Rich kulesh: recipes for a Slavic dish! We cook different types of kulesh according to recipes with millet, buckwheat, lard, vegetables, mushrooms. Ukrainian kulesh from millet

Kulesh is the most famous Cossack food. AT field conditions there was no time for pickles, and a hearty field stew was always received with a bang. Kulesh was prepared on a fire or in a Russian oven, so it was always rich and so tasty that it could be eaten endlessly. We will also learn how to cook kulesh according to the classic recipe.

Inventory: board, knife, spatula, large frying pan, a bowler hat or a cauldron with a volume of at least 4-5 liters.


How to choose meat for soup

In field conditions, fresh meat and lard was not always available. Therefore, in classic recipe salted lard was used, and the longer it was stored, the better. We can choose suitable underlays in the market.

  • The most delicious will be fat from the side of the back or the ventral part of the boar. This is the undercut or bacon. The skin there is usually thin, so it can not even be cut off.
  • Layers of fat should be white or pale pink, 3 to 6 cm thick. Yellow or gray color indicates that the fat is old and bitter. The heavy smell of old fat also speaks of not the first freshness. But the subtle smell of burnt skins is a sign correct cutting ink. The fat itself is practically odorless.

Step by step cooking


Time for preparing: 30 minutes.
Servings: 2-3.
Inventory: knife, board, spatula, pan with a thick bottom.


Step by step cooking


Subtleties of cooking

  • The non-fasting kulesh is being prepared for meat broth . Strain the broth, bring to a boil and put the washed millet into it. The proportions are the same as for water: for 1 serving of millet, 2-2.5 servings of broth.
  • For satiety, you can add diced potatoes to millet. Additionally, peas or carrots are added to the soup.
  • . Cooks prefer to boil millet separately. Kulesh can be conditionally called a combined hodgepodge Oh, and cook any additions separately: meat, vegetables, greens. Everything is mixed together at the final stage.
  • Pork in the recipe is replaced with beef, smoked meat, sausages, stew, offal.
  • In some regions, the stew is prepared not with millet, but with cornmeal . Or millet is mixed with corn flour in a ratio of 1: 1 and boiled to the state of liquid slurry.
  • Spices in the recipe are used to a minimum. Black pepper, lavrushka and a little garlic are allowed.
  • At the request of the cook, the density is also regulated. AT original recipe- this is not porridge and not liquid soup, and the chowder is a mess.
  • You can cook kulesh in a slow cooker.

How this dish is served

Served kulesh is always in a deep bowl, even if it is not liquid. From above, you can sprinkle with herbs and that's enough, because this is a camping man's dish.

Men love traditional, one might say - archaic and simple meals. Here are some recipes for your favorite men and not only.

  • What could be better than a big piece good meat. Recipes pork carbonate will help to prepare fragrant meat at home.
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  • - Another dish that men will definitely appreciate.
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Kulesh is a traditional Slavic dish. It is something between soup and porridge, quite soft and tender, satisfying, has many variations that change the taste. Kulesh was prepared by soldiers, Cossacks, and just villagers. Were going different products, but main ingredient- cereal.

Kulesh - general principles of cooking

Traditional kulesh is always cooked with cereals, initially millet was used, later the dish was cooked with buckwheat, now there are recipes with rice, peas and even beans. The base has also changed. If earlier they used mainly lard and water, now there is interesting recipes on meat, fish, chicken and even mushroom broth. This means that kulesh will never get bored, rich soup(or liquid porridge?) You can cook at least every day.

What is put in the dish:


Onions, carrots;

Fats, oils.

Enrichment of kulesh with herbs, various spices, garlic and seasonal vegetables. There are several options tomato dish with tomatoes bell pepper or just pasta. In the spicy version, kulesh also turns out to be quite interesting. In general, the recipe does not change, you just need to add a chopped chili pod to the pan.

Partisan kulesh: a recipe with lard and millet

Once it was a soldier's dish. It was distinguished by its cheapness, ease of preparation, according to the recipe, kulesh is prepared with millet and ordinary lard. Of course, if there are many meat layers, it will turn out much tastier.


100 grams of fat;

150 grams of millet;

2 potatoes;

Large bulb;

Big carrot;

Dill, laurel, parsley.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the millet simply under the tap in cold water. Then drain this liquid, pour boiling water. Leave for 20-30 minutes to release the bitterness.

2. Cut potatoes large cubes, throw it into the pan, pour a little more than a liter of water, about 1.2-1.3, put it on the stove, boil for ten minutes.

3. Drain the water from the millet, send it to the potatoes and cook until good softness, it is allowed to overexpose.

4. Cut the fat into small cubes. Transfer to a frying pan, fry until golden brown.

5. As soon as enough fat is rendered from the fat, add the chopped onion, followed by the grated carrot. Fry vegetables until golden brown.

6. We shift the fat with vegetables from the pan into the pan, salt, pepper, stir. Let it cook for another ten minutes.

7. Done! We fill the kulesh with herbs, serve immediately or let the dish brew.

Village kulesh: the recipe for the cheapest dish

In that rustic recipe kulesha are used most simple products. This porridge-soup was cooked in the oven. Despite the scarcity of ingredients, it turned out to be very tasty, rich. To prepare the broth, you will need a few beef or any other bones.


4 potatoes;

A glass of millet;

2 onion heads;

2 carrots;

1.5 liters of water;

500 grams of bones.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the bones, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil for a couple of hours, strain the broth.

2. Cut potatoes and other vegetables. Rinse the millet.

3. Put potatoes in a saucepan, boil for a couple of minutes, throw in onions with carrots, salt.

4. After another two minutes, add a full glass of washed millet. Stir, salt.

5. After boiling, remove the fire, cover, cook for 30 minutes. You can transfer to a pot, put in the oven. The temperature in this case is 180 degrees.

Lean kulesh: a recipe with buckwheat

Recipe for lean kulesh without millet, here it is replaced by buckwheat. Naturally, the taste, appearance and aroma of the dish will change.


4 potatoes;

180 grams of buckwheat;

4 cloves of garlic;

1300 ml of water;

1 head of onion;

1 carrot;

30 ml vegetable oil;

Any condiments.

Cooking method

1. We fall asleep in a cauldron buckwheat, add 300 ml of water, cook ordinary porridge, add salt.

2. Boil a liter of water, add chopped potatoes, cook until soft.

3. On vegetable oil fry carrots with onions until golden brown, transfer to potatoes.

4. Mix vegetables, salt and pepper. We shift all this into a cauldron for buckwheat porridge.

5. Rub or just chop the garlic, add to the total mass, you can pepper.

6. Cover the cauldron, put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Rich kulesh: recipe with meat (pork)

The recipe for kulesh with meat uses pork, you can use any piece: pulp, ribs, corn, but in the latter case, the broth will cook for a very long time. Rice is used instead of millet. You can even take a cut.


500 grams of pork;

50 grams of fat;

1 carrot;

1 sweet pepper;

200 grams of rice;

1 hot pepper;

2 potatoes;

onion head;

Spices, herbs.

Cooking method

1. Cut the pork into pieces, pour 1.8 liters of water into the meat, prepare a regular broth. If a piece with a bone is used, then after cooking, cut off, return the meat to the pan.

2. Cut the potatoes large pieces, send to the kulesh, add a little salt, boil for ten minutes.

3. We cut the lard finely, fry in a pan until golden brown cracklings. We shift them into a bowl. Put chopped onion in fat, fry for a couple of minutes.

4. Add grated carrots to the onion, and after a couple of minutes chopped Bell pepper. We continue to cook vegetables together.

5. As soon as the potatoes boil for ten minutes, add the washed rice to it. We cook until ready.

6. We shift the vegetables from their pans, add the whole to the kulesh sharp pod pepper, making a few punctures in it. Salt additionally, add fried cracklings if desired.

7. Cover the pan, set the minimum fire and simmer for 15 minutes. At the end, you can throw greens, season the dish with laurel.

Fish kulesh: a recipe with millet and crucians

For such a kulesh, it is best to use river fish, for example, carp, carp, perch. FROM sea ​​fish it doesn't taste as good.


4 medium-sized crucians;

4 tbsp. l. millet;

1 head of onion;

1 carrot;

20 ml of oil;

Greens, salt;

4 potatoes.

Cooking method

1. Clean, gut the carp, cut each in half.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes into large pieces, you can make quarters, throw into a pot of water, boil for 10 minutes.

3. Throw millet next to the potatoes, boil for another five minutes.

4. While this is all being prepared, chop the onion and carrot, fry for a small amount vegetable oil. But you can take any fat.

5. Put crucian carp in a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt the kulesh and after a couple of minutes put the vegetables out of the pan.

6. Cover, cook everything together for a quarter of an hour. For fish this time is enough.

7. Supplement the prepared dish with herbs, laurel, you can pour ground black pepper.

Fragrant kulesh: a recipe with millet and dried mushrooms

This dish can be cooked with water as directed in the recipe, or with chicken or beef broth. Mushrooms are used dried, as they give an incomparable aroma.


A glass of millet;

300 grams of potatoes;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 onion heads;

150 grams of fat;

50 grams of mushrooms;

Basil, pepper, spices.

Cooking method

1. Soak the mushrooms for 2-3 hours in cold water. After a good swelling, boil for 15 minutes.

2. Rinse the millet, add to the pot with the stew. Boil it for at least 20 minutes. Millet should be completely boiled soft, become soft flakes.

3. While the kulesh is cooking, we make the dressing. We cut the fat into cubes, fry. We remove the cracklings.

4. Cut onions with carrots, cook in melted fat until golden brown. In the end, we return to the vegetables cracklings.

5. We shift the vegetables into the kulesh, salt, boil for five minutes.

6. Adding chopped garlic, pepper, be sure to put a little fresh or dry basil, you can add other greens. Quickly bring to a boil, cover and turn off immediately so as not to lose the aroma. Let the kulesh stand for 10 minutes.

Kulesh: a recipe with pearl barley and stew

It turns out that not only porridge can be prepared from barley and stew. Kulesh according to this recipe with them turns out just wonderful. We wash the barley, soak it the day before so that it cooks quickly.


A glass of pearl barley;

1 carrot;

1 can of stew;

1-2 onion heads;

Greens to taste.

Cooking method

1. Soak barley, rinse, fill with fresh water (not less than a liter), boil until soft. Optionally, you can add one potato cut into small cubes.

2. Open a jar of stew, remove a layer of fat into the pan. If suddenly it is not enough, but this happens extremely rarely, then add a little oil or lard, warm it up.

3. Add chopped onions and grated carrots, fry vegetables.

4. After about three minutes, put the stew in the pan, heat everything together.

5. We shift the meat with vegetables from the pan to the pan to pearl barley, stir, salt, pepper.

6. Boil the kulesh for another 20 minutes, throw greens, turn it off.

Kulesh turned out watery? It's OK! The dish will stand for a while, the cereal will swell and become sour, the broth will become smaller. If there is no time for this, then you can carefully collect the excess broth from above with a ladle.

Don't be afraid to add all kinds of spices. Slavic kulesh goes well not only with black pepper, but also with oriental, Caucasian spices, Italian herbs, fragrant roots.

If you need to cook a low-calorie version of kulesh, then the easiest way is to replace lard olive oil by reducing the number. Potatoes and cereals boiled with broth will have little energy value.

Hello dear blog visitors! I have long wanted to write a post about
how to cook kulesh Yes, everything came across more "modern" recipes.

I think that kulesh, recipe which I want to offer, if not completely forgotten,
it doesn't get the attention it deserves. At least among people I know very well.

But in vain! After all, what else can you feed the household quickly, satisfyingly, and most importantly,

tasty in just 10-15 minutes? Except that !

But that is another topic.

Before publishing the article, I decided to find out for myself - it corresponds

Is the dish that we cook like kulesh its true name.

I rummaged through the net and ... from which they don’t cook it!

And yet in one of the culinary guides, the ingredients are precisely indicated,

used in our version.

So let's get to know prescription dishes called Belarusian version.

How to cook kulesh - recipe

We will cook in a medium-sized skillet.

And, of course, salt. Cold water doesn't count.

Cut the meat into small cubes, about 10x10 mm. These cubes we have to

fry. Before that, do not forget to salt them to taste.

If the pork is fatty enough, then add oil to the pan

quite a bit, literally grease the bottom. With lean meat

There must be more oil, otherwise it will burn.

Although we will fry the meat until half-hard. But it's one thing when it's cool

fried, and the other thing is burnt. In general, we fry the squares until they

do not shrink to the minimum size, but at the same time, so that they can be


While the meat is fried, let's prepare the so-called filling, simply

speaking, we need to dissolve flour in water.

We take a soup bowl, pour flour into it, salt to taste and add a little

cold water while stirring the contents of the plate.

Add water until all the flour is dissolved and the mixture acquires

milk consistency. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain.

You should have more than half of the plate. If more, then no problem -

and there will be more kulesh!

how to cook kulesh

If everything is ready, then proceed to the final stage. It is assumed that the meat

just got ready. In the left hand we take a plate with "milk"

and slowly pour it into the pan.

With your right hand, vigorously stir the contents of the pan.

As for the left and right hands, this is for example - to whom it is convenient.

Actually, it's such a simple thing. how to cook kulesh best done at four

hands - cooking time is reduced by a third.

When Last straw from the plate will fall into the pan, we can assume that kulesh

we have already prepared! To order, stir for another minute and remove the pan

we try. I think you will like it.

Of course, the dish is far from dietary, but its recipe nice to keep

in stock: how many times did it help out in a situation where you need to hastily, but satisfyingly

On this I say goodbye to you, all the best to you and see you on the blog!


  • - a piece of pork (preferably fatty), 300 g
  • - flour, 3.5-4 tablespoons
  • - vegetable oil

The famous Ukrainian kulesh is perhaps the most democratic dish of all known to me. This means that the ingredients from which it is prepared can be very diverse. Recipes may also differ. It turns out this is due to the fact that kulesh is, so to speak, camping dish. It was cooked both by the Zaporizhian Cossacks during their military campaigns, and by the Chumaks, whose carts loaded with salt crawled along the ancient trade routes for many days. In other words, what provisions people managed to get, then went to the boiler. The main task for warriors or travelers was to make the resulting kulesh more sophisticated and ensure the maintenance of forces in long road. Fortunately, we have a much wider choice of products than the ancient Ukrainians, and therefore, while observing the main traditions, we will try to make our kulesh not only hearty and rich, but also extraordinarily tasty. So, I tell the recipe for kulesh.


(4-6 servings)

  • 400 g of undercooked bacon
  • 1 st. millet groats
  • 3 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 4 things. chicken eggs
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • celery, parsley
  • 4-5 pcs. bay leaf
  • black ground pepper
  • 2 l. water
  • vegetable oil
  • Before proceeding directly to the description of the process of making kulesh, I want to say a few words about the dishes. Of course, the traditional utensil for cooking Ukrainian kulesh is a cast-iron or copper cauldron or cauldron. In it, the dish is cooked from start to finish, and you will not need any other utensils. However, not everyone has modern kitchen just such a cauldron will be found. That is why in my recipe I will divide the process into two parts: I will cook the frying in a frying pan, and I will carry out all the further steps in an enameled pan.
  • Let's start cooking the roast. To do this, cut the bacon into small cubes about one and a half centimeters in size. Using smoked bacon for kulesh, or, as it is also called “loin” in Ukraine, I kill two birds with one stone with one shot. Firstly, I significantly reduce the cooking time (there is no need to wait for the meat to cook). Secondly, I give the kulesh a unique aroma of smoked meats, that is, smoke from a fire.
  • So, we send the diced bacon to the pan and lightly fry it. To start frying, you can drop a little vegetable oil into the pan, and only then fragrant pork fat will stop from the bacon.
  • Add finely to the fried bacon chopped onion, and lightly fry it until the first light golden hue appears.
  • Add grated carrots to the pan with bacon and onions. While stirring, let the carrots lightly fry.
  • The roast is ready. Transfer it to a saucepan.
  • Pour two liters of pure drinking water. It is better to use spring or filtered water. We put the pot on the fire.
  • While the contents of the pan begin to boil, we sort through the millet and, of course, wash it. Some housewives wash millet up to seven times. Personally, I advise instead of many water procedures in cold water, carry out only one, but using boiling water. I assure you, the result will be no worse, and most importantly, you will save a lot of time. By the way, millet is the most common type of cereal that is used in kulesh, but, as I said at the beginning, this dish is a dish for wanderers and travelers, and therefore it tolerates various variations. All this I lead to the fact that kulesh can be cooked not only with millet, but also with buckwheat, pearl barley and other cereals.
  • Pour the washed millet groats into a saucepan.
  • After the grits, we send finely chopped potatoes into the cooking. Of course, the ancient Ukrainians used all sorts of other edible roots for the richness of kulesh, but we, modern people, perhaps, should not experiment, especially when such a wonderful tuber as potatoes is available.
  • At this stage of cooking, our kulesh needs to be salted and added to it. Bay leaf and pepper. The amount of salt and pepper is determined by your own taste.
  • While the kulesh is cooking, prepare the filling for it. To do this, beat four eggs in a separate bowl. We beat without fanaticism, but simply to mix the yolk and protein and turn them into a homogeneous mass.
  • Finely chop the greens. I always use celery leaves or a mixture of them with parsley. It is celery that gives the kulesh a unique fragrant aroma.
  • Pour the chopped greens into a vessel with egg mash. Add finely chopped or crushed garlic there. Mix the mixture well. That's all, the filling is ready, now you just have to wait until the potatoes and millet are cooked in the kulesh.
  • After we have determined that the potatoes and millet are cooked, but rather slightly boiled (this will happen in 20 minutes from the start of boiling), we pour in our green fill into a boiling kulesh and immediately mix the whole volume very well.
  • Right before our eyes, the egg will curl up, and the kulesh will thicken to a state of either very thick soup, or liquid porridge. This is it correct consistency. Cover the pan with a lid and let the kulesh ripen for another 3-5 minutes. After that, the dish is completely ready.
  • We remove the pan from the fire and lay out the hot fragrant kulesh on deep plates, bowls or bowls. Top the dish with fresh herbs. That's all. Enjoy your meal. Enjoy Ukrainian kulesh and gain strength, vitality and health.

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Rich Ukrainian kulesh from millet– absolutely vegetarian recipe, despite the fact that in the Cossack tradition it was often fried with lard. But this is not at all necessary, because they were not always rich in this. Therefore, you can easily cook absolutely lean version kulesh, and it will be rich - you will lick your fingers. After all, you can experiment and add not quite standard ingredients. In general, kulesh is field dish, which is ideal to cook on a fire, the so-called porridge-poor, or half-soup-half-porridge. That is, it can be both the first and second course. And if you do not like millet, then you can cook buckwheat kulesh, according to the same principle.


  • Millet groats - 1 tbsp
  • Carrots - 1 piece, large is better
  • Potato - 2 pcs medium
  • Celery root– ¼ piece
  • (soy paste from Japanese cuisine) - 1 tbsp (optional)
  • Olive oil - 6 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper, bay leaf- taste
  • Water - 5 glasses

How to cook millet kulesh - step by step instructions with photos

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, adding 2 bay leaves
  2. While the water is boiling, peel and cut the potatoes and celery root into small cubes.

  3. Add chopped vegetables to boiling water, cover and cook until tender.
  4. Meanwhile, peel and grate the carrots, then sauté the carrots in a pan with olive oil until golden brown. When frying, you need to add asafoetida (since we cook without onions) and black pepper

  5. While the vegetables are being cooked and the frying is being prepared, we will prepare the cereals - the millet must be washed well, about 6-7 times, so that the water is clean

  6. Washed millet must be poured with boiling water and after 1 minute drain this water - so the millet will not be bitter
  7. When the potatoes and celery are ready, add millet to the pan and continue to cook over low heat with the lid closed. The porridge needs to be boiled. Sometimes the porridge needs to be stirred so that it does not burn.

  8. Meanwhile, dilute 1 tbsp of miso paste with 1 tbsp of boiling water - so that there are no lumps.

  9. When the porridge is already cooked, add the roasted carrots to it.

  10. After a few minutes, add miso paste diluted with water and stir well. Let's cook for a few more minutes. The better the porridge and vegetables are boiled, the tastier the kulesh will be.

  11. We test the kulesh for salt and add salt if necessary (miso paste itself is salty, so at first it is better not to add salt so that oversalting does not accidentally come out)
  12. We take a pusher for mashed potatoes and crush a little kulesh right on the fire, but do not overdo it so that the texture is preserved in it

  13. Turn off the kulesh and let it brew a little.

Your vegetarian rich kulesh is ready!