Is it necessary to boil whole milk? Should pasteurized milk be boiled? By the end of the year, the child should be using modified formulas

Should pasteurized milk be boiled?

    Typically, pasteurized milk has a shelf life of up to one week. I prefer to buy local milk with a shelf life of 3-5 days. You can increase this period if you boil pasteurized milk. After all, especially in summer, milk sours quickly, sometimes even the expiration date has not passed, but the milk is already sour. The fact is that during pasteurization, milk is heated to 76 degrees and held for 15-20 seconds; another method of pasteurization is instant heating to 85 degrees, but without holding.

    During pasteurization, microorganisms that do not form spores, pathogens of typhoid, dysentery, and cholera, are killed. as well as Escherichia coli and lactic acid bacteria. Spores that survive milk storage begin to multiply and develop after some time, which leads to souring.

    That is, it turns out that no need to boil milk, since pasteurization destroys dangerous microbes. But if If you want to increase the shelf life of milk, then boil it.

    Pasteurized milk does not need to be boiled, but children are encouraged to boil it. Pasteurized milk, unlike sterilized milk, cannot be stored for a long time, up to about 5 days. If you boil it, some of the nutrients in the milk will be destroyed. So it’s better to try not to boil it.

    During pasteurization, milk is processed at high temperatures. There are two options for such pasteurization - a temperature of 76 degrees with an exposure time of up to a minute - this is low-temperature pasteurization; and from 77 to one hundred degrees without exposure - this is high-temperature pasteurization.

    Pasteurization of milk is carried out to destroy microorganisms, including pathogens. And also some enzymes. For example,

    This temperature effect achieves both goals - the fight against microbes, including tuberculosis, and the breakdown of enzymes. Therefore, such milk does not require additional processing by boiling.

    Information about this is here.

    Young children need to boil pasteurized milk, as their gastrointestinal tract is not strong enough.

    Adults can drink pasteurized milk without fear (if the shelf life has not expired), since it is healthier than boiled milk.

    During pasteurization, almost the entire composition of vitamins and nutrients will remain in milk, which cannot be said about boiling.

    Pasteurized milk must be boiled before consumption, especially by children.

    It must be boiled in order to kill all microorganisms that were not killed during pasteurization.

    If you are confident that pasteurized milk is fresh and has been stored correctly, then you can take a chance and drink such milk without boiling it first.

    But boil it for children anyway.

    The pasteurization process is done to kill microbes in milk. Pasteurized milk is packaged in a sealed plastic or cardboard bag, which prevents the appearance of germs. It is recommended to consume it as soon as you open the package. Once opened, the milk should be consumed within an hour or so. If you want to preserve it for a longer time, then it is better to boil it. It will stay good for 5-6 hours if you store it in the refrigerator.

    But if in doubt, it is better to boil it, since we do not always know whether all milk storage conditions were followed exactly.

    There is no need to subject pasteurized milk to additional heat treatment after opening. During the production process, each batch of such milk undergoes mandatory laboratory tests.

    No need to boil: sterilized, pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk. Because these are all thermal processing methods.

    But which option to choose is the question.

    Sterilization - above 100 degrees for an hour. Everything is killed - both useful and harmful. It’s as if you boiled milk at home like this. There is no point in such milk.

    Pasteurization - at temperatures of about 75 degrees, they are kept for only 2-3 minutes. Milk retains its beneficial properties, but also retains some of the harmful ones, due to which they can turn sour.

    Ultra-pasteurization - heating to 137 degrees in 4 seconds. All harmful ones are killed, all useful ones are preserved. I drink this milk, especially since only UHT milk is now given to children.

    And it is best to buy milk in tetra packs - this guarantees that harmful microbes from the air do not penetrate into the milk. Then you don’t have to boil any milk. If you buy pasteurized milk in bags or bottles, it is better to boil it; this container does not guarantee that the milk is protected from the spread of microbes.

    The result is approximately this: if you want to drink milk, we drink any of the processed ones, or bought at the market and boiled at home. If we want to drink healthy milk, then we take ultra-pasteurized milk in a tetra pack and enjoy the taste without boiling.

    Of course not. We boil it in order to destroy microorganisms, including pathogens. During pasteurization they die anyway, so there is no point in this. Why butter? It’s another matter if the bag is left open, then the bacteria are there again and need to be boiled.

    It is necessary to distinguish pasteurized milk from sterilized milk. If sterilized it lasts for a long time, then pasteurized it is heated for a short time to high temperatures. Yes, the unfavorable microflora dies. But disputes may remain. It must be stored at certain temperatures. And, if you have doubts about the correct transportation and storage, then it is better to boil such milk.

    No, you don’t need to boil this milk if you are preparing yoghurts, for example, for yourself. If you are cooking for a child, it is advisable to boil it. Or is it better to use sterilized or ultra-pasteurized milk.

    For small children, it is advisable to boil any milk. Remember how there was a case in a dairy factory when factory workers bathed in milk. Therefore, whether it is pasteurized or not, milk needs to be boiled for cooking for small children.

    But for adults, it is not necessary to boil milk, because some people cannot drink boiled milk.

A unique food product. It has a balanced composition, which contains proteins and vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, and mineral elements. Its taste is familiar to everyone since childhood. Of the variety of products sold in stores, pasteurized milk is considered the healthiest. What is it, does it retain its composition after processing, can it cause harm to health? The answers to these questions are in this article.

What's happened pasteurized milk?

This is a heat-treated product. It increases shelf life. In the process of industrial pasteurization, milk is heated to 60 degrees for 1 hour or to 80 degrees for half an hour. Under the influence of this temperature, all pathogenic bacteria and microbes that are always present in whole milk are destroyed. During pasteurization, up to 90 or even 99% of microorganisms die (data on this issue vary). Using pumps, milk is cleaned of foreign impurities, then pumped into a separator, where the cream is separated. Then the product is cooled and placed in a special container, packaged and sent to the refrigerator.

The shelf life of the product ultimately increases to a week if stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Then the milk sours and curdled milk is formed. At room temperature the product can be stored for only a few hours.

What is the difference UHT milk?

Recently, on store shelves you can find not only pasteurized milk, but also ultra-pasteurized milk. It is produced using a similar technology, but heats up to a higher temperature of 135 degrees in just 2-3 seconds. The conducted studies confirm that such a short processing time is sufficient for high-quality purification of milk from harmful bacteria. Then it is immediately cooled to +4 degrees.

Ultra-pasteurization extends the shelf life of the product to 6 weeks or more, even when stored at room temperature. After opening the package, it remains fresh for 3-4 days, then it sours, like all other milk.

Video: What is hidden under the symbols on milk. Sterilized, pasteurized milk.

Useful properties and composition

Pasteurized milk is inferior in its characteristics to whole milk. Still, it can be called a useful product. Of all the modern methods of processing milk, pasteurization is considered the best, since it allows you to remove all foreign impurities and destroy harmful microbes and fungal spores. Therefore, such a product does not require additional boiling before use.

The calorie content of pasteurized milk is low. 100 grams of a product with 2.5% fat content contains 54 Kcal, and 3.5% fat content – ​​60 Kcal. By drinking 1 glass, a person receives:

    milk protein;

  • almost 50% of the daily value of calcium;
  • other minerals - copper, iodine, strontium;
  • vitamins D, group B.

A pasteurized product is perfect for people who cannot stand the taste of steamed food. It does not contain preservatives, is safe for health and is suitable for baby food. The temperature at which pasteurization is carried out allows the majority of vitamins and microelements to be preserved.

Pasteurized protein milk is considered especially useful - it is obtained by mixing whole and skim milk powder. It contains 1% fat and 4.3-4.5% protein.

There is also skim pasteurized milk, in which the fat content is only hundredths of a percent. This product is useful for people intolerant to animal fats.

Calcium in such a high volume will help strengthen bones, nails, and teeth. Like fresh milk, pasteurized milk improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines and has a positive effect on the heart. This product also helps overcome seasonal depression, get rid of stress and normalize sleep.

Another advantage of this product is that it can be consumed without prior heat treatment. This cannot be said about milk purchased on the market, which can harbor many pathogenic bacteria.

What is healthier - pasteurized or sterilized milk?

Sterilization occurs at a much higher temperature - up to 150 degrees. Thus, the raw materials are processed within half an hour.

There are 3 main differences between the two types of product:

  1. Pasteurized milk retains beneficial lactic acid bacteria, while sterilized milk does not contain any beneficial microflora.
  2. Pasteurized milk in a hermetically sealed box is stored for about a week (ultra-pasteurized - 2 months or more). Sterilized products do not lose their quality for a year after production, if the original packaging is not opened during this time.
  3. Sterilized milk has less nutritional value than pasteurized milk.

In terms of practicality, sterilized milk wins. It lasts much longer. In terms of composition, a pasteurized product is still healthier.

Comparison of pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization

After pasteurization, some bacteria still survive and are particularly heat resistant. Ultra-pasteurization destroys all harmful microorganisms, but beneficial substances remain: the treatment is carried out at a higher temperature, but only for 2-4 seconds. Under such conditions, milk sugar (lactose) is not destroyed, and the original properties of calcium and other mineral salts, vitamins, and enzymes are preserved.

Experts from the US Institute of Food Technology call ultra-pasteurization one of the highest achievements of the 20th century. The results of many studies show that such short-term treatment allows you to preserve much more valuable bacteria and vitamins. Many of these beneficial substances cannot withstand prolonged heat during the pasteurization process and are destroyed.

How to make milk stay fresh and healthy longer?

If there is a need to extend the shelf life of pasteurized milk, you can freeze it. In the freezer the product will retain its beneficial qualities. Only you should freeze it only once, and then you need to boil it. It is worth boiling pasteurized milk even if you are going to feed it to a small child.

You can pasteurize farm milk at home. This will help extend the shelf life, because such a product sours very quickly. You will need a large saucepan, sterilized bottles or jars with tight lids and a funnel. The procedure is as follows:

    Pour milk into a saucepan.



    Pour into jars.

    Close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

Pasteurized milk, prepared at home, can stand in the cold with the lid tightly closed for about a week. All this time it will remain fresh, all beneficial bacteria, vitamins, and microelements will be preserved in it.

Possible harm

Potential harm to the product mainly stems from the fact that chemicals may be added to extend shelf life.

As a result of pasteurization, up to 90% of the vegetative forms of bacteria that live in milk die. The problem is that only those microorganisms that are in an active state are destroyed. Their spores remain viable (although they cannot withstand ultra-pasteurization). After entering the human body, when more or less favorable conditions appear, they will begin to multiply quickly. Therefore, pasteurized milk should be stored correctly - at a cool temperature and no longer than the period indicated on the package. Otherwise, consuming the product may result in poisoning and other negative reactions of the body.

We can conclude that pasteurized milk is not completely neutralized. It would be more correct to call it a product with an extended shelf life. If storage conditions are met and the milk itself is of high quality, then it carries no more health risks than fresh milk.

Hidden threats to children

Pasteurized milk is optimal for baby food. It does not contain harmful preservatives that provoke allergic reactions, including diathesis.

There is also a warning for parents. It is recommended for children to prepare porridge with pasteurized milk only from the age of 6-7 years. After 1 year, the baby can drink it, but not earlier.

It is better to boil pasteurized milk for a child. During the heat treatment at the factory, some microorganisms covered with a resistant film are not destroyed. They are safe for adults, but children's bodies are more sensitive.

How to choose healthy milk in the store?

There are many types of pasteurized milk. Therefore, in the store you should first look at the production date and expiration date. If it has expired or will expire soon, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Plastic bags are not suitable for long-term storage of the product. They are also not strong enough. Plastic transfers foreign taste and odor to milk. Glass bottles do not have this disadvantage, but it is better to choose products in cardboard bags. They are great for long-term storage.

You should also study the composition. If it says whole milk, it is a natural product that has been heat-treated. Whole milk can be diluted with reconstituted milk - made from dry powder. It is not necessarily of poor quality, there are simply fewer useful substances in such a product.

There is an easy way to check the quality of milk. You need to drop a drop of it into a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, the milk is whole; if it spreads, it is diluted.

Good pasteurized milk does not have sediment, but this can only be checked at home after opening the package.

Antibiotics are often found in imported milk. If it does not sour for a long time, it means that these substances are in the product, as well as acidity stabilizers. It is clearly not worth buying it - it will not bring any health benefits.

1. When should you introduce cow's milk into your baby's diet? Is it possible to have goat? Sheep and so on?
It is better to introduce cow's milk as a drink at the age of 1 year. You can cook porridge on it, adding a minimum amount of it - from 6-7 months. It is allowed to introduce cow's milk from 9 months (as a compromise), but not earlier.

2. Why not earlier?
Cow's milk is food for calves, not babies. Therefore, it is adapted (unlike breast milk) specifically for these organisms. It differs in protein composition, fat content, microelement composition, etc., etc. That is, it unbalanced regarding the baby's needs, unadapted.
Cow's milk may injure the epithelium of the small intestine(by a number of mechanisms, one of them is food allergy) causing enterocolitis, even minor intestinal bleeding. These undetected bleeding, with prolonged intake of milk, will lead to severe iron deficiency anemia and a number of other problems.
In addition, since cow's milk low content and bioavailability of iron, consuming it in large quantities predisposes a child to iron deficiency (even without an allergy to cow's milk proteins). For example, if a 12-month-old baby consumes one liter of cow's milk or the equivalent amount in dairy products, this will provide two-thirds of his energy needs, leaving very little room for a varied, healthy diet.
These are only the biggest arguments; there are many others. (see source below)

3. Is it necessary to boil cow's milk? If it comes from your own cow, isn’t it better to give it straight while still warm?
Definitely necessary! Diseases in cattle have not been canceled. Tuberculosis, Lyme borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, a huge number of intestinal infections and much more threaten a child when taking unboiled, and especially fresh, milk. If you take risks yourself by consuming fresh milk, this is your risk and your responsibility for yourself, but think twice about exposing your baby to such a risk. Boil the milk.

4. In this case, maybe you need to boil store-bought milk too?
If it says “pasteurized” on the package, don’t. Pasteurization is a method of disinfecting milk in which it is heated to 60 degrees for several hours. This is similar to boiling, and almost does not change the taste of the milk.

5. Is whole cow's milk too fatty for a child? Should I skim off the cream before giving it to my baby?
No, not too much and not necessary.
Quote from the source below:

In many countries as part of a healthy diet
for adults, reduced milk content is recommended
fat It is, however, not recommended before the age of 1 year, and in
in some countries and up to 2–3 years. For example, in the United
Kingdom semi-skimmed milk is usually not recommended until 2-
summer age, and completely skim milk is not recommended
children under 5 years old (17). Do not rush to introduce milk from
reduced fat content is recommended not only
because this milk has low energy density, but
also because a significantly higher percentage
The energy contained in it comes from protein.
For example, skim milk contains 35% protein.
energy, and in whole milk - 20%, while in breast milk
only 5%. If a significant percentage of consumed
energy will come from milk with reduced
fat content, this will increase protein intake to such
levels that may be harmful. On the other hand, milk
reduced fat will not be harmful if given
it in small to moderate quantities and added to the diet
food extra fat.
Therefore, it seems prudent not to introduce milk with
reduced fat before age
approximately 2 years. The same general principles should be followed
when introduced into the diet of an infant and other types
milk such as goat, sheep, camel and mare's milk.
Corrections should be made for different dissolved loads.
substances and different contents of vitamins and minerals in
different types of milk, and in all cases it is extremely important
guarantee their microbiological safety.

6. What to do with fermented milk products?
Fermented milk products are much more convenient in terms of storage and transportation and much easier for the baby to digest, since they are already partially fermented with the help of special strains of bacteria that are safe for humans.
Kefir, cheese (meaning hard cheeses, not processed cheeses, not cheese spreads), yoghurts, etc. are widely used in baby food starting from 6-9 months, and are an excellent source of calcium, protein, phosphorus, and riboflafin. Taking these products has a beneficial effect on the normal intestinal flora, in addition, they somewhat accelerate the absorption of iron from food due to the low pH.

7. Is it possible to do without milk completely?
No. Breast milk, adapted milk formulas, fermented milk products, whole livestock milk are the main source of protein and energy for the child. In rare cases of complete intolerance to any milk, the child is given mixtures in which the protein (of the same milk) has undergone partial hydrolysis (splitting into small pieces) or complete hydrolysis (splitting into amino acids) to which an allergy no longer develops. These are extremely tasteless, bitter foods, but for the sake of the survival and full development of a child with such a disease, the doctor will recommend this type of nutrition.
In all other cases, the child must receive milk in some form. We need a “golden mean”. Too little is bad, not enough protein and energy, too much is bad, risk of unbalanced nutrition, micronutrient deficiency, obesity, etc.

The topic of natural products is very popular, with special attention paid to milk and its derivatives. We asked our expert, Olga Sokolova, junior researcher. The Central Laboratory of Microbiology of the Russian Agricultural Academy will tell you how to distinguish real milk from that stuffed with preservatives and antibiotics, whether it needs to be boiled and when to start giving it to children.

Is it true that milk “straight from the cow” cannot always be called an environmentally friendly product? When buying such milk, you want some guarantees. But, in my personal opinion, they don’t seem to exist...

Indeed, eco-products have become very popular lately. Separate store shelves are allocated for them, hung with banners and sold at exorbitant prices. From a technological point of view, eco-milk and dairy products are completely no different from ordinary ones.

Regarding the question - how to check? No way! Trust the manufacturer. And I repeat - antibiotics are not allowed in milk and dairy products. The “environmental friendliness” of products is entirely on the conscience of the manufacturer.

They say that fresh milk is the healthiest. But there is also an opinion that after just two hours bacteria begin to activate in it. How to preserve all the beneficial properties in fresh milk? Put it in a cold place? How can you find out that it was stored incorrectly if, say, you order milk online from a private farmer?

From the moment of milking, fresh milk contains the natural enzyme lysozyme, which prevents spoilage processes and inhibits the development of microflora. But, approximately 2 hours after milking, lysozyme is inactivated, and bacteria begin to rapidly multiply in the milk. Therefore, fresh milk is only really useful for the first 2 hours.

If you order milk online, or simply buy it from someone else, there are no guarantees. You just need to boil the milk immediately after purchasing it.

If we are already talking about boiling milk... There is an opinion that, in principle, it is better to drink milk boiled - right?

I think not. This opinion comes from our great-grandmothers. At that time, boiling was considered the only sure way to protect milk. It is better to drink milk either simply warmed or cold. Who likes it more?

When boiling, denaturation of proteins occurs, rupture of fat shells occurs (in milk, fat is in shells, as if in balls), vitamins disintegrate, and some amino acids are destroyed.

Is it true that milk contains a lot of radionuclides?

Milk does not contain radionuclides; moreover, milk has radioprotective properties. There is a specialized laboratory at the Research Institute of the Dairy Industry that deals with this issue. The laboratory's developments helped a lot after the Chernobyl disaster.

Is it true that milk is incompatible with other products and should be consumed separately? For example, is the combination of potatoes and milk, quite popular in the Russian culinary tradition, harmful?

It is more appropriate to ask a nutritionist this question. And it seems to me that the compatibility and incompatibility of products is individual for each person. From a biotechnology point of view, there is no incompatibility with potatoes.

It depends on what age the children are. I believe that children under 8 months should not be given raw milk (any kind - cow's, goat's, sterilized, pasteurized). You can only cook porridge with milk. And at kindergarten and school age I consider milk an essential element of the diet.

When can you start giving yoghurt to your child, and what is the reason for this?

In my opinion, yoghurts without fillers and sugar can be given to a child from 6.5-7 months. Subject to the introduction of complementary foods from 6 months. If complementary foods are introduced earlier, yoghurts can also be introduced earlier.

Should adults eliminate milk from their diet? Is it true that it is useful only for children, and the adult body simply does not absorb it? As a person ages, the number of enzymes that break down milk sugar decreases. This disease is called lactase deficiency. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose. Therefore, adults often cannot drink milk - they feel discomfort, nausea, etc.

But this does not mean that you need to give up dairy products altogether. The fact is that lactic acid microorganisms break down milk sugar. Therefore, fermented milk products, cottage cheese and cheeses can be eaten by people even with lactase deficiency.

There is a myth that allergies to cow's milk occur more often than to goat's milk. Is this true and why?

This, alas, is not a myth. This is due to the different protein composition of animal milk. It is cow's milk that causes allergies more often than the milk of goats, sheep, buffaloes and horses.

Nowadays, many mothers prefer to make fermented milk products on their own, at home. This is due to the fact that “store-bought” yogurts add a lot of dyes and preservatives and use powdered milk. Are there any pitfalls in using homemade yogurt makers?

The idea of ​​making yoghurts at home is great. This is good practice. But, nevertheless, almost half of the poisonings, especially in children, are associated with the improper use of yogurt makers.

There are only two common mistakes. The first is to ferment yoghurts at home from purchased fermented milk products. The second is to add additives to the fermented milk (sugar, vanillin, honey, jam, berries, cocoa, and so on).

Boiling is one of the most reliable ways to process milk. Thermal disinfection frees the product from harmful bacteria and makes it safe for consumption. Raw (not store-bought) milk must be boiled. Only in this form can it be given to children. The question remains controversial whether it is necessary to boil pasteurized milk for a child and whether it makes sense to deprive the product of useful elements by subjecting it to repeated processing. Let's try to figure it out.

Boiling pasteurized milk for a child - is it necessary?

During pasteurization, everything harmful is destroyed, but along with pathogenic bacteria, the product is deprived of useful elements.

Adults can drink an unboiled drink without fear; as for children, there is no need to rush. There are several compelling arguments in favor of reprocessing:

  • Pasteurized milk is packaged in airtight containers that prevent the penetration of harmful microorganisms, but it is recommended to consume the product immediately after opening. When buying a healthy drink, no one knows how well the heat treatment was carried out. If you plan to store it for a long time, it is better to boil it and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • The end result of pasteurization is unpredictable. Much depends on how and under what conditions the product was stored before processing. Violations are observed very often; if you are not sure about the quality and freshness, it is better not to take risks.
  • Not all animals are healthy; many suffer from infectious diseases. During pasteurization, pathogenic organisms are destroyed, but their spores remain alive. In a favorable environment, they begin to reproduce again.

Milk is a mixture of beneficial elements. It contains everything that is needed for the development and growth of babies: vitamins, microelements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The pasteurized product is safe as complementary food during breastfeeding, but it is better not to give it to children under 2 years of age.

If for some reason a mother is unable to breastfeed, the best nutrition option for up to 1 year is special adapted formulas. It is possible to supplement an infant's first complementary feeding with a pasteurized drink, but only after additional heat treatment and not earlier than 9–11 months. The new product is introduced gradually and must be boiled, since at this age the digestive system is very weak and vulnerable.

When processing at home, do not boil for a long time or at high temperatures. Cool the milk immediately and do not leave it in an open container. Heating several times is not recommended.

UHT milk in baby food

Ultra-pasteurized products do not need to be boiled. All necessary disinfection processes include modern processing technology. Bacteria and their spores are completely destroyed, the beneficial properties are preserved. The highest grade raw materials are subjected to ultra-pasteurization, so there is no doubt about its quality. When choosing UHT milk for your child, do not waste time on additional processing. You can heat it up, but it is not necessary to bring it to a boil. As for age restrictions, they only apply to children under 1 year old.