Is it necessary to remove the film from pork liver? How to properly remove the film from beef liver? What to cook with beetroot - Jamie Oliver's Recipes

Liver dishes always turn out very tasty if prepared correctly. And it doesn’t matter what kind of pork, beef or chicken it is. For a real chef (and many housewives consider themselves to be such), everything should be delicious. But the preparation of many products has its own secrets. The liver is no exception here either. After all, in markets or stores it is sold in a form in which you cannot cook it right away, and therefore it will need to be prepared for this. What needs to be done for this and how to do it all faster?

We cleanse the liver of film simply and quickly

So, before you start cutting the chilled one into those pieces that are needed today specifically for your dish, you will need to wash it and clear it of the film. Why do this?

If you don’t remove the film and do it just like that, then it will become very hard, which will in no way add tenderness to your future culinary masterpiece.

If you have just taken the liver out of the refrigerator and it is still frozen, then removing the film from it will be quite easy. But still, for this, the liver should be defrosted. To achieve this, you can rinse it directly in warm water or, another option, simply put it in hot water, which we pour into any suitable container. We shouldn’t keep it there for a long time, because it will be enough for us only for the top film to come off. When it comes off, you can easily pry it off when you cut it. After that, just grab it by the tip with your fingers, pull it, and it should come off well. When you remove all the film in this way, rinse the product again with water.

It is possible that the liver is still quite fresh (if you just purchased it), then again we place it in any container with hot water not for long - 20-30 seconds will be enough. Or you can simply pour boiling water over it. After this procedure, we place the piece on a cutting board, cut a small section of the film on one side and then also carefully try to separate it.

Another option that will help you facilitate the entire process of removing such a film is to sprinkle it on top with simple table salt (but coarse salt is better) or you can simply dip your fingers directly in

Difficulty level: Easy

1 step

Before cutting a piece of chilled liver into smaller pieces, you need to wash it thoroughly and also remove any film. If you leave the film on, the liver will become hard after frying, thereby spoiling the culinary masterpiece.

Step 2

Frozen liver, just taken out of the refrigerator, should be thawed by placing it in a container with warm or hot water. After holding for a while until only the top film comes off, remove from the water. In order to check whether the top layer has come off sufficiently, it is necessary to pry off the film with a knife at the cut. If it comes off easily, you can pry it with your finger and remove it. This procedure is quite simple. After all the film has been removed, the piece of liver should be rinsed again with water.

Step 3

If the product is fresh and just purchased, you should also place it in a bowl of hot water for half a minute. Or you can pour boiling water over a piece of liver. After this procedure, on a piece laid out on a cutting board, you need to make a small cut on the film and try to carefully separate it.

Step 4

The next method that will help in separating the film is to sprinkle a piece of liver with table salt (coarse salt is most suitable). Or, to prevent the film from slipping out, you can dip your fingers in salt.

  • When buying liver, it is better to choose a piece that is closer to the edge. In this case, its processing will be significantly simplified, because in such a piece there are fewer bile ducts and films. Young animals have lighter colored livers.
  • Each housewife has her own special tricks in preparing dishes, but if she properly cleanses the liver, then soaking in milk or soda will no longer be necessary.

Liver is a very healthy and tasty offal, but many people don’t like it. And it’s not even a matter of specific taste and peculiar smell. It’s just that the liver needs to be cooked correctly, and not everyone knows how to do it. An important point in preparing the liver is its proper cleaning - from the film and bile ducts. If they are not removed, the liver will become bitter and its taste will be hopelessly spoiled.

Choose pieces of liver closer to the edge - there are fewer films and bile ducts there, which will greatly simplify its processing, and you will not lose anything in taste. It is also better to take those pieces that are lighter; they belonged to younger animals.

Prepare a knife, a cutting board, a clean bowl for the peeled pieces, and a handful of coarse salt. Rinse the liver under water. If you have a frozen liver, do not defrost it too much; it is easier to clean it when slightly thawed. If you bought steamed, chilled liver, then after rinsing it in running water, place it in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. Rub the liver with coarse salt - this will make it easier to remove the films and also remove bitterness.

Choose a place where it will be easier for you to start cleaning the liver, use a knife to pry or trim a small section of the film, place your thumb under it and carefully move deeper, separating the film from the liver. When you have separated all the films, rinse the liver again.

If you choose a piece that has a lot of veins, you will have to cut it into small pieces to get to all the films in the veins, and clean everything out or cut it out with a knife. In the same way, it is necessary to cut out the bile ducts and places contaminated with bile.

There is also a subtlety in cutting pork liver - before cleaning it should either be soaked for half a minute in hot water or scalded with boiling water. In this case, the films will easily separate from the meat.

Each housewife has her own secrets for successfully preparing the liver - be it rubbing with salt, soaking in soda or milk, smearing with mustard, but if you properly clean and process the liver, then you will not need all these secrets.

Liver ranks first among meat products in terms of the content of vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cooking liver dishes, as a rule, does not require significant time and effort. This product goes well with most vegetables, rice, nuts, dried fruits, berries and honey.

Recipes for preparing liver, despite their apparent simplicity, are designed to require knowledge of certain subtleties of pre-processing the product. In particular, almost any dish will turn out tender and tasty if you first thoroughly clean the liver from the film.

Removing the film

  • There are several ways to remove the film from a piece of beef or pork liver quickly and without hassle. If the liver is fresh, it is recommended:
  • Transfer the liver to a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut a small section of the film on one side;
  • Gently grab the film with your thumb. Helping with your other fingers, carefully separate it from the entire piece and gradually remove it.

If the liver is frozen, you must:

  • Wash the piece well under running water;
  • Let the liver thaw a little. A short period of time will be enough for only the top film to defrost;
  • Pry it with a knife, grab it with your finger and remove it;
  • After removing the film and veins from a piece of liver, rinse it thoroughly again.

In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To facilitate the process of removing the film, you need to sprinkle a piece of liver with coarse table salt. You can dip your fingers in the salt first;
  • Housewives also say that the film will come off easily if you soak the liver in milk for about an hour;
  • If the liver has large veins, then it is advisable to first cut the piece into small slices. Each slice must be cut along the bile ducts and veins and films removed using a sharp knife;
  • Pork liver can be pre-scalded with boiling water;
  • The liver of fish (cod, burbot) does not require film removal;
  • It will be enough to remove the bile ducts and large vessels from the chicken liver.

Liver selection

When buying liver in a store or on the market, you should know what to pay attention to first:

  • It is preferable to buy fresh liver rather than frozen;
  • The color of the liver should not be too light, dark or uneven;
  • The surface of a quality piece is smooth, elastic, without dry spots;
  • Fresh liver smells pleasant, slightly sweet. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

Pork liver is widely used in cooking - cutlets, pancakes, and pates are made from it. It is also fried, stewed, baked with vegetables, and added to salads and porridges. Pork liver dishes can diversify your daily home menu and decorate your holiday table. Pork liver is a healthy offal that is recommended for dietary nutrition and for pregnant women.


Pork liver, like any other liver, is covered with a barely noticeable translucent film. If left unattended, the dish may disappoint with its taste - it will turn out to be tough and dry. One of the conditions for preparing tender, juicy and appetizing liver is to clean it from the film and remove the bile ducts. The liver must first be washed. If the piece is large, then for convenience it should be cut into smaller pieces.

It is best to do this along the line of the bile ducts, as this will facilitate the process of removing the film and veins.

How to remove the film?

The easiest way is to remove the film from a frozen product. To do this, you need to slightly defrost it: rinse it with a warm stream of water or put it in a container with hot water for a while. If there is time, some housewives simply transfer it from the freezer to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

You can do the same with fresh liver. However, you can observe the picture when tidbits are removed along with the film.

For those who care about their health, we can offer some techniques for quickly and easily cleaning chilled offal.

  • Removing film using salt. Coarse salt is suitable for cleaning the liver from film. To do this, you need to pour salt on top of the product, hold it for a while, and then use a knife and hands to clean the film. There is a second option: roll your hands in salt and do the same with “salty” hands.
  • Lemon juice. And an ordinary lemon can cope with this task. A piece of liver is poured or rubbed with lemon juice. Then the film is removed in the usual way: using a knife and fingers.
  • Soda. If there is no lemon, then baking soda will help remove the film. However, this method will take more time. The step-by-step instructions look like this:
    • the liver is cut into portions;
    • then sprinkle with soda for 1 hour;
    • the liver is thoroughly washed, dried, the bile ducts and film are removed, after which the offal is sent to the fire.
  • Milk. Milk will not only help cleanse the liver, but also delight you with a culinary masterpiece. Gourmets complain about the bitterness that pork liver has. Pre-soaking the offal in milk will eliminate this unpleasant aftertaste. This marinade will also soften the fibers. For 1 kg of offal you will need 0.5 liters of milk. Soaking lasts about 2 hours. Then follow the usual procedure: rinse with running water, dry, and remove film and veins.

To learn how to remove the film from pork liver, watch the video below.