Baked apples in the microwave recipe. How to bake apples in the microwave

There is nothing complicated in its preparation. The main thing is to purchase suitable products and have a microwave oven available.

in the microwave: recipe with photos

Surely many people tried this dessert in childhood. After all, before there was no such selection of different sweets, cookies and chocolate, so most mothers prepared the treats themselves. Of course, in Soviet times, cooking in a microwave oven was out of the question, since this kitchen device became popular among housewives a little later. Baked apples were cooked in the oven. Today, to create such a dessert you will need much less time and money.

First, let's try to figure out the following question: how to make baked apples in the microwave with honey? The recipe for this delicacy includes the following ingredients:

  • green sweet and sour apples - 3-5 pcs.;
  • peeled walnuts - 50 grams;
  • thick fresh honey - several dessert spoons;

In addition, dried apricots or raisins can be used as additional components.

Preparing Ingredients

How to cook a baked apple in the microwave? The recipe for this delicacy requires compliance with all culinary rules. First you need to prepare the sweet and sour fruits. When buying apples for dessert, you should choose larger fruits. They are thoroughly washed in hot water using a brush, then the core with seeds is carefully cut out using a special knife. As a result of such actions, you should end up with a kind of glass (with a bottom, of course).

Preparing the filling

Baked apples in the microwave, the recipe for which we are considering, turn out very tasty. To make this delicacy sweeter and healthier, we decided to use a special filling. To prepare it, carefully sort and wash the walnuts. They are then dried on the stove by placing them in a dry frying pan. As soon as the nuts begin to “click,” they are removed and cooled. Subsequently, the product is crushed into coarse crumbs.

As for dried fruits such as raisins and dried apricots, they are also sorted and washed. If necessary, these ingredients can be scalded with boiling water. After drying the dried fruits on a towel, finely chop them or grind them in a meat grinder, then add them to the nuts. Finally, add a little honey to the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Dessert formation process

It doesn't take much time. The delicacy is formed quite quickly: you will need a maximum of 10 minutes. The prepared sweet filling is placed in apple cups. It should be taken into account that during the heat treatment the honey will begin to boil, so it is not recommended to fill the fruit to the top.

Baking process

You need to cook the baked apple in the microwave in a special container: the recipe for this dessert requires the use of a flat glass plate. All filled cups of apples are placed on it, and then they are sent to the microwave oven. At maximum power, this sweet dish is cooked for about 4-6 minutes. During heat treatment, apples are periodically checked. Their readiness is determined as follows: a long and narrow knife is stuck into the thickness of the fruit. If the cutlery passes through without obstruction, then the dessert is ready.


Now you know how to make a baked apple in the microwave - the recipe for this unusual dessert was described above. It, among other things, provides for a competent presentation of the sweet dish. Once the apples become soft, their color will begin to change. It is at this moment that the fruits are removed from the microwave oven and cooled slightly. It is not recommended to consume the delicacy hot. Otherwise, you risk getting severely burned.

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave: a quick recipe

This dish will become a signature dish for every housewife. In addition, in its preparation technique it is similar to the previous delicacy. Therefore, anyone who was able to implement the above recipe will be able to quickly make a similar dish with cottage cheese. For it we will need:

  • five large apples;
  • a few dessert spoons of beet sugar;
  • one quail egg;
  • 50 grams of dry coarse-grained cottage cheese;
  • a little raisins or dried apricots.

Young children will especially like the delicacy. It is very sweet and aromatic.

Preparing fruits

The processing of apples for such a dessert is carried out exactly as described above. The fruits are washed and the center is removed, forming unique cups. To prevent them from turning black, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice. If the fruits are very sour, they can be sweetened with a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Preparing the filling

If you cook baked apples in the microwave, the recipe for a fragrant curd dessert involves the same culinary manipulations as in the case of a honey dish. At the same time, the filling is also easy and simple to prepare.

Fresh coarse-grained cottage cheese is thoroughly kneaded with a fork, and then sugar and quail eggs are added. Having achieved a homogeneous consistency, add a little steamed raisins or chopped dried apricots to the resulting mass.

How to shape and bake?

Everything is extremely simple. To form this dessert, all apple cups are filled with sweet curd filling using a small spoon. After that, they are placed on a flat plate and sent to the microwave oven. At maximum power, this dish will be cooked for about 6 minutes. During this time, the egg, sugar and raisins should set well, and at the same time the apples will become soft and juicy.

Serving dessert

As in the previous recipe, this apple delicacy should be presented to guests and household members only after it has partially cooled. To do this, the dessert can be placed in a cool place. After a few minutes, your cottage cheese should harden well, making the dish more beautiful and tasty. The top of this unusual delicacy can be sprinkled with a mixture of ground cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Apples are the safest fruit, which extremely rarely causes an allergic reaction and does not affect the production of breast milk. And after baking and heat treatment, they are easier to absorb and digest, harmful bacteria are eliminated, while the beneficial properties are preserved. Therefore, baked apples will become a tasty and safe treat in the first weeks after childbirth.

Baked apples will not only be a delicious dessert, but will also bring many benefits to the body of mother and baby. They restore strength, fill with vitamins and nutrients, have a positive effect on the functioning of digestion and intestines, and strengthen the immune system. This dessert is easy to prepare in a few minutes. Therefore, every mother can cope with this task. Let's look at how to cook baked apples in the microwave or oven for a nursing mother.

Beneficial properties of baked apples

Everyone knows that apples are a source of energy and strength, a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial elements. By eating one fruit a day, you replenish your body's daily requirement of iron. And three baked fruits fill the daily requirement of vitamins E, B1 and B2, and folic acid. In addition, the fruit contains potassium and manganese, ascorbic acid () and vitamin P. Apples are easily digestible and do not cause disorders.

This fruit performs the following beneficial functions:

  • Strengthens the immune system and helps treat colds;
  • Normalizes material metabolism;
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels,
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of digestion and intestines, eliminates;
  • Stimulates brain function;
  • Promotes weight loss and normalizes weight, nourishes the body;
  • Improves the condition of bones and nails, skin and hair, reduces hair loss;
  • Removes cholesterol and cleanses the body;
  • Slows down the aging of skin cells, prevents the development of cancerous tumors;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure;
  • Improves mood, improves sleep, gives strength and vigor.

After heat treatment, apples become softer and tastier. They are easier to digest and quickly absorbed in the body of mother and baby. This is especially important for a child, because the baby’s body is just adapting to new conditions. Fresh apples can cause poisoning or worsen stools. You may get a bad product that was improperly grown or stored. Heat treatment kills bad and harmful bacteria and dangerous substances.

Baked fruits become safe for mother and baby. During heat treatment, they lose a small amount of nutrients. In addition, when baking, a large amount of fiber and pectin is formed, which speeds up metabolic processes and neutralizes any inflammation in the body. Therefore, nutritionists advise introducing the diet during breastfeeding first with baked and boiled foods, and only then with dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eating baked apples for breastfeeding

After pregnancy and childbirth, a woman loses a lot of strength. In addition, she often faces problems such as excess weight. The condition of her skin and nails often worsens. Regular consumption of fresh and baked apples will help you cope with this. With proper nutrition and lifestyle, hair is restored, body weight is normalized, nails become strong, and the skin acquires a fresh tone and natural color.

To ensure safety, it is better to use homemade apples or fruit purchased from a reputable grower. It is important that they do not contain chemical additives. You need to start introducing this product with green varieties, since they are the least allergic and contain more beneficial vitamins than other types.

When using red apples, it is better to remove the peel before eating, since this is where the allergenic components are located. If you eat fresh fruits, it is better to remove the peel from any fruit, regardless of color and variety, as it contains a large number of harmful bacteria and is difficult to digest. During heat treatment, the peel of yellow and green varieties can be left. It contains beneficial fibers that remove cholesterol from the blood and liver.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to consume sweet varieties. The fruit should not be consumed if you have an ulcer or gastritis. Baked apples for a nursing mother are allowed in the first days of lactation, fresh apples - a month after the birth of the baby. Read more about introducing apples into your diet during breastfeeding.

How to cook baked apples during lactation

  • For the first baked dish, use only apples; you can add a little sugar if desired. Try a teaspoon and observe the baby's reaction. If allergy symptoms or negative effects occur, delay administration of the product and consult a doctor;
  • If the child accepts the dish well, gradually increase the portion. The daily norm is one or two fruits, the weekly norm is up to five pieces;
  • Try to use one variety. Prepare first courses without additional ingredients;
  • For cooking, take large natural fruits;
  • It is better to cook baked apples for nursing mothers in the oven, as it is healthier than a product cooked in the microwave;
  • Use minimal spices. As a dressing you can use sour cream or vegetable oil, natural yogurt;
  • Include new components in recipes only after they have been introduced separately into the diet. You can add dried fruits, nuts, some vegetables and a pear to the dish;
  • After three months, you can prepare dishes with baked apples and meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), with banana, honey;
  • To prevent the fruits from bursting during baking, you can make several punctures in the walls using toothpicks.

Baked Apple Recipes

Classic recipe in the oven and microwave

For the first test, take one or two apples and cut out the core, keeping the bottom intact. If the fruits are large, you can cut the fruit in half. Add a little sugar into the holes. Place on a baking sheet or in a mold and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. When cooking in the microwave – 10 minutes. By the way, you can do it in the same way. After introducing the dish into your diet, instead of sugar, you can add a teaspoon of honey, and sprinkle the apple with grated walnuts or cinnamon on top.

Baked apples with dried fruits and nuts

  • Chopped walnuts - 2 tablespoons;
  • Green apples – 4 fruits;
  • Dried dates – 2 pieces;
  • Dried figs – 2 pieces;
  • Dark raisins – 50 gr.

Soak raisins and figs in warm water for half an hour, then dry. Chop the dates, mix dried fruits and nuts. Rinse the apples thoroughly and remove the pulp so that the bottom remains intact. Place the filling of nuts and dried fruits tightly inside, wrap each fruit in foil, leaving a small hole on top. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. If desired, the finished dish can be topped with liquid honey.

Baked apples with rice

  • Green apple – 4 fruits;
  • Rice – 100 g;
  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Brown sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • A pinch of salt.

Pour water over the rice and put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook until it completely absorbs the liquid. Add salt and cook until the consistency of porridge. If desired, you can add soaked raisins or chopped dried apricots to the rice. Cut off the top of the apples and remove the core. Fill the inner space with rice and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. You can also stuff apples with boiled buckwheat or oatmeal.

Baked apples and bananas with cottage cheese

  • Green apple – 4 fruits;
  • Banana – 4 large fruits;
  • Natural yogurt – 200 grams;
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese – 150 grams;
  • Lemon juice – ½ piece;
  • Honey – 3 tablespoons;
  • Melted butter.

Cut the apples into large slices, remove the seeds, and leave the peel. Peel the bananas and cut them first in half, then lengthwise. Grease each part of the fruit with butter, place on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes. Mix yogurt, cottage cheese, honey and lemon thoroughly. Pour the mixture over the baked fruit.

Baked apples with minced meat

  • Apples – 8 large pieces;
  • Minced chicken – 0.5 kg;
  • Chicken broth – 200 ml;
  • Prunes – 50 g;
  • Chopped walnuts – 50 g;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Butter and vegetable oil - two tablespoons each.

Wash and chop the prunes, mix with nuts and lightly simmer in a frying pan. Separately, heat the vegetable oil, chop and lightly fry the onion, then add the minced meat and cook for five minutes. Add prunes and nuts to the minced meat, beat the egg and mix thoroughly. Prepare the apples by removing the middle, adding the filling, and covering with the cut lid. Melt the butter, add chicken broth and a little sugar, cook for three minutes. Pour the resulting mixture over the stuffed fruits and cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Apples are one of the most affordable, tasty and healthy fruits that can be eaten as a dessert or snack. Each apple is a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Under the thin skin hide potassium, calcium and fluorine, easily digestible iron, vitamins A, B and C, iodine, phosphorus, folic acid, fiber, pectin and a whole range of other substances necessary for the body.

But not everyone can afford to enjoy fresh fruits. Breastfeeding women, young children and people with gastrointestinal problems are not recommended to eat apples raw. Fruit acid can cause irritation of the oral mucosa, stomach and intestines, and the digestion of coarse fiber can cause flatulence.

Heat treatment is a great way to prevent unpleasant consequences and preserve the usefulness of your favorite fruit.

Apple cooking is extensive and varied. They are used to make jam, jam, puree and pastille, add to sweet pies, dry, soak, bake and pickle. When choosing one or another cooking method, you need to consider how this will affect the preservation of beneficial properties.

The article will discuss one of the most gentle cooking methods at home, which will preserve all micro- and macroelements - baking apples in the microwave.

Calorie content

Baked apples in the microwave have a low calorie content (47 kcal per 100 grams), so they can be consumed by those who are watching their figure; they are even one of the main components of the diet table.

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon have a high calorie content - up to 80 kcal.

Below is a table with the energy value of apples baked with different ingredients.

I will look at the most delicious microwave recipes, and based on them you can create your own variations.

Classic recipe in the microwave

The easiest microwave recipe is to bake apples without filling.


  1. Cut washed and dried fruits into halves or smaller slices as desired, remove the core and place in a baking dish.
  2. You can sprinkle sugar or cinnamon on top.
  3. Place in oven for 4-6 minutes.

Let cool slightly and you can enjoy the finished dish.

Apples in the microwave for a child

Baked apples are a healthy sweet for children from six months of age, when the baby begins to develop a new diet.

A universal recipe that is suitable for a baby is to bake apples without filler.


  1. Wash the apple, cut off the top and cut into two parts.
  2. Remove the core with seeds and hard membranes.
  3. Place a small piece of butter in the middle of each half.
  4. Place in microwave at 600-700 watts for 5-8 minutes.
  5. Cool, remove the skin and soften to a puree.

If your child is under one year old, do not use litter. For older children, you can fill the halves with sugar, honey, nuts, and add a little cinnamon.

Apples with jam or cinnamon

To prepare the dessert, you will need 3-4 medium-sized apples, jam (1 teaspoon per fruit) or ⅓ teaspoon cinnamon per 3 fruits.


  1. Cut clean and dry fruits into two slices.
  2. Remove the core and make a small indentation.
  3. Place the halves in the mold and fill each cavity with jam.
  4. Cover the mold with a microwave-safe lid and microwave for 5-8 minutes.

You can remove the skin and cut into 4 or 8 pieces. Place apple slices in a single layer in a mold and pour over jam or sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake covered for 10 minutes for a tender dessert. If you leave the dish for 4 or 6 minutes, the apples will retain their shape and will be moderately soft.

Video recipe

Recipe with sugar or honey

Apples baked with honey or sugar are one of the most popular recipes. It is better to choose fruits of sweet and sour varieties with thick skin.

You will need:

  • 3-4 apples;
  • 0.5-1 teaspoon of honey (sugar) per fruit.


  1. Wash the apples and cut off the top.
  2. Cut a funnel-shaped hole and remove the seeds.
  3. Fill the holes with honey (sugar) and cover with the top.
  4. Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes (maximum power).

Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the power of the microwave.

As soon as the skin is browned, the juicy, aromatic dish is ready. Let the apples cool slightly and then sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

Video recipe

A few tips to help you prepare baked apple dessert.

  • The cut slices can be mixed with the filling in advance and laid out in layers. The result is a fruit casserole.
  • The juice that will be released during cooking can be poured over the finished dessert.
  • When baking whole apples, cut out the core so that the thickness of the walls and bottom remains at least a centimeter.
  • For cooking, it is better to use deep glass or ceramic dishes.
  • To keep the apples in shape, pierce them in several places.
  • Baking time in the microwave takes from three to ten minutes. This is influenced by the type and size, filling and oven power. If you want a softer consistency, cook longer; if you want a denser consistency, remove the apples earlier.
  • With the addition of water and covered, the apples cook faster.
  • Sprinkle the finished dessert with cinnamon, powdered sugar or cocoa. This will give the dish a more aesthetic appearance, additional taste and aroma.

Are nutrients retained?

You can be sure that apples cooked in the microwave retain almost all the beneficial substances of fresh fruit.

Regular consumption of baked apple delicacy is beneficial because:

  • Normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • Removes toxins and cholesterol.
  • Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Promotes weight loss and reduction of fat deposits.
  • Smoothes and tightens the skin.
  • Strengthens the body's protective properties.
  • Enriches the body with essential vitamins.

Video story

Microwave-baked apples can be used as a dessert and side dish for poultry or meat dishes. The dessert will not lose its taste both hot and cold. The taste can be changed depending on preferences, and each time you can invent something new. The filling may vary. These are sugar, honey, fresh or frozen fruits, dried fruits and nuts, cottage cheese, jam, chocolate, cinnamon, ginger, wine, cognac and much more.

The microwave has long been a good helper for many housewives in the kitchen. Thanks to her, we take a new look at preparing our usual dishes and desserts, saving a lot of time and effort. During the fruit harvest, the microwave oven is also not idle.

You can bake apples quickly and easily with a variety of additives.

For example, you can use it to prepare one of the classic European desserts and simply the healthiest dish - baked apples. Moreover, you can bake apples easily and quickly with a variety of additives.

Why this dish can be fed to everyone

This tasty and healthy dessert has been familiar to us since early childhood. Once upon a time in Russia, apples were baked in a Russian oven, then it was replaced by an oven. In any case, there are so many recipes in the culinary history of different countries that everyone can choose a cooking method to suit their taste.

Baked apples with various fillings are not only very tasty, but also healthy for the body.

But it’s not just the aroma and taste that make baked apples so popular. Doctors have long been talking about the beneficial properties of this dessert. And given the fast cooking time in the microwave, the fruit does not have time to lose both its appetizing appearance and nutritional qualities.

  • Pectin, which is very abundant in baked apples, plays a huge positive role here. So, the benefits of baked apples include:
  • removal of cholesterol and toxins from the body;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • helping the body restore the composition of lymph and blood;
  • regulation of metabolism and intestinal function, which helps get rid of diarrhea and constipation;
  • improving skin condition, smoothing wrinkles;
  • normalization of weight, reduction of fat deposits;

saturating the body with useful microelements and vitamins, strengthening the immune system, restoring strength.

Doctors recommend eating baked apples even during postoperative rehabilitation. And people who lead an active lifestyle and watch their figure highly appreciate the excellent combination of these fruits with healthy oatmeal.

Nursing mothers can eat this dessert without fear for their health, and even give it to their babies as the first fruit supplement when the child is 6–8 months old.

Of course, if you are cooking for a baby under one year old, it is advisable not to add sugar, honey, solid additives such as nuts and foods that can cause allergies to apples. For a baby's first feeding, a green (by variety) baked apple in its pure form, without peel or any additives, is suitable. In the future, the dish can be diversified by filling it with cottage cheese, banana, and then, when the baby learns to chew well, with pieces of dried fruit.

Secrets of success

  • First of all, you need to decide which apples to choose for baking in the microwave. Fruits with strong, hard skin and not very sweet pulp are ideal. The best varieties for making dessert:
  • "Rennet";
  • "Antonovka";
  • "Mac";


The microwave will prepare baked apples for you much faster than the oven, literally in 5-7 minutes.

Before putting the apples in the microwave, wash them, dry them, cut off a small circle from the top and carefully remove the core. The easiest way to do this is with a special knife. If you plan to add filling by cutting out the core, leave the bottom about 1cm thick.

A tube-shaped knife makes it easy to cut out the core of an apple, but in order not to pierce the fruit all the way through, you still have to tinker

It is worth pricking the apples with a needle or toothpick so that the peel does not burst during cooking.

To prevent the peel from bursting, prick the apple with a toothpick.

To make the apples bake faster, it is better to pour a little water into the bottom of the microwave dish in which they will be baked and cover the dish on top with a glass or ceramic lid without metal parts.

When cooking under the lid, the fruit is additionally steamed

We have outlined the basics of baking apples in the microwave, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with several interesting recipes of varying degrees of complexity. Believe me, with us you will find something that will please the whole family and your friends, both on a weekday and on a holiday.

How to bake apples in the microwave: the most delicious recipes with photos

Baby's first dessert - baked apple without filling

This light and nutritious dessert will also come in handy for an adult when you want something tasty and don’t have much time.

If you are cooking for yourself and have very sour apples (for example, the Semerenko variety), pour sugar into the centers or add a little honey when serving. For sweeter varieties, you don't need to add anything.


  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 1–2 teaspoons honey or sugar - optional;
  • powdered sugar for serving.


For complementary feeding, choose apples with a moderately sweet taste, do not add sweeteners or spices, and be sure to cool the dessert almost to room temperature.

Stuffed apples with cottage cheese and dried fruits

And such a dessert, thanks to the cottage cheese filling, is more nutritious and is perfect for a light dinner, since the calcium contained in the cottage cheese is best absorbed in the evening. You can safely treat them to children and adults and eat them in any quantity, even if you adhere to a strict diet. All products included in the composition are dietary and will not harm your figure.

Cottage cheese perfectly complements the light taste of apples

You will need:

  • 2 apples;
  • 70 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins;
  • dried apricots;
  • cinnamon optional.


Autumn dessert with ginger, honey and cinnamon

The sweet, spicy scent of cinnamon goes perfectly with apples, and even if you add fragrant summer honey and spicy, warming ginger to them!

Baked apples with honey and cinnamon are best served hot.

You can prepare it in any quantity, and based on 1 apple, take the following products:

  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and a cinnamon stick for serving.


Important! It is known that honey loses its beneficial properties when heated. This problem can be solved by replacing some of the honey in the recipe with brown or regular sugar. Add spices mixed with sugar to the filling, and add honey just before serving.

With oatmeal breakfast muesli

These apples are perfect not only for dessert, but also as an excellent breakfast. Please note that they are prepared in two ways: you can stuff the fruit, as in previous recipes, or you can cut them.

We will not stuff whole apples, but cut them into pieces.

If you want, do not chop the apples, but stuff them with toasted oatmeal

  • So, you will need:
  • 3 apples;
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flakes;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;


nuts and raisins to taste.

If you stuff apples with fried flakes, cook them for 5-7 minutes at 600 W.

Video: apple slices with honey and oatmeal

Apples with raisins and cinnamon with white sauce Try preparing such a dessert for your guests for a festive tea party - no one will remain indifferent!

The creamy taste of the sauce perfectly complements the apple sourness.

Baked apples can be combined with various sweet sauces, both warm and cold

  • Take these products:
  • 2 apples (sour);
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;

1 tablespoon brown (cane) sugar.

  • Suitable sauce for a couple of apples:
  • yogurt - 150 ml:
  • custard - 150 ml;
  • condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.;

vanilla ice cream - 2 balls of 50 g.


  1. For custard, the easiest way is to buy a dry mixture (you can find it in any supermarket) and prepare the cream according to the instructions on the package. This will take 10–15 minutes.

    Core the apples without leaving the bottom.

  2. Core the apples

    Mix sugar and butter.

  3. Mix butter and sugar

    Place the apples in a mold and add half of the sugar and butter mixture.

  4. Place some of the filling inside the apples

    Now add half the raisins and add the remaining butter on top.

  5. Place a cinnamon stick in each apple. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the mold.

    Add cinnamon to the apples, pour a little water into the mold

  6. Pour the remaining raisins into the mold. Place the apples in the microwave and bake for 5–7 minutes at 600 W. After this, remove the apples from the oven, cool for 5 minutes and pour over custard, yogurt, condensed milk, or place a scoop of ice cream on top of each. Serve immediately.

    Before serving, pour the baked apples with a sweet sauce of your choice.

Serve this dessert with tea, coffee or fruit juices.

With nuts and berries or jam

For this recipe, you can use any jam to your liking or just berries from it. You can experiment with fresh berries or jam. In the first case, take sweet varieties of apples, and in the second, give preference to sour ones.

In principle, apples can be baked with any berries you like, including fresh ones, or not with jam, but with your favorite jam

You will need:

  • So, you will need:
  • 3 tablespoons of jam, marmalade or berries;
  • 25 g walnuts;
  • cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.


A variation of this recipe with the addition of dried fruits is presented in the video.

Video: apples baked in the microwave with dried apricots, raisins, nuts and berries from jam

With baked banana

An excellent recipe for those watching their figure - apples and bananas go well together and are suitable for a second breakfast.

Kids will love this dessert, only in this case use hypoallergenic acacia honey or sugar. Sugar needs to be added before baking, but only pour honey over already prepared and slightly cooled fruits.

Apple baked with banana - delicious and healthy dessert

Baked apples in the microwave are not only an excellent dessert, they are suitable for those who are on a diet and who should not consume fruits raw. If a person has digestive problems, then baked fruits will come in handy.
In addition, this dish is suitable for those nursing mothers whose babies suffer from daily colic.
Some people mistakenly think that baked apples do not retain their beneficial properties. On the contrary, if you prepare them correctly, they will bring great benefits to the body. If desired, fill the middle of the apples with dried fruits and nuts, add honey and cinnamon.

Some housewives combine apples with cottage cheese or cook them in puff pastry. Therefore, you should not be afraid to use your imagination to create your own original dish and surprise your family with it. Previously, apples were baked in ovens, but when microwave ovens appeared, many were delighted, because in them, the process of baking apples takes several minutes, just like cooking.
Below is the original recipe for baked apples in the microwave. It is not only dietary, but also very healthy; once you prepare it, you will definitely want to repeat the preparation.

If you have frozen apples or jam in the house, you can include them in the recipe, but in this case the dish can hardly be called dietary, but there are many benefits from it.


  • 2 apples;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • 10 pieces. almonds and hazelnuts;
  • cinnamon optional.
  • How to cook baked apples in the microwave with honey and nuts:

    Wash the apples (preferably sweet varieties) thoroughly and cut out the core using a knife. Either chop the nuts or leave them whole, it all depends on the tastes of the housewife. Stuff apples with them and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

    Place a spoonful of honey on top of each apple, place the finished dish in a special microwave-safe bowl, and close with a lid.

    Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, at a power of 750-800W. It is worth noting that the cooking time directly depends on the power of the oven, on how ripe and juicy the apples are. When the ready signal sounds, you should not immediately take out the dish, since food that is cooked in the microwave, after turning it off, warms up for some time and takes on a beautiful baked appearance.

    In such a short time, you get such an interesting dessert that you can delight your family and friends with, and the kids will simply be delighted with it.

    In conclusion, it is worth adding that you can bake apples not only whole, but also cut them into pieces, this does not change their taste. To prevent the apples from darkening, it is recommended to sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice.
    Another trick lies in the fact that in order to avoid cracks on the apples, they need to be carefully pierced on all sides, then they will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful to look at.