Features of plastic windows: economy, standard, premium. Vodka classes Economy Standard Premium Luxury

In the marketing materials of developers, one often comes across information about classes of housing - economy, comfort, business and elite class. What does this grouping mean for the buyer, what are the differences between classes and is it worth overpaying for an apartment in a higher class?

What is the basis for classifying housing into economy, comfort and business class, as well as luxury real estate?

Historically, these terms are not found in any legal documents and are not construction terms. This classification divides housing depending on the comfort of living and is primarily of a marketing nature. In other words, we are talking about dividing housing according to consumer characteristics, which is used for sales and analytical purposes.

For a long time, there was no established classification on the market, so developers often themselves introduced definitions for the residential complexes they sold. So, in addition to the four classes mentioned above, we came across such terms as luxury, premium, standard, social housing, etc. In addition, some developers, in order to increase the attractiveness of the properties they sell, added the prefix “plus” to the mentioned classes (economy plus, comfort plus, etc.). It was almost impossible for an unprepared buyer to understand the variety of terms that were thrown at them from various marketing materials, not to mention balancedly comparing several residential complexes with each other, based on these characteristics.

The situation changed at the end of 2012, when the Council of the Russian Guild of Realtors and the Federal Fund for Assistance to Housing Development approved a unified classification of residential new buildings according to consumer qualities.

This classification consolidated the four terms mentioned above, combining them into two enlarged classes - mass housing (which included “economy” and “comfort”) and luxury housing (business class and luxury real estate). For each class, a specific list of parameters was established that classify the object under construction specifically to this class. Of course, this is not a regulatory act, and no one prohibits market participants from introducing and using other terms, however, de facto, it is the classification of the Guild of Realtors that is considered today the industry standard and is used by the majority of industry participants.

The classification identifies a number of grounds for grouping housing according to consumer characteristics. All these grounds are divided into cut-off (basic, defining a specific residential complex into one of the classes) and optional (additional, that is, describing the parameters usually inherent in housing of this class).

The cut-off characteristics for the class include the area of ​​the kitchen and rooms, the quantity and content of the common house area and local area, the quality of engineering equipment, the standard of the architectural solutions used and a number of others.

As a rule, the higher the housing status, the higher on average the area of ​​apartments and rooms (if we compare apartments with the same number of rooms belonging to different classes of housing). Also, as the class increases, the ratio of the area of ​​apartments to the total area of ​​the house decreases (and the area of ​​public premises, such as staircases and landings, increases), the quality of the building's engineering support, the level of finishing materials used increases, and the surrounding area is better equipped. Finally, in more expensive classes of housing, fewer standard solutions are used and the proportion of work performed on individual projects increases. Location is not a separate basis for classification, but it is no secret that in practice more expensive residential complexes gravitate towards the central areas of the city.

So, what parameters are typical for specific types of housing?

What are the distinctive features of economy class housing?

Economy class residential complex on Yartsevskaya Street from PIK Group

Economy class is the cheapest housing, aimed at families with low and middle incomes, segments of the population living alone (retired people, students). The low price tag is achieved due to:

  • Standard projects and solutions - as a rule, economy class housing is built according to a standard project that has already been used somewhere before
  • Small apartments with small kitchens and rooms - the kitchen area is up to 8 m2, the area of ​​a one-room apartment is 28-33 m2, the area of ​​a two-room apartment is 44-50 m2, there may be adjacent rooms.
  • Reducing the area of ​​common areas in the house - (efficiency coefficient - Ke - showing the ratio of living space to the total area of ​​the house, more than 0.75)
  • Low ceilings (ceiling height in apartments is no more than 2.7 meters)
  • Maximum savings on landscaping of the local area (parking volume is minimal, landscaping is standard, the local area itself is small in size).

In terms of its consumer characteristics (room area, ceiling height), economy-class housing is closest to Soviet “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka” buildings, although, of course, the very construction quality of modern economy-class projects is still higher than Soviet mass housing. The actual construction technology can be anything (there are both panel and monolithic economy class housing).

The main task of the developer in an economy class project is to reduce the price of the apartment as a whole as much as possible (while the price per square meter is not so important).

This forces developers to build economy-class housing on the outskirts, in “dormitory” areas, as well as to reduce the area of ​​apartments and increase their number. Economy-class housing often appears in “infill development” projects and does not involve the construction of associated infrastructure (schools, hospitals). All this, of course, negatively affects the quality of life of the owners of such real estate.

Distinctive features of comfort class housing

Comfort-class residential complex Botanical Garden from Pioneer Group

Comfort class is a relatively new type of housing; this term began to be actively used during the economic crisis of 2008-2009 (as an attempt to revive the market and stimulate sales). Such housing tries to combine an attractive price tag (inherent in economy class) and planning solutions inherent in business class. It is aimed at the general population with an average level of income. Comfort class housing is characterized by:

  • Use of standard projects with elements of individualization, or small-scale projects
  • The kitchen area is 8-12 m2, the area of ​​a one-room apartment is 34-45 m2, the area of ​​a two-room apartment is 50-65 m2, all rooms are isolated
  • Efficiency coefficient – ​​no more than 0.75 (the same as for economy class housing)
  • Ceiling heights from 2.7 to 2.75 meters
  • Wider surface parking, availability of playgrounds and utility areas, general landscaping

The geography of this type of housing is the widest - it can be built both in outlying and central areas (with the exception of the most expensive and prestigious). Comfort-class housing is mostly built using monolithic technology and today represents the most widespread segment of the entire supply of new buildings. All the largest residential development projects in Moscow (Tushino-2018, Zagorye, Tsaritsyno-2, Etalon City, River Park, etc.) belong to the comfort class.

The comfort class offers future residents better consumer characteristics at a still relatively low price tag due to the large volumes of housing being built.

The micro-district type of development, which is typical (but not required; there are a considerable number of small comfort-class residential complexes on the market) for comfort-class housing, makes it possible to provide future residents with equipped local space, make certain investments in the construction of social infrastructure, and also provide large areas of apartments at the same price per square meter as in economy class. All this has a positive effect on the living comfort of future owners of such real estate.

Distinctive features of business class housing

Business class residential complex on Melnikova Street from Promstroyinvest

Business class is a segment of high-quality housing, designed for wealthy people who demand comfortable and safe housing. Business class can be easily distinguished from comfort class by the following parameters:

  • Individual house project, well-designed, including in terms of design and architectural appearance
  • The kitchen area is more than 12 m2, and the apartment area is more than 45 m2; in business class projects there is usually a higher proportion of 3-room and 4-room apartments
  • Efficiency coefficient – ​​no more than 0.7 (the share of apartments in the total area of ​​the house is lower than in the economy and comfort class)
  • Ceilings up to 3 meters, sometimes higher
  • Use of high-quality building materials, construction technology is almost always monolithic
  • Availability of large parking, most often underground - at least 1 parking space per apartment

However, it is more expedient to separate business class from economy and comfort class not according to the parameters of the apartments, but according to the higher requirements that apply to the living environment.

The standard for a business-class residential complex is the presence of a guarded (most often fenced in and inaccessible to others) area, with a concierge and intercom. Almost all business class projects have underground car parking, with a large number of parking spaces for residents of the house and their guests. Business-class projects are usually located in prestigious parts of the city (in Moscow these are usually the North-Western, Western and South-Western districts), demanding on the environment (presence of parks and recreation areas nearby, absence of industrial facilities and major roads, social infrastructure of the required level) . The cost of such housing is usually approximately 1.5 times higher than the price tag in economy and comfort class

Distinctive features of luxury housing

Club house on Sretenka from Leader-Invest

Elite is an extremely narrow segment of the real estate market, which, by its characteristics, is essentially a separate market that is difficult to compare with other segments of the housing market. Luxury real estate is characterized by:

  • Completely individual concept of a residential complex, with the involvement of famous designers and planners, “piece work”
  • Kitchens with an area of ​​20 m2, apartment area starts from 60 m2, while one-room apartments are usually not available as a class (with the exception of studios with a large area, aimed at housing the creative elite)
  • Ceilings higher than 3 meters
  • Underground parking, usually at the rate of 1.5 parking spaces per apartment

In luxury real estate, all the requirements that are typical for business class apartments are brought to the maximum. This is a completely unique location, always the central part of the city, or a special natural area (in Moscow, all luxury real estate is located in the Central Administrative District). The requirements for the environment, including future residents, are especially high. For example, some sellers of luxury real estate are trying to use the practice of selling apartments only by invitation or on the recommendation of other residents, thereby trying to ensure a high social status for future residents and emphasize their attitude to the elite class. Although this practice has not become comprehensive, various club systems are popular in this segment of housing. The price of luxury real estate is several times higher than the price of other real estate; moreover, even within a class, the cost can vary significantly and is often set in foreign currency.

How different are the prices in new economy, comfort, business class and luxury real estate buildings?

Buyers often ask the question: how much do prices for different classes of real estate differ? In other words, how much do you need to pay extra to get a more comfortable and prestigious apartment? However, in our opinion, such a formulation of the question itself is not entirely correct.

Housing classes differ significantly in apartment footage and location, which makes it difficult to calculate the net effect of the comfort of new buildings on their price.

For example, apartments in comfort class facilities have a larger area than economy class apartments. Because of this, the overall price of an apartment is significantly higher in the comfort class. However, usually in the market the cost per square meter tends to fall as the footage increases (other things being equal, a meter in a three-room apartment, for example, will always cost less than a meter in a one-room apartment). Therefore, the price per square meter in comfort and economy class, according to our estimates, is approximately the same - higher comfort is compensated by higher areas of apartments. This conclusion is confirmed by many analytical reports (for example, reports from the companies Miel and Opin) - this conclusion is clearly visible for apartments in New Moscow and the Moscow region. And the Best-Novostroy company in its study showed that the price per square meter in comfort class can be lower than in economy class. Statistically, the comfort class is significantly more expensive only for new buildings in Moscow, but there this is primarily due to the influence of the location effect.

New buildings in business class are approximately 50% more expensive than new buildings in comfort class (based on the cost per square meter). And although there is also a difference in the size of apartments and location, the difference in price is primarily due to the content of residential complexes - the presence of underground parking, a guarded area, the use of high-quality building materials and the arrangement of the local area.

Comparative analysis of new buildings economy, comfort, business and elite class

In conclusion, for greater convenience, we present the differences between consumer classes of housing in a convenient tabular form:

Economy Comfort Business Elite
Kitchen Up to 8 m2 8-12 m2 12-20 m2 More than 20 m2
1-room apartments 28-34 m2 34-45 m2 From 45 m2 None
2-room apartments 44-50 m2 50-65 m2 65-80 m2 More than 80 m2
Architectural solutions Completely standard layout Standard small series Individual project Exclusive project
Efficiency factor (Ke) More than 0.75 More than 0.75 0.65-0.75 Less than 0.65
Ceilings Less than 2.7 m 2.7-2.75 m 2.75-3 m Above 3m
Parking Ground, minimum number of seats Ground Underground and above ground, 1 m/m per apartment Underground and above ground, 1.5 m/m per apartment
Local area Improvement is minimal Children's and household playgrounds, general landscaping Fencing, guarded area, concierge
Energy supply 10 kW per apartment, single-phase More than 10kW + emergency power supply
Heating Central Central, with thermoregulation Autonomous or central Own boiler room

Of course, the described characteristics are not strictly necessary for each type of house; they may vary slightly, but taken together they make it possible to assess with high accuracy what class of housing comfort a particular new building belongs to.

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Plastic windows are quite popular today. They are installed in new houses, because they are more durable, stronger and more convenient than wooden or fiberglass windows. These advantages are partly related to the material from which the windows are made. PVC is short for polyvinyl chloride.

This is one of the first materials artificially created by man; since then, the composition has continued to be improved in laboratories, giving it new useful properties. PVC is “not afraid” of moisture, basic acids, alkalis, and industrial gases. One of the main advantages of this material is that it does not support combustion. It prevents the spread of fire. This is why plastic is so often used in construction.

Many people are interested in which profile is the best? But none, if you evaluate it from the point of view of the manufacturer’s name. Fifteen years ago there was a difference in quality depending on the manufacturer; today the profile itself affects the quality no more than the color of the windows. If you put all kinds of different types on the table and remove the labels from them, even professional workers will not see the difference. All produced profiles comply with approved standards.

Suppose that you decide to install plastic windows and choose PVC plastic windows in Belgorod on this site, then you will most likely be interested in why the price for them varies? The easiest way is to read the window characteristics and the hint immediately below the characteristics. All plastic windows are divided into types: economy; standard; premium

There are no differences in quality within the categories of PVC products. Prices vary depending on the complexity and thickness of the profile (a three-chamber profile will be cheaper than a six-chamber one), the number of chambers and the size of the glass unit, the type and thickness of the glass, the capabilities of the fittings used, and additional accessories.

When producing economy, standard and premium windows, the same requirements are met, so the build quality is always the same. All types are manufactured conscientiously, but the components for the window may be different. Premium class products differ from economy and standard ones in a large number of additional options, the number of finishing options, and the functionality of glass, so it is a mistake to believe that their main advantage is status. They cannot be called unreasonably expensive due to the good reputation of the companies involved in production.

The first is seals. These are special elastic bands that form sealing contours due to their elasticity and elasticity. Rubber bands should retain their properties for decades.

Secondly, the fittings. These are the mechanisms by which windows can be closed and opened. They must withstand enormous loads and the weight of double-glazed windows, that is, be wear-resistant.

Third - assembly. It must be performed by professionals using special equipment, in compliance with all standards. This applies not only to frames, but also to double-glazed windows.

The main thing that helps windows remain strong is proper installation. If installed correctly, plastic windows will last for many years without causing problems during operation.

It is not easy for people unfamiliar with the intricacies of the housing market to understand the variety of apartment categories that exist today. However, there are noticeable differences between apartments of different classes, by which they can be easily classified.

Economy class housing

The cheapest type of housing, designed for average income levels and meeting the minimum requirements:

The layout of the apartments is made according to a standard model, ceiling height is 2.5-2.7 m;
. the apartment has only one balcony;
. the residential complex consists of multi-storey buildings, each of which has 100 or more apartments; there can be 10 or 12 of them on one site;
. The housing area is planned at 20 square meters. m per person;
. the number of parking spaces is significantly less than the number of apartments.

Houses of this class are usually built in residential areas far from the center, which in the case of Moscow also means the Moscow region.

Examples of housing complexes of this type are:

Residential complex "Zeleny Bor" (Zelenograd) - consists of 14 houses, has a number of its own infrastructure facilities (parking, kindergartens, schools, shopping center);
- Residential complex “Lyubertsy 2018” - consists of 14 houses with a total number of apartments 2000 (area from 27 to 84 sq. m);
- Residential complex "Buninskie Meadows" (New Moscow) - 9-18-storey buildings, apartments have 11 types of layout.

Business class accommodation

Real estate of this type has a number of advantages compared to economy housing:

The standard layout is maintained, but the apartments become taller - 2.8-3 m;
. the landing includes no more than 8 apartments;
. The housing area is at least 40 square meters. m per person;
. there is a equipped parking, the number of spaces in which corresponds to the number of apartments;
. the developer offers a number of additional services (guest parking, 24-hour security, etc.).

Business class buildings are located closer to the center, near metro stations or convenient transport interchanges.

Examples of such real estate:

Residential complex “Novaya Zvezda” (New Moscow) - offers European-style apartments, developed own infrastructure and landscaped territory with several functional areas;
- Residential complex "Presnya City" (Central Administrative District of Moscow) - has a developed internal infrastructure and good transport accessibility;
- Residential complex "Nevsky" (SAO Moscow) - a complex of two houses, each of which has 242 apartments ranging from 30 to 84 square meters. m.

Premium housing

Premium housing is characterized by the following indicators:

There are no more than 2-4 apartments on the landing;
. there is the possibility of individual planning and combining apartments, the ceilings become higher - up to 4 meters;
. each apartment has a balcony, loggia and terrace;
. the parking lot is built so that each apartment has two parking spaces;
. high level of comfort due to silent elevators, guarded territory, video cameras, etc.

Today, such housing accounts for no more than 5% of the capital’s total real estate market. Examples of premium housing complexes are:

Residential complex "Utesov" is a complex of three buildings with apartments ranging from 51 to 193 sq. m. m. with its own water treatment and heating system;
- Residential complex "Vavilovo" - a complex in the South-Western district of Moscow, offers 257 apartments ranging from 90 to 764 sq. m. m. It has its own infrastructure, underground parking, sports grounds, a swimming pool and a serviceable roof of the building;
- apartment complex "Sofiysky" - premium apartments in the center of Moscow with its own gym, restaurant, underground parking.

Deluxe housing

Deluxe is the most expensive and prestigious housing. Its share in the real estate market is no more than 2%. Typically, deluxe houses are club houses located in the historical center of the city. They all share the following characteristics:

There are 1 or 2 apartments on the site, in total there are no more than 30 apartments in the building, the ceiling height is more than 3 m;
. each apartment has an individual layout;
. the house is equipped with individual heating, a unified air conditioning and ventilation system;
. in addition to balconies and loggias, the apartments have terraces and winter gardens;
. There are 2 or more parking spaces per apartment;
. cleaning of apartments by the complex's staff is provided.

Examples of Deluxe class housing are:

Residential complex "Malaya Ordynka 19" - a six-story club house in the historical center of Moscow;
- Residential complex "Residence Tverskaya" - luxury apartments with the possibility of combining, sold fully furnished;
- Residential complex “Sovremennik” - a deluxe class house, made according to the project for the reconstruction of buildings of the 19th century.

Today you can find several dozen different types of vodka on store shelves. What is the difference between vodka of different price segments?

Types of alcohol

The main component of vodka is ethyl alcohol. The taste of the finished drink largely depends on its quality. In the food industry, the following categories of alcohol are distinguished:

  • highest purification,
  • "Basis",
  • "Extra"
  • "Lux"
  • "Alpha".

Highly purified alcohol- the least quality of all food alcohols. It is made from various food raw materials: grains, potatoes, sugar beets or other products containing starch and sugar.

For the production of alcohols "Basis", "Extra" and "Lux" use a mixture of grains or a mixture of grains and potatoes. Alcohol "Alpha"- the most expensive, it is made exclusively from grain - rye or wheat.

The higher the degree of alcohol purification, the lower the content of fusel oils and impurities. Impurities can not only spoil the taste and aroma of the drink, but also cause discomfort after drinking.

Vodka classes by price and quality

Based on quality and price, vodka is divided into four main classes:

  • "Economy"
  • "Standard",
  • "Premium"
  • "Super premium"


Economy class vodka is made from highly purified alcohol and undergoes a single filtration to remove impurities. It is distinguished by its low price and packaging with minimal protection against counterfeiting. Economy class vodka meets the quality standards accepted in Russia, but due to its weak security, it is often counterfeited.


Vodka of the “Standard” class is most often chosen for home feasts and consumption with friends. This is a product with an optimal price-quality ratio. This category is “Extra” and goes through several degrees of purification. Depending on the brand, you may find slight differences in its taste.


Premium vodka belongs to the class of elite alcoholic beverages along with gin, whiskey, and aged cognac. It is made from Lux or Alpha alcohols. Not only alcohol, but also water is purified. Vodkas of this class are distinguished by a particularly mild taste.

Manufacturers of “premium” vodka pay special attention to packaging design and creating a certain image of their product. Premium vodka is often given as a souvenir.

Premium vodka has several degrees of protection: a special bottle shape, holograms on the label, and a special cap. Premium vodka includes the brands “Russian Standard”, “Stolichnaya”, “Nemiroff”, “Russian Gold”, “Husky”.

Super premium

Super-premium vodkas are not much different in quality from premium vodkas. The main criterion by which vodka can be classified in this class is price. Usually it is due to the uniqueness of the manufacturing process (Beluga vodka), rare components (Mammoth vodka), and the complexity of packaging (Rainbow vodka.)

Knowing what makes up the price and quality of vodka, it’s easier to make the right choice among the several dozen varieties on the market.

Vodka of “Standard”, “Premium” and “Super-premium” classes wholesale

In the “Directive” company catalog you will find a wide range of vodka of the “Standard”, “Premium” and “Super-premium” classes. All alcohol can be purchased in bulk. To place an order, create a cart or contact Directive managers by phone.

Reading various announcements about the purchase or sale of apartments and houses, news about the construction of new residential complexes and cottage villages, you constantly come across such characteristics of real estate as “economy class”, “premium class”, “deluxe”, “elite” and etc.

Gustav Klimt. Hauser in Unterach am Attersee. 1916

It is often quite difficult for a person ignorant of the diversity of the residential real estate market to understand all the differences and features of each category of apartments. In fact, it is clear that “economy” is the most inexpensive, ordinary housing “without pretensions,” and the “elite” category implies that the apartment has a number of additional advantages. But what is the difference between “premium class” and “business class” and how to understand such a characteristic as “a cottage community offers houses that are in the segment between “business” and “elite” - it is already difficult to understand.

It is worth noting that, although a generally accepted classification of residential real estate exists, there is no consensus among experts, and many developers assign categories to their new residential complexes, guided only by their desire to sell at a higher price. In this regard, the Russian real estate market, as always, has serious differences from the market of Western countries, where all requirements for luxury houses are clearly stated and fulfilled by all developers without exception.

Economy class

So, the most inexpensive, ordinary apartments, which, according to real estate agencies, occupy about 68% of the entire residential real estate market in Moscow. The concept of “economy class” is often confused with a category such as “social housing”. This is not entirely true. “Economy class” real estate is freely sold on the market, and anyone can purchase it; all they need is a certain amount of money. But social housing is issued by the state to preferential categories of citizens, state employees, valuable employees in need of improved housing conditions, displaced people from dilapidated and dilapidated houses, fire victims, and so on.

It is clear that social housing will also fall into the category of “economy class” in terms of its characteristics - our state is not at all obliged to provide free luxury housing, and it cannot allow budget funds to be wasted on such luxury. But it is impossible to separate social housing into a separate category - these are ordinary “economical” apartments that belong to the state and are allocated to beneficiaries under certain conditions.

If we highlight the main characteristics of “economy class” housing, it turns out that there are very few requirements for such apartments:

  • ceiling height - from 2.5 to 2.7 meters;
  • there are always more than 100 apartments in a residential complex of this class, it is usually multi-storey - about 20 floors, and up to 11-12 apartments can be located on one landing;
  • is located in a typical, not very attractive in terms of location, residential area, most often somewhere on the outskirts, and in the case of capital real estate - even closer to the Moscow region;
  • “economy class” housing is often built from panels, but recently developers have begun to opt for monolithic frame or monolithic block construction, so today “economy” houses can be located in buildings built using a variety of technologies;
  • only one small open balcony;
  • standard layout - apartments on each landing are similar to their neighbors above and below, there is no talk of individual projects;
  • an ordinary, often noisy and slow elevator, which can also be classified as “economy class”;
  • In such residential complexes, the first two floors are often reserved for commercial real estate; offices and noisy entertainment centers can be located here. On the one hand, developed infrastructure is good, on the other hand, one can only dream of peace and quiet;
  • the presence of a car park in an “economy class” residential complex is not at all necessary, but lately developers are increasingly attracting buyers by providing parking in the local area - there are usually fewer parking spaces here than there are apartments in the building;
  • Most often there is no garbage disposal in such houses. However, this characteristic is currently no longer indicative - the installation of garbage chutes has also been abandoned in other, more prestigious buildings, since it is considered unaesthetic and violates the general atmosphere of a clean, shiny entrance hall;
  • the minimum housing area is 20 square meters per person, that is, one-room apartments can have a very small area and be studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with a single room.

The main advantage of “economy class” apartments is their fairly low price. This is the most affordable category of real estate, designed for average income levels. However, despite this simplicity and the lack of additional comfortable conditions, in Moscow and other Russian cities “economy class” apartments are available to ordinary citizens only on mortgage terms, since their price is still too high.

Business Class

Of course, real estate is much more comfortable and has a number of additional advantages compared to “economy class”.

Thus, this category of apartments may not include all new residential complexes, but only those built using monolithic frame technology or from sand-lime brick. There can be many apartments in such buildings - up to 150, but no more than eight can be located on one site.

Other characteristics of “business class” buildings include:

  • ceiling height - from 2.8 to 3 meters;
  • the minimum area per inhabitant is 40 square meters, so there simply cannot be small one-room apartments of 30-35 square meters in such complexes;
  • It is mandatory to have an equipped parking lot, where each apartment must have at least one space for a car;
  • there may be two balconies, for example, one glazed loggia and a relatively small open balcony;
  • Many business-class residential complexes offer their residents additional services, for example, 24-hour security and concierge service. This, of course, immediately affects the amount of monthly rent, but is valued by residents as an indicator of a higher status of housing and a guarantee of security.

According to statistics, today 25% of residential complexes in Moscow belong to the “business class” category; this housing is in demand among those buyers who strive for additional comfort and can afford to pay a price that is 10-20% higher than the price of housing in Residential complexes of the “economy” category, but do not “reach” the level of luxury real estate buyers.

Premium class

It’s worth noting right away that it is with the “premium” category that truly elite real estate begins; in general, the “elite” segment includes only two types of housing - “deluxe” and “premium”.

Such objects still differ from each other, for example, the “premium class” has the following characteristics:

  • the technology for constructing buildings of this type is strictly limited - only a monolithic frame or masonry made of ceramic bricks;
  • “premium class” houses do not have 100 or more apartments, usually their number is strictly limited - up to 30-40 living spaces, while there can be no more than four on one site;
  • ceiling height - from 3 to 4 meters;
  • the presence of both a loggia and a balcony is mandatory, in addition, there is usually also a spacious terrace;
  • It is mandatory that a “premium class” residential complex has underground, heated parking, which usually provides two parking spaces for each individual apartment;
  • the territory is isolated, closed, under 24-hour security;
  • a “premium class” house construction project is always an individual proposal from an architectural bureau, taking into account both the characteristics of the area and the wishes of the customer;
  • Most often, “premium class” housing is infill development or buildings that have arisen in prestigious, central areas on the site of demolished dilapidated housing;
  • apartments in residential complexes of this category have an improved layout; buyers are often offered housing with an open plan, with the ability to independently decide how many living rooms there will be in the apartment and how exactly they will be located;
  • A “premium class” residential building must offer its residents an increased level of comfort - silent elevators, video cameras in common areas, impeccable finishing of staircases and halls, concierge services, and so on.

Today, “premium class” residential complexes make up only 5% of all residential real estate in the capital, an offer not for everyone, characterized by a fairly high price and prestigious location.


The best apartments in all respects are the most expensive, most prestigious, exclusive and attractive, but inaccessible to the vast majority of Russians. To obtain the right to be classified as luxury real estate of the DeLuxe class, a residential complex must have the following characteristics:

  • no more than 30 apartments in the building, only one or two apartments on the site;
  • Deluxe residential complexes are always built according to individual projects, taking into account the features of the surrounding landscape. Often these are historic, carefully reconstructed houses in the center of the metropolis;
  • high-speed Internet, cable and satellite television, intercoms, the most modern engineering communications, a unified air conditioning and ventilation system, autonomous heating - all this is an indispensable attribute of a DeLuxe class home;
  • apartments in buildings of this type always have a loggia, a balcony, a terrace, and often a winter garden;
  • ceiling height exceeds 3.1 meters;
  • in the underground or located in a separate annex parking lot there are at least two parking spaces, and sometimes more, per apartment;
  • the housing infrastructure may include a sauna, swimming pool, landscape design of the area, and so on;
  • The most important difference from the “premium class” housing category is that cleaning in “deluxe” class apartments is carried out by the complex’s staff, of course, with the consent of the owners. Such a service should automatically be included in the list of advantages of the complex.

According to real estate agencies, in Moscow only 2% of residential real estate can be classified as DeLuxe; this is the most expensive housing, most often Club houses located in the historical center of the city.

Today, many experts note that new residential complexes, which according to their characteristics can be classified as elite real estate, that is, in the “premium” or “deluxe” categories, are being built not in prestigious areas, but on the outskirts. This pronounced trend in recent years is due to the fact that buildings in the center of a metropolis cannot always boast of a closed local area and isolation from other buildings. And there are fewer and fewer vacant places in city centers, and in order to meet demand, developers are forced to develop new territories.

However, experts themselves note that the development of the area with business, premium or DeLuxe class buildings can in itself make the area more prestigious, which will increase its status.

Another nuance - as we see, among the characteristics of real estate categories there are no features such as “high-quality construction and finishing materials.” According to Vasily Sopromadze, president of Corporation S and a well-known developer in St. Petersburg, now this characteristic of housing has become self-evident and claiming a higher status only on this basis is the same as saying “we offer apartments with all amenities “, whereas a toilet in a house in the 21st century will no longer surprise anyone.

Anna Sedykh, rmnt.ru