Why broth. How to make cloudy broth clear

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First of all, the broth must be properly cooked. To make a medium pot of broth you will need: - half a skinless chicken breast or 150-200g lean beef on the bone; - 1 medium-sized peeled carrot; - 1 small peeled onion; - 2-3 bay leaves; - half a small bunch of parsley (no need to chop); - a few peas of black pepper; - optional: celery stalk, 2-3 cloves, leeks.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and fill them with cold running water so that all the food is hidden under it. Then put the pan on a large fire, and after boiling, reduce it to a small one. The broth should be boiled until cooked, which is easy to determine by the lagging of the meat from the bone. For chicken it will take less than an hour, about 40 minutes, and for beef it will take 1.5-2 hours, depending on the toughness of the meat.

When the broth is boiled until cooked, you should throw away all the excess: boiled vegetables, roots, bay leaves and black pepper. The meat and the resulting aromatic liquid should be left to cool, after which the broth should be filtered.

How to properly strain the broth

The broth is filtered in order to get rid of debris, bone fragments and foam formed as a result of boiling the meat. Straining makes the broth golden and very appetizing. So, to make a cloudy broth transparent, you will need: - several layers of gauze; - a saucepan of a size similar to the one in which the broth is cooked; - a colander or sieve that can be installed on the pan. First, get rid of excess fat in the broth. If the broth is chilled well enough, you will see rounds of congealed white fat floating on its surface. They need to be removed with a slotted spoon. Then place the colander in a clean, empty pot. Spread gauze rolled up in several layers over a colander.

Do not use new gauze, it may have a strong odor. Before use, such gauze should be washed

Carefully pour the broth from one pot to another. As a result, you should get a completely transparent, ready-to-use liquid. Based on this broth, you can cook a delicious soup.

Easiest Chicken Noodle Soup

You will need: - 2–2.5 liters of strong chicken broth; - half chicken breast meat; - 1 teaspoon of salt; - a few sprigs of parsley; - 100 g of vermicelli (1/5 pack). Dilute the pre-strained broth with water (up to 3 liters) and put on fire, it should boil. After boiling, pour vermicelli and salt crushed up to 3 cm into it.

The recipe of some dishes, such as jellied or clear soups, involves the use of absolutely pure, light broth.

Broth is a decoction made from meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. And more often than not, it turns out to be muddy. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to a certain technology that will provide the dish with the necessary richness and transparency.

How to make clear broth

The key to a successful broth lies in the preparation for its preparation. Properly selected ingredients and temperature regime will provide an excellent result.

The most delicious and rich broth will not come from a whole piece of meat, but from a combination of meat and bones. It is thanks to the bones that the decoction acquires a characteristic gelatinousness. By the way, the bones of young animals contain more gelatin than adults. It is better not to use frozen meat for broth, as it loses some of the juices when defrosted.

There are no strict recommendations on the ratio of bones, meat and water. Consider the basic culinary rule: the more bones, the more rich and gelatinous the broth will be. Pour thoroughly washed raw materials with cold water, hot immediately seals the outer layer of meat, which will prevent the release of juices. Adjust for boiling and pour in enough water, since it is strongly not recommended to add water (neither cold nor hot) during the cooking process.

Put the pan on high heat, after boiling, remove the foam, then reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook, periodically removing fat and foam. It is with slow cooking that more juices are released from the meat than with intense boiling. What will definitely make your broth cloudy is the bubbling.

The time of cooking the broth is determined by the bones laid in the base, and the amount of water (an average of 3 liters). Beef cooks the longest (8–10 hours), veal (6–8 hours) a little less, pork (4–6 hours) even less, and chicken boils the fastest (about 3 hours). In the kitchens of some restaurants, the broth is cooked for 36 hours in a row!

To make the broth more fragrant and acquire a beautiful color, use a whole onion, root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, celery) at the rate of 1 kg of vegetables per 3 kg of bones and meat. Professional chefs use bouquet garni to flavor the broth. These are parsley sprigs, celery stalks, bay leaves, and spicy herbs gathered in a bunch and tied with kitchen thread. Lay a fragrant bouquet 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

If, with all the efforts made, the broth turned out to be cloudy, you can try to fix it with the help of a proven cooking technique.

How to make the broth clear

  1. Remove all bones, meat and roots from the liquid, strain the broth through a fine sieve.
  2. To clarify 2 liters of broth, you need to take the protein of 1 egg.
  3. Beat the egg white thoroughly and pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, into the slightly cooled broth. Return the saucepan to the heat and, continuing to stir, let the contents come to a boil.
  4. After 5 minutes of boiling, the protein will curl up and collect all the meat suspension. Turn off the heat and leave the pot for 15-20 minutes so that all the flakes settle to the bottom. Gently strain the broth again and enjoy the amber beauty!


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Many housewives are concerned about the question: how to clarify the broth? A cloudy brew will discourage the appetite of the household, because the finished dish looks unappetizing. Take care of the transparency of the broth during its cooking and follow our tips. You can clarify both meat and fish broths.

How to clarify the broth - why does it become cloudy?

Improper cooking of the broth leads to its turbidity, namely:

  • you are pouring hot water over food ingredients for soup. This cannot be done. First, pour the meat in a saucepan with cool water, and then place the broth on the stove to cook;
  • you do not skim off the foam at a strong boil. Timely remove the foam and fat after boiling water with meat in a saucepan;
  • you do not use vegetables to cook the broth. Be sure to cook a dish with vegetables. For transparency of the broth, put the peeled onion in the pan;
  • you do not strain the broth after cooking. Strain it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. This will help remove foam, small meat bones and lighten the broth. Then pour the brew back into the pot and cook soup or borscht.

How to lighten broth while boiling

You will get a clear broth if the purification process takes place in several stages:

  • screw the fire on the stove after boiling the broth;
  • cook over low heat, periodically remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a large regular spoon. This will take 1-1.5 hours;
  • remove large pieces of meat from the pan before the end of cooking;
  • pour into the pot with brew 3-4 tbsp. spoons of ice water.

Boil for another five minutes over low heat. If the broth does not bubbling strongly in the pan, it will turn out to be more or less transparent. But you still need to strain it through a sieve or several layers of gauze and pour it back into the pan. You will get a clear broth, ideal for cooking first courses on it.

How to clarify the finished broth

You have a ready-made cloudy broth, and even after straining, its quality leaves much to be desired. Don't worry, this is fixable. Use one of the lighting methods:

  • fried carrots and onions. Fry vegetables, you can add minced meat and place in boiling soup. Simmer until the soup is light in color;
  • gauze bag with rice. Make a small bag of gauze and put uncooked rice in it. Place a bag in a boiling dish and boil for up to 10 minutes;
  • beaten raw egg. Beat the egg and pour into the boiling broth;
  • carrot. Cut the peeled carrot into two parts. Fry it a little without oil in a pan and add to the broth before the end of cooking;
  • grated cheese. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Add it gradually to the soup, stirring constantly.

How to clarify fish broth

All of the above clarification methods apply to meat broths. But often the fish broth becomes cloudy. There are ways to fix this situation:

  • crush 5 pieces of ice from the freezer. Add beaten egg white to crushed ice and stir. Put this mass into the broth and bring to a boil. Immediately turn off the stove and leave the brew for 10 minutes to brew. Then remove the foam;
  • use an absorbent made from egg whites and shells. It will create large clots, you will remove them, and the broth will become light. For 3 liters of liquid, take 2 proteins and a shell of two eggs. Cool the finished broth to 70 degrees. Combine the beaten egg whites with the shells and add to the pan. Bring the broth to a boil over high heat and stir all the time. Boiled - immediately turn off and leave the pan to stand for 10 minutes. Repeat these steps two more times. It remains to remove the resulting foam, and get a beautiful fish broth.

Our tips will help you get a beautiful clear broth. If he still came out unclear - do not worry. This does not affect the taste and quality of the finished dish.

Today we will analyze what a pull is.

Pulling is a technique used in cooking to clarify liquids: broths, juices, syrups, jelly solutions for aspics, etc. This is a rather complicated process. The appearance of the soup may well be worsened if you do not know the rules of bracing.

A guy can be made from whipped egg whites, which are introduced into the appropriate liquid and heated with it, absorbing all the impurities present there. Then the guy with foam is removed and thrown away. Protein extract is used in all non-meat dishes.

In meat dishes, raw minced meat from lean meat (fat-free) is used as a bracing. The meat pull can then be used as a filling, that is, in contrast to the protein, it can be reused in culinary.

A mixture of minced meat, cold water, and egg white is most commonly used to clarify broth that has become cloudy during cooking.
A guy can be done with meat broths, and with fish, and with chicken. Each of them has its own recipe. One way or another, all methods of clarification of broths are based on the unique properties of egg white to "pull" the smallest particles, in fact, creating turbidity. Clarification occurs due to thermal contrast, when the protein guy is introduced cold into the hot broth.
From here arose the verb "to delay" - to lighten.

In addition to proteins, textured additives (raw minced meat, crushed bones, eggshells, grated raw carrots) can be added to the composition of the brace, which further enhances the lightening effect.

Guy types

In cooking, there are the following types of braces:

  • draw for meat broths- 100 g raw grated carrots and 1 egg white;
  • guy for bone and meat-and-bone broths- 200 g of minced meat and egg white;
  • pull for chicken broth- eggshell and 1 egg white;
  • pull for chicken and turkey broths- 20 g of crushed chicken bones or minced chicken without skin and 1 egg white;
  • O drawstring for chicken and fish broth, broth for aspic- 2-3 egg whites.

How to lighten broth with a draw

To begin with, you need to prepare one of the types of quickdraw, simply mix all the ingredients, beat a little and cool the mixture in the refrigerator. The pull must be very cold.

The temperature of the broth should be about 60-70 degrees. First, introduce half of the cold extract into it, stir, quickly bring to a boil, then pour in the remaining extract, mix, bring to a boil again. After that, reduce the heat and cook the broth exactly until the guy, together with the turbidity, gathers in a cake on the surface of the broth.

But in such a decoction, the concentration of adhesives and fish stock is very low. Therefore, for the preparation of both fish and meat aspic dishes, a concentrated broth (lanspeak) is brewed.

Further preparation of fish aspic is continued by soaking gelatin in chilled boiled water or part of the prepared fish broth.

The amount of gelatin needed to make jelly depends on the richness of the fish broth. So, for example, in a decoction of zander and pike, boiled with the head and skin, it is enough to add 1-2 grams of gelatin per glass of fish broth.

And to prepare jelly from a decoction of fish fillets, you will need much more gelatin: 30-40 grams per liter of low-fat broth.

Usually, the amount of gelatin needed to make high-quality jelly for aspic fish is indicated in the aspic recipe. Gelatin swells for a long time. During this time, you can prepare a concentrated fish broth.

When preparing broth for jellied fish with increased stickiness, waste: washed fish heads, bones, fins should be placed on a wire rack in a large saucepan (Photo 1).

Add to taste: roots, herbs, allspice, bay leaf, cloves, onions, carrots.

Salt the contents, sprinkle with pepper, pour fish broth obtained by boiling food pieces of fish, or water (Photo 2).

Flavors and vegetables are cooked if they were not boiled at the same time as the food pieces of fish cooked in aspic.

But usually vegetables and roots are cooked much longer than fish. Therefore, you can cook them together with fish waste.

The gills are cut from the heads of the fish before preparing the broth. If there is a small fish available (ruffs, perches, and so on), then it can be pre-rinsed in running water and boiled in gauze in the same broth.

Small fish are not cleaned, and in this case, less gelatin is required to make jelly for jellied fish. You can cook jellied fish in double stock jelly.

After boiling and repeatedly removing the foam, the fish broth from the waste should be cooked at the smallest boil, then it will turn out to be quite light.

Depending on the mass of pieces of fish waste, the preparation of broth for jellied fish takes 40-60 minutes. If desired, 10-15 minutes before readiness, you can pour a little dry white wine into the fish broth. Ready broth should be filtered, clarified.

To clarify the broth, 1-2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar are added to it, and then egg whites are introduced. Proteins of 2 eggs are enough to lighten a liter of broth for jellied fish.

To prepare a stretch, the egg whites should be stirred in a glass of chilled broth for a jellied dish, pour the egg mass into the strained broth and, stirring, bring it to a boil.

For clarification, the broth is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes and filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Gauze is thrown over a colander, a colander is placed on an empty pan.

According to the second recipe for clarifying the broth for aspic dishes, egg whites should be beaten, coarsely chopped eggshells should be added to them, while stirring, pour the egg mass into warm fish broth, heat it to a boil (Photo 3).

After settling, the sediment in the broth will remain on the shell, forming a dense, easily removable mass.

Another recipe for making a quickdraw to lighten a liter of fish broth.
Mix 3 egg whites with five times the amount of cold fish broth, add coarsely grated carrots.

Enter the guy into the broth cooled with gelatin, quickly bring the broth to a boil, keep it on low heat for 30 minutes.

When the broth is clarified, the proteins will settle to the bottom of the pan. Strain the prepared transparent jelly, use for cooking jellied fish.

Some cooks use pressed caviar to clarify broths for fish aspics (just some kind of barbarism).

Clarification of the broth is done as follows: 50-100 g of caviar should be kneaded and mixed with half a glass of cold water or fish broth.

Pour the guy into the strained fish broth, bring to a boil. Stir the broth until it brightens, then strain through cheesecloth.

Not fully clarified broth should be heated to a boil, add a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of fish broth. This is how broths for aspics and sauces (fish and meat) are clarified.

The boiled fish broth is filtered (Photo 4), the swollen gelatin is added (Photo 5), the broth is brought to a gentle boil. Jelly for jellied fish, stirring, boil over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

After this, the jelly should be filtered through a napkin, let it cool, pour over the products prepared for fish aspic.

The end of the process of cooking jellied fish from the chef requires some design skills.

Although in a simple way fish can be cooked in a dish, baking sheet, tray, form, molds, etc.

Jelly can be poured into dishes with fish and other components prepared for aspic in one or more steps.

Let's say that a thin layer of jelly is first poured, allowed to harden. Then the ingredients of the aspic and the fish are laid out on a pillow of jelly. After that, in one or more stages, the products are poured to the top.

Carrots, slices of lemon, cucumber, eggs, olives, green peas, sprigs of greenery and so on are used to decorate fish cooked in aspic.

Before laying out the filling ingredients, the frozen jelly layer or the bottom of the mold can be moistened with lanspic. Then a big (accent on the first syllable) guarantee will appear that they will not float away during their further filling.

Then the dish is cooled again and the remaining chilled jelly is poured in. The last step in the preparation of jellied fish is its cooling in the refrigerator.

For designer tinting of jelly, a solution of burnt sugar, tomato juice, beetroot broth, onion peel, and the like are used.

Before serving, cooked aspic fish is cut out of a tray or dish in such a way that there is a small layer of jelly around each serving of fish.

Small molds with jellied fish are dipped in hot water for a couple of seconds, then turned over, shaken slightly and spread the contents on a dish.

It is customary to serve hot seasonings to cooked jellied fish: mustard, horseradish, sauces, vegetable side dishes.

A good broth can become not only the basis for soup, but also an independent dish. At the same time, it is very important that it pleases not only the stomach, but also the eyes. We will teach you how to cook a clear golden broth, it's not difficult at all - the main thing when cooking is to follow our advice.

What to cook

Broths are best cooked in stainless steel pots, then their taste will not deteriorate. Enamelware is also suitable, but only the enamel should be free of chips and cracks. Choose a saucepan large enough so that there is no liquid up to the brim.


The choice of meat for the broth is quite large. It can be the chest and dorsal parts of the carcass, rump, rump, loin, shank. A piece can be with or without bone. Bones, if used, need to be cut before cooking, so they will give more fat to the broth. Meat should be washed well before cooking.

As for fat, it's a matter of taste. If you can completely cut off the meat before cooking, then the taste of the dish will turn out to be unsaturated and uninteresting. Too much fat in the broth is also unlikely to please anyone. Zealous housewives can later use the cut off mass for frying vegetables.

The finer the meat is cut, the more nutrients will pass from it into the broth. For dietary purposes, a piece for broth can generally be finely chopped, as for kebabs. But in this case, you must not forget to strain our dish after cooking.


If you need delicious broth, then the water should be cold at the very beginning of cooking. If you need tasty meat, then fill it with hot water, but not from the tap, it is better to heat the water in a kettle.

For 1 kilogram of meat and bones, you need to pour about 4.5 liters of water. But if you want a stronger broth, there should be less liquid.

The main rule: in no case should water be added to the broth during cooking. Filled it up once and that's it. The fact is that adding water to both the broth and the soup greatly impairs the taste of the dish.

How to cook

After boiling, the broth must be left on a small fire. And do not let it gurgle too much, otherwise it will be cloudy.

After the broth boils, you need to remove the foam from it. Then it will be transparent.

To improve the taste of meat, you need to add a glass of vodka to the broth. The piece will become soft, and the alcohol will boil away.

The meat will become softer if you add a couple of pinches of soda to the broth during cooking.

Clarify the broth

One way to get a clear broth is to drain the first water immediately after boiling. But be careful, the meat gives its nutrients to the broth in the first 20 minutes after the water begins to boil.

If you did not have time to remove the foam, then you need to pour a little cold water into the pan, the broth will boil, the foam will pop up and you will remove it. Yes, we recommended not to add water during the cooking process, but it’s better than getting a cloudy dish at the end.

Braces will help to lighten and make the broth transparent. In the old days they used black caviar, but now housewives choose squirrels. They are shaken up, and then added to the pan. The protein absorbs all the dirt and suspension - the broth becomes golden and transparent. And you just strain it through double-triple gauze.


Recipe Usually, an onion with the first layer of husks removed, carrots, various roots, bay leaves and peppers are put in the broth. Supplements are added about an hour after the start of cooking.

Carrots and parsley root not only add aroma and delicate taste to the broth, if they are cut into strips and fried in a dry frying pan, and then put into the broth, the latter will turn golden.

The ginger root gives the broth an interesting taste. With it, the dish turns out to be slightly spicy.

A dry piece of cheese added during the cooking process improves the taste of the broth well.


Meat broth is usually salted about half an hour before the end of cooking. If you feel that the salts have been shifted, then you need to pour a little rice into cheesecloth and lower it into the broth for 5-7 minutes. The rice will draw out the excess salt. For the same purpose, you can use plain flour or raw potatoes.

How much to cook

Recipe The meat is cooked for about 1.5-2 hours. The time depends on the size of the piece and its freshness. Young - cooked faster, old - longer. In general, the slower, at a lower heat, the broth is cooked, the tastier it turns out.

After cooking

The broth can be strained, but this is not necessary. You should remove the meat and bay leaf, onion and roots from it. Cut the meat into portions, put on a plate when serving the broth.

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspics, where a clean, literally transparent broth is needed.

What should I do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return to him a golden, amber color, so that he looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some must be used during cooking, others - when the soup has cooled.

How to make the broth clear

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So, how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at the very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to become cloudy. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another bowl, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the egg white as if you were making an omelette. Beat until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into a cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan back on the fire and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consommé boils, remove it from the heat and leave it again for five minutes, no more. Cooled down - again on the stove. And so we do it two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled for the last time, scoop out large pieces of protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or large spoon will help with this.
  8. After the done actions, pour all the contents into a clean saucepan, you can strain through a fine sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in the preparation of chicken decoction, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured. It will help to collect the ichor from the bird and other unnecessary garbage. After the carcass, rinse thoroughly again.

While the broth is on fire, try not to interfere with it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

It is necessary to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions to the finished product for beauty, they will help to make the consommé more saturated, tasty and fragrant.

golden chicken broth recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, boil it first and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden crust. It will help to give the soup a beautiful color.

And in order to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

This is such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

Making the broth clear, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gives up its juice gradually, and not immediately. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too oily. Never pour meat into too cold water, but you should not throw it into boiling water either. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a cloudy broth, you will have to use a dense cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Skim off the resulting foam immediately, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only on low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • In a cloudy broth, you can throw a raw onion or a potato cut into several pieces.
  • Pork and beef need to cook from one to two hours, but chicken is cooked for up to an hour.
  • As already mentioned, a simple protein will help to make a cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine sieve, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent lighting

So, how to make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare a broth guy from protein, eggshell.
  3. The guy should be cold and introduced into the decoction in parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is desirable to put the shell in gauze, it is also desirable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time for which the guy will lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help hide its turbidity and opacity.

Bouillon for delicious jelly

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will only need a clear meat broth.

Kholodets is a dish traditionally prepared in ancient Rus'. This is a great snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If during cooking the broth has become dark, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, pour the broth into another pan in order to rid it of the resulting sediment, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and put it in consommé in gauze, and then let it cool. Drain off any sediment if necessary.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth an amber color, you will have to try, but it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will not hurt either, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown whole into the soup, it will give a pleasant, orange color.

Remember that consommé is always lighter, richer, tastier and more transparent among domestic chickens, and the color will be soft yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth clear. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Bon appetit!

How to clarify the broth? This question is inevitably asked by every housewife who cooked meat. Usually the broth becomes cloudy in the process, and who would not want to cook a beautiful soup, transparent as a teardrop? It is possible to lighten absolutely anyone, be it meat, chicken or fish. The only thing that should always be taken into account is which one so as not to worsen its taste. All methods, one way or another, are based on the unique property of absorbing the smallest particles, thereby making your future soup less cloudy.

Good to know

But how to lighten the broth to a transparent state? The hostess does not always succeed, but there are a number of other products that enhance these properties of the protein. These are crushed bones, egg shells, minced meat and grated carrots. The clarification process always takes place by introducing cold products into hot broth. This is called thermal contrast.

How to clarify the broth?

Consider several ways and with different products. We will take the amount of absorbent composition based on one liter of liquid.

Let's start with chicken broth. To lighten it, we prepare the absorbent composition as follows: we take crushed bird bones or minced meat, which would be more correct to cook from chicken legs without skin, or shells. We calculate the amount based on the proportion: 200 g of additive, 1 protein per liter of soup. Then we cool in the refrigerator, take it out and quickly introduce it into a hot liquid.

With one view clear. “But how to clarify the broth for aspic?” - you ask. It is just as easy to make, only we will take minced meat, crushed bones too, so as not to spoil its taste. Only the cooling method is slightly different. We mix minced meat with water, twice its mass. You can add ice. And only after that we put it in the cold. And when we get it, mix with whipped proteins and add a little salt. Here's how to lighten the broth for aspic. The same method is suitable for any

If we are going to add carrots to the broth later, then it can help us make it transparent. It must be grated, mixed with pre-cooled.

You can use chilled egg whites alone. They say that black caviar effectively brightens it, but this method is painfully expensive.

The absorbent composition should always be very cold, and the liquid itself should be hot - 65-75 degrees, but it should not boil. Therefore, having learned how to clarify a cloudy broth, monitor its temperature. First, add only half of our composition and mix quickly. Then bring to a boil and add the rest. Then reduce the heat and slowly cook, carefully watching the moment when the absorbent composition gathers on the surface of the broth. This process takes different times, it all depends on the time of preparation of the products themselves. For example, beef soup will need to cook for an hour. And just squirrels - only 15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and this "crust" is removed. Further still easier. Strain it into another pan - and you can start cooking fragrant, beautiful, transparent soup.

How to clarify meat broth?

There are many tips for this, but not all of them are equally useful. For example, it is recommended to put a whole onion. Experience shows that it does not affect the transparency of the broth, although it makes it more palatable and gives a beautiful golden hue. However, if there is meat in the future soup, it should be taken into account that it will become a little darker.

If you add just cold water, the liquid will become cloudy. Therefore, you need to know how to lighten the broth. This process is quite lengthy and very laborious. It’s easier to cook it right away than to correct your mistakes later.

It is necessary that it boil over low heat, and not seethe with all its might. Periodically remove the foam, do not add water, especially ice. There are a lot of recommendations for preparing the broth, but they are so simple that by the third soup the hostess already does everything automatically.

But if, during cooking, trouble nevertheless befell and the liquid became cloudy, just prepare another soup. For example, with boiled potatoes or peas. And what kind of broth you had at the beginning, no one will know.


These are the ways to clarify the broth. We suggest trying each option to find among them the one that suits your case. We wish you success in this matter!