Decoration of a tea shop. Tea business from scratch

For some, the morning begins with a cup of coffee, but others definitely need to cheer up with tea. And not just cheap packaged ones, but high-quality ones, brewed according to all strict rules. And the number of different varieties, types, blends cannot be accurately calculated. In fact, the ever-growing army of lovers of this ancient drink creates favorable conditions for the development of successful commerce. A business plan for a tea shop will allow you to approach the business with insurance from almost all possible angles.

We prepare documents

Before you begin the frantic activity of opening your own tea shop, visit a law firm. Here they will tell you exactly what documents you need to prepare, where they need to be certified and how much it will cost.

Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of visiting various authorities, but you will represent the entire chain of organizations that you will visit. You will know what the package of documents for registering your company includes, what seals and signatures must be affixed to the pieces of paper.

If you are new to commerce, then it would be a good idea to enlist the support of business incubator specialists. There they will be able to formulate a step-by-step business plan for a tea store, and will also prepare you for possible difficulties.

Choosing a format

To avoid doubts, think about the format of your future outlet in advance. It is only at first glance that it may seem that all the shops are the same. Not at all.

Let's start with the most rare, but very promising enterprise. This is a store combined with a full tasting room. Undoubtedly, you will have to sit quite comfortably so that there is room to place a varied assortment of teas, and there is also enough space for small tables at which visitors will leisurely try varieties that are new to them.

Of course, more investment and effort will have to be spent on such a business. It is better to carefully develop the plan for a tea shop using the principle of zoning the premises. But at least you will have a ready-made launching pad for your future cozy cafe. It has been noticed that regulars of tasting tea rooms willingly buy confectionery to go with their favorite drink.

If such a large-scale undertaking is not yet up to you, then you can focus on the middle option. Consider opening a tea boutique. Unlike the first format, this point will be smaller; the varieties presented on the shelves are the most popular, slightly diluted with rare exotics. There is also a bar counter for those who like to try new things before buying.

There is also a very modest option for beginner businessmen. This is a stall organization. You only need a little space for it, just to accommodate a shelf for the goods and to put a stand for the seller. You can get a job in any shopping center, the main thing is that there is more traffic.

You can rent a corner in some grocery supermarket. Customers who are disappointed in tea bags with chemical flavors may want to purchase something from your range. And then there will be regular customers.


Whatever format you choose for yourself, the main thing for successful business promotion is the presence of buyers who are willing to pay for your product. Therefore, when choosing a location for your point, take into account the trafficability of the area.

The higher it is, the better. It is clear that if you open a tea shop in the city center, next to popular recreation areas for city residents, you will automatically provide yourself with visitors. Let them be curious citizens at first, but here it is up to you how you will stir up their further interest.

Of course, renting a room in a bad corner is much cheaper, but promoting such a place is more difficult. Even if your plans include a modest shop selling the most popular varieties of tea and coffee beans, try to locate in places with large crowds of people.

Shopping centers will do, but large ones with good customer turnover. Being next to flower stalls works well. When buying gifts, people often stop in front of beautiful bags of fragrant tea. So you can offer them a variant of the original “addition” to the traditional bouquet.

Room design

Now let's talk about “appearance”, it will to some extent determine how attractive your tea room will become. The business plan must take this factor into account. Before you enthusiastically take on the development of a design project, study the regulatory requirements emanating from regulatory sanitary authorities, and do not ignore those related to fire safety.

As for the design itself, a lot depends on the format of your establishment. But in any case, it’s a good idea to give the room some personality so that people recognize you. And start by creating a logo. He is the business card that forms the image of the enterprise.

And in what specific style you will present yourself, it’s up to you to decide. Will there be an emphasis on oriental exoticism, or will you want to introduce English notes, or maybe you will plan a stall in the Russian spirit? The main thing is to be able to stand out and become noticeable among competitors.

We select equipment

Having decided on the nature of the future enterprise, its style and scale, we begin to look for the necessary equipment for a tea shop. We will need racks and shelves, cabinets, containers, spatulas, stands, scales, and a cash register.

For a small point, you can purchase ready-made racks of the required size. If you want to get higher quality commercial furniture, then order shelves and cabinets from a specialist. He will fulfill everything according to your personal requirements.

The main task that this business plan solves is to identify the organizational nuances that you need to know to open a tea shop. Today in Russia many people are lovers of good tea. According to statistics, 98% of Russians drink this drink. In retail grocery stores you can only find cheap varieties of this drink, as well as tea dust, which is packaged in bags. Such an assortment cannot satisfy the needs of a connoisseur of quality tea, and that is why specialized stores are in demand and popular. A budding entrepreneur can engage in such a profitable and interesting business, and our tea shop business plan will help organize everything correctly.

Business relevance

Before investing in a tea store, it is worth finding out what the relevance of this area of ​​​​business is. It should be noted here that there are two directions of trade. The first is to create an establishment that sells essential goods, which are always in demand. There is a high level of competition in this segment. And the second direction is the sale of highly specialized goods. Here the level of competition is much less, but the demand for goods is also lower. Tea shops belong to the second direction, specializing in elite and rare varieties of this plant, which are not available in ordinary supermarkets. Their profitability is high, because the markup on goods reaches 150%. The main work is aimed at promoting certain types of tea. Only in this case will there be profit.


You should start implementing a business plan for a tea shop with calculations by choosing the format of the establishment. It could be a small stall, a small shop or a large tea room with a tasting room. Small stalls are usually located at metro stations or inside large shopping and entertainment centers. The rental price here is low, ranging from 10 to 30 thousand rubles per month. In such a place, the product range is minimal, and there are no additional offers. For a small store specializing in the sale of such a drink, you will need a larger area and a wider product line. But the best option (with the right budget) is to open a large tea shop with tasting departments where customers can try tea. Experts are confident that the opportunity to try a product increases the level of customer loyalty, which in turn has a positive effect on sales.

This business idea should be implemented from the preparatory stage, at which you need to do the following:

  • Get acquainted with the features of the tea business.
  • Conduct segment marketing research and financial market analysis.
  • Find a solution for all organizational issues.

When all this is done, the information received should be consolidated and brought into a convenient form, and then begin to create a detailed business plan with details.


At first, an entrepreneur can perform the functions of a seller himself in order to save money. But if there is no such opportunity or desire, then you should choose a specialist who understands the types of tea and knows how to prepare it. In addition, the employee must be distinguished by such character traits as sociability, positivity, a friendly attitude, and activity. A representative of the fairer sex, thirty or forty years old, would be suitable for the role of a salesperson for a tea shop. She is assigned a certain salary and a bonus in the form of a percentage of sales. Such a system will encourage the employee to sell more products. On average, the seller will have to pay 15 thousand rubles as salary.


To ensure high business profitability, you need to offer clients a wide range of services. Of course, the main product here will be tea. Popular varieties sell for 200-300 rubles per hundred grams. In addition, you can offer your guests tea or coffee with pastries or desserts. It is also permissible to sell dishes, sugar, thermoses, strainers and other things related to the tea business. Here is an example of a table of services provided.

Advertising campaign expenses

Advertising costs are very important because they help the tea shop find new customers, and this is important for profit. Of course, the best advertising is the establishment’s impeccable reputation, but when the store has just opened, the following advertising tools should be used:

  • Create a large and impressive sign.
  • Development of a memorable corporate logo.
  • Advertising in local media and on popular Internet platforms.
  • Distributing leaflets and business cards near the establishment.

It is best when the outlet is located inside a large shopping center. In such a center, advertising the center itself will work for a tea shop; you will not have to spend extra money on a large-scale advertising campaign.

But attracting customers is not enough; they should also be retained by making them regular customers. And for this there is a marketing strategy:

  • Creation of a flexible and affordable pricing policy for the store.
  • Creating a comfortable atmosphere in the hall, the room should be cozy.
  • Modern equipment.

These things will make the tea shop stand out from other similar stores.

Equipment purchase

To organize a tea shop, an entrepreneur will need to purchase the following equipment:

You will have to spend at least 50 thousand rubles on inventory.

Business specifics

A business like selling tea has its own specifics that must be taken into account when developing a business plan. When taking on this business, an entrepreneur must:

  • Pay maximum attention to the quality of the tea sold, and for this you need to find good suppliers.
  • Find an individual approach to each client and respond to their needs.
  • Hire qualified people and train them to know the product range.
  • Promote your product in any possible way.

The specifics of such a business offer the following advantages:

  • The demand for tea will be constant, regardless of the time of year.
  • This product can be stored for a long time and does not spoil.
  • Low financial barrier to entry into business.
  • The cost of tea is low, and the markup reaches 150%.

All these points make the enterprise attractive, especially for a novice entrepreneur.

Financial plan

As we said above, starting this business does not require large investments. It is enough to have an amount of 210 thousand rubles.

You should also remember that costs may vary depending on the following factors:

  • The location of the room and its area.
  • Purchase volumes and product range.
  • The number of employees.
  • Decoration of the hall.

What is the profitability of a tea shop? In small towns, the monthly profit is 120 thousand rubles. It consists of daily earnings, which is approximately 4 thousand rubles. For a business to be profitable, at least 1 kilogram of tea must be sold per day. With an average price of 400 rubles. for 100 g, we get revenue of 4 thousand rubles.

If for the first six months, which are the most difficult, we take into account the figure of 50 thousand rubles per month, then we get 900 thousand rubles in revenue per year. After deducting costs, we get a net profit of around 450 thousand per year. Considering that starting a business requires about two hundred thousand rubles, this store will pay for itself in less than a year.

This is not a lot of money, so it’s worth paying attention to the possibilities of increasing the average bill by selling related products. Over time, the entrepreneur will be able to expand the range of teas and add additional services, which will allow him to earn even more money. We also recommend that when your business reaches a certain level, you think about opening additional sales points. One point reaches the ceiling of profitability quite quickly.

In conclusion

Before embarking on a project to create a tea shop, it is necessary to work out a business plan in detail and assess possible risks. The tea business has many nuances that must be taken into account in order to achieve success. The most important thing here is really good tea at affordable prices. Raw materials will have to be ordered not only from Russia (usually the Krasnodar region), but also from abroad. Therefore, it is worth establishing close and strong relationships with suppliers in order to be completely confident that they will fulfill their obligations.

It is also important that the establishment has a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere, and that the seller understands the types of tea and is friendly towards customers.

Some people start their morning with a cup of coffee, while others consider tea to be an invigorating drink (we are not talking about cheap bagged tea, but about high-quality tea, certified according to all the rules).

The constant growth of the army of lovers of this ancient drink creates a favorable environment for the development of entrepreneurial activity. And a properly drawn up business plan allows you to avoid many sharp corners.

Market and competitor analysis

This section is a mandatory part of this document. Analysis of the market situation not only attracts the attention of a potential investor, but also allows you to understand many complex situations.

It is worth paying special attention to the premises in which the store will be located in the future.

A well-organized advertising campaign can significantly increase the number of customers. The secret of business success lies in the fact that advertising should contain information not about a particular type of tea, but about a specific elite tea shop. Based on this, the consumer has the opinion that each variety presented has a unique taste and unsurpassed aroma.

Analysis of the main competitors is necessary in order to:

  • develop a marketing strategy for the most effective product positioning;
  • predict sales plan;
  • determine the optimal assortment and develop a product policy;
  • set prices for products correctly;
  • develop a product: select the properties and key characteristics of the product;
  • think over a promotion strategy.

You can find detailed instructions for developing a document in the following video:

Format options

This area involves starting activities in accordance with one of the following formats:

  • Freestanding store with a rich assortment. Most buyers strive to buy an expensive elite variety only so that they can proudly offer it to guests. Starting with this option is the most difficult. The area of ​​the room should be selected based on the amount of equipment, assortment, and display cases. The store sells not only tea, but also related products. As an option, you can even put several tables and organize a small cafe.
  • Tea shop. The main distinguishing feature of this format is the predominance of loose tea. In terms of price, it is slightly more expensive than the usual one, which becomes unnoticeable against the backdrop of a wider range and unique taste. The size of capital investments increases in proportion to the increase in the cost of production. Renting has no less influence.
  • Tea department. Beginning businessmen prefer this option, since they do not need to look for a large room, the main thing is that the place is crowded and highly trafficked. The costs are significantly lower than if you planned to open your own store. In the future, you can open several more departments in other parts of the city and organize your own small network.

Production plan

The optimal size of the area of ​​the future point is 30 sq. m., and the best location is the first line of a busy quarter. The city center is a great option, but very expensive. It is also not recommended to open in a residential area, since apart from the cheapness there are no other positive aspects here.

It is best if the store is located in the area where people who consider themselves to be middle class live and work, as well as where there is the greatest concentration of “office plankton”. It is better to cross out the working district and industrial zone from the list, since the primary goal of the entrepreneur is to earn money, and not to introduce the culture of tea consumption to the masses.

The rent varies between 1000-3000 rubles. for 1 sq. m., that is, the monthly rent will be about 30-90 thousand rubles.

The success of the store lies in good design, quality equipment and well-trained staff. Thus, corporate identity, employee uniforms, signage, furniture, office equipment and even packaging bags are recommended to be kept in one design solution.

Once the nature of the future point, its style and scale have been determined, you can begin to purchase the necessary equipment. This business requires racks and shelves, cabinets, containers, shovels, stands, scales and a cash register.

If there is room in the store for a tasting area, then you should take care of tables and chairs or a bar counter. If a businessman plans to delight visitors with a freshly prepared aromatic drink, then he needs to purchase a kettle, cups and spoons.

Financial plan

To open such a business, you will need to spend about 750,000 rubles during the first year, including:

  • passing the state registration procedure – 10,000 rubles;
  • monthly rental payment – ​​30,000 rubles;
  • decoration of the premises - 25,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and all necessary accessories – 50,000 rubles;
  • salary – 15,000 rubles. – at the beginning of the activity it is not recommended to hire a seller, it is better to work a little on your own;
  • purchase of tea – 80,000 rubles. – for the first 2 months of work it is quite enough;
  • payment of utilities – 5,000 rubles. monthly.

Organizational plan

Before the frantic activity of opening a store begins, you should figure out what documents need to be prepared, who should certify them and how much you need to pay for it.

After official registration has been completed, you can begin purchasing an assortment that can satisfy any consumer needs. Large and medium-sized points should have both expensive and quite budget varieties.

In addition to tea, you should purchase several fruit and herbal mixtures, blends, floral drinks and various types of coffee. You should not ignore sweets, just not those that can be found on the counter of any store, but some original ones.

The business plan must include a clause regarding optimal number and qualifications of employees. Of course, you can manage a tiny shop on your own, but it will be much more convenient with a helper. Moreover, someone must negotiate with suppliers, deal with documents, monitor the serviceability of equipment and replenish the assortment.

A recruiting agency can help you find a suitable candidate, but no one has canceled a personal conversation with the applicant. At the same time, a neat appearance, competent speech and the ability to win over the buyer deserve attention. If you plan to conduct tastings, you need to find out in advance from the applicant whether he knows how to brew tea correctly and whether he is familiar with the traditions related to tea drinking.

The smooth functioning of a business is impossible without reliable product supplier. Direct communication with the manufacturer is only available for a large enterprise or network. But the owner of a modest store is unlikely to be able to buy a large batch, and selling it is far from quick.

Therefore, it is better to find a regional representative who sells tea in bulk by weight.

Marketing plan

The most proven marketing methods in this area include free tastings, gifts, small souvenirs, promotions and charity events. The client must be sure that the bonuses he has earned will not go anywhere, so he will have to spend a little on cumulative discount cards.

In addition, you can place advertisements on your own website, in social networking groups, on television or in the media. Business allows you to experiment with marketing; for example, a buyer will definitely appreciate it if, along with the purchase, he is given a small booklet telling about a particular type of tea, or a colorful bookmark containing interesting facts regarding tea traditions.

Launch schedule

The main stages of opening include the following points:

No.Stage nameImplementation period
1 Drawing up a business planSeptember 2016
2 Official registration with the tax serviceOctober 2016
3 Rent or purchase of suitable retail spaceOctober 2016
4 Purchase of equipment and furniture (if necessary)November 2016
5 Finding a suitable regional representative and concluding an agreement with him for the supply of tea and accessoriesNovember 2016
6 Start of activityDecember 2016

Risk analysis

This activity, like any other, is characterized by:

  • Commercial risks. For example, the level of demand for a product may decrease, the purchase price may change, or the level of saturation of the competitive environment may increase.
  • In-house risks - lack of professionalism of management and employees, transfer of valuable commercial information to competitors, etc.

They are inherent in any business, so you shouldn’t be afraid of them, you just need to insure yourself with preventive measures that can prevent them or even prevent them.

Specialized tea stores are in fairly steady demand. Original boxes and bright packaging attract random buyers, forcing them to make unplanned purchases. In our country, about 85% of the population drinks tea daily, so the demand for such a product remains stable in any economic situation. In this article we will tell you in detail how to start a tea business from scratch in Russia.

Features of the tea business

Everything related to popular goods and services, including tea. But we should not forget that trading such products is a rather specific activity. Domestic consumers are accustomed to cheap, low-quality goods with various flavoring additives. Many people consider raspberry or lemon flavored tea bags to be the height of perfection. It is unlikely that they will buy real tea with a pleasant taste, which costs several times more. Based on this, we can conclude that marketing in the tea business is a very important aspect that requires special attention. Nowadays, it is difficult to find people competent in this field, so you must hire real specialists who can convey to consumers all the benefits of quality tea.

Before opening a tea business from scratch, you need to understand all the features and nuances of this line of activity. Tea is always in demand as it is difficult to find a person who does not love this delicious aromatic hot drink. In order to open a tea shop business, you will need certain investments, but they will pay off in the shortest possible time. For your business to be successful, you need to set a clear goal and gradually move towards it.

If you don't know anything about this industry, start with a franchise. Thanks to this, you will be able to obtain the necessary knowledge and assistance from specialists at the initial, most difficult stage. After you understand all the processes, you can open another outlet, but on your own, without using well-known brands.

Advantages and disadvantages

have their strengths and weaknesses. This also applies to the tea trade.


  • Not very large starting capital. You don’t have to buy expensive equipment, rent a huge premises and purchase a large batch of goods;
  • Tea is not a perishable product and therefore does not require special storage conditions. You won't have to worry about selling your product quickly because it might go bad;
  • The demand for such products is not subject to seasonal fluctuations;
  • Along with tea, you can sell various related products;
  • A specialized tea shop as a business is an elegant and quite prestigious line of business. Tea trading brings pleasure not only to sellers, but also to buyers. No one will remain indifferent to the aromas floating in the tea shop.


  • High level of competition.

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Experts recommend choosing an area related to essential goods. They value tea trading as a business with high profitability, so you can’t go wrong if you start working in this direction.

Business plan

Sample business plan for a tea shop:

  • Summary. In this paragraph, it is necessary to describe the purpose of the project, the approximate amount of starting investments and key financial indicators of the project;
  • A short description of the industry and company;
  • Product description. What is included in the assortment of the outlet;
  • Sales and Marketing. Development of a marketing strategy;
  • Production plan. Equipment and personnel;
  • Organizational plan. Distribution of duties;
  • Financial plan. Expenses and profits;
  • Project effectiveness assessment;
  • Risks and guarantees.


Before you open a tea business from scratch, you need to find a suitable premises for your retail outlet. Don't forget to check that there are no competing stores nearby. The lease agreement must be signed for at least 1 year, or at most 6 months. For a small room located in a walk-through area you will have to pay about 20 thousand rubles monthly.
  1. A store with its own tasting room. The main advantage of this trading format is that the buyer can choose the appropriate option during the tea ceremony. This approach opens up broad prospects for business development. But in order to equip a tasting room, you need to rent a spacious room, and this is too expensive for a novice entrepreneur. Such a retail outlet should be located on one of the central streets with high traffic;
  2. A small tea shop, the area of ​​which does not exceed 10–15 square meters. meters. It is better to rent premises for a cozy boutique in a residential area or in the center. This option is suitable for entrepreneurs who have limited financial resources;
  3. An island or small department in a shopping center. Such a retail outlet can be opened with minimal investment.

Arrangement of the premises

As a rule, they are associated with essential goods, which include tea. To attract the attention of consumers to your product, you need to design your outlet in an original way. Even if you rent a room that has recently been renovated, you will have to remodel it in your own way. It is important to remember that tea is an impulse buy. If your store stands out among others, people will definitely look into it and make a purchase. A cozy atmosphere helps customers return to the store again, and an original display window makes your outlet prestigious.

Each entrepreneur designs his store to his own taste. Include in your tea shop business plan the costs of purchasing special shelving, a high-quality electric kettle and beautiful cups in which you will brew tea for tasting. Several small tables can be placed under the windows so that customers can enjoy a fragrant drink on the spot and decide on its choice.

You decide. But if you are attracted to the tea trade, feel free to bring it to life. You should not refuse such a promising and profitable project.


Buying equipment for a tea shop will not require you to make large financial investments. This is one of the important advantages of this business. To trade tea, you do not need freezers or refrigerated display cases. All you need to buy:

  • Glass or plastic jars for selling loose tea;
  • Special scoops;
  • Scales;
  • Shelving;
  • Showcases;
  • Cash machine.

Equipment for a small tea shop will cost you 100-150 thousand rubles. If you want to save some money, look online or in local media classifieds for used shelving and display cases.

Tea production scheme

Search for suppliers, assortment

Find examples of a tea store business plan with calculations on the Internet and create your own guide to action based on it. Pay special attention to the assortment. It is desirable that it be as wide as possible. If there are several tea shops in your city, you need to offer consumers some unique product that your competitors do not sell.

Varieties and varieties of tea should be presented in different price segments for visitors with different income levels, at least 30–40 items. It is necessary to include in the assortment popular varieties that are in demand among regular customers and several original offers for casual buyers.

Modern people care about their health, so natural herbal teas have recently become popular. They must be present in the assortment. For goods sold by weight, you need to purchase gift and regular tasting packaging.

To increase the profitability of your business, you can include in your product range various sweets for tea - cookies, sweets, cakes, etc. You can also sell accessories for the tea ceremony - sets, strainers, beautiful teapots, etc.

You should also include a clause on suppliers in your tea shop business plan. If you plan to open several retail outlets and purchase goods in large quantities, you can arrange direct deliveries from manufacturers. Owners of small tea shops usually order products from importers who have official representative offices in different cities of our country. Their contact details can be found on the Internet on electronic trading platforms, in directories and online trading centers. Before agreeing to cooperate, carefully read reviews about suppliers and their products. If you purchase low-quality products, the tea shop as a business will not bring good profits.

Implementation Features

When it comes to tea, it is important that the store’s assortment includes products for different segments of the population:

  • Tea in bags;
  • Leaf and granulated tea;
  • Weighed products;
  • Herbal preparations;
  • Fruit drinks.

You should offer tea from different manufacturers - Indian, Chinese, Ceylon, etc.

The markup on the product plays an important role in this matter. The size of your profit and the success of your business largely depend on a competent pricing policy. Before you open a tea business from scratch and set a certain percentage of markup on goods, go shopping and fix prices. The optimal option is 70–100%.

When you open your store, offer each customer small nice gifts so that they come back to you again. This could be a small pack of tea, cookies or fresh pastries.


Like any other business, selling tea requires high-quality, effective advertising. At first, you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on expensive billboards and banners. It is enough to make a bright, attractive sign and a small advertising pillar.

According to experts, marketing in the tea business is practically no different from advertising any other product. Traditional methods:

  • Gifts to clients upon opening;
  • Discount cards for regular customers;
  • Signs on the sidewalk leading to the store;
  • Distribution of advertising leaflets;
  • Stock.

Financial investments

In order to open a tea shop you will have to invest a certain amount:

  • Rent of premises – 20–50 thousand rubles;
  • Expenses for paying utility bills – 10 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment – ​​100–150 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Employee salary – 35 thousand rubles;
  • Additional expenses – 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 480 thousand rubles.


So, you have decided to open a tea business, is such an activity profitable or not? The average turnover of a small tea shop is 150 thousand rubles. At the formation stage, net income will not exceed 45–60 thousand rubles. If you start a tea business from scratch, all investments will pay off in one year. For some varieties you can put a 100% markup.

According to experts, tea trade is highly profitable. It is best to open such a retail outlet at the end of summer. A competent business plan for a tea store with calculations, detailed market analysis and an effective marketing strategy will save you from the problems that arise in the process of organizing a new promising business.

  • It is necessary to ensure proper conditions for storing the goods. If a person buys low-quality products from you, he will no longer come to your store;
  • If you are in doubt whether it is worth opening a tea business, whether such a business is profitable or not, carefully analyze the market in your region to determine the demand for this product;
  • Carefully check all tax reports and all documentation, since the Federal Tax Service may come to you at any time with an inspection;
  • If you draw up a business plan yourself, have it checked by experienced specialists;
  • Make a colorful catalog with a brief description of each type of tea;
  • Create your website on the Internet so that customers can view the range of products and prices remotely.


We have examined the main features of the tea business: whether it is profitable or not to engage in such a business is up to you. To achieve success in this matter, you need to competently formulate an assortment, choose a good location for a retail outlet and hire experienced sales consultants.

Business failed 16.01.19 68 023 120

From opening to closing - 5 months

I opened a point in the Orenburg shopping center where I sold Chinese tea.

Elena Tyukalova

talked to the entrepreneur

Victor Kostylev

hero, entrepreneur

I spent 500 thousand rubles on the launch, but never made a profit. Five months later it closed: I was left with debts and boxes of tea and dishes.

Before that, I worked in a children’s educational toy store in Orenburg for two years. The business did not please me and brought no more than 20 thousand a month. In 2016, I closed it and went to Crimea for six months to relax. There I became interested in tea culture: Chinese tea helped me lose weight and quit smoking. Every time I wanted to grab a cigarette, I would have a tea ceremony to keep my hands and mind occupied.

I returned home and wanted to open a tea shop to promote the idea of ​​“be healthier and live longer” among the locals. I even came up with a name that speaks volumes: “The Land of the Immortals.”

To begin with, he decided not to hire a salesman, but to trade together with his girlfriend Zorina.

No electricity, no water park

I wanted to open a store with a large display window and sell not only tea, but also utensils for the tea ceremony. An island was suitable for these purposes - a small trading platform in the middle of a shopping center. In "Armada" - the largest shopping center in Orenburg - there was already a tea store "Pu-er-bar". Zorina and I came there more than once for tea, and the Puer Bar was always crowded with buyers. I wanted to repeat the owners' experience.

The opening was planned for December 2016 to make money on holiday sales. After a month of searching, I settled on the Kit shopping center in a new area on the outskirts of Orenburg. Landlords offered three locations to choose from.

The location I chose seemed promising: the first floor, next to two entrances to a shopping center and a hypermarket, where there was a steady flow of visitors. According to my calculations, the footfall of this part of the shopping center was three thousand people a day. Right after the New Year, they were going to open a water park, a home goods hypermarket, and a sports store in the neighborhood. I decided: this is what I need.

For 6 m², landlords asked 11 thousand rubles. After April, the rent was raised to 18 thousand due to the opening of a water park nearby. But the fees didn’t end there. Another 18 thousand had to be paid as insurance in case we violated the terms of the contract or owed something to the landlords. In addition, they charged me an annual marketing fee of three thousand. This amount was collected from all tenants “for the promotion of the shopping center.” However, this did not particularly affect the growth of sales in my store.

☠ When I chose a place, the landlord promised that there would be electricity at the point. The contract mentioned utilities that I had to pay.

I was offered to install electricity myself from the switchboard to the island and pay for 100 meters of cable. Landlords estimated this at 30 thousand rubles. It looks like they are going to electrify part of the shopping center at my expense.

We butted heads for two weeks. The rental period had already begun, and I could not work without scales and a cash register, which depended on electricity. Just when I was ready to give up on this point, the landlords suddenly found the cable in the warehouse. I was offered to pay for the five missing meters and the work of the electrician - it came out to 3,200 rubles. Then I finally got the cable costs to be deducted from the rent, and the rent was calculated from December 17, and not from the beginning of the month.

☠ Although I managed to fight off additional expenses, we also did not receive any income. The opening was delayed by two weeks, and during this time we did not sell or earn anything.

☠ The part of the shopping center where I placed the island was still poorly developed. The hypermarket visitors I was counting on quickly bought food there in the evenings and ran home for dinner. They either had no time or were too lazy to take an extra step to the side to reach the island. The water park and home goods hypermarket were in no hurry to open.

“Orders are through the roof - we are busy”

I was going to open the best store in the world, so I didn't skimp. I found a contractor who promised to make the island itself by the beginning of December. He also ordered lighting for the island, an illuminated logo and a decorative leaf.

☠ The contractor said that he would prepare a preliminary design in two days. He will show it, make changes, and then conclude an agreement with us. Time passed, and the contractor remained silent. When he finally got in touch, he said: “Orders are through the roof - we are busy.” I had to urgently look for another performer. On New Year's Eve, everyone was in a rush - we barely found a furniture company that managed to make an island according to my sketches.

At the beginning of December, we brought all our equipment to the shopping center and placed goods in display cases for three nights in a row - so as not to disturb visitors during the day. By December 10, we were ready to welcome buyers, if not for problems with electricity.

☠ There were also problems with the cash register. First, I ordered an online cash register and bought a laptop to go with it. The company delayed delivery and did not deliver the cash register on time. In order not to wait any longer, I took the regular one for 23.5 thousand. This cash register already has a built-in tablet, so a laptop was not needed. I rushed to return it, but the store did not accept back a quality product without defects. I had to resell the laptop at half price - 7 thousand instead of 14.

☠ I had already opened an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” for the previous online store and did not think about changing the taxation system. If I had taken out a patent for retail trade, I would have paid only three thousand rubles for five months and would have done without a cash register. True, according to the law 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment,” I could trade without an online cash register only until July 1, 2019. If I hired an employee, it would be before July 1, 2018.

On the Federal Tax Service website you can calculate the cost of a patent for your business

Costs for the island and equipment - 192,000 RUR

Island 6 m²90,000 R
Cash registerRUB 23,500
Beautiful jars and containers for teaRUR 20,000
Laptop14,000 R
Illuminated logo signRUB 10,700
First aid kit, plastic price tags, stationery, household equipment9000 R
Scales in 1 gram increments8000 R
Bag sealer4000 R
Bar stool for seller3000 R
Decorative leaf for joker pipe2500 R
Cash desk service for five months2300 R
Tea bags2000 R
Steel money box1400 R
Extension cords, wires, sockets1000 R
Joker pipe for laying a cable in it to the island from the ceiling600 R

Island 6 m²

90,000 R

RUB 23,500

Beautiful jars and containers for tea

RUR 20,000

14,000 R

Illuminated logo sign

RUB 10,700

First aid kit, plastic price tags, stationery, household equipment

9000 R

Scales in 1 gram increments

8000 R

Bag sealer

4000 R

Bar stool for seller

3000 R

Decorative leaf for joker pipe

2500 R

Cash desk service for five months

2300 R

Tea bags

2000 R

Steel money box

1400 R

Extension cords, wires, sockets

1000 R

Joker pipe for laying a cable in it to the island from the ceiling

600 R

“Do you sell tea with fruits?”

For the opening, I purchased tea and tableware from four Russian suppliers to amaze customers with the assortment. I was afraid not to guess correctly and ordered 200 types of tea - I immediately spent 247 thousand rubles. After a couple of weeks, I figured out which teas were best and bought another 19 thousand. This is where the money ran out.

I relied on good Chinese tea in the middle price segment: it cost me 120-200 rubles per 10 grams. The most expensive one sold for 500 rubles for the same portion. 10 grams of this tea is two tea parties per family. For this money, you can buy a kilogram of cheap loose tea in a supermarket or market and drink it for a month.

266,000 R

I spent on 200 types of tea

☠ They sold out tea for up to 100 rubles, but they didn’t want to buy more expensive varieties. Green and pu-erh and ordinary red tea went well - in Russia and Europe it is usually called black. I also brought yellow tea to Orenburg. No one was selling it, and I thought that I would be the first and well done. It didn’t even occur to me that this product was not on the shelves because it was expensive and no one needed it. People were looking for something familiar and understandable - they asked for teas with fruit and walked past the island to the hypermarket for tea bags.

In January, I finally realized what was in demand, but I couldn’t raise money for a new purchase: the proceeds were barely enough to pay the rent.

☠ Tea ceremony utensils were too expensive for shopping center visitors. 70 thousand rubles invested in it were frozen. Several expensive tea boards were damaged due to temperature changes in the mall. On this I lost several tens of thousands more.

Punctures with promotion

My girlfriend Zorina led groups on Vkontakte and Instagram: she talked about the tea ceremony, types of tea and invited me to a tasting. When people found out where our store was located, they suddenly lost interest: no one wanted to go to a new area on the outskirts. During the work, only five or six people came to the tasting.

☠ I planned to distribute leaflets at the entrance to the shopping center and throughout the area - for this I printed a thousand pieces. I distributed about a hundred, and then walked around the area and realized that no one needed them here: all around were beer bars. I gave up the idea of ​​leaflets, they are still kept at my house. Stickers for tea bags and craft “Bags with Immortality” lie there as dead weight. We packed tea in them for everyone who made purchases worth more than 500 rubles. We lost 15 thousand rubles on packages, flyers, stickers and other printed materials.

15,000 R

lost on craft “Immortality Bags”

☠ I thought that tasting would attract attention to the product: people would try the tea, fall in love and line up for it. We bought dishes, a pump and two 19 liter bottles of water. As a result, we drank the water ourselves and called the service fifteen more times to refill the bottles: since January, on the first floor there was a draft from the walls, the thermometer showed +15 °C, we were terribly cold and saved ourselves with tea. We lost 11.5 thousand rubles on this.

Expenses for promotion and design - 28,300 RUR

Tasting dishes: Japanese thermos, porcelain electric kettle, tea board, teapots and cups

8000 R

Printing stickers, 1000 pcs.

5300 R

Leaflet printing, 1000 pcs.

4800 R

Water and pump

3500 R

Craft “Packages with immortality”, 100 pcs.

2500 R

Leaflet development

2000 R

Logo development

1500 R

Tea bag sticker design

700 R

Short store life

When I opened, I expected to make 5-10 sales a day with an average check of 800-1000 rubles. The reality turned out to be harsher - rarely more than one purchase per day.

We had several regular clients from St. Petersburg, Moscow and Krasnodar. They asked what franchise we worked under and were surprised that we ourselves were such fools.

That's how it was

Month: December
Revenue: 12 thousand rubles
What they were doing: We opened on December 17 and relied on the New Year's rush. Expectations were not met - the proceeds were only enough for rent. By the end of December, I figured out what was in demand and bought more popular varieties of tea with my last money.

Month: January
Revenue: 7 thousand rubles
What they were doing: Until the middle of the month, the shopping center was empty and quiet. The guards and I chatted, read books and drank tea. I suspected that this was the end, but I was waiting for the water park to open. There was no money for turnover and change of course. The income was not even enough for rent.

Month: February
Revenue: 12 thousand rubles
What they were doing: The suspicion that I had missed the mark with the place, the audience and the assortment turned into confidence. I already knew exactly which varieties were in demand and how to make a profit or at least break even, but there was no money. A water park and a hypermarket, which I was counting on, too.

Month: March
Revenue: 8 thousand rubles
What they were doing: I realized that I couldn’t sell the tea I bought here, and instead brought educational toys that I had left over from the days of the online store. There was a faint hope that the water park was about to open and a stream of families with children would pour into it. But the opening is postponed further: from March to April, from April to May.

The story with the assortment repeated itself: buyers snapped up cheap toys up to 400 rubles. And developmental sets for 1000-1500 rubles, which occupied most of the display case, were almost never bought.

Month: April
Revenue: 4 thousand rubles
What they were doing: The rent increased to 18 thousand rubles, although the water park did not open. We were no longer waiting for him - we had neither money nor strength. We did not raise the new rent amount. I found a buyer who was ready to buy the island and the place for 40 thousand rubles. But then scandals began with the administration of the shopping center. We were fined 70 thousand and our island was seized.

There is a clause in the shopping center agreement that all points must comply with its operating hours - work every day, open at 10, close at 22. This is necessary so that customers are not disappointed when they come in the morning and find closed points. We were fined for allegedly opening later - the security guard filled out the documents retroactively, taking numbers out of thin air. We were also fined for those periods when we were sick and did not open the outlet.

I was asked to sign documents stating that we violated the regime. I didn’t do this, but I drew up pre-trial claims and sent applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor’s office. My nerves were running high: one day I felt unwell and called an ambulance. I took a certificate from the doctors, which pleased my lawyer. She could intimidate the landlords - they say, they drove the person to the brink.

Month: May
What they were doing: Since May 19 we have no longer worked. A month later, all fines were removed from us, the security deposit was returned and we were allowed to take the island. True, I have already lost buyers, and during the month of arrest, someone broke one window.

My mistakes and conclusions

I did not study the area and did not reach the target audience. It was a new area with the cheapest new buildings in Orenburg. It is home to many visitors from the Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions with a low income of 15-20 thousand rubles per month. There are only pubs around. Visitors went to the shopping center in the evening after work to shop at the hypermarket. During the day, there were no buyers who come for a walk or shopping.

People came to our island to look at the displays, but did not buy anything because of the prices. Before concluding an agreement, it was worth talking with sellers and owners of outlets, walking around the area, and looking at real estate prices.

I counted the passability of the point in November and early December. At the end of the year there is a peak in sales, so such calculations cannot be trusted. Before the holidays, in the place where I was going to put an end, I counted 200-300 people per hour, and after - sometimes not a single one. In addition, I considered everyone, not my target audience.

Trusted hopes and promises. I hoped that a water park and brand stores would open - I believed the landlord’s promises, not the facts. As a result, I rented a place with poor traffic in an uninhabited part of the shopping center, received hassle with electricity when opening and fines when closing. The water park was still opened, but in August instead of January.

I didn't save. I could save at least 50 thousand rubles if I took a used island and modified it for myself. You just had to monitor the sales advertisements. It’s better to then sell the old and buy a new one than sit without money and add things for pennies.

It’s good that I had a garage, otherwise I would have taken the island straight to the trash heap. I spent five thousand rubles on the move and later sold the island for 20 thousand. There are three cabinets left with glass display cases that they don’t even want to take for a thousand.

I chased unnecessary show-offs at the start: fashionable stickers, packages and other nonsense. Now I would instead buy a marker for 50 rubles and write on the bag by hand. It’s better to say a kind word to the client, say hello, recognize him by sight - this is how people work in the market. Stickers - later.

Didn't check contractors. My landlord was Mollino Management LLC from Yekaterinburg. When we started having problems, I first started looking for information about them and found lawsuits, court proceedings and bankruptcy cases. If I had done this earlier, I would not have gotten involved.

Opened on New Year's Day. Thus, I created time pressure for myself. During the holidays there is less choice, you are in a hurry, it is easier to manipulate you and persuade you into unfavorable conditions.

I didn’t leave any money for turnover and reversal. I had an idea on how to make the store at least profitable, but there was no money for anything. Buy additional goods, change the assortment, change course from tea to coffee, start selling sweets - everything requires money.

I set an unambitious goal. I had a goal - to open a cool store, and it worked out. But we need to set an ambitious and mercantile goal - to open a profitable outlet. Then you will think about how to get maximum profit, and not how to do it beautifully.

Now I have moved to St. Petersburg and am thinking of starting a new business. I will tell you in the telegram channel how and what works and what doesn’t work.

We worked on the material

Author - Elena Tyukalova, editor - Elena Kiseleva, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, responsible - Anna Lesnykh, production editor - Marina Safonova, proofreader - Anastasia Rudavina, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova