List of which foods do not make you feel better? Obvious and unexpected foods that make you look fat before your eyes

Do you think that in order to lose weight, you need to give up food altogether? Fortunately, this is not the case! Read this article and you will find out which foods do not make you fat. This will help you plan your menu so that you don’t worry about your figure.

Many of us girls have noticed this pattern since childhood: if food is healthy, it is terribly tasteless, yet tasty foods and dishes do not bring any benefit and can even harm, for example, teeth or the stomach.

Whether this is actually true can still be debated. Do you think that in terms of harm to your figure, this rule works almost flawlessly? They say that fluffy pastries, sweet chocolate, and delicious fried potatoes are very tasty, but the volume of the figure after these products increases before our eyes. In order to stay in shape, you need to be content with only the most bland and unappetizing: it’s impossible to eat a lot of such food, it’s so tasteless! Let's find out if this is really so. Let's find out which foods don't make you feel better and whether you can eat them in unlimited quantities.

How do you know which foods don't make you fat?

Every person who has problems with excess weight would like to know what food does not make them fat. People with an increased appetite probably expect that such foods can be eaten without restrictions.

In fact, it is impossible to gain weight under any circumstances, perhaps only from water. Any food contains calories, the excess of which can cause the formation of fat deposits. Most diets, for example, or, are based on reducing high-calorie foods in the diet. In other words, whether you eat a kilogram of chocolate or a ton of lettuce, the result will be the same: you will gain weight.

However, there is hardly a person who will consume 1000 kilograms of green salad per day, right? Therefore, for food that does not make you fat, we will accept the lowest calorie foods, eaten within reasonable limits.

What foods don't make you fat: list of the lowest-calorie foods

Foods that don't make you fat include, first of all, foods of plant origin that contain a lot of fiber. The more dietary fiber it contains, the lower the calorie content of a product will be. The fact is that fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. We are, of course, talking about foods such as fruits and vegetables. They should always be in the diet of those who want to know.

The lowest calorie vegetables are:

  • cucumbers;
  • asparagus;
  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage (any, from cabbage to broccoli);
  • celery;
  • spinach;
  • zucchini.

Fruits can also be considered a food that does not make you fat. Everyone knows about the calorie content of grapes and bananas, but watermelons, grapefruits, apples, persimmons, and oranges do not contribute to weight gain. Berries, such as lingonberries, cherries, blackberries, and strawberries, are also good for your figure.

What food of animal origin does not make you fat?

There is no point in thinking that in order to lose weight you need to give up animal food altogether. Of course, fried pork with mayonnaise will not benefit your figure. But rabbit meat, white chicken meat, lean beef and turkey definitely won’t harm those who want to lose weight. The main thing is to prepare meat dishes in a special way: not fry, but bake or steam.

By the way, the so-called by-products (these are liver, kidneys, heart, tongue) can successfully replace meat in the diet: they are low-calorie and tasty.

Don't forget about low-fat dairy products. For example, low-fat cottage cheese perfectly satisfies hunger, saturates the body with calcium and protein and does not harm the figure at all. Natural (without additives) yogurt improves digestion and also does not affect weight at all.

It is best to supplement plant foods in your diet with fish and seafood. These are unique products that are very difficult to recover from. The Japanese, who eat a lot of seafood, are rarely obese. Perch, crabs, carp, flounder, pollock, halibut, pike perch, squid and shrimp - the list of these products could take a very long time. But the fact remains: fish and seafood are low-calorie and very healthy!

The safest sweets

What about those with a sweet tooth? Are there sweets that can't make you gain weight? Unfortunately, even diabetic desserts cannot guarantee that your weight will remain unchanged. However, there are sweets that have the least calories. These are marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. You can allow yourself to eat a small portion of these foods before lunch without remorse.

We must not forget that almost any food eaten late in the evening can be stored as fat. The fact is that our body does not have time to use up the energy that comes from food overnight. So it’s not just what we eat and how much we eat that plays a big role, but also when we eat.

To summarize, we can say that you don’t get fat from eating foods that:

  • low-calorie;
  • cooked in a certain way (without adding fat);
  • eaten at the “right time”.

If a person wants to be slim and healthy, he must clearly understand which foods contribute to excess weight. What foods make you fat? Do not forget that everyone has their own body with certain characteristics, so it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. But still, let's talk about this, since there are some foods that are difficult not to gain weight, regardless of individual characteristics.

Foods that make us fat

What foods make you fat? Here is a list of the main ones that lead to a person starting to get better:

  • fats of various origins;
  • fatty meats, bacon and sausages;
  • peanuts, pine nuts;
  • buckwheat and cereals;
  • cottage cheese (sweet) and cheeses (hard).

The greatest danger is posed by olives and caviar (fish). Of the processed foods, the greatest threat is posed by baked goods and cakes, sausage (smoked), chips and any fast food. The list can be continued ad infinitum.

The main rule is to know moderation in everything. If you forget about this, then you will gain weight completely from any food. Do not indulge yourself too much with various sweet dishes. There is an individual norm of calories per day that a person can consume. If it is regularly exceeded, obesity will appear, which can be caused by a delicious cake or a delicious hamburger.

If we want to gain weight

But there are also people who strive to gain weight rather than lose it. There is a special diet that really helps and does not harm. You need to eat correctly. It is important to gain weight gradually. In order to do this correctly, you need to consult a nutritionist. He will create a program and menu that will include healthy foods with high calorie content.

Getting fat is dangerous to your health

If a person suffers from serious heart and vascular diseases, then under no circumstances should he eat foods that cause obesity. It is important to limit fats in your diet as much as possible. Stubborn statistics indicate that the number of deaths from heart attacks has increased today. Men are more likely than women to suffer from heart attacks.

Fats can also lead to atherosclerosis. The most dangerous are those of animal origin. Fats contribute to rapid weight gain, so you need to be very careful.

What foods make you fat? The greatest danger is spread and margarine.

But fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet. This can also lead to serious problems. Hair will begin to fade, nails will break, and skin will become saggy.

It is necessary to eat fish oil, as well as oils (unrefined). Only one spoon (tablespoon) is needed every day.

Foods that make your legs fat

What foods make your legs fat? Every representative of the fair half of humanity strives for perfect legs that will conquer any man. But, unfortunately, very often the legs begin to get fat, not pleasing their owners at all. To prevent this from happening, you should not get carried away with fried foods and rich meat dishes. An excellent substitute would be fish (boiled). Just a week will pass, and you will be happy to notice that the long-awaited slimness is beginning to return.

Another pressing problem that worries many women is fat deposits in the thighs. Nature has given us the ability to accumulate substances in this zone. In this part of the body, cells appear that accumulate and neutralize toxins. If the body is heavily polluted, then unwanted fat deposits will certainly appear on the legs.

Foods that make women fat

All ladies want to be the most beautiful and the most desirable. They try to get closer to ideal proportions, but it is not always possible to achieve the ideal. What is the reason? You shouldn’t eat excessively and then exhaust yourself with newfangled diets, which are not always beneficial.

It's much better to eat healthy. To do this, it is important to know which foods make women fat. This will help you create the right diet and limit the amount of tasty, but quite harmful foods.

What foods make women fat? All representatives of the fair half of humanity love sweets. How wonderful it is to treat yourself to a cake or eat your favorite cake! Don't be too zealous. Such treats will add extra pounds to you and cause problems. It is much better to eat fruits, which are much healthier.

We are all in a hurry and are already accustomed to eating on the go. Fast food is sold on every corner. It's tasty, but harmful. Many women are accustomed to snacking on chocolate or crispy French fries. But these foods should never be eaten. They can significantly ruin your figure. You should completely avoid hamburgers and cheeseburgers.

What foods make you fat? You should also not eat foods that contain too many calories. It’s better to forget about your favorite pizza, aromatic lard and wonderful omelet. It is advisable to replace them with various fruits, vegetables and healthy foods.

Why do people get fat from healthy foods?

Why do people get fat? From what products? This often happens from healthy foods. Women wonder why they eat right, follow diets, but still gain excess weight. It turns out that not everything is so simple. This happens in certain situations:

  • If you are menstruating. During this time, many women overeat. They realize that this is wrong, but they cannot begin to control their diet.
  • If a woman is worried or stressed. At this time, you need to try to prevent negative aspects from affecting you.
  • After finishing the diet, an irresistible desire arises to eat plenty. Women completely forget about the difficult times when they denied themselves everything, and give their belly a luxurious holiday.
  • During the holidays. The tables are simply bursting with delicious dishes that you want to try all at once. The stomach at this time suffers greatly from excessive overeating.
  • If a girl breaks up with her lover. On this day you want to eat without stopping. You shouldn’t give in to this weakness if you don’t want to fight the accumulated kilograms later.
  • On the eve of an event of great importance. Everyone tends to be nervous. This leads to rapid emptying of the long-suffering refrigerator.
  • After forced abstinence from food, which a woman consciously subjects herself to, when it is very quickly necessary to lose weight. It’s quite understandable that you just want to pounce on food and eat everything at once.
  • If women are pregnant. During this period, the girl gains significant weight. She is sure that the baby who lives in her womb is happy about this.
  • When a housewife prepares food, she tries everything out of habit. You can often be full before you even sit down to the table.

You shouldn't listen to your friends who constantly talk about how you've gained weight. It is quite possible that they are doing this on purpose. It's quite likely that they want you to actually believe that you've gotten better. The reason could be simple envy.

Some people's bodies are designed in such a way that they simply cannot lose weight. You can work out on exercise machines and run every morning.

Typically, women gain weight from the food they eat during the appearance of a truly “brutal” appetite. At these moments, they simply cannot notice how much they actually ate.

How to eat deliciously, but not gain weight?

To eat deliciously, but not gain excess weight, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. Red wine is healthy, but you shouldn't get carried away with it. It contains a lot of calories.
  2. You should not get carried away with fruits, eating them in huge quantities.
  3. Juicy cabbage salad must be eaten with bread. This will help you get full and feel the wonderful taste of this dish.
  4. You can have a snack by eating almonds.
  5. You need to eat more often, but little by little.
  6. If you like omelettes, you can prepare a diet version.
  7. You can fry without fat at all if you use a frying pan with a non-stick coating.
  8. You can replace mayonnaise with homemade delicious sauces. It will be useful.

What food makes you gain weight quickly?

There are many favorite foods that are guaranteed to add curves to your belly and add fullness to your thighs. American scientists conducted special studies and compiled a whole list of foods that lead to rapid weight gain.

What foods make you gain weight? The greatest danger is posed by fats that are contained in butter, beloved by many. It doesn’t matter what the fat content is in the product you purchase. The result will be the same. In the process of making oil, a special fat is used, which undergoes chemical treatment. Butter also contains very harmful cholesterol. It is better to completely exclude this product from your diet.

What foods make men fat?

Women and men get fat from the same foods. It’s just that representatives of the stronger half of humanity often do not imagine the number of calories contained in the food they eat. Usually, the very foods that men are used to pleasing themselves with are high in calories.

What foods do men get better from? In first place is the same fast food. Men value speed. They want to do everything faster, including eating. They, like machines, quickly fill their stomachs with food and go about their business. At the same time, no one thinks about the benefits of what they eat. But this kind of food is the most harmful. You should avoid it completely or eat it rarely.

Men love meat, which can also cause obesity. This product contains a lot of calories. But it’s difficult to refuse a juicy steak. If men love meat, then they should exercise more. But today everyone has lost the habit of this, preferring to travel everywhere by car.

In order not to gain extra pounds, you should not go to extremes, exhausting yourself with another diet. It is important to eat properly and moderately and lead an active lifestyle.

Gastronomic delights await us at every step, but we want to eat a lot of food and not gain weight, so the question arises: how to eat and not gain weight? Any of us wants to eat deliciously and a lot, but why can some people gain weight from every extra bite, while others remain in excellent physical shape without limiting themselves in food? It's all about the products we eat and such an important process as metabolism.

Why do people get fat

Scientists identify the following reasons why people gain weight:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism and blood circulation slow down, which gradually leads to obesity.
  2. Poor nutrition. A large number of harmful foods, constantly exceeding the daily calorie intake negatively affects the health of the body and appearance.
  3. Chronic fatigue, stress. When we are in a state of constant stress, the body begins to produce cortisol, a hormone that regulates metabolism. When the hormone level is excessive, a person begins to gain weight.
  4. Diseases of the body. Some diseases, for example, hypothyroidism, kidney failure, menopause in women, become the reasons for gaining extra pounds.

Why do some people eat and not get fat?

We look with envy at people who can afford to eat a lot and not worry about their appearance. We think they know the answer to the question: how to eat and not get fat? In women's society, such luck becomes a reason for envy, because this is the dream of every girl. Many explain the fact that you can eat and not gain weight by good genetics, luck, or simply keep silent.

It has been proven that people who spend a lot of calories simply need to eat more food throughout the day. It is not necessary that this person does a lot of sports, he just needs to use the elevator less, actively gesticulate, spend his free time playing with children or dancing in a club. People who move may think less about the calories in the foods they eat.

A person with a high percentage of lean body mass is able to consume more calories than someone who is thin or has flabby muscles. Muscle mass burns calories even at rest, so don’t be surprised that your fit and beautiful friend eats cake every day and doesn’t think she’ll gain weight.

People who include many of the “right” foods in their diet can afford to eat more food. A salad with olive oil has much less calories than a fast food hamburger. If you want to eat more and not gain weight, eat as many vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meats, and fish as possible.

What food makes you fat?

Eating foods high in calories is one of the main reasons for weight gain. People get very fat from flour products, sweets, carbonated drinks that teenagers love so much, sausages, fatty meats, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, fried foods. These products not only help a person gain weight, but also create additional stress on the organs of the digestive tract.

What to eat to avoid getting fat

There are many foods that you can eat in almost unlimited quantities. If you don't know what you can eat without getting fat, take a look at the list below:

  1. Low-calorie fruits, vegetables, berries. The fiber content will help you easily saturate the body and prevent calories from ruining your slim figure.
  2. Cereals. If you eat porridge in the morning, you will definitely not feel hungry until lunch.
  3. Lean meats and fish. It is believed that these foods are ideal to eat for dinner so as not to gain weight.
  4. Dairy products. Kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese are rich in B vitamins and beneficial microorganisms that help normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  5. Legumes. They quickly saturate the body and speed up metabolism.

How not to get fat

If you want to lose weight and maintain the results for a long time, you should give up diets. The body, which is constantly under stress due to lack of energy, begins to store fat deposits. Eat enough proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fats. To lose weight, you need to create conditions for a slight calorie deficit. Remember sleep. An adult needs about 7-8 hours of sleep per day. The accumulation of fatigue leads to a slowdown in the body's metabolism.

Proper nutrition

People who adhere to proper nutrition can tell you how to eat and not gain weight:

  1. They always have breakfast. The first meal starts your body's work. For breakfast, porridge, eggs and a sandwich made from whole grain bread are ideal.
  2. They eat small meals, so the body always feels full. A well-fed person will not eat too much.
  3. Monitor compliance with the drinking regime. Without water you cannot stay in good shape.
  4. Replace sweets with fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and desserts made from natural yogurt, which will prevent your body from gaining weight.
  5. Maintain a balance between proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet, use salt and sugar in small quantities.

Healthy lifestyle

How to eat everything and not gain weight, how to maintain your health, how to look good? There is one answer to these questions - a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, watch your diet, strengthen your body, avoid stress, go to the bathhouse, do a lot of running, dancing, gymnastics, fitness, enjoy life in any situation. This way you can maintain your health for a long time.

Video: how to eat and not gain weight

Just tell me, just honestly...

Most likely, you dreamed of finding a food that would never make you gain extra pounds...

It was so?

I'm more than sure that you thought about it.

But are there any foods that don’t make you fat? Is there any food that you could consume in unlimited quantities and still not gain extra pounds?

Unfortunately, such food has not yet been discovered.

But, I want to reassure you and tell you that there are some products that you can put in the forefront. These are the foods that, if eaten properly, will prevent you from gaining weight due to some of their properties. And you know them all very well.

These are high protein foods and you can always rely on them.

So, without further ado, here is a list of foods that won't make you fat. Here are these 10 healthy ones that won’t leave you hungry.

Foods that don't make you fat

You can check out this short slideshow infographic and then learn more about why these foods are so helpful in helping you maintain a healthy weight and avoid gaining weight.

[click on the arrows below to view in full screen]

Now let's figure out why they are so good...

1. Broccoli

If you've been reading this blog for some time, you'll know about mine.

Even if I didn't know it was so delicious, I would still force myself to eat this vegetable because it is incredibly nutritious.

Broccoli is high in fiber and water. This means that it contains a relatively small amount of calories per serving. If you've ever tried to figure out how to fill your plate and be full, broccoli is a good way.

This is a great product that will never let you gain weight!

And most importantly, this is due to the fact that broccoli is packed with fiber (fiber), which will also promote good digestion and cleansing. It also contains the antioxidant sulforaphane, which helps maintain healthy gut bacteria levels.

Broccoli is also known for its higher calcium content. And according to recent studies, it is calcium that reduces the body’s ability to accumulate fat. Although this still needs to be checked.

Some consider eggs to be the gold standard for protein content, and the University of Texas mentions this. Especially those who are involved in bodybuilding, as well as fitness enthusiasts, are sure of this. They consume them one by one, resulting in up to 10-12 pieces per day.

But what are the benefits of eggs?

First, they can be eaten in any form. Remember the movie Rocky, when he drank 3 eggs before going for a run. In fact, debates about the benefits of this method of eating eggs continue to rage.

After all, they say that there is a risk of salmonella.

As one of those raw egg lovers, I had to dig deeper to protect myself. Here are some facts about this. Thus, the US Department of Agriculture once published a study showing that the risk of salmonella disease is only 0.03%.

During the experiment, as many as 69 billion eggs were examined. And it was noticed that when eating raw homemade eggs from a chicken that walks in the fresh air, this risk tends to zero.

In addition, eggs are a cheap product. They are one of the most convenient ways to get the maximum amount of protein possible. But remember that you need to eat them whole with the yolk, since about half of the protein is there.

Eggs are a super product that will prevent you from gaining extra pounds. By eating them, you will get most of your calories from protein. Like, on a low carb diet.

In addition, eggs contain vitamin D and “good” cholesterol. Both are good for natural tanning and muscle building.

So if you want to get more protein per day, include eggs in your diet.

3. Quinoa

Most of us are still new to quinoa. This is because it is difficult for us to find it just on the counter. To try it, we need to order it, especially for those who live in small towns.

Just like all the products we are talking about today, it is packed with protein. And not just protein, but contains all the necessary amino acids (including essential ones) necessary for our existence.

That is why this porridge is a key product for vegetarians and vegans. They consider it a complete meat substitute.

Quinoa is also an excellent source of fiber. It will give you 12 grams of fiber per serving. This means that one serving of protein consumed with it will give you almost half of your daily requirement for rough fiber.

This property of quinoa will help you lower your cholesterol, improve colon health, and feel fuller for longer.

This is the main property of quinoa that does not cause weight gain.

4. Lean beef

Honestly, it’s difficult for me to add such products to the list.

Do you know why? ...

Yes, because there are many controversial studies that seem to say something, but at the same time they write in the footnotes that additional research is needed.

For example, there has been a lot of controversy and noise surrounding red meat in relation to cancer. Thus, WHO says that daily consumption of 50 grams of red meat increases the risk of colon cancer by 18%.

But at the same time, there are facts that this does not apply to meat that was grown at home. And at the same time it refers to semi-finished meat products. There is even information that for every fact that meat causes cancer, there is a fact about the opposite.

This is one of my favorite products, along with fish such as salmon, herring, and mackerel.

True, many can say how this product can be classified as one that will not allow you to gain weight, because it is full of fat.

Yes it is. But, this is not the fat you should worry about. Salmon contains long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which, if you don't know by now, are .

Remember above we said that there are foods that are simply ideal to eat and not gain weight? And we named broccoli first. So, salmon will be an excellent addition and very tasty.

6. Soy

Yes, I understand you. Most likely, not every one of you knows about it, except for soy sauce for sushi.

So? … 🙂

However, there are studies that have shown that soy is super effective in building muscle and burning fat. This is one of the most respected products among fitness nerds. And if you work out in the gym, then most likely you have heard about soy protein.

The most powerful property of soy is that it is one of the few plant proteins that contains all the essential amino acids.

If you're looking for a high-protein snack, soy products are a good choice. And as some studies have shown, soy helps reduce appetite and increase the feeling of fullness. In addition, the study says that it improves mood and mental abilities.

How to consume more soy?

As the Japanese say, a serving of steamed soybeans will provide you with 8 grams of protein and only 95 calories. Due to its high protein content, soy is a food that will not make you gain weight.

7. Chicken

Chicken is one of the best sources of protein.

Not because it actually has the highest protein content, but because chicken protein is so lean that you won't end up eating unhealthy fat.

Chicken protein shifts your digestive system and metabolism into higher gear, helping you .

Of course, chicken contains more calories compared to vegetables. But at the same time, a serving of chicken breast will fill you with enough energy and protein. This, in turn, will help you feel fuller and less hungry throughout the day, even if you only eat vegetables.

Advice: If you're trying to burn more fat, simply bake the chicken in the oven or grill it rather than fry it.

Condition only: Don't add sauces or ketchups, and avoid a lot of salt when cooking chicken.

8. Wild meat

This is of course a huge rarity for us. But, if you see cooked bison, bison or some other wild artiodactyl (deer, elk, antelope) meat somewhere, don’t miss the chance.

This is the most organic meat.

This is how the livestrong website writes about this meat:

Meat from wild animals tends to have a lower fat content since these animals are more active in the wild. In addition, wild animals eat natural foods, unlike farmed animals, that are high in fat and omega-6 (which promotes inflammation).

10. Green peas

These little green peas are unfortunately underappreciated, even among health authorities. But they deserve much more respect.

Peas are an excellent source of protein, fiber, micronutrients, antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals. In addition, one cup of peas has less than one hundred calories.

Peas also contain so much protein that they have become super popular in the fitness community. Athletes also love it, as it is easily digested and at the same time promotes rapid muscle building and fat burning.

It contains substances such as glutamine and branched chain amino acids. It is these properties that give peas the right to be included in protein powders for athletes.

Some plant sources of protein contain antinutrients, which prevent the body from absorbing the minerals fully. Does not contain peas any connections.

So please, if you want to eat more food and not gain weight, peas will give you this chance.

Final Thoughts

Seems like it wasn't that hard, right?

Most of these products are probably already in your kitchen. Well, if this is not the case, then many of them are not difficult to find. And the most useful thing you can highlight from this article is that some of them work great for weight loss together.

For example, you can cook grilled chicken for lunch and stew a portion of broccoli and peas. This is a super lunch that will never make you fat. Include these foods in your diet to balance it out.

10 foods that make you fat

Foods that make you fat should be excluded from your diet. We all understand perfectly well that there are foods that make us fat. Our body begins to gain excess weight and if we exclude foods that make you fat from your diet, then you will begin to lose weight, and rapidly. The most important thing for losing weight this way is willpower and habit. It is enough to hold out for just 21 days and not eat foods that make you fat, and you will notice that you are losing extra pounds. Moreover, 21 days is enough to get used to giving up your favorite unhealthy foods. In the article I will describe not only the foods that make you fat, but also little tricks on how to give up these foods.

1. Sugar. The first and most harmful product that makes you fat is sugar. If you want to lose weight, then first of all give up coffee and tea with sugar. You should also limit your consumption of packaged juices, as they are overly saturated with sugar. Try drinking tea without sugar for a week, and after a week you will perceive tea or coffee without sugar as a very tasty drink.
2. Potatoes. Potatoes are also a fattening food because they contain a large amount of starch. If you love this vegetable very much, then limit the amount of potatoes you consume. Eat only boiled or baked potatoes. And exclude everything.
3. Bakery products. These are the most harmful foods for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, then give up white bread, pies, muffins, cakes, etc., eat only black rye bread from baked goods, it is the least harmful for weight loss.
4. Fig. White polished rice is also one of the foods that make you fat. Do not look at the fact that there are a huge number of rice diets. Remember - white polished rice contains a lot of starch, which makes us fat. Many people think that in China and Japan they eat rice in huge quantities and their nation remains slender and graceful. The Chinese and Japanese do not eat our white polished rice, but brown rice, in which all the nutrients and fiber remain. You shouldn’t completely give up eating this cereal; it’s enough to limit your rice consumption to once a week.
5. Instant porridge, muesli. Everyone thinks that eating porridge for breakfast is healthy, and using instant porridge is also convenient. However, if you do not want to gain weight and want to lose weight, give up fast food breakfasts. They contain “empty” carbohydrates, which create the illusion of fullness and cause our body to gain weight. Buy better oatmeal and cook it in the usual way. Add fruit or honey. The porridge will be tasty and healthy.
6. Broths. Chicken and meat broths are also among the foods that make you fat. After all, almost all the fat comes out of the meat into the broth. And we think, this is water, we can eat more. No you can not. If you like broths, then it is better to eat vegetable broths and cook first courses in vegetable broths, and not in rich meat or chicken.
7. Semi-finished products. All semi-finished products are foods that make you fat. Fatty meat, lard, sausages, frankfurters, carbonates, etc. not only make our body fat, but also undermine our health. Avoid store-bought dumplings, sausages, etc.
8. Butter. It is not recommended by doctors to completely exclude butter from the diet, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. However, this product contains a huge amount of fat and carbohydrates, so you should not consume more than 10 grams per week.
9. Mayonnaise. In order to avoid gaining weight, it is simply necessary to stop eating mayonnaise. Any mayonnaise, even labeled “light” or “light,” is a product that makes you fat and has a harmful effect on the body.
10. Chips and crackers. Chips, crackers, salted nuts, etc., all this is very harmful to the body. It contains a large number of carcinogens that make our body fat.

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