable ingredients than cultivated plants.

Many believe that the cause of bitterness is insufficient watering of the salad. Practice shows that watering is more important for the growth and formation of the plant, but has almost no effect on the taste.

What to do if lettuce leaves are bitter

  1. Choose varieties without bitterness.
  2. When exposed to direct sunlight, lettuce leaves quickly accumulate bitterness, so it is better to place the beds in partial shade or between rows.
  3. A week before harvesting the lettuce, cover the plant with a thick cloth that will protect it from the sun. This method will allow you to get rid of the bitterness characteristic of many varieties.
  4. Collect lettuce early in the morning, preferably before sunrise. At this time, the salad has a more delicate taste.
  5. When collecting young lettuce leaves, make sure that the lettuce does not overgrow or shoot arrows. Lettuce can be planted throughout the entire summer season with an interval of 2-3 weeks, although spring plantings will still be the least bitter.
  6. To get rid of bitterness, you need to hold the leaves, preferably together with the roots, in cold water. For varieties with thin, delicate greens, the dry method is suitable: cover the leaves with salt for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Eating lettuce with bitter leaves will not harm your health. If you want to soften the bitter taste, mix the leaves with cottage cheese, feta or ricotta, eggs, yogurt or sour cream.

How to achieve a good salad dressing?

However, for wild herbs, you should only collect appropriate botanical knowledge and from places that are hygienically safe. The dressing may improve the salad nutritionally physiologically or have the opposite effect. Many pre-made dressings are high in fat, making the salad a calorie bomb. Look for the label: ingredients are listed by weight. The first ingredient is also included in most.

For homemade dressings, you have the ingredients at your fingertips. Particularly suitable are cold-pressed vegetable oils, especially canola and olive oil, which provide healthy fatty acids. In the article. Although you can make a thousand salads without using a single leaf of lettuce, the truth is that this vegetable is one of the undisputed heroes of many summer dishes, so now that we are at that time is the best time to give an overview of other types of salad for salads and what are their properties.

Garden lettuce is a leader among other leafy vegetables. The salad is especially tasty and pleasantly aromatic in spring. But what is a summer barbecue without lettuce or sandwiches? You can wrap meat, vegetables in salad and, of course, make all kinds of salad dishes even in summer.
The benefits of salads are a separate topic. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamins: C, K, carotene, B vitamins, as well as a number of minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iodine and others.
Leaf lettuce has a beneficial effect on the liver, pancreas, kidneys and cardiovascular system. It will help maintain good vision and can even protect against Alzheimer's disease
Lettuce leaves have a lot of fiber and in general salad is a low-calorie product. Therefore, salad improves metabolism in the body and helps to lose excess weight.
In addition, salad is included in the diet for diabetes, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers and high blood pressure.
However, overripe leaves acquire a bitter taste and lose their pleasant smell. There are also some varieties of lettuce that are bitter in themselves. It is better to grow varieties that have green juice, those with milky juice usually taste bitter. Varieties without bitterness include: Frillac, Bacardi, Critz, Embrace, Remus, Iceberg, Lollo Rossa.
To prevent the salad from becoming bitter, it is necessary to water it regularly and generously. Fertilizing with fertilizer high in magnesium also helps produce sweet, non-bitter lettuce.
And one more secret: you need to cut the lettuce not in the heat of the day, but in the early morning or late evening.
If you still feel bitterness, such a salad must be bleached.
To do this, place it under non-transparent dishes - a saucepan, a bucket and leave it like that for 3-5-7 days before cooking. During this time, the bitterness completely disappears, and the bleached crispy rosette of lettuce becomes tastier and healthier. You can also remove bitterness from overripe lettuce. Before you remove the bitterness of the lettuce, you need to wash it and trim the roots. After this, the leaves are placed in a deep plate or bowl and filled with cold water.
For the best effect, you can add additional ice to the bowl and leave everything to stand until the ice melts. After this, the lettuce leaves must be removed and placed on a towel to dry thoroughly. This helps get rid of half of the bitterness and gives the leaves a fresh taste. In addition, after this treatment, the lettuce leaves begin to crisp well.
Another method allows you to distill the bitterness from the leaves themselves into the roots. For this you need a glass of water. Lettuce leaves are placed in it, roots down. So they should stand for at least two hours. After this, the leaves must be removed and everything except the leaves themselves must be cut off. The roots and stems will be bitter, but the leaves will not.
And also, we cut the leaves into salad in advance, and let them stand separately for 15 minutes, and then mix them with other ingredients.

Types of salads

There are milder and sweeter, more bitter, more pungent or oilier flavors, because despite being called lettuce by everyone, we can find different flavors and textures depending on the variety chosen. From small kidneys to intense escarole, let's take a stroll through the most common salads we find in our markets.

Iceberg Lettuce: Round and compact, reminiscent of cabbage. The texture is very crunchy and the flavor is very very smooth, so it is usually the salad that is most enjoyed by those who don't like salad. It is the least nutritious of all and although it is used enough for salads, it is also very suitable for being part of sandwiches and burgers. Its thick, crunchy leaves allow it to be used in heavy seasoning-based sauces such as mayonnaise or rose sauce.