Parsnip vegetable useful properties recipes. Parsnip root: useful properties

Parsnip ("white") - a vegetable crop of the celery family with a thick, sweetish root crop. The seeds of the plant were found on the territory of modern Switzerland in Neolithic excavations. In the middle of the 16th century, parsnips were the most affordable vegetable, as they are today. At present, the plant is cultivated everywhere, while the accumulation of wild forms is concentrated in the Caucasus and the Balkans.

Parsnip is a dietary product that has analgesic, bactericidal, sedative, strong diuretic effects. Vegetable juice is rich in potassium, phosphorus - excellent food for patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema.

The root crop is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cooking. Dried parsnips are ground into powder and added to seasonings and mixtures. It is an essential ingredient in canned food. Spicy herbs are used to flavor vegetable dishes, soup mixtures.

Botanical description

Parsnip is a perennial herbaceous plant with a fleshy root. The birthplace of the "white carrot" is the Altai Territory and the south of the Ural Mountains. Stem pubescent, furrowed-faceted, rough, sharp-ribbed, erect, branched in the upper part. Depending on the species, the height of the plant is 30 - 100 centimeters. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, consisting of 2-7 pairs of pubescent sessile, lobed ovate or large-serrate leaflets. The upper ones are sessile, with a vaginal base, the lower ones are short-petiolate.

The flowers are regular, five-membered, bisexual, small, collected in an umbrella, consisting of 5 - 15 rays. The corolla is bright yellow, the calyx is almost imperceptible, without wrapper and wrapper.

The flowering period of parsnips is July-August, ripening - September.

The fruit is a flat-compressed, yellowish-brown, rounded-elliptical vine. The root is round, but more often cone-shaped, pleasantly smelling, thick, white in color, with a sweetish aftertaste. In section yellowish-brown or yellowish-gray.

The main difference between parsnips and carrots is a large root crop. This should be kept in mind when planting a weighty vegetable. The distance between parsnip seeds should be 2 to 3 times the same distance between planting carrots. The plant is cold-resistant, moisture-loving. Seeds are planted in the spring, harvested in the fall before the onset of cold weather or left in the ground for the winter.

Popular types of parsnips: "Klaus", forest, femoral, Armenian, sowing, shady.

Parsnips are harvested in dry weather. First of all, the leaves are cut off, then the roots are dug out, which are dried.

The smell of parsnips resembles celery, in appearance - carrots. The upper part of the roots, near the stem, has a sharp taste.

Chemical composition

The fleshy parsnip root is a symbiosis of nutrients: fiber, fatty and essential oils, starch, protein, vitamins, minerals, saccharides. The seeds contain glycosides, coumarins. The whole commonwealth of biologically active substances endows the carrot relative with pronounced antirheumatic and diuretic properties. This is a powerful immunomodulatory product, recommended for use by all people, especially during wound healing, in the postoperative period, at the stage of recovery from a serious illness.

In 100 grams of the root crop is concentrated:

  • 47 ;
  • 9.2 grams;
  • 1.4 grams;
  • 0.5 grams;
  • 4.5 grams;
  • 1.3 grams;
  • 83 grams;
  • 5.2 grams and disaccharides;
  • 4 grams and dextrin.
Table No. 1 "Chemical composition of parsnips (root)"
Name Nutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams

A pleasant aroma of parsnip is given by essential oils concentrated in flowers, fruits, roots and leaves of the plant. Mannitol (polyatomic), which has a sweet taste, was found in the composition of the vegetable. Furocoumarins, which increase the sensitivity of the body to the influence of sunlight, were found in the fruits.

Interestingly, parsnip leaves contain 5 times more vitamin C (108 milligrams per 100 grams) than root vegetables (20 milligrams per 100 grams).

Parsnip essential oil enhances sexual desire.

In terms of the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, "white carrot" occupies a leading position among root crops. And the complex of nutrients in parsnip is similar to the composition of biologically active compounds in spinach leaves.


Parsnip is a source of dietary fiber that provides healthy digestion, early satiety during a meal, cleansing and systematic weight loss.

Effect on the body:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents dementia, fractures aggravated by osteoporosis, diseases;
  • reduces the level in the blood;
  • stimulates growth, cell regeneration;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • calms the central nervous system;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • relieves pain;
  • stimulates the work of endocrine glands, dissolution of stones;
  • enhances sexual desire;
  • prevents secondary absorption of urine;
  • removes, stones, toxins;
  • prevents the appearance of malignant tumors, anemia, bronchial asthma, heart attacks.

When in contact with wet skin, parsnip leaves and fruits cause severe burns, increase the sensitivity of the dermis in direct sunlight.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and stop premature skin aging, the green top of white carrots is consumed fresh with vegetable oil.


  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • childhood and old age;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • inflammation of the skin (photodermatosis).

Parsnips can harm the health of people who have large kidney stones, as the vegetable stimulates their excretion, which poses a threat of blockage of the urinary tract.

Folk remedies

Parsnip furocoumarins have a photosensitizing effect, a slight antispasmodic activity. The high content of phosphorus and chlorine determines the use of the plant in the fight against inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, and silicon and sulfur - brittle nails, potassium - mental disorders.

  1. Decoction. It is prescribed as a general tonic, tonic for general loss of strength, urolithiasis, cough, angina pectoris, neurosis, gastric colic, cystitis, prostatitis, pneumonia, bronchial tubes.

Method of preparation: pour 15 grams of dried parsnip roots with 250 milliliters of distilled (purified) water, boil for 10 minutes. Leave the resulting broth for 5 hours, then strain. Take twice a day for 100 milliliters. The course of treatment is 10 days.

  1. . Dried leaves (20 grams) pour 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. It is believed that parsnip tea has a mild sedative effect, alleviates the condition of patients with hallucinations, delirium tremens. Regular intake of a hot drink promotes the production of melanin destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, improves skin condition, normalizes the psycho-emotional background, and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Cocktail. Components of a healing drug: parsnip roots, water,. The drink is prescribed to patients to restore the body in the postoperative period, after serious illnesses. To prepare a cocktail, make a decoction, cool, before use (a single dose is 100 milliliters), mix it with 10 milliliters of natural honey. The duration of the course is a month. Take 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion. This is a folk remedy that has an analgesic, antispasmodic effect. It is prescribed for spring ailments, diseases that are accompanied by fluid retention in the body. With vitiligo, a tincture of herbs at (1: 5) should be rubbed into discolored spots once a day, lubricating the surrounding skin with cream. Then the dermis is irradiated with the sun. On the first day, the duration of exposure to UV rays is 1 minute. Gradually, the exposure is increased by 1 - 1.5 minutes. The course of therapy is 3-4 weeks.
  4. Mask for . Ingredients: dry powder and parsnip infusion, moisturizer. The mask prevents baldness, strengthens the hair follicle. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied, after steaming the body, with massage movements on the scalp. The product is washed off after 15 minutes with warm water, without using shampoo.
  5. Juice. It reduces the acidity of gastric juice, relieves spasms, pain, eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, removes sputum, regulates the digestion of food, saturates the heart muscle with potassium, normalizes metabolism, and increases the body's barrier functions in the fight against infectious diseases.

To prepare a healing drink, the parsnip root is washed, dried, peeled, crushed and passed through a juicer. Keep no more than a day.

For the treatment of pneumonia, 50 milliliters of squeezed juice is diluted in 200 milliliters of water, 20 milliliters of honey is added. The resulting solution is divided into 2 times. Take one part on an empty stomach in the morning, the second before dinner. Similarly, before an afternoon snack, dinner. The course of treatment is 6-10 days until recovery.

To stimulate sexual, reproductive functions in men, women, parsnip juice (50 milliliters each) is drunk on an empty stomach twice a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days. Then you should take a break (10 days) and repeat the course 2 times.

To increase appetite and performance, 30 milliliters of parsnip juice are mixed with 5 grams of sugar, heated in a water bath until thickened. 100 milliliters of hot is poured into the resulting mixture, the contents are thoroughly mixed. Drink at one time 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

To remove sand from the kidneys, the juice from the root and leaves of the plant (30 milliliters) is diluted in 100 - 150 milliliters of water. The contents are drunk in one gulp 3 times a day for two to three weeks. This method cannot be used in the presence of large or multiple calculi in the kidneys.

To treat prolonged stress, get out of depression, 50 milliliters of parsnip juice is diluted in 250 milliliters of vodka. Content insist 2 days. Take 5 milliliters diluted in water 3 times a day for 10 to 15 days.

Remember, folk methods of getting rid of ailments cannot replace qualified medical care. Only correctly selected combined treatment, strictly under the supervision of a doctor, is the key to a quick recovery.

Application in cooking

Edible varieties of white carrots have a rich smell, so they can replace aromatic herbs in a dish.

Parsnip roots and leaves are consumed fresh, dried, boiled, stewed. The root crop turns black when cut, like potatoes. To prevent this, the crushed pieces are dipped in water.

The duration of cooking a vegetable depends on the degree of its cutting: large slices boil for 20 minutes, small ones - 10 minutes. This time is enough to soften the fruit to a puree state.

Cooked parsnip tastes like a sweetish nut. It is added to some types of wines, confectionery, as well as elite flour for baking. The vegetable is used during the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable dishes and soups. It is useful to use the product in the form of pure freshly squeezed juice.

For a variety of taste, white carrots are used instead in vinaigrette.

Nutritionists are convinced that parsnips are in no way inferior to potatoes in terms of nutritional and taste qualities. And in terms of health benefits, it surpasses the starch-containing product by more than 3 times.

Roasted parsnips are a traditional dish in England, USA, Canada for Christmas. In Ireland, the spicy rhizomes are used to make beer. In the British Isles, white carrots are boiled, then fried in the fat or juice from the roast beef and served as a side dish.

To improve the taste of dishes with parsnips, they are seasoned with mustard, juice, olive oil,. The fruits go well with red onions, smoked fish. In addition, parsnips are used to make pickles, caviar, pickles and tomatoes.

The “tops” of the plant (stems, leaves) are not thrown away. They are added to salads as a spicy herb, and the ground seeds are a gourmet seasoning.


How to cook parsnips?

First of all, cut off the top from the root crop, then the thin roots. Wash the vegetable and peel it like a potato, remove the dark core. Cut the parsnips into pieces, boil in salted water for 6-10 minutes, serve with butter.

For maximum preservation of useful properties, the vegetable is steamed. Cut the root into thin slices, put on a grate (colander) set over boiling water, or in a double boiler, cook for 10 - 12 minutes until softened. Salt, pepper.


Mash the boiled pieces to a homogeneous consistency. Add butter at the rate of 10 grams of fat per 100 grams of parsnips. Dilute the puree with milk, salt.

roasted parsnips

For cooking, young root crops are used. Cut the parsnip into thin slices, fry in vegetable oil, over medium heat, until the vegetable softens and acquires a golden color. Old rhizomes are pre-blanched for 2-3 minutes. Then fried and baked in the oven for 20 minutes.

Parsnip Chips

White carrots are thinly cut along the length, wiped dry. A frying pan with vegetable oil (half filled) is heated over a fire. Parsnip slices are fried in portions until they acquire a characteristic golden color. As a rule, this process does not take more than 2 minutes. Ready chips are taken out of the oil and laid out on a paper towel to drain the remaining fat. Sprinkle with salt, spices, serve.

Hot soup


  • butter - 50 grams;
  • parsnip - 800 grams;
  • milk - 600 milliliters;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • curry (powder) - 30 grams;
  • broth - 600 milliliters;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Cooking principle:

  1. Peel, chop, fry parsnips and onions in butter. Vegetables should not change color. Fry until softened for 5 minutes.
  2. Add curry powder to the fry, stir.
  3. Pour milk and broth into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Salt, pepper, cook for 20 minutes under a tightly closed lid. Cool down.
  4. Grind onion and parsnip in a blender until smooth, mix with milk and broth. Reheat the soup, check for salt.

baked parsnips


  • vegetable oil - 60 milliliters;
  • parsnips - 4 root crops;
  • liquid honey - 75 milliliters;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the parsnips into sticks, blanch for 2 minutes, dry.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the slices. Pour honey over them. Pepper, salt.
  3. Transfer the sticks to a baking sheet, bake in the oven for 30 minutes until dark brown.

Salad "Vitamin"


  • sour apple - 1 piece;
  • parsnip - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • parsley, - 1 bunch;
  • fat-free yogurt (no additives) - 50 milliliters;
  • lemon juice - 5 milliliters;
  • pine nuts - 30 grams;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash parsnips and carrots, peel. Grate on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  2. Add finely chopped greens.
  3. Slice the apple.
  4. Mix vegetables, fruit and herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice, season with yogurt, salt and pepper.

The salad is prepared just before serving so that it does not stack. Decorate with pine nuts. Served in a salad bowl.

Application in cosmetology

Parsnip has nourishing, whitening properties, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

The essential oil of the root vegetable is used:

  • in inflammatory processes;
  • to combat cellulite, bruises under the eyes, acne;
  • for quick healing;
  • to smooth wrinkles;
  • to strengthen hair.

The leaves of the plant are used to treat vitiligo (inhibition of the spread of discolored spots), nested baldness.

Parsnip preparations are most often used to stop diffuse baldness, which is widespread among women. For the treatment of hair loss, all parts of the plant are used: seeds, stems, roots, leaves. So, the juice of white carrots is rubbed into the roots to strengthen the follicles. It is best to perform this procedure in the bath, when the pores are open.

Parsnip accelerates hair growth, makes hair thicker.


Based on the extract of furocoumarins (xanthoxin, bergapten) from parsnip, a photosensitizing agent - "Beroxan" and an antispasmodic drug - "Pastinacin" were created.

Consider the properties of each drug.

Pharmacological action of Beroxan:

  • stimulates the formation of melanin when exposed to ultraviolet rays;
  • sensitizes the dermis to the action of light;
  • helps restore skin pigmentation, hair growth with alopecia.

Beroxan is used to treat vitiligo.

Mode of application:

  1. Outwardly (0.25% solution). Rub evenly into the lesions. Do not rinse with water. The course of treatment - 15 rubbing and irradiation with a mercury-quartz lamp. If necessary, repeat the course after 2 months.
  2. Inside (tablets). Beroxan is used at 0.02 grams 1-4 times a day for 4-3-2-1 hours before a session of long-wave irradiation with ultraviolet rays. The course of treatment is 5 cycles of irradiation, between which a 20-day break is observed. The total dose for adults is 6 grams.

"Pastinacin" relaxes spasms of the muscles of the intestines, coronary vessels, has a sedative effect. Effective in the treatment of coronary heart disease, neurosis, various forms of coronary insufficiency (coronary cardiosclerosis, coronary neurosis), prevents angina attacks.

Rules for use: inside before meals, 1 tablet (0.02 grams) 3 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

The treatment regimen (frequency rate, duration and dose) is determined by the doctor after examining the patient.

Growing and storage

Parsnip is an unpretentious plant. Favorable soil for culture is loam or sandy loam, fertilized with humus, well cultivated and moistened. Cultivated peat and floodplain land with a neutral environment is also suitable for cultivation. Clay, acidic, depleted in organic matter and oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizer or manure, the soil will not bring the desired crop. An excess degrades the quality of the root crop.

To create optimal conditions for the growth of parsnips, in autumn compost (humus) is introduced into the soil to a depth of 25–30 centimeters, and in spring they are fertilized with nitrogen 15–20 centimeters below ground level.

In the first year after planting, the root grows, in the second the plant blooms, brings seeds (if it is not dug up). Planting a vegetable occurs directly in open ground or seedlings.

The problem with growing parsnips is low seed germination. However, their unquestionable advantage is frost resistance.

Before planting seeds for seedlings, they are soaked in warm water for 3 days, planted in early March. After 20 days, the first shoots appear. Planting seeds in open ground occurs at the end of April - May. Some species can be sown in October before winter. In light soil, the seeds are buried by 2 - 3 centimeters, in heavy soil - up to 1.5 centimeters. The distance between rows for two-row sowing should be 20 centimeters, for single-row sowing - 45 centimeters, between tapes or rows - 50 centimeters.

Care is not complicated: loosen the ground, thin out seedlings if necessary, control watering. Pasternak does not like excess moisture. In dry weather, the earth is moistened 2-3 times a season. During the rainy season, you should refrain from watering the plant. Root top dressing - 3 times a season.

The most common varieties of parsnips grown in Europe are:

  1. Round. This is the earliest view. Seeds resemble black radish (in shape, size). Shoots appear on the 110th day.
  2. Long. It has oblong roots. Arises at 120 - 140 days. Frost-resistant varieties: "Student", "Guernsey".

Vegetables are harvested in dry weather, later than other root crops. The leaves are cut in the summer (in July), sorted, dried naturally in the sun. Root crops are dug up in autumn (September-October), stored in a cool place (dry basement), sprinkled with wet sand. In addition, they can be dried. To do this, rinse the roots, cut off the tails, cut the vegetable into pieces, lay out on paper and dry at room temperature for several days. The blanks are placed in glass jars, which periodically need to be ventilated.


Parsnip is a plant with a thick root, ribbed stems, pinnate leaves. Like celery, all parts of the vegetable are edible. Parsnip contains vitamins A, E, C, PP, H, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium. It surpasses parsley in the amount of minerals.

White carrot root contains natural sugars - harmless to diabetics (and). The tart spicy aroma of the plant is given by valuable essential oils, which, in addition, endow the product with aphrodisiac properties.

Parsnip enhances potency in men and libido in women, strengthens the heart muscle, and effectively fights edema. The root crop relieves spasms of a different nature (stomach, renal colic, relieves menstrual pain, the condition of patients with acute pyelonephritis), prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

Furocoumarins, which are part of the roots, increase the susceptibility of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation. Decoctions and infusions of white carrots relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract, facilitate sputum discharge.

Parsnip is widely used in cooking as an independent dried seasoning, garnish for meat dishes, preparation and food concentrate. In cosmetology, it is used to strengthen hair, nails, smooth wrinkles.

When choosing a root crop, pay attention to its color, size and density. A quality fresh vegetable is white and firm, with no dark spots or damage. The lighter it is, the sweeter it is. Don't buy large root vegetables as they can be very stringy.

Pasternak is one of the root crops that are grown in Russia. Of course, it is not as popular as many other vegetables, but still it occupies a certain place in the gardens and in the diet of Russians. Find out what useful properties and contraindications the parsnip vegetable has, its calorie content and chemical composition.

The type of parsnip, which is used in cultural cultivation, belongs to the Umbelliferae family. It is a 2 or perennial spicy flavor vegetable plant.

In cooking, its root is used as a spice, and in folk medicine - white roots and tops. The chemical composition of the parsnip vegetable includes easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates (for which it occupies one of the main positions among many root crops). In terms of the content of simple carbohydrates, it is 2 times ahead of carrots, and in terms of the content of minerals and vitamins - 3 times the well-known parsley and dill.

In addition to them, this spicy vegetable contains minerals: Na, Ca, S, F, Cl and Si, but most of all it contains potassium. Parsnips also contain many B vitamins, vitamins C, PP, carotene, and aromatic essential oils. The nutritional value of this plant lies precisely in the carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that enter the body after eating it. The calorie content of the vegetable is low and amounts to 75 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is useful parsnips for the body

The benefits of parsnip for a person and his health are invaluable, because it is often introduced into the composition of medicines (for example, drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases) or products prepared according to folk recipes. The substances included in its composition actively affect various systems of the human body, maintain them in a healthy state or help restore their performance. Parsnip has a particularly strong effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Among the beneficial properties of parsnips, one can note the effect on the respiratory tract, so its use will be useful for people who are predisposed to lung diseases. It can and should be eaten to enhance brain activity, strengthen capillary walls and stimulate hematopoiesis, as well as to relieve fatigue and build muscle. The vegetable improves metabolism and enhances the functioning of the endocrine glands due to bioactive substances. This increases the production of certain hormones.

Fresh vegetable juice and decoctions from it are an excellent expectorant, tonic and analgesic. Parsnip root improves appetite, digestion and absorption of food, enhances the secretion of gastric juice and enzymes involved in digestive processes. It affects intestinal motility, has a laxative effect, helps reduce spasms with colic in the kidneys and liver. Juice will be useful for mental fatigue, depressive states, mental disorders, malfunctions of the nervous system.

The effect of parsnip on the urinary system is known. Under its influence, sand is removed and stones dissolve, excess fluid and toxins are removed from the body. A fresh root and a decoction based on it can be used for inflammation occurring in the organs located in the small pelvis, such as diseases of the female genital organs, cystitis and prostatitis. Parsnip is also useful during postoperative recovery after an intervention to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder due to its bright analgesic and antispasmodic properties.

Due to the high content of vitamin C and carotene, parsnips have a positive effect on many immune reactions that occur in the body. When eating a fresh root, the likelihood of contracting infections is reduced, and in case of respiratory diseases, a decoction from it will help cure a cough.

Essential oil derived from parsnip enhances sexual desire, so it can be recommended for men who have problems in this area and anyone who has reached the age of 50 years.

Parsnip greens help to heal gout and fight diseases caused by high acidity. It goes well with protein foods, for example, if you consume at least 150 g of the leaves of this plant per day, they can replace about 5 servings of protein-rich food. Parsnip can be useful even for those who are going to lose weight or intend to maintain weight within the normal range. It is low in calories, so it will not contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds.

The benefit of parsnips for children is that thanks to it, vitamins and elements that are very necessary for them at this time enter the growing body. In addition, the spicy vegetable is quite tasty, with a strong aroma, so children really like it in combination with some other vegetables or fruits.

Fresh leaves can simply be chewed to remove bad breath.

How to use parsnip in cosmetology

The medicinal properties of parsnip make it possible to use it for the treatment of skin diseases, such as vitiligo, since it stimulates the formation of melanin and alopecia in skin cells (increases hair growth), and also strengthens nails.

Masks made from fresh gruel or with the addition of essential oil extracted from their plant are used to cleanse the skin with inflammation, acne, and also to smooth fine wrinkles. Essential oil is also added to products that help fight cellulite. To prepare home remedies based on it, you need to add a few drops to cosmetics for hair and skin, and it is still necessary to add any base oil to anti-cellulite products in order to eliminate irritating effects on the skin.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine

There are several ways to use parsnip vegetable in folk remedies. Decoctions, infusions, teas are prepared from it, or fresh juice is obtained. All these dosage forms have their own purpose and methods of preparation.

Parsnip juice

Fresh juice is often used to treat or prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, renal, hepatic and gastric colic, as well as edema. In order to achieve a positive effect, you need to mix freshly squeezed juice with any kind of honey and take the medicinal mixture 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 tsp.

You can use juice obtained only from root crops, and not from leaves: they have a different concentration of substances, so they cannot have the same effect as roots. Because of the peculiar smell and taste, not everyone likes parsnip juice, so it is advisable to combine it with the juice of other vegetables or fruits and make cocktails out of them.

leaf tea

Tea from this medicinally interesting plant is known in folk medicine as an antidepressant, which helps to get rid of nervous tension in a short time, restore strength and tone of the body, and give it vitality. It can be used to combat insomnia and even as one of the options for alleviating the condition with delirium tremens and hallucinations arising from this soil.

This drink has strong antispasmodic and thinning effects, they can be used to fight phlegm, bronchitis spasms or pneumonia in a mild form.

To prepare a soothing drink, you need to take dried and chopped parsnip stems and leaves, mix them with honey and linden flowers, and then pour 1 liter of boiling water. You can add sugar or honey to the drink for sweetness. Parsnip tea stays usable for up to 3 days, but it's best to make it every day and drink it fresh.

A decoction of parsnip roots and leaves

This drink is useful for those who have excess fluid accumulated in the body, and who, because of this, are constantly on diets. A decoction of parsnip root is done like this: take 2 tbsp. l. finely grated root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, put on fire, where they hold until boiling. After that, the liquid is removed from the fire, poured into a small thermos, where it is left to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink it gradually, in small sips, or drink the entire volume at once. In addition to a decoction of parsnips, you also need to drink ordinary water in order to maintain the water balance at the required level.

With ICD and kidney stones, a decoction can be made according to a different recipe. For this you need:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped fresh or dried leaves.
  2. Pour them with 1 liter of clean water and boil for about 30 minutes.
  3. After that, filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

For colic, a medicinal decoction is prepared from parsnip leaves according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 2 tsp. dry greens, pour it 2 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Put on fire, keep on it until boiling and simmer on fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Insist 2-3 hours in a warm place.
  4. Drink a ready-made decoction of 100 ml three times a day.

With a cold, to eliminate coughing attacks and reduce other symptoms of diseases, prepare such a decoction:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. grated parsnip roots pour 1 liter of boiling water with 5 tbsp diluted in it. l. Sahara.
  2. Put in a warm place and insist 10 hours.
  3. Drink 2 tbsp. l. a day 5 times.

A decoction of parsnip works well with a lot of various disorders in the body. Its effectiveness is so great that sometimes it has a stronger therapeutic effect than medicines.

A decoction of parsnip roots will help not only with problems with internal organs, but also, for example, with hair loss. To obtain it, you need to take juice from 2 parsnips and 2 carrots, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into them and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, it should be drunk 3 times a day in the amount of 0.5 cups. The course of taking such a hair-restoring remedy is until the desired result is achieved.

In addition to the root, parsnip tops can be used to obtain a remedy for baldness. Prepare a decoction based on it like this:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. vegetable leaves, fill them with 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Put on fire and boil for 30 minutes.
  3. After that, the liquid is infused for 3 hours.
  4. Drink a decoction of just 1 tbsp. l, but not less than 3 times a day.

At the same time, you need to rub the liquid into the scalp with soft circular movements, after steaming the skin to allow nutrients to more easily penetrate into it. After 15 minutes, wash your hair with warm water to wash off the liquid. From this, the effect of a cosmetic product based on the parsnip vegetable will only intensify: after its application, the hair will grow faster, become lusher, thicker and more shiny.

Parsnip infusion

Alcohol infusion of this plant in several versions is used to cure many diseases. Here is one of the recipes for a remedy by which you can prepare a medicinal tincture. Grate or chop 1 large parsnip root, put the gruel in a container in which it will give juice. Pour it with 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse the remedy for 1 month, leaving it in a dark place, stirring or shaking the jar from time to time. To improve well-being or achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to take an infusion of 1 tsp. 3 times per day.

Harm and contraindications for use

Like other garden vegetables, parsnips, which bring undoubted benefits, have some contraindications for use and consumption. For example, it is undesirable to use it for those who have light, thin skin and red, as this can provoke photodermatosis.

Harm from this spicy plant can also be in the case of serious diseases of the liver and kidneys, urolithiasis in the later stages (due to the diuretic effect, parsnip can provoke a sharp withdrawal of stones and possible blockage of the urinary tract).

It is better not to use it if there is an individual intolerance, as well as with pancreatitis during an exacerbation. It is not recommended to eat root vegetables and tops of parsnips for very young children, as well as people of age.

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Parsnip is a vegetable that combines many advantages: rich chemical composition, nutritional value, active medicinal effect on a healthy or not so healthy body. The roots and leaves of this garden plant can bring undoubted benefits if used correctly.

Parsnip is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. In the people it is known under the names of priest, field borscht and tragus. It is used both in folk and official medicine.

For medical purposes, mainly parsnip roots are used, less often - leaves and seeds.

Chemical composition

Biologically active substances that make up parsnips:

  • Furocoumarins: pastinacin, sfondin, bergapten, xanthotoxin, polyin;
  • mineral salts;
  • fatty oil;
  • Starch;
  • Sahara;
  • Proteins;
  • pectins;
  • Cellulose;
  • Flavonoid glycosides;
  • Essential oil containing butyric acid octibutyl ester;
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H;
  • Macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.

Beneficial features

The most useful properties of parsnips are:

  • Diuretic;
  • Painkiller;
  • expectorant;
  • Emollient;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • sedative;
  • Tonic.

In addition, the plant

  • Increases appetite;
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces blood sugar;
  • Normalizes cholesterol;
  • Strengthens the immune system and the walls of blood vessels.

Indications for use

Parsnip has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The healer Dioscorides prescribed it as a diuretic and aphrodisiac, recommended it for hallucinations, to increase appetite, as an analgesic for hepatic, gastric and renal colic, as an emollient and expectorant for colds of the upper respiratory tract.

Due to the fact that the roots of the plant strengthen the walls of blood vessels, they are recommended for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including angina pectoris and cardioneurosis.

A decoction of the leaves is used as an effective diuretic to cope with edema, including in pregnant women. This tool is also suitable for people suffering from kidney disease, it helps to remove sand and stones.

Tincture of the leaves and gruel from the grated fresh root have an antispasmodic effect, are used for renal and hepatic colic, vasospasm, muscle cramps, constipation and asthma attacks.

Fresh juice from the root crop has an expectorant effect and is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, helps with diseases of the stomach and gastric colic.

A decoction of parsnip herb in combination with chamomile and oregano is an effective soothing tea, root tincture on vodka is a good remedy for loss of strength and depression.

Popovnik is an excellent aphrodisiac, regular intake of fruits with sugar helps with sexual weakness.

The root crop is successfully used in cooking. It can be consumed fresh, including added to salads, fried, stewed, baked, used as a side dish for vegetable, fish and meat dishes, as a seasoning for soups, sauces and preservation. Such dishes will replace immunomodulators, fill the body with vitamins and energy, help recover after surgery, normalize cholesterol levels, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Parsnip is recommended to be eaten with asthenia, anemia and during pregnancy. This plant cleanses the body, improves blood formation processes. The high content of vitamin B9 will ensure the normal intrauterine development of the child, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and dementia, and improve the health of both the baby and the expectant mother.

Dried root powder and leaf lotions are recommended for dermatitis and psoriasis - they will help get rid of discomfort, itching and pain, cleanse the skin. A decoction rubbed into the scalp is effective for incipient baldness.

The pharmaceutical industry produces several preparations using parsnips. Furocoumarins are extracted from the root crop, and medicines are made on their basis. For example, Beroxan (based on bergapten and xanthotoxin, available in the form of tablets, a solution of 0.25% and 0.5%) is a drug for the treatment of dermatological diseases, including vitiligo, psoriasis and alopecia areata. Another drug - "Pastinacin" (based on furocoumarin pastinacin, is available in tablets) - an antispasmodic agent used for neuroses with coronary spasms, with coronary insufficiency, to prevent angina attacks.


As such, parsnip has no contraindications for use, except in cases of individual intolerance to the plant.

It should be borne in mind that the priest helps to remove stones from the kidneys, which, in the absence of medical supervision, can lead to their uncontrolled discharge, therefore the plant is contraindicated in urolithiasis.

Parsnip increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, so it is not recommended for medicinal purposes for children and the elderly (there is a high risk of age spots and sunburn).

Root crops should be used with caution in people with kidney and liver diseases, severe disorders of the nervous system.

Parsnip home remedies

  • Parsnip decoction, recommended for loss of strength, stress, headaches, potency disorders, digestive disorders: 1 tbsp. crushed fresh root pour 250 ml of hot water, insist and strain for 5 hours. Take 2 times a day for ½ cup for 10 days;
  • Expectorant and emollient for coughs: 2 tbsp. dry leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. This infusion can be gargled several times during the day, taken orally;
  • Means for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: 1 tbsp. dry herbs pour 2 cups of hot water, cover, boil for 10 minutes, then insist and strain for 2 hours. Take 20 minutes before meals for the first week, 0.25 cups 3 times a day, the second week - 0.5 cups 3 times a day;
  • Cholagogue: 1 tbsp. parsnips pour 1.5 cups of water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. Take 30 minutes before meals, 2 tablespoons;
  • Diuretic used in dropsy: 2 tbsp. fresh leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, insist for 20 minutes and strain. Take 2 times a day for 2 tablespoons;
  • Pain reliever for bruises, sprains and other injuries: 3 tbsp. scald chopped dry roots with boiling water and wrap in gauze. Apply such compresses to sore spots.

Mankind has been growing vegetables since ancient times not only to eat them and feed livestock, but also to cure various diseases.

Among them is a parsnip plant, the beneficial properties of which have been known since the ancient Roman era, where it was served at the table and used by the sick. We will find out what the benefits of this vegetable are, what diseases it cures, and how to use it to heal the body and restore good health.

Parsnip vegetable: benefits and harms

The benefits of parsnips are due to its rich composition. The composition of this plant includes fiber, vitamins K, A, C, group B, minerals in the form of potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and iron.

Thanks to an impressive set of vitamins and minerals, parsnip has the following healing qualities:

Prevention of diabetes

Soluble fiber and plenty of fiber lowers cholesterol levels, which is the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.

By the way, diabetics can consume parsnips without harm to health: it contains safe and natural sucrose and fructose.

Relief from spasms

The essential oils that make up the leaves of the plant relieve spasms in various organs, including the liver and kidneys.

Treatment of heart disease and pressure reduction

Since parsnip rhizomes contain a lot of potassium, its consumption leads to the expansion of blood vessels, and not only the heart, and a decrease in pressure in hypertensive patients.

Folate also protects against heart disease by reducing the amount of homocysteine ​​in blood cells.

Normalization of the nervous system

Thanks to folic acid and a set of B vitamins, parsnips calm the nerves, help with depression and apathy. At the same time, it is useful for babies still in the womb: the neural tube of the fetus remains healthy, as well as the child's nervous system.

Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should not trust the baby's health to medicines stuffed with "chemistry": instead of widely advertised products like elevit pronatal, we eat natural and healthy parsnips!

Help in losing weight

If you want to say goodbye to excess fat, parsnips will provide you with soluble fiber, thanks to which ghrelin, the “hunger” hormone, will no longer be produced in large quantities. You stop snacking every now and then.

The body will no longer be overloaded with food, and will be able to qualitatively digest food and process stored fats. With parsnips, you will not have constipation and bloating.

Strengthening immunity

By strengthening the immune system, parsnip prevents the development of malignant tumors and other serious diseases.

We will find out who should not eat parsnips for food or as a medicine.

Pasternak: contraindications

In order not to harm the body, it is important to know in which cases it is better to refrain from eating this vegetable plant.

Parsnip is harmful if there is:

  • kidney failure. Since this plant has a strong diuretic effect, it is better not to use it with weak kidneys, so as not to harm them even more.
  • Dermatitis and light or sun intolerance. If you suffer from these diseases, then using parsnips can cause burns.
  • Hypotension. This plant lowers blood pressure, so it is better for hypotensive patients to stay away from it.

If you do not suffer from these diseases, still do not abuse parsnips, and strictly observe the dosage during treatment.

Pasternak in folk medicine: recipes

We will learn how parsnips are used in practice, a vegetable whose beneficial properties are so diverse.

Traditional medicine recipes with parsnips

Iron deficiency, anemia

To restore hemoglobin, do the following:

  • We clean one rhizome and three on a grater.
  • Mix the mass with a liter of freshly boiled milk.
  • We wrap the container in a blanket or a thick terry towel, and put it in a warm place for 2 hours.
  • We filter and store the medicine in the refrigerator.

We drink 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day. The course of increasing hemoglobin is one month.

Parsnip in folk medicine: how to use

Poor appetite, stress

If you have appetite problems or are experiencing stress, use the following recipe:

  • Three on a grater two rhizomes.
  • Mix the gruel with 20 g of granulated sugar and 20 ml of boiled water.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove and put in a warm, dry place for 10-12 hours.

We filter the finished medicine and drink 20 ml before each meal.

Erection problems, lack of energy, headaches, dizziness, poor digestion

All these ailments disappear after drinking parsnip decoction:

  • We rub the root vegetable on a grater.
  • Brew with a liter of boiling water.
  • We cover and wait 5 hours.

We filter the infusion and drink twice a day, 0.5 tbsp. The course of treatment is ten days.

Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract

To get rid of them, we use the following recipe:

  • Cut 30 g fresh parsnip leaf.
  • We brew them with 400 ml of boiling water.
  • Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Cool and filter the decoction.

We take 3 times a day for half a glass of decoction for 20 days.


To get rid of a depressive state, we prepare a tincture of parsnips:

  • Three 2 rhizomes on a grater.
  • We shift the gruel into a glass jar.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or normal vodka.
  • Close the jar tightly and refrigerate for 30 days.

We take 20 drops of tincture 4 times a day.

Vascular weakness, fragility of capillaries, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases

For their treatment, we use freshly squeezed parsnip juice:

  • We clean the roots from the skin.
  • Extract juice using a juicer.

We take 20 ml of freshly squeezed juice before each meal (it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 8 hours).


To get rid of neurosis, we use an infusion of parsnip flowers:

  • We brew 50 g of dried inflorescences with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • We insist three hours and filter.

We take an infusion of parsnip flowers 3 times a day for 0.5 cups.

Parsnip vegetable useful properties

Spasms and pains

To prepare an anesthetic medicine, we use dried parsnip root:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of root powder with 50 g of sugar.
  • Pour 300 ml of boiled water.
  • Bring to a boil, remove from heat.

We clean it in heat and wait 10 hours. We drink 30 ml of infusion in 30 minutes. before meals.


To get rid of stones, we make a decoction:

  • Grind dried parsnip leaves into powder.
  • We mix 2 tsp. raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Tomim infusion for a couple of 15 minutes.

Cool, filter and take 10 ml of infusion 4 times a day.

Alopecia (baldness)

If the hair climbs in clumps, we make masks with parsnips:

  • Add 20 g of dried parsnips to any hair mask.
  • Rub the mixture into the scalp and wrap with a towel.
  • After 15 min. rinse hair with water without using shampoo.

Parsnip masks will strengthen and make existing hair smooth and shiny, and contribute to the rapid growth of new ones.

Strengthening immunity

We use a general tonic from parsnips:

  • Three root vegetables on a fine grater.
  • Transfer to a glass jar and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • We insist 2 hours and filter.

We drink 50 ml of a tonic infusion 3 times a day.

Now you know how parsnip, a plant whose beneficial properties have been known since ancient Greek times, can cure a number of diseases. Consult with your doctor about the use of parsnip for treatment, and use it to your health!

Under the well-known name "parsnip" is meant a genus of herbs, they are united by the ability to grow for 2 or more years, belonging to the umbrella family and vegetable crops. The plant can be found in meadows in the mountains and valleys, as well as in thickets of bushes. It is known that parsnip is widely used as a spice. In the field of cooking, the root part is mainly used, it is called based on its appearance - the white root. Before use, the product is boiled, baked in the oven, it is added to winter soups and vitamin salads.

Characteristics of parsnips

Useful qualities

The product contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, carotene, in addition, it is saturated with essential oils that can act like an aphrodisiac. Root crops are rich in mineral salts, vitamins from group B, in particular B1 and B2, they have vitamin PP. It should be noted that the product occupies one of the leading positions in terms of the percentage of carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body. The composition found impressive doses of potassium. The constant use of parsnips in food helps to reduce the amount of excess fluid in the body, improve blood circulation, improve the digestive process, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

It is in the white root that there are three times more sweet and safe substances even for diabetes - sucrose and fructose. By the number of microelements and vitamins, the product is ahead of the most useful parsley. It is worth highlighting the miraculous ability of parsnips to relieve spasms of various etiologies. Fresh grated root is useful to take along with traditional drugs if you are concerned about renal and hepatic colic.

Ancient medical figures used parsnips as a diuretic product that neutralizes edema. Also, the product was used to improve the quality of sexual life and an effective antitussive agent that helps soften and expel sputum. Modern traditional medicine also does not reject the medicinal properties of the plant, this is expressed in its use in the treatment of heart pathologies. Through experiments, it was found that the furocoumarins contained in parsnips increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, which makes it possible to achieve repigmentation of areas discolored against the background of vitiligo. In the production of a number of drugs, parsnip fruits are used. Known drug-furocoumarin "Pastinacin" - an antispasmodic, obtained on the basis of parsnip seeds, promotes vasodilation and protects against angina attacks.

Precautionary measures

It is not recommended to use parsnips in old age or childhood. The product can harm in case of individual intolerance. The disease photodermatosis, which is expressed in inflammation of the skin from hypersensitivity to solar activity, is also a contraindication, since the furocoumarins contained in the product increase the skin's susceptibility to light. In hot weather, you should protect your hands with gloves when in contact with parsnips, as there is a chance of getting burns from its essential oils.

Parsnip root: a product endowed with a mass of medicinal properties, is actively used in medicine and cooking

Recipes with parsnips

Decoction against loss of strength


  • parsnip root;
  • water.

The parsnip plant is considered medicinal, so the use of various remedies from it is welcomed by figures of traditional medicine. The use of this decoction is relevant for potency disorders, loss of strength, digestive disorders, headaches, dizziness. To prepare this folk drink, the product should be brewed with boiling water, left for 5 hours to infuse and consumed daily, taking half a glass twice a day, the course is 10 days. It is optimal to prepare a fresh drink every day, for this you need only 2 ingredients: a glass of water and a large spoonful of chopped root.

Parsnip tea


  • parsnip leaves;
  • boiling water.

Parsnip leaves steeped in hot water also have a mild soothing effect. In the past, people took this infusion or decoction to relieve delirium tremens and hallucinations. In some cases, it can actually give positive results. The drink works as a sleeping pill, so the psyche calms down somewhat, the state of the nervous system normalizes. It is believed that drinking parsnip tea provides energy to the body and strengthens it in general. Regular intake of parsnip decoction helps to improve the condition of the skin, returning melanin destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

Parsnip for strengthening hair


  • infusion of parsnips;
  • dry parsnip powder;
  • mask designed to moisturize the hair.

Traditional medicine suggests using parsnips as a prophylactic against baldness. After steaming the body, for example in a bath, you need to rub the infusion, distributing it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scalp. Sweating and opening the pores of the skin allows the active substances to work at their best. In addition to this massage, you can prepare a home mix by adding parsnip powder to your preferred mask with a moisturizing effect. The product is applied for a quarter of an hour, after the procedure, rinse the hair with water. At best, such masks help accelerate hair growth and add density to them.

Parsnips with honey


  • water;
  • parsnip roots.

An ancient remedy that was used to restore the body after serious illnesses has an extremely simple recipe. To prepare it, you need to pour the parsnip root with boiling water and insist for a while. A single dose of 100 milliliters should be mixed with a large spoonful of natural honey and taken three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. The full course lasts a month.

If parsnip root is not contraindicated for you, then use this healthy vegetable more actively in home cooking, adding it to soups and salads.