Bran bread: health benefits. Bran - what is it and how to use them correctly? Bread with bran: benefits

Nutritional value and composition of bread with bran

Bread with bran contains a number of vitamins: B1, B6, D, B12, E, PP, ascorbic acid, a whole complex of chemical elements, including iron and zinc, as well as fiber.

100g of bran bread contains:

  • Proteins - 7.5.
  • Fats - 1.3.
  • Carbohydrates - 45.2.
  • Kcal - 227.

The level of caloric content of bread with bran is not so small, however, this bakery product belongs to dietary foods. And thanks to the rich mineral complex, it is often introduced into the menu of therapeutic nutrition in sanatoriums and dispensaries.

Bran bread is one in which the bran is present in the dough itself, and not just sprinkled on top. The most useful bread with bran is the one that contains 30% bran. All the benefits that are in bran are contained in bread, since heat treatment in no way affects the valuable substances of grain shells.

Useful qualities of bran bread and contraindications for use

The use of bread with bran contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, brain, liver, vascular system and digestive system.

The use of this bread perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates the body, as a result of which you do not want to eat for a long time.

Bread with bran is often introduced into the diet of people with gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular disease and liver disease.

This bakery product is enriched with lipoic acid, which is found in bran. This acid is often called a corrector for the human body system. This type of bread can be an excellent alternative to wheat bread, since bran bread is hard to overestimate.

An important component of bran is fiber, the use of which promotes digestion and is a sorbent that removes toxins from the intestines.

Attention! Bran bread should not be used for gastritis during exacerbations, with duodenal ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids and pancreatitis. In any case, if you have the above diseases, then before using this bakery product, consult your doctor.

Bran bread for weight loss. Many diets include fasting days with green tea, salad, and two toasted bran bread. This is quite natural, because bread with bran gives an excellent feeling of fullness: you forget about hunger, and the diet is easier to tolerate.

Making bread with bran at home

Home-made bread, unlike store-bought, is a guarantee to feed your household with bread without dyes, emulsifiers and taste improvers, and if it is bread with bran, you will also get a very healthy bakery product.


  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 500g.
  • Wheat bran - 100g.
  • Fresh pressed yeast - 5g.
  • Salt - 8g.
  • Granulated sugar - 30g.
  • Butter - 15g.
  • Drinking water - 330 ml.


  1. Dissolve yeast and 250g flour in 250 ml of warm water in a bowl. Stir, cover with cling film and let rise for 2.5 hours. This is a dough that should increase in volume and be bubbly.
  2. Next, add salt, sugar, butter, the remaining water, bran to the dough, mix and knead the dough.
  3. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and let rise. The dough should double in size.
  4. We divide the finished dough into 4 parts and form balls. We grease the baking sheet with oil, put the balls at a certain distance from one another and leave to come up for an hour.
  5. When the products increase by 2 times, carefully make transverse cuts with a sharp knife.
  6. In the oven, heated to 220ºС, put the bread for 10 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 180ºС and bake until fully cooked.
  7. Finished bread, sprinkle with cold water, put on a wire rack and wrap with a towel. After 4 hours, fragrant and tasty bread can be eaten!

The diet of a modern person is not ideal, and the main drawback of the menu is the lack of the required amount of fiber in it. Due to the excessive consumption of refined products that have gone through all the stages of purification, many disorders occur in the work of the digestive organs, leading to the appearance of many other problems. However, there are products that can restore balance. So, for example, bread with bran contributes to the additional enrichment of the diet.

The benefits and harms of bran bread

People who follow a proper diet replace conventional baked goods with bran bread, as it is reliably known that it benefits the body.

  • Thanks to the dietary fiber in the composition, the regulation of bowel function is carried out. As a result, the body is cleansed of toxins, harmful cholesterol is eliminated.
  • Useful substances contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • The level of sugar in the blood decreases.
  • Trace elements help prevent and treat constipation.
  • Bread of this variety has a beneficial effect on weight loss.
  • Starts the work of the stomach, accelerates the absorption of substances.
  • Improves the composition of the blood.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin.
  • Grain fiber is beneficial in the event of iron deficiency anemia.
  • The composition is useful for allergic reactions, skin problems, acne, hair loss.

The disadvantages of baking are minimal:

  • not everyone likes the taste of the product - the product turns out to be rough and rough, not as airy and lush as baking based on refined flour without impurities;
  • when using low-quality bran, there are taste notes of light bitterness in the finished bread;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract by coarse particles in the composition is not excluded, therefore the product under discussion is not recommended for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis.

The disadvantages also include a considerable calorie content of the product - about 330 kcal per 100 g.

For this reason, people with obesity should control the consumption of bread with bran. Do not eat more than a couple of small pieces per day.

Homemade bread in the oven

To make homemade bread in the oven, you must use the following ingredients:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 0.25 kg of premium wheat flour;
  • ½ st. l. dry yeast;
  • 6 tsp bran;
  • 3 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 15 g butter.

"The separation of bran from flour is a luxury, and for nutrition it is more harmful than useful." (Justus Liebig. Letters on Chemistry)

An emergency occurred in one of the military units of the tsarist army - all the officers of the unit fell ill. At the same time, the soldiers, on the contrary, felt excellent. In order to figure out what the matter was, a special commission was created. And after a long and thorough investigation, one feature came to light - bread for officers was baked from flour of the highest grades, and for soldiers - from wholemeal wholemeal flour, with bran.

So what's the deal? Bran has always been perceived as a waste of flour milling ... It would seem that bread made from better quality flour, purified from all excess flour, should be of the highest quality, because from time immemorial all the efforts of master bakers have been reduced to making bread “even more magnificent and whiter”. But no - studies that have been carried out in this area have shown that "tasty and beautiful" does not always mean "healthy". Therefore, we will try to figure out what bran is and why refined foods are useless, and sometimes harmful.

But first, we will go a little deeper into biology, just to have an idea of ​​​​what bran is. All we know what a grain of wheat looks like. It consists of three parts, three main elements: the germ - a small vitamin bomb that can give impetus to the development of a new life; the core, which contains sugars and starch - the nutrients of the future plant; the outer shell, the "skin" of the grain, protecting it from shock, temperature fluctuations, moisture and other troubles from the outside.

The wheat germ is the first to give life to the plant, for this it contains a huge biological energy, a powerful force that makes the grain germinate in one day. Therefore, it contains the most important vitamins of groups B and E and trace elements. The rough shell of the grain, its walls, also contain valuable substances such as cellulose, lignin (insoluble fibers), pectins (soluble fibers). But the only part of the grain that goes to the production of white flour is the endosperm (grain kernel) - a store of protein, sugar and starch, therefore, during the grinding process, the grain loses a significant part of the nutrients. The finer the grinding and the “cooler” processing of the grain, the less vitamins remain in the flour ... Scientists even scrupulously calculated how many useful substances and vitamins a wheat grain loses as a result of fine grinding: vitamin B1 - 86%, vitamin B2 - 70%, vitamin B3 - 80%, vitamin B6 - 60%, folic acid - 70%, iron - 84%, calcium - 50%, phosphorus - 78%, copper - 75%, magnesium - 72%, manganese - 71%, zinc - 71%, chromium - 87%, fiber - 68% ... Depressing numbers. Now it becomes clear why the officers of the military unit, which were discussed above, fell ill, because they got on the table tasty and expensive bread, purified from all impurities, and at the same time from all useful substances.

So means - "useless" bran are useful? Scientists have long found out that the grain shell contains a huge amount of vitamin B6 (“calmness vitamin” - receiving it in sufficient quantities, a person becomes calm and balanced, completely transforming), there is vitamin B12, gluic acid (a vitamin-like substance on which the proper functioning of nervous system, especially when it is overloaded), riboflavin (an organic substance that is also necessary for the central nervous system), thiamine (vitamin B1, the most important vitamin found in bran). In addition, bran contains vitamin E (providing the function of reproduction of offspring) and vitamin C (everyone knows ascorbic acid, the benefits of which are even indecent to remind), however, there is not very much of it. Bread with bran contains more vitamins than regular black bread. Vitamin B1 is contained in it in its best form - “thiamine”, it contains vitamin D, vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, which is essential for the nervous system, proper functioning of the liver and blood vessels), lipomic acid or lopomin (in other words, vitamin H , serving as an energy "corrector", as well as the most important factor for the functioning of the liver and heart). And most importantly, all the vitamins contained in whole grains differ from pharmacy ones in that they cannot be “overeaten”, overdose, since the body itself will remove the excess.

It turns out that by throwing away or giving “unnecessary” bran for livestock feed, we throw away natural vitamins and microelements along with it. Somehow it goes wrong...

Many studies support the use of bran bread. For example, it has been observed that the use of bran bread suppresses appetite, causing a feeling of fullness, favorably affects the intestinal microflora, and normalizes the digestion process. The bran contained in bread absorbs harmful substances and toxins, contributing to their natural excretion from the body. Bran bread improves immunity, and also increases the iron content in our body - only 15 gr. bran cover the daily requirement for this essential element for hematopoiesis. Bread made from wholemeal flour containing bran is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Bran bread must be present in the diet of overweight and obese people, as well as in dietary nutrition with limited carbohydrate intake. Bran bread has cleansing properties, so it should be consumed by people suffering from kidney, liver and acute rheumatism.

But, perhaps, the main advantage of bran is its high content of dietary fiber, which regulates the functioning of the intestines, improves the microflora of the colon, reduces blood sugar levels and helps to eliminate excess "bad" cholesterol. Dietary fiber lowers cholesterol by binding intestinal bile acids with atherogenic activity, so bran bread is simply necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Bran bread is also useful for diabetes - it slows down the breakdown of starch and helps lower the glycemic index of other foods. And recent studies have revealed a new property of bran - they effectively regulate metabolism. Fiber does not know how to "burn" fat, but it affects the very cause of excess weight - a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Bread baked from wholemeal flour is useful for cancer patients, especially those who have a breast tumor or fibrocystic mastopathy. Bran is zinc, and this element is necessary for knowledge workers.

The most useful and best bread is the one that is baked from flour milled from sprouted grain (malt), the so-called malt bread - in germinated wheat grains, the content of vitamin E increases hundreds of times, the amount of B vitamins increases 6 times, the concentration of necessary micronutrients for our body.

What is interesting is that refined “white” products (white bread, premium pasta, sugar) not only do not contain vitamins, but also consume their already small reserves - all in order to assimilate “white poison” and “sweet poison” ... White bread made from premium flour, confectionery, buns and sugar increase the body's need for B vitamins, resulting in hypovitaminosis (which is noticeable, of course, not immediately). Our babies eat too many refined foods, getting used to swallowing food without chewing, washing it down with water or other drinks - as a result, 90% of children in the 5-6th year of life have caries.

In many countries, specialized varieties of bread are now being produced, introducing up to 25% of bran into premium flour. There are more than 20 "healthy" varieties of bread in the world. In Russia, the producers are not so generous - as a rule, 2-3 varieties of grain bread or bread are produced from wholemeal flour, the rest of the assortment is wheat bread from premium or first grade flour, poor in nutrient and fiber content.

For those who consider the bran craze to be a fashionable modern trend, a little digression into history. No one can name the exact date of the appearance of bread in the human diet, but at the same time, most scientists believe that people got the first bread over 15,000 years ago, by accident. In search of food, ancient people turned their attention to grains of cereals. At first they were simply collected and eaten, then they began to grow them, gradually learning how to grind grain, cook cereals, stews and grain mashes from it, and then cakes and bread. According to archaeologists, baked bread in the form of a flatbread was obtained when part of the cereal talker accidentally poured onto the hot stones of the hearth and baked. For quite a long time, it was flat cakes that were the only type of bread, until a person discovered that the talker left for a while begins to ferment, and the cakes from it turn out to be softer and more magnificent. Thousands and thousands of years have passed since then, and baking bread today is a real art. But for a long time, bran bread was considered low-grade, nondescript, and more and more varieties of “beautiful” and “correct” bread appeared on store shelves ...

Modern manufacturers, fortunately, are producing an increasing number of varieties of bran bread - this is grain, malt, with raisins or a special "sports" bread, enriched with useful substances. Unfortunately, sometimes on store shelves you can find varieties of gray bread, which is passed off as bran, but very often such bread does not contain bran, but is simply a low-quality product. It is easy to distinguish real bran bread from a fake: in the context it has a gray color, bran is visible in the form of small yellowish and light brown blotches both on the cut and on the surface. Real bran bread has a pleasant taste and aroma that bread made from the highest grades of flour does not have.

People rushed to give bran the status of waste, and this is wrong. So let's change our attitude to this product and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Whatever a person came up with to purify flour and improve the quality of bread. In pursuit of taste, the benefits of ground grain have been significantly reduced. In the process of grinding and releasing the chaff, its main value, the shell, was lost. It is the peeled husk that is of great benefit to the body, cleanses it and adjusts it to work properly. The bran can be returned to flour and is often added to bread during kneading. It's easier to control their quantity, to play with the taste of baking.

Justus Liebig. "Letters on Chemistry"

Lack of fiber is the main problem of the diet of modern man. The use of refined products that have passed all degrees of purification leads to disruptions in the work of many internal systems and organs. That is why more and more people talk about the additional enrichment of the diet. You can buy special breads, grain husks in loose or granular form, but the simplest product that does not require drastic changes in eating behavior is enriched bread.

What is useful such baking:

  1. Dietary fiber regulates the functioning of the intestines, helps cleanse the body of toxins, remove harmful cholesterol and is a good way to prevent atherosclerosis.
  2. Helps lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Helps to treat constipation, prevents their occurrence.
  4. With a competent approach, it helps not only to cleanse the body, but also to lose weight.
  5. It makes the stomach work, promotes better absorption of substances, cleanses the walls of the digestive organs.
  6. Improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin levels. Bread with grain fiber is useful for iron deficiency anemia.
  7. Coarse fibers will remove everything superfluous from the intestines, they are useful for allergies, skin problems, acne, hair loss, fungal diseases and are a natural adsorbent.

The disadvantages of enriched baking include taste. Products are coarser, rougher, less airy and fluffy than bread made from refined flour without additives. If low-quality bran was used in the manufacture, then a slight bitterness may be present.

How much bran bread can you eat

The effect of bread with the addition of bran on the body largely depends on their amount in the composition. The greatest value is baked goods, which contain up to 20% grain husks. But in this case, it is important not to abuse the product. An adult can eat no more than 30 g of dry cereal shells per day, while bran is introduced gradually, starting from 5 g. It is almost impossible to calculate the amount in purchased baked goods, since many manufacturers do not indicate the percentage on the package.

In order not to provoke a number of unpleasant side effects, an adult is not recommended to consume more than 300 g of bran bread per day. Most of the product should fall in the first half of the day. If fortified pastries cause discomfort in the stomach, bloating and increased gas formation, pain in the abdominal cavity, difficulty with bowel movements, then we are talking about an overdose. In this case, it is advisable to refuse enriched baking for a few days, then reduce the amount.

The healthiest bran bread

The assortment of finished flour products in stores is huge. The most common is ordinary yeast bread with bran from wheat flour, sometimes with the addition of rye. It carries a certain value for the body, but there are more useful and dietary types.

What is bran bread:

  1. Wholegrain. This species is especially useful for diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Living bread. Baking is prepared using natural sourdough, it may contain wheat germ, whole grains. The product is useful for obesity, beriberi.
  3. Biobread. Enriched with seeds, nuts, prepared from several types of flour, distinguished by the use of exclusively natural ingredients. Often vegetables are present in the composition: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, celery.
  4. Bread. Differ in ease, low humidity, long shelf life. When choosing this product, the composition is of great importance, which requires careful study. Often in it you can find unnecessary additives in the form of flavor enhancers, salt, preservatives.

homemade baking

Dry bran can be added to any homemade baking. With them, you can cook not only ordinary bread, but also loaves, buns, pancakes, diet muffins, pancakes. The main advantages of these products will be naturalness, freshness, fiber concentration. You can calculate the required daily amount, add it strictly according to the norm and not worry that the body will not receive coarse fibers or will react negatively to an overabundance.

Video: Recipe for protein-bran diet bread

Benefits for weight loss

It is a mistake to think that bran bread is a dietary product. The minimum calorie content of baking is 220 units, the maximum reaches 400 kcal. It all depends on the additives that were used when kneading the dough. Bread can contain various types of flour, sugar, honey, and fats.

Many companies produce "fitness-baking" with grain additives: seeds, nuts, dried fruits may be present. Undoubtedly, all these ingredients are important for the body, but also increase the energy value. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition before use. Otherwise, a few pieces of the fortified product will equal the calorie content of two full meals.

Despite all this, bread still helps to lose weight. It is healthier than regular wheat or rye pastries. If there is a choice of what to cook a sandwich with or eat the first course, then you definitely need to give preference to this particular product.

Useful properties for weight loss:

  1. Stool normalization. Many diets, especially those rich in protein foods, cause constipation, which is not only harmful to the body, but also interferes with losing weight.
  2. Saturation. Coarse grain shells swell in the stomach, suppress hunger for a long time, and allow you to eat less food.
  3. Rich composition. The product gives the body valuable vitamins and minerals, the intake of which is especially necessary during the period of weight loss.

Advice! If you choose between wheat and rye bread with bran, then it is better to give preference to dark types. White bread contains gluten. This protein compound contributes to weight gain, swelling and fatigue. In addition, more and more people are discovering intolerance to this substance.


There are a number of diseases and conditions in which it is worth eliminating the product from the diet. Not all of them are absolute, some of them are only temporary. So, with some diseases of the stomach in a calm period, baking with fiber does not bring any discomfort, pain, and can be used without harm to health. During an exacerbation, even from a small amount of bread with bran, pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms may appear.


  • gastric ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea, overactive colon;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • avitaminosis.

A relative contraindication is antibiotic treatment and any other oral drug therapy. Bran cleanses the body not only from harmful substances. Once in the digestive tract, fiber absorbs water, swells, absorbs toxins, chemicals from drugs and removes them from the body unchanged. Therefore, during illnesses, it is advisable to refuse to eat a large amount of enriched bread. For the same reason, it is not recommended to abuse it during pregnancy, when the body's need for vitamins and minerals is much higher.

Video: Which bread is healthier in the program "About the most important thing"

The composition of useful substances

Bran bread contains 9 essential amino acids. Among them, valine, isoleucine, tryptophan, phenylalinine + tyrosine predominate. Only 100 g of the edible part covers 23% of the daily human need for dietary fiber.

Table of the content of nutrients in bran bread (per 100 g of product)

Cooking does not stand still, experienced housewives come up with more and more new recipes for various dishes. Don't miss out on the baked goods. Today, bread is made not only from wheat or rye flour, but also on the basis of bran. Such a product has a low calorie content and accumulates a lot of fiber, so it is widely used for weight loss. Let's not be unfounded, consider the benefits and harms of bran bread for the body.

Useful properties of bran bread

  • soothes, relieves irritability;
  • used in the diet of losing weight and obese patients;
  • removes slagging;
  • frees the airways from mucus;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances and heavy metals;
  • conducts cancer prevention;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis due to the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • improves the activity of the heart;
  • reduces blood glucose levels;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • included in the diet of patients with hepatitis;
  • effective in urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • has laxative properties, so it fights constipation;
  • increases metabolic processes;
  • improves reproductive function.

All these useful properties are inherent not only in bread, but also in other dishes with the addition of bran (cereals, soups, salads, cookies, yogurts, etc.).

Optionally, you can additionally prepare a cocktail from bran. To do this, fill the harvest of raw materials with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Consume in small portions to promote health.

The benefits of bran bread

  1. The product is famous for its ability to remove cholesterol plaques from the cavity of the blood channels. Against this background, prevention of atherosclerosis and treatment of an existing disease are carried out.
  2. Bread with bran accelerates the absorption of valuable substances from food by the blood. Later, these compounds are distributed throughout the body, improving the functioning of vital organs and systems.
  3. The product contains many vitamins from group B. All of them are necessary to maintain the efficiency of the central nervous system. Regular intake of the product ensures restful sleep and psycho-emotional balance.
  4. Not without the accumulation of a natural antioxidant - tocopherol, or vitamin E. This substance is necessary for the skin and hair. Tocopherol removes radionuclides, free radicals and salts of heavy metals, preventing cancer.
  5. It contains many mineral compounds that have a positive effect on the heart muscle. We are talking about potassium and magnesium, these substances are needed for the prevention of heart disease and the speedy recovery after a stroke / heart attack.
  6. Bran bread is rich in lipomic acid. It is responsible for the correct functioning of the kidneys. With regular eating of the product, you will prevent urolithiasis and remove existing neoplasms (sand, small stones).
  7. Bran concentrate ascorbic acid. Everyone knows that vitamin C is necessary to strengthen the immune system during viral epidemics and beriberi. Zinc, which is rich in the product, improves the activity of the male reproductive system.

  1. The product accumulates useful substances that have a positive effect on human health. A special place is given to fiber, which is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system.
  2. When ingested, fiber acts as a brush, it thoroughly cleans the esophagus, removing even the oldest congestion.
  3. Against this background, the metabolism increases, natural weight loss begins. Dietary fiber, like a sponge, absorbs toxins and removes them from the body.
  4. Bread has a special effect on the intestines, as a result of regular eating, peristalsis and microflora of the internal organ improves. Bran is rich in nutrients that keep you full for a long time and at the same time do not wander in the esophagus.
  5. Fiber is good because it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood. Bread can be eaten by diabetic patients without fear for their health. Along with this comes cleansing and weight loss.

The benefits of bran bread for losing weight

  1. If you have problems with excess weight, it is not necessary to give up bread at all. Include a bran product in your diet and enjoy the result. The main thing is to choose a completely natural composition or make your own bread. The calorie content of baking is approximately 250-280 Kcal.
  2. Give preference to special bran bread, you can buy them in a health or sports nutrition store. No sugar is added to this product. The basis is made up of only natural and healthy ingredients (dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, bran).
  3. You can eat no more than 2-3 slices per day. It is better to include the product in the meal in the morning, for second breakfast, lunch. In the evening, the reception of bread should be abandoned. To achieve results, combine bran bread with salads, fish, meat.
  4. As for the benefits for losing weight, bran bread speeds up metabolism. This means that with minimal effort on your part, the volumes will melt before your eyes. It is advisable to do exercises 2-3 times a day and refuse junk food (salty, fatty, fried, sweet).
  5. Bran bread is rich in dietary fiber. The product acts as a brush that passes through the esophagus and sweeps out everything superfluous. In addition to weight loss, a comprehensive cleansing of toxins and toxins is carried out.
  6. It is especially useful to eat bread for those who regularly go to the gym. Protein contributes to the strengthening of bone tissue and the formation of muscle fibers. Along with this, fat layers are split, blood circulation is accelerated.
  7. For best results, don't buy wheat bread. It contains a lot of gluten, with intolerance to this substance, you can harm the body and gain weight.

  1. A woman should think about the health of the future baby from the moment of conception. A pregnant lady needs to adjust proper nutrition in advance, supplying her diet with healthy foods. This number includes bran bread.
  2. While carrying a child, a girl often suffers from heartburn, constipation, indigestion, and other problems that relate to the gastrointestinal tract. Bread from bran will improve the functions of vital organs, eliminate failures in their work.
  3. Due to the accumulation of dietary fiber (including fiber in particular), a comprehensive cleansing is carried out. Emptying the bowel leads to the prevention of constipation and the absence of gas formation. Against this background, the girl will be able to avoid the development of hemorrhoids, which usually appears due to strong congestion.
  4. If you are still eating regular bread, consult your doctor or nutritionist, then replace it with a bran product. Getting used to such bread should be done gradually, start with one slice per day.
  5. The product will benefit not only pregnant women, but also nursing mothers. Bran increases the flow of milk, improves its quality and eliminates possible bitterness. But you should be careful, you can not eat more than 35 gr. bread a day, so as not to provoke flatulence.
  6. It is better for pregnant and lactating women to consume bran bread in the morning. So it will be absorbed faster and give the maximum of useful substances.
  7. If during the gestation of the fetus you have gained excess weight, after childbirth, you should definitely replace ordinary bran bread and completely abandon other pastries. Since during such a period it is impossible to give the body heavy loads, nutritional correction will help to lose weight.

Harm of bran bread

  1. There are some contraindications that must be adhered to. Experts do not recommend eating bread with colitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, excessive activity of the colon.
  2. If you are taking serious antibiotics, consult a specialist before introducing a bran product into your diet. Otherwise, bran will reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

It is important to understand that the beneficial qualities of bread outweigh its harm. But the use should be strictly dosed, you should not eat the product immensely. Include it in your diet and eat in the morning. Before taking, read the contraindications.

Video: bran bread recipe