Description of the African melotria cucumber variety, its characteristics, properties and cultivation rules. African cucumber melotria African cucumber 6 letters crossword clue

Calorie content and composition of African melotria cucumber. How it is useful and what harm it can cause to health. How you can prepare it and what you should know about it.

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The African melotria cucumber is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family with small, oval, almost white fruits with green flecks. Thanks to their highly smooth surface, they resemble small watermelons. The countries of Central Africa - Congo, Gabon, Zambia, Chad - are considered the birthplace of this vegetable. It tastes similar to regular cucumber or zucchini, but is sweeter and slightly sour. The length of the fruit reaches 4 cm. Its other unofficial name is “mouse watermelon”. It is consumed mainly raw, canned or pickled.

Composition and calorie content of African melotria cucumber

The vegetable is rich in fiber, water, micro- and macroelements, but it does not contain many vitamins.

The calorie content of African melotria cucumber per 100 g is only 14 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.8 g;
  • Fats - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 2.5 g;
  • Water - 89 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 4 g.
The pulp and peel of vegetables includes small amounts of vitamins PP, C (ascorbic acid), A, B1, B2, B6 and B9. The composition also contains minerals - fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and sodium. Of carbohydrates, there are only polysaccharides (pectin substances).

Beneficial properties of African melotria cucumber

The fruits of the plant are low-calorie, so they can be safely consumed by people of completely different sizes. It is impossible to gain weight from them, since they contain practically no carbohydrates. That is why their inclusion in the menu when losing weight or on fasting days will be very useful. In their composition, they are close to watermelon, which is why it is recommended to actively eat them during cleansing of the body.

Cucumber works like this:

  1. Helps to lose excess weight. Since the pulp is a rich source of water, it helps normalize the water-salt balance in the body. This is one of the prerequisites on the path to losing weight. The success is also explained by the fact that in this way the body is cleansed of toxins.
  2. Eliminates dry skin. Here, help is provided due to the fact that the product contains a lot of liquid. It moisturizes the dermis from the inside, deeply nourishing it and saturating the cells with moisture. At the same time, acne goes away, pigment spots become less pronounced, and severe itching ceases to bother you.
  3. Lowers cholesterol levels. This is especially true for those who like to pamper themselves with fatty foods, mainly meat. It is recommended to regularly consume this cucumber if your diet is dominated by everything fried and floury. If this is not done, then the risk of developing hypertension, and subsequently myocardial infarction, increases.
  4. Eases constipation. Due to the fact that African melotria cucumber contains fiber, it improves intestinal motility, cleanses it of feces and toxins, and gently relieves inflammation. With its help, the likelihood of diagnosing colitis and neoplasms in this organ is reduced. We are talking about both atonic and static constipation.
  5. Improves pancreas function. This vegetable in its raw form is very useful for biliary dyskinesia, stones in them, pancreatitis outside the acute stage. Under its influence, the level of bilirubin decreases and the yellowing of the sclera of the eyes disappears.
  6. Eliminates puffiness. Most often this is necessary for pregnant women suffering from high blood pressure and kidney problems. Thanks to this cucumber, swelling under the eyes and on the legs goes away.
  7. Takes care of blood vessels. The vegetable cleanses them of cholesterol and toxins, promoting unhindered blood flow. It is very useful for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Its regular use makes the blood thinner and prevents the formation of blood clots, which sooner or later break off and lead to blockage of the lumen of blood vessels.
  8. Improves heart function. The composition contains potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the prevention of arterial hypertension, ischemic damage to this organ, cardiac asthma and failure, and ventricular hypertrophy. It is especially important to include the product in the menu for older people, with high blood pressure and diabetes.
  9. Strengthens tooth enamel. This effect of the vegetable is due to the calcium content in it. It is necessary to prevent the development of caries and other dental diseases. Those who do not consume meat, fish and dairy products should pay especially close attention to it.
  10. Lowers glucose levels. The product is very useful for diabetes, as it contains a lot of water and fiber. With its help, the blood is cleansed of toxins and cholesterol, which negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas.
  11. Boosts immunity. In this case, the benefit of African melotria cucumber is manifested in the fact that the body is saturated with ascorbic acid. It improves iron absorption, helps fight anemia and protects against infections.
The body easily and quickly digests and assimilates African cucumber. It is not at all heavy on the stomach and quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for snacking between main meals.

Harm and contraindications to the use of African melotria cucumber

Raw cucumber should not be eaten on an empty stomach, especially without additional ingredients. This is especially true for patients with gastritis. If you are not sure of the integrity of the manufacturer, then you should always peel the fruit - it may contain dangerous nitrates and various chemicals. All these substances can pollute the body and lead to its intoxication. It is not recommended to abuse vegetables during pregnancy and children.

Strict contraindications are:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. We are talking about colitis and gastritis in the acute stage, stomach and duodenal ulcers. This limitation is due to the fact that cucumber pulp is rich in fiber, which irritates the mucous membranes of these organs.
  • Kidney problems. They mean nephritis and pyelonephritis in the acute phase, the presence of large microliths, sand and stones in this organ. In this case, you cannot eat pickled cucumbers; raw and heat-treated cucumbers are allowed to be consumed in small quantities.
  • Myocardial infarction. In this case, the volume of liquid consumed should be reduced to at least 1 liter, and cucumbers contain a lot of it. If this is not done, the load on the heart will be greater, which is very harmful.
Peeled cucumbers should not be given to young children under 10 years of age.

Recipes for dishes with African melotria cucumber

This vegetable is eaten both raw and canned. Its marinating is widely practiced, and less commonly, it is used for preparing first and second courses. In this case, the fruits lose more than 30% of their nutrients and are no longer as valuable. You can cook them with or without the peel. Unlike the one that is typical for “immigrants” from Africa, it almost never tastes bitter and does not scratch the skin. It is recommended to add melotria to salads, both cold and warm. It is quite relevant as a cutting for the table.

Here are the most interesting recipes for African melotria cucumber:

  • Hot salad. Peel the cucumber (300 g) and cook the squid (150 g). Then mix these two ingredients and add feta (80 g), which must be cut into small cubes. Next, pour the whole thing with olive oil (3 tbsp.) and lemon juice (1 tbsp.), sprinkle with parsley. This dish can be served on lettuce leaves placed on large plates.
  • Solyanka. Cut the smoked sausage (300 g) as finely as possible. Then peel and chop potatoes (3 pcs.), onions (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.). Next, wash the cucumbers (100 g). Now fry the onions and carrots, combine all the ingredients and cook them for 30 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. l. tomato juice and the same amount of lemon, pepper and salt the soup to taste.
  • Stuffing. Select the largest cucumbers, wash them and cut them at the top, removing the edge. Then take out the pulp and put the filling in its place. To prepare it, you will need to mix grated egg (1 pc.), garlic twisted in a meat grinder (2 cloves), salt and pepper to taste, cheese (30 g). Then transfer the melotria to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes. After this time, take it out and garnish with chopped dill.
  • Cold salad. Cut into strips Chinese cabbage (1 head), pink tomatoes (1 pc.) and cucumbers (10-20 pcs.), which do not need to be peeled. Combine all this and add canned corn (5 tbsp.). Next, add 3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and a little unrefined corn oil. Don't forget to salt the salad before eating.
  • Pickling. Wash a small wooden barrel and prepare a piece of gauze with pressure in advance. Next, soak 3 kg of cucumbers for an hour, let them sit in water, and then remove and dry. After this, place peeled garlic (20 cloves), bay leaves (15 pcs.), black peppercorns (25 pcs.), currant leaves (1 cup) and sliced ​​​​lemon (one) at the bottom of the washed container. Then prepare the brine: boil and cool water (5 l), dissolve 8 tbsp in it. l. sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Then add 3 tbsp. l. table vinegar, stir the composition and carefully pour into the barrel. As a result, it should completely cover the cucumbers. Next, all you have to do is cover the barrel with a piece of gauze, and then with pressure. Everything will be ready after 3-4 days, during which it is not recommended to look here.
  • Salad. You will need to wash cherry tomatoes (200 g), melotria (150 g), red bell pepper (half without seeds). Cut the latter into rings and mix with the first two ingredients. Now add Adyghe cheese to them, 80 g of which will be enough. It should be chopped into cubes. Next, use peanuts without husks, dried over low heat (30 g), which will add originality to the dish. Finally, pour the mixture with lemon juice (1.5 tbsp) and olive oil (2 tbsp), sprinkle with sea salt (2 pinches) and asafoetida. The salad is ready, and now it can be served to the table, either without anything or with lasagna, pilaf or just pasta cones.
  • Fried cucumbers. Wash them (0.5 kg), divide them into two parts, salt, grate with garlic and pepper. Next, fry them in sunflower oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds, pour over soy sauce and olive oil to taste. The final touch is to decorate the dish with chopped green onions.

Interesting facts about African melotria cucumber

In fact, melotria is more of a berry than a vegetable because it contains many seeds. It is considered an exotic plant, although it can easily be grown in Europe, including Eastern Europe. The bush reaches about 2 meters in height, growing like beautiful climbing flowers. It thrives in greenhouses and hotbeds without requiring regular watering.

It is almost impossible to find an African cucumber on the market; it is not found in supermarkets either. If it is sold in our area, it is only in online stores and most often on order. It so happens that it is practically not exported from Africa and other countries where the plant is grown. There it is most often used for decorative purposes, without considering the fruits to be particularly valuable.

When choosing this vegetable, you should pay attention to its surface - there should be no scratches or stains on it. Be sure to feel the peel so that it is smooth, without any particular roughness. You also need to remember that a contrasting pattern is always present on it. If it shines, then this may indicate the use of wax to extend the shelf life of the product.

Fresh fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-5 days, after which they become soft and tasteless. For this, it is best to use plastic containers or glass containers; a bag is not suitable for this purpose. If you need to extend the life of vegetables, then they should be canned or pickled. In this form, they can be suitable for consumption for up to a year and a month, respectively.

This cucumber has much fewer seeds than a regular seeded cucumber, and they are much smaller. Thanks to its small size, covering such vegetables is very convenient. They easily fit into 0.5-liter jars and look much more aesthetically pleasing. This is a great option for the holidays, which can be played with vegetables on skewers, alternating them with cheese and salami.

Watch a video about the African cucumber melotria:

Despite the fact that there are still some contraindications for consumption of African melotria cucumber, it is really very useful and interesting. Dishes with it turn out to be original and appetizing, despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to prepare.

Melothria is one of the many species of the genus Melothria (pumpkin family), widespread in the tropics.

It is still very rare among gardeners. This annual herbaceous plant develops lashes up to 3 meters long.

The leaves are triangular in shape, pointed, softly rough. It blooms with bright yellow funnel-shaped, dioecious flowers.

The flowers are arranged in a very original way: the female flowers are single, and the male flowers are collected in axillary bunches.

Melothria grows very quickly and with its rough tendrils easily attaches to various supports and completely entwines them, suppressing all kinds of weeds. At the same time, its side shoots take root very quickly.

Melothria is very productive, and an ovary is formed in each node on the plant. Its fruits are small (2–3 cm long), light green, with thick skin, edible, with an original sour taste, reminiscent of the taste of a fresh cucumber. They taste better when they are very small and almost without seeds.

These fruits can be eaten raw, added to salads, and they are also good in pickling. Pickled fruits acquire a special taste, especially if you add a little pepper to the marinade.

The plants are thermophilic, require enough light, prefer fertile and light-textured soil, love watering, but do not tolerate excess moisture well.

Melotria is sown for seedlings from the first days of May to the beginning of the third decade, depending on where you will plant it later. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 25–30 days.

It is better to arrange beds for its cultivation on the south side of buildings or fences. Seedlings are planted on them every 30–35 cm in a row and a vertical trellis is immediately installed along the bed.

Caring for plants is the same as caring for cucumbers. It consists of watering with warm water, fertilizing and loosening. If you grow melotria for landscaping, then at the beginning of growth the plants must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, this will immediately cause lush growth of greenery.

And if you grow it for its fruits, then in the flowering phase you need to add 1 tbsp per 1 sq.m of bed. spoon of nitrophoska, and at the beginning and end of July, 1 teaspoon of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. If the soil becomes compacted during the growing season, then it is necessary to carefully loosen it several times, but so as not to damage the roots.

Melothria is an ornamental plant. In addition to fruits, melotria also forms tubers weighing up to 300 g, resembling sweet potato tubers in size and shape. They are not stored at all and must be used immediately after digging them up. They taste like both cucumber and radish and can be used in salads. With good care, you can harvest up to 3–4 kg of fruits and up to 1 kg of tubers from one plant.

Melothria can be successfully used on the site and as an ornamental crop. At the same time, it looks exceptionally beautiful, and its elegant greenery remains green until frost.

African cucumber Melotria is still a new product in gardens. It's decorative. A powerful vine entwines the arch in a short time. The fruits look like small watermelons. Pumpkins and root vegetables are edible.

This cucumber is an African native. Grows in the equatorial zone. Belongs to the pumpkin family. In its homeland it is a perennial plant, but in Europe it is cultivated as an annual plant.

There are 80 known varieties of mouse watermelon. In the middle zone they grow one - Hummingbird.

Description of watermelon cucumber:

  • vigorous vine (grows up to 3 m);
  • stem 1.5 cm in diameter, pubescent;
  • leaves are triangular in profile, covered with villi;
  • flowers are bright yellow, male and female on the same plant;
  • with simple care, the plant produces a yield of 5 kg/bush.

Melotria prefers sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. Female flowers grow singly, male flowers in bunches. The cucumber is pollinated by bees. He ties the watermelons himself reluctantly.

Mass harvesting of fruits begins 2–3 weeks after planting. Mini pumpkins ripen together. If desired, fruiting can be extended. Watermelons are collected, the vines are trimmed, and nitrogen fertilizer is applied. After 3–5 days, Melotria will begin to set new fruits.

What is attractive about edible parts?

Melotria has edible fruits and tubers. Description of the mini pumpkin:

  • elongated fruits;
  • color - pale green with dark green stripes;
  • rough to the touch, non-prickly;
  • combination of taste of cucumber, melon, radish with sourness;
  • The size of the African cucumber is 2.5–3 cm.

Plants are actively used for landscaping. Summer residents organize living screens, divide the space into zones, and weave gazebos and pergolas.

Gardeners are attracted to mini-cucumbers by their unusual taste and benefits. The fruits contain:

  • fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium;
  • vitamins PP, C, A, B1, B2, B6, B9;
  • pectins.

The calorie content of a mouse watermelon is 14 kcal. The value of Melotria: reducing the feeling of hunger and saturating the body with useful substances during diets.

Gardeners are satisfied with the purpose of the fruits. They are delicious fresh and pickled. The unusual sourness is revealed in hot dishes (stews, solyankas).

Root vegetables are also suitable for consumption. Their taste is similar to sour radishes. Experimental gardeners prepare fresh salads with the addition of tomatoes and onions. The edible parts of the mini-pumpkin must be processed immediately: they will soon spoil.

Mini cucumbers are tasty 2–3 days after they grow 2–3 cm. Gardeners collect them first. After the harvest is released, the turn of the tubers comes.

Medicinal properties of Melotria

Studies have shown the beneficial properties of mouse watermelon. They are determined by the chemical composition. Noticed:

  1. Cucumber contains a lot of fiber. Regular consumption of Melotria improves intestinal motility. When dieting, it reduces the feeling of hunger.
  2. Cucumber lowers blood pressure. Cleanses blood vessels.
  3. The combination of chemical elements increases immunity and has an antibacterial effect.
  4. Mini pumpkin is indispensable in cosmetology. Masks based on it cleanse and tone the skin.
  5. Relieves swelling. Melotria is a mild diuretic.

Mouse pumpkin is not recommended for people to consume during an exacerbation of kidney diseases, after a heart attack. Salted or pickled cucumbers are contraindicated for pregnant women. Melotria is undesirable for high acidity, stomach ulcers, and gastritis.

What does a cucumber like?

Mini pumpkin is a heat-loving plant. In the southern regions, growing without seedlings is permissible. In other regions, advance preparation is required. Melotria Kolibri - variety. Gardeners are advised to collect seeds.


  • prepare your seeds (disinfect in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, hold for 30 minutes in a growth stimulator);
  • prepare nutritious soil as for a regular cucumber;
  • spread the seeds on top, sprinkle a little sand;
  • water with a sprayer;
  • When 2-3 true leaves grow, pick them up into separate cups;
  • it is necessary to harden the seedlings and highlight them;
  • at the end of May - beginning of June, plant in open ground;
  • landing according to the scheme: 60 cm X 60 cm;
  • Watering is required (every 2 days, 10 liters per bush).

There is no need to pinch the lashes. The plant forms itself independently. When growing to decorate a site, it is recommended to trim the stems and direct their growth.

You should take care of the support for the mini-pumpkin: the vine is actively growing green mass. No tying is required: Melotria weaves around the stand with tendrils.

Horned cucumber is responsive to mineral fertilizers. During flowering, it is recommended to add potassium and phosphorus according to the instructions. Nitrogen causes the growth of vines. If Melotria is planted to grow fruits, it must be applied once before flowering.

You should take into account the exactingness of the mouse watermelon to the soil structure. The plant does not tolerate souring: the vines begin to rot. The formation of a crust of the upper layer leads to the cessation of growth. “Dry watering” will help solve the problem - loosening to a depth of 5–10 cm: the crust is destroyed, gas exchange improves.

Melothria does not tolerate weeds. Harmful plants suppress it. The plant requires sunlight, but is sensitive to its excess (the leaves get burned).

It is possible to grow a mini pumpkin in the middle zone. It is required to follow the rules of agricultural technology.

The desire to pamper yourself with something exotic is becoming greater and greater every year. And to be honest, it’s quite easy to do this now. In any supermarket, sometimes even in the market, you can find unusual food products from Africa, Australia and other distant continents. Passion fruit, mango, and avocado have become quite familiar to our holiday and sometimes everyday tables. Recently, a bizarre fruit called kiwano, or as it is popularly called, horned melon, has become increasingly popular.

African cucumber, angouria, African or gummy melon are all different interpretations of the Kiwano name. Africa is considered to be the birthplace of the fruit, but it is sometimes claimed that Anguria came to us from New Zealand. The most pleasant climate for the full development of Kiwanos is in North America, Colombia, Israel and African countries. But with the right agronomic approach, this exotic fruit will produce a bountiful harvest in European countries. Kiwano melon is a herbaceous, vine-like annual plant, a close relative of the cucumber. Anguria vines, dotted with yellow flowers and with large leaves, under favorable conditions reach a length of about 4 m.

The African fruit is ellipsoidal in shape, pale green, and covered with unusual, large thorns. The fruit turns bright orange when ripe. It is close in length and diameter to a short cucumber. The weight of the fruit varies from 40 to 350 g. Kiwano has excellent fertility: about 50 fruits are produced on one plant. The fruiting period begins in mid-summer. During storage, the fruits acquire a rich yellow-orange color.

Growing from seeds

Since the African cucumber is able to please with such a rich harvest, the question arises: how to grow kiwano at home from seeds? The process of growing kiwano takes place in several stages: Seed preparation. It is worth starting to prepare seeds a month before planting in an open place. It is best to plant in early May. You need to soak the seeds in a solution to stimulate growth.

Planting in pots. Once the seeds have swelled, place them in prepared pots about 9 cm in diameter filled with a nutritious earthen mixture. Keep the seedlings in a warm place for at least a couple of weeks. Choosing a location. The exotic fruit requires a place protected from strong winds and direct sunlight. Although this fruit is accustomed to the hot African climate, direct sunlight will instantly cause burns on the leaves. It is also convenient to place the plant near a fence or gazebo so that the vines do not need to be tied up.

Landing in the ground. After the frost has completely passed, begin planting the sprouted seeds in the ground. Plant the fruit in a couple of rows with a distance of about half a meter between them. Further care. As the plant grows, tie it with twine to vertical posts.

Don't forget to loosen the soil, remove weeds and water several times a week, especially in dry summers.

This exotic cucumber loves feeding. Therefore, stock up on herbal infusion diluted with chicken droppings. The plant has a growth pattern that involves pinching. Therefore, when thickening, it is worth pinching the side shoots.

How to eat it

In African countries, this product partly solves the nutrition problem. The exotic cucumber is used there as the main product of a dish, and sometimes as a snack. The taste of the jelly-like fruit is very difficult to describe: it is a mixture of shades of lemon, banana, cucumber and zucchini. The fruit is quite aromatic, but for those who have a sweet tooth, you can sprinkle it with sugar. The raw product can be cut in half and eaten with a spoon, or you can suck out the pulp, discarding the seeds.

African cucumber can be used in salads, with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Kiwano adds an unusual taste to cocktails and jam. The fruit goes well with meat dishes. Since kiwano is a long-lasting fruit, its peel can be used as decorative plates. Horned melon is often recommended for the diet menu, because the fruit consists of 90% water. It is full of minerals, vitamins A, C and group B. Also, kiwano fruits are useful for those who have gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular diseases, due to their high potassium content.

Video “Kiwano or horned melon”

In this video you will hear the characteristics of Kiwano melon.

Kira Stoletova

Today you won’t surprise anyone with outlandish fruits and vegetables. These include the African cucumber.


African cucumber (Kiwano) is an annual vine. It was developed in Africa and South America, but gained popularity in Western Europe and the Balkans.

The taste of the fruit and its appearance depend on the amount of soil used and the cultivation method.

Description of the plant

Kiwano is shaped like a small horned melon. The vegetable has green climbing stems and leaves of the same color. They also need to be tied up.

Description of fruits

The African Kiwano cucumber has a yellow or orange peel with many needles. The thickness of the peel resembles that of melon and watermelon.

Kiwano fruits have a specific taste, sweet and sour, and contain a lot of moisture inside, which helps quench thirst. If a person tries a vegetable for the first time, he will feel similar to cucumber, melon, banana and even lime.

Planting seeds

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are grown from seeds. First, the seeds are prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked for 1 day in a solution of sodium humate. Epin-extra fertilizer is also used, it has the same effect.

Sowing seeds

It is impossible to sow seeds directly into the ground, even if the gardener lives in a southern area, because in the spring the weather is unpredictable, frosts are severe at night, which can kill the seedlings. When the seeds swell, they are transferred to a warm place for 2-3 days. Seedling material is sown in April or early May in order to grow seedlings in warm weather, which will allow the seedlings to be transferred to open ground.

Seeds are planted only in purchased soil, since it is already nutritious and loose. To do this, use a small single container no larger than 10 cm in size.

Seedling care

First of all, after planting the seeds, control the temperature. It should not be below 25°C. In addition, they provide the right light, but so that the sun's rays do not hit the plant, otherwise burns will occur. Mandatory soil loosening and moisture control are also carried out. This promotes good plant growth, which subsequently helps to obtain a bountiful harvest.

Planting seedlings in the ground

African cucumber is planted 3-4 weeks after sowing the seeds, it all depends on the growth rate of the crop. If the gardener lives in an area where the night temperature decreases significantly, it is better to cover the seedlings with film at night or plant them in a greenhouse.

African cucumbers love space. It allows you to significantly increase their growth. The bushes also need support to make harvesting easier.

The seedlings are planted on a flat surface, preferably near a wall or fence. A large, warm and well-lit area is allocated for planting. Plant planting scheme - 40 x 35 cm. Per 1 sq. m plant no more than 2 bushes.

Rules for caring for cucumbers

Kiwano loves water, and in its absence dries out and dies. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, if it is not very hot outside, if it is very hot - every day. Watering is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening.

Among the mandatory actions for growing plants are:

  • Weeding. In order for the crop to grow well, it is fed with nutrients and minerals that help reduce the number of weeds.
  • Loosening. This procedure helps oxygen reach the roots. The earth is loosened when it begins to become crusty. It is best to do this in the morning or evening: during the day there is a high probability of removing all moisture from the soil.
  • Pinch. Only pinch the side branches, since the growth of greenery can affect the amount of harvest. The bushes need to be formed in the form of a circle or so that they grow in one line.
  • Hilling. This condition of plant care is especially important if the ground freezes or overheats during the day. Hilling retains moisture in the ground, this is especially important for southern areas.
  • Feeding. They add not only organic matter, but also mineral fertilizers. They help the plant grow quickly and increase the volume of greenery. From organic matter, it is preferable to take mullein, chicken droppings or grass. Fertilizer is added once every 10 days, alternating.
  • Garter. The stem is tied vertically. Thus, the bulk of the greenery goes up, and space is saved. You can use a net for cucumbers. If you don't tie up the cucumbers, they will take up a lot of space. If the crop is grown in a greenhouse, gartering is required.
  • The harvest takes place in August. They are cut bright orange, which is their natural color when ripe.

Rules of use

The skin of the cucumber is not edible, so it should not be used. It is cut off and thrown away. The edible part is very tender; it will not be possible to separate it into slices. The fruit is cut into 2 parts, and the filling is selected with a spoon, since it has the appearance of jelly.

Pests and diseases

Kiwano has a strong immune system, withstands the appearance of pests and practically does not become infected with diseases.


Horned melon is an exotic vegetable. Recently, it has become quite famous in all countries of the world. To get the desired result, you must fulfill all growing conditions and adhere to the rules for caring for cucumbers.