Macadamia nut: beneficial properties, taste, application. Macadamia (Australian nut)

There are a huge number of different nuts in the world. And in this “walnut kingdom” there is a King. This is a macadamia nut. This is the most expensive and highest-calorie representative of all existing nuts on Earth. Its high cost has several reasons, in particular, because its collection and processing is quite labor-intensive, since its shell is very hard, and the kernels are quite difficult to separate. In addition, his path to the European continent is very long.

From this article you will learn:

Macadamia nut: description of culture

Macadamia Tree, up to 15 meters high, grows in Australia, mainly in the wet forests of Queensland. This “king” is also called “Australian nut” or “Queensland nut”. It begins to bear fruit only at the 8th year of its life.

Historical reference

This is a long-lived tree that can produce crops for up to 100 years in a row. The fruits of the tree - nuts - ripen in 6-7 months.

The world learned about this wonderful tree thanks to one researcher, whose name is John McAdam. This nut is named after him.

After this researcher discovered this tree, it was brought to the Hawaiian Islands, which are famous for their excellent volcanic soils, where these trees took root well and felt at their best.

Then for some time this culture for some reason turned out to be forgotten.

Where does macadamia nut grow?

Only starting from the 20s of the twentieth century, they began to show interest in the macadamia nut again, cultivating this most valuable plant.

How does Macadamia grow?

There has been a very strong increase in the area allocated for growing this crop. The geography of its growth itself expanded.

Since the 80s of the twentieth century, the cultivation of this crop has been taking place in Australia (in the states of Queensland and New South Wales), New Zealand, and in Africa (the countries of South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Malawi). And also in the USA (Hawaii Islands and California), a number of countries from South America (Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay, Jamaica), and in China.

The largest center for the production of these nuts at the moment is the USA, the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian plantations are simply gigantic in size. To this day, macadamia cultivation is developing very dynamically! In 1970, almost 6 thousand tons of nuts were produced. And already in 1986 - almost 20 thousand tons, and already in 1999 - 26 thousand tons.

Currently, the production of this product is 50 thousand tons annually! The dynamics are noticeable. Delivery is made all year round.

The main suppliers of macadamia to the world market are Australia, the USA (Hawaii), South Africa, Brazil, and Costa Rica.

As mentioned above, this is the most expensive nut of all the nuts grown and cultivated in the world.

Currently only two species are grown: Macadamia tetraphylla And Macadamia integrifolia (ternifolia). They differ in the thickness of the shell, some properties of the kernels themselves and the climatic conditions that they need for good growth.

The yield of this crop greatly depends on the variety, soil, and climate in which the tree grows. For example, in Australia the yield from one tree is 45 kg, and in the Hawaiian Islands - 135 kg!

After ripening, the upper skin of the fruit cracks and the nut falls to the ground.

Macadamia nut benefits and harm

Chemical composition of macadamia nut

  • Vitamin A – 0.00 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 – 1.30 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.18 mg;
  • Vitamin PP – 2.49 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 1.25 mg;
  • Carotene (provitamin A) – 0.00 mg.
  • Sodium – 6.00 mg;
  • Potassium – 370.00 mg;
  • Calcium – 87.00 mg;
  • Magnesium – 135.00 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 190.00 mg;
  • Iron – 372 mg.

Macadamia contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber.

There are also monounsaturated fatty acids (up to 80%), saccharides, ash, starch, and water that are beneficial to the body.

The percentage of fatty acids is:

Oleic acid – 55-65%, palmitoleic acid – 16-25%, palmitic acid – 8-9%, stearic acid – 3.5-4.5%, arachidonic acid – 2.5-2.7%, linoleic acid – 1.4-1.8%, myristic acid – 0.8-0.9%.

The nutritional value

100 grams of product contains:

  • whites – 8 g.,
  • fats – 76 gr.,
  • carbohydrates – 10 gr.

Calorie content

It has the highest calorie content among all representatives of this family. It is 718 kcal. per 100 grams.

Its greatest value is that it has an incredibly pleasant taste, reminiscent of the taste of hazelnuts, very high nutritional value and has great benefits for the body. .

Beneficial and medicinal properties of macadamia for the health of the body

It is no exaggeration to say that the benefits of this nut for the body are incredibly great!

Photo: macadamia benefits and harms

Macadamia nuts are highly valued for their medicinal properties, which help with:

  • headaches, even severe migraines;
  • relieves fatigue, gives strength and energy, fights even constant chronic fatigue;
  • a very powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates the body “from the inside” at the cellular level;
  • with regular use, the skin becomes soft, moisturized, elastic;
  • treats burns;
  • removes cholesterol from the body;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • powerfully nourishes the body during heavy physical activity, helps quickly restore strength;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves mental activity, strengthens memory;
  • improves blood circulation through vessels, enriches body cells with oxygen;
  • very useful for bone problems, as it contains a huge amount of calcium. It is an excellent prevention and treatment of such problems as osteoporosis, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.;
  • regular use reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart problems several times;
  • its active anti-cancer properties have been proven;
  • has an interesting feature - despite the high calorie content, it promotes weight loss;
  • an indispensable remedy for vitamin deficiency, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • treats inflammation of internal organs;
  • promotes good digestion and improves bowel movements;
  • an excellent product for caring for dry skin, since macadamia oil has similar properties to mink oil;
  • stimulates blood microcirculation, treats cellulite, varicose veins, rosacea;
  • ideal hair care product. Strengthens, makes them obedient, smooth, shiny;
  • the oil is excellent for treating burns;
  • has great benefits for the body for both women and men.

Useful video about macadamia nuts

Use of macadamia nut in cooking and medicine

The nut itself and the valuable oil extracted from it are used for consumption.

It is successfully used in such areas as traditional medicine (walnut and oil are used), cosmetology (oil) and cooking (oil, nut).

In folk medicine it is used to treat a number of diseases, including quite complex, severe, advanced forms.

Very widely used in cooking. Roasted and coated with caramel or chocolate nuts are considered an exquisite and widespread delicacy.

Detailed roasted nuts are added to salads and seafood dishes.

Macadamia oil and its uses

It is extracted from raw fruits and from nut kernels roasted by pressing. The oil has the same beneficial properties as the nut itself.

Gourmet connoisseurs claim that the taste of macadamia is best enhanced by good coffee and sherry.

In cosmetology, this is an excellent remedy for the neck, décolleté and the whole body. Also used for hair care and strengthening nails.

Contraindications or possible harm

Macadamia is a nut that has no contraindications! The only thing is to observe the measure when consuming it, and this is no more than 100 grams. in a day.

How to store macadamia nuts

Fruits can be stored in shells for one to two years, provided that the storage temperature is from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius.

After shelling, the kernels should be packed in vacuum bags and stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees for no more than one year.

Without vacuum packaging, the shelf life of peeled kernels is 1-3 months.

Macadamia nut is rightfully considered the most delicious delicacy nut in the world.

In order to make a quality purchase of these nuts, look at the packaging and choose from Hawaiian varieties - Kakea, Ikaika, Keauhou, Keaau, and Australian varieties - Collard, Howard, Sewell, Ebony.

The recently developed varieties Beaumont and Teddington have shells that crack fairly easily.

Try the most delicious macadamia nuts from the best producers and always be healthy!

Macadamia nuts are one of the most expensive nuts in the world, due to the difficulty of growing and the low fertility of the trees. Therefore, it is truly considered an exclusive food product. Another name for this tree is the king of nuts.

Macadamia is the most expensive nut in the world

And the Australian nut has great value in its homeland. This is due to its beneficial properties in different areas of life.

Characteristics of macadamia nut

Despite its good climate resistance, macadamia nuts are difficult to grow. The tree can grow at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level ranging from 3– 7 °C. Features of Macadamia nut:

  • the maximum height reaches 15–20 meters;
  • gives first fruits at the 7th year of life;
  • bears fruit for up to 100 years;
  • leaves are leathery, smooth, wide, bright green;
  • yield can exceed 70 kg;
  • The only pollinators of the Australian nut are bees.

CultivateThis tree is only found in humid climates, most often in tropical forests. Does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature at any time of the year. Places where macadamia grows: Australia, America, Brazil, South Africa. This is due to the fact that the countries are located in tropical or subtropical climate zones.

The macadamia tree grows in tropical areas

Growing macadamia at home

True nut lovers grow this unique product is of great interest. Growing a king nut at home is quite possible if you comply with the following requirements:

  • the temperature in the warm season should not be higher than 30 °C, in the cold season - not lower than 15 °C;
  • you need to choose the warmest place without drafts;
  • create a humid climate;
  • transplants are done only when necessary;
  • fertilizing in the form of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers is added 1–2 times a year, depending on the condition of the tree and soil.

Macadamia propagation nut production occurs through seeds. It is important to remember that the tree loves bright lighting. To do this, regularly place the plant on the balcony, street, or in a sunny room. Make sure that the wind speed is no higher than 2 m/s, otherwise create a protective environment.

When watering the tree, do not overdo it. This plant feels comfortable in a humid environment, but if the conditions are not met, it is very easy to overwater the plant.

Waterlogged soil and frequent water stagnation negatively affect the growth of a walnut tree, reducing fertility.

Macadamia nut reproduces by seeds

Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are known for their high calorie content, which is 600–700 kcal per 100 g.

The transition to proper nutrition is always accompanied by the introduction of a certain amount of fat into the daily diet. They must not cause harm to the body. Nutritionists advise eating nuts of any kind, including Australian ones, at least twice a week. A good solution would be to replace your second breakfast or snack with a small amount of this food product.

One of the beneficial properties of the nut is the acceleration of metabolism. If you drink your daily amount of water (about 2 liters) and eat about 50 g of macadamia, you will experience a process of weight loss.

Consumption of Australian macadamia nut oil will have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Regularly eating a small portion of Australian nuts will lead to natural and harmless weight loss and a decrease in the percentage of fat mass.

Other ways to use nut butter are:

  • anti-cellulite cream for massage procedures;
  • moisturizer for dry skin;
  • restoration of damaged hair, especially in spring and autumn, etc.

Warm and hot salads using this nut are very tasty and nutritious. The taste of this nut is reminiscent of different types of hazelnuts.

Coffee lovers will appreciate the unusual taste of drinks containing macadamia oil or syrup.

Macadamia nuts are an extremely nutritious food.

Medicinal properties of Australian macadamia nuts

Eating macadamia is beneficial due to the removal of harmful substances from the body. It lowers cholesterol levels by replacing it with mineral elements.

Doctors from various fields of medicine noted the following properties of the nut:

  • reduces the number of headaches;
  • relieves pain from migraines and sore throats;
  • preventative against cardiovascular diseases;
  • stops the development of cancerous tumors;
  • strengthens bones due to calcium content.

It is not necessary to eat a large portion of nuts. 6– 8 pieces that you can eat throughout the day. This will help relieve chronic fatigue, improve your mood, and get rid of depression. Australian nuts increase productivity and provide a powerful boost of energy throughout the day.

One of the main benefits of eating macadamia nuts is strengthening the immune system. This helps to reduce the number of diseases, rapid recovery, and smooth progression of diseases.

It is recommended to always have macadamia essential oil in your medicine cabinet. It is an excellent remedy for second and third degree burns, instantly healing and disinfecting wounds. The nut also accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

Contraindications for consumption

Despite the many beneficial properties and good qualities, nuts are not suitable for everyone. The reason lies in individual intolerance to this product.

Before eating macadamia nuts, you need to check for allergies. Doctors recommend trying several fruits at one meal. Their number in such an experiment should not exceed 5 pieces.

After this, check the body's reaction. If there is no rash, swelling of the tongue, scabies, or a sharp deterioration in health, then you can add macadamia to your diet. Otherwise, it is better to refuse it and find a replacement in the form of hazelnuts, hazelnuts a, etc.

Macadamia nut, originally from distant Australia, is an exotic fruit. It is the territorial affiliation that determines the high cost of the product. Oil is often prepared from nuts, which is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking.

Chemical composition and calorie content

  1. Macadamia nuts are rich in ash, carbohydrates, mono- and disaccharides, proteins, fats, dietary fiber (in particular fiber), starch, dextrins, and water. It is impossible not to mention Omega acids, which are essential for the human body.
  2. The fruits contain a large concentration of vitamins of almost all groups. Pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, tocopherol, niacin, vitamin B9 are present.
  3. If we talk about microelements, nuts also contain them in abundance. They include copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and selenium. Of the microelements, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, and calcium are especially valued.
  4. Such an extensive list of valuable enzymes determines the calorie content of nuts. One piece contains 14.3 kcal. For 100 gr. fruits account for 718 kcal. Macadamia oil boasts 844 kcal. based on 100 ml. composition.

Indications for taking macadamia nuts

  • weak immune system;
  • oncology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • ailments of the heart muscle, vascular system;
  • disruption of the pancreas and liver;
  • lack of vitamins in the off-season;
  • menopause period;
  • prostatitis, impotence;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • depression, apathy;
  • service in an enterprise with a polluted climate;
  • the period after an infection (recovery);
  • impaired metabolic processes;
  • slagging, intoxication of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • loss of attention, deterioration of memory and information processing.

Benefits of macadamia oil

  1. Macadamia nuts are used to prepare massage oil that is used in the fight against cellulite. When the composition comes into contact with the skin, it is absorbed into the lower layers of the dermis, breaks down orange peel compounds and promotes weight loss. The oil cleanses pores, removes toxins and relieves puffiness.
  2. Traditional medicine healers use macadamia oil to treat skin lesions, rashes, inflammations, large abrasions, and burns of all degrees of severity. The composition regenerates tissue at the cellular level, eliminates scars and purple spots from acne.
  3. Oil made from macadamia nuts has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. You can use the products in their pure form to treat alopecia, dandruff, seborrhea, section, excess fat or dryness. The composition strengthens the follicles, makes the hair smooth and thick.
  4. Macadamia oil is used for industrial purposes for the preparation of perfumes, body lotions, creams and serums for facial skin. The composition has softening and moisturizing properties, fights wrinkles and excessive pigmentation.

  1. Incoming vitamins and mineral compounds strengthen the vascular walls. Dosed and systematic consumption of fruits cleanses blood channels, reducing the risk of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, and telangiectasia.
  2. Macadamia nuts contain valuable substances that reduce the painful symptoms of migraines, elevate mood and give a person vigor.
  3. Nuts are useful for older people because they reduce the likelihood of senile dementia, as well as diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system. Macadamia fruits are responsible for vision by strengthening the eye muscles.
  4. The antioxidants contained in macadamia kernels remove harmful decay products, control the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys, reducing the likelihood of stones appearing in the internal organs.
  5. Macadamia nuts are an excellent prevention of cancer. If you eat fruits regularly, blood access to existing cancer cells is blocked and their division slows down. Nuts are consumed internally for general rejuvenation of the body (preventing premature aging).
  6. If you eat 10 grams. Macadamia nuts daily, you will reduce the likelihood of osteoporosis and other similar ailments. Incoming macro- and microelements fill voids in the bones, relieve pain from arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.
  7. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Even 5 fruits eaten per day will help cope with depression, chronic fatigue, apathy, neurosis, irritability and sudden mood swings. The product has a positive effect on the entire psycho-emotional background of a person.
  8. Macadamian kernels are useful for representatives of the stronger half of humanity to eat. Nuts are responsible for the functioning of the genitourinary system, increase the quantity and quality of sperm, and fight prostate adenoma. Experts advise couples who have difficulty conceiving to eat the product.
  9. The benefit of macadamia nuts also lies in the fact that they tone the body. It is easier for a person to recover after prolonged physical activity and a serious illness. The fruits should be eaten by people with active brain activity.
  10. Macadamia nuts are highly valued by people who naturally have low immunity. The kernels of the culture make up for the lack of valuable enzymes, as a result the body’s resistance to infection and fungus increases.
  11. Incoming antioxidants cleanse the liver and the cavity of all internal organs from radionuclides, heavy metals, and old toxins. The likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques and obesity is also eliminated.
  12. Macadamia nuts contain a lot of iron, which provides high-quality prevention of anemia (anemia) in adults and children. The fruits help strengthen bone and muscle tissue, which is especially appreciated by athletes.
  13. Macadamia nuts are useful for people who struggle with high blood pressure (hypertension) and its fluctuations. The product brings indicators to the optimal level, normalizing the general condition. Hypotonic patients should be careful.
  14. B-group vitamins, which are also found in nuts, are responsible for accelerating all metabolic processes in the body. If you eat the product in moderation, you can maintain your current weight and even lose weight.
  15. Nuts are valued by girls who endure painful menstruation. The fruits reduce discomfort, remove muscle spasms, and relieve the lower back. If you eat the product during menopause, the number of hot flashes will be significantly reduced.

  1. Macadamia oil is used as a one-ingredient face mask when it is necessary to remove wrinkles and earthy skin tones. The products are also used to remove makeup and protect the dermis from harmful weather conditions (ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, humidity). The composition maintains water balance, smoothes out wrinkles, fights peeling and enlarged pores.
  2. Macadamia fruit oil is used to make shampoos, care serums, detangling sprays, and hair conditioners. This valuable “elixir” can save a person from all problems related to hair and scalp.
  3. Macadamia oil is added to special gels and creams that are aimed at combating “orange peel.” In addition to eliminating cellulite, the liquid composition is used to moisturize the skin of the hands and feet, strengthen the nail plate, soften the heels, and prevent the development of varicose veins.

Harm of macadamia nuts

Contraindications for consuming nuts include age under 3 years, individual intolerance, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, and following a low-fat diet.

Macadamia nuts are harmful to dogs; if consumed, your four-legged friend can be seriously poisoned. Therefore, keep the fruits away from animals.

Macadamia nuts are not ignored; they are eaten in their pure form and added to desserts. In order not to harm the body, extracting only benefits, it is necessary to have basic knowledge regarding the chemical composition and properties of the product.

Video: macadamia nut

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Brown Cream of Cauliflower Soup with Crispy Smoked Bacon is a delicious, smooth and creamy soup that both adults and children will love. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including kids, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a frying pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you have given up growing vegetables, you will probably still have to sow something. These include flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

A lover of moist air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. In indoor culture, pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Macadamia or Australian nut is a plant that belongs to the Proteaceae family. The birthplace of this culture is the east coast of Australia, but it is also found in Sri Lanka, India, Cuba, the Antilles and Hawaiian Islands, and France. Australian walnut is an evergreen tree with a neat, regular-shaped crown. In its natural environment it reaches a height of 16 meters. Leathery oval leaves of dark green color are collected in whorls of 3–4 pieces.

The plant begins to bloom in early March, and macadamia fruits are spherical nuts, reaching a diameter of 20 mm. The taste and aroma of the nuts resemble hazelnuts. They are consumed raw and fried, used for preparing vegetable oil, seafood dishes, fruit and vegetable salads. In addition, macadamia nuts are used in alternative medicine as a remedy and cause virtually no harm to the body.

Types of macadamia

There are only nine species of macadamia, and five of them can only be found in Australia. Three species are cultivated:

  • Macadamia ternifolia;
  • Macadamia tetraphylla;
  • Macadamia integrifolia.

The last two types are consumed raw. There are Australian walnut plantations in Hawaii, South Africa, Brazil, California, and Australia.

Nut composition

The chemical composition of macadamia fruits is very diverse. It includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, water, natural sugars, essential oils, proteins.

The composition of the nut is valuable for its content of vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, as well as microelements, such as:

  • magnesium – regulates blood sugar levels, prevents the formation of kidney stones, improves the respiratory system, removes toxins and radiation, strengthens tooth enamel;
  • iron – takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the deficiency of which leads to the development of anemia;
  • zinc – protects the body from viral and colds and allergies;
  • potassium – ensures the vital activity of soft tissues;
  • phosphorus – normalizes the functioning of internal organs and the nervous system;
  • selenium – helps to absorb iodine and other beneficial substances;
  • sodium – maintains the water-salt balance in the body’s cells;
  • copper – participates in redox processes.

Macadamia fats contain palmitoleic acid, which is found in human skin and is very rarely found in plants.

That is why Australian walnut is used in cosmetology to make care products for dry and problematic skin. After using them, the skin acquires a healthy color, becomes velvety and soft.

  • The nut also contains other fatty acids:
  • myristic – has antimicrobial properties and suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines;
  • linolenic – prevents fat cells from being deposited in tissues and blood vessels, accelerating metabolic processes in the body;
  • arachidonic acid – the most important building material for protein synthesis, improves metabolic processes in bones and muscles;
  • stearic acid – strengthens the nervous system and produces brain cells;
  • palmitic – activates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are required for the regeneration of skin cells;

oleic – prevents the development of heart disease and promotes the synthesis of antioxidants.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Australian nuts for the body are simply enormous. It is valued for its medicinal properties. The nut contains substances that relieve migraine symptoms. If older people regularly consume macadamia kernels, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is significantly reduced.

Nuts contain compounds that have antioxidant properties. Consumption of macadamia slows down the aging process of the body, reduces the risk of developing benign and malignant tumors.

The nut strengthens bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Macadamia contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. By consuming 3-4 pieces of fruit daily, you can cope with depression, neuroses, mood swings, and increased irritability.

Macadamia nuts help the body recover faster after prolonged physical exertion, prolonged illness, and mental fatigue. Vitamins have a positive effect on joint function, reducing the risk of developing arthritis and other joint diseases. Regular intake of the product prevents the development of vitamin deficiency. The compounds present in the nuclei help to quickly remove heavy metals, excess cholesterol, toxins, and poisons from the body.

The beneficial properties of the fruit help lower blood pressure. Nutritionists advise hypertensive patients to eat 3-6 macadamia nuts every day. B vitamins speed up metabolic processes in the body and reduce the risk of developing metabolic failures.