Real rye moonshine: two simple recipes. How to make a tincture of grapes on vodka

In addition to wine and chacha (grappa), grapes make excellent tinctures on vodka or other strong alcohol. These tasty and moderately healthy dessert drinks are very easy to prepare, you just need to be patient. I will tell you how to make a grape tincture at home using the two best technologies proven in practice.

For the preparation of grape tinctures according to the first recipe, any grape varieties (white and red) bought in a store or harvested in the country are suitable, this does not matter in principle. For example, excellent drinks are obtained from Isabella, Regent, Druzhba, Stepnyak and others.

Previously, the grapes are sorted out, using only ripe and juicy fruits for tinctures without stains, mold or rot. Each berry must be separated from the bunches and washed well.

As an alcohol base, I advise you to use vodka, cognac (in the first recipe) or alcohol diluted to 45 degrees. In extreme cases, a well-cleaned moonshine will do.

Simple grape tincture


  • grapes - 1 three-liter jar;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 1.5-2 liters;
  • sugar - 75 grams (3 tablespoons).


1. Separate the grapes from the bunches, wash, dry and pour into a three-liter jar.

2. Add sugar.

3. Fill the remaining free space in the jar with vodka.

4. Close the lid tightly, shake well several times and put in a dark place at room temperature for 2-3 weeks. Shake the contents of the jar every 3-4 days to better dissolve the sugar.

5. Filter the finished tincture through several layers of gauze and cotton wool, then pour into bottles and close tightly with corks. In a dark, cool place, the shelf life is up to 2 years. Fortress - 25-30 degrees.

Tincture "Drunken grapes"

An exquisite recipe that requires a relatively large number of ingredients, but the result is worth the effort. It is made on the basis of white grape varieties, preferably seedless.


  • white grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 grams;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • cloves - 8 pieces.


1. Mix water with sugar (vanilla and regular) in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil, then boil for 3-5 minutes, removing the foam. Cool the resulting sugar syrup to room temperature.

2. Remove the zest from the lemons (the upper yellow part of the peel) and finely grate it. It is very important not to touch the white bitter flesh, otherwise the finished homemade grape tincture will be bitter.

3. Mix the zest, cloves and cinnamon. Pour the mixture with vodka, tightly close the lid and keep at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

4. Fill the infusion containers with washed and dried grapes. Remove cinnamon from flavored vodka.

5. Pour vodka over the grapes, add sugar syrup and close the lid tightly.

6. Put the jar for 2-3 months in a dark room with a temperature of 18-30°C.

7. Filter the drink through gauze and cotton wool, then pour into bottles for storage and seal with corks. In a dark, cool place, grape tincture can be stored for more than a year. Fortress - 20-25 degrees.

Grapes can be preserved in many ways, but I have an option in store for special occasions. “Drunk grapes” I always preserve for the winter. This recipe is with vodka, although there is also wine.

The procedure for closing such a blank is very simple, so any housewife, even the most beginner, will master it. When grapes are inexpensive in season, then buy more of them and harvest them according to original recipes.

Any variety of berries is suitable for canning grapes in vodka. I had grapes similar in color to the Isabella variety, and you use the one that you get. Maybe your relatives from the village will bring you a lot of blue grapes, and a wonderful preparation will also come out of it. I serve such grapes for strong drinks only for adults, and I immediately warn the children that this treat is not for them. You can cook for kids.

Required products:

- 400 grams of grapes;
- 1 cinnamon stick;
- 3-5 pieces of cloves;
- a pinch of vanilla sugar;
- 150 grams of granulated sugar;
- 200 grams of vodka.

I put spices in a jar: cloves, cinnamon stick. These spices will come in handy and make the grapes fragrant and spicy.

I separate the grapes from tassels and twigs.

I wash it and put it in a jar.

I pour the vodka into a deep bowl.

I pour in the same granulated sugar, and then vanilla sugar and leave for 30 minutes, so that the loose ones completely dissolve.

Then, with such a marinade, I fill the grapes in jars to the top.

I seal the jars tightly and put them in the basement until winter.
Somewhere in 1-1.5 months, the grapes in vodka will become truly "drunk". I have not tried the best snack and I advise everyone! I often open jars of berries for the New Year holidays, as many guests come and I need to treat them with something and surprise them. For such special occasions, I always have delicious drunk grapes!

Bon Appetite!
Also try to cook

Homemade grape liqueur - naturally! Grape liqueur recipes at home: with vodka, sugar or alcohol ...

Making grape liqueur is much easier than making wine. This drink will please everyone.

A big plus of grape liqueur is that it is prepared without the addition of chemicals and yeast.

It turns out a natural drink, which also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Of course, if you use it in moderation.

Pouring grapes at home - the basic principles of preparation

Fragrant and sweet varieties, for example, Lydia or Isabella, are suitable for making grape liqueurs at home.

Ripened grapes are washed well, left to drain all the moisture and remove the berries from the brushes, discarding the rotten ones. Grapes are transferred to a prepared balloon, covered with sugar and closed with a water seal. The balloon is left warm for about a month. The fermentation process must stop completely. Then the shutter is removed, and the liquor is bottled, after filtering through gauze. The container with the liqueur is tightly sealed and sent for storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 1. Pouring grapes at home with vodka


  • two kilograms of grapes;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • some ripe cherries;
  • liter of vodka.

Cooking method

1. Remove the grapes from the brush. We wash the glass bottle and dry it. Put a layer of grapes in the prepared container, put a few cherry berries and sprinkle with sugar. Thus, lay out the berries in layers until the container is full. There should be a layer of granulated sugar on top.

2. Fill the container with berries with vodka and close the lid tightly. Leave the bottle warm. It is advisable to leave it on the windowsill, where the sun's rays fall. Shake the container from time to time so that the sugar is completely dissolved. We insist the liqueur for a month and a half. It is believed that the readiness of the liqueur is determined by the color of the berries. If they turn white - the liqueur is ready.

3. After the allotted time, we try the pouring on sugar. If the drink is sour, add a little sugar and leave for another three days. Then we filter the liquor and pour it into clean glass bottles. We cork well and send it to storage in a cellar or other cool place.

Recipe 2. Pouring grape juice at home


  • liter of grape juice;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a liter of vodka;
  • three cloves;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method

1. Ripe grapes are washed, slightly dried and cut off from the brush. Remove leaves and damaged fruits. Put the berries in a deep bowl and lightly knead them with your hands. Grind the grapes with a blender into a puree. We shift the grape mass into gauze and squeeze the juice.

2. Pour the grape juice into a clean, dry three-liter jar and mix it with a glass of sugar and vodka. Close the jar with a lid, shake well and leave in a dark, cool place. We insist the liqueur for two weeks. After the allotted time, we filter the liquor through a layer of gauze.

3. Pour a glass of water into the saucepan, add the remaining sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved, and cook the syrup. It is enough to boil three minutes from the moment of boiling. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn. Remove syrup from heat and cool completely.

4. Pour sugar syrup into the liqueur, add spices and mix well. We prepare the bottles and pour the liquor into them using a funnel. We tightly cork the container and leave it in a cool place until the final ripening. We insist the liquor for at least another ten days. After this time, it will be completely ready for use.

Recipe 3. Pouring grapes at home "Isabella" with spices


  • half a kilogram of Isabella grapes;
  • a third of a cinnamon stick;
  • five st. l. sugar with a slide;
  • four cloves;
  • 200 ml of boiled water;
  • one piece cardamom;
  • half a liter of vodka;
  • lemon.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the grapes. We cut off the berries from the brush.

2. Rinse the lemon, peel and remove the zest from it with the help of the smallest grater.

3. Cook syrup from sugar and water and cool it to room temperature. We shift the prepared grapes into a container from the stack. Pour in vodka and syrup, add spices. We close the container with a nylon lid, shake well and put it in a cool and dark place for two months.

3. After this time, we filter the liquor and pour it into dry, clean bottles. Seal tightly and send to the cellar. The drink is ready to drink.

Recipe 4. Pouring white grapes at home


  • kilogram of white grapes;
  • two lemons;
  • two pinches of cumin, nutmeg and star anise;
  • eight cloves;
  • boiled water - 50 ml;
  • cinnamon - two sticks;
  • vanillin - a bag;
  • a liter of vodka;
  • sugar - 400 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour hot water into a thick-walled saucepan, add sugar and add vanillin. Cook, stirring continuously until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. We do not allow caramelization!

2. Cool the syrup to a warm state and pour vodka into it. Rinse the lemons, wipe with a napkin and remove the zest from them. Add it to the syrup with vodka. We also put chopped cinnamon sticks, star anise and other spices here.

3. Close the container with syrup and spices with a lid and leave. How long to infuse depends on how strong the spices you want to feel in the drink. Half an hour will be enough for the spices in the liqueur to be felt only slightly. If left for a few hours, the spices will taste better.

4. Filter the spicy liqueur. We wash the grapes, remove the berries from the brushes and transfer them to the bottle. Fill the grapes with spicy tincture under the throat. We insist grape liqueur for about a month and a half.

5. After the allotted time, we filter the liquor twice, try the drink for strength and sugar. If necessary, dilute with water or syrup. We'll leave it for two more weeks. Then rinse again and pour into prepared glass containers.

Recipe 5. Pouring grapes at home "Isabella"


  • Isabella grapes - kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - a glass.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the grape brushes thoroughly. Separate the berries from the branches and transfer them to a deep bowl. Punch them lightly with your hands and transfer to a clean, dry three-liter jar. The container should be filled with berries by about two liters.

2. Pour in sugar, shake well and close the throat with gauze. Leave the container in this form for a couple of days, then close it with a water seal. Wait until the fermentation process is complete. Pour the liquid into bottles and seal tightly.

3. Add sugar to the remaining grape mass. Its quantity must be at least 30% of the total mass. Fill with boiled, cool water. There should be as much liquid as the liqueur came out. Cover with a water seal and leave to ferment for at least a month.

Recipe 6. Pouring grapes at home on cognac


  • half a kilogram of blue grapes;
  • 800 ml filtered water;
  • half a liter of cognac three stars;
  • four slices of apple dried;
  • vanilla stick;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • four peas of allspice;
  • two sprigs of dried mint.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the grape brushes under the tap and transfer them to the pan without removing them from the branches. We add here a vanilla stick, allspice, dried mint and apple drying. We fall asleep everything with sugar and pour in filtered water.

2. Put the pan on the stove and cook the syrup with grapes for a quarter of an hour from the moment of boiling. Remove the pan from the heat, send it to the balcony and cool slightly. Wash glass jar and dry. Pour warm syrup into prepared container and cool completely. Pour cognac into cold syrup. We close the lid.

3. Leave the liqueur to infuse for five days, shaking it occasionally. It is better if you insist it in the cellar or pantry. After the allotted time, we filter the liqueur through a sieve. We throw away the berries, they have already fulfilled their function. The finished liqueur is poured into glass bottles, corked and stored in the cellar. We can treat guests with fragrant, delicious grape liqueur.

Recipe 7. Pouring grapes at home without vodka


  • four kilograms of grapes;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar into a thick-walled saucepan and fill it with filtered water. Send the dishes to the fire and cook for five minutes from the moment of boiling. Constantly mix and remove foam from the surface. Cool the syrup until just warm.

2. The grapes are washed under the tap, the berries are removed from the brush, removing damaged and rotten fruits. The sorted grapes are transferred to a clean three-liter bottle and poured with syrup. It should cover the berries by three centimeters.

3. Tie the neck of the container with a piece of gauze and leave it in a warm room for three days. As soon as signs of fermentation appear, the gauze is removed, and a water seal is installed on the neck.

4. The liquor is left in a warm place without access to light for a month and a half. As soon as the fermentation process stops, the liquor is filtered through gauze and poured into clean, dry glass bottles. They send containers with liqueur for storage in the cellar. The drink can be stored in such conditions for up to three years.

Recipe 8. Pouring grapes at home on alcohol


  • a kilogram of dark grapes;
  • carnation;
  • alcohol - half a liter;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • half a kilo of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the grapes under the tap. Lightly dry and remove the berries, removing dry and rotten fruits. Put the sorted grapes in a bowl and mash them with your hands. Transfer the prepared grapes to a three-liter bottle. Pour sugar over the berries and place the container in a place where direct sunlight falls for several days. Shake the jar daily to dissolve the sugar into the grape juice.

2. After three to four days, pour the resulting mixture with alcohol. Add two cloves to it. Seal the jar tightly and place it in a warm, dark place for at least three weeks.

3. Strain the liqueur through gauze. Mash the grapes a little to extract the juice from them completely. Filter the liquid well and bottle it. Grapes do not throw away, they can be used to make jam or use for baking. Seal the bottles and store in a cool place where no light enters for at least six months.

Recipe 9. Pouring grapes at home with cinnamon


  • half a liter of food alcohol;
  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • half a kilogram of dark grapes;
  • three cloves;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking method

1. Ripe bunches of grapes are rinsed under the tap and dried. The berries are separated from the ridges. We remove rotten and damaged grapes. Lightly crush the grapes with your hands and place them in a clean glass jar. We fill the berries with an incomplete glass of sugar. Add spices and pour alcohol.

2. Close the jar with a lid, shake well until the sugar crystals dissolve completely. We send the container to the cellar. Shake the mixture daily.

3. After a month, we filter the liquid from the jar and pour it into an enameled pan. Pour 300 ml of drinking water into a saucepan, add 300 g of granulated sugar and cook the syrup for five minutes after boiling. Cool it completely and pour it into a saucepan with grape liquid. Mix well. We bottle the liquor, cork it and take it to the cellar for ten days. The drink is ready to drink.

  • Before laying grapes in a container, they are recommended to be slightly frozen to get more juice.
  • Do not open the container during fermentation to prevent the entry of unwanted bacteria and oxygen.
  • If you add spices to the liqueur, do not insist it for more than three hours so that the spices do not interrupt the taste and aroma of the grapes.
  • It is better to pour the liquor for storage into dark glass containers.
  • During infusion, be sure to periodically shake the container so that sediment does not form at the bottom, and the sugar is completely dissolved in the grape juice.

Alcohol made from cereals differs significantly in its qualities from a product obtained from sugar-containing raw materials. Wheat or rye moonshine has a pleasant mild taste, a light aroma of fresh sprouts, and some sweetness. And most importantly - they do not knock down, as happens with drinks made from sugar-containing ingredients.

Features of moonshine from rye raw materials

Rye is not as iconic as wheat or corn. However, it makes an excellent whisky. Why not try making it at home? To make good natural rye moonshine, you can use either natural grains or store-bought cereal.

Rye contains from 55 to 70% starch, but it is extremely difficult to obtain it due to the specific protein-carbohydrate composition of the raw material. So for the manufacture of moonshine, you will need to carefully process the grains - either germinate, or grind into flour / shot, or boil well. this particular grain crop lasts at least 3 hours. To get the same “single malt whiskey”, it is advisable to use not ready-made store preparations in the preparation process, but dried or green malt obtained from sprouted rye.

Factory production of alcohol from rye includes the following steps:

To get a decent result at home, you will need to repeat all these procedures.

Sprouting Rye for Malted Milk

Germinating grain contains substances - enzymes, which repeatedly accelerate all processes that can be attributed to "digestion". That is, if we need to saccharify starch from cereals, then this can be done without enzymes, but with them everything will happen much faster.

To make your own malt, you need 5-6 days and grain harvested at least 2 months ago (fresh will not work). If time does not wait, then you can buy fermented or fresh malt. Ready-made enzymes "A" and "G" are also suitable. The sprouting recipe is very simple:

  1. Soak the grain in hot (+50°C) water.
  2. We spread it on a flat surface with a layer no more than 2 grains thick.
  3. Cover the grains with a cloth soaked in water.
  4. From time to time we ventilate and turn the grains over, moisten the cloth.
  5. On the 3rd day, we stop disturbing the grain, we only irrigate the fabric (with a manual spray gun, for example).

First you need to wash the grapes and cool in cold water. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour 50 ml of hot water, also add vanilla sugar to prepare the filling. In this case, it is necessary to mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the solution. Mix the resulting syrup with vodka, after complete cooling. To peel lemons, you can use a special knife or grate the zest. Put the extracted zest, cloves and cinnamon in a bowl, pour vodka with syrup. After that, you need to let it brew for at least fifteen minutes. Then you can take out the cinnamon

To prepare for seaming, it is necessary to re-wash the grapes and cut off unnecessary branches. The tail that remains should be about five millimeters long, as small as possible. Dry the berries thoroughly after water procedures.

After the jars have been prepared: sterilized, with a wide neck, in which you need to put the berries before filling. After that, pour the jar with flavored vodka to completely fill it and finally close the lid until it stops. The duration of infusion is approximately two to three months. The drink can be consumed after readiness. Bon appetit!

Chef's secret

After the grapes have been eaten, you can use the flavored vodka for another recipe. For example, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. The best option would be diluting it with a tonic. It is necessary to choose the right proportions that will suit your taste.