Cookies from Jamie Oliver. Tosset biscuits

Really delicious, healthy and easy to make Jules' homemade cookies. They contain oatmeal, which is used to make oatmeal that is high in fiber, carbohydrates, which means that they will keep you in good shape and give you strength. Feel free to use any other dried fruit of your choice - such as prunes, apricots, cherries and blueberries, etc. Invite your children to participate, they will definitely like it. Make the dough and freeze it in the fridge, then use it whenever you feel like baking these Dried Fruit Oatmeal Cookies

1 Preheat oven to 180ºC/gas 5 and prepare 2 large baking sheets. Line them with baking paper.

2 Put together flour, spices (cinnamon, ginger, or other spices of your choice), soda, oatmeal, dried fruit (any, finely chopped) and seeds in a large bowl and mix well.

3 In another large bowl, place the softened butter at room temperature, both sugars and the egg, then beat with a wooden spoon to combine.

4 Mix together the ingredients of both bowls with your hands - you should get a kind of dough from a sticky mixture. (At this point, you can save the cookies for later by rolling the dough into a sausage shape and wrapping it in baking paper. Store in the refrigerator. Then, cut the dough into 1 cm thick cookie-shaped pieces. See pictures at the end of the text. )

5 Wet your hands so you can roll the dough into walnut-sized balls - you should make about 24 servings in total. After that, place them on baking sheets lined with baking paper, press down the dough a little with the palm of your hand.

6 Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown and slightly soft in the middle.

7 After cooking, remove from the oven and when the oatmeal cookies are cool enough, transfer them to a plate - they are delicious warm, but equally good cold. Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

You can postpone the preparation of cookies for a convenient time, to do this, roll the dough into a sausage shape and wrap it in baking paper. Then, cut into pieces 1 cm thick and bake in the oven.

Classic! Well, what could be better than old proven recipes ...

Suitable for those who avoid gluten.

Ingredients 50 pcs.

unsalted butter for greasing the pan
4 large eggs (whites)
350 g sugar
350 g ground almonds
30 ml Amaretto liqueur
powdered sugar

Master class Amarettini

  1. Preheat oven to 170ºC.
  2. Grease two baking sheets with oil.
  3. In a bowl, beat the egg whites to peaks.
  4. Gently add sugar, almonds and amaretto to get a smooth dough.
  5. Using a teaspoon or pastry cornet, squeeze the dough in portions onto baking sheets at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  6. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until slightly golden.
  7. Transfer to a wire rack, let cool before dusting with powdered sugar.

Florentine cookies with nuts

Published the recipe in my journal... and said

Florentines are a welcome gift at any time of the year. Use this recipe to try our favorite chocolate and fruit flavor combinations - cherry and dark chocolate, orange and milk. Or create your own with ginger, pistachios, white chocolate, cranberries, whatever!

Ingredients 24 cookies

40 g dried cherries or candied orange zest
70 g sugar
20 g unsalted butter
2 teaspoons flour
60 ml cream fresh (sour cream)
50 g almond petals
30g mixed seeds such as sunflower, sesame, poppy seeds (or nuts to taste)
150 g dark (70%) or milk chocolate

Jamie Oliver Master Class Florentine Cookies

  1. Preheat oven to 180ºC.
  2. Line 2 baking sheets with baking paper.
  3. Finely chop dried cherries or zest.
  4. Place a small saucepan over low heat and add
  • - sugar,
  • - oil
  • - and flour
  1. stirring to combine everything.
  2. Continue stirring until the sugar dissolves, then gradually add the fresh cream.
  3. Remove from heat and toss with almond flakes, seeds and dried fruit/zest.
  4. While the dough is still warm, use teaspoons to scoop out small lumps onto the baking sheets, leaving a few inches between them to allow them to spread.
  5. Bake 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown. Leave to cool slightly on the sheet, then transfer to a wire rack.
  6. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a bain-marie, then use a spoon to pour over the florentines.
  7. Allow the chocolate to cool completely before transferring the cookies to boxes or bags.

Watch the video

How to make Florentine cookies without baking!

Very simple!

Put in a frying pan

  • - 50 g butter
  • - 100 g sugar
  • - 100 g brown sugar

and, interfering, cook caramel .

Add 1/4 tsp. baking soda and 50 g cream fresh.

Pour into caramel

  • - 100 g
  • - 50 g dried cranberries
  • - and 50 g of candied citrus peel.

To taste - a little grated ginger.


Prepare baking sheets by lining them with paper or silicone mats.

Spoon out lumps of the mixture.
Place cookies in the refrigerator.

“I can’t even say how many years I dreamed about this book, the thickest of all my creations. I tried very hard to make it a book for all time. There are a lot of recipes available for beginners and experienced chefs, students and experienced housewives. I promise that the guests who dropped by for dinner will simply lose their heads ... "

What is the easiest baking you can imagine? I have already published a simple recipe, but today we generally have the basis of all the basics. That is where probably 90% of the population of this planet begin to try their hand at baking. That simple homemade sweet, the ingredients for which are always at home.

Have you already guessed what I mean? Of course you guessed it. And the point here is not in my tips, but in the fact that before reading this text, you most likely read the title.


Take it out of the fridge an hour and a half before cooking. 250 gr. butter and leave it outside until you start cooking.

If there is no time for this, you can send the oil for 5-10 minutes in the microwave for a minute. power. Be careful with the microwave, remember that the butter should be soft, but not melted.

Half an hour before cooking, turn on the oven to heat up to 150 degrees Celsius, top-bottom mode.

There are many ways to prepare the dough: beat the butter with sugar with a large spoon / fork, a mixer or a planetary mixer. You can choose any path, I chose the last one.

mix 250 gr butter room temperature and 130 gr. Sahara in a large bowl or mixer bowl.

Now beat them into a fluffy light mass. If there is no mixer, of course, you will have to tighten your muscles a little. If there is, then beat the mass for about 2 minutes.

Sift into a bowl 250 gr. wheat flour first grade.

Add 130 gr. semolina. Instead of semolina, you can also use cornmeal or semolina.

Mix the mixture as far as possible in the bowl with a spatula or spoon, then turn out onto a floured work surface and knead until smooth.

Next, you will need a square mold with a side of +/- 22 cm. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 cm. Lubricate the mold with butter, transfer the dough into it and already inside tamp it around the perimeter of the mold. Press the edges well.

If there is no form of the right size (like mine), take a baking sheet with high sides (although this is not critical) and put the dough into it, form a square with sides of about 20 cm. By the way, I didn’t even roll out the dough, I sent the ball to the baking sheet and rammed with hands. As a result, you should get a layer of dough with a thickness of about 1-1.2 cm.

Place the baking sheet in the oven on a medium rack for 55 minutes.

When you get it, sprinkle generously with sugar on top, and when it cools slightly (after 5-10 minutes), cut the cookies into portioned pieces.

Tosset biscuits are delicious spiced biscuits from Lancashire in the west of England. This delicacy appeared in the XIV century. It has a sweet, buttery and spicy taste.

Its production ceased during World War II due to restrictions on the consumption of butter and sugar. But fortunately Jamie Oliver decided to revive the Tosset biscuits. He did this during the filming of his joint project with Jimmy Doherty.

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

2 Sift the flour and powdered sugar into a large bowl.

3 Then knead the butter with your hands and add to the mixture, rubbing it into the flour and sugar until they are well mixed.

4 Place the cumin and coriander in a mortar and pestle and crush them into fine crumbs. If you don't have a mortar, you can use a regular clean kitchen towel and a rolling pin.

5 Add the resulting crumb to the bowl and mix until you get a uniform dough. Make a ball out of it, then wrap in cling film and refrigerate for about 1 hour. During this time, the dough will cool and become stronger.

6 Roll out the dough on a floured surface to a thickness of about half a centimeter.

7 Using pastry cutters, cut out circles 6 centimeters in size and place them on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

8 Sprinkle with powdered sugar and place in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. In the middle of this time, do not forget to turn our tosset cookies so that they are baked on both sides. As a result, we should get products of a pleasant pale color, by no means golden, and slightly brown around the edges.

9 Leave to cool, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

The recipe for this wonderful, slightly sour cookie does not belong to me, but to a British "naked" chef. Jamie Oliver .

You probably heard a lot about him, saw his morning show on the Ren-TV or Domashny TV channel, or leafed through his colorful cookbooks. I’m just crazy about him, I learned a lot for myself from his books and now I cook with pleasure.

Link to original recipe:

Like most recipes, it had to be modified and changed to fit our cruel reality. I gave all the ingredients and their quantities as in the original recipe, but added my comments in parentheses as a pioneer. Hope they help you get it right!

We'll need(for an average of 20 cookies):
125g butter, at room temperature;
100 powdered sugar (Vanilla sugar will be very appropriate here; you can buy vanilla pods, remove the seeds with a knife and add them to the sugar);
1 egg;
200g flour (I didn’t have enough and had to take all 300, or even 350g);
juice and zest of 2 lemons (more zest, less juice; I would say a couple of drops just right, otherwise it will be very sour and liquid);
¼ teaspoon baking powder (baking powder);
a pinch of sea salt (if not, take the usual one);
Plain flour, for dusting
3 tablespoons of sugar.

Beat butter and sugar in a bowl with a mixer (fork/whisk) to a creamy consistency. Crack an egg into it until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add flour, lemon juice and zest, baking powder, salt and stir until ball forms. (add flour if the dough is too thin). Cover the dough with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours, or until firm (I set it at night, because there was no time to bake in the evening).

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to ½ cm thick. Do (using a glass / molds / knife) cookies and place on a baking sheet (lay baking paper so it doesn't burn). Sprinkle with sugar and bake for 10-12 minutes (I didn’t have enough time, and I baked for about 20-25 minutes) until the edges are light brown (!!!) . Remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the cookies cool.

Cookies are obtained as in the picture, there is absolutely nothing difficult to prepare. Feel free to fantasize!

P.S. To keep cookies longer, put them on a plate and cover with cling film. Otherwise, they will turn into crackers.

P.P.S. Jamie recommends replacing the lemon with an orange and adding cinnamon to the dough for a Christmas (New Year's) version. On my own, I can suggest experimenting with lime. I'm sure Jamie would appreciate it!

Bon appetit!