Features and methods of eating brie cheese. Cheese with white mold

If there is a king among cheeses, it can only be brie. The product has proudly held this title for over 200 years. Until this time, brie was the favorite food of kings. He was adored by Charlemagne, Philip II Augustus, Louis XVI, Queen Margot and the English monarch Henry IV.

Favorite cheese of monarchs

Brie is French product from the group of soft blue cheeses. Like, it is made from cow's milk, and some analogues are made from goat or sheep. But they use it anyway whole milk. This famous cheese in France comes from the province of Brie. No one undertakes to say how and when the first head of this product appeared, but it is known for sure that already in the 8th century the French greatly appreciated this delicacy.

Despite the fact that today brie is produced all over the world, the most “correct” product is considered to be the one made in France. Moreover, only two types received a special certificate from the French government: Brie de Meaux (brie de Meaux) and Brie de Melun (brie de Melun). There is also a third variety - brie de Coulommier, but recently this product is more often spoken of as a separate type of cheese.

Brie de Meaux – soft cheese with a creamy texture and creamy taste. The top is covered with white mold, on which red spots may appear. Brie de Melun is less popular than de Meaux. We recognize it by its hard consistency, pungent smell and saltier taste. Although there are some gastronomic differences between them, both types of cheese are made from the same product - whole milk heated to 37 degrees Celsius. But the method of thickening both varieties is slightly different. In the case of Brie de Meaux they use rennet extract, under the influence of which milk product curdles within half an hour. For Brie de Melun, lactic acid bacteria are used, under the influence of which the curdling process is delayed for 18 hours. Then the resulting mixture is placed in a mold, salted and left to age for 3-4 weeks. It is believed that Brie de Meaux is the “father” of all varieties of this cheese known today. They say that Charlemagne tried it in 774.

Tradition says that the king of the Franks was treated to a delicacy by the monks of the monastery of Rueil-en-Brie. The monarch liked the product so much that he wanted the delicacy to be regularly delivered to him directly to the castle in Aachen. King Philip II Augustus also appreciated this cheese. And it is unknown how the life of Louis XVI would have changed if not for brie. While fleeing from the revolutionaries, he stopped to taste some brie and red wine. He was caught while eating.

The fame of this cheese went beyond the borders of France many centuries ago. The English king Henry IV first tried this delicacy during dinner with his wife Marguerite de Valois (Queen Margot) in France at the castle of Meaux. Then he fell in love with Brie forever. Rumor has it that from that evening on, the queen ordered brie to always be served to her husband for dinner. And for a reason. Previously, the king preferred to dine with his favorite Gabrielle d'Estrée, but brie cheese changed everything in the royal family.

If in earlier times brie was the cheese of kings, then in the 19th century it itself was awarded the royal title. This happened after the first competition for the most delicious cheese. More than 60 varieties of product took part in the competition, including those from England, Holland, Italy, and Switzerland. But, you guessed it, Brie won.

Gastronomic characteristics

This type of cheese is made in the form of disks, the diameter of which is 30-50 cm and the thickness of 3-5 cm. Some manufacturers make the heads taller, but the thicker the brie ring, the worse it ripens. Large heads are most often overripe at the edges and unripe inside. The fact that the cheese is not yet ripe is indicated by the snow-white pulp of the product. Good cheese the inside should be a delicate straw color with a grayish tint. The crust of a good brie is hard, covered with a velvety white mold, and the flesh is very tender, sweet-salty and melts when room temperature.

The taste of the delicacy is delicate and pleasant, although with a faint smell of ammonia. The moldy crust has a sharper smell, but it is almost tasteless. Gourmets love brie for its rich aroma. The mature product reveals mushroom and nutty notes that are almost impossible to find in young cheeses. By the way, the younger the brie, the more delicate its taste and aroma. Mature and thin heads usually taste spicy.

How is royal cheese made?

As already mentioned, the basis for brie is cow's milk. IN original recipe They use the whole thing, although in some countries analogues of the delicacy are made from pasteurized ones. To produce one head of the product (with a classic diameter of 35 cm), you need 20 liters, heated to 37 degrees. Rennet is added to it. After coagulation, lumps cheese mass traditionally placed in marble molds. At this stage, the French use a special perforated scoop (in France they call it a brie scoop). After 18 hours, the cheese is removed from the mold, well salted and treated with a special fungus, Penicillium candidum. The fungus first creates a characteristic mold crust on the product, and then “invades” the pulp, making it more tender. The ripening process of the delicacy takes from one to two months.

Nutritional characteristics and beneficial properties

Like other dairy products, brie contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for all cells of the body for proper formation and growth. But at the same time, the delicacy also has its own unique advantages that cheese mold gives it. Beneficial bacteria, living in it, are very useful for the digestive organs. Special chemical composition cheese mold also has a beneficial effect on the skin. In particular, this substance promotes the production of melanin, which is not only responsible for skin color, but is also important factor protection against cancer. Regular use Brie will also help protect against UV rays and prevent sunburn. Other results scientific research indicate that French cheese is also very good for teeth, as it prevents tooth decay. The benefits of this product will undoubtedly be felt by older people, since cheese mold prevents the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases.

Possible harm of cheese

If anyone thinks it's delicious and healthy cheese Brie can be consumed huge quantities, then he is deeply mistaken. This high-calorie and rather fatty product can be harmful for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. The fat content of French cheese varies between 40-50%, and each gram of fat contains 1 mg of cholesterol. Sometimes over-consuming blue cheese can cause listeriosis or allergies. For this reason, nutritionists do not recommend consuming it for children and pregnant women. It is also advisable to exclude blue cheese from the diet of people suffering from fungal diseases or allergies to penicillin. By the way, penicillin fungi contained in French cheese can sometimes cause dysbiosis and imbalance of microflora in the intestines.

Brie is included in the category of products, the abuse of which can be dangerous.

What to combine with and how to eat it correctly

From the whole family French cheeses Brie is the most versatile. It suits sweet and salty dishes, for a formal gourmet meal and for a snack “on the run.”

Cooks value this product for its rich aroma, which will make any sauce perfect. This delicacy goes well with almost all food groups. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of meat and vegetables; it is good to combine with nuts (especially) and berries (for example, or). Of the group of fruits that go best with brie, wine apples are the best. Soft French cheeses serve gourmet snack to white or red wines (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Chateau Clarcke), and also complement well sparkling drinks, especially .

The unusual consistency and shape of brie raises questions among many: “How to properly serve and eat brie? Is the moldy rind of cheese edible? Experts advise keeping the brie warm for a short time before serving so that the flesh melts a little. In this form, the bouquet of brie reveals itself to its fullest extent. There are two ways to eat cheese. If the head is still hard, then it is cut into triangle slices and eaten with a baguette, vegetables, other products or separately. The melted delicacy is eaten with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the crust. As for the mold crust, it is not only possible, but must be eaten. Gourmets believe that the main highlight of brie cheese is hidden in it. And you shouldn’t be afraid of possible poisoning from cheese mold - this is a special type of correct fungus bred for this delicacy.

How to choose and store correctly

An ammonia smell is almost always a sign of overripe brie. Old product can also be recognized by its brown sticky crust. When lightly pressing on an overripe product, a hole forms on it.

A cut head of brie should not be stored for longer than 2-3 days. And, of course, this needs to be done in the refrigerator. There is an opinion that a whole head can be kept in the cold for up to six months, but cheese connoisseurs claim that the “life” of real brie lasts exactly 84 days. Further, its gastronomic characteristics lose all their charm.

Some culinary ideas

Brie can be consumed as independent dish, and can be used to prepare cold appetizers or hot delicacies. For example, and brie cheese will make an excellent spaghetti sauce.

And from boiled chicken, fresh tomatoes, salad and pieces of French cheese can be prepared delicious and healthy salad, which will serve as a refueling lemon juice and olive oil.

French cooks often bake brie in puff pastry– you get fragrant cheese “buns”. Lovers original snacks might try making baked brie. To do this, cut a head of cheese in half, put your favorite vegetables between the two halves and spices. Wrap the “stuffed” cheese in foil and place in the oven or microwave for 1-3 minutes. No less interesting snack– sandwiches with brie. To do this, slices of baguette should be spread with melted cheese, and slices of pears or pre-fried slices of figs should be placed on top. As you already understand, brie cheese lends itself easily to various culinary experiments.

Today, cheese, which was once so loved by kings, is available to almost everyone. So why not give yourself a truly royal dinner with fine wine and brie cheese? Moreover, both the first and second products, consumed in reasonable quantities, are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Brie is rightfully included in the list of honorable cheeses. This is a French cheese with a soft structure, made from cow's milk without pasteurization. The volume of cheese wheels is very small, with a diameter of only 40-60 cm. It is correct to eat brie cheese both young, when it still has a creamy taste and soft structure, and mature, when the product becomes dense. As for taste, mature brie has spicy, pleasant notes and pungency. The raw crust is white, and the surface covered with mold is velvety. Beneath them lies a mass with a creamy consistency. The mass is quite fluid, it is very difficult to cut it with a knife. To eat the right brie cheese, you need only high-quality one, with a delicate, bright nutty flavor. It's easy to spot a fake. Unscrupulous producers produce other delicacies. The product is distinguished by its unsurpassed delicate taste.

Brie cheese: composition, calorie content

This dairy product is quite rich in composition. 100 grams contain:

  • water 50 g;
  • protein 21 g;
  • fat 28 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.5 g;
  • ash 3 g.

Also contains B vitamins, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, pantothenic acid, choline, vitamins E, K, A, D. Brie is saturated with many macroelements: phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium. The microelements present in the composition include: zinc, selenium, copper and iron, manganese. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 334 kcal.

It is worth noting that there is practically no lactose in cheese, but important properties it saves milk. Therefore, those who suffer from lactose intolerance are allowed to eat brie cheese.

How to Eat Brie Cheese for Health Benefits?

The product will bring maximum beneficial effect if there is one in small portions and not often. The product also contains all useful amino acids, bacteria that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and synthesize vitamins from group B. Special composition The mold covering the cheese perfectly protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. A certain amount of substances accumulate in the skin that increase the production of melanin, which reduces the risk of getting sunburn. In addition, eating cheese prevents the development of caries.


To produce this type of dairy product, penicillin fungi are used. They, in turn, secrete antibiotics that prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying. At one time they learned to extract penicillin from them - an effective remedy.

If you eat brie cheese correctly - little by little and infrequently, then there will be no risk to your health. Eating the delicacy quite frequently can significantly affect the intestinal microflora and provoke the development of dysbiosis. This risk increases with the presence of intestinal infections.

What and how is brie cheese eaten with?

This product is placed on a classic plate. It is great for making sauces, delicious soups. Melting dairy product good, it gives the dish the desired consistency and taste of cream. The chopped product goes well with baked potatoes. It is fried and added to other foods. In this form it is served with cranberry or lingonberry sauce. There is a casserole option in puff pastry. Pairs perfectly with fruits: pineapple, apple, melon,... Can be enjoyed with a white baguette, sweet walnuts, crackers, apple or cherry cider.

Brie cheese (French Brie) is a soft cheese made from cow's milk. Brie is one of the most ancient French cheeses. It is considered the progenitor of the famous Camembert. Brie got its name from the towns of production in the French province of Ile-de-France. In 1980, Brie was given its original controlled name, A.O.S. Only two varieties of brie are officially protected - Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun. The cheeses get their name from the names of the cities in which they are produced. Brie de Coulomiers - this type of brie is often called simply coulomier.

The surface of brie cheese is pale in color with a grayish tint. Covered with “noble” white mold. Brie cheese is shaped like “cakes” with a diameter of 30-60 centimeters and a thickness of 3-5 centimeters. The cheese is soft and pleasant to the taste with a slight smell of ammonia. The mold crust has a pronounced ammonia aroma, but is edible. Brie is perhaps the most famous French cheese, known throughout the world. IN different countries Many types of cheese are produced, including regular brie, herbed, double and triple brie, and non-cow's milk varieties.

We present an overview of some varieties of brie cheese, with a description of the composition and calorie content:

Cheese Kaserei Champignon BrieExport soft 50%

Manufacturer: Kemptener Str., 17-24, 87493 Lauben, Germany. Mass fraction fat 25%. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter: 50%. Ingredients: pasteurized milk, salt, microbiological rennet, mesophilic lactic acid bacteria cultures, ripening cultures. The nutritional value per 100g of product: fats - 25g, proteins - 19g, carbohydrates - 0.5g.

Emborg Danish Brie cheese with white mold

Manufacturer: Arla Foods Amba, Denmark. The mass fraction of fat in dry matter is at least 50%. Ingredients: pasteurized cow's milk, bacterial culture, salt, microbiological rennet. Nutritional value per 100g of product: carbohydrates - 0.1g, fats - 24g.

Calorie content - 290 kcal.

Strigistaler Zwerge Brie soft blue cheese

Calorie content - 287 kcal.

Blanchette Brie cheese soft 45%

Manufacturer: "Molkerei Hainichen-Freiberg GmbH&Co.KG", Leipziger Strasse, 48, 09599 Freiberg, Germany. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 45%. Mass fraction of fat 22%. Ingredients: pasteurized milk, salt, microbiological milk-clotting enzyme, thermophilic cultures of lactic acid bacteria, ripening cultures. Nutritional value per 100g of product: fat - 22.0g, protein - 22.0g, carbohydrates - 0.3g.

Calorie content - 287 kcal.

Hochland Brie cheese soft with white mold 58%

Manufacturer: "Hochland Polska", Poland. The Hochland concern is one of the largest cheese producers; it has 10 factories in Germany, Spain, France, Romania and Poland. The German company has been producing cheese for more than 75 years. Soft cheese with white mold under which there is a delicate flowing mass of creamy color, has a pronounced sweet-salty creamy taste and nutty flavor. Ingredients: pasteurized milk, salt, microbial rennet, pure bacterial culture of penicillium candium. Nutritional value per 100g: fat 32g, protein 17g, carbohydrates 1g.

Calorie content: 360 kcal.

Cheese Montmartre Brie 60% soft

Manufacturer: Fromagerie de l'Ermitage, France. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 60%. Product composition: pasteurized cow's milk using a starter of lactic acid bacteria, milk-lightening rennet of animal origin, food salt. Nutritional value per 100g of product: proteins - 18g, fat - 33g, carbohydrates - 1g.

Calorie content - 373 kcal.

Cheese Schonfeld Brie with olives soft in noble white mold with olives 50%

Manufacturer: Alpenhain Kasespezialitaten-Werk GmbH and Co.KG, Germany. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 50%. Ingredients: pasteurized milk, olives (12%), table salt, food vinegar, using starter and milk-clotting enzyme preparation of microbial origin, surface white noble mold Nutritional value per 100g of product: fat - 25.0g, protein - 17.0g, carbohydrates - less than 1.0g, fiber 3g.

Calorie content - 299 kcal.

Schonfeld Brie cheese with white mold 50%

Manufacturer: Alpenhain Kasespezialitaten-Werk GmbH and Co.KG, Germany. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 50%. Ingredients: whole milk, table salt, using starter and milk-clotting enzyme preparation of microbial origin, white noble mold Nutritional value per 100g of product: fat - 25.0g, protein - 20.0g, carbohydrates - 1.0g.

Calorie content - 305 kcal.

Cheese President Brie 60%

Manufacturer: "Polser" Poland. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 60%. Soft cheese with white mold. Brie is one of the most ancient French cheeses. It is known that it was known as the cheese of kings back in the Middle Ages. Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, used to send it as gifts to King Philip Augustus, who was delighted with it. Queen Margot and Henry IV were known to be great lovers of fresh Brie.

Nice Bree covered with mold, reminiscent in color white velvet, under which there is a delicate flowing mass of creamy color, has a pronounced sweet-salty creamy taste and nutty flavor. Brie fits perfectly festive table, and for daily lunch. It is better to remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance, since true taste this dessert cheese opens at room temperature. Ingredients: normalized milk, table salt, using starter and enzymes of animal origin and hardener - calcium chloride, surface microflora (Penicillim candidum). Nutritional value per 100g of product: protein 17g, fat 32g, carbohydrates 0.2g.

Calorie content per 100g. - 357 kcal.

Castello Brie cheese with white mold 50%

Manufacturer: Denmark. Brie cheese with white mold. Possesses delicate taste and extremely elastic structure, perfect as a dessert, in sandwiches and salads. It can also be baked in the oven. Ingredients: cow's milk, lactic acid culture, salt, hardener E509, rennet, mold culture.

Calorie content per 100g: 296 kcal.

Cheese President Brie 60%

Manufacturer: Lactalis International, France. Soft cheese with white mold. Brie is one of the most ancient French cheeses. It is known that it was known as the cheese of kings back in the Middle Ages. Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, used to send it as gifts to King Philip Augustus, who was delighted with it. Queen Margot and Henry IV were known to be great lovers of fresh Brie. Good Brie is covered with mold, reminiscent of white velvet in color, under which there is a delicate flowing mass of creamy color, has a pronounced sweet-salty creamy taste and a nutty flavor. Brie is great for both the holiday table and everyday lunch. It is better to remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance, since the true taste of this dessert cheese is revealed at room temperature. Ingredients: normalized milk, salt using starter (mesophilic and/or thermophilic lactic acid microorganisms) and hardener - calcium chloride, surface microflora (penicillium candidum). Nutritional value 100g: proteins 17g, fats 32g, carbohydrates 1g.