Nutritional additives in food products and their effect on human health. Research project "food additives and their effect on the human body"

It's no secret that food products in recent decades have gradually ceased to be natural. This happens due to a number of reasons, including the maximum reduction in the price of goods in pursuit of consumers, and the reluctance to incur additional costs associated with the transportation of perishable goods.

And also the increased need for food, and probably a lot of similar circumstances. All this entails that on colorful labels you can often find codes starting with the Latin letter E, we are talking about food additives.

But, as they say, “not all yogurts are equally healthy,” and all artificial stabilizers, sweeteners and others like them, with some convention, can be divided into two comprehensive categories: dangerous, the use of which is strictly prohibited at the legislative level.

And also safe ones, which almost any manufacturer can freely add to the “masterpieces” they create. Then what are harmful food additives, and most importantly, how do they get into food? Unfortunately, it is not possible to answer this question unambiguously; the topic is much deeper.

Classification of food additives

To begin with, we should say a few words about what groups all food additives are divided into. This is based on the mechanism of action of the substance used:

Preservatives are substances that help extend the shelf life of a product. Marking: E200 - E299.
Dyes are used to give an attractive look. Marking: E100 - E199.
Taste and aroma enhancers are designed to provide an effect on human taste and olfactory receptors: E600 - E699.
: E950-969.
Thickeners are added either to give a special shape to the product, or to create a false sense of concentration of the food product, for example, in syrups, jams and jams: E400 - E499.
Emulsifiers are designed to homogenize what, thanks to their special chemical properties should not mix. A striking example is oil and water. Marking: E400 - E499.
Antioxidants, strictly speaking, are substances that can be classified in the very first category, but their mechanism of action is directed against the destructive effects of oxygen. Marking: E300 - E399.

Harmless food additives

The above-mentioned division of supplements into two categories is, of course, revised over time. This is being done by a committee of experts who are members of the International Agricultural Association.

In turn, the ministries of health and Food Industry many countries can make their own additions to the list, and, therefore, demand execution sanitary standards from all manufacturers.

It would seem that such a gigantic number of smart, educated people care about our health that there simply cannot be any problems, and we can safely purchase any food product in the store.

But it is not so. Something to think about is that some additives, in this moment prohibited for use a few years ago, were considered safe.

It is possible that those substances, the use of which is approved by specialists, will be included in the prohibited lists in the future. And the possibility of adding them is dictated not by their safety, but rather by the lack of data on harmful effects on the body, but this is not a guarantee of harmlessness. Remember this.

Dangerous food additives

It is assumed that food additives should leave the human body freely, for the simple reason that the intestines do not have enzymes capable of processing them.

But not everything is so smooth; many substances exert their harmful effects only when they reach a sufficient amount. Simply put, once they enter the body, they can accumulate, which can cause many diseases, primarily cancer.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that many people show some immoderation in the amount of food consumed, which means that the maximum permissible concentration harmful substances, albeit theoretically, can still be exceeded.

The list of harmful or potentially dangerous substances prohibited for use is very extensive, and finding it on the vast expanses of the World Wide Web is not difficult. I want to dwell a little on the three most dangerous substances:

E954 - saccharin;
E953 - isolmat;
E951 - .

Their danger is due to the fact that with prolonged use they can damage the organs of vision and the central nervous system. Moreover, this will not take decades. They can have their harmful effect much faster.

There is also confirmed evidence that the substances listed above are considered carcinogens that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. Experiments on animals clearly confirm this.

True, some particularly greedy producers hastened to accuse scientists that their work was not carried out entirely correctly, since very large quantities of these substances were given to the animals. But, nevertheless, few people will want to use these food additives, knowing that they are potentially dangerous.

Aspartame, on the other hand, contains methyl alcohol, and, as you know, even the vapors of this substance are potentially dangerous. Using it in minimum quantities leads to damage to the optic nerve, with subsequent development of blindness.


How can you protect yourself and your loved ones from using food additives? Fortunately, there is an answer to this question. Recently, stores have begun to appear selling products grown and prepared without chemicals, however, there is one “but”, the prices in these supermarkets are, as they say, astronomical.

But even in this case, you can do something, for example, eat foods grown on your own plot. In this case, you can definitely be sure that not a single chemical will end up on your table.

Unlike our ancestors, who visited the village market every day to buy fresh food for dinner, we made this task easier for ourselves by purchasing food that was stored in the refrigerator for several weeks and sometimes months. We don't want to settle for products that look less vibrant and taste less good, so we process them with added flavors, preservatives and colors.

There are hundreds of nutritional supplements available today. Along with enhancing flavor, they make food easier to use and increase its shelf life. (Can you imagine a bottle tomato sauce with a shelf life of only three days?) Sometimes supplements contain additional nutrients, such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber.

The presence of additives does not automatically mean that a food is unhealthy (excess fat, salt and sugar also make a food unhealthy). However, this is usually an indication that the food has been processed to make it cheaper to produce. Health food experts advise consumers to read labels and choose foods with a list of simple ingredients and fewer artificial additives. In other words, the product must be close to homemade or natural food as much as possible.
Did you know that of all the ingredients added to processed foods, sodium chloride (table salt) is considered the most harmful for most people.

But are foods advertised as “natural” actually so? Having this word on packaging helps us feel like we're eating healthy, but those foods aren't automatically healthier or cleaner. Candy canes may use natural colors such as fruit juices and concentrates, and a large number of sugar, which is also “natural”, but not at all healthy. But psychologically, the word “natural” on the packaging seems to give permission to parents to give their children exactly these candies. Likewise, “no artificial additives” does not mean that the food does not contain a lot of fat, salt or sugar, because all these ingredients are also natural. Therefore, such statements from manufacturers should not be considered as a guarantee of the health benefits of the product.

As we continue to live in a fast-paced world, we will find it more convenient to shop once a week and purchase food that stays fresh for more than a few days. And we continue to give preference to food that does not spoil for a long time and choose quick and easy lunches that require minimal time and effort to prepare.

Although experts advise striving to consume more healthy food, it is important to remember that all dietary supplements undergo a strict government approval process. For most people, taking supplements is not a problem unless they are sensitive to them.

Where is the harm?

1. Dyes.

Red, yellow and blue dyes. First of all, these are annatto (160b), tartrazine (102), sunset yellow (110), amaranth (123) and brilliant blue (133).

2. Sulfites.

Distributed in dried fruits and wine. Many preservatives cause a reaction in sensitive people, but sulfites do so especially often.

A 2005 study found that some people, especially children ages two to five, actually consume more than the recommended amount. daily value sulfites (numbers 210-213). What are the possible reasons for this? These preservatives, used to process dried fruit, can also be found in muesli and other breakfast cereals and snacks, many of which are marketed as health foods. Therefore, even if you and your children adhere to healthy eating, you are still not immune from side effects abuse of sulfites.
Sulfites are not a new additive. They have been used for centuries in the production of wine, for example. Today, you can get a portion of these preservatives not only with a glass of alcohol you drink at night, but also with the snacks you eat throughout the day.

3. Flavor enhancers.

They are added to salty snacks and sauces. The best known is monosodium glutamate (MSG). The most harmful to health are glutamates with numbers 621-635 (monosodium glutamate itself is designated by the number 621).
Glutamates occur naturally in many foods, serving as a building block of proteins and enhancing the taste of food. This is why foods high in them, such as tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese, are used as the basis of many dishes. Snacks, dressings and various sauces most often contain flavor enhancers.
The number of products with flavor enhancers has increased significantly over the past decade. And we have begun to eat them much more often, especially as part of fast food.

Symptoms of intolerance:

Food dyes are the most common behavior problems in children and headaches or, of course, intestinal upset in adults.
- sulfites and flavor enhancers - symptoms of asthma, headaches, shortness of breath, as well as intestinal upset.
- other additives - range possible reactions very varied: recurrent hives, swelling, sinusitis, mouth ulcers, nausea, unusual fatigue for no apparent reason.

Good news

In most cases, the presence or absence of a reaction to a supplement is determined solely by the dosage in which you use it. If you can't completely avoid a particular supplement, simply reduce the amount. Be careful not to eliminate entire food groups from your diet, otherwise you risk developing a deficiency of key nutrients.
If you are concerned that you may have sensitivity, use an elimination diet under the supervision of a nutritionist. It consists of eliminating all potentially problematic foods for a certain period of time, and then gradually introducing them into the diet. This method helps identify which supplements you are reacting to.

Answers to common questions

Question: Are all supplements harmful?

No, in fact some may even be useful. Vitamins and minerals are added to some foods. Vitamin D, essential for healthy bones, muscles and brain, is added to some dairy products.

Folic acid is included in cereals. It is needed for metabolism, but is especially important for pregnant women because of its ability to protect the fetus from neural tube defects.

Vitamins E and C, which are powerful antioxidants, help not only maintain your immune system, but also keep food fresh. These vitamins are added to margarines, sauces, juices, breads and cereals.

Question: How toxic is MSG?

Monosodium glutamate (or monosodium glutamate) (621) has a bad reputation because it often triggers reactions such as irritable bowel syndrome and migraines. In fact, glutamates are one of the most widely used groups of flavor enhancers added to many packaged foods such as soups, flavored noodles, Asian sauces and snacks.

For most people, MSG and other glutamates are harmless. However, some may still experience problems, so if you are sensitive to these substances, check labels for flavor enhancers numbered 621-635 and try to reduce your intake as much as possible.

Question: Do diet soft drinks cause cancer?

No. It has been experimentally proven that saccharin and aspartame do not cause cancer. However a small amount of People with the rare disease phenylketonuria are simply unable to digest aspartame. Currently, many carbonated and light drinks add natural flavors, obtained from the stevia plant.

Question: Do dyes cause hyperactivity?

In fact, children consume less than five percent of the permissible amount in food and drink. daily dose dyes (even those who abuse products containing them). In rare cases, however, people have individual sensitivity to some of them. Thus, in some children, nighttime wakefulness was associated with tartrazine use (102).

Additives prohibited abroad

Sometimes we see that a certain additive used in our country is banned abroad. This is often misleading and alarming. In fact, there may be several reasons. In some cases, manufacturers in other countries never use a particular additive simply because they have alternative options which they prefer. Sometimes supplements are not approved due to unique conditions in a particular country. And some ingredients were banned many years ago, and since then scientists have long proven their safety. A re-evaluation of additives approved or banned before 2009 is currently underway.

Four Ways to Cut Down on Supplements

1. Stay away from packaged foods with long lists of ingredients and lots of chemical names or codes. These include soft drinks, chips, cornflakes, aromatic noodles, soup mixes, simmered sauces, salad dressings, food in trays, colored candies and marmalade, muesli, biscuits, cookies, confectionery mixes, puddings and instant desserts.

2. Cook your own using herbs, fresh vegetables, meat, fish, a small amount of butter, flour or low-fat yogurt. Make your own pasta and salad dressings, sauces and marinades.

3. Be interested in the ingredients of products. Read the list of ingredients at back side packaging. Familiarize yourself with the codes that are potentially dangerous for you. You can even keep a list of them in your wallet so that you have it with you whenever you're at the supermarket.

4. Give preference to the “classics”. Compare two products and buy the one with the shorter list of ingredients and, of course, the fewest additives. Typically, this simple, neutral option is called "original" or "classic."

Here is a list of additives that are most likely to cause reactions in sensitive people.

1. Dyes:

Artificial: 102, 107, 110, 129, 122, 132, 133, 142, 151, 155;
- natural: 160b (annatto).

2. Flavor enhancers:

Glutamates: 621-635 (in soups, pasta, sauces, Asian sauces, curry pastes and snacks).

3. Preservatives:

Sorbents: 200-203 (in juices, processed cheeses and sauces);
- benzoates: 210-218 (in liqueurs, fruit drinks and sauces);
- sulfites: 220-228 (in wine, pickled onions and dried fruits);
- nitrates, nitrites: 249-252 (in jerky, bacon, ham and salami);
- propionates: 280-283 (in confectionery, bread and cookies);
- antioxidants: 310-312, 319-321 (in spreads, sauces, mayonnaise and salad dressings).

The vast majority of products nowadays cannot do without food additives. Today you will consider the question of how these same additives affect our body. And finally we find out what kind of strange symbols are written in the products we buy.

E102 (tartrazine dye). Approved for use on the territory Russian Federation, Banned by the European Union. Causes food allergies. Added to drinks, candies, confectionery, ice cream.

E128 (red dye). It is prohibited for use in Russia; it can cause gene mutations due to its genotoxicity. Has such negative effects on the body as: development oncological diseases, the formation of intrauterine fetal anomalies, congenital pathologies. Added to sausages and sausages, it gives the product a soft pink color.

E216 (propyl ether), E217 (sodium salt). They are preservatives and are prohibited for use in Russia. Call food poisoning, are contained as a preservative in filled chocolates, sweets, cheap meat products (for example, pate covered with jelly), broths, and soups.

E250 (sodium nitrite). It is a preservative, seasoning and coloring agent at the same time. Used for preservation meat products(the so-called “dry” preservation), as well as to give them a red color. Banned for use in the EU, but allowed in Russia. Negative effects: hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body), in children: high nervous excitability, the formation of cancerous tumors, lack of vitamins, food poisoning (even death). Contained in sausages, bacon, ham, corned beef, smoked fish and meat.

E400-E499 used as thickeners to add viscosity to products. Many are banned in Russia. Cause disease gastrointestinal tract. Added to yoghurts, mayonnaise, etc.

E951 (aspartame). It is a synthetic sugar substitute. Renders Negative influence on the brain, depleting serotonin reserves in its cortex. Contributes to the development of manic depression, with excessive consumption- attacks of aggression, panic. Added to imported carbonated drinks, chewing gum etc.

Dyes: E103; E105; E123; E121; E125; E130; E126; E142; E131; E153; E172; E171; E173. A large number of dyes in sweet soda, ice cream (except cream), lollipops. Danger of the formation of malignant tumors. They also have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys.
Preservatives: E210; E211; E213-217; E221-226; E230; E231; E232; E239; E240. Contained in canned food (any kind) - mushrooms, preserves, compotes, stewed meat, etc. IN large quantities can lead to acute illness gastrointestinal system and cause allergic reactions.
Antioxidants: E311; E312; E313. Mainly present in fermented milk products, sausage, yoghurt, chocolate, candy, butter. They have a bad effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Thickeners and stabilizers: E407; E447; E450; E461; E462; E463; E464; E465; E466. Contained mainly in preserves, condensed milk, jams, chocolate cheese etc. Negatively affects the liver, kidneys and stomach.
Defoamers: E924a; E924b. Found in all carbonated drinks, both sweet and regular mineral water. Increase the chance of developing malignant tumors.

Perhaps this full list main dangerous food additives for humans. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate them from the diet, but we strongly recommend that you once again refrain from consuming them.

In addition, there are also harmless foods. ext. Some even talk about their benefits, but this is not true. It is good to exercise and eat healthy foods. But these substances only have a neutral effect on the body. Here are some of them:
Antioxidant: E-338- it turns out to be grape skins.
Stabilizer: E-450- phosphate.
Natural additives: E101; E163; E260; E330; E363; E334; E375; E620; E160a; E920; E300 - obtained from ordinary apples.

In general, I would like to repeat finally that, ideally, you need to eat exclusively natural foods and drink clean water from the well, but in modern world, living within the city this is not possible. Therefore, try to limit yourself from various carbonated and sweet drinks, canned food and sweets.

Today it is becoming more and more fashionable proper nutrition and taking care of their health, so more and more people are wondering about the quality of the products that are on the shelves of our stores and the food additives they contain.

Bright pink color is so familiar to us sausages or milk that doesn’t sour for weeks, which often people don’t think about, that this is simply unnatural for natural product and is a consequence of adding “E” additives to them.

What are E nutritional supplements?

Many years ago, no matter how fabulous it may sound, the names nutrients, added to food products, had to be written in full, which required a very large amount of space. Accordingly, in 1953, special codes were invented for such long names of food additives.

This was first done in European countries, hence the E index, which was used to denote the presence of certain food additives in food. There is a certain table of food additives, which lists a certain classification of them, dividing additives into groups.

Let's take a brief look at what "E" food additives mean and whether they have negative impact on the human body.

Additives numbered E 100 and up to E 182 are dyes, which are added almost everywhere: to sausages and regular soda, making the color of the product incredibly attractive.

Of course, these dyes - most of them are not harmless, but those such as, for example, E 121 and E 123 generally pose a mortal threat and are completely prohibited for use.

To keep food products alive as long as possible, manufacturers use food additives such as preservatives. They start with the number E 200. Harmful stabilizers found in food simply kill the living bacteria of those products that show off on store shelves, making it possible to extend their shelf life.

It is this group of additives that is recognized as the most harmful, because preservatives can cause damage to the biochemical reactions of the human body. There are even preservatives that are identical to the action of antibiotics.

Starting from number E 300, antioxidants are encrypted, as well as substances that regulate the acidity of the product and antioxidants. They function in the same way as preservatives.

After indexing E400 and up to E 430 there are thickeners and stabilizers, which have a strong influence on thickness and richness food products, making them just as highly stable regardless of the time factor. IN best case scenario stabilizers may be animal additives or plant origin.

For example, agar-agar is made from seaweed. However, in most cases, food products use stabilizers of a chemical nature, which does not have a good effect on our health. Therefore, they fall under the label of harmful food additives.

When we see indexes on product packaging starting from E 520, then we must know that the product contains leavening agents, and if we see indexes from E 620 to E 642, then we are dealing with a variety of flavor-enhancing additives, flavorings, which only similar to natural ones.

All of the above is just a short list showing the negative effects of food additives on the human body.

Man has always strived to simplify his life, but, unfortunately, people are becoming more and more vain, constantly on the move. We have less and less time to prepare our own meals from homemade products or simply on our own.

Because of this, we resort to semi-finished products or already finished products, but concealing a mortal threat to our lives. The effect of harmful food additives on our body can only be compared to a time bomb.

Today, it is unlikely that we will see at least one single product in the supermarket that does not contain a single additive. Let's see what consequences "E" supplements can lead to.

So, if we consume a lot of canned food from the store, then the food additives contained there can lead to malignant tumors, as well as kidney and liver diseases. The gastrointestinal tract also suffers greatly.

Store-bought jams, preserves, and condensed milk contain a lot of thickeners. There is also an impact on the liver, kidneys and stomach.

For some reason, we all love them since childhood, but we all already know that it is very harmful to drink carbonated drinks systematically and constantly, since they contain a large amount of leavening agents, sweeteners, as well as glazing and defoaming agents in baked goods. All this can also provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

As for antioxidants, they are present in fermented milk products, sweets such as chocolate, even in butter. Again, the gastrointestinal tract suffers.

Everyone's favorite children's sweets, such as lollipops, the same carbonated sweet drinks, ice cream (not white, but colored) also have harmful substances, such as dyes. Unfortunately, these are not natural, harmless dyes, but ones that lead to diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Try to avoid eating any type of smoked meats, cheeses durum varieties from shops, fish in tin cans, since they contain the addition of sodium and potassium nitrates. Such products also primarily have a detrimental effect on the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract, acting on the human body in a toxic manner: simply destroying the above organs.

Fans of chips, crackers, crackers, croissants and various kinds of ketchups and sauces will be a little disappointed to learn that their favorite food contains a lot of flavor and aroma enhancers. And such additives destroy the central nervous system and also worsen our vision, negatively affecting the retina.

If you think that food additives are all that terrible result of the chemical industry of the twenty-first century, then you are a little mistaken, because even our ancestors used additives in ancient times to extend the shelf life of products or to color them in the required color.

But there is a big difference between ancient food additives and modern ones. Then, for example, simply salt was used to preserve meat or fish, while vegetables were stored in a vinegar marinade. Today, people use not natural, but artificially derived food additives in very large quantities and almost everywhere.

First of all, the most golden rule is to avoid products with the “E” index from entering your kitchen. To do this, you need to carefully examine the product label and appearance, release date and shelf life. Of course, we are not lazy to pay attention to the composition of the product and look at the country of origin.

Often, such a harmful substance as a transgene ends up in soybeans, potatoes, rice, corn, beets, tomatoes, wheat, and even melons and watermelons.

Another one of useful tips will home cooking dishes. If you are not lazy and can bake the same bread or cake yourself, then there will probably be much less or no harmful substances in it, and your family will be happy to appreciate your efforts!

A person who cares about his health and longevity should simply refuse store-bought baked goods, sweets, sausages, and, of course, fast food. And what’s more, you can easily prepare all this yourself at home. But how wonderful it will be to realize that you yourself prepared this already healthy mayonnaise or such a delicious and nutritious burger!

Concerning plant products, vegetables or fruits, then it is better to buy them somewhere in local villages, or from friends in the country. Yes, they may not be as attractive, or you will spend money on gas to get to the right place to purchase the right vegetables, but you will be 100% sure that the vegetation has not been treated with chemicals and you will definitely not end up in the hospital with poisoning.

Beware of products with a long shelf life or very cheap ones. This is the first sign that there are preservatives in large quantities.

Without a doubt, food prepared artificially both cheaper and more convenient to use. But try to think for a minute about how food is digested in the body, how in your internal organs influenced by certain harmful chemicals that seem so “sweet” to the taste.

And then just sit down and think over your new diet, where you will minimize foods with harmful food additives or even get rid of them forever, while preserving your most valuable thing - life and its quality!

It is almost impossible to find products on store shelves that do not contain food additives. They are even put in bread. The exception is natural food- meat, cereals, milk and herbs, but even in this case you cannot be sure that they do not contain chemicals. For example, fruits are often treated with preservatives, which allows them to preserve their presentation for a long time.

Nutritional supplements are synthetic chemicals or natural substances, which are not eaten on their own, but are only introduced into products to impart certain qualities, for example, taste, consistency, color, smell, shelf life and appearance. There is a lot of talk about the advisability of their use and the effect on the body.

The phrase “food additives” scares many people. People began to use them many thousands of years ago. This does not apply to complex chemical substances. It's about O table salt, dairy and acetic acid, herbs and spices. They are also considered dietary supplements. For example, carmine, a dye derived from insects, has been used since biblical times to give foods a purple color. Now the substance is called E120.

Until the 20th century, in the production of products they tried to use only natural supplements. Gradually, such a science as food chemistry began to develop and artificial additives replaced most of the natural ones. The production of quality and taste improvers was put on stream. Since most food additives had long names that were difficult to fit on one label, for convenience, the European Union developed a special labeling system. The name of each dietary supplement began to begin with “E” - the letter means “Europe”. It should be followed by numbers that indicate that the species belongs to a specific group and designate a specific additive. Subsequently, the system was finalized and then accepted for international classification.

Classification of food additives by codes

Acidity regulators, sweeteners, leavening agents and glazing agents are included in all of these groups.

The number of nutritional supplements is growing every day. New effective and safe substances are replacing old ones. For example, complex supplements, which consist of a mixture of additives, have recently become popular. Every year the lists of permitted additives are replenished with new ones. Such substances after the letter E have a code greater than 1000.

Classification of food additives by use

  • Dyes(E1...) – are intended to restore the color of products that is lost during processing, to increase its intensity, to give a certain color to food. Natural dyes extracted from roots, berries, leaves and flowers of plants. They can also be of animal origin. Natural dyes contain biologically active, aromatic and flavoring substances, giving food a pleasant appearance. These include carotenoids - yellow, orange, red; lycopene – red; annatto extract – yellow; flavonoids – blue, purple, red, yellow; chlorophyll and its derivatives – green; sugar color-brown; carmine - purple. There are dyes obtained synthetically. Their main advantage over natural ones is rich colors And long term storage
  • Preservatives(E2...) – designed to extend the shelf life of products. Acetic, benzoic, sorbic and sulfuric acid, salt and ethanol. Antibiotics - nisin, biomycin and nystatin - can act as preservatives. Synthetic preservatives are prohibited from being added to mass-produced food – baby food, fresh meat, bread, flour, etc.
  • Antioxidants(E3...) – prevent spoilage of fats and fat-containing products, slow down the oxidation of wine, soft drinks and protect fruits and vegetables from browning.
  • Thickeners(E4...) - added to preserve and improve the structure of products. They allow you to give food the necessary consistency. Emulsifiers are responsible for plastic properties and viscosity, for example, thanks to them bakery products They don’t go stale any longer. All permitted thickeners are of natural origin. For example, E406 () is extracted from seaweed and used in the manufacture of pates, creams and ice cream. E440 (pectin) – from apples, citrus zest. It is added to ice cream and jelly. Gelatin is of animal origin and is sourced from the bones, tendons and cartilage of farm animals. Starches are obtained from peas, sorghum, corn and potatoes. Emulsifier and antioxidant E476, E322 (lecithin) are extracted from vegetable oils. Natural emulsifiers include egg white. Recently in industrial production synthetic emulsifiers are used more often.
  • Flavor enhancers(E6...) – their purpose is to make the product tastier and more aromatic. To improve the smell and taste, 4 types of additives are used - aroma and taste enhancers, acidity regulators and flavoring agents. Fresh foods - vegetables, fish, meat - have a pronounced aroma and taste, since they contain many nucleotides. Substances enhance taste by stimulating endings taste buds. During processing or storage, the amount of nucleotides decreases, so they are obtained artificially. For example, ethyl maltol and maltol enhance the perception of creamy and fruity aromas. Substances give a feeling of greasy low-calorie mayonnaise, ice cream and yoghurt. The well-known monosodium glutamate, which has . Sweeteners cause a lot of controversy, especially aspartame, known for its sweeter than sugar almost 200 times. It is hidden under the E951 marking.
  • Flavors– they are divided into natural, artificial and identical to natural. The former contain natural aromatic substances extracted from plant materials. These can be distillers of volatile substances, water-alcohol extracts, dry mixtures and essences. Flavors identical to natural ones are obtained by isolating them from natural raw materials or by chemical synthesis. They contain chemical compounds found in raw materials of animal or plant origin. Artificial flavors include at least one artificial component and may also contain identical and natural flavors.

Despite the fact that apples contain many substances that are included in the list of food additives, dangerous product it cannot be named. The same applies to other products.

Let's look at some of the popular but useful supplements.

  • E100 – . Helps control weight.
  • E101 – riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2. Takes an active part in hemoglobin synthesis and metabolism.
  • E160d – . Strengthens the immune system.
  • E270 – lactic acid. Has antioxidant properties.
  • E300 is ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. Helps improve immunity, improves skin condition and brings many benefits.
  • E322 – lecithin. It supports immunity, improves the quality of bile and hematopoietic processes.
  • E440 – . Cleanses the intestines.
  • E916 – calcium iodate. It is used to fortify food products with iodine.

Neutral food additives are relatively harmless

  • E140 – chlorophyll. Plants turn green.
  • E162 – betanin – red dye. It is extracted from beets.
  • E170 is calcium carbonate, or, more simply, ordinary chalk.
  • E202 – potassium sorbitol. Is a natural preservative.
  • E290 – carbon dioxide. He helps turn regular drink in carbonated.
  • E500 – baking soda. The substance can be considered relatively harmless, since in large quantities it is capable of affecting the intestines and stomach.
  • E913 – lanolin. It is used as a glazing agent and is especially in demand in the confectionery industry.

Thanks to research by specialists, changes are regularly made to the lists of permitted and prohibited additives. It is advisable to constantly monitor such information, since unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of goods, violate production technologies.

Pay attention to additives of synthetic origin. They are not formally prohibited, but many experts consider them unsafe for humans.

For example, monosodium glutamate, which is hidden under the designation E621, is a popular flavor enhancer. It seems impossible to call it harmful. Our brain and heart need it. When the body lacks it, it can produce the substance on its own. If there is an excess of glutamate, it can have a toxic effect, and more of it goes to the liver and pancreas. It can cause addiction, allergic reactions, brain and vision damage. The substance is especially dangerous for children. Packages usually do not indicate how much MSG the product contains. Therefore, it is better not to abuse food containing it.

The safety of the E250 additive is questionable. The substance can be called a universal additive, since it is used as a dye, antioxidant, preservative and color stabilizer. Despite the fact that sodium nitrate has been proven to be harmful, most countries continue to use it. It is included in sausage and meat products; it can be present in herring, sprats, smoked fish and cheeses. Sodium nitrate is harmful for those who suffer from cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, and have problems with the liver and intestines. Once in the body, the substance is converted into strong carcinogens.

It is almost impossible to find safe synthetic dyes. They can have mutagenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects.

Antibiotics used as preservatives cause dysbiosis and can cause intestinal diseases. Thickeners tend to absorb substances, both harmful and beneficial, which can interfere with the absorption of minerals and needed by the body components.

Consumption of phosphates can impair the absorption of calcium, which threatens the development of osteoporosis. Saccharin can cause bladder tumors, and aspartame can compete with glutamate in terms of harmfulness. When heated, it turns into a powerful carcinogen, affects the content of brain chemicals, is dangerous for diabetics and has many harmful effects on the body.

Health and nutritional supplements

Over the considerable history of existence, food additives have proven their usefulness. They have played a significant role in improving the taste, shelf life and quality of products, as well as improving other characteristics. There are many additives that can have negative effects on the body, but it would also be wrong to ignore the benefits of such substances.

Sodium nitrate, known as E250, which is very popular in the meat and sausage industry, despite the fact that it is not so safe, prevents the development of a dangerous disease - botulism.

It is impossible to deny the negative impact of food additives. Sometimes people, trying to extract maximum benefit, create products that are inedible, from the point of view of common sense. Humanity is getting many diseases.

  • Study product labels and try to choose those that contain a minimum of E.
  • Don't buy unfamiliar products, especially if their composition is rich in additives.
  • Avoid products containing sugar substitutes, flavor enhancers, thickeners, preservatives and dyes.
  • Give preference to natural and fresh products.

Nutritional supplements and human health are concepts that are beginning to be linked more and more often. A lot of research is being carried out, as a result of which many new facts are revealed. Modern scientists believe that an increase in artificial additives in the diet and a decrease in consumption fresh products is one of the main reasons for the increasing incidence of cancer, asthma, obesity, diabetes and depression.