A sissy of apples with condensed milk. Recipes for making applesauce with condensed milk for the winter

Applesauce "Nezhenka" for the winter - recipe

The recipe for Sissy apple puree for the winter has become so global due to its similarity with high-quality baby food.

Recipe for apple puree "Nezhenka" with condensed milk

Depending on the final sweetness of apples, you can supplement them with condensed milk alone or with its combination with sugar. If you decide to use apples for baby foods, then introduce them into the diet with caution, as condensed milk can cause allergic reactions.


  • apples - 1.8 kg;
  • condensed milk - 340 g;
  • water - 210 ml.


Before you prepare applesauce "Sissy" for the winter, you should remove the core from the apples themselves, and then divide the fruits into quarters. Place the apple slices in a saucepan, add some water and let them simmer over medium heat until softened. Softened apples can be mashed with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, then add a can of condensed milk to the puree. The resulting mixture is returned to the stove and boiled for another 5-7 minutes, then poured into clean jars, covered and left for sterilization. Upon completion of sterilization, the jars of applesauce are rolled up.

Apple puree "Nezhenka" at home


  • apples - 4.8 kg;
  • sugar - 145 g;
  • condensed milk - 280 ml;
  • water - 160 ml.


After peeling the apples, divide them into pieces of more or less equal size and send them to a saucepan with a thick bottom to avoid burning. Then splash water and leave the apples on medium heat until softened. After about half an hour, puree the apples with a blender and add sweeteners. The role of the latter can be either sugar with condensed milk, or a mixture of them. After waiting for it to boil again, boil the applesauce for 5-7 minutes, and then put it in clean jars and send it for sterilization before rolling it up.

Applesauce "Nezhenka" for the winter for children

If you decide to make baby puree, it's best to use apples that are sweet enough to avoid adding extra sweeteners. In this case, the cooking technology becomes even simpler: place the apple pieces in the double boiler basket and boil until soft. When the apples soften, beat them with a blender in a puree and try it: if the puree is sour, you can add a little sugar. After cooking, applesauce is additionally boiled, the jars are sterilized, and then everything is laid out and rolled up for the winter.

Cooking applesauce with cream "Nezhenka"

This applesauce is well suited for use in the base of creams for cakes and other desserts. The fatter the cream you take, the more magnificent the applesauce will come out. It should be borne in mind that such a puree is not suitable for canning, but it is very simple and quick to prepare.

Place the apple slices in a microwave-safe dish, add some water and let the apples cook at maximum power until softened. When the apples are soft, refrigerate them, drizzle in a little cream, and then beat everything until smooth and fluffy. If necessary, the finished dessert can be further sweetened.

This applesauce is an ideal base for making other desserts, it can be used in pastry fillings, eaten with pancakes and toast, or mixed with gelatin and left to set in the refrigerator.

In certain regions, under favorable conditions, the harvest of apples is rich. Of these, you can cook pastries, various desserts, preserve for the winter, add to salads and freeze for compotes. And you can cook mashed potatoes with the euphonious name "Sissy", which will appeal to every member of the family.

The process of making applesauce takes place with the addition of a special, "secret" ingredient - condensed milk. Due to the homogeneous structure and special aftertaste, the puree can be stored for a long time and does not lose its aroma.

Puree from apples and condensed milk is not a discovery in cooking - earlier in Soviet times, a similar product was sold on store shelves in the public domain. Now it can be prepared from home products, using only high-quality ingredients. Applesauce can be used as a healthy snack.

Product Benefits

  • Applesauce with condensed milk is much more economical than purchased. The cost of a store product is equal to the price of two or three kilograms of apples, which is very expensive.
  • "Sissy" can be prepared for the future for the winter, rolled up in jars and stored in a dark and cool place away from children. At the same time, its quantity will be enough not only for the full feeding of the child, but also for other purposes.
  • Like any other jam, the recipe is easy to prepare - even a novice or inexperienced hostess can handle it.
  • Having prepared mashed potatoes at home, you can be sure of its quality.

Traditional puree recipe

For the “Sissy” recipe, only ripe fruits of sour or sweet and sour varieties are suitable. Apples with condensed milk must be ground as finely as possible so that the substance comes out light, tender and silky.

  • Apples - 5.2 kg;
  • Distilled water - 0.5 l;
  • Condensed milk - 1.5 cans;
  • Sand sugar - 1/2 cup.

Even slightly damaged fruits are suitable for cooking, they must be thoroughly washed under water, and then peeled off. With a sharp knife, remove the pulp from the seed boxes. Cut the apples into small pieces and pour into a container with a thick bottom for stewing. Pour in water and put on a slow fire for about 1-1.5 hours. The slices should become soft, steamed.

When ready, puree the apples with a blender or steel sieve. Return the puree to the pan, add condensed milk to it and mix. Add sugar and cook for another twenty minutes. Arrange the jam on pre-prepared jars and roll up.

Pear-apple puree with condensed milk

In addition to apples, you can cook other non-juicy fruits, combine flavors. This recipe involves mixing apples with pears.

Pears and apples wash, dry with napkins, remove the core. Cut the resulting pulp into small cubes and put in a thick-walled container. Stew fruit over low heat, then puree with a food processor. Add sugar, condensed milk to the newly put on fire puree. Stir, after twenty minutes, pour the jam into portioned jars and roll up.

"Sissy" without sugar

This recipe does not use granulated sugar, sweetness is achieved by choosing sweet varieties of apples and sweet condensed milk.

Wash fruits, dry and prepare for further heat treatment. During stewing, add the indicated amount of water for additional softness of the apples. Boil them over low heat for one hour, then grind them to a puree and return to the pan again. Pour in condensed milk, mix. Pour hot mashed potatoes in the form of jam into jars, cork and wrap until completely cooled.

You can cook "Sissy" not only on the stove in the traditional way, but also as mashed potatoes in a slow cooker. At the same time, time is saved significantly, and the process does not need to be constantly monitored.

  • Ripe apples - 4.5 kg;
  • Refined sugar - 250 g;
  • Condensed milk - 400 g;
  • Water (distilled) - 100 ml.

On apples, cut off all damage, remove the core and other unnecessary parts. Cut the pulp into slices, put in a multicooker bowl. Pour water to the fruits to extinguish, turn on the mode for 50 minutes. When the allotted time is up, puree apples, mix with condensed milk and sugar and bring to readiness. Roll jam into jars.

If during the stewing, the apples gave too little juice, then you can gradually and in small portions add water. If this is not done, then the mass may burn and become inedible.

The finished product, regardless of the recipe by which it was prepared, should be stored for no more than two years in a cool and dark place. For this, one of the free rooms of a country house, a basement or a garage is suitable. An open jar must be consumed within a week, otherwise the puree will deteriorate and become unusable and even dangerous.

Due to my age, I don’t remember, but my mother told me that at my tender age she fed me delicious apple puree with cream called “Sissy”. I was very picky in matters of nutrition, but I ate this puree. And recently I came across an interesting recipe for a simple preparation with the same name - only instead of cream, condensed milk is added to apples. I was just treated to two buckets of the most fragrant apples, so I prepared this puree in several steps, and just eat, and for the winter - the children are delighted, and so am I, it's really very tasty and very simple.


  • 5 kg apples
  • 250 g of condensed milk (for this recipe, you need exactly “Condensed Milk” - “condensed milk” with the addition of vegetable fats can curl or exfoliate, and thereby spoil the whole product)
  • 1/2 st. Sahara
  • 1/2 st. water.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Servings Per Container: 3 x 0.5 L jars are made from the listed ingredients.


1. Prepare the necessary ingredients.

2. Peel apples, remove cores and chop.

3. Pour apples with water and put on fire.

4. Boil apples until soft (10 minutes).

5. While the apples are cooking, sterilize the jars and lids.

6. Grind the apples into a smooth puree using a blender.

7. Add sugar and condensed milk, simmer for another 5 minutes (make sure that the puree does not burn. I cook it in a thick-walled saucepan).

8. Arrange the finished hot puree in jars, cover the lids and sterilize in boiling water for another 15 minutes. It is possible without sterilization, but I cooked with condensed milk for the first time, so I made sure).

9. Roll up the jars, turn over and leave the puree to cool. Store under normal conditions in a dark place. Bon appetit!

In the apple season, be sure to try making apple puree with condensed milk. It turns out a very delicate dessert, which not only kids, but also adults will not refuse! It is better to take condensed milk of good quality and not save on it, and, by the way, you can not add sugar if the variety of apples is already sweet.

1. To prepare applesauce Nezhenka with condensed milk for the winter, we need the following products: apples, sugar, condensed milk and water.

2. Wash apples, cut into slices. If desired, you can immediately peel.

3. Add water and steam over low heat until soft.

4. Rub through a sieve. If the apples are without peel, then you can simply puree with a blender.

5. Add sugar to the puree and simmer for 5 minutes until boiling.

6. Add condensed milk. Mix well. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

7. Hot apple and condensed milk puree Nezhenka put into sterilized jars and close with lids. Wrap with a blanket and let it cool completely under it. Store in a cool place.

Bon appetit!

We offer you to make friends with simple recipes for making applesauce at home. This puree is suitable for those who are already tired of the standard version of apple jam. The most interesting thing is that your kids will definitely like it. with condensed milk for the winter it is very easy to cook. And you can use it as a filling for pies, pancakes and other pastries.

Recipe number 1. Puree "Sissy"

To prepare such apple puree, we will need:

  • 2.5 kg of apples;
  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • 1/2 st. water;
  • a quarter cup of sugar.

The recipe for mashed potatoes "Nezhenka" with condensed milk involves three stages. The first thing we do is fruit processing. We clean the apples from the skin and seeds, cut them into pieces, but small. We spread it in a saucepan, pour water somewhere on the finger from above, put it on the stove. We simmer all this for about half an hour over low heat until semi-soft. It is very important to stir constantly so that the apples do not burn.

If you see that the apples are starting to boil, add sugar, mix well, let it boil. Add condensed milk. Let's taste it. If you have a sweet tooth, then you can add more condensed milk or sugar, or you can do both. The mass should boil for another 5 minutes, after which, using a hand blender, beat it until smooth. Next, put the puree in sterile jars. Close it, wrap it in a warm blanket and wait until it cools completely.

Recipe number 2. without sugar

Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter can be prepared without sugar. You only need apples (4 kg) and condensed milk (1 can).

Wash the fruits well, cut into slices without a core. Put in a saucepan, fill with water (to completely cover). Cook until soft. Let's cool down. Rub the apples through a sieve. Pour the condensed milk into the puree. Put it back on the stove and heat it up, stirring constantly. Pour into small jars, sterilize for 30-40 minutes from the moment of boiling. We close. Let cool by turning upside down.

Recipe number 3. Mashed potatoes in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can also make applesauce with condensed milk. The recipe in this case does not contain sugar, like the previous one. We take:

  • 4 kg of apples;
  • 300 g of condensed milk;
  • glass of water.

If you have such a wonderful assistant at home as a slow cooker, it’s a sin not to use it. To begin with, with its help, we will sterilize small jars in which apple puree with condensed milk will be stored. To do this, put washed jars into the bowl, pour water into them, cover with lids, pour water to the maximum mark of the bowl. We close the lid of the device, turn on the “Steam” program, set the timer for 40 minutes. Drying the jars.

We clean the apples from the skin and seeds. Cut into small pieces, put in a slow cooker. We pour out the water. Set the program "Extinguishing" for 40 minutes. Stir the apples several times while cooking. In order for the fruits to have the desired consistency for mashed potatoes, beat them with a blender. Then put it back into the bowl, pour in the condensed milk and simmer for another 10 minutes. Pour the finished yummy into jars, roll up.

Recipe number 4. Puree "Condensed milk"

We offer to cook applesauce with condensed milk, the recipe of which does not contain purchased condensed milk. But among the ingredients there is natural milk and sugar, which will be a worthy replacement. And most importantly - you can’t distinguish such a delicacy from mashed potatoes containing condensed milk from the store! A very big advantage of this yummy is that if you beat it with butter (a small amount), you can get a very original and interesting cream for a homemade cake. For puree we need:

Preparing this applesauce with condensed milk for the winter is very simple. Fruit, as usual, we clean from the skin and seeds. Cut them into slices, sprinkle with soda, hold for two hours. Do not be afraid of soda, its taste will not be felt. But on the other hand, it will help soften the fruits so that they are transformed into a homogeneous mass along with milk and sugar.

When two hours have passed, wash the apples thoroughly under running water. We put it in a saucepan, add sugar and pour in milk. Cook on low heat for two hours.

The resulting mass, dividing into small portions, beat with a blender. You can, as an option, wipe through a sieve. This is at your own discretion. We put it on the stove again, let it boil, cook for 10 minutes.

Pour "condensed milk", that is, our apple puree, into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and cool.

A few last words

You have seen that it is not difficult at all. And the recipes presented do not require special costs. But the most important thing is that you can convince even the most inveterate whims to eat such delicious food. And even if your child does not like apples, he can get at least a small portion of these healthy fruits and the vitamins they contain with puree.