Very tasty lemonade. How to make delicious homemade lemonade: recipes for every taste

In the summer, when it gets crazy hot outside, you just want to drink something refreshing. You should not buy harmful carbonated drinks; it is better to prepare lemonade at home.

Making lemonade using this recipe is very easy. From the specified amount of ingredients you will get 4 liters of drink.

Required composition of products:

  • two liters of water;
  • five glasses of sugar;
  • a little more than a liter of fresh lemon juice;
  • ice, lemon, mint - for serving.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare a large saucepan and place sugar, water and lemon juice in it.
  2. Heat over low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. The sugar should completely dissolve. After this, remove from the stove and let the mixture cool.
  3. Pour the lemonade into a glass container and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  4. Before serving, add ice cubes, mint pieces and lemon slices to the drink.

Orange recipe

Homemade lemonade can be made from juicy oranges. It turns out bright and children will certainly like it.

Required composition of products:

  • liter of sparkling mineral water;
  • four oranges;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruits well, remove the skin from them, leaving only the pulp.
  2. Place the orange slices along with the sugar in a blender and blend until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  3. Pour into a large container, add the specified amount of mineral water and put the lemonade in the refrigerator. Serve when completely cooled.

Cooking with lemon

If you want to get real lemonade, the same as it was before, then we prepare it from lemon.

Required composition of products:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • six lemons;
  • six glasses of cold clean water.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to carefully squeeze the juice from the lemons. This is best done with a juicer, but if you don’t have one, first press the lemon onto the table with your palm, roll it on the surface for a while, then cut it and extract the juice.
  2. Prepare a four-liter container, such as a jug. Place the resulting juice, the specified amount of sugar and water there.
  3. Stir the drink thoroughly, taste, and add more water if necessary. Place in the refrigerator before serving to chill the drink.

Unusual ginger lemonade

It would seem that this ingredient is completely unsuitable for the drink, because most often it is used for other dishes. In fact, ginger lemonade is a very good thirst quencher during hot weather.

Required composition of products:

  • two lemons;
  • 200 grams of ginger root;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • three liters of clean water;
  • four spoons of honey.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the root, wash it and grind it on a fine grater.
  2. Pour a liter of water into the pan and add chopped ginger.
  3. We peel the lemons, finely chop the skin and also put it in the pan. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp using any convenient method and set it aside.
  4. Add sugar to the lemon and ginger, stir and bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. As soon as the process begins, immediately remove from heat, strain and let cool.
  6. Pour lemon juice and honey into it, mix and dilute with the remaining batch of water.
  7. Cool well and serve.

Cucumber drink

Required composition of products:

  • two lemons;
  • 0.4 kg of cucumbers;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • one and a half liters of water and another glass for syrup;
  • mint to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour all the specified water into the pan and bring it to a boil. We take the glass for the syrup and let the rest cool.
  2. Combine a glass of water with sugar, bring to a boil, continue cooking for about two minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and cool.
  3. Chop the cucumbers, put them in a blender along with mint leaves and blend into a homogeneous mixture, strain it.
  4. Carefully squeeze the juice out of the lemons, mix with water, syrup and cucumber mixture. Cool and serve.

How to make strawberries

Required composition of products:

  • half a liter of sugar syrup;
  • six lemons;
  • two and a half liters of water;
  • 500 grams of strawberries.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the lemons, squeeze the juice out of them well, and finely chop the skin.
  2. Pour the juice, sugar syrup into the water, add the zest, mix well.
  3. Add strawberries to this mixture, which we first mash with a fork into a puree.
  4. Strain the drink and cool. You can serve garnished with whole berries, mint or lemon balm leaves.

Pear lemonade

Pear lemonade is a real salvation from thirst. For the drink, take only ripe fruits.

Required composition of products:

  • one liter of water;
  • 200 grams of pears;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • one lemon.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the pears well, remove the skin, cut them in half, cut out the hard core and seeds, and chop them into small cubes.
  2. Place them in a blender, add only 200 milliliters of cold water and blend until smooth.
  3. Make syrup from the remaining water. Add sugar to it, bring to a boil and cook until it is completely dissolved, then cool.
  4. Mix pear puree, syrup, lemon juice and several slices. Place in the refrigerator and serve when the drink is cold.

Watermelon refreshing drink

Required composition of products:

  • liter of cool sparkling water;
  • two lemons;
  • kilogram of watermelon pulp;
  • three tablespoons of sugar or to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Be sure to peel the watermelon pulp; there should be no seeds.
  2. Rinse the lemons and very carefully squeeze the juice out of them; it is best to use a juicer for this.
  3. Place the watermelon pulp, lemon juice and sugar in a blender and blend for a couple of minutes. It is not necessary to add sugar, if the watermelon is already very sweet, adjust according to your taste.
  4. Pour sparkling water into the resulting mixture and turn on the blender again. The drink should be quite liquid.
  5. Cool the lemonade and serve with ice cubes and fresh mint or aromatic catnip leaves.

On a cold evening. And now you need to think about how to survive the heat. Aren't you hot? Well, summer is still ahead :) Some people prefer kvass, others like mineral water or still water. But there is a better way.

The older generation remembers the time when every family made lemonade with its own hands. They sold it in stores, but your own is better! Family recipes were passed down from grandfather to grandson. The drink differed in composition, proportions, taste, but there was one common feature.

The drink instantly quenched thirst and did not contain a single gram of chemicals. But there are plenty of vitamins! On the blog pages we discussed various drinks. Mostly alcoholic. I don’t feel like drinking in the heat or even with ice :) And lemonade is just right. We offer several simple recipes for a tasty and healthy drink.

Homemade orange lemonade - DIY Fanta

The taste of Fanta is familiar to everyone, but somehow I don’t want to buy it in a store - our bodies don’t need extra preservatives. But there is a sure way... create an unforgettable taste yourself. Do you think it’s difficult and won’t work? You are wrong. The recipe is surprisingly simple.

What you will need:

  • Two large oranges;
  • Three tangerines;
  • Lemon;
  • 600-700 milliliters of ordinary water;
  • 500 milliliters of mineral water with gas;
  • Sugar to taste.

Naturally, wash the fruit thoroughly. The recipe uses zest, and we don't need bacteria and dirt. Now we perform simple steps:

  • Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon. Be careful. Only the yellow part of the peel is needed. The white residue is bitter, so we remove it and throw it away;
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp. In any convenient way;
  • Now it’s the turn of the oranges - first remove the zest, then squeeze the juice;
  • Place the zest in a 2-3 liter saucepan, add sugar and juice. Putting it on fire, pour boiling water. Do not boil for longer than 1-2 minutes;
  • Leave the syrup to cool and infuse for 3-4 hours;
  • Strain the cooled syrup. We prepare the mixture with mineral water in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can prepare lemonade right away, but the syrup can easily wait its time separately from the soda.

Homemade lemonade recipe with ginger

Historically, Russians make compotes and kvass. Other nations have their own drinks. For example, Americans love lemonade. They buy it and make it themselves. Moreover, the recipes are simple, and the drink tastes good and is very refreshing. The ginger recipe is one of our favorites in the States. It's surprisingly easy to prepare. Prepare the ingredients:

  • Half a liter of water;
  • Two tablespoons of honey, preferably fresh, not candied;
  • Two tablespoons of freshly minced ginger;
  • Half a liter of cold sparkling water;
  • Juice from five lemons.

INTERESTING. Originally, lemonade was made from lemon juice and water, not always carbonated. The drink received its name in the 17th century. Lemonade became popular in the 19th century. It was then that the synthesis of citric acid was developed, which made it possible to make a cheap drink. The first trademark was the name "Lemon's Superior Sparkling Ginger Ale" in 1833. Literally - an excellent sparkling ale made from lemon and ginger.


  • You will need a 2-3 liter saucepan. Pour water, add honey and ginger;
  • Place on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat. Let it brew and cool. Now you need to strain the solution from the remaining ginger. You can use a fine strainer or cheesecloth;
  • You can drink. Fans of “fizz” add soda and lemon juice.

Lavender lemonade

Let's say right away that the drink is not for everyone. Lavender flowers have a specific aroma that does not evoke associations with food or drink. Nevertheless, it turns out well. The fair sex especially likes this lemonade :) We prepare the following:

  • Half a liter of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • A tablespoon of lavender flowers;
  • Cold water 300-400 milliliters;
  • Five lemons;
  • Ice cubes.

The preparation is similar to the previous recipe:

  • Pour water into a two-liter saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. The sand should completely dissolve;
  • Remove the pan from the stove and add the dried flowers. Lavender is infused for about an hour. Now let's filter. The syrup should be transparent, without any admixture of flowers;
  • Dilute the lemonade with cold water, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and ice.

FUN FACT. Perfumers claim that the note of lavender helps relieve anxiety, irritation, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Lavender flowers are used to create medicinal infusions. Each recipe is aimed at combating a specific disease.

Mint lemonade

One of the most popular herbs when cooking. Sauces, salads, side dishes, meat dishes and drinks in many countries are prepared with the addition of peppermint. The leaves improve the aroma of lemonade and make the drink taste refreshing. To prepare you will need:

  • A bunch of fresh mint leaves. We take more, we don’t regret it;
  • Juice from six lemons;
  • Zest of three lemons;
  • Sugar syrup - water and sugar are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • Half a liter of soda.

Ready like this:

  • Mint leaves need to be crushed. You can use a rolling pin or mortar and pestle;
  • If there is no ready-made syrup, we make it;
  • You can mix the components of lemonade directly in the jug. First, mix the juice, syrup, zest and mint. Then add soda;
  • Place the lemonade in the refrigerator.

LITTLE TIPS. 1. Lemonade is drunk cold, so either a lot of ice or a freezer. But focus on your teeth and throat. Quenching your thirst is not worth a sick day. 2. Some people like very sweet drinks, others not so much, serve sour drinks to others. Make lemonade of medium sweetness. If necessary, add sugar to the glass.

When considering lemonade recipes, special attention should be paid to the so-called national drinks. Lemonades are popular in many countries. After all, the recipe is simple and the taste is delicious. Notes of national flavor make such drinks very tasty.

In many cases, the recipes have changed, but the great taste and ability to withstand heat remain unchanged. We recommend paying attention to this lemonade.

How to make homemade Turkish lemonade

Connoisseurs and lovers of national cuisine claim that the Turks make the best lemonade. Whether this is true or not, everyone decides for themselves. But it’s worth a try, especially since the recipe is simple. To prepare a delicious Turkish drink you will need:

  • A glass of boiled water;
  • 100-150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Two lemons;
  • A glass of mint. The branches must be compacted. You can take less mint, then the taste will not be as rich.

The process itself is no more complicated than in other recipes. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the lemons and mint. If you choose imported fruits, we recommend rinsing the surface in hot water with a brush. Often I not only treat the fruits with chemicals, but also cover them with a layer of wax. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Place the peeled zest in a small saucepan, add sugar and water. After bringing the mixture to a boil, remove from heat;
  • Add mint to syrup. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to steep for an hour or an hour and a half.
  • The final product is obtained by mixing equal parts of water, ice and syrup. You can add lemon juice to taste.

Fans of culinary experiments can be advised to replace mint with tarragon, and lemon with lime. The result will be an interesting, tart and refreshing drink. But you should take a little less tarragon than mint :)

Mexican lemonade

Don't drink alcohol or don't like tequila? Then homemade lemonade based on a Mexican recipe is what you need. What is needed for this:

  • 20-30 grapes. Preferably seedless;
  • Kiwi - one piece;
  • Half a liter of apple juice;
  • A glass of crushed ice.

It’s hard to come up with anything simpler than this recipe. Place the washed grapes, peeled kiwi and juice into a blender. Two minutes at medium speed - the lemonade is ready. Take half a glass of ice and add the resulting mixture.

INTERESTING. Lemonade can be made not only from fruits and herbs, but also vegetables. Using vegetables from our own garden beds, we get a tasty and healthy drink. For cooking you can use: sorrel, cucumbers, sweet peppers, carrots. An interesting drink is made from barley. The main advantage of the drink is the ability to use different ingredients and be creative.

Homemade lemonade recipe in Greek

The Greeks are close to us in spirit and attitude towards the world around us. It is not surprising that Greek homemade lemonade was also enjoyed by residents of Russia. let's take:

  • Five lemons;
  • A glass of granulated sugar;
  • Boiled water.

Don’t forget to wash the lemons thoroughly and let’s get started:

  • Cut the lemons into thin slices straight with the peel;
  • Place half of the chopped fruit in a bowl or pan. Add half the sugar;
  • Squeeze the lemons by hand as much as you can. Strain the resulting juice into a bottle or jar;
  • Add the remaining lemons and sugar. We continue to squeeze out the juice;
  • Fill the bottle to the top with water and cool in the refrigerator.

Italian berry mix

The hot nature of the people of Italy leaves no room for classic recipes, so local chefs are true masters of their craft. And their lemonade will get you pumped! Italians prefer sweet drinks to all other drinks. We prepare the following products:

  • A glass of any fruit syrup;
  • 100-150 grams of fruit and berry mixture. You can take just one fruit or berries;
  • Zest from half a lemon;
  • Liter of boiling water;
  • Granulated sugar to taste.

The beauty of the recipe is its ease of preparation, despite the unusual base. Let's get started:

  • Combine syrup and zest. Mix thoroughly;
  • Pour boiling water. Stir;
  • Add fruits or berries. Let it brew for half an hour;
  • Cool in the refrigerator;
  • When drinking, you can add a little crushed ice.

Homemade zesty lemonade

This recipe is truly unique - it will warm you up in the winter cold and refresh you in the summer heat. It’s hard to believe in the versatility of the drink, but it is nonetheless true. We suggest you try it and make sure. We take:

  • Nutmeg and cinnamon on the tip of the knife;
  • 5-7 peas of allspice;
  • 5-7 cloves;
  • A tablespoon of dried peppermint;
  • A teaspoon of ginger;
  • A couple of lemons;
  • Sugar and citric acid to taste;
  • 2 pieces cardamom;
  • Four liters of water.

Put the water on the fire and begin:

  • Cut the washed lemons and squeeze the juice into a pan of water. We also send the pulp and peel there;
  • Add grated ginger and crushed peppercorns;
  • Break the cloves and place them in a saucepan;
  • Throw in the cinnamon and nutmeg;
  • Now it's time to put in the mint;
  • Sugar and citric acid are added to taste. You can make it sour or sweeter;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes. Close the lid. Let it brew for an hour;
  • Strain and cool. You don't have to wait. Add crushed ice and drink.

In winter there is no need to refrigerate - serve hot like tea. Lemonade has an unusual taste. The effect is reminiscent of mulled wine or sbiten.

How to drink lemonade

The presence of heat is not necessary :) The drink is tasty on its own, so you can drink lemonade at any time of the year. Only in summer it needs to be cooled, but not in cold weather. There are no strict recommendations for place, time or events. Lemonade goes well with lonely contemplation of the moon in the country, a party with friends or a trip.

Surely there is a thermos in the household. No? Stock up on a small model, a liter or one and a half. And you will be happy! By the way, lemonade tastes better with bubbles. You can get the effervescent magic in two ways: dilute it with cold mineral water or pass it through a household siphon. Decide for yourself which method to choose.

We have known the word “lemonade” since childhood - this was the name for carbonated sweet water, which was sold in stores, children’s parks, on beaches and just on the street in special machines. But this product had little relation to natural lemonade, since it did not contain lemon or lime juice. It’s also difficult to call soda, which is now sold as a healthy drink. But if you make lemonade at home, you can achieve both naturalness and health benefits, and get a taste delight. This carbonated drink has many recipes that we will look at.

How to make homemade lemonade

Lemonade made at home enriches the body with useful elements, because lemon contains not only vitamin C, but also carotene, vitamins B and PP. This tasty drink is useful for flu and colds, because it helps normalize temperature, increase immunity, and eliminate metabolic disorders. Homemade lemonade is indicated for atherosclerosis, low gastric acidity, dehydration and scurvy. Even during pregnancy, doctors advise drinking a little lemon pop at the first sign of nausea, because it helps cope with toxicosis.

Nowadays, other soft drinks are also called lemonades, the recipes of which are far from classic, and instead of lemon they add completely different and sometimes unexpected ingredients: cucumber, ginger, cinnamon, oranges, raspberries, apples and others. But no matter what products you choose for your summer drink, there are general rules for their preparation:

  1. The main part is juice or a mixture of natural juices (pear, tangerine, apple, lemon and others).
  2. Add plain, mineral (not salted) or carbonated water.
  3. For sweetness, natural fruit and berry syrups or sugar are added.
  4. The taste is perfectly complemented by various herbs, for example, mint, tarragon, vanilla (vanillin), cinnamon.
  5. Serve lemonade chilled or with pieces of ice.
  6. Decorate the glass with berries or fruit slices.
  7. It is better to drink homemade soda right away.

Delicious ginger drink

Ginger lemonade can restore strength, because ginger will help the body cope with any stress. The combination of lemon and ginger has been known for a long time; when hot it is an excellent warming agent, and when cold it is tonic and invigorating. There are many recipes for this drink, but the main condition is the presence of ginger. We suggest making tarragon lemonade at home - the recipe is the simplest.


  • one medium ginger root;
  • two leaves of fresh mint;
  • two lemons;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.


  1. Peel the ginger and grate it.
  2. Cut the lemons into slices, remove the seeds.
  3. Fill the lemons with sugar and crush them with a mortar.
  4. Boil water, pour ginger and mint over it, close the lid, leave for an hour.
  5. Mix the non-hot ginger infusion with the lemon-sugar mixture.
  6. Strain and cool to the desired temperature.


The older generation remembers the emerald Soviet fizzy drink with a pleasant taste called “Tarragon”. If you look at the photos of those times, the lemonade has a rich green tint, but this is not a natural color, but a food coloring. The true color of tarragon varies from yellow to light green. To be sure, let's look at homemade tarragon.


  • one bunch of tarragon;
  • two sprigs of mint;
  • 1.5 liters of sparkling water;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 1.5 glasses of plain water.


  1. Make a syrup from plain water and sugar: cook the mixed ingredients over low heat until thick.
  2. Wash the young twigs and leaves of tarragon, dry, cut, mash until the juice releases.
  3. Add the cooled syrup to the tarragon juice and leave to steep for three hours or overnight.
  4. Before serving, top with chilled soda and garnish with mint sprigs.

Classic lemon and mint lemonade recipe

Classic homemade lemonade contains neither dyes nor citric acid, but only natural ingredients:

  • one lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • two sprigs of fresh mint;
  • one liter of water.


  1. Wash, peel, remove seeds and chop the citrus.
  2. Sprinkle the zest and pulp with sugar and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the lemon mixture and mint.
  4. Let it brew to room temperature and strain.
  5. Serve chilled.

How to make Coca-Cola at home

The main condition for preparing Coca-Cola on an industrial scale is the addition of caramel coloring, caffeine, cinnamon and lime. If you prepare this popular drink at home, the taste will be just as good, but it will be much healthier, because it will not contain preservatives. So, to prepare Coca-Cola or Baikal at home we will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry ground chicory;
  • 3 tbsp. l. rosehip syrup (or replace with blueberry syrup);
  • 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of sparkling water.


  1. Add chicory, sugar, syrup, 1 glass of soda.
  2. Stir thoroughly until the sugar and chicory dissolve.
  3. Filter the mixture through cheesecloth.
  4. Mix with water very carefully so that the resulting foam does not “run away”.

Refreshing orange lemonade

In Soviet times, fizzy drinks with a citrus flavor were called lemonade “Buratino”, “Duchess”, “Bell” and they were loved by everyone. The recipe for cooking at home is not much different, because the main condition remains unchanged - the presence of orange.


  • three oranges;
  • two lemons;
  • 8 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • three liters of water.


  1. Squeeze the citrus juice and cut the zest into pieces.
  2. Place the zest in boiling water and cook for 7 minutes.
  3. Then add sugar, stir until completely dissolved, turn off the heat.
  4. After cooling, add juice, strain, cool.

How to make sparkling water

Carbonated water is easy to make at home, you just need to buy a special cylinder or siphon. This equipment contains carbon dioxide (CO 2), which enters any drink when you press the siphon valve that you want to make carbonated. But if it is not possible to purchase such equipment, because it costs a lot, then make soda yourself: drop lemon juice on baking soda and the mixture will begin to foam, releasing bubbles. At this time, pour the mixture with cold water or lemonade and the fizz is ready!

Video recipes on how to make lemonade at home

The presence of lemon juice in lemonade is not the most important condition for your favorite childhood soda. Many famous chefs offer us a huge number of recipes for this refreshing drink, only Yulia Vysotskaya has several dozen of them. Just look at lemonade made from oranges, to which they invented adding wild berries, basil and even hibiscus. Watch the video for some more interesting recipes for making delicious fizz at home:

Simple lemonade made from lemons

Carbonated drink


Natural non-alcoholic lime lemonade

Raspberry drink with rose petals

In the summer heat, refreshing lemonade will be a real salvation for anyone. And the only thing better than usual is homemade lemonade. You can find the most interesting recipes in this article.


There are many technologies for preparing this drink, indispensable during the hot season, but regardless of the variety of recipes, the main components are the same:

  • lemons;
  • sugar;
  • water.

You can replace the components with analogues according to your taste. So, instead of regular sugar, you can use cane sugar, honey, or any other sweetener, depending on your personal preferences. But keep in mind that this may slightly change the taste.

Classic recipe

Take 6-8 glasses of clean water, 6-8 lemons and 1-1.5 glasses of sugar. Wash the lemons thoroughly, squeeze the juice out of them and mix with the remaining ingredients in a tall jug until the sugar is completely dissolved. Select the proportions at your discretion: you can make it a little sour, for this we add more lemon juice, or sweeter, respectively, add more sugar.
This is the easiest and fastest homemade lemonade recipe.

Turkish lemonade

The so-called “Turkish” lemonade is very similar to the classic version. The ingredients are the same, only the preparation process is different. Cut the washed lemons with zest into medium pieces and grind in a blender or food processor until they reach a mushy consistency. Fill with cool water and add sugar. Mix well and put in the refrigerator for several hours. We take it out of the refrigerator, strain it and we can enjoy our vitamin drink. When preparing, be sure to remember that you cannot pour hot water over lemons and leave them to infuse at room temperature, otherwise it may taste bitter.

Ginger lemonade

Ginger lemonade is made by adding just one new ingredient, but the taste becomes more piquant. Take a piece of ginger and cut into thin slices. Pour a few glasses of water into a saucepan, add chopped ginger and bring to a boil. Dissolve the sugar there, turn off the heat and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Remove pieces of ginger from the ginger syrup, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and add water. You can prepare such lemonade with honey, but in this case you should add it not to boiling water, but to slightly cooled water.

Mint lemonade

Mint lemonade is prepared with the addition of mint and lemon zest to the original version. Add sugar, chopped lemon zest and a bunch of mint into boiling water. Let simmer for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves, remove from heat and leave to steep for about half an hour. Strain the resulting syrup, mix with juice and add water.

Lemonade with thyme

Lemonade with thyme and lime is practically no different from mint in preparation. Just squeeze the juice out of lemon and lime, and prepare the syrup with the addition of thyme. The process is similar, but the taste is significantly different.

Lemonade is a favorite drink from childhood. How many pleasant associations arise when you mention it! Unfortunately, only pleasant memories remain. You can hardly find it on sale in its natural form, so store windows in front of each other are rushing to offer us carbonated lemonade. But, having inquired about the composition of this drink, one can only be horrified: preservatives, acids, flavors, chemical additives, taste stabilizers. All this has nothing to do with classic lemonade.

The history of the drink goes back to France in the distant 17th century. It was then, according to legend, that without realizing it, the cupbearer of King Louis XIII introduced lemonade into fashion. Its original composition included lemon juice, water and a little sugar.

The simple composition and quick preparation allow you to make this drink at home, which is what many families do today. It not only helps quench thirst on a hot sunny day, but also has a number of beneficial properties. By adding lemon juice to the drink (in small quantities), we enrich it with vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, kidney function and gastrointestinal tract. And if you also use mineral water at home, then your body is saturated with minerals, micro (iron, copper, zinc, chromium) and macro elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, etc.).

Lemonade, as a medicine that is easy to prepare, helps with colds, scurvy, pain in the joints, and also with lack of appetite.

Recipes for making lemonade at home

To prepare a drink at home, you don’t need a lot of time or material costs. Its wonderful taste and many beneficial properties will make it a frequent guest in your family.

Lemonade classic


  • large lemons – 3 pcs.;
  • water (distilled or mineral still) – 2 l.;
  • sugar – 100 g;

How to cook:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons. To do this, use a juicer. If you don't have a juicer at home, make the juice by hand. To do this, dip the lemon in boiling water, and then, pressing it with your palm to the table, roll it over the surface, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a container. Strain the juice through a strainer to remove the pulp.
  2. Add sugar to water and leave until completely dissolved.
  3. Combine lemon juice and sweet water.
  4. Add ice.

When serving, garnish with lemon slices and a mint leaf.

Once you master this recipe, you no longer need to buy store-bought lemonade. You will delight your family with a familiar and pleasant taste by preparing it at home.


  • tarragon – 55 g;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • sparkling water – 3 l;
  • water – 200 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the syrup. To do this, heat 200 ml of water in a saucepan, add sugar. Stir until it is completely dissolved.
  2. Add tarragon leaves washed in warm water to the syrup and leave on fire for 3 minutes.
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat. Leave to brew for 1-2 hours.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and strain it.
  5. Beat the tarragon syrup with a blender until smooth and strain through a strainer.
  6. Combine syrup with lemon juice. Add chilled sparkling water.

Lemonade is ready! Serve the drink with lemon wedges.

Despite the name, this type of lemonade is also easy to make at home. Thanks to mint, it has an even more pleasant taste and refreshing effect.


  • lemons – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh mint leaves – 25 g;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;

How to cook:

  1. Wash the lemon and put it in boiling water. Pat dry with paper towels, grate the zest and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Bring the water and sugar to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add mint leaves and grated lemon zest. Boil for 2 minutes, turn off and let cool.
  3. Strain the cooled mint syrup.
  4. Combine lemon juice and cooled syrup with mint.
  5. Add ice to the finished lemonade.

When we hear the name of this drink, we imagine something cold and refreshing. But this recipe is a little different. Thanks to him, during the winter, all the inhabitants of your home will forget about colds.


  • fresh ginger root – 20 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric – 1/4 tsp;
  • water – 2 l.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the lemon well, grate the zest and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger.
  3. In a deep saucepan, combine the zest, chopped ginger and lemon juice. Fill everything with water and leave on the fire until it boils.
  4. Add turmeric to the boiling liquid and leave on low heat for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove the liquid from the heat, strain and let cool slightly.
  6. Add honey to the still warm lemonade.

Lemonade can be consumed both hot and cold.

After reading the recipes, you can always prepare a drink at home to suit every taste. On a hot day, a carafe of lemonade with ice will not only be a real salvation, but also a source of pleasure and cheerfulness.