Vegetable dressing for soup for the winter: recipes with photos. Tomato dressing for cabbage soup made from bell peppers and carrots, tasty and healthy

  • Second courses Many people prefer to eat the second course for dinner, but children love to eat it instead of soup in order to quickly get to dessert or their favorite pastries. On the Delicious Food website you will find a wide variety of recipes for second courses, from simple steamed cutlets to a delicious rabbit in white wine. Our recipes with step-by-step photos will help you to deliciously fry fish, bake vegetables, prepare a variety of vegetable and meat casseroles and your favorite mashed potatoes as a side dish. Even beginners will be able to cope with preparing any second course, be it French-style meat or turkey with vegetables, chicken schnitzels or pink salmon in sour cream, if they cook according to our recipes with step-by-step photos. Delicious food site will help you prepare the most delicious dinner for your loved ones. Choose a recipe and cook for health!
    • Dumplings, dumplings Oh, dumplings, and dumplings with cottage cheese, potatoes and mushrooms, cherries and blueberries. - for every taste! In your kitchen you are free to cook whatever your heart desires! The main thing is to make the right dough for dumplings and dumplings, and we have such a recipe! Prepare and delight your loved ones with the most delicious dumplings and dumplings!
  • Dessert Desserts are a favorite section of culinary recipes for the whole family. After all, here is what children and adults adore - sweet and delicate homemade ice cream, mousse, marmalade, casseroles and delicious sweets for tea. All recipes are simple and accessible. Step-by-step photos will help even a novice cook prepare any dessert without any problems! Choose a recipe and cook for health!
  • Canning Homemade winter preparations are always tastier than store-bought ones! And most importantly, you know exactly what vegetables and fruits they are made from and will never add harmful or dangerous substances to winter canned food! In our family we always preserved things for the winter: As a child, I remember my mother always making tasty and aromatic jam from berries: strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries. We prefer to make jellies and compotes from currants, but gooseberries and apples make excellent homemade wine! Apples make the most delicate homemade marmalade - incredibly bright and tasty! Homemade juices - no preservatives - 100% natural and healthy. How can you refuse such yummy food? Be sure to make winter twists using our recipes - healthy and affordable for every family!
  • Dressing for borscht for the winter, which is made with your own hands from fresh vegetables, is a real find that makes life easier. This is also a great help for young housewives who are just gaining experience.

    Recipes are very tasty:

    How much benefit does such preparation bring? This is a real treasure for people whose time is worth its weight in gold. I see only advantages:

    • Soup with this borscht dressing is prepared within a few minutes;
    • There is no need to dirty your hands and table, and ultimately the entire kitchen;
    • Use as a separate dish - even just with bread;
    • If you refuel today (end of summer, beginning of autumn), you can save your family budget;
    • This base goes well and is used for preparing various savory sauces.

    Winter borscht dressing made from beets - a very tasty recipe

    We will need:

    • beets – 2 kg;
    • tomato – 1.5 kg;
    • sweet pepper – 800 gr;
    • onions – 800 gr;
    • carrots – 1 kg;
    • sugar – 0.5 cups;
    • salt - to taste, 5-3 tbsp;
    • garlic – 50 gr.;
    • vegetable oil – 300 ml;
    • citric acid – 0.5 tsp;
    • table vinegar – 100 ml.

    Cooking process:

    1. Preparing vegetables.

    I advise you to prepare all the vegetables at once, so as not to return to this stage later. They need to be washed and dried. Chop the onion with a knife. Peel the beets and carrots and grate them.

    But if you have a free minute, my advice is to cut the beets into cubes and pass the carrots through a meat grinder.

    Sweet peppers can be of any color. The work with it is simple - remove the foot and cut into small cubes.

    But to chop tomatoes it is better to use a blender. In its absence, I do the same as with pepper.

    2. Fry delicious!

    Now we need to fry everything. My advice: use two utensils to save time.

    Onions can be fried together with pepper until golden brown in a frying pan. And at the same time, in a large saucepan, pay attention to the beets. When cooking it, I always add citric acid and sugar.

    Cook the tomatoes in juice and oil after the onions and peppers. Next, mix all the vegetables in a saucepan. Add salt, vinegar and grated garlic and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

    3. Winter supplies.

    Place the dressing in sterilized jars. They can be of any size. However, I always use small ones. At the rate of one can per one pan of borscht. We roll them up with lids, turn them over and leave them warm for 1-2 days.

    A delicious preparation for the winter is ready, and most importantly, quickly and easily. Real jam!

    Vegetable dressing for borscht for the winter from beets, carrots and tomatoes

    For a tasty dressing, let's take:

    • beets – 3 kg;
    • tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
    • carrots – 2 kg;
    • onion – about 1 kg;
    • greens - 3 large bunches;
    • vegetable oil – 300 ml;
    • vinegar – 100 ml;
    • salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar – 2/3 cup;
    • garlic and black pepper at your discretion.

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash and peel the beets. Grate and cut into thin bars; I recommend the second option. The vegetable should be simmered in a large saucepan until soft, with vinegar and sugar.

    2. Grate thick carrots on a coarse grater. If you have it small, you can cut it. We also wash and clean it first.

    3. Cut the onion finely, preferably into cubes. We need to fry it with carrots. To do this, heat the frying pan and add vegetable oil. Stir occasionally.

    4. When working with tomatoes, pay attention to the skin. If possible, it is better to grind them in a blender. If it is missing, make a cross-shaped cut at the footboard and throw it into hot water for a couple of minutes.

    After cooling the vegetable, remove the skin and chop finely. I cook them using a frying pan, but you can also stew them. The main thing is that they become soft and all the liquid evaporates.

    5. Now we add all the prepared vegetables to the beets. You can also pour some water there if you see that there is not enough liquid. Add salt and chopped herbs. Simmer everything together for another 15 minutes over low heat.

    6. We use sterilized jars and lids for sealing. We wrap ourselves in warm blankets for a day.

    It’s simple, isn’t it, but for clarity and to reinforce your cooking skills, watch the video:

    We are waiting for winter to come! With this easy and very tasty recipe, your borscht will be praised by the whole family.

    On my website there are fresh canning recipes:

    In harsh winter conditions, the human body often receives very few beneficial vitamins. This occurs due to a lack of vitamins in fruits that grow in winter. As a result, a person develops vitamin deficiency.

    He begins to experience frequent headaches, weakness and various other problems. But in order to somehow prevent this, you need to prepare jars in advance with a ready-made, quick, very tasty and healthy borscht dressing made according to a traditional recipe.


    • beets - 1 kg;
    • carrots - 0.5 kg;
    • cabbage - 1 kg;
    • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
    • onion - 4 pcs;
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • vinegar - 50 ml;
    • salt and sugar - 20 gr.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. I wash the beets and carrots and peel them. Then I cut them.
    2. I clean the cabbage from excess leaves and cut it into strips
    3. I peel the onion and cut it into rings. Then I cut the tomatoes into cubes.
    4. I pour water into a large saucepan and add oil there, in advance
      cooked vegetables and salt and sugar. Stir until the contents of the pan soften.
    5. After the vegetables are ready, add vinegar and continue to simmer for another 2-5 minutes.
    6. I put the contents of the pan into sterilized jars.
    7. I place the jars with the preparation under a blanket or blanket for cooling.

    A classic borscht dressing without vinegar is an ideal recipe for a housewife who cares about her health and the health of her family.

    The main advantage of this dressing is that it saves time during the cooking process. And due to the complete absence of vinegar, this allows you to preserve many vitamins.

    This vinegar-free dressing recipe is not only healthy, but also delicious, simple and easy. Both a real housewife and a beginner in the business can prepare it.

    To prepare we will need:

    • beets - 1.6 kg;
    • carrots - 900 gr;
    • bell pepper - 900 gr;
    • onion - 1-2 heads;
    • tomatoes - 900 gr;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. I heat up a small amount of water. Then I pour it over the tomatoes and peel them. Then I grind it in a blender or using a grater.
    2. I add tomatoes to a large saucepan and put them on the fire, adding salt and sugar in advance. Then I simmer the dressing for 20 minutes.
    3. I peel the carrots. Then I grate the carrots and add them to our tomatoes in the pan.
    4. I cut the pepper into cubes or a cutter and also add it to the pan.
    5. I peel the beets, and then grate them and fry them in a separate frying pan, after which I put them in the pan.
    6. I simmer for another 10 minutes.
    7. I sterilize the jars, add our dressing there and place them under a blanket or blanket until cool.

    And these are not all the blanks, the best ones are below and above in the links:

    1. Adjika from zucchini

    Homemade winter borscht dressing “Torchin”

    I’m sharing a recipe for a borscht dressing called “Torchin”; it takes me about an hour to prepare.

    We will need:

    • beets - about 2 kg4
    • sweet pepper, onion - 0.5 kg respectively;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • tomato juice – 500 ml;
    • vinegar (either 3% or 9% is suitable - about a quarter cup, a little less);
    • oil (vegetable) - 1 cup;
    • sugar - 0.5 cups;
    • salt – 3.5 teaspoons (without a pea).

    If you wish, you can add carrots - 0.3-0.5 kg (you get a more classic taste of the dressing) and one chili pepper for piquancy.


    1. I peel the washed vegetables (you can do it after cooking, it will go faster) and cut them into fairly large pieces.
    2. I grind the cooked ingredients through a meat grinder.
    3. I add tomato juice, vinegar, spices.
    4. Everything should cook in about an hour, remove from heat.

    All that remains is to put the aromatic “Torchin” into jars (remember about sterility), and now you have simplified the preparation of borscht, and, therefore, saved your time!

    Once the jars have cooled (ensure smooth cooling so they don’t burst), you can try! I’m sure you’ll also take this recipe into service after making it once!

    Universal soup dressing for borscht for the winter or any other soup or dish

    With this preparation you can prepare absolutely any dish – that’s why it’s universal. You add beets to it and you get a borscht dressing. Add pickled cucumbers - that's the batch for pickle.

    Borscht dressing with beans is an excellent thing for the winter

    In this recipe, in addition to the main ingredients, we included nutritious and healthy beans. There are lovers of low-calorie food, so there was no way I could miss the recipe with beans. Moreover, it is also not difficult to prepare.

    Everything is brief and on topic - watch it a couple of times and remember everything. And in winter all that remains is to chop the cabbage and potatoes. Boil a rich broth and add our products - and the original soup is ready. It took me less than 20 minutes to prepare this delicious first course.

    Each recipe is tasty and healthy in its own way. You can prepare several recipes at once and then decide which one you like best. Bon appetit!

    There are many ways to make your first dish more flavorful and tasty. The simplest of them is soup dressing.

    What's the best way to season soups?

    Any soup is not just a mixture of products cooked in a lot of water. Preparing it is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. It is necessary to know not only the properties of each product separately, but also to take into account their mutual influence on each other. What chefs don’t use to improve the taste of the finished dish! But the best option is a pre-prepared soup dressing. You just need to add it to the pan in the last minutes of cooking, and you can be calm about the end result. All gas stations are usually divided into two categories:

    1. Those that are made during cooking simultaneously with the dish itself.

    2. Mixtures prepared for future use.

    Any housewife will agree that the second option is undoubtedly more preferable. Firstly, it allows you to use seasonal products at any time of the year. Secondly, seasoning the soup significantly reduces the time it takes to prepare it. All you have to do is open the treasured jar and put a couple of spoons into boiling water.

    Types of gas stations

    In order to always have on hand the necessary components for a particular dish, they must be prepared in advance and then sent for storage. This can be done in different ways: drying, freezing or canning. Soup dressing in this case is no exception. Many people use, for example, frozen herbs, dried spices or various sauces. All of them are, in their own way, dressings for first courses. With them, any soup or borscht is not just a broth, but a real feast of taste. Such additives usually include those products without which a hot dish is simply unimaginable. There are greens and some vegetables such as carrots, sweet peppers or tomatoes. All you have to do is collect these products together in a certain ratio, chop them, package them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer. At the right time, all that remains is to open the package, process the semi-finished product and add it to the boiling base composition.

    Frozen aromas

    It is almost always customary to add vegetables and herbs to soups at the last stage of cooking. Sometimes they are pre-sautéed, but this is not at all necessary. The only difficulty is that these products are seasonal, and sometimes finding them in the cold season turns out to be quite difficult. This is where blanks are needed. Soup dressing for the winter can be prepared using the good old salting method. For example, there is a unique recipe for which you will need 1 kilogram of tomatoes, onion lek, salt and carrots, as well as 300 grams of fresh parsley, dill and bell pepper.

    Everything is done extremely simply:

    1. All products must be washed.
    2. Then they should be cut with a knife, and the carrots should be chopped using a coarse grater.
    3. Add salt and mix well.
    4. Place the mixture in a container or jar, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

    This soup dressing for the winter will be a real find on cold days. When it’s frosty outside, it’s nice to see a plate of steaming, aromatic borscht on the table, for example.

    A matter of taste

    Making soup is a complex process that requires time and effort. To simplify the procedure, housewives usually use a standard preparation such as winter soup dressing. Its recipes can be very different. For example, a simplified version consists of a minimum number of components per kilogram of salt, including a bunch of parsley, as well as 3 kilograms of onions and carrots.

    Not a single good soup can do without these products. To avoid running around shopping later, you can do everything in advance:

    1. Peel the carrots and peel the onions.
    2. After this, chop the products. They should be the same shape as they are used to seeing in a pan.
    3. Sprinkle everything with salt. In this case, it will not only be an additive, but also a necessary preservative.
    4. Then put the mixture into prepared jars with screw caps. They are very convenient for repeated use.

    So the soup dressing for the winter is ready. Everyone can have their own recipes. For example, you can change the ratio of vegetables or even expand the list.

    Juicy supplement

    Vegetable is most often used. It is prepared from those products that are difficult to do without. Freezing and salting is, of course, a convenient option. But then the vegetables will still have to be boiled or fried. To avoid this stage, it is better to do everything in advance. To do this you need to take:

    one kilogram each of sweet peppers, carrots and onions, a tablespoon of salt, vegetable oil, 3 tomatoes and the same number of garlic cloves.

    Everything needs to be done as follows:

    1. Wash the vegetables.
    2. After this, they need to be cut: onions and pepper pulp into cubes, carrots into strips (you can simply grate them), and tomatoes into slices, having previously peeled them. It is better to pass the garlic through a press.
    3. First fry the carrots and onions in separate pans and then transfer them to a deep saucepan.
    4. Add pepper and tomatoes there too. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
    5. Add salt and garlic and continue cooking for another ten minutes.

    After this, the vegetable dressing for the soup for the winter will be completely ready. All that remains is to package it and roll it up. Such canned food can be stored at any temperature. This is very convenient for those who do not have a cellar.

    Quick soup

    Blanks can be either universal or designed for a specific case. The recipe for soup dressing depends on what exactly the hostess is planning to do. If you add a little cabbage to already known products, you can get an excellent addition to cabbage soup. For this option, you need to have one and a half kilograms of carrots, allspice, onions, salt, half a kilogram of cabbage and tomatoes, salt and peppercorns.

    Cooking method:

    1. Chop the washed vegetables thoroughly. First, chop the cabbage and carrots using a grater. Then fry them a little in vegetable oil.
    2. Cut the tomatoes and onions into cubes and also add them to the frying pan.
    3. Close the lid and simmer for about 15 minutes.
    4. Add the remaining ingredients and heat the mixture for another 5-7 minutes.
    5. Transfer the hot mass into jars and roll up.

    At the right time, all that remains is to boil water and lightly cook the chopped potatoes in it. The gas station will do the rest itself.

    Delicious borscht

    Everyone is used to the fact that refueling is just an addition. But it is not so. A flavorful mixture, for example, can be the real basis for a good borscht. Here you need a special seasoning for soup for the winter. It will be more convenient and clear to prepare it with a photo. The composition of the products is quite rich: 2 kilograms of fresh beets, a head of garlic, 250 grams of onions and sweet peppers, the same amount of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of salt, 750 grams of tomatoes, 100 grams of sugar and table vinegar. If desired, you can add a little greenery (dill and parsley).

    You need to prepare this mixture gradually:

    1. It is better to use a grater to chop beets. The rest of the vegetables can be chopped or ground as desired using a meat grinder. To save energy, some people use a blender.
    2. Place all ingredients except garlic in a deep saucepan and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat with constant stirring.
    3. Squeeze the garlic into the mixture and leave the pan on the stove for another 10 minutes.
    4. Place the hot mass into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

    From this quantity of products you should get two and a half liters of dressing.

    Magic tomatoes

    Many dishes, such as borscht, bean soup and cabbage soup, are prepared using tomato sauce. This is a kind of special dressing for tomato soup. It's not difficult to do. You just need to try not to violate the existing proportions: for 2 kilograms of tomatoes take 3 hot peppers, 20 cloves of garlic, one and a half tablespoons of salt, a little sugar, 70 milliliters of vinegar and a little ground pepper.

    The process of preparing the sauce takes very little time:

    1. First you need to blend the peppers, garlic and tomatoes in a blender.
    2. Then the mixture must be salted, poured into a saucepan and put on fire.
    3. Boil the mass until it is reduced by half. It all depends on the desired thickness of the sauce.
    4. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
    5. Pour the hot mixture into the prepared container and seal.

    You can store this product in any cool place. Moreover, it can be useful not only for soup. This sauce also goes well with fried potatoes, pasta or meat.

    Do you want to cook delicious borscht? Tomato dressing for the winter at home will help you with this. It is prepared simply and stored for a long time in a cold place.


    • Tomatoes 1 Kilogram
    • Garlic 5 cloves
    • Salt and pepper To taste

    1. Tomatoes in the form of fruit juice are not only an excellent dressing, but also an excellent antioxidant. By adding spices, pepper and salt, as well as garlic or bell pepper, you will get an irreplaceable product. So, to prepare the dressing, take ripe tomatoes and salt. Wash them thoroughly.

    2. Pay attention to the fruits - they should not be spoiled or show signs of rot. I usually buy the “Slivka” variety for fruit drinks, because these tomatoes have a lot of pulp - this is just what you need.

    3. Cut the tomatoes lengthwise into two parts and be sure to cut out the place where the stalk is attached. Now they should be ground through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass should be poured into a saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for no more than 35 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add salt.

    4. Hot fruit juice should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. I usually turn it upside down and wrap it up. So they stand for one day. It is better to store the dressing in the cellar, but it also keeps well in the pantry. From three kilograms of tomatoes I get 6 0.5 liter jars.

    Tomato dressing for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photo

    Do you want to cook delicious borscht? Tomato dressing for the winter at home will help you with this. It is prepared simply and stored for a long time in a cold place.

    Tomato dressing for soup and borscht for the winter

    All summer residents in the summer and autumn are engaged in packing various vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter. I have already made pickled cucumbers, tomatoes in their own juice, squash caviar and other preparations. And now I’ll show you one of the latest preserves - this is a dressing for borscht and tomato and pepper soup for the winter. Quite a simple but tasty recipe. This dressing can be used not only in soups and borscht, but also as a sauce for main courses. Below I describe step by step the entire preparation procedure.

    The number of tomatoes depends on how much dressing you will add. Therefore, the ratio of tomatoes and green peppers is always different. Here you must decide for yourself how much you need.

    I rolled up 11 liter jars, making 10 liters of tomato dressing. It took me 20 large green peppers and 7-8 bunches of greenery.

    Only ripe tomatoes are suitable for tomato dressing - even a small amount of unripe fruits will worsen its quality. And crumpled but ripe fruits and even halves are quite suitable for this purpose.

    Tomato dressing for soup and borscht for the winter - recipe with photo:

    1. Take the tomatoes, cut them into large slices and grind them in a meat grinder (you can use a juicer, a food processor, i.e. whatever device you have or is convenient for you). You can peel the tomatoes before grinding, but I don’t peel them and put them through a meat grinder along with the peel. Grind the hot peppers together with the tomatoes. We put all this on low heat until thickened.

    2. Then prepare pepper and herbs (dill, parsley). After removing the stalk, cut the pepper into large cubes, rinse the greens thoroughly, dry them and chop finely. All these ingredients will fill our tomato dressing for soup and borscht with taste, aroma, and spice.

    3. After about an hour of boiling, add bell peppers and herbs to the tomato. Then add salt and sugar to taste.

    4. Meanwhile, prepare the jars, wash them thoroughly, scald them with boiling water, and dry them. The lids also need to be boiled.

    5. After the tomato and pepper dressing thickens and the foam disappears, pour it into jars and seal it for the winter.

    To cool, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket. I use this aromatic tomato dressing both for soup and borscht and for side dishes. And my family can eat a liter jar of tomato dressing in one sitting.

    Tomato dressing for soup and borscht for the winter - recipe with photo

    A simple tomato and pepper dressing for borscht, soup, etc. for the winter. My step-by-step recipe with photos. I rolled up 11 liter cans, it turned out to be 10 liters of tomato...

    Dressing for borscht from tomatoes and sweet peppers

    Cooking time: Not indicated

    – 2 large bell peppers.

    Wash the tomatoes and turn them into juice.

    Pour the resulting tomato mixture into a saucepan (preferably stainless steel) and put on fire. While the tomato is cooking (it should boil for 10 minutes), let's prepare the pepper.

    We clean it from seeds and cut it into small strips.

    Pour into the boiled tomato and cook for another 10 minutes.

    Immediately pour into sterilized hot jars and seal with washed and boiled lids. Turn upside down for 15-20 minutes.

    Tomato borscht dressing for the winter

    Step-by-step recipe with photos of tomato borscht dressing for the winter. With this dressing, many dishes become even tastier. A detailed description and useful tips will help you prepare it.

    Tomato dressing for the winter

    It's no secret that seaming allows you to seriously save time. In winter it gets dark early, so many people return from work at dusk. When you come home, you just want to quickly relax. If you have suitable preservation, preparing dinner becomes much easier.

    One of the most popular dressings is tomato dressing for the winter. Let's remember that tomatoes do not lose nutrients during heat treatment and preserve more of them.

    • ripe tomatoes of autumn varieties, dense red or pink - 3 kg;
    • white rock salt without additives – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
    • chili pepper or ground hot red pepper – 1 pod or ¼ teaspoon;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • celery stalks – 2-4 pcs.

    We wash the tomatoes, cutting out parts near the stem. Grind our tomatoes and celery in a meat grinder, add salt, pepper and cook over low heat. How long to cook the dressing depends on what you want to get: the sauce can be left quite liquid, but the dressing for cabbage soup for the winter made from tomatoes is usually thicker. As soon as it has boiled down enough, transfer it to sterilized jars and roll it up. As you can see, making tomato dressing for the winter is very simple.

    Dressing with onions

    If you want to make a delicious dressing for tomato soup for the winter, you will have to work a little longer.

    • onions or white salad onions – 1 kg;
    • medium-sized sweet carrots – 1 kg;
    • red sweet pepper, paprika or bell pepper – 2 kg;
    • dense red autumn tomatoes – 4 kg;
    • white rock or sea salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • parsley, dill, basil and celery - 1 large bunch;
    • hot pepper and garlic - to taste and desire;
    • Unrefined, odorless sunflower oil – 1 cup.

    We clean and chop the onion as finely as possible, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Wash the peppers and tomatoes and cut them in half. We clean out the seeds and membranes of peppers, and cut off parts near the stalk of tomatoes. Grind in a meat grinder. Heat the oil in a cauldron or thick-bottomed saucepan, fry the onion and carrot until soft, add the mixture of tomatoes and peppers and cook, stirring, for about a quarter of an hour. If we want the tomato soup dressing for the winter to be thicker, boil it longer. Salt, pepper, add finely chopped herbs. If desired, season with garlic and hot pepper passed through a press. Let's roll up.

    It often happens that the tomatoes on the bushes do not have time to ripen. The question arises where to put a large number of green tomatoes. Another recipe will help us out - dressing from green tomatoes and cabbage for the winter.

    • green oblong tomatoes – 2 kg;
    • white cabbage - 1 large fork;
    • orange carrots, sweet – 400 g;
    • regular table salt without additives – 100 g;
    • white domestic granulated sugar – 100 g;
    • greens - to taste;
    • allspice peas – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • vinegar 6% white – ½ cup;
    • purified prepared water – 2.5 l.

    Shred cabbage and grate carrots to prepare vegetables in Korean style. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into half rings, add herbs - dill, parsley. Mix well and pack tightly into jars. Place pepper, salt and sugar in boiling water. After a couple of minutes, pour in the vinegar and pour the boiling marinade over our dressing. Let it sit under the lid for about a quarter of an hour, drain the brine, boil it, fill it again and roll it up. It makes a delicious soup or borscht dressing for the winter; these dishes are unthinkable without tomatoes. However, this canned food can be served in winter as a salad or as a side dish for meat or fish.

    Tomato dressing for the winter

    Tomato dressing for the winter It’s no secret that seaming can seriously save time. In winter it gets dark early, so many people return from work at dusk. When you come home, you really want to hurry up

    What else would you like to prepare deliciously for winter? We suggest rolling up cabbage soup in jars for the winter; recipes with cabbage are published below. In the cold months, vegetable dressing will be needed not only for cabbage soup, but also for hodgepodge or as a cold appetizer. Place some of the food on a piece of rye bread. It will turn out quickly and stunningly delicious!

    No wonder rich and poor people love to cook cabbage soup. The dressing soup is especially appreciated in Russia. It turns out to be a tasty, healthy first course. Maximum vitamins from cheap products.

    In summer and autumn, preparing cabbage soup for a large family is a cheap affair. Vegetables are available in the markets. And for those who have a couple of beds in their garden, it’s free.

    But cabbage soup is not only prepared in summer and autumn. They are easy to prepare for the winter! And when you want to treat yourself and your family deliciously, take out a jar of the preparation. You don't have to stand at the stove. Add broth or water and boil. The dish is ready!

    Are you wondering how to prepare cabbage soup for the winter according to all the rules? We are pleased to present you 6 successful step-by-step recipes.

    Cabbage soup for the winter - a simple recipe with cabbage and tomatoes

    You don’t know how to cook student cabbage soup for the winter? The classic recipe is in front of you! Step-by-step preparation is extremely simple. I’m sharing some secrets that will reduce cooking time.

    The advantage of the recipe: no water is added! Only natural vegetable juice and natural taste.


    • white cabbage – 1.5 kg;
    • carrots, onions and bell peppers – 600 g each. each vegetable;
    • red tomatoes – 550-600 gr.;
    • sunflower oil – 0.5 tbsp.;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. table salt (coarse grind);
    • 4 tbsp. l. sugar sand;
    • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
    • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
    • exactly 100 ml of vinegar 6%.

    First, prepare the jars and lids. Rinse with water and baking soda, rinse thoroughly in running water. Sterilize with hot steam or boiling water. In further steps you will no longer be distracted from cooking. Start processing vegetables. Clean, rinse.

    1. Chop the vegetables. You can use kitchen appliances. A food processor or shredder will get the job done quickly. And you will save time. Are you used to using a knife when cutting food? Feel free to cut the onions and tomatoes into small cubes, shred the cabbage. Pass the carrots through a grater and chop the pepper into strips.
    2. Stew the onion for the recipe with the rest of the vegetables. Don't you like boiled onions? Sauté it in oil!
    3. Place the onion in an enamel cup or pan. Pour in oil. Sauté for about 5-6 minutes.
    4. Add carrots, peppers, tomatoes. Place the cabbage in a “head” on top. Cover with a lid and place on low heat. Simmer the vegetables for exactly 1.5 hours. Juice will gradually be released, in which the food will be cooked.
    5. Don't want to wait long? Add a glass of hot boiled water to the vegetables. As a result, the mass will quickly boil, and simmering will be reduced to 50 minutes.
    6. As soon as the mixture boils, count down the time - 15 minutes. This is the time to simmer the vegetable dressing at a low simmer. Cutting - almost half! Is it the same with you? You are doing everything right!

    Add salt and sugar. Don't forget the black peppercorns and bay leaves. Stir. Cook from the moment of re-boiling for 5 minutes. Vinegar time. Add and stir. Cook for approximately 5 minutes. Remove the bay leaves.

    Do you want a more spicy taste? Leave the bay leaves in the cabbage soup. During storage, the mixture will infuse and the spicy aroma will intensify.

    Place hot cabbage soup in jars that are warm from sterilization. Try to compact it. Roll up the lids tightly. Place the jars upside down. Cover with a towel or blanket. When the jars have cooled, store them in a cool place for long-term storage.

    It is convenient to pack cabbage soup for the winter in small jars. The ideal option is 500 or 700 grams.

    When the time of winter cold comes, take out a jar of cabbage soup. Add them to the broth with boiled meat and chopped potatoes. Boil and get ready-made delicious cabbage soup for the whole family!

    Cabbage soup in jars - a recipe for cooking with tomato paste for long-term storage without sterilization

    Cabbage soup in jars for the winter is also prepared with tomato paste. It turns out incredibly delicious! Recipe without sterilization, but for long-term storage. You'll be surprised how easy it is to prepare!

    Cabbage soup in jars - 3 in 1! In winter, from the preparation you can quickly cook cabbage soup, solyanka or lazy cabbage rolls for the whole family.

    Grocery list:

    • 2 kg cabbage (white cabbage);
    • 1 kg of tomatoes;
    • 500 gr. sweet pepper;
    • 1 tbsp. tomato sauce or juice;
    • 250 ml sunflower oil;
    • table salt – 2-2.5 tbsp. l.;
    • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • 40 ml table vinegar 9%;
    • bay leaf, peppercorns - to taste.

    Preparation steps:

    1. Process the vegetables: peel, rinse, cut. Shred the cabbage. Tomatoes and bell peppers – in pieces or strips.
    2. Place the tomatoes into the pan. Add vegetable oil. Under the lid, steam over low heat until juice appears (5 minutes).
    3. Add pepper and cabbage. Cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat. Have the vegetables settled? Add salt, sugar. Then simmer for 1.5 hours. Keep the lid closed and the heat low.
    4. Season the mixture with bay leaf, allspice, and tomato sauce. Stir.
    5. Taste the cabbage soup. Not enough salt or sugar? Add more to taste. Want a spicier taste? Add spices. The best options for vegetables are: coriander, Georgian “khmeli-suneli”, caraway or mustard seeds, fennel or cumin.
    6. Add vinegar. Stir. Cook for another 5-10 minutes at a low simmer.
    7. When hot, pack the cabbage soup into sterilized glass jars. Close tightly with sterilized lids. Turn it upside down. Cool at normal room temperature.

    Pack the jars with the preparation with a warm blanket or blanket until it cools naturally. This will enable additional sterilization of lids and jars - simply and without any effort!

    Recipe with cabbage and mushrooms - a very tasty preparation without tomatoes and sweet bell peppers

    Don't like tomatoes and peppers? A delicious appetizer for cabbage soup can be made without these vegetables, but with mushrooms. The recipe uses boiled honey mushrooms. Do you have porcini mushrooms? Feel free to use them for preparation!

    Required Products:

    • white cabbage – 2 kg;
    • onions, carrots – 1 kg each;
    • 1 kg honey mushrooms (boiled);
    • 500 ml sunflower oil;
    • tomato paste – 480-500 gr.;
    • salt (“Extra”) – 2.5-3 tbsp. l. (without slide);
    • vinegar essence 70% - exactly 1 tbsp. l.

    Peel and rinse the selected vegetables. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Cut the onion into quarters of rings. For carrots, use a grater.

    Combine carrots and onions in a frying pan. Pour in sunflower oil. Sauté over low heat while stirring.

    At the same time, transfer the cabbage to the pan. Add a glass of hot boiled water. Warm over low heat.

    You have time - 20 minutes. You can sterilize jars and lids.

    When the vegetables are thoroughly heated, mix them. Saute the cabbage. Add salt and tomato paste. Stir. Simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, cover slightly with a lid.

    The best pan for cooking is one with a thick double bottom. Vegetables will not burn in it and will steam evenly.

    Add mushrooms. The list of ingredients already contains boiled honey mushrooms. Prepare them in advance. Stir again. Cook for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before the end of stewing, pour in vinegar and stir.

    Is your gas station ready? Immediately pour into jars! Seal with lids and wait to cool. Keep jars in a cool place: in the refrigerator, basement, underground.

    Dressing for cabbage soup from tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots - recipe without vinegar and cooking

    Don't want to cook the dressing? Try this recipe! Seasoning made from fresh vegetables is perfectly stored in the refrigerator without cooking or vinegar.

    What products will be needed:

    • 500 gr. turnip onions;
    • bell pepper – 500 gr.;
    • 500 gr. carrots and tomatoes;
    • 100 gr. parsley and dill;
    • 300-500 gr. salt.
    1. Prepare the vegetables, wash and peel. Cut into cubes. Chop the greens into smaller pieces. Want to speed up your slicing time? Take a food processor or shredder with the necessary attachment as your assistant!
    2. Combine all the cuttings in a saucepan or any cup. Add salt. Stir.
    3. Leave covered for half an hour.
    4. Stir again. Salt should cover every piece of vegetables, take a lot of it.
    5. After another 30 minutes, pour the mixture into sterilized jars. Close with lids. Store in the refrigerator.

    The recipe is universal! You can use it to prepare any vegetables for seasoning soups. Select the quantity of ingredients according to your taste. Want more carrots and no peppers? So do it!

    Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage for the winter - video

    Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage for the winter or autumn salad - easy to prepare and delicious to eat! Try it too.


    • 1 kg each of cabbage, tomatoes, bell pepper;
    • 1 kg of onions, carrots;
    • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 5 tsp. salt;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.;
    • table vinegar 6% - 200 ml.

    The number of vegetables in the list of ingredients is indicated in peeled form! Be careful.

    1. Peel and rinse the vegetables for the recipe ahead of time.
    2. Blend the tomatoes in a blender until smooth. Chop the remaining vegetables into thin slices.
    3. Place the cuts in a large saucepan. Add salt and sugar. Pour in oil. Stir. Close the lid. Let it brew for about an hour.
    4. Stir. Leave for an hour again.
    5. Try stirring the mixture. You will see how much vegetable juice appears! The preparation will be stewed in it.
    6. Place on low heat. Bring to a boil while stirring. Cook for 45 minutes. Count the time from the moment the liquid boils.
    7. Pour in vinegar. Stir. Roll into hot sterilized jars.
    8. Store on the table until cool, then in any cool place - basement, cellar, garage.

    Do you stew a large amount of vegetables for harvesting? Use a stainless steel or heavy bottom pan. Not a single piece will burn in such a dish.

    For packaging, you can use any plastic cups or jars. Use even small plastic bags!

    And in winter, you can please your loved ones with aromatic and healthy soup with fresh vegetables and herbs. Enjoy your meal!