An overview of all types of freshwater aquarium shrimp. What is the name of the largest shrimp in the world

In the underwater world, there are a huge number of living creatures that differ in classes and types. The class of crustaceans is represented by shrimp. They can be found in any sea or ocean. Shrimp vary in appearance, in size, color and lifestyle. The shrimp lifestyle is calm, they do not change their area of ​​​​habitat and are in the same territory throughout their lives.

The life of a shrimp is from half a year to a year, and the average size varies from 6 to 14 cc. The maximum length is 40 cm, this is the largest shrimp in history. Shrimps of the minimum size are harvested in the North Pacific and the Barents Sea.

Features of the life of a shrimp

A species of shrimp, common on the west coast of Africa, lives in muddy areas near the mouth of a river. The temperature of the natural water layer varies from 17 to 23 degrees, and the depth does not exceed 70 meters. In daylight, the shrimp burrow into the mud and rest until dark. At night, they hunt for small creatures from the category of crustaceans.

The Far East is also rich in various types of shrimp. There they are called shrims or chilim. In the coastal regions of the Kuril Islands, in South Sakhalin and in Primorye, there is a species of grass shrimp, they live in sea grass. And near the mouths of the river, small sandy shrims live. A large species of shrimp that reaches 30 cm is called shrims - a bear cub, they are common in the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk seas.

Rating of the largest shrimp

In first place in the ranking of the largest shrimp is the shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus. This species was caught in Colombia, its length reached 40 cm. The size of the shrimp was twice the size of the average tiger shrimp, which reaches 20 cm. It was attributed to a variety of peacock shrimp or mantis shrimp. The mantis shrimp is a predator whose size can reach 30 cm, and powerful claws give it additional size. Because of them, it is popularly called "biting finger".

Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, or Peacock shrimp

The peacock species of shrimp hunts from the sand. They use their pincers like a hammer that can break open mussel shells to feast on the tender meat. Also, they can easily hit the octopus and damage it. This type of crustacean has a unique optical system. Their eyes see in optical, infrared and ultraviolet ranges.

Peacock shrimp can glow at night. This phenomenon was discovered by marine biologists, they found that the light signals that come from the eyes of shrimp are a signal of an approaching danger to other individuals. The mantis shrimp is clearly visible in shallow water, the surface of its body is covered with characteristic spots. And in the depths of the reservoir, they can only be distinguished by the light that comes from the eyes of this individual.

To understand the full scale of the wealth of such a "signaling" and compare the functionality with a peacock shrimp, you need to use special equipment, the weight of which will reach 100 kg.

In second place is a type of shrimp that reaches 28 cm. It is fixed in and is the official representative of the largest type of shrimp. The crustacean is 10 times larger than all species of its class, it was caught by fishermen in the north of the New Zealand coast.

The official record for the largest shrimp was set by a biologist from the UK - Alan Jamieson (Alan Jamieson). The shrimp was caught at a depth of 10 kilometers. The scientist was surprised by his prey and for a long time could not understand what kind this creature belongs to. It was possible to catch an unknown shrimp with the help of a trap located at the bottom of the sea.

On the same expedition, Alan Jemison's team managed to catch another representative of crustaceans, the size of which was 33 cm. However, an unknown creature slipped out of the trap at the moment of lifting. This species has not been officially recorded and remains unstudied. There is a video recording of a secret view that confirms the existence.

Unexplored secrets of the underwater world

Renowned director McLocky created a film about a giant mantis shrimp, it was released in 2003 and was called - "Crust" - Crustacean. The genre of the film is fantasy. In the story - a giant peacock shrimp falls into the hands of a former boxer, and he will teach her all the elements of boxing.

If we transfer the meaning of the plot to real world, then when provoking a peacock shrimp, you can lose all the fingers on your hand. Therefore, you need to handle it only with a special glove.

The existence of many species has not yet been proven by scientists, but everyone hopes to discover their own unique species, which will reach record sizes.

"Finding such a huge shrimp proves the fact that we know very little about the inhabitants of the marine world, their life and reproduction," said Alan Jemison's scientists.

To set a record, you need to carefully and gradually study the underwater world, this may take a large number of years, but they will not be wasted.

Shrimp are popular among gourmets due to their nutritional value and year-round availability. They are not only eaten separately, but also added to salads and snacks. Shrimps are widespread in all the world's seas and many species live in fresh water. These are small crustaceans, the size of which does not exceed 30 centimeters. In Russia, shrimp are mainly found in the Far East, where there are over 100 species of them. But commercial shrimp are usually divided not by species, but by the size of individuals, it is sorted by size that they go on sale. But the smallest species (up to 7 cm) are deep-sea shrimps.

The history of eating shrimp goes back many centuries. Even ancient culinary experts surprised their masters with magnificent baked shrimp from Minturo, Smyrna or Alexandria.

Shrimps are rich in proteins and valuable amino acids, and also have in large numbers iodine, which is needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. They also contain all fat-soluble vitamins: K, A, E, D.

Shrimps contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc, vitamins C, B1, B2, B9, PP, provitamin A and B-carotene.

Thus, shrimp are one of the most valuable sources of protein and minerals.

On a note: The amount of iodine in shrimp is 100 times more than in beef!

Shrimps are rich in calcium, which is useful for the functioning of the thyroid gland, immune system, kidneys, muscle system, blood synthesis and bone building. Potassium is essential for the cardiovascular system. Zinc stimulates the production of hormones, improves skin, strengthens nails. Sulfur also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, regulates the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, strengthens the immune system, reduces allergies, participates in the construction of connective tissue, including the valvular apparatus of the heart, membranes of venous and arterial vessels, articular surfaces.

In shrimp very high level useful cholesterol, as well as a lot of copper.

Composition of shrimp

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value vitamins macronutrients trace elements

Calorie content 87 kcal

Proteins 18.3 gr

Fats 1.2 gr

Carbohydrates 0.8 gr

Water 78.2 gr

Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g

Cholesterol 160 mg

Ash 1.5 gr

Vitamin A 0.015 mg
Vitamin PP 2 mg
Beta-carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 16 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.07 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 13 mcg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 0.8 mcg
Vitamin C 1.4 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 2.3 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 1 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 5 mg

Calcium 100 mg

Magnesium 60 mg

Sodium 150 mg

Potassium 260 mg

Phosphorus 220 mg

Sulfur 210 m

Iron 2.2 mg

Zinc 2.1 mg

Iodine 110 mcg

Copper 850 mcg

Manganese 0.11 mg

Chromium 55 mcg

Fluorine 100 mcg

Molybdenum 10 mcg

Cobalt 12 mcg

Nickel 11 mcg

On a note: The best shrimp are fresh-frozen: they not only taste better, but also last longer. Such shrimp can be distinguished by a gray-brown color.

What good shrimp look like

High-quality frozen shrimp are slightly curved, elastic, and their meat has a light gray color. The shell may be slightly darkened near the cephalothorax and on the back (these spots should disappear after cooking). Some shrimp may have caviar. The product should smell like the sea without any unpleasant odors. All shrimp in the package must be whole, the number of broken antennae and tails must not exceed 5% of the total weight. In addition, the container should not contain anything other than shrimp and ice.

Boiled shrimp should be curved, and the color of the flesh is pink with various shades. The meat should be firm and juicy. The taste and aroma of shrimp is characteristic, there should not be any foreign tastes and odors.

What bad shrimp look like

Poor quality shrimp may have an unpleasant odor. Violation is damage to the shell and antennae. If the structure of the meat is loose, and its color is gray, yellow or uneven, then the product is spoiled. Do not take shrimp with gray spots on the shell and body, as well as with blackened heads.

On a note: All shrimp in the package must be the same size!

How to determine the quality of shrimp

Carefully examine the package: it must contain the full name of the company, as well as the contact details of the manufacturer, the weight of the package and the number of shrimp in one kilogram must be indicated

On a note: The shrimp packaging should indicate the number of shrimp per 1 kg or 450 g (that's 1 pound).

If you buy shrimp by weight, the icing on them should not be too thick. Shrimps packaged in bags should not be in the snow, because this is a sure sign of re-freezing.

On a note: Superiority in quality today is occupied by European suppliers of shrimp.

Conditional classification of edible shrimp:

  • Classic shrimp (various types of shrimp, packaged according to size).
  • King prawns.
  • Tiger chrimp.

In nature, there are over 2 thousand species of shrimp. However, all of them can be divided into conditional groups according to their habitat. There are warm-water and cold-water shrimp, as well as marine and freshwater ones.

Shrimp living in cold waters

Cold water sea ​​shrimp very varied. More than 100 species are found in Russia in the Far East. But the most popular are the northern red shrimp Pandalus borealis, which live in Arctic waters. Their subspecies are the northern chilim Pandalus goniurus and the red comb shrimp Pandalus hypsinotus. These are very small but tasty - great snack for beer.

Warm water shrimp

Warm water shrimp live in the warm tropical waters of the southern seas and oceans. Such shrimp are not only caught in the natural environment, but also bred on special farms. There are few types of warm-water shrimp. The tiger shrimp Penaeus kerathurus, which lives in the Atlantic Ocean, is very popular. The black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon is also known. It is common on the coasts of Asian countries. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the green tiger shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus is found, as well as the white shrimp Panaeus Vannamei, also called the king shrimp.

Shrimp living in salt water

Also found in the Atlantic Ocean are southern pink Penaeus notialis, red royal Plesiopenaeus emardsianus, serrated Palaemon serratus, northern pink Penaeus duorarum, northern white Penaeus setiferus shrimp, pink deep-sea Aristeus antennatus, southern pink Penaeus notiatis shrimp. Black Sea grass shrimp Palaemon adspersus and sand shrimp Crangon crangon are found in large numbers in the Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Seas Spotted deep-sea shrimp Pandalus platyceros and captain shrimp Penaeus chinensis are found on the coasts of Japan and China. And the Chilean shrimp Heterocarpus reedei can only be found off the coast of Chile.

This is interesting: In nature, there are very unusual types of shrimp. So, the Spongikol shrimp lives in glass sponges. This shrimp climbs inside the sponge even at the larval stage, then grows up and, due to its size, can already crawl out. And the mantis shrimp is distinguished by its eyes: it is able to see in infrared, optical, polarized and ultraviolet light at the same time. In Asia, there is a ninja shrimp that can change color by mimicking environment. Red-nosed shrimp with a long reddish nose live in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

freshwater shrimp

But shrimp are not only in sea and ocean waters. Many species also live in fresh waters. The largest and most popular tropical warm water freshwater shrimp are giant Macrobrachium rosenbergii. They are better known as king prawns. These shrimp are found in Southeast Asia, China, Indy, Northern Australia and the islands of Oceania. Interestingly, living in fresh water, king prawns prefer to breed in salt water.

Freshwater shrimp, found in Russia, are descendants of the inhabitants of the Earth of the pre-glacial period. For example, in the Caucasus, in streams and cave lakes, there is a blind troglocar shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus Kollar.

Species Leander, Paratya, Caridina live in the Far East. The shrimp Palaemon superbus and Leander modestus Heller are found in Lake Khanka. Both Leander modestus Heller and Caridina denticulata sinensis Kemp live in the Amur. L. Paucudens De Haan shrimp live on Sakhalin. The shrimp Paratya porealis Wolk lives in the Ulunchi River. The eastern river shrimp lives in fresh water bodies of the Astrakhan region.

This is interesting: The homeland of the eastern river shrimp, which lives in the Astrakhan reservoirs, is Vietnam, Japan and China. However, having arrived in Russia along with batches of Vietnamese fish, the oriental shrimp successfully adapted to the harsh Russian climate and has been living in our country since the 1950s.

How to cook shrimp

How long to cook shrimp

The main thing during cooking is to prevent the meat from becoming rubbery. In order not to digest the product, you need to consider what type of shrimp you purchased: warm-water or cold-water.

On a note: Large warm-water shrimp cook longer than small cold-water shrimp.

Ordinary small Atlantic shrimp are cooked for no more than 2 minutes, and large warm-water ones should be in boiling water for about 3 minutes. The difference is small, but it matters a lot.

A characteristic sign of the readiness of shrimp is matte pink color and slightly transparent shell. After the shrimp are cooked, some chefs recommend not removing them immediately from the water, but leaving them to brew for 15-20 minutes in the resulting broth.

On a note: When the shrimp are cooked, do not rush to remove them from the broth, but let it brew for 20 minutes.

If you bought not fresh frozen, but boiled frozen shrimp, then it is enough to throw them into a pot of boiling water without defrosting and wait until they float to the surface.

How to improve the taste of shrimp

In Italy, shrimp are sometimes boiled in milk or cream. In China and Japan, green tea leaves are added to the water when boiling shrimp, which allows you to beat off the fishy smell.

Russia also has its own interesting approaches to cooking shrimp. For example, methods of boiling shrimp in beer and even in vodka are known!

The best additives for shrimp during cooking to improve the taste and aroma of the dish are black pepper, Bay leaf, lemon, lime, vegetable oil, salt, garlic, tarragon, dill, cloves.

On a note: Shrimp can be cooked in a microwave oven, for this it is enough to put frozen shrimp without adding water for 5-12 minutes, depending on the power of the FSH radiation.

How to clean shrimp

In stores, you can find ordinary unpeeled shrimp, and shrimp without a head and even without a shell.

On a note: On average, 1 kg of peeled shrimp is approximately equal to 3 kg of unpeeled.

Some shrimp recipes may call for pre-cleaning before heat treatment. In others, on the contrary, it is required to cook the whole shrimp. Even the recipes of some dishes provide for the use of shrimp along with the shell or tails. Also, when frying or baking, heads are often left on shrimp bodies. However, if you still need to clean the shrimp, there are several ways.

Shrimp Cleaning Methods

You can start the cleaning process by separating the head, and then, pulling the tail, carefully remove the shell with paws and at the same time pull out the insides.

Another way is to start with the legs, and then separate the head and shell. If there are caviar on the paws, it is better to remove it beforehand.

On a note: Shrimp caviar can also be eaten: it is both tasty and healthy.

There are ways to clean shrimp with kitchen appliances: cut the paws with scissors, and with a small knife cut the shell along the outer bend, push its halves apart and pry the insides with a point. Then the meat is taken out and rinsed.

Note: To easily peel boiled shrimp, dip them in cold water for a few seconds after cooking.

Using shrimp shells

You can make soup broth from shrimp. There are several ways to prepare this broth. Firstly, the shells can simply be boiled in a saucepan with spices. There should be a little water, just to cover the contents. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the contents for about 30 minutes. After boiling, wait until the water has cooled down.

The second way is to pre-wash and dry the shrimp shells in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. After cooking with seasonings, onions and garlic until boiling, then reduce heat, add herbs and cook for another hour. After cooking, leave for 30 minutes.

On a note: Before using the shrimp shell broth to make soup, you need to strain it through cheesecloth.

Shrimp market in Russia

Cold water shrimp are harvested in Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. Suppliers of Atlantic cold water shrimp in Russian market are Canada, Denmark, Norway, Greenland, Russia, USA and Japan. Sold mostly fresh frozen.

Warm-water shrimp are supplied to the domestic market by such countries as China, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ecuador. They are sold in three types - frozen in a block of ice, individually frozen with a head and without a head.

In 2010, two main types of shrimp were supplied to Russia: Pandalidae shrimp accounted for 67.8% of turnover by weight and 52.8% by price, while Penaeus shrimp accounted for 30.5% and 44.9% respectively. At the same time, Pandalidae turned out to be 47% cheaper than Penaeus.

In 2007-2010, the average increase in shrimp imports to Russia amounted to 6%. In 2010, import volumes almost returned to the pre-crisis level of 2008 and amounted to $199,000,000.

The statistics of average monthly deliveries from 2007 to 2010 showed a drop in the total volume and price of delivery in 2009 to an average annual level of $3.09 per 1 kg of goods. In 2010, there were obvious sales growth trends, with the average annual price up 4% since 2008.

Russia is one of the world leaders in terms of shrimp consumption. In 2013, shrimp were supplied to Russia from 24 countries!

The main importers of shrimp to Russia are Canada, China and Denmark. The largest supplier of shrimp to Russia is Canada (more than 40% of all imports), but the share of China is growing every year (from 2.7% in 2007 to 22.8% in 2010).

most expensive shrimp shipped from Portugal, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

Relatively cheap shrimp are from Italy, Spain, Japan, the Netherlands, Estonia, Iceland, Tunisia.

Main Suppliers imported shrimp to the Russian market: Albatross, Polar Seafood Russia, Vichunai-Rus, New Alaska, Agama Royal Greenland, Sea Prod.

Most companies on the Russian shrimp market are representative offices of foreign producers. In addition to sales, these enterprises, as a rule, carry out processing and packaging of products.

Shrimp, no doubt bright decoration any aquarium. A rare aquarist, seeing this hydrobiont, will not want to get it in his collection. And here it is precisely the question of a great variety of species of these arthropods that confronts him. After all, there are a huge variety of shrimp species for aquarium maintenance, although their diversity is often underestimated. Without exception, all types of aquarium shrimp are equally similar in structure to each other, but they differ greatly; there are small shrimp (1.8 cm) and really large specimens (up to 35 cm) from each other in size. Of course, the coloring of shrimp deserves special attention.

Classification issues

The classification of domestic shrimp is a complex and controversial issue. There is no strict certainty in this matter. Of course, you can divide these inhabitants of the aquarium by size, color, origin, but this will entail even more confusion and gossip. Strictly speaking, unambiguously, aquarium shrimp can be unambiguously separated in only two ways. By belonging to one or another family: Caridina, Neocaridina, Macrobrachium, Palaemonidae. Or by habitat - marine or freshwater, the latter, by the way, will be discussed further.

Within the variety of "crystal" shrimp, there is its own classification by color.

All types of aquarium shrimp

As they say, it is better to see once than hear many times, in our case, read, so let's get to the point, so what are the types of shrimp and what conditions do they require?


Caridina multidentata, Caridina japonica, Amano Shrimp.

Peaceful inhabitant of freshwater aquariums. Appearance is quite primitive translucent coloration of gray-blue shades with dots randomly located on the sides (in males) and strokes (in females). An excellent cleaner and simply an indispensable fighter with thread.

They live both in small and large groups, but because in breeding Amano shrimp is quite difficult, it is recommended to keep a flock of at least 10 individuals.

  • Natural habitat: Korea, Taiwan, Yamato River in Japan.
  • The size of the female is 5-6cm, the male is 3-4cm.
  • Water parameters - temperature 23-27С, pH 7.2 - 7.5, hardness dH 2 - 20 °.


Harlequin Shrimp.

This shrimp is truly miniature and, in part, therefore, very shy. Leads a nocturnal and twilight lifestyle. The complexity of the character is more than paid off by the outstanding appearance- white with red color, outlined in black, resembles a harlequin from DC Comics, this arthropod owes its name.

  • In nature, it lives in Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi.
  • Size 0.6 - 1.3 cm.
  • Lives in an aquarium from a year to a year and a half.
  • Suitable parameters are temperature 26-29 ° C, acidity pH 7.2-8.4, hardness dH 15-25 °.

white pearl

Snowball, Snowflake, Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. White, White Pearl Shrimp, Snowball Shrimp.

This artificially bred beauty is unpretentious in content and is suitable even for beginners. Quiet and even meek disposition makes it an excellent pet, provided that there are no predatory, very active or aggressive fish among the neighbors. Any aquarium will be decorated with a grayish-white arthropod, transparent as glass, so much so that it is absolutely not difficult to distinguish a female from a male. In the female representatives, the ovaries are visible through the light, and the caviar is completely white, reminiscent of snow, for which the shrimp received the nickname Snowflake.

Feel best in a group of 10 to 20 individuals.

  • Does not occur in nature. Artificially bred by German breeder Ulf Gottschalk.
  • Length 2 - 2.5 cm.
  • Longevity of life is not more than 2 years.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 20-28 ° C, hardness - 6-20 °, pH not more than 7.5.

blue pearl

Blue neocaridina, Blue shrimp, Blue Pearl Shrimp, Crystal Blue shrimp, Ice Blue, Ice Blue, Ice Blue.

It was bred by crossing a blue neocardina with white individuals.

The color can change depending on the mood and well-being, while the more the color fades, the worse the arthropod feels. It is best to observe the pearl in a flock of 10 individuals and a spacious aquarium, at least 60 - 80 liters.

  • China is the birthplace and region of selection.
  • Standard size 2.5cm.
  • 18-29°C, 6.8-7.5 Ph, dGH 2-25.
  • Life cycle 2 years.

Atyidae is the common name for aquarium freshwater shrimp.

blue neocardina

Blue neocardine, blue dream.

Brightly colored peaceful shrimp. There are difficulties regarding the reproduction of this species, the offspring often turns out to be greenish, gray-brown, or even completely transparent, the “blue” gene must be constantly fixed. Like most Atyidae, they do best in a group of 10-20 individuals.

  • The result of the work of German and Japanese breeders. First introduced to the public in the US in 2006.
  • Size of females up to 3 cm, males up to 2.
  • The life span is about 2 years.
  • T ° 18-28 degrees Celsius, pH 6.5 - 7.5, average hardness 2-25.

Blue brindle

Blue tiger.

The brightest distinguishing feature of these tigers are orange eyes, which have not been seen in other aquarium arthropods. Despite the exotic appearance and the high price of maintenance, they are not whimsical.

Require frequent infusion of fresh "blood" because. due to inbreeding in the selection process, they are prone to degeneration.

  • They do not occur in nature. Derived from regular tiger shrimp.
  • They live up to 2 years maximum.
  • The average size is 2-2.5cm.
  • Acceptable water parameters: temperature from 15 to 30, acidity 6.5 -7.5 (they multiply better in more acidic water), hardness from 1 to 15.

blue aura

Aura Blue Dwarf Shrimp.

The Blue Aura Shrimp is undeniably one of the most beautiful of the Atyidae genus, perhaps even the most beautiful of all blue shrimps, and at the same time, as is often the case, quite enigmatic. Information about the aura can be found at a minimum, this is due to the fact that it settled in aquariums (especially Russian ones) quite recently, below is the most important information, in our opinion.

They breed easily and willingly, an experienced female carries up to 30 larvae under the tail. Despite the rarity, the conditions of keeping are very prosaic, a 10 liter aquarium with high-quality water is enough for a small flock, which will be replaced often. The aura also has an unusual trait that cannot be ignored! After molting, this hydrobiont becomes almost transparent, but do not worry, the color will be restored within a week and will delight you again.

  • Origin - Thailand.
  • Life expectancy maximum 2 years.
  • Size 2-3cm.
  • Aquarium water parameters 23-25°, pH 7-7.5, medium hardness.

blue-footed bee

Blue Leg shrimp, Blue Poso shrimp, Caridina ensifera Blue, Caridina Blue tail, Peacock.

The appearance of the blue-footed bee is more than remarkable and is unlikely to leave any aquarist indifferent. The body is gray, there are blue spots on the tail (for which the crustacean was called Peacock), blue paws and bright red antennae - antennae.

Bees have a peaceful disposition, easily get along with both non-aggressive species of arthropods and peaceful fish.

  • Natural habitat: Lake Poso, Indonesia, Sulawesi Islands.
  • The maximum size is 3cm.
  • Life expectancy is two to three years.
  • Water parameters - temperature 28-30 ° C, pH 7.5 - 8.5, hardness dH 7-15 °, effective aeration is required.

yellow shrimp

Lemon, Yellow Pearl, Canary.

The calling card of the canary, of course, is its bright yellow color. This is the only representative of aquarium arthropods that has this color, however, with age, the pet acquires an orange tint, which does not make it less pretty.

With insufficient nutrition, they are able to eat all the vegetation around them.

  • Does not occur in nature.
  • The size of the yellow shrimp is 2.5 - 3 cm.
  • Maximum age 2, rarely 3 years
  • Optimal conditions: water 15 - 28 ° C, acidity 6.8-8.0 Ph.

green shrimp

Babaulti, caridina babaulti, Green Midget shrimp.

Bright and active green shrimp babaulti was discovered in India during an expedition and described in 1918. This species has often been subjected to selection, currently 5 color variations are known - blue, white red-nosed, brown, orange. The most common color in aquariums is green, most of whose representatives were brought from India, and only a small part was born in aquariums.

  • Homeland India (small rivers and streams)
  • Size up to 3.5cm
  • Water: Temperature from 20 to 28, hardness - 5-20, acidity - 6.5-8. Aeration and frequent water changes of about 20% of the volume are required.


Cardinal Shrimp and Caridina sp. "Cardinal", Denerly, Caridina dennerli.

Many atyidae have a bizarre, memorable appearance, but even among them, the Cardinal, which has recently appeared in aquariums, stands out very brightly. The color varies from red to cherry, and on the sides there is always an up-to-date white polka dot. Thin and long legs and a sharp nose only add aristocracy to the Cardinal Shrimp. Despite the apparent simplicity, the content of these arthropods has a lot of pitfalls and therefore for beginners this species does not fit!

  • Natural habitat: Indonesia, rocky areas of Lake Matano on the island of Sulawesi.
  • Size 1 - 2 cm.
  • Water parameters - temperature 26 - 29C, pH 7 - 9, hardness dH 9-15.

Macrobrachnums, Macrobrachium assamense.

The ring-armed shrimp is relatively large, for aquarium arthropods, species. Females reach a size of 5 cm, males are even larger and grow up to 7. The marble color, like in many other species, depends on nutrition and soil. One claw is larger than the other, but this is clearly visible only in large males.

Macrobrachnums are aggressive towards each other and towards other neighbors. Although they are predominantly nocturnal, they are ready to actively hunt down prey at any time. Therefore, forget about the thought of keeping the ring-handed with other arthropods or small fish. For these tireless hunters, large fish of at least 5 cm, living in the middle and upper layers of a domestic reservoir, can become good neighbors.

  • In nature, they live in the Eastern Himalayas, in local mountain lakes and rivers.
  • The length reaches 7cm.
  • Longevity of life 1.5 - 3 years.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 21-25 ° C, hardness - 10-20 °, pH 7 - 7.5. Enhanced filtration and aeration are required, weekly water changes, if it is cold, this will have a positive effect on life expectancy.

At least 10-15 liters are needed per individual. They require flocking - 1 male and several females.

Halocaridina rubra.

The owner of a non-trivial appearance red Hawaiian shrimp ceases to be red in a stressful situation! The color fades and the animal masquerades as its environment. The character is peaceful and accommodating, but the shrimp itself can become a prey for other inhabitants of the aquarium.

There are companies selling red Hawaiian shrimp in sealed ecospheres. The shrimp in them slowly dies before your eyes, and this process can last up to 3 years. All this time, the shrimp feeds only on its shell from molt to molt. Halocaridina rubra is a very tenacious and immensely patient creature.

  • In good conditions, the maximum recorded life of this baby is 20 years.
  • As the name implies, it lives in Hawaii.
  • The standard size does not exceed 1.2 cm.
  • Life cycle, on average, 8 - 10 years.
  • Surprisingly, both salty and fresh water. With a temperature of 20 - 23g, although it can also tolerate a range of 15-30 ° C, pH 8.2 - 8.4.

red shrimp

Neocardina heteropoda, Cherry, Cherry.

The most popular and widely known species of aquarium arthropods. Bright, unpretentious, willingly breeding Cherries have long and happily inhabited the home ponds of aquarists around the world. Read more about Cherry shrimp on our website.

  • Neocardina - a species from which cherries were bred, lives in Taiwan.
  • Size up to 4 cm.
  • The life span is about 3 years.
  • T ° 20 - 29 degrees Celsius, pH 6-8, hardness up to 15 ° dH. Be sure to have plants and mosses in which cherries can hide.

The species resulting from the selection of the red shrimp is not much different from it, except for a much brighter and more saturated color ranging from red to cherry.

Also bred in Taiwan from the species Neocardina heteropoda and differs from its progenitor in that this shrimp is orange from head to toe. The fry of orange fire are born lighter for their own protection, but in the process of life the color becomes more saturated and brighter.

red crystal

Red Bee, Crystal Red Shrimp, Red Bee.

Aquarium crystals are peaceful and have a very memorable appearance, for which they have gained great popularity all over the world. Within this species, as well as among its predecessor, the Bee shrimp, there is a whole hierarchy of its own in terms of color. So, some types of red bees, for example, Snow White, which will be mentioned below, are very expensive, and some have a very affordable price.

  • selection result. The first Crystal Red Shrimp was obtained by Japanese breeder Hisayasu Suzuki in 1993 while breeding classic black striped bees.
  • Size of females up to 2.5 cm, males up to 2 cm.
  • The life span is about 2 years.
  • T ° 20 -27 degrees Celsius, pH 5.5 - 7, average hardness 4-6. Very sensitive to dirty water - do not forget about filtration and weekly replacement of at least a third of the volume of aqua.

Caridina cf. cantonensis 'Snow White'.

Snow White belongs to the species Red Crystal.

The snow-white shrimp is one of the types of red bee shrimp. There are Snow Whites of varying degrees of whiteness and, of course, the most valuable are completely white specimens, and the least valuable, in turn, are arthropods with a predominant area of ​​​​transparent body segments. The conditions of its content are somewhat different from traditional crystals:

  • Adult size up to 3 cm.
  • The average length of life is 2-4 years.
  • The required temperature is 25–30°C, hardness is 1–10, acidity is 6.0–7.5 pH.

red ruby

Caridina cf. cantonensis 'Red Ruby'.

Another representative of the genus crystal. In contrast to Snow White, it is absolutely not whimsical, withstands a huge range of acidity and hardness, but in the "home" selection, the offspring may not become as bright as its parents, and so over and over again.

  • Size up to 3.5 cm, other parameters do not differ from the ancestor described above - the Red bee.

As a rule, the higher the class of shrimp, the more difficult it is to care for it.

Shrimp Ruby Red in 2009 set a record for the high cost - it was bought at an auction for 4800 euros.

Caridina cantonensis sp. Red Tiger.

The red tiger shrimp is perfectly camouflaged in its natural habitat - the light beige body of the arthropod is wrapped in thin red stripes, and the bottom of the native reservoirs is covered with red stones - the shrimp is invisible there, and it is impossible not to pay attention to it in the aquarium! Perfectly coexists with peaceful medium-sized fish and contrasts beautifully with plants.

  • In nature, it lives in the reservoirs of southern China.
  • They live on average up to 2 years.
  • The size reaches 3.5 cm.
  • Acceptable water parameters: temperature from 25 to 30, acidity 6.5 -7.8, hardness from 1 to 15 dGH.

Red Noice Shrimp, Pinocchio, Rudolph, Rhino, Rhino.

I would compare the red-nosed shrimp with an arrow - thin, sharp, graceful, this ten-legged beauty will not leave you indifferent! The body of the shrimp is almost transparent, but the shade may change depending on the mood of the shrimp. So the milky shade speaks of the disease of living creatures.

In its natural environment, this shrimp is a vegetarian, so with a lack of vegetation in the diet, it will gladly absorb aquarium plants.

  • Homeland India and Southeast Asia. Ponds with stagnant water, or very weak current.
  • Females reach a size of 4 cm, males 2.5.
  • Necessary conditions: temperature 20-28 ° C, acidity pH 6.4-7.5, hardness dH 8-15 °, water must be brackish 8-10 grams table salt per liter of water, do not forget about this when choosing neighbors for the red-nosed beauty and plants for decorating the aquarium.

Macrobrachium sp. "Inle-See".

Inle Lake is located in Myanmar (Southeast Asia), it is a truly large body of water, its size is 22 km by 10 km, and the mysterious Inle Lake shrimp lives here. This arthropod belongs to the Palaemonidae shrimp species and belongs to predators. The appearance is modest - a transparent body with reddish stripes and strokes of various types.

  • In nature, they live, as the name suggests, in Inle Lake.
  • The length reaches 3cm.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 25-29 ° C, hardness - 5-9 °, pH 6-7.5.


Orange Sunkist Shrimp, Tangerine Shrimp, Caridina sp. Orange Borneo, Caridina thambipillai, Fanta Shrimp, Orange Soda Shrimp.

Peaceful and funny like its name, the Mandarin shrimp is a typical member of the Caridina genus. transparent body orange color, sometimes with reddish dots and streaks on the sides. You can only keep a flock, preferably at least 8 individuals.

  • In nature, they live on the island of Sulawesi, in Indonesia.
  • Life expectancy is not more than 2 years.
  • Length. Females reach 3 cm, males do not grow larger than 2.5.
  • Conditions in the aquarium: temperature - 20-28 ° C, hardness -6-15 °, pH 6.5-8.

Nigerian shrimp

Nigerian shrimp, Atia, Cameroonian filter feeder.

More than an unusual aquarium shrimp Atiya. It is very large for an aquarium, its color is more than modest from grayish blue to bleached blue, but what the most interesting thing is that she has no claws! The thing is that the Nigerian shrimp lives in reservoirs with a strong current and get their own food by filtration. Peaceful and interesting arthropod, will never offend your fish.

  • Live in West Africa
  • The size of an adult female reaches 18 cm, males are smaller - a maximum of 14.
  • Water parameters: T 23-28°C, pH 6.5 - 7.5.

Desmocaris trispinosa.

It is possible to confuse the Nigerian floating shrimp and Atiya (which was mentioned above) only by name, because outwardly these arthropods are complete antipodes of each other. The NPK is medium-sized and transparent in appearance, generally nondescript and interesting mainly for its unusual way of movement for shrimp, it seems to soar, float above the surface.

  • Homeland - Africa.
  • Temperature - 25–29 ° С, pH - 6.0–7.5, hardness - 6–9 dGH.

Another major difference between the NPC and the Nigerian shrimp, the latter needs a strong current, while the former prefers completely stagnant water.


Caridina - serratirostris, Ninja Shrimp, honey or Christmas shrimp.

Ninja shrimp carry their mysterious name for a reason, and among their many nicknames, “chameleon” is missing. We already wrote that some shrimp are able to change color during stress, fright, or vice versa courting a female, a ninja is a completely different matter, this is an unsurpassed master of disguise. Watching how the shrimp changes color depending on which pebble it sits on is a real pleasure! In addition, there are no difficulties in keeping this arthropod, but the excellent resume of caridina - serratirostris is overshadowed, only by the fact that reproduction in an aquarium requires titanic efforts and, as a result, is almost impossible.

  • The region of origin is Asia, more precisely Japan, the Philippine, Polynesian Islands, the island of Fiji, the island of Madagascar.
  • Life expectancy is 2-3 years on average.
  • The size of the male is up to 2.5 cm, the females are larger by 1 cm.
  • Water parameters: temperature 22-27°C, acidity 6.4-7.3, hardness dH 6-20°.

Macrobrachium carcinus.

This article has already written about shrimp of the genus Macrobrachium and the main thing is that you should remember about them almost all representatives of this species are predators, so you should choose your neighbors very carefully, and the long-clawed shrimp is no exception.

Males perform a very entertaining mating dance for females, but due to natural shyness, the arthropod dances only in the dark.

At home in the countries of Central and South America, Macrobrachium carcinus itself is a subject of hunting, the locals eat them.

  • The natural habitat is the fast large streams of Central and South America.
  • Average size 30 -35cm.
  • The content requirements are as simple as possible - warm, clean water from 22 to 27 ° C, and a strong current.


Caridina cantonensis sp. "Bee" - Black Bee Shrimp.

The bees include many other shrimp bearing different names, but the history of the appearance and living conditions of these arthropod relatives are the same. Therefore, when reading about the shrimp bee, keep in mind that it says about: striped bee, black bee, princess bee, King Kong shrimp, Panda, Bumblebee, Black Diamond (aka black tiger) and some others.

The bee has almost equal proportions black and white, Black Diamond shrimp, King Kong almost black, Panda allowed white areas at the junction of the cephalothorax and rostrum, as well as stripes on the abdomen.

The higher the class of black diamonds (like the red ones we have already talked about), the more difficult their content is., and King Kongs, for example, almost do not breed in amateur aquariums.

  • Country of origin - Taiwan (bred by man).
  • The average life expectancy is 1.5g.
  • Size - up to 3.5 cm.
  • Necessary conditions: temperature 20-26°С, acidity pH 6.0-6.8, hardness Gh 2-5 °dH.


Riley Shrimp.

Lightweight and weightless, the Riley shrimp was bred from the genus Neocaridina heteropoda by famous breeder Suzuki Hisuasu among aquarists. Red rilies were the first to appear and they were so fond of the aquarium community that orange, blue, yellow ones soon appeared ... The value of Rili Shrimp depends on how large a part of the shrimp's body is transparent. This active baby is looking for food all day long, swimming around the aquarium.

  • Released in Taiwan in 1996.
  • Length is 2 cm on average.
  • Water: temperature 18-28°C, acidity pH 6.4 - 7.6, hardness dH 4-14°.

Indian, Asian, Thai, Grass shrimp. Ghost, GLASS SHRIMP, Palaemonetes paludosus.

There are 2 species of relatively large glass shrimp that are extremely similar in appearance, so we will divide them according to their habitat into Asian and North American. Both are transparent, for which they were nicknamed "glass", the Asian one has the nickname Grass Shrimp, and the name Ghost is often applied to the American one.

Both of them can independently build shelters for themselves if sand or very fine gravel is used as soil. Large individuals during the breeding season can be aggressive towards small brothers, in order to avoid this, adhere to the proportion of 1 shrimp: 4 liters of water or more.

  • The average life span is 1-2 years, rarely longer.
  • Size up to 5 cm females, males maximum 4 cm, both in good conditions.
  • But the look at the good conditions of keeping these shrimp is different:
  • Asians. Water temperature 20-28gr., acidity pH 6.5-7.5, hardness does not matter.
  • Americans. Temperature 18-29g., pH acidity - 6.5-7.5, hardness GH - 5-8.
  • For those and others, it is necessary to have high-quality filtration and aeration, as well as weekly water changes up to 20% of the volume of the aquarium.

Filterer Anopsis

Atyopsis moluccensis, banana, bamboo, forest shrimp.

The appearance of anopsis is unlikely to make you fall in love with it without a memory. Brown stripes on a yellowish body make it invisible in nature, but this crustacean does not intend to hide in an aquarium. He will definitely take some peak and begin to catch food with his paws - fans (which replaced the claws). This is a very interesting and even bewitching sight. If the filter feeder began to spend more time at the bottom in search of food, it means that he is malnourished, because his way of eating is not quite usual and it is more difficult for him to get enough than others.

  • Homeland - Southeast Asia.
  • The maximum age is 2 years.
  • Length 6-10cm.
  • Comfortable parameters: temperature 23-29C, acidity pH: 6.5-7.5, hardness dH: 6-15.

Leander modestus.

This is, perhaps, the only aquarium shrimp, whose native reservoirs are located, including on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The appearance of the leander is not very expressive - an almost transparent body and very long antennae, sometimes exceeding the length of its owner. But this shrimp can be observed around the clock, because, unlike many of their counterparts, they are active even during the day. They live in peace and harmony with the fish, they perfectly play the role of a cleaner, picking with small claws in the ground. Conflicts within the group are possible if there is not enough space in the aquarium. One Khanka shrimp should have at least 7-10 liters.

  • The region of natural residence is the Far East, Lake Khanka, etc.
  • The body size of the female is 3-4 cm, males, as is most often the case in arthropods, their smaller length varies from 2 to 2.5 cm.
  • Water for hankaiki needs to be very clean, so you can not save on the filter. Round the clock aeration is required. The temperature is tolerated at 15-30 ° C, although it is better, of course, not to bring it to extremes and stop in the range of 20 -24 ° C. The ideal option would be if the temperature of the water in the aquarium drops in winter, and rises in spring, closer to summer, in order to get closer to the natural annual cycle. Hardness not less than 10. It does not impose special requirements on acidity.

Caridina Simoni Simoni.

A small, transparent Ceylon shrimp is interesting, first of all, for its active behavior - it actively scurries around the aquarium all day long in search of food and does not at all seek to hide anywhere. The color varies from brownish and greenish to blue.

  • Homeland Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java.
  • Length 1.8-2.5 cm.
  • Maintenance requirements: strong aeration and filtration, weekly water changes at least 1/3. water temperature 20-30°C, acidity pH 5.5-8, hardness dH 3-15°.

Macrobrachium nipponense.

Very elegant japanese shrimp resembles a glass figurine - a transparent, slightly brownish body with a contrasting black stripe for a third of its length, brick-red claws in males and orange in females, and bead eyes complete the picture.

The character is nasty and even aggressive, so only arthropods of similar size and fish that will not give themselves offense can be neighbors of this species.

In the group, stick to the balance of 1 male -2.3 females.

  • In nature, they live in Japan, which becomes obvious from the name.
  • Size 6-8cm.
  • Water temperature 26-30, acidity pH 6.4-6.8, hardness does not matter.


Whatever type of shrimp you choose for yourself, remember a few simple rules that will help you and make life easier for your pets:

  1. Copper is contraindicated for shrimps of any kind. Be careful, because it is contained in many medicines for fish.
  2. Any arthropod (and fish will be grateful) should live in a clean environment, so consider the issue of filtration and water changes in advance.
  3. The presence of plants in the aquarium is mandatory. It is better if these are mosses and small-leaved ones for small breeds and larger ones for arthropods of a serious size.
  4. If you are planning to do breeding, theoretically crossbreeding is possible as follows: Caridina + Caridina, Macrobrachium + Macrobrachium, Neocaridina + Neocaridina, etc. Shrimp related to different families not only do they not interbreed, but they can also conflict when kept together. However, one should not conclude that any species can be crossed within the same family. The issue of shrimp breeding is delicate and individual, but if you decide to select these animals, you will not regret it.

The world of aquarium shrimp is more than diverse and everyone can find a shrimp to their liking.

Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis).
One of the species of shrimp, live in the cold parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Also known as pink shrimp, deep sea shrimp, large northern shrimp.
They live at a depth of 20-1330 meters, as a rule, on soft silty soils, in water with a temperature of 2-14 ° C. Life expectancy - 8 years, males can reach a length of 120 mm, females - 165 mm.
Their largest world suppliers are such countries as Greenland, Canada, Denmark, Russia.
And although they are quite small and do not differ in exotic appearance, in terms of taste, many gourmets give undeniable preference to these crustaceans. After all, northern shrimp meat is the sweetest and most nutritious.
Cold-water shrimp, wild, grows in natural conditions and feeds on environmentally friendly plankton, which has the best effect on its consumer qualities.
Almost all shrimp caught in the Far East end up on foreign markets, with the exception of illegal products from coastal fisheries. Eat with pleasure. If this product is from the Atlantic, then it is obtained legally. All shrimp are delivered to the Russian wholesale market boiled and frozen. Our fishermen supply raw-frozen shrimp to the Japanese market. On sale can be found as a frozen unpeeled shrimp, and shrimp meat in brine or frozen.
Caught in clear icy waters at a depth of 200-500 meters with a net, 100% natural and extraordinary delicious shrimp immediately prepared and frozen on the most modern equipment. This equipment undergoes regular control at the state level.
Cooking, sorting and packing into standard 5 kg boxes takes place within minutes after the shrimp has been caught. The highest quality and excellent taste of shrimp are guaranteed, as cooking and freezing at -26°C is almost instantaneous.
When the ship returns to the port, the shrimp is ready for sale: it is unloaded and sent to world markets in refrigerated containers.
Cold water shrimp is a guaranteed product High Quality thanks to icy northern waters, careful fishing and modern processing technologies.

Tiger shrimp (Penaeus kerathurus).
Natural range: Eastern coasts of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia and the Sea of ​​Japan. There are three types of tiger prawns: common, black and green tiger prawns.
The shrimp got its name from the black stripes all over its body. Their meat is very juicy and is the most delicate delicacy. In body length, they can reach 36 cm, and in weight - 650 grams, which makes this shrimp the largest representative of the shrimp suborder.
Since the 90s of the XX century, the world production of tiger shrimp has been about 800-900 thousand tons per year, and more than two-thirds of the production is provided by shrimp farms where they are actively bred (China, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Brazil). Moreover, farm-raised shrimp are always meatier and larger than their counterparts living in wild nature. Shrimp are very easy to cook. Prawns are consumed mainly boiled. Boil them for 5-7 minutes in salted boiling water. As soon as these seafood floated to the surface and turned orange, they can be taken out. You can not digest the product, otherwise the meat will be tough and lose its taste. You can grill tiger prawns or boil them in broth with spices. They are good, cooked in an oriental way: for this you need to marinate seafood in fish sauce and garlic, and then fry. They are widely used in the preparation of salads, sea cocktails.

King shrimp (Penaeus vannamei).
In their natural habitat, king prawns are caught relatively little. Most of these crustaceans, about 80% of the total, are grown on farms in special ponds.
Shrimp aquaculture is based on collecting larvae from the sea and rearing them in saltwater ponds. King prawns entering the Russian market are grown on farms in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Thailand, Ecuador and some other countries. In 2008, their export to Russia exceeded 2 thousand tons.
When raw, vannamei shrimp is gray in color, after boiling, the color becomes bright red. Sometimes the vannamei shrimp is called the white shrimp, as it is completely translucent in the light. They are valued for their large size and unusual taste. When buying king prawns in our country, remember that they are not caught in the sea, but grown in farms that bring significant income to transnational corporations. At the same time, mangroves are destroyed to create farms, and huge damage is caused to natural ecosystems. The traditional fishermen are also suffering. In addition, for products entering the Russian market, there is no guarantee that antibiotics, growth stimulants and feed from genetically modified products were not used in the cultivation of shrimp. And to taste, by the way, king prawns are inferior to northern prawns. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing products that are imported into Russia. But if during the trip you are offered shrimp dishes, which are obtained by the labor of local fishermen, this is another matter. Avoid buying!
Many varieties of king prawns for artificial breeding are considered more suitable than, for example, tiger prawns. This is due to their high resistance to various diseases and low production costs. Usually, king prawns come to the market in raw-frozen and boiled-frozen form.

Our article will not only help you learn how to determine the size of shrimp, but also tell you about these unusual creatures. Today, shrimp are distributed almost throughout the planet. These marine inhabitants also mastered many fresh water bodies, but even this seemed not enough to lovers of their valuable and tasty meat. That is why shrimp are also artificially grown on farms. There are a huge number of species that differ from each other in taste, color, composition, size.

Some breeds were bred artificially, but not at all for subsequent consumption, but for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. also happen different size: both big and small. Anyone who loves the magical underwater world can populate the aquarium with the kind of inhabitants that he likes.

You will learn from our article a lot of useful things for anyone who is interested in shrimp: sizes, photos, color, culinary value and many others Interesting Facts about these animals.


Shrimps belong to the class of higher crayfish. The closest relatives of these arthropods are crabs, crayfish, wood lice and amphipods.

As you might guess from the name of the order, shrimp have 5 pairs of legs. Almost all representatives of the infraorder also have a pair of whiskers.

The body of the shrimp is segmented, the tail is bent towards the abdomen. Sexual dimorphism is practically not expressed, but in most species the male is slightly more intensely colored than the female. But during the breeding season, you can quickly determine the female by the presence of a clutch of eggs, which is stored on the abdomen between the legs.

Specialists have a huge number of types of shrimp. The size of their representatives varies from 2 to 30 centimeters.

Shrimps and their importance in cooking

It is difficult to list all the peoples in the world who consider shrimp national product. They are adored by Italians and French, Spaniards and Greeks, residents of South America, Australia, Oceania, Far East and many other regions in which this arthropod lives. Some cuisines of the world are simply impossible to imagine without shrimp dishes: boiled, grilled, smoked, marinated, fried with hot spices.

Shrimps are served in inexpensive bars and luxurious restaurants. The price tag for dishes with them varies in a huge range. Luckily, you don't have to go to a restaurant to enjoy this delicacy, you can make them at home too.

Once upon a time, residents of many regions remote from the seas and oceans could only dream of such dishes and enjoy them only on trips. But these days, many species are quite affordable. You can easily find shrimp in any supermarket. Size 90 is considered the most common. But what does this number mean? Now we will understand this.

What is a caliber?

Surely you have come across similar markings when choosing products. The word "caliber" can be read not only on the packaging of shrimp, but also on a jar of olives, olives and other delicacies. Of course, we are talking about size. The caliber indicates the size of the shrimp.

What does the number mean? The answer to this question is easy to remember. We are talking about the number of individuals in a kilogram. It follows from this that the smaller the number, the larger the size of the shrimp. Each caliber is good in its own way and suitable for different dishes.

small shrimps

In many countries of the world, such a trifle is not particularly popular. But the size of shrimp 90/120 has a number of advantages. The main advantage of a small caliber, as you might guess, is the price.

Small shrimps are great for adding to salads, smoothies, sauces. You can decorate them with toasts, canapes, vol-au-vents, pizza, sandwiches. You can also make soup with 90/120 shrimp.

The color of most varieties varies from soft pink to rich peach. The taste of small shrimps is usually pronounced.

There is an even smaller caliber of shrimp. Surely everyone who has ever been to Odessa has tried or at least seen an unusual delicacy, which the locals call crustaceans. This species is found in the coastal zone of the Black Sea, and only gauze and a bucket are required to catch it. In most countries of the world, similar varieties are used only in the preparation of feed for animals and commercial fish, but every inhabitant of Odessa considers a small bag of crustaceans to be one of the symbols of South Palmyra. This trifle is prepared quite simply - boiled in salted boiling water.

medium size shrimp

Shrimp size 70/90 is often chosen by those who are going to cook pasta or pilaf. This category is also relatively affordable.

As we already know, this marking indicates the number of shrimp. In one kilogram there can be 72, and 79, and 85.

Shrimps of this size are most often caught in the Atlantic Ocean.

Large and extra large

Many mistakenly believe that the larger the shrimp, the tastier and more expensive it is. Unfortunately, this common misconception plays into the hands of unscrupulous sellers who diligently cultivate it. In order not to get into trouble, it is worth studying this issue in more detail.

Surely you are familiar with such a name as king prawns. Their sizes are large, as are the prices for dishes with such an ingredient. But is the excitement justified? In fact, the name "king prawns" has nothing to do with science. This kind simply does not exist. With these beautiful words, sellers and cooks call completely different varieties of shrimp in order to sell them at a higher price. Often even not very tasty breeds grown on farms are called royal. To get large samples, not the most useful components that promote growth. Real connoisseurs are unlikely to encroach on this dubious product.

Another thing is the oceanic giants. The maximum size of tiger prawns can reach 30 centimeters. Their caliber is 2-3 individuals per kilo. It is easy to recognize this species, because the dark transverse stripes fully justify the name. Unfortunately, in our time, you can also run into a fake, because these shrimp also learned to breed artificially, so it is important to know how to choose a quality product.

What are cocktail shrimp?

It should be understood that when it comes to caliber, we mean a whole shrimp, with a shell, legs and head. But along with unpeeled ones, there are also so-called cocktail shrimp on sale. This term means that the product is completely cleaned, and sometimes even boiled before freezing.

Of course, if you clean a kilogram of 90-caliber shrimp, then the weight of the carcasses will be much less than a kilogram. The difference can reach 40-50%, that is, peeled shrimp per kilogram will no longer be 90, but 170-180.


Another way to outsmart the buyer is to technological features freezing. Dry freezing practically does not change their structure and perfectly preserves the product. But in domestic supermarkets, another category is more common - glazed shrimp. This "delicious" word means nothing more than plain water. Due to the fact that the body of the shrimp is covered with a layer of ice, a much smaller amount will fit in a kilogram. Remember that the size of the shrimp is artificially increased if you see the marking "glazed" on the pack.

How to choose shrimp

You have already guessed about many pitfalls. Our little cheat sheet will help you not get confused in the store when choosing the best shrimp.

  1. Give preference to a packaged product, not a loose one. Packaging is harder to fake.
  2. Pay attention to the country of origin. The best shrimp are caught by Norwegian, Danish, Finnish companies. An excellent product is provided by the Japanese (although it is more expensive and less common). Pretty good Russian shrimp. But most of the shrimp from the Far East are grown in captivity.
  3. Pay special attention to ice. It should not be on the shrimp themselves or in the pack.
  4. Cocktail shrimp that have been steamed or boiled have a shorter shelf life than raw shrimp. Look at the numbers.

decorative value

Did you know that shrimp can be bred in a regular aquarium? Many breeds get along well with non-aggressive fish and other neighbors. But some prefer solitude.

If you want to get such a pet, be sure to consult a specialist who can give recommendations on care, regimen, and feed.

The size of shrimp for an aquarium is on average small. Most of them reach an average of 5-6 cm. But the color variety is truly huge! You can choose from blue, black, red, yellow, spotted and even completely transparent pet.

Giant shrimp: myths and reality

Have you heard scary stories about giant squids and octopuses? Maybe there are other underwater inhabitants, the size of which is much larger than encyclopedias claim?

In the case of shrimp, we are unlikely to be sensational. In any case, there is no information, even indirect and doubtful, at present. The size of the shrimp does not exceed 30 cm.

Often langoustines are confused with shrimp. But these are completely different animals, albeit similar in appearance. In order not to be considered ignorant and not to be confused, it is enough to remember that the langoustine has claws.

As we could see, the variety of shrimp is very large. We hope that our article told you something new about these unusual creatures.