Review: coffee jacobs monarch ground deceit or truth. Coffee Jacobs Monarch Coffee Jacobs ground types

About the brand

The Jacobs trademark traces its history back to the end of the 19th century, when entrepreneur Johann Jacobs opened his shop and began selling ready-to-roast coffee. The brand was registered in the early 1900s, and since then has been owned by various holdings - Johann Jacobs, Jacobs Suchard, Kraft Foods, Mondelez. Today, the corporation is called Jacobs Douwe Egberts, and in Russia they have their own representative office - Jacobs Douwe Egberts Rus LLC and their own factory.

Basically, brand drinks are sold in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. The company ranks second in the world in coffee sales.

Raw materials and production

In the early 2000s, a company factory was opened in Russia; before that, Jacobs coffee was imported from Finland. Fabria is located near St. Petersburg, in the Gorelovo industrial zone. The entire production process is certified. The company works with Arabica and Robusta, purchasing it from different regions, countries and continents, creating its own blends.

Products for different markets are different, so sometimes you can find Jacobs coffee not made in Russia, with new flavors or in other blends. It's okay, they rarely fake it.


Basically, the brand offers ground and instant coffee, there is a choice of Tassimo capsules, but there are few grains on the Russian market, although in Germany there is a separate huge line for baristas with different tastes. We will consider products officially manufactured at the Leningrad plant.

We produce only the classic Monarch, a blend of Arabica and Robusta. The degree of roasting is medium, but at the same time the taste is rich and intense, slightly bitter, with pronounced sourness, quite intense. Bright aroma, long aftertaste.


In fact, the same classic signature blend, but in different grinds and roast levels. Since many people buy exactly swollen grains, the company offers them a choice:


This is all a freeze-dried product that forms beautiful crystals. It is sold in branded glass jars with a tight twist to preserve the flavor and aroma characteristics.

Jacobs Millicano is a special product made using a relatively new technology: ultra-fine particles of natural coffee interfere with freeze-dried crystals, and during preparation you get a drink with the aroma and taste of natural. A little thick settles at the bottom.

Very popular sticks that you can find in any store or kiosk where they make coffee in cups. There are several different flavors to choose from, but they all contain coffee, sugar and milk powder.

  • Classic - traditional taste;
  • Strong - a darker roast, for those who like obvious bitterness;
  • Soft - lighter and lighter;
  • Monarch - Same flavor as instant in a can.
  • Cappuccino - with high foam, a separate series;
  • Latte Caramel - as milky as possible, with a touch of sweet caramel.

Jacobs 3 in 1 sachets are sold both individually and in whole packages - convenient to take with you or cook at work.

These are T-discs for popular Tassimo standard coffee machines - they have a special intelligent system built into them, which itself calculates how much water is needed, at what temperature and how long to prepare a drink. In assortment:

  • americano
  • Cappuccino
  • Latte macchiato
  • Latte macchiato caramel
  • Cafe Crema
  • Espresso.

Prices and where to buy

The cost of Jacobs coffee is quite affordable, it is a folk product that is taken by a lot of people. Here are indicative prices for popular brand positions:

  • Millicano 75 gr. m / y - 120 rubles;
  • Monarch, 95 g, glass - 160 rubles;
  • Monarch, 500 g, m / s - 650 rubles;
  • Monarch, 38 g, m / s - 70 rubles;
  • Sticks 3 in 1, strong, 50 pcs - 150 rubles;
  • Decaf, 95 gr, glass, - 200 rubles;
  • Grain, 1 kg in a bag - 700 rubles.

You can buy Jacobs coffee in any store that sells coffee and tea, in most retail outlets, in the market, in supermarkets. Large quantities can be ordered online, but it will be much faster to find it in regular stores - the choice is usually large, so you can easily find what you need. And the sticks are often sold directly at the checkout, so you can try them before you buy a big pack.


Reading time: 4 minutes


Jacobs brand coffee is considered one of the most famous and purchased products in our country. The company has a wide range, it produces drinks for every taste and budget. On the shelves of supermarkets there is a large selection of grain, ground and instant coffee. Each of them is individual and has different features, so the buyer can easily make his choice.

How did Jacobs come about?

Jacobs is a popular trade brand that has its own history. Once upon a time, in the late 1980s, in Germany, a German opened a shop selling sweets, coffee and chocolate. Most of all, visitors liked coffee beans, which were in great demand.

Some time later, the merchant opened a large store on the main street of the German city of Bremen. So, in the ninetieth year, the first plant for roasting grains was founded. They named it after the German seller.

Within seven years, the Jacobs trademark became the official coffee brand. The manufacturer, taking care of its customers, delivered products to their homes.

Then, during the war years, Jacobs' business almost collapsed. But, he found the strength to restore coffee production, and by the fiftieth year, Jacobs became the leader in the sale of coffee in Germany.

In the sixties, the founder's trading company passes into the hands of his grandson. The large volume of products produced makes Jacobs a popular drink in other countries.

Thus, the Jacobs trade brand is in demand and becomes popular all over the world. Every year, new types of Jacobs are released to the coffee market, taking care of every customer.

Customer demand for Jacobs coffee

The long-term success of the company depends on the following criteria:

  • High quality of products sold;
  • A wide variety of assortment;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Successful advertising activity.

In Russia, Jacobs has been known for about twenty years and is now the leader in sales. The average cost of Jacobs products is available to every coffee connoisseur.

Assortment Jacobs

The manufacturer produces mixtures of different varieties of Arabica and. Coffee products are sold in original glass jars, foil packs, tin gift boxes, and disposable sticks.

Trade brand Jacobs produces the following varieties of coffee:

How to choose a quality product

In order not to buy a fake when choosing coffee, you should pay attention to the following:

  • You need to buy goods only in specialized outlets or stores;
  • After the first purchase, do not throw away the packaging, save it until the next time so as not to purchase a fake;
  • On a pack with a natural product, a special control sign is depicted on a light green background;
  • Check the date of manufacture and place of origin of the beans. The date should be stamped on the pack, not printed;
  • Inspect the integrity of the package, it should not have dents or cuts;
  • Some manufacturers fake mostly instant product, it is better to give preference to grain or ground coffee;
  • Check the product in the package, it must be the same color, no additives.

You can distinguish a fake by checking the marking on the package using a barcode to find out the country of origin. The first digits indicate the place where the coffee was made.

Hello to all coffee lovers, otherwise I can’t write about you, as coffee lovers drink coffee in beans, not ground, instant. I’ll start my review that it’s generally harmful to drink coffee, and if it’s ground, it’s completely impossible. Why am I still writing about this coffee? And I can answer this question!

My dad loves coffee very much, and also with a cigarette.

But the thing is, he drinks

Jacobs Monarch ground. Once, my mother and I decided to please dad and buy him coffee beans, took a small pack for testing. And what do you think? He nailed everything as usual, went to the balcony to drink, and then brings a cup, looks at it and says to us: What is this? And then there's the residue! We say, so what? This is coffee beans, of course, it is natural, there will be half a cup of sediment, but you can drink it! And he says, no, I'll drink better ground, my favorite Jacobs Monarch, well, of course, we got a little angry with him, but what can we do? Everyone has their own tastes. Here is a story that makes us think. What to choose? So: I conclude that coffee lovers drink coffee in beans, and lovers drink ground coffee.

Now, according to my dad, I want to note the quality of this Jacobs Monarch ground coffee! In fact, it is really tasty, it smells like coffee, there is nothing so bad in it, the color is so chocolate, attractive. It turns out very tasty if you drink this coffee with milk. You know? That coffee with milk some people call a mockery, but I think that for example, for people who cannot drink a lot of coffee, coffee with milk is fine, as it will seem a little weaker. Soooo, let's continue! I would also like to note that if you immediately buy a pack of large grams, then the price will be cheaper and plus you won’t have to run after it every week. Jacobs Monarch ground - fragrant coffee that can be served to your beloved husband in bed and he will be happy and satisfied, despite the fact that this is ground coffee, it smells so that you can't tell!

My experience shows that this is an excellent coffee compared to other ground coffees, so I will advise all lovers to drink coffee in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. All I wanted to tell you is that you can safely buy this coffee and be completely satisfied. Drink in small sips, holding a little in your mouth and only then swallow. You will feel the pleasure of this wonderful coffee! Those who have not tried this coffee yet, I recommend buying a small pack at least for fun. I think you can even trace the difference between ground and beans. Bon Appetit everyone!

Video review


Jacobs coffee is easily recognized by consumers when they see it in a store. In Russia, the brand occupies a leading position in sales. Regardless of the country in which the product is packaged, quality remains its invariable feature.

A brand with a long history for more than a century pleases consumers with its products. The beginning was laid in 1895, when Jacobs Johann opened a shop in Bremen. He was engaged in the sale of tea, chocolate, coffee, muffins. After 10 years, the owner of the shop created a bean roasting company.

Soon, all products began to be sold in a unique design of branded packaging with the image of a bag filled with coffee.

The brand was officially registered (Jacobs Kaffee) in 1913. To attract customers, fresh grains were delivered to customers several times during the day.

During the First World War, a ban on the sale of coffee was introduced, so Jacobs began to sell sugar and cereals, and also dealt in securities. After the war, the demand for coffee increased dramatically. With the assistance of Walter's nephew, Johann rapidly raised production. In 1934, the demand for coffee beans in Bremen increased greatly, so the owner had to expand production by opening a large coffee roasting plant.

After 10 years, Jacobs took a leading position among German coffee producers.

In the 60s, the brand went beyond the borders of Germany, began to master Switzerland and Austria. The reins of government from the aged Jacobs were taken over by his son. Klaus opened offices in various countries and acquired competing companies.

Coffee Jacobs (Jacobs): types and varieties

Popularity is due to the fact that the management regularly expands the range.

The company produces:

  • Soluble (sublimated) product, which includes: decaffeinated coffee (contains small doses of caffeine), Jacobs "green", so named because of the color of the packaging and the novelty - Intense (coffee with enhanced flavor).
  • Natural ground coffee. Classic coffee Jacobs Monarch and Jacobs Monarch Espresso. Thanks to the finest grinding, Espresso can be brewed not only in the usual way, but also in a coffee machine.
  • Jacobs Monarch Millicano with the effect of instant coffee.
  • mix product- "Jacobs 3 in 1" is produced in three types: Intense, Latte, Original.
  • Coffee beans and ground- This is a blend of various degrees of roasting of grains.
  • Coffee Jacobs Croning Espresso with spicy bitterness, strong aroma, rich aftertaste.
  • Ground Jacobs Croning subjected to fine grinding. Brewed with water in a regular cup.
  • Jacobs Velor- powdered instant drink. It turns out with a delicate aroma of caramel and light chocolate notes.

How to make delicious coffee drink

To get real pleasure from the taste, you need to properly brew each type of coffee.

Jacobs coffee beans

To start, the grains need to be crushed. Use a coffee grinder. If you want to preserve nutrients and aroma, then use a cezve with a narrow neck for cooking.

When brewing, follow the rules:

  • use only ice water;
  • first warm the water, and then pour the crushed grains;
  • add sugar and spices if desired;
  • before pouring a drink into a cup, pour boiling water over it;
  • brew the drink only on low heat;
  • when the drink begins to rise in the cezve, stir and pour into cups.

When preparing, remember that coffee should be brewed, not brewed!

The proportions of water and coffee can be changed depending on how strong your coffee is. For a strong drink, it is recommended to add three teaspoons of ground grains and sugar to 150 ml of water if desired.

instant drink

Instant coffee is a good, quick drink option.


  • hot water - 240 ml;
  • instant coffee Jacobs Millicano - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Pour coffee into a cup and fill with water. Add sugar if desired.
  2. You can add milk powder, cream or milk to the drink.

Ground coffee

To brew delicious coffee, it is not necessary to use a Turkish coffee machine or a coffee machine. Jacobs ground coffee has a very fine grind, which allows it to be brewed in a cup.

Following simple tips, you can prepare a unique, aromatic drink.

  1. Before you start making coffee, pour boiling water over the cup. This preparation will help heat the container and retain heat longer, thereby helping the coffee to open better.
  2. After the water boils, wait five minutes. If you immediately pour boiling water over it, the aroma and taste will deteriorate. Ideally, if the water temperature is 95 degrees.
  3. You can add different amounts of coffee to the cup, depending on the preferred strength of the drink. It is recommended to add 7 grams of ground coffee to 100 ml of water.
  4. After pouring coffee with water, cover the cup with a saucer. The liquid will cool more slowly, and the drink will be stronger.
  5. After three minutes, the coffee must be stirred and then add sugar.

Which coffee is better Nescafe or Jacobs?

The two leading brands compete with each other in terms of taste. Jacobs has long dreamed of overtaking Nescafe in popularity, which is very popular with Russians.

According to the research conducted by Roskontrol, Nescafe Gold instant coffee has a pronounced taste that meets the requirements of the standards. At the same time, Jacobs Monarch has a pronounced taste. In terms of shape and color, both coffee options have been tested and meet the standards.

Jacobs is the first brand that quickly conquered the domestic market and still remains one of the most popular. There have been ups and downs in its history, but the 120-year history speaks of the success and perseverance of its leaders, as well as great love for their work.

Production history

Today, the Jacobs Coffee brand belongs to a large global corporation headquartered in the Netherlands. But it all started in the German town of Bremen, where a young and enterprising graduate of a trade school, John Jacobs, opened a small shop offering delicious biscuits, chocolate, tea and coffee. It happened in 1895. The young businessman was successfully doing business and soon his store rented premises in the very center of the city.

In 1907, Jacobs opens a small coffee roasting factory and offers his customers the delivery of an aromatic product up to 4 times a day. In the photo below, you can see one of the company's first packaging, which shows a full bag of coffee beans. At that time, the company was called "Coffee Jacobs".

First packaging design

The First World War made adjustments to the development of the coffee business, so Jacobs had to do a completely different thing - to organize hospital meals, and later move on to the securities market. In 1923 John had to bring his business back to life for the first time. Proper organization of production, skillful advertising and adherence to traditions made Jakobs & Co a national company in 5 years. Soon the first large brazier in the city was opened with a staff of 300 people. The company's turnover grew, as did its popularity.

Jacobs had to put the company on its feet for the second time after World War II, already with his son. Soon the brand became popular throughout Germany and began promoting products to other countries.

Today it is a manufacturer of coffee beans, 3 in 1, ground and instant products, coffee capsules and the so-called millicano - ground in instant.

The criteria for the success of this brand include:

  • maintaining a consistently high quality of all products;
  • achievement of the optimal ratio of price and quality, in the direction of reducing the first and increasing the second component;
  • skillful advertising;
  • a wide range and variety of packaging.

The brand appeared on the domestic market more than 2 decades ago and still holds a leading position. The brand's products belong to the middle price category. The beginning of the conquest of the Russian market is considered to be 1994, when deliveries of soluble Jacobs began to the country. In Russia, the production of coffee under the brand name of the world brand is carried out by Kraft Foods.


For the production of coffee, the company uses blends from different varieties of Arabica. The assortment includes products in glass, vacuum, foil and tin containers of different capacities from 100 grams, 2500, 400 grams and 1 kg.

The range includes the following types of products.

  • Ground natural coffee Jacobs Monarch, packaged in foil vacuum packaging. The line is represented by coffee with the classic taste of Jacobs Monarch Croning and Jacobs Monarch Espresso. The color of the packaging of the first product is traditional green, the second is black. Both varieties are represented by finely ground beans, which makes coffee suitable for brewing both in a Turk and directly in a cup.
  • Jacobs Monarch Millicano - ground in soluble. It is produced using a new technology, as a result of which each granule of instant coffee contains ground coffee, enriching the drink with a bright taste and aroma. Millicano is a new product of the brand, occupying a position between natural ground and freeze-dried. Suitable for those who want to enjoy the natural taste of coffee and spend a few seconds preparing it.
  • Soluble Jacobs Monarch 3 in 1. Presented in 3 types: Original, latte and intense with a classic fortress, soft and strong.
  • Sublimated Jacobs Gold, Monarch, Velour and Velvet. The first is a product of medium strength and classic taste, the second is strong, the third is the most delicate with rich foam, the fourth is powdered with foam, produced using a new technology that enriches the product with micro-air bubbles.
  • Coffee Jacobs Monarch decaffeinated - granulated in a blue can with a minimum caffeine content.
  • Coffee capsules for the Jacobs Tassimo coffee machine. The measured portion of coffee, milk, chocolate and other ingredients makes each capsule perfect for making delicious espresso, latte or cappuccino. Each package contains 16 capsules and is designed for a specified volume of water from 60 to 290 ml.
  • Coffee beans in vacuum packs of 1000 grams. The grain product is represented by two types: Jacobs Monarch and Jacobs Monarch Espresso. They contain 100% Arabica. Calorie content depends on the type and amount of milk component.

Instant coffee line

The trademark for the production of different varieties of coffee uses blends of Arabica and Robusta developed by its own specialists from different regions of the world. These are mainly Congolese Robusta and Brazilian Arabica, which give a classic taste with a slight sourness, by which lovers will recognize their Jacobs and will not be confused with a fake.