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Do you think that your loved ones know you well? Check if this is so, and at the same time amuse your guests. Make up questions (or come up with them right during the holiday) regarding your appearance, character, preferences. Tasks can be elementary. Ask about your favorite subject at school, the shade you prefer to wear. There is a chance that some of the participants will be able to puzzle even the question of what color your eyes are. Give the winner of the quiz a symbolic prize.

Fanta is another popular game in companies. Designate a leader who will collect "tribute" from other players - rings, bracelets, watches, cufflinks or any other small items that belong to them. Treasures put in a hat. Also choose a volunteer to hand out assignments. The host must take one thing out of the hat so that the delegated volunteer does not see them, and ask what the owner of this phantom should do, and the participants in the game should complete the tasks that have fallen to them. Try to keep all the guests in mind and don't make grandma climb on top of the closet to crow from there.

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When planning to invite, we always want the event program to be at least a little different from the traditional gatherings at the table with the use of salads and alcohol, smoke breaks on the balcony and sluggish conversations. To surprise guests, you need to come up with something more original.

An excellent option for a fun pastime will be contests, games and other unusual entertainment. Even if you are not an experienced entertainer, the evening is always exciting and memorable. You can entertain guests with sports competitions - for example, playing sweets. To do this, you need to divide all the guests into two, each team lines up in a row. The last player of each team receives a chocolate bar, bites off a piece of it and passes it on. The team that eats the whole chocolate bar faster is considered the winner. You can also arrange a game of "warm-cold" - hide any object in the room, and all guests must go in search of it. At the same time, you can give various encrypted settings and tips that will help you be smart and find the hidden object faster.

You can also entertain guests with intellectual games - for example, play burim or association. Another popular game is "acquaintance". Its charm lies in the fact that such a game should be played by well-known people for a long time. Everyone must write a little-known fact from their own biography on a piece of paper, after which the pieces of paper are mixed and put into a saucepan or hat. Then he takes them out in turn and reads them aloud, and everyone present guesses the author. In addition, you can play "mafia" or good "spoiled". These exciting games often help to cheer up and have fun with friends.

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The company can be assembled for any reason. Whether it's a festive feast, a corporate reception or just a tea party. In order for the company not to be bored, you need to try to cheer up the guests.


If you are planning some significant event, for example, then the entertainment program needs to be thought out in advance. It must be compiled taking into account the age characteristics of the guests, their tastes and preferences. Any game should be appropriate. The closer the people who are present at the holiday to each other, the better they know everyone, the more relaxed the games can be held and the more positive emotions will arise.

Before the start of the holiday, you can distribute small tasks for amateur art to each guest. Moreover, they are female. For example, about the suffering of the young. And vice versa. For example, dance hopak. Remember that all games are best played when the guests have refreshed themselves and drank a couple of shots of strong drinks. Then all the numbers will go with a bang. Prepare mementos for all participants. The evening can end with fireworks at the hero of the occasion. This bright point will not only charge your guests with positive emotions, but will also be remembered for a long time.

But guests can't entertain each other all the time. Prepare them a surprise in the form of a guest superstar. It can be you yourself, but you can invite real performers, albeit not well-known, but professionals in their field. A wedding or an anniversary is now rarely complete without professional numbers.

If you know that they will come to you for tea, then there are several ways to entertain guests. First, invite them to watch a new movie. Choose the newest one, so that none of those who come see it. The second option is to just sit and tell jokes, but this option is for those companies where everyone has the same sense of humor. Look online for a couple of fresh jokes that your guests will love. The third option is the game. Buy some strategy game, master its basics in advance, and only then offer it to guests. Time flies by while playing a board game.

Anniversary- special in the life of each person. If you can still forget about your birthday, not celebrate it, or sit modestly with your family, then the traditions of the anniversary require a holiday on a grand scale. As a rule, on a round date, the hero of the day spares no expense: he invites friends and relatives, prepares a rich table, or orders a restaurant. However, delicious food and plenty of booze is not the whole secret of a good holiday. Guests need to be entertained, to maintain a feasting atmosphere. You can entrust this care to professionals, or you can try to become a toastmaster yourself.


If you are going to entertain guests yourself, write the program of the evening in advance. Appoint a host, someone from among relatives or friends, a DJ (someone who will turn on the music and turn it down). Plan contests, games, and toasts so that guests have time to eat and have fun. Consider the average age of the invitees and their abilities.

The main one at the holiday is the hero of the day, therefore, even entertaining guests, one should not forget about the hero of the occasion. To begin, offer to take turns naming the qualities of the birthday man, and each of them should begin with the same letter. For example, if the hero of the day is Mikhail, let the guests remember all the positive qualities in M: courageous, muscular, macho, worldly, youthful ... If the feast is large and there are many guests, rent a microphone for the holiday without a wire so that the neighbors on the table pass it to each other during games.

Competitions with small gifts always go with a bang on anniversaries. Buy fun prizes in advance: these can be clothespins, a toilet roll, a comb, lids for twisting cans and other things useful in the household. Let's give these prizes for the best anecdote told by the guests, the most beautiful toast or a particularly sincere performance of a drinking song. And let the hero of the day himself be the judge: it is up to him to decide who distinguished himself in the most.

If space in the room or hall allows, periodically raise the guests and the hero of the day from the table and let them warm up. The easiest way to dance is newspaper. Take a few (according to the number of participating couples). You need to dance to incendiary music without leaving the newspaper. Every two verses of the song, stop the music and add two. The winner will be the couple that will last on a tiny piece of paper the longest (usually at the end of the competition they pick up the ladies in their arms and so on to the applause of the public).

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Helpful advice

If both the elderly and the young have gathered at the anniversary, combine different entertainments. For example, let the old people sing some old soulful song in honor of the hero of the day. And then let the young people turn on the tape recorder and dance to a modern tune.

Day birth should always be a fun and joyful holiday, especially when it comes to children's day birth, where there are always guests - both adults and peers of the child. Parents or organizers of the holiday often face the question of how to entertain guests who came for the day birth and how to leave them with the most pleasant impressions of your celebration. For the day birth remembered by both children and their friends for a long time, children should take an active part in planning entertainment and competitions.


Focus on the choice of games primarily on the opinion of the child - since he is a birthday boy, he has every right to choose games on his own. Ask your child what games he would like to see on his holiday, and think about whether they would be appropriate and interesting. You can also suggest your own games and choose the best ones together.

Make sure in advance that you have enough props for each game, and you also need to know the rules of each game.

Do not forget that at children's parties, each guest should have maximum fun and leave in a good mood - so there should be no winners or losers in your games. All guests receive incentive prizes for participating in games and contests - toys, sweets, and more.

A joint game of catching a ball can be exciting. For such a game, guests must stand in a circle and count. The last player in the count stands in the center of the circle and takes the ball. Children must memorize their numbers.

The player throws the ball by calling out a number, and the child with that number must catch the ball and throw it to the next number. If the ball is missed, the player who is not his must stand in the center of the circle.

Also, the ball can be thrown at a target marked on paper, and all guests can be given points for hitting.

There are many interesting and fun games that will entertain the child and his friends - some of them are perfect for your holiday.

Men's holidays are fundamentally different from women's, and not only the amount of alcohol consumed. Therefore, if a girl wants to arrange an unforgettable experience for her dear person day birth, she needs to take into account all his wishes. A holiday to your taste is good, but do not forget that a man would rather prefer that this day he was surrounded not by your favorite music, food and friends, but by what he chooses.


Find out from the birthday man himself what he wants from the holiday. If the celebration is being prepared as a surprise, just ask leading questions the day before. Remember the unusual days of his friends - “But Viktor last year called everyone to nature - and follow his reaction. didn't do anything, so don't be fooled by dull excuses "yes, I don't need anything", "yes, who cares". Most likely in day holiday, he will change his mind about the party and appreciate your efforts.

Lots of things to do in the day birth depends on the character, habits and hobbies men. If he is a fan of an active lifestyle, you should not gather his athlete friends around the traditional table with gatherings in front of the TV. It is better to book a house in a camping site, organize a bathhouse with barbecue, if the weather permits. In winter, you can invite everyone to go skiing or "donuts" - get out into nature with tents or by car, taking a barbecue with you. The original active day birth- on the river and congratulations directly from the boats.

Most likely at men there is some kind of cherished dream that he would not mind turning into his own. Ask his close friends. Perhaps he secretly dreams of skydiving - then buy him a certificate for the jump and invite guests to the parachute club to watch the birthday boy in flight. Or maybe the hero of the occasion would not mind going to a nightclub with a striptease, well, organize this fun for him too, if your relationship allows it. If in doubt about a dream, proceed from his hobbies. Is the man an avid gamer? Arrange in advance with his friends on the network, rent an Internet cafe or arrange a server game at home, let everyone come to visit with a laptop. Let in your day birth he will get a real, not a virtual session of online play.

A traditional holiday at home at a laid table is suitable for those who appreciate home comfort. However, remember that not all men able to appreciate your efforts to decorate the room with flowers and balloons. Better buy posters with "", fortunately, there are a great many of them now for sale and for all occasions. Of course, the most favorite dishes of the birthday man should take part in the feast. You can bake or order a "male" cake - in the form of a female breast in a cream bra, it will surely amuse both, and all guests. Think about entertainment in advance: if there is someone who plays the guitar, ask him to come with an instrument. If dancing is expected, burn a disc or make a playlist of the music that the hero of the occasion likes.

Original Men's Day birth- -quest. In childhood, all the boys played Cossack robbers, most likely, your man will appreciate a slightly modified game. If you want a scale, get out to a wide area, for example, to a dacha, prepare in advance on the site "secrets" with instructions on what task the birthday man and his friends should complete. These can be riddles, exercises for physical strength (for example, pull up on a horizontal bar) or a request to sing a song, a ditty, recite a poem that you learned in kindergarten. The final prize can be a gift, a big cake or a certificate for a smart and talented birthday person, for example, extreme driving or diving courses.

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If you are going to arrange a large-scale holiday, do not hesitate to involve the man’s mother, his sister, or best friend with his wife in organizational matters. The more ideas - the more fun the process!

Helpful advice

If there is little time before the holiday, and nothing original comes to mind, follow the proven path. Rent a few bowling alleys or a small karaoke bar for the evening. Or you can just come to a beer restaurant and arrange a beer celebration for a man, he will surely appreciate such a gesture.


  • "Birthday: how to spend"

A line from the famous song is widely known: “And I play the harmonica. In front of passers-by. Unfortunately day erysipelas day me only once a year.” And everyone, without exception, wants to spend this day so fun and memorable to last until next year. So that, regardless of the venue of the celebration - at home, in a restaurant, outdoors, at work - it does not turn into a boring destruction of the proposed dishes and the consumption of alcoholic beverages.


To your day was not boring, you need to prepare in advance. To do this, plan all your day. First, solve the problem and drinks. Organize, for example, instead of a traditional banquet table, a buffet table, which will be a very interesting solution.

As for the entertainment part of the program, there are several options. As you can prepare fun and all kinds of attractions. Just do not force anyone to participate in them, organize everything so that they themselves want to participate, forgetting about all their problems and worries. Or make your day birth- a themed holiday, asking all guests in advance to come in carnival costumes.

Also, one of the entertainments can be, for example, a bowling club or a trip out of town to play paintball. Such games are always a sea of ​​positive impressions. And they are suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age. you can visit any bar, club or disco where you can break away to the rhythms of modern music.

And in the end, arrange something grandiose, for example, multi-colored. This will be the perfect ending to your evening. After all, the last impression is the strongest, so all guests will remember it for its unusualness and brightness.


  • birthday entertainment

Anniversaries are very important events in the life of every person. It means that part of the path has already been traveled, wisdom and experience have been accumulated. At the same time, this is the beginning of a new life span filled with achievements and discoveries. Anniversaries are always celebrated with more pomp than ordinary birthdays.


Then distribute crackers, confetti, and lights to everyone. Call the hero of the day to find out when he will come. Five minutes before your arrival, gather at the entrance and turn off the lights. When the birthday person opens the door and enters, turn on the light and start congratulating the person who entered. The more noise you create, the better the hero of the day will remember your meeting.

When the hero of the day enters, bow low and offer him "bread and salt." Also, traditionally, the birthday boy should drink a glass of strong drink at the entrance.

More hero of the day you can meet a song dedicated to him, which is better to compose yourself. Take a popular tune and come up with the right words for the occasion. Ask all guests to learn the lyrics of the song or just memorize the chorus. When the hero of the day enters, turn on the music and perform the work in chorus.

To meet hero of the day was successful, do not forget about. It is not so important what the words in the song will be and whether the congratulation is well thought out. The bottom line is that all congratulations are pronounced from the heart, and for this, be sure to put a piece of your soul into them.

Anniversary husband always involves the hassle of preparation. The holiday can be celebrated with family or in a big way in a restaurant. The main thing is that this day will be remembered by your spouse forever.


Start preparing for the holidays early. If you decide to invite many guests, take care of the room where the event will take place. Select the appropriate establishment and discuss the menu, pay the rent. You should think about the host and the music. You can choose a toastmaster according to advertisements or advice from friends, as a rule, the musical accompaniment of the evening can also be discussed with the presenter.

Purchase invitations for guests, you can buy them or make them yourself. It is good for all those invited to purchase small souvenirs.

Buy special diplomas, medals and telegrams with congratulations to your husband. Come up with the text yourself or use the Internet. There you can find wishes even in poetic form.

Contact a decorating and event company. As a rule, they decorate the room in a certain style, hold promotions and make. For example, when ordering decoration of the hall with balloons, you can get a bonus in the form of a birthday cake, etc.

If you have little money, but you want to make the evening memorable, you can spend it in a narrow family circle. Invite close friends to your home or just book a table in a restaurant. Congratulations at dinner husband, tell him warm wishes and give him a memorable gift. Perhaps you want to spend this day together, then it is appropriate to cook dinner and serve it by candlelight in a romantic setting.

You can rent a room in advance or go impromptu to a forest plantation, a recreation center. Invite everyone you see fit and organize a joint trip. Congratulate husband collectively or individually. In general, the ideas for holding a holiday depend entirely on your imagination and material resources. The main thing is that this day will be remembered by your husband and you.

As a rule, any party is subject to a gastronomic schedule, i.e. at first, all the guests languidly gather, give gifts depending on the occasion, sit down at the table and the period of eating all the dishes offered by the hosts begins. After that, dessert is implied and possibly dancing, here whoever wishes. But in fact, this is not what everyone expected. The purpose of any party is fun, communication, manifestation of one's abilities and even new acquaintances.

You will need

  • Fantasy, creativity and a little free time


It is very important to create the right atmosphere even before the start of the holiday, because many, when they come to visit, feel constrained. Moreover, there are guests who consider it their duty to come in advance, when the hostess is still running around in curlers. What to do with such guests while waiting for the arrival of all the other invitees? In no case should you give family photo albums as entertainment, of course, if the guest himself has not expressed a desire. You can, for example, offer guests who have already arrived a small aperitif, which will also serve as an excellent way to get to know people, suggest some topic for conversation, start a conversation.

When in full swing, almost everything has already been eaten and drunk from the table, you can stir up guests interesting games. Do not think that games are best suited for children's parties, but for older people, the top entertainment is karaoke with dancing to the music of the eighties. Not at all, it is only important to choose entertainment depending on the age and mood of the gathered company.

By the way, that “for warming up” it is better to immediately give preference to outdoor games, after them - to choose intellectual and logical ones, and only then you can offer something unusual or frank.
"To warm up" guests games such as "Funny Questions" are most suitable, when guests take turns pulling leaves with comic questions and answers to them, or "Charades".

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You are going to celebrate a certain date, draw a certain line. To do this, you are invited to anniversary friends and relatives, order a cafe, think over the menu and write a script.


Usually everything goes on as usual: first, solemn congratulations, warm words to the hero of the day, laudatory toasts, presentation of gifts and wishes for further success. Then comes the feast, with songs and dances, and the hero of the day is often forgotten. For a decent end to the program, try these tips.

Make sure that guests do not get too addicted to alcohol. After all, then a wonderful date can turn into just a booze, at which they completely forget the reason for which they gathered.

Let the toastmaster, who is engaged in holding the evening, reminds of the hero of the day as often as possible, reveals not only his professional qualities, but also his spiritual ones. He will acquaint all guests with the hero of the occasion, and introduce the employees and the birthday man.

Usually, before the end of the anniversary, a large cake with candles is brought in. Gather all the guests in a circle, let everyone say one warm word-wish to the hero of the day. And he, in turn, blowing out all the candles, will cut the cake and give everyone a piece with gratitude for the evening spent together.

It is very good when, at the end of the evening, the guests sing their favorite birthday song, for this you can even distribute prepared words in advance.

Before leaving, once again take a group photo, with a promise to hand over photos to all guests.

And you can end the evening with fireworks. When all the guests gather at the exit, arrange a real salute in honor of the hero of the day.

Anniversaries are a big holiday. It doesn't happen that often. Colleagues are secretly preparing a surprise, the children are pestering with questions about what to give, the spouse (wife) also planned to create some kind of unusual gift for this significant event.


You just can’t figure out how to celebrate so that you and your invited guests remember it forever (or for a long time)? First of all, recharge yourself with positive and good mood, because it will be transmitted to others. And then - it depends on your imagination and preferences.

Do what you have dreamed about all your life but never did. You are already fifty years old, and you have never flown in a hot air balloon? This is quite fixable. A flight in a hot air balloon on your anniversary is truly a real holiday, unforgettable memories of which are guaranteed for you and your friends.

Invite a cartoonist if you want to have a fun holiday. The caricaturist will always be able to cheer up, and also leave a magnificent memorable caricature for each of those present.

Book a restaurant for a banquet. In order not to bother yourself with a long-term search for the right place for the event (in one place the music is not suitable, in the other - the menu), hire a restaurant selection consultant. Tell the consultant who helps you choose a place to celebrate your anniversary about your tastes and wishes, and he will select several of the most suitable options for you in a short time.

Organize a show program if there will be many guests at your holiday. Hire a dance duo, an illusionist or a gypsy camp - it's all up to you. The most unforgettable shows are those in which the guests are directly involved or, even better, they prepare it themselves. Then people will be truly satisfied with the holiday, and you will be pleased.

Hire a body art artist who will depict on the shoulders (however, as well as on any part of the body) the guests and the hero of the day himself, whatever they wish. Unforgettable impressions are guaranteed. Order a photographer so that later you have something to remember by looking at pictures of the best thing in the world - your anniversary.

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When inviting guests to your home, you need to think about how to entertain and amuse them. If the company is well known and you feel comfortable in it, then there is usually no problem. But what to do if people do not know each other or from different walks of life, if you want to diversify your pastime? In a word - how to cheer up guests?


Invite the toastmaster, a specially trained person will always find the right scenario, according to which he can organize any evening. Describe the potential contingent to him. Tell who has what interests, what is unacceptable, and what kind of entertainment you might like. Explain your preferences. Based on all of the above, the evening will be all sorts of events, and you will not have to puzzle over what to do guests.

Give your evening a themed content. Choose costumes and a topic for conversation. You will have something to talk about, since the “material” for the conversation will already be assigned. Even if something goes wrong, you can just discuss your failed venture and thus have a good time.

Come up with a game or set of games. Who said that only children play? For example, the game "Crocodile" always and in any company goes with a bang. Can anyone resist when one of you tries to portray something funny and ridiculous? Come up with some fun activities. The more varied and complex they are, the more fun the evening will be.

Organize a song contest. Often, after a certain degree, a Russian person wants to sing something. Select karaoke discs in advance according to your tastes. guests. One part of this fun can be talking to your neighbors who don't have much respect for your repertoire. Invite them to your table and offer to sing along with you.

Find a hot topic for discussion in your company. Browse the latest news on the Internet, believe me, after that you will find something to discuss.

Arrange a dance competition. What party is complete without them? Choose music in advance, preferably a non-standard interesting melody familiar to everyone, for example, lambada, boogie-woogie, “dance of little ducklings”, etc. This situation should add fun to your pastime.

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How quickly time flies! It seems that only recently family happiness has arisen, and now the children are adults. Or a firm that you struggled to open has become an industry leader today. So many great things happened during these years! And whether it's a wedding, a company's round date, or your own anniversary, the celebration should be celebrated beautifully. After all, such events happen extremely rarely, so for their successful organization, you need to invest a lot of effort.


Be sure to allocate responsibility for each part of the festive celebration. Separate people should be responsible for meeting guests, showing slides, light, sound, conducting a holiday. And do not even try to combine all these functions in one person. Nothing good will come of it anyway, and the celebration will be blurred.

Prepare invitations. There are a huge number of options. It could be an invitation-poster. This type is suitable for companies when all employees of the company are invited to the celebration. A stylized invitation is not on a simple form, but, for example, on a sheet folded in the manner of a scroll. There should be "wax" seals cut out of colored paper. You can arrange an invitation in the form of a mask, a picture or a flower in the Japanese style (the letters in this case are stylized as hieroglyphs). And you can send a video cassette with a recorded invitation by mail. This view is more suitable for those guests who live far away. It is possible to tie an invitation to a balloon inflated with helium and present it to guests in this form.

To decorate the room where it is planned to be held, attract professional designers, and the hall will really turn out to be unique and elegant. On your own, make several stands with various photo reports.

Write a script for the anniversary evenings. The very concept of anniversary is associated with a round date, as well as an anniversary ending with the number five. They differ not only in the age of the hero of the occasion, but also in the composition and contingent of invited guests, and the richness of the festive program. Therefore, anniversaries are large, medium and small. If you have planned a middle anniversary, then you need to remember that it does not include the official part. It includes: a festive feast, entertainment and dance programs. And a small anniversary consists of only one part - a festive feast.

If you're planning a big anniversary, think about the official part. Congratulate the hero of the day in a special way, for example, sing together a song that was specially written in honor of the hero of the occasion. Also, you can not do without congratulations written in poetic form. You can write them yourself, or you can use a variety of collections of congratulations.

Prepare in advance and give the hero of the day a playful diploma. It is known that they are still issued upon completion of studies in any educational institution, and going through the school of life is not a field to pass. An elegant diploma, on which figures of the appropriate age should show off, may include a characteristic of the personal qualities of the hero of the day, an assessment of his work activity, and gratitude. The hero of the occasion will be happy if his merits are documented.

Many companies like to spend time playing crocodile. Choose a leader who, with the help of gestures, will show the word or phrase he has conceived. The rest of the game participants need to guess what was encrypted behind the waving of hands and funny antics. The person who gives the correct answer becomes the leader. Such a game is able to amuse both young people and the older generation.

Put on an impromptu performance. As a scenario, it is best to use a well-known children's book. Distribute the roles between the guests, and use for this not only "live" characters, but also objects and phenomena. Start reading the tale, and the actors, having heard the name of their hero, let them go on stage and portray the specified action. The princess can walk along the edge, the butterfly can flutter, the river can run, and the wind can blow. Choose a funny role for everyone.

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When choosing a scenario, you need to build on the age criteria of the hero of the day and guests. If adult guests are heavy on their feet, they like to sit at a delicious table more, then energetic children, on the contrary, are eager to show their skills in battle, jump and run.

Scenes for the holiday

In an adult company, jokes about the family are appropriate. Funny contests about the relationship between a man and a woman, about forgetfulness and resourcefulness are relevant. For example, a man kicks a ball with a stick tied to his belt into the goal from widely spaced female legs. Or a spicy competition for the contents of the pocket. Wishing participants turn out their stocks, and the one whose finds caused a storm of emotions among the guests wins.

Dance competitions will be interesting. For example: who moves better, who will quickly portray the appropriate dance on the theme of the melody, which couple will last longer. You can add different conditions to these nominations - keep the ball, do not leave the circle, hold hands and others.

For any age, scenes with dressing up as famous actors are appropriate. You can sing congratulations to the soundtrack of popular performers, copying all the nuances of outfits and behavior. In a comic form, you can show an excerpt from a famous film, focusing on the voices and mannerisms of the actors, and make a congratulatory speech. There are many who want to feel like a real star for a few minutes.

It is better to pay attention to competitions for a student, which will immediately cover all those present. Comic competitions and relay races are well suited, children will show dexterity, energy and accuracy of actions. It will be exciting to carry water in a glass on an outstretched arm, run with a ball sandwiched between your legs, throw rings or balls at a target, jump over painted stones.

It is good to replace active entertainment with games at the table. Classes for logical thinking and testing of basic school knowledge are suitable. You can invite children to draw a guest sitting next to them, play cities, and guess comic riddles.

The young hero of the day will appreciate the competition when the inverted cards with animals lie. The player, without peeping, puts a picture to his forehead and everyone starts to describe what this beast can do. Soon the child determines who friends are talking about. Unusual and rarely seen animals cause great excitement in children.

Best congratulations

Between competitions in the script, be sure to leave room for congratulations to the hero of the day. In order of priority, each guest tells what qualities he values ​​\u200b\u200bfrom the birthday man, what he wants to wish in his future fate.

It is appropriate to recall comic incidents from the life of a birthday man and wish that bright moments are more common on his way. Toasts on the topic of work or hobbies of the hero of the day sound beautiful. Congratulations should cover all moments of his life, and not be stereotyped phrases. Remember what good children and grandchildren the birthday boy raised, or wish it for the future.

You can praise and honor the hero of the day for a long time, but do not overdo it. All words should be pleasant and spoken from the heart.

The host, in turn, offers each of the guests to guess the old movie. But he pronounces it as it would be called in modern times. Whoever guesses gets a small prize. Examples: "Dubarko" - "Morozko"; Jokes of fate or Go to the bath" - "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"; "Shura-Mura at work" - "Office romance"; “Moscow does not like whiners” - “Moscow does not believe in tears” and so on.

What's in your name

The host announces that the bag contains prizes for the contestants. The name of each prize begins with the letter contained in the name of the hero of the day. If the participant guesses which prize corresponds to the next letter, then he receives it. The winner is the one who scored more prizes during the competition.

Believe it or not

The host should find out some of the most interesting and unusual facts from the life of the hero of the day. To each of the guests in turn, the host calls one fact, for example: Our hero of the day at the age of 30 could drink a liter of beer in one gulp or Our hero of the day at the age of 18 became the winner of a beauty contest and so on. And the guest must answer whether he believes in it or not. If the answer matches reality, the guest is awarded a prize.

Anniversary hedgehog

The participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives an apple or other piece of fruit with 60 toothpicks or skewers stuck in it. Participants take out one toothpick (skewer), while saying one compliment to the hero of the day. The team that completed the task faster and came up with the required number of compliments wins.

Dissolve - do not knit

Each participant receives the same knitted item (you can prepare them in advance: either buy small knitted socks, or knit the same small scarves yourself, picking up simple loops). At the “start” command, each participant must unravel the knitted item and wind the threads into a ball. The participant who completes the fastest will be the winner.

60 callings of the hero of the day

Everyone who wants to show their ingenuity and dexterity of thought participates. The guest must, as soon as possible - in a short time, name 60 vocations of our hero of the day, for example, a Muscovite, spouse, vegetarian, jeweler, animal lover, florist, sweet tooth, opponent of smoking, sleepyhead, cunning and so on. Vocations can be absolutely any, the main thing is that they characterize the birthday man. So, the host marks the time, and the guest lists the callings. The participant who will assign 60 titles to the hero of the day in the shortest time will become the winner in this competition.

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The host prepares riddles for guests in advance about the garden and everything connected with it. The host guesses, and the guests guess. Who guessed more, he won. Examples:
1. Three letters, and sometimes white, and green, and purple (onion);
2. In the poem, he is always eaten by Denis or Boris (radish);
3. If it is not peeled and boiled, it will turn out to be military (potatoes in their uniforms);
4. A person is present on the back in a diminutive form, but in the garden you can’t do without it (shovel), and so on.

Photo in 60 seconds

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare several (depending on the expected number of participating teams) photo of the birthday boy (printed from any medium), cut into several parts, for example, into 12-16. Guests are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives a stack of puzzles (parts of the photo of the birthday boy) and, on the “start” command, begins to put the puzzle together. The team that will be the first to complete the task and collect a photo of the birthday boy will win.

Chain for life

Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people and each team receives 60 paper clips. At the “start” command, the guests begin to assemble a long chain, connecting the paper clips together. The team that first collects a chain of all 60 paper clips will win and receive a prize.

It's great when during a festive evening there are a lot of delicious dishes and drinks on the table. But this is not enough for full fun. So that during the celebration of the round date all those who came together and had a great time, it is important to know how to entertain the guests on the anniversary.

Starting to plan leisure, the owners must imagine what age category of people will be present. For a young audience, more frisky contests are suitable. For a more adult - calm.

Prepare for the entertainment program should be in advance. It would be nice to buy small presents, souvenirs, which will be a great incentive to participate in leisure activities.

When 2-3 toasts have already been raised for the traitor, the guests have had a good bite, then you can start entertainment. Thinking about how to entertain guests at the anniversary, you can include a couple of well-known competitions in the program, but it would be nice to prepare new ones as well.

Dance on the newspaper

This entertainment has been known for a long time, but is still popular. Several pairs of men and women come out. Cheerful music sounds, and the contestants dance on a large newspaper spread out. Gradually, it is folded in half, then again in half, and so on until the pair can fit on a piece of paper. The most inventive men in the end can take their partners in their arms and dance in this way. After all, the main thing is not to get off the newspaper, then you can win. The couple that lasts the longest on paper is awarded a prize.

Seated dancing

4-5 people are called. They sit on chairs facing the audience. The host invites them to dance on chairs. Participants prescribe a pretzel for a minute, after which the “stop” command sounds, and the organizer says that they are tired. He explains that the dancers have tired legs and are now allowed to dance using any part of the body except the legs. After a couple of minutes, the next announcement sounds that the hands are tired (they are already dancing without them). Gradually, various parts of the body should be immobilized: the stomach, shoulders, head. Now the funniest thing will begin, when the contestants will “dance” only with parts of their faces. Funny faces will be obtained when the tongue, cheeks, lips, nose and even ears are used. You can complicate the task for the participants by saying that the mouth or tongue is tired. A wonderful mood is guaranteed for everyone. The main thing is not to forget about the prizes for the participants at the end.

But how to entertain guests at the anniversary, if the hero of the occasion is a man.

Attentive hero of the day

The hero of the day needs to be blindfolded and offered to find the hand of his wife among several female pens by touch. You can bet among several participants and men. Then the entertainment will be even funnier, and there will be no need to puzzle over how to entertain the guests. Competitions will cheer you up, introduce everyone present and create a pleasant atmosphere.

The game of "forfeits" will also come in handy. If there are children at the birthday party, then you can arrange a musical competition, where everyone in turn must sing a line from a famous song. Whoever thinks for more than 10 seconds is out.

This is how to entertain guests at the anniversary so that the guests do not get bored and then remember the wonderfully spent evening for a long time. Pleasant prizes and souvenirs will also be a great reminder of a fun holiday.