Can bracken fern be frozen? How to store fern salted and fresh

Today, bracken fern is salted and preserved in different ways. But from our point of view, the old one is most acceptable GOST- a method of processing bracken fern by three times salting in a concentrated salt solution.

Technological stages of fern pickling.

1st salting . For 10 kg of bracken, take 4 kg of salt, preferably coarse - 1st or 2nd grind. It is highly undesirable to use “extra” type salt. Salting can be done in any food container, except aluminum and galvanized ones. Plastic barrels or buckets are best suited for this purpose. If the plastic is not food grade, you must use a polyethylene liner. Bunches of fern are laid in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt, a thicker layer of salt is poured on top, covered with a circle and oppression is placed, approximately equal to the weight of a fern. As oppression, you can use well-washed (or better yet, calcined) rocks that are resistant to destruction.

In the process of dehydration and shrinkage of ferns, in order to save packaging, on the second and third days, it is possible to report fresh raw materials in compliance with all the above technological steps. After three days, adding new portions is not advisable, as this may lead to a deterioration in the quality of the final product.

The duration of the first salting is at least three weeks (ideally 21 days). The purpose of this stage is to salt the shoots as much as possible, squeeze out the bitterness and remove toxic substances.

2nd salting . The brine formed as a result of the 1st salting is drained, the fern bunches are quickly transferred to another barrel, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1.5 kg of salt per 10 kg of fern, a weight is placed on top and the required amount of brine is added (1 kg of salt per 10 liters of water) so that the fern bunches are completely immersed in the brine (very heavy oppression at this stage is no longer necessary - 50% of the original is enough). Reuse of brine formed at the first stage is unacceptable!

The 2nd salting lasts at least 10-15 days. The purpose of the second stage is to complete the salting process and maximize the saturation of the fern stems.

3rd salting . Prepare brine (2.5 kg of salt per 10 liters of water).

The old brine is drained and brine is poured in instead. It is also advisable to sort through the bunches. If “burnt” stems are found, they must be removed, as this affects the quality of the entire product as a whole. They can be detected by their unnaturally reddish or yellow-brown color. It is advisable to trim stems that are “burnt” only at the base.

You can also place the fern in smaller containers, for example, in plastic buckets or glass jars, fill it to the top with brine and close with lids. Moreover, glass containers are most preferable, since, compared to other packaging, they provide maximum shelf life of the product and minimal loss of nutrients during storage.

After 20 days, the fern is ready for use - it acquires the appropriate color, taste and smell.

Storing salted fern.

Shelf life of salted fern, established by technological instructions, is 12 months at temperatures from -1˚С to +20˚С and relative humidity up to 95%, i.e. this deadline is set for unregulated storage conditions. But, as practice has shown, subject to optimal storage conditions (cellar or refrigerator conditions), a technologically well-prepared product can be stored for up to 24 months, and even more in glass containers. This is confirmed by experimental studies. At the same time, no significant changes in the properties and quality of the semi-finished product occur.

During the salting process, the fern loses a significant amount of moisture, as well as a certain proportion of free substances. In this regard, the yield of salted products is about 65% of the weight of the original raw material.

Consumption rates of raw materials and salt per 1 ton of salted product(according to technological instructions 1992)

As I said at the beginning of the article, today there are quite a few ways to pickle ferns. Looking through websites dedicated to bracken fern on the Internet, you are simply amazed at their diversity. Many authors try to bring something of their own. And, perhaps, all these methods have their right to exist, but only when prepared “for oneself.” And, no offense to these authors, most of these recipes can be safely placed under the heading " How not to salt a fern"!

The main mistake of many harvesters is that they, as a rule, limit themselves to the first stage of salting: they sprinkle the fern with a large amount of salt, put it under pressure, and that’s it! Stopping at this stage is explained either by ignorance of the process itself or by elementary laziness. Why the extra fuss if the fern will be stored well anyway, but you still need to soak it before cooking, and if the product is for sale, then there’s no need to bother. And the cost of the product is significantly lower. Little attention is paid to the duration of the first salting and the weight of the oppression, and these are also not unimportant conditions.

In fact, compliance with technological conditions is very important to ensure the quality of the final product. At the first stage, not all unnecessary substances (bitterness, toxins) pass into the brine. The fact is that the liquid released from the fern quickly becomes oversaturated with salt and ceases to be a solvent for other substances. The final “finishing” is achieved at the second stage. If this is not done, then the chemically active substances remaining in the fern and in the brine begin to gradually affect the quality of the product - the color changes, the taste deteriorates, valuable vitamins and microelements begin to be destroyed and, as a result, the beneficial properties are significantly reduced.

The weight of the oppression also plays a significant role. Numerous experiments conducted in the 80-90s. food industry scientists have proven that the quality of fern pickling is directly dependent on the weight of the pressure used. The optimal pressure was considered to be 100% of the weight of the raw material at the first stage of salting and 50% at the second.

The third stage completes the salting process. Here we can draw an analogy with pickling milk mushrooms, which gain strength and acquire a rich taste only 40 days after pickling. The same processes occur with the fern at the third stage.

The first stage of salting is considered especially responsible. Everything is decisive here technological conditions:

    amount of salt - at least 30% of the weight of the feedstock;

    oppression weight - 100% of the weight of the feedstock;

    The duration of salting is three weeks.

Scientific and experimental studies conducted in Japan, and subsequently in the Soviet Union, have proven that failure to comply with the above technological conditions leads to a serious decrease in the quality of salted products: undesirable biochemical reactions, loss of useful components, an increase in the amount of ballast substances, the development of a number of microorganisms, destruction of fiber, significantly reducing shelf life.

It is best, of course, to harvest the fern yourself. At least you will know what and where you are eating. On this site I tried to provide all the necessary information so that everyone, excluding trial and error, could receive a high-quality and useful product.

Greetings to all readers and guests of the blog. I immediately want to ask you one question: “Have you ever eaten fern?” And don’t tell me it’s inedible, and I’m not crazy). After all, this plant is not only widely used in food, it is also stored for the winter. And it tastes like something close to mushrooms.

In fact, of all the types of ferns, only bracken and ostrich are considered edible. Plus, you need to know when and how to collect this crop, and which part can be eaten and which cannot, and also know how to properly prepare the plant and combine it with other products. We will talk about all this today.

So, if you are going to use this herb for food purposes, then you only need to collect the sprouts, which are called rachis. There is no exact time of collection, but scientists determine the period in the first or second ten days of May.

If you haven’t had time to harvest this type of harvest yourself, don’t worry. Now the plant is actively sold in markets, especially in stalls with Korean or Japanese cuisine. But the product will most likely be salted, frozen or dried. This also should not confuse or frighten you, because from any preparation you can prepare a tasty and healthy dish.

Remember that bracken is a low-calorie product. Therefore, it is used with great success in the diet menu.

If you are planning to go shopping for rakhis for the first time, then I will give you a couple of useful tips:

  • on the top of the sprout there must be a “squiggle” that looks like a snail;
  • the sprout itself should be greenish in color with the finest fluff;
  • the collection of raw materials should be done when the rachis begins to stretch upward, and the optimal length is considered to be a sprout from 20 to 30 cm;
  • the petioles should be juicy and not rough, and should crunch when squeezed;
  • The plants must be cut so that “stumps” of 4-5 cm remain;
  • Sort the harvest by length and color, collect it in a bunch;
  • the collected workpiece cannot be stored for a long time and without processing begins to darken, becoming unsuitable for consumption;
  • the bundles must be quickly delivered to the place where they will be processed, placing them on a hard bottom so that the sun's rays do not reach them and there is good ventilation;
  • The shelf life before processing should not exceed 9-10 hours, but it is better if you process the rachis within 3-4 hours.

But before you start learning how to prepare green herbs, it is necessary and important to know and take into account what benefits or harm the plant can bring. After all, any product gives completely different results for different people.

I will briefly talk about the main points of why bracken fern is useful and for whom it is contraindicated.

In medicine, this herb has long been used and is indicated for patients who suffer from dry and wet pleurisy; headaches and chest pains; jaundice; aching joints and bone pain; diarrhea; tinnitus; disruptions in the functioning of the intestines, stomach and spleen.

Also, a decoction of leaves and roots helps with constipation. In addition, the plant relieves pain, relieves worms and eliminates urine.

Bracken contains a large amount of iodine, which saves people from leukemia and radiation sickness. Plus, shoots quickly restore impaired metabolism, which helps get rid of extra pounds. It is also recommended for people who have experienced nervous stress. A positive feature is that a dish prepared from fern brings the pulse back to normal, replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body, removes heavy and harmful metals, improves the functioning of the endocrine system, and increases performance. It treats rheumatism, hemorrhoids, sciatica and is used for ulcers and cramps.

In addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative ones. After all, this plant also contains toxic substances. Therefore, fern is strictly forbidden to be consumed by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. It is imperative to monitor the dosage, otherwise nausea and severe headaches may occur. Do not use low-quality shoots and leaves.

Remember that raw fern shoots are poisonous and must be boiled or salted.

Recipe for salted fern

Summarizing our information, I note once again that only rachis, that is, shoots with leaves that have not yet opened, are eaten.

It is worth noting that from the shoots they make not only preparations for the winter, but also cook soups, make salads and various dishes with the addition of meat. But of course, it is best to prepare fern for future use, that is, salt or pickle it. Because in this state it will be possible to prepare any dish from it.


  • Fern - 1 kg;
  • Salt - 500 grams.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, wash the petioles of the plant well.

2. Take an enamel pan and sprinkle the bottom with salt, and place a layer of rachis on top. Then sprinkle salt again and add a layer of sprouts again. Lay out the layers in this way, overlapping until the end of the green grass. Then place a 1 kg weight on top and put the pan in a cool place for two weeks.

The final layer should be salt!

3. After the time has passed, drain all the liquid from the pan; it cannot be consumed! Pour it down the sink; you won't need it anymore. Place the salted fern in jars and fill with salted brine (use 1 part salt to 5 parts water). Add ascorbic acid (0.5 g per liter). And roll up the lids.

4. Jars should be stored in a cool place. Before using it as food, soak the herb in water for two days to remove the salt.

This method is the fastest and most reliable in preparing food for the winter.

How to make bracken salad in Korean

Considering that man is still a very lazy creature, many people do not pickle the plant themselves and most often buy it, again in salted form. Well, or those who are not lazy and have their own preparations do not eat grass in its pure form, although this is not prohibited. And he makes savory snacks from it, for example, a spicy salad. Therefore, for you, a recipe for a delicious treat for any side dish, for example.


  • Salted fern - 600 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • Soy sauce - 70 ml;
  • Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • Hot red pepper - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the salted preparation for half a day, while changing the water 3-4 times. Take a saucepan with plenty of water and place it on high heat. While the water is boiling, cut the fern into 3 parts and place in boiling water.

2. Now cook the plant for exactly two minutes after boiling.

4. Place the plant in a clean saucepan from which all excess water has drained. Squeeze the garlic on top through a garlic press, add coriander, pepper, oil and soy sauce. Mix everything well. If desired, you can add a little salt to the appetizer.

5. Let the dish brew for several hours and then serve.

Option for preparing a salted dish with the addition of meat

The next type of food made from healthy young shoots will be a real dinner. After all, rachis goes very well with any type of meat. So I advise everyone to try this food.


  • Pork - 300 gr.;
  • Fennel - 1 pc.;
  • Chili - 1 pc.;
  • Fern - 600 gr.;
  • Soy sauce - 30 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and finely chop the chili and fennel.

If you don't have fennel, you can substitute celery.

2. Rinse the pork and cut into medium pieces.

3. Heat a frying pan with olive oil and fry the pieces of pork; you want the meat fried, not stewed.

4. Then fry the fennel and chili in the same pan.

5. Soak the shoots of the plant in water in advance, as described in the previous recipe, and cut into several pieces. Add to the pan and saute along with the fennel and chilli.

6. After 5 minutes, add pork to the mixture, mix everything well and turn off the heat.

7. Then pour in soy sauce and mix everything again.

8. Before serving, garnish the dish with dried black sesame seeds.

How to freeze fresh bracken for the winter

Let's take a little break from preparing dishes with the addition of our green herbs and touch on another method of preparing for future use. But we will no longer salt it, but freeze it.

I should immediately note that fresh fern cannot be frozen; it must first be boiled, otherwise it will spoil. In general, read the following photo method and I think you won’t have any questions. And from frozen shoots, just like from salted shoots, you can subsequently prepare any dish.

Work process:

1. First of all, remove excess debris from the rachis and cut into several parts.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, add a little salt and put on fire. When the liquid boils, add the prepared shoots. Boil them for 5-7 minutes. Then drain in a colander.

3. When the plant has cooled and all the water has drained, put it in bags and freeze.

It is better to first lay out the cooked shoots on a tray and freeze them. And then put it into bags and store it in the freezer.

Here is a quick and original way to store ferns.

Making fern salad with chicken

Well, let’s return to the question of what else tasty can be made with this useful plant. And as I said above, rakhis complement meat well. Therefore, now I suggest you make a snack according to the following recipe.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 gr.;
  • Onion - 3 pcs.;
  • Boiled fern stems (or salted) - 300 gr.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for dressing.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion and finely cut into cubes. Grind the meat too. If you have a salted fern, then soak it in water for several hours in advance.

2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the chicken with onions, adding salt and pepper to the mixture.

3. Then add the stems to the pan and simmer everything for a few minutes. Cool the dish and serve with fresh tomatoes.

By the way, you can eat this food as a hot dish.

Pickling bracken fern at home

In conclusion, I would like to say that this green grass can and should be eaten (if there are no contraindications), but of course not in its raw form, otherwise you can get poisoned. Remember that only young shoots with leaves that have not yet unfurled are suitable.

Most often, ferns are salted and prepared for the winter. They can also be boiled and frozen. And only then do they prepare different dishes: salads or savory snacks with meat and vegetables.

If you have freshly harvested rachis and you are not going to prepare them, then it is still important to marinate them correctly first, and only then start eating). Therefore, try another marinating technology.

I hope that you will like the dishes prepared from bracken fern, and that you will not only diversify your diet, but also fill your body with useful substances. Bon appetit everyone and see you again!

One of the longest existing plants on Earth is the fern. In the latitudes of our country, it is often found in the forests of Siberia and the Urals, as well as in the Altai Territory and the Far East.

Few people know that some types of fern are not just edible, but very useful for eating. One of them and, by the way, the most common is considered to be the common bracken.

Bracken enjoys great success in cooking among residents of China, Korea and Japan. It is used to prepare salads, stewed and fried dishes, pickles and drinks. Bracken fern helps strengthen the immune system and reduce stress, heals the digestive system and rejuvenates the body, relieves swelling and improves joint mobility.

The plant contains vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body. Only young shoots of fern are suitable for eating and cooking. Mature bracken has a bitter taste and is considered a plant poisonous to the human body.

Korean bracken fern recipe

The Korean version of the dish is distinguished by the spiciness inherent in all the cuisine of this country. The degree of spiciness of the fern will be achieved using the proportions of the added chili pepper and the remaining ingredients.

So, for the “Korean Orlyak” dish you need the following products:

  • 1 bunch of fern weighing 400 g;
  • Soy sauce – 75 ml;
  • Olive oil – 100 ml;
  • 3 cloves of garlic and 1 small onion;
  • 200 g Korean carrots;
  • Chili pepper to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

The resulting salad is suitable for use with any side dish, fish or meat.

Bracken fern with meat

Bracken works well as a main dish in combination with any type of meat.

In order to stew bracken with pork, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 g fern;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 0.5 kg pork tenderloin;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil for stewing;
  • Salt and spices in the right proportions.

Cooking algorithm:

For cooking you will need a large non-stick frying pan.

The dish is ready. Let the roast sit for another 8 minutes and serve.

Making frozen fern salad

Frozen bracken is sold in many stores today. It may appear in the form of a large bunch or finely chopped stems. Sellers offer customers both unsalted fern and pre-salted fern. If it is too salty, it is pre-soaked in water.

To prepare frozen fern salad you will need:

  • Bunch of fern;
  • Chicken or turkey breast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • A forkful of Chinese cabbage or a bunch of fresh lettuce;
  • 1 onion;
  • Salt and spices;
  • Olive oil.

Cooking algorithm:

Salad ready. Heating in a frying pan allows you to achieve the effect of a warm salad, which can be served immediately.

Salted bracken - a recipe for preparing for the winter

Bracken fern is also widely used as winter preparations, be it various pickles or a pickled product. The shelf life of salted fern is very long, the same as that of mushrooms.

So, to prepare salted bracken you need to use:

  • 10 kg of fern;
  • 3 kg salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. For pickling, you need to prepare a large container of 10-15 liters, for example, a wooden barrel. Make sure the barrel is sterile and suitable for storing food.
  2. Add 10 kg of fern and add 3 kg of salt, mix everything thoroughly, and close the barrel tightly with a lid and weight.
  3. After two weeks, it is necessary to drain the brine from the barrel and pour in a new brine, to which add two-thirds of the original volume of salt.
  4. After another two weeks, it is recommended to repeat this manipulation, once again reducing the amount of salt.
  5. After this, the fern shoots are folded into bundles and dried.

In this form, bracken fern can be stored for a long time, without compromising its taste characteristics. Before further consumption, the fern must be pre-soaked.

How to make pickled fern

Fern in a marinade is very popular among gourmets and often replaces a more expensive but similar product on the tables - mushrooms. For delicious pickled bracken

You will need the following set of products:

  • 1 kg bracken;
  • 100 ml sunflower or olive oil;
  • Head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • Two teaspoons each of salt and sugar;
  • A teaspoon of dry chili or black pepper.

Cooking algorithm:

It is not for nothing that ferns have existed on Earth for a huge number of years. Our ancestors ate it, and many animals eat it. The beneficial properties and healing effect of this plant have been proven more than once by science. There is no need to neglect what nature itself gives us. Moreover, such delicious dishes are made from fern.

Bracken fern, a valuable nutritious and medicinal plant, began to be used in the Russian diet about a quarter of a century ago. Young fern shoots (snails) are harvested when they just begin to unfold leaf blades. After collection, they are salted, pickled, added to omelettes, and eaten instead of asparagus. A fresh plant spoils quickly, so you need to know how to store it properly.

Fresh shoots

Fresh fern should not be eaten because it contains bitter substances and toxic components that can cause stomach upset. If you collected the shoots or bought them at the market, be sure to boil them in salt water for about 10 minutes before using them. The broth must be drained; it is not suitable for food.

If fern is overcooked, it softens, loses its taste, aroma, and stops crunching. Ready-to-eat shoots taste like mushrooms. They are used to make salads and snacks.

Fresh ferns can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. It quickly loses its beneficial qualities, so it must be processed as quickly as possible.

It is good to store the shoots in the freezer, sprinkled with salt and wrapped in a tight bag. After defrosting, be sure to boil the shoots and only then prepare dishes from them.

Sometimes the plant is first boiled and only then frozen. Taste it before freezing. If there is a feeling of bitterness, then the fern needs to be additionally soaked in salt water.


In order for the fern to be stored for more than a week, it must be salted. Salt, in addition to preservation, eliminates bitterness. Salt should be used in containers that are not subject to corrosion (glass jars, wooden tubs, enamel pans). When harvesting on an industrial scale, plastic barrels are used. There is no need to wash the plant.

  • For every kilogram of shoots, take 250 g of salt.
  • Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the container.
  • Lay a layer of fern, add salt, and so on.
  • Pour salt on top again and press everything down with heavy pressure.

The leaves are laid tightly overlapping, each subsequent layer perpendicular to the previous one. The container is installed in the cellar, closet, refrigerator or pantry.

After 2 weeks, the resulting liquid is drained, the fern is removed and, having been rearranged, filled with brine (200 grams of salt per liter of water), pressed down with a weight. Now salted fern can be stored for more than a year. Before use, it is soaked for 1–2 days, changing the water 4–5 times.

The brine can be changed more times to completely eliminate bitterness and extend shelf life. Before salting, we advise you to taste the ready-to-eat product.


You can store the fern in dried form, but you can’t do without salt either.

  • Boil the shoots in salted water for a little more than 5 minutes.
  • Drain the salty broth.
  • Place the leaves on shelves or baking sheets in a dark place protected from dampness.
  • Turn them over periodically so that each side dries evenly.

The fern should dry out in a maximum of a week. When this happens, it is placed in linen bags and stored in a dry place for several years. You can also dry it in the oven at +50 °C until the branches become brittle. Before use, a dry plant must be soaked in water, changing it several times. We offer a recipe for a fern snack.

Boil 150 grams of dried fern for 5 minutes, drain the broth, soak in cold water for several hours, changing the water. Take 2 large onions, cut into half rings, fry in oil until transparent. Add the fern cut into pieces and fry everything together until cooked.

Salt, season with hot and aromatic pepper (to taste). Squeeze 3 cloves of garlic, pour in a large spoon of soy sauce, simmer for a few minutes. The mushroom and asparagus flavored appetizer is ready.

Fern is a plant about which legends are written. Its shoots have been considered a delicacy since ancient Japan. If you pickle fern, you will get a very tasty healthy snack. Recommendations for salting ferns for the winter are extremely simple.

Which product to choose

When choosing the type of fern to pickle, you need to decide which is preferable:

The fern is collected during the flowering of lilies of the valley. Usually, the Far Eastern specimens of this plant at this time have curled petioles called rachis, which by this moment grow to their maximum. Leaves in an expanded state are considered unfit for food.

Freshly picked fern is not eaten raw, as the shoots contain toxic substances. Therefore, they are cooked or salted. This must be done immediately after collection, otherwise they will quickly become coarse.

Tip: when harvesting a fern, the leaves must be broken off at the base of the shoot so that you can hear them crunch. Overripe ones do not produce a crunch and cannot be salted.


There are several ways to salt fern shoots with your own hands.

Dry brining

To salt using the dry method:

    • Freshly harvested stems are washed thoroughly to remove scales from the leaves.
    • The petioles of the plant are collected into bunches with rubber bands and placed in a container.
    • Each layer of raw material is sprinkled with coarsely ground table salt (10 kg: 4 kg of salt). The load is installed.
    • Under oppression, the salting is placed in the cellar for 21 days.
    • The brine obtained during the salting process is drained.
    • The plant mass is additionally salted (10 kg: 2 kg).
  • The salted plant is packaged in jars and sealed with nylon lids.

Taiga option

This recipe gives a very salty fern, but promotes the longest storage.

For 1 kg of fern greens there is ½ kg of salt. Before salting, the rough parts of the petioles are cut off, the rest is washed and placed on the bottom of the dish. Then choose one of two methods:

  1. Mix the shoots and salt, compacting tightly.
  2. Salt the pulp in layers.

These options turn out equally well. The mixture thus lasts for 3 days. After this, you need to mix, add a little more salt, and place a weight on top that does not need to be removed.

If it is convenient, after a few days you can pack the fern tightly into glass jars, rolling up the lids.

Tip: the fern turns out to be very salty, it must be soaked in cold water. You can pour the product overnight, the pulp will be as fresh, and then add it to salads.

According to GOST

If the plant is harvested in large quantities, the best option for salting will be this method, in which salting occurs three times. It combines dry and brine options. When fern is pickled in this way, it can be stored for 2 years without loss of taste. Experienced harvesters prefer bracken for its pleasant taste.

    • Stage 1: before salting the bracken fern, it is washed and collected in bunches (20 cm). Next, they are placed in layers on the bottom of wooden barrels or plastic buckets, sprinkled with coarse salt (4 kg: per 10 kg). A pressure is installed on a small flat lid. In 21 days, unnecessary bitterness and toxins come out along with the juice, and the volume of salted products becomes half as much.
    • Stage 2: all the resulting juice is drained and the fern is transferred to another container. Now you need to salt it again, pouring it in layers, but take less salt (1½:10 kg of mass). The pre-prepared brine (10 liters of water: 1 kg of salt) is poured over everything and left for half a month.
  • Stage 3: All the liquid is drained again and replaced with new brine (10 kg of mass: 2½ kg of salt). The products are first sorted, that is, plant matter that has reddish shades of color is removed. Finally, you need to salt for another 20 days. 65% of raw materials remain. It is stored in a cool -+1–+20° and humid atmosphere (up to 95%), possibly in the refrigerator.

Brine option

You can salt fern at home like this:

    1. Rakhis are placed at the bottom of a basin or wide pan.
  1. The product is completely filled with freshly prepared boiling water and covered with a lid.
  2. After the liquid has cooled, it is drained.

The whole process is repeated twice.

The boiled raw materials are laid out in sterilized jars and filled with hot brine (1 l: 15 g). The jars are sealed and stored at room temperature for several years.

Two Week Recipe

This recipe will take two weeks to prepare. The peculiarity is that the liquid will need to be periodically drained and added again. But then the dish will delight you with its tenderness and softness.

To prepare, the petioles are washed, cut into pieces and sprinkled with salt in layers. The top is completely filled with water. A plank is placed on the surface and oppression is established for 3 days.

Then the extracted juice is drained. It is necessary to drain ⅔ of the liquid from the drained brine and mix with clean cold water (⅓). Salt like this for another 4 days.

Then only ⅓ of the brine is drained and the same amount of cold water is added. The product is salted for another 4 days and all the brine, which is not suitable for food, is drained. After transferring the fern into jars, seal them hermetically.

Oil snack

This type of snack is loved for its spicy taste and satiety. Salt according to the instructions should be as follows:

    1. Sterilize jars.
    2. Place spices to taste on the bottom of the jars (black peppercorns, bay leaves, etc.).
    3. Place the previously prepared fern on top of the seasonings.
    1. Boil the marinade: for 1 liter - 40 g of salt + 100 g of granulated sugar. As soon as it cools down a little, pour in 6% table vinegar (60 ml). Fill the jars with fern halfway with this mixture.
    2. Heat vegetable oil (200 ml) and pour over the marinade until the container is full.
  1. Twist the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a thick blanket for a day, then put them on the shelf of the cellar or refrigerator.
  2. This appetizer can be eaten a month later, spread along with the marinade on slices of white bread.

Knowing how to salt fern, you can surprise your guests with an unusual, spicy and healthy dish.