Pruning rose hips, bird cherry and viburnum. Fragrant and tender bird cherry in your garden: planting and care. Is it possible to pick bird cherry?

Red bird cherry, another name - Virginia, is named after the state of Virginia (USA), which is the birthplace of the plant. This deciduous shrub or tree is distributed throughout Russia along with the common bird cherry.

Many people associate the onset of spring with the flowering of this crop. At this time, the air is filled with a pleasant aroma, and small flowers collected in fluffy inflorescences are pleasing to the eye. Bird cherry is an excellent honey plant, which is why it is often cultivated near apiary lands.

Popular varieties of red bird cherry

The Schubert variety is considered the most common for growing in private plots. This red bird cherry with glossy leaf blades has decorative properties and is often planted as a garden decoration rather than for picking berries. The plant reaches a height of 6–10 meters, with age it develops a lush, spreading crown, which changes color depending on the season: in summer the leaves are green, and by autumn they acquire a purple or violet hue.

An equally popular variety is Canada Red - a tree reaching a height of 5 meters and having a conical crown shape. At the very beginning of the growing season, the leaves are green, but with the arrival of summer they turn red-violet.

Both varieties are undemanding to the composition of the soil, however, on a fertile piece of land their decorative qualities are revealed more clearly. The juiciness of the berries largely depends on the illumination of the planting site and the regularity of watering.

Planting Virginia bird cherry

Bird cherry planting activities begin in spring or autumn during the period of vegetative dormancy of plants. To grow trees for harvesting, varietal seedlings are purchased from nurseries or from trusted individuals.

Before purchasing, it is important to inspect the plants for signs of disease or rot. Firstly, this will protect you from purchasing non-viable planting material, and secondly, it will protect your garden plot from possible infection. The root shoots of the seedling should be elastic and flexible - this indicates their health and proper storage.

After the young bird cherry is brought home, its rhizome should be placed for half an hour in a container with a root formation stimulator diluted in water, such as Kornevin or Epin. This will help the plant quickly adapt and take root in a new place.

All weak root shoots can be trimmed. In addition, before planting, the stems of the seedling are also cut off, leaving only the 3 strongest and most promising ones - they are shortened to 60–80 centimeters.

Choosing a place for a tree or fruit bush is always a very responsible matter. Since bird cherry loves moisture and in natural conditions often grows on the banks of reservoirs, it is necessary to assign it land with shallow groundwater, in a lowland or in an area that is most abundantly watered during the summer.

The area for growing this crop should be spacious and well lit. Both the decorative qualities of bird cherry and the taste properties of the berries depend on this. With insufficient sunlight, the fruits become smaller and ripen only on the uppermost branches. The crown, in turn, will tend to grow without developing lateral branches.

So, when the optimal solution regarding the choice of landing site has been found, the immediate preparation of the planting pit can begin. It is dug in accordance with the size of the root system of the seedling, but its depth and sides should not be less than half a meter.

When planting fruit bushes and trees, drainage from broken bricks or crushed stone is always laid as the bottom layer; this will protect the plants from rotting roots. The second is to pour out a soil mixture of garden soil, peat and humus. The hole prepared in this way is watered generously and left to shrink for at least a day or two.

After the specified time, a small mound of fertile soil is formed in the hole, on which the bird cherry seedling is carefully placed. Root shoots should be distributed along the steep edges of the elevation, avoiding their kinks and damage. The remaining volume of the pit is gradually filled with soil, which must be compacted to avoid the formation of air bubbles.

Upon completion of the planting procedure, the plant is watered abundantly, a tree trunk circle is formed around it, which is mulched with sawdust or peat to retain moisture on the surface of the earth.

Care rules - watering, fertilizing, pruning

Caring for bird cherry does not involve any additional procedures other than the basic ones, such as: watering, loosening the soil in the tree trunk circle, removing weeds from the planting site, seasonal pruning treatments, and applying fertilizers. Moreover, even these activities are carried out depending on the age of the plants. For example, mature bushes require less moisture and are not afraid of weed growth, and young seedlings do not need annual pruning.

Adult bird cherry trees are watered approximately once every 10 days in dry weather and 2 times a month in normal weather conditions. If the summer turns out to be rainy, the precipitation may be completely sufficient for the development of the plant, and then watering should be avoided.

There are also a number of diseases against which Korbofos is powerless. Knowing the symptoms of each ailment, you can eliminate the problem at the initial stage of its occurrence:

  • Cytoporosis - affects wood and contributes to its drying out. The main sign of the presence of this fungus is the formation of white color on the surface of the bark. Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate solution have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against cytoporosis. Trees are sprayed with these products in the spring for prevention or during the season when lesions are detected.
  • Polypores are fungi that cause wood rot. To save the bird cherry, you need to immediately cut off all diseased parts of the tree and treat the damaged areas with a fungicide.

Infected plant fragments must be burned to prevent the disease from developing in the garden.

Pruning – formative and sanitary

Every year in spring, sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs is carried out in the garden. It involves removing plant fragments that have frozen and broken during the winter. If you want to create a certain shape of the tree crown, a formative pruning is necessary.

For example, very often gardeners choose a bowl shape. To do this, cut off all shoots on a young plant except the main one. And when side branches begin to branch off from it, 2 pairs of the most promising ones are selected, growing at approximately the same distance from each other, and the rest are removed.

Next year, a second tier is formed - it is formed by 2 pairs of branches, 40–50 centimeters distant from the main ones. So, every year the gardener cuts off everything unnecessary, leaving 2 pairs of strong side branches to decorate the next tier.

Beneficial and harmful properties of berries, recipes for preparations

The leaves and fruits of red bird cherry are widely used to create preparations for the winter: from them you can prepare tinctures and decoctions, make delicious jam or jam, compote. In addition to their pleasant taste, the berries have many beneficial properties: they have antipyretic and disinfectant effects, are used for colds and sore throats, and help relieve abdominal cramps. Their benefits for boosting the body’s overall immunity in the spring are undeniable.

Despite the existence of a number of indications for the consumption of bird cherry fruits, there are also limitations. The berries have a pronounced astringent effect, and therefore are harmful in large quantities for people suffering from constipation. In addition, it is not recommended to eat them during pregnancy and lactation, although the harm has not been proven.

Red cherry fruit jam

Red cherry fruit jam prepared according to this recipe has a bright taste and amazing color.


  • Red bird cherry berries – 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.

Description of preparation:

  1. 1. First of all, the fruits are carefully separated from the stalk, cleaned of excess sticks and washed thoroughly in cool water. Then the prepared berries are passed through a meat grinder three times until smooth.
  2. 2. The resulting puree is mixed with a kilogram of granulated sugar, placed in an enamel basin and cooked for an hour over low heat, stirring the mass periodically with a wooden spoon.
  3. 3. After the jam is ready, it is poured into pre-sterilized glass jars and sealed.

Bird cherry tincture

Tincture of bird cherry berries is used in winter to treat colds, sore throats and other viral infections. It helps lower blood glucose levels and is used to suppress bad cholesterol.


  • Red bird cherry berries - 0.4 kilograms.
  • Vodka – 0.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 100 grams.


  1. 1. The bird cherry fruits are thoroughly cleaned of sticks, the seeds are removed from them and washed well under running water.
  2. 2. Ready-to-use berries are poured into an enamel bowl, the specified amount of sugar is added to them and left for several hours so that they release their juice.
  3. 3. After the time has passed, vodka is poured into the pan, the whole mass is mixed and sent to a dark and warm place for 3 weeks.
  4. 4. After the tincture is prepared, it is filtered and bottled. Shelf life - no more than a year.

Bird cherry was an ornamental plant, and only a modest amount of its berries was eaten. Bird cherry was like a decoration for parks and green hedges.
Bird cherry fruits are rich in organic acids, sugars, vitamins, including vitamin C - up to 32 mg%, tannins and essential oils.
Bird cherry, the berries of which are beautiful fresh, frozen and dried, in compote, juice and wine.
Bird cherry, given its beneficial properties, was also used as a medicine.

Blooming bird cherry can kill many harmful microbes, just like its small branch.
Bird cherry is a member of the plum genus and belongs to the Rosaceae family. The genus is quite large; bird cherry (Padus racemosa), virgin bird cherry (Padus virginiana) and late bird cherry (Padus serotina) are grown in cultivation.
Bird cherry (Padus racemosa) is a more common species, a tree 12 m high, with abundant root shoots.
Bird cherry blossoms just during return frosts, so the harvest is not every year, but as a species it blooms luxuriantly, the fruits are large.
In nature, bird cherry is found on the banks of rivers and lakes, on forest edges; it loves moisture and fertile soil.
Virgin bird cherry (Padus virginiana) is less winter-hardy, more of a shrub than a tree 5-6 m high. It blooms later and the harvest is more stable. The flowers are small, almost odorless. The large dark red berries with a sweet and sour taste ripen at the end of August.
Virginia bird cherry bears fruit in the fifth year after planting; it grows on any soil, but prefers fertile and loose soil. It produces a considerable harvest, which does not crumble for a long time; it can be harvested in one go.
Late bird cherry (Padus serotina) - deservedly named as the most late-flowering and late-ripening variety, powerful
The shrub is more like a tree up to 10 meters high. Flowering and fruiting begin five years after planting.
Late bird cherry grows well in urban conditions, smog and is not afraid of gas pollution, like poor soil composition, drought, but still loves moist and fertile soil.

Bird cherry. how to plant and care.

In order for bird cherry to produce a good harvest, at least two varieties of bird cherry must be planted on the site, which bloom at the same time for mutual pollination, since many varieties of bird cherry are self-sterile.
Bird cherry grows well in lighted places; it is advisable to prepare holes for planting in advance in the fall
or early spring, add fertile soil, organic and mineral fertilizers.
When planting, the seedling needs to straighten the roots and cover it with soil on top, leave the root collar at soil level, and water generously. It is good to mulch the trunk circle with peat, which will ensure moisture retention. and will inhibit the growth of weeds.
Further weeding, watering and timely application of fertilizers.

Bird cherry seedlings can be found commercially at a garden center or nursery, or you can grow them yourself. There are simple methods of reproduction for this.
By vegetative methods we preserve all the varietal beneficial properties and special features, this is by grafting and green cuttings. You can graft with a cutting or a bud - budding.
The cuttings are grafted onto the rootstock of a bird cherry seedling in winter or early spring, during active sap flow. And budding needs to be done in the summer.
The method of propagation is similar to the methods of grafting fruit trees.

How to form a bird cherry crown.

In order for the bird cherry to look neat, bloom beautifully and have a stable harvest, the tree needs the right crown. Bird cherry forms both as a tree and as a bush-like crown.
In order for the bird cherry to form in the shape of a tree in the future, the seedling after planting must be cut at a height of 60-75 cm, which will become the basis of the crown, where the first skeletal branches will be laid. In the future, leave 3-4 stronger branches on the first tier, with a branching angle of 60-70°. Excess branches must be cut into a ring. The next tier will already have 2-4 branches with a distance of 40-60 cm from the first tier. As the bird cherry grows, you need to lay two more tiers, 2-3 branches in each.
To prevent thickening of the crown, regularly thin out and sanitary pruning. If there are long branches in the crown, you need to shorten them and transfer them to lateral branching.
Bird cherry in the form of a bush is easy to form. It is necessary to trim the trunks as part of the tree and remove thickening root shoots.
Harvest only when the berries are fully ripe, harvest with brushes, cutting off the brushes with pruners, a knife or scissors. This way the bird cherry will be stored longer, and you won’t spend a lot of time picking it.

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Bird cherry is a tree-like bushy plant that grows in height from 60 cm to 20 meters. Its crown is dense, and the bark is grayish and matte. Young branches and shoots of the plant are reddish or dirty green in color. The leaves are bare, elongated, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical, with a pointed tip, arranged alternately. The flowers of the plant are white or pinkish in color, collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush. Bird cherry fruits are dark spherical drupes, about 8-10 mm in diameter with an egg-shaped stone inside. The fruits have a pleasant aroma and sweet or sweet-sour taste. It blooms in spring or early summer, and the fruits ripen by autumn.

The plant loves humidity; in its natural environment it is found in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. It grows in well-moistened soil near river banks, in swampy areas, etc. In general, bird cherry feels good on soils of different compositions and conditions, and is also unpretentious in care; it is found even on sandstones.

The root system is powerful, actively growing and well developed. This feature became a godsend for people when draining land near settlements. This plant will improve the soil, and its foliage, which falls from the end of summer, will reduce its acidity and increase fertility. Bird cherry blossoms and bears fruit 3-5 years after planting.

Planting bird cherry

When and where to plant bird cherry?

It is recommended to plant the tree in spring or autumn, because... at this time it will take root easier and faster. It is preferable to plant in a spacious open area with good lighting in moist, fertile soil. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. If the acidity is high, you need to add lime. In a shaded area, bird cherry reaches towards the sun and fruits form at the ends of the branches, which complicates harvesting. The plant is unpretentious to the soil; it can grow in sandy, clayey soil, but it is still recommended to plant it in loamy soil. It is best for the water to lie close to the surface. To ensure that cross-pollination occurs during growth, it is recommended to plant other varieties of bird cherry next to it, which bloom at the same time. In this case, you need to leave a distance of at least 5 meters between them, because... Bird cherry grows quickly and its branches can reach great lengths.

Bird cherry planting technique

Bird cherry will easily take root in a new place, but it still needs preparation for planting. In this case, it is not necessary to prepare a special soil mixture; it is enough to dig a hole for planting with dimensions that will allow the seedling and its roots to easily fit. Next, you need to put dry leaves, humus and peat soil, as well as minerals into the hole. It is not recommended to add a lot of organic fertilizers to the hole when planting, because... due to their excess, the condition of the cortex will worsen. Before planting, it is important to pay attention to the roots of the planting material and shorten any long or diseased ones. In this case, the seedlings should have 2-3 shoots left, about 50-70 cm long. If there are more shoots, they can be safely removed. Next, the roots of the planting material must be placed in the hole and the space filled with soil, after which the soil must be carefully compacted and watered. When the soil absorbs water, you can mulch it around the trunk. Peat or sawdust are suitable as mulch.

Bird cherry cultivation and care

Bird cherry is absolutely unpretentious and caring for it is minimal and very simple. A young plant needs frequent watering, after which it is important to loosen the soil around the table and clear the area of ​​weeds. If you mulched the soil when planting, this procedure will be required less often. As the tree matures, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning and shape the crown, feed it and protect it from insects and diseases. Watering a couple of times throughout the summer is enough. If the summer is dry and hot, it is advisable to water more. In rainy weather, additional watering is not necessary.

Pruning bird cherry

Each bird cherry tree needs to cut off diseased, dried and broken branches and shoots. After pruning, it is necessary to treat the wounds with garden varnish. Forming should be carried out for both trees and shrubs. To form a crown in the form of a bowl, it is necessary to cut off the shoots on the seedling, leaving only the main one, about 50-70 cm high. When young shoots grow on the trunk, you need to lay the first tier, leaving three well-developed branches at approximately the same distance. In this case, the skeletal branches should extend from the main shoot at an angle of 50-70º. Gently remove the remaining shoots onto the ring.

The second-order tier must be laid using the same technique, leaving 2-4 branches that will be half a meter away from the branches of the first tier. Over time, you need to lay several more tiers of 2-3 branches for each. When the formation of the bird cherry is completed, it is important to ensure that the branches do not thicken. You also need to control the height of the bird cherry so that it does not grow more than 3.5-4 meters. For this purpose, sanitary and thinning pruning is carried out: root shoots are removed and large branches are shortened.

Feeding bird cherry

Bird cherry is unpretentious and requires minimal care, but sometimes fertilizers won’t hurt it. Feeding the plant is not necessary, but it should be taken into account that it is they that will protect it from diseases and insects, and will also ensure abundant flowering and fruiting. Organic matter and minerals are suitable; they are added during the spring and autumn periods. In the spring, nitrate and urea should be used, and in the autumn, superphosphate and potassium salt. Fertilize at the roots so that they do not come into contact with foliage and young shoots. In this case, the concentration and volume of fertilizer are selected according to the age and size of the bird cherry. For effective action, it is recommended not to water the bird cherry during the first three days after feeding.

Bird cherry transplant

It is recommended to replant the plant in the spring, but it is advisable to prepare it for this in the fall. It is necessary to dig a hole of such size that the overgrown roots of the bird cherry tree can easily fit into it along with a lump of earth. In the fall, at 5 ºC or less, before the soil freezes, you need to dig the bird cherry around the trunk and water it so that the bird cherry goes into a dormant state with its roots in the frozen soil ball. It is impossible for a lump of earth to quickly thaw in the spring, so it is necessary to pour snow on the soil around the trunk, then burlap and sawdust. After it melts, you need to dig up the plant, and quickly, so that the earth does not thaw, tie the lump of earth with burlap. So that everything is not disturbed during transportation, it must be watered well and moved in a horizontal position to a new place. Planted in a hole with burlap on the roots. It will not interfere with the roots developing in a new place. Having finished transplanting, the bird cherry needs to be held vertically using wire braces: one end is attached to the trunk, and the other to the support. To prevent the wire from leaving wounds on the bark, it is recommended to place birch bark, rags or cardboard under it. In order for the root system to easily recover after transplantation, it needs to be protected from sunlight for some time. It is also effective to use root formers that only water the planted plant. When the bird cherry tree recovers and takes root, care is reduced to the usual, as when the plant was first planted. But it is advisable to prepare the bird cherry before the onset of cold weather so that its root system does not freeze. To do this, just mound the table high with soil and place it on top of humus soil or manure.

Every spring we have a wonderful opportunity to admire the snow-white cloud of bird cherry color and enjoy the bright, unique aroma. These remarkable features distinguish bird cherry from a number of other berry bushes, making it a source of inspiration for people of art. In addition, our ancestors were confident in the magical abilities of the plant and associated various beliefs and signs with it.

Is it possible to plant near the house?

Superstitious people firmly know that it is absolutely not worth planting bird cherry near your home. There is a very practical explanation for this prejudice. The fact is that during flowering the bush emits a very strong aroma, which causes severe migraines in sensitive people, and suffocation attacks in allergy sufferers. However, our ancestors believed that such a neighborhood could bring other troubles.

  • It was believed that in a house next to which a bird cherry tree grows there will never be real prosperity, and all household members will constantly experience various personal problems: unhappy love, constant need and illness, unfair treatment from superiors, and much more.
  • Sometimes a bush seed would fall on its own next to the wall of the home and take root there, giving life to a new plant. If such an uninvited neighbor was discovered, then they tried to get rid of him as quickly as possible, otherwise the spouses would face numerous conflicts, which could even lead to divorce.
  • If a bird cherry bush planted in the yard has grown so large that its roots are in the basement of the house, then all representatives of the stronger sex are under threat. It was believed that the restless tree would not calm down until it got rid of the entire male half of the family in one way or another. And divorce in this case will be the most gentle option. In addition, the father, brother or son may be at risk of a long business trip, imprisonment, serious illness or fatal accident.

Weather, crop prospects and other predictions

In addition to the negativity associated with planting bird cherry near the house, this tree can also serve to benefit people, turning into a real weather forecaster.

  • The most common meteorological sign says that if the first flowers appear on the bird cherry tree, then you should expect a sharp cold snap. This prediction is especially important for farmers and amateur gardeners who have already opened the next agricultural season at this time.
  • By the duration of flowering and the abundance of inflorescences, one can judge the coming summer. If the bush is completely covered with flowers so that the foliage is not visible at all, then cold and rain are coming until autumn. But early and long flowering promises a very warm season.
  • The future harvest was judged by the abundant and long-lasting flowering. The more spectacular the tree looked in the spring, the longer it retained its beauty, the better all the grain crops ripened.
  • For a long time, people have been guided by bird cherry when choosing the right time for planting potatoes and sowing wheat. It was believed that work could begin as soon as the plant was decorated with the first inflorescences.
  • Even for fishermen, the predictor tree served as a guide. Feeling the aroma of bird cherry, all lovers of river “hunting” rush to the banks of reservoirs. After all, it is at this time that the moment of biting comes for such favorite fish as bream, asp and pike.
  • There is another amazing sign associated with bird cherry. For a long time, ladies and girls were sure that it is best to pierce their ears precisely when the enchanting smell of bird cherry color is in the air.

Many people invariably associate bird cherry with the onset of spring, because it is its aroma that fills the fresh spring air, and the way bird cherry blossoms , brings up inspiring thoughts. This genus of plants is extremely unpretentious to the selected soil, its quality, organic composition, as well as watering and lighting. Thanks to this, caring for it is quite simple and understandable, and the result is invariably pleasant.

Planting bird cherry, in addition to the obvious advantages, allows you to refine and drain the soil in your garden or summer cottage, which is why many gardeners want to know how to grow bird cherry and care for it. This does not require special skills or a lot of time - you just need to follow the rules and recommendations presented below.

Bird cherry: description

The first mention of bird cherry dates back to the times of the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus. Bird cherry is known far beyond the borders of our state. For example, in Africa, Asia and Europe it is considered one of the most attractive plants, perfect for decorating areas.

All varieties of bird cherry belong to deciduous trees (less often shrubs) of the Rosaceae family. Bird cherry is a fruit ornamental crop. In our region, eleven varieties of bird cherry are most widespread.

Did you know? This tree got its name because after eating the berries, a blackish-purple coating remains in a person’s mouth.

The tree begins to actively bloom in April-May, blooming white fragrant clusters. Bird cherry inflorescences and fruits are small in size, but extremely nutritious and rich in sugar compounds and glycosides. Bird cherry is filled with beneficial properties and substances, which is why it is often used in medicine and cosmetology in one form or another.

Did you know? The World Classification of Plants classifies bird cherry into the genus Plum. And for its ability to withstand difficult climatic conditions and prolonged frosts, bird cherry received the name “Siberian plum”.

Where the bird cherry grows is important . This plant loves constant moisture. In the wild, you can find bird cherry in the temperate zone. It grows in dense forests, wetlands or on river banks. It is noteworthy that, under conditions of proper care and proper planting, bird cherry can be planted in any summer cottage and garden plot in our country.

Bird cherry is a bush or tree that can reach a height of 10-15 meters. The crown diameter of the common bird cherry can reach 5-7 meters. This plant is very unpretentious, which allows it to grow on any soil, regardless of its composition and acidity level. In some cases, bird cherry can also be found on sandy soil.

The tree has a massive, rapidly developing root system. It is thanks to these properties people often planted bird cherry trees to create natural drainage for the land near their homes. Moreover, bird cherry can improve the soil, and its falling leaves can reduce acidity and increase the productivity of the land.

Choosing a place to plant bird cherry

Without exaggeration, choosing a site for planting bird cherry can be considered one of the most important stages, which predetermines the result of the further growth of the tree. That is why you should carefully follow the recommendations based on the bird cherry’s preferences regarding lighting and soil quality.

How much does bird cherry need sunlight?

Due to the large size of the bird cherry, for proper growth and sufficient nutrition it must receive a large amount of sunlight.

Thus, it is advisable to plant a tree in well-lit areas.

Important!As a rule, young bird cherry trees are more resilient, which allows them to withstand temporary light darkening.

What soil does bird cherry like?

This plant is quite unpretentious and can withstand cultivation in poor quality soil, even despite the general acidity. However bird cherry takes root better and grows faster in loose, nutritious soil with a moderate level of moisture. To do this, it is worth treating the soil before planting, and after planting, ensure timely and regular watering.

Basics of planting bird cherry in the garden

The pickiness of bird cherry in the care and growing process tempts people in many ways, but the final result is determined precisely at the planting stage. Errors and inaccuracies can be detrimental to the seedling. In order to properly plant bird cherry in the spring , During the main stages of preparation and disembarkation, it is strongly recommended to follow simple but effective recommendations.

How to properly prepare a planting hole for a seedling

Preparation of the planting pit is carried out in several stages. Its dimensions must be at least 50 × 50 × 50 centimeters.

This is due to the rapid development of the tree’s root system, the soil around which must be fertilized and loosened, which is done during the preparation process. The dug hole is watered abundantly, after which it should be filled in layers in the following order: loose earth (5-7 cm), sawdust (3-5 cm), loose earth (15-20 cm). After each subsequent layer, it is advisable to add a little water into the hole, perhaps even with nutrient solutions and fertilizers.

Technology and scheme for planting bird cherry in the garden

The technology and scheme for planting bird cherry is quite simple and consists of observing only a few instructions.

First of all, you need to properly prepare the planting hole, preventing sand from getting into it, since bird cherry does not grow well in sandy soil. In addition, the planting site should be well lit during the day so that the young tree receives enough light. The distance between trees should be at least 2 meters in radius.

The planted cutting is immersed in a prepared hole to a depth of 20-30 cm and evenly covered with loose soil on all sides.

Every 10-15 cm of bulk soil can be sprinkled with sawdust and watered abundantly. After this, the hole should be carefully compacted.

It is necessary to continue filling the planting hole until the bird cherry cuttings are completely strengthened and a small hill is formed, which should then be filled and mulched with sawdust and peat.

Features of growing bird cherry, how to care for the plant

The process of growing bird cherry is quite simple and straightforward, and, just as important, it does not require much time.

To obtain the desired result and quickly grow a tree, you should take into account not only the characteristics of the region and the location of the land plot, but also recommendations regarding the comprehensive care of bird cherry.

How to water a plant

Watering should be done at the root of the tree, adding up to 20-30 liters of water to each plant twice a month.

In the driest weather, you can also additionally spray the tree leaves with clean water, thereby protecting them from drying out. Depending on the weather and temperature, it is possible to increase or decrease the volume of watering without changing its frequency.

Rules for feeding bird cherry

Bird cherry, planting and caring for which rarely causes problems, sometimes also requires feeding. Fertilizing the tree is not necessary, but nevertheless it is precisely this that allows you to prevent bird cherry diseases and extend its life, which is why most gardeners invariably resort to fertilizing.

It is noteworthy that Mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for bird cherry. They can be applied in spring and autumn, but seasonality should be taken into account. So, in the spring it is better to use saltpeter or urea, and in the fall superphosphate and potassium salt.

Fertilizing should be applied directly under the root, preventing fertilizer from getting on the leaves and young shoots. The concentration and volume of applied fertilizer should take into account the age and size of the tree, as well as the concentration of the substance. In this regard, you should unconditionally follow the recommendations on the fertilizer packaging.

Important!For effective feeding, you should avoid watering the bird cherry in the first 3-4 days after applying fertilizer.

Soil care

Caring for the soil on which bird cherry grows is obvious and applicable to other trees. So, first of all, you should monitor the weeds, removing them in a timely manner. The soil needs to be loosened 1-2 times a season, avoiding cracks and constantly keeping it moist.

Pruning bird cherry

Along with constant watering and timely feeding, bird cherry, whose care in the spring is kept to a minimum, sometimes requires pruning. Pruning bird cherry trees in spring and autumn is carried out after a thorough visual inspection of the tree for lesions, diseases and places where pests accumulate. Sick and damaged branches, as well as unnecessary growth, are certainly removed.

A separate option is formative pruning. There are two methods of formation: in the form of a multi-stemmed shrub and a tree on a high trunk. To create a bush, you need to cut off the first tier at a height of about 70-80 cm. After the first shoots appear, only the most developed ones are left. It is noteworthy that for a more attractive appearance it is advisable to leave the branches symmetrical to each other. In the same way, with an interval of six months to a year, the second and third tier are formed.

The formation of a tall trunk is carried out according to the same principle, but in this case the lower branches and shoots are removed. It is important to note that pruning bird cherry trees in autumn and spring should end with treating the log houses with garden pitch.

How to propagate bird cherry in the garden

To obtain an acceptable result and further independently grow this tree, you should know and understand how bird cherry reproduces.

Bird cherry propagation is possible in many ways: by seed or vegetatively (cuttings, layering, suckers, grafting). Each of them has proven itself positively and shown high efficiency.

Propagation by seeds is more actively used for bird cherry species. In this case, the seeds are extracted by carefully opening a ripe bird cherry fruit, after which they are mixed with dry sand and stored in a cold place. Prepared seeds are sown in autumn or early spring in moist, fertilized soil. Sowing depth is 1-3 cm, depending on the looseness of the soil.

It is worth noting that seeds for spring sowing must be pre-stratified.

Important!Seed stratification significantly increases their resistance to difficult climatic conditions and diseases, and also significantly increases the chance of germination. Stratification should not be neglected, since it is this that determines the success of the spring planting of bird cherry seeds.

Stratification should be carried out for 3-4 months in moist peat, moss, sand or a mixture thereof at temperatures from 0 to +5 ° C. The substrate should be kept moist throughout. Caring for seedlings is simple and consists of timely watering, removing weeds and thinning to a distance of 5-10 cm. During the stratification period, the plant manages to reach 40-50 cm in height, after which it can be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

For varietal bird cherry, budding with an eye is often used (carried out in the second half of July) and improved copulation (during the spring), using seedlings of common bird cherry as a rootstock.

Did you know?Connoisseurs and experienced gardeners use fallen bird cherry leaves to fertilize the soil in their own area. Embedded and rotted leaves in the soil help reduce acidity and increase yield.

Bird cherry should be planted when the weather allows planting - as soon as a stable temperature (over 10 ° C) and a constant level of humidity are established. In the spring, it is considered most appropriate to plant bird cherry in May. In this case, it is important that the prepared planting pit has sufficient dimensions to accommodate the root system of the tree without its kinks and bends. To improve growth, before planting the bird cherry, mineral and organic fertilizers can be added to the soil of the pit, but no more than 20-30 g of each.