Duck liver pate recipe by Julia Vysotskaya. Duck liver pate

Don't know what to cook for breakfast? What to make sandwiches with? We suggest you prepare duck liver pate at home. Photos in the article are presented so that you have an idea of ​​what the dish looks like.

Many people love pate. Of course, it doesn’t take five minutes to make, but it turns out incredibly tender and tasty. The pate can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. Therefore, it is often made for any holiday. It is very convenient to spread the pate on a loaf, and you will get a delicious sandwich.

First of all, you need to choose the right liver, and then start cooking. The recipes and tips below will help you manage your time correctly and make a truly extraordinary pate.

Don't forget that the kitchen is a place where you can and should experiment.

Duck liver pate at home: recipe

Pate can be both high-calorie and dietary. It all depends on your desires and needs. As you can see, there are two options for preparing pate. One is more suitable for a holiday table, the second - for daily breakfasts.


As has already become clear, the main product is duck liver. For a family of four you need to take 1 kg. Before washing it, remove excess fat and bile, which must be cut out very carefully.

If it gets into the liver, then the taste of the dish will greatly deteriorate. Then nothing can be done to correct it.

In addition to the liver, you will need another 1 liter of milk, a little sugar (50 g), salt, a mixture of peppers (ground), nutmeg and 150 ml of dry white wine to add a little acid. For vegetables you will need 2 large onions and one large carrot.

Food preparation

First, the duck liver needs to be washed well, cut into arbitrary pieces and placed in a pan. Then pour the milk in here and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Thanks to this procedure, all excess bitterness will go away.

In the morning, do not rush to work with the liver. First prepare the roast. Cut the onion into half rings, fry until transparent and add grated carrots. Don't forget to stir the vegetables.

Meanwhile, remove the liver from the milk and dry it. Then place in the pan with the onions and carrots. The liver gives a lot of juice, cover with a lid and simmer it, stirring occasionally. Salt and pepper to your taste. You can also add nutmeg to the tip of the knife, which emphasizes the taste and originality of the dish. Also add sugar to the liver.

Then add the wine and open the lid to evaporate. The liver is stewed for 10-15 minutes, no more. If you overcook it in a frying pan, it will become tough and lose its original taste.

When you have prepared everything, you can make duck liver pate. Preparing food at home is completely simple. Of course, you need to spend time, but it's worth it.

The final stage

When the liver and vegetables are fried, additional ingredients are added, you can finish the dish. To do this, grind the mixture twice into a meat grinder. Sometimes the liver still becomes hard. Then it’s better to play it safe and twist it through a meat grinder three times.

Then transfer the mass into a container and blend it with a blender. To prevent the pate from turning out dry, add a little broth or boiled hot water. Using a blender, puree the mixture until smooth.

Now you have duck liver pate at home. The recipe is simple and anyone can do it. Transfer it from the pan to a smaller container, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. When it hardens, you can spread it on sandwiches.

This pate is ideal for a holiday table. When serving, garnish it with herbs, which will emphasize the freshness of the dish.

Additional Ingredients

In addition to wine, you can add other products that go perfectly with liver. This includes cream, thick sour cream and even fermented baked milk. Each product adds its own unique flavor to the dish.

You can add chopped herbs, such as cilantro, basil or parsley, to the fried duck liver. Any greens will give the dish a unique, refined aroma. The same can be said about garlic. You don't need a lot of it. One, maximum two cloves are enough. It will emphasize not only the aroma, but also the taste.

Many men love fatty pate. It is considered more tasty. Therefore, instead of vegetable oil, you can add chicken fat. When it has melted, then put the liver there and fry it according to the recipe.

Prepare liver broth in advance. Since it is advisable to add it to the pate instead of water. Then the pate will have a rich smell and taste. You can add some herbs and your favorite spices to the broth.

Do you like spicy dishes with bitterness? Then ground ginger will not hurt you. It adds a little piquancy and bitterness to the dish. But hot peppers with seeds will help add spice. It is initially better to grind it in a meat grinder, then add it to the fried liver.

The second option for preparing chicken liver pate

This method is more suitable for those who do not want to gain extra calories. This recipe is simpler, and the dish is no less tasty. To prepare, take 1 kg of liver, carefully remove the bile, cut it and soak in milk overnight. Do everything as described in the previous recipe.

The next morning, cut the liver and place it in a pan of water. Place whole carrots and onions there. When the broth boils, add salt and pepper to taste. Cook vegetables and liver until tender.

Then remove the food from the broth into an empty container. Chop carrots and onions with a knife. Then blend the vegetables and liver with a blender at low speed. Add some broth. Then turn on high speed and beat until smooth. If the liver is dry, you can add more broth. Add liquid as desired.

You have made a very tasty duck liver pate at home. The recipe for this option is also simple and every housewife can easily handle it.

Of course, you can add your favorite spices, seasonings and herbs. Then the dish can be called original and unique.

Like any product, you need to be able to choose the right liver so that the dish exceeds your expectations. First of all, you need to pay attention to the decoration of the display case. If it is clean and well-groomed, this is a plus for the seller. Look not only at the price tag, but also at the sell-by date. If the dates are not indicated, this is a risk for the buyer.

Look at the bile ducts. Sometimes they are very dirty, which means that the duck was old. Accordingly, it is quite difficult to put such a liver in order. Moreover, it will fry and cook for a very long time.

Pay attention to the color of the liver. If it has yellowish, greenish, or orange tints, then the bird was sick or was fed artificial additives that help it grow faster.

Sticky liver means the product is gone. It’s better not to buy it, because it won’t lead to anything good. If you have paid attention to all the above tips, then you will not have any problems choosing a liver.


We looked at two ways to prepare duck liver pate at home step by step, and what other ingredients can be added to make the dish more piquant, aromatic and original.

If you cook in a good mood, your pate will turn out very tasty. Experiment and bring pleasure with your culinary skills not only to your household, but also to your guests.

Homemade Danish liver pate (Hjemmelavet leverpostej)

My favorite for some time now, the Leverpost sandwich is a must for breakfast. The most traditional Danish dish. A tiny amount of butter is spread on black rye grain bread, then a generous piece of pate, and then - or remoulade (a sauce based on mayonnaise with curry, chopped sweet pickled cucumbers and I don’t know, with tea, very tasty) - a modest option, or on top of it - dry fried onions and/or slices of sweet pickled cucumbers. That's how the Danes are, they're so creative when it comes to sandwiches. Here you can depict a novel in pictures regarding the culture of preparing and eating these same sandwiches :-)

Ingredients for 1 large loaf pan:

1 large onion, 1 egg, 1.5 tbsp. salt, pepper to taste, 1/4 tsp. allspice, 1/2 tsp. thyme, 200 ml. milk, 2 tbsp. flour, 500 grams of liver (I have 600 g of total peeled offal from 3 geese: 3 stomachs, hearts and livers, of which probably 300 g of hearts and stomachs and 300 g of liver itself).

Heat the oven to 175 C.

Since I have more by-products than indicated in the original recipe, I increased the remaining ingredients proportionally (only the egg was left as it was, 1).

Grind goose/chicken giblets or pork liver and onions through a meat grinder.

In one Danish culinary competition there was a task to prepare minced meat for tartare, so out of 3 participants (2 girls and 1 guy), guess who managed to assemble a manual meat grinder like AKM? - Guy :-) so, you and I, colleagues, are simply super-professionals :-)))

I don’t know about anyone, but I grind the meat first, and then the vegetables, but the Danes buy ready-made ground liver and don’t even know what it looks like before grinding...

Add everything except milk, salt, mix.

Add milk and stir.

The shape - it can be any, but traditionally they bake in “bread” shapes - grease with oil and sprinkle with flour, then pour out the workpiecein prepared form,Place the pate in the middle of the oven to bake and bake.

It took me 90-95 minutes at 180 C, since the mold is high and filled to much more than half. The main thing is to bake the product well enough, and the pate will attract you with its aromas from the tenth to fifteenth minute - but don’t give in, blood in the middle of the “loaf” means it’s not baked, and such a pate won’t be tasty!

We love duck liver pate very much, so I cook it quite often. It is prepared literally in a matter of minutes, and the next day you will have a wonderful breakfast or snack, a real delicacy.

To prepare duck liver pate at home, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Wash the liver under running water, dry with paper towels, remove excess fat and films. Peel the onion and wash it.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, dissolve the butter in it. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry it in oil until golden brown.

When the onion becomes translucent, add the liver. You need to cook it literally for one minute on both sides.

As soon as the liver changes color, add wine. Cook for 3-4 minutes, the wine will boil slightly. Add all seasonings and salt to taste.

Pour in the cream last. As soon as the cream boils, turn off the gas and let the liver cool slightly.

Transfer the contents of the pan into a blender and blend until smooth.

Divide the pate into the molds and let it cool completely.

Melt the butter in a deep bowl.

Carefully skim off any foam from the surface of the butter.

In the same way, carefully scoop up the butter with a spoon and pour it over the pate, trying not to catch the whey from the bottom of the bowl. Place the pate in the refrigerator, the butter will harden and form a crust on the surface of the pate, this will not only allow the pate to be stored longer, but will also give it a completely different taste and color.

Serve the finished pate with croutons or simply with fresh bread. As you can see, the next day, the homemade duck liver pate ripened under the butter crust and turned pinkish in color.

Finally, duck by-products have begun to appear on sale. There was always an abundance of chicken, then turkey began to be sold, and now it’s duck’s turn.

It was worth expecting, since duck legs and breasts are now on almost every counter, and their prices have become more reasonable than before.

So after purchasing a package of duck liver, the question of what to cook from it did not even arise. All my family loves and respects me, so the same fate awaited the duck.

For duck liver pate you will need:

  • Duck liver. 500 gr.
  • Onion. 1 large onion.
  • Butter. 100 gr. (In the photo there is farmer's natural butter in a jar).
  • Cream 20% -30%. 100 ml.
  • Cognac. 50 ml.
  • Nutmeg. whole or grated.
  • Salt.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.
  • Vegetable oil for frying. 30 ml.

I would like to say right away that I don’t like the sweetish taste of carrots in pate, so I don’t use them for pate. If you like carrots in pate, then add one small carrot to the list of ingredients, which during cooking will need to be grated and fried along with the onion.

Preparing duck liver pate.

We wash the duck liver, carefully monitoring the absence of bile from the remains of the gallbladder. If necessary, carefully cut out all those areas of the liver where bile has entered.

We also cut off the veins and films, if available.

Cut the onion into large pieces. The shape and size of the cut do not matter - we cut it as convenient.

Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan and add onions into it. Add some salt to bring out more of the onion flavor.

Over medium heat, fry the onion until transparent and smell like fried onions, then add the washed duck liver to the onion. Stir and lightly fry, or rather simmer, since the liver will give a lot of juice, along with the onion for about 10 minutes.

There is no need to fry the liver - you will end up with something hard and dry, so as soon as the liver changes color, even if it remains slightly pinkish inside, the liver is already ready.

Add cognac, stir and evaporate the alcohol for a minute.

Pour 100 ml of cream into the liver and add a little nutmeg into the cream - just a little, literally a third of the nut, and, if you use already ground, then about a quarter of a teaspoon.

Add salt to taste, as well as just a little freshly ground black pepper, more for flavor than for spiciness.

Bring the cream to a boil and turn off the heat under the frying pan.

We get duck liver in onion-cream sauce.

Transfer the entire contents of the frying pan into a blender bowl with blades. If there is no blender, then the entire contents of the frying pan must be passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh at least 2 times.

The liquid part of the sauce that remains in the pan also goes into the blender bowl, and in the case of a meat grinder, into the container where you turned the liver and onions.

Also, while everything is hot, put the butter into the blender bowl. Or softened butter can be mixed into an already turned but still hot pate - this is important for a meat grinder.

Grind the pate until completely homogeneous.

Place the pate in molds, jars or other containers where you are going to store it.

If you are going to eat the pate immediately or within the next couple of days, then simply cover the molds with the pate with foil or film and put it in the refrigerator.

If you are going to leave the pate to ripen - best of all for 5 days in the refrigerator, then proceed to the next stage.

Place the pate in jars or molds, whichever is more convenient for you. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. We just melt it, nothing more. The oil should become liquid, but not start to overheat.

In a mold or jar, fill the surface of the pate with melted butter. The thickness of the oil layer is approximately 5 mm. We make sure that the entire surface of the pate is covered with a layer of oil. Particular attention to the walls of the mold, as well as the protruding parts of the surface of the pate.

Absolutely the entire pate should be under a layer of butter.

We wait until the oil cools down, trying not to move or shake the molds so as not to damage the oil layer.

After that, when the oil has cooled and began to harden, we put the pate in the refrigerator and leave it to ripen for several days, three to five, days is enough.

And, when needed, we take the pate out of the refrigerator and serve it on the table.

Serve it with sliced ​​and, best of all, lightly toasted pieces of bread. It is also very appropriate to serve with any liver pate - it perfectly highlights and complements the taste of the pate.

Duck pate in the culinary world is a homogeneous minced meat, which is not particularly difficult to make at home, and it always turns out perfectly tasty. In cookbooks you can find a variety of variations for preparing pates from any product. The most popular is the liver version. However, today we will talk about preparing the most tender and aromatic pate from duck meat.

It is prepared from any part of the bird, with or without skin. Vegetables and spices are added to the mixture to taste, giving the dish a special taste and aroma. Therefore, many recipes differ from each other in the variety of ingredients and their processing technology. And if you change the additional components every time, you can always get a real culinary masterpiece.

Duck pate is served as a cold appetizer. You can serve it on bread toast, waffle baskets, or simply put it beautifully on a saucer. It is usually stored for two to three days. However, this period can be extended to 10-12 days. To do this, you need to compact it into a jar and pour melted fat or butter - these products serve as natural preservatives.


  • Duck – 400 grams (any part)
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3-5 cloves
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas – 3 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 grams
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and pepper - to taste


Wash the duck, remove internal fat and divide the carcass into parts. Select the part from which you want to make pate. In my case, it's breast. However, you can make pate from drumsticks or thighs.

  1. So, wash the duck fillet and, if desired, remove the skin. If you want a fattier snack, you can leave the peel.

2. Place the meat in a cooking pot, add a peeled onion, a few cloves of garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns.

3. Pour water over the food and boil. After that, remove the foam from the surface of the water with a slotted spoon, add a little salt, close the pan with a lid, turn the temperature to minimum and cook the meat until soft, about 50-60 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, in a preheated frying pan, saute the chopped onion, carrots and garlic in vegetable oil.

5. Fry the vegetables until fully cooked and golden brown.

6. When the meat is cooked and the vegetables are fried, pass them through the middle grid of the meat grinder. Do this twice to make the pate more tender and smooth. You can also use a blender or food processor to grind food.

7. Place room temperature butter into the paste.