National cuisine of southern Europe recipes. National dishes of European countries - culinary delights for all time

European cuisine incorporates the traditions of all European countries: from Ireland to Turkey. It is as colorful and multifaceted as the customs, traditions and climate of the countries that make up Europe are different. What unites the cuisines of European nations? How did culinary traditions develop? What is included in the basis of the famous European recipes?

European cuisine is one of the most sought after in the world. The best recipes of European cuisine are known to any self-respecting cook. A visit to a European restaurant can be compared with a fascinating journey around the mainland.

Varieties of European cuisine

Europe is diverse in its climatic features, customs, way of life, so it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question: what kind of cuisine is European cuisine? This term refers to the culinary traditions of all European countries, but more attention is usually paid to its western part and the Mediterranean. Conventionally, the cuisine of Europe can be divided into several areas, using the principle of territorial neighborhood:

Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by generous nature and a sunny, mild climate.

  • Eastern European (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria) is grouped rather territorially, however, as in Russian cuisine, we can find borrowings from Georgian or Armenian, and vice versa.

European and Russian dishes gravitate towards the natural taste of products, while the more capricious cuisine of Transcaucasia has adopted the spicy flavors of Asia.

  • Western European (France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland), famous for cheeses and dairy products of agriculture , the cuisine of France stands out especially, which, on the one hand, is characterized by culinary excesses and simple colors of Provence, on the other hand, aristocracy and sophisticated design of European dishes.

The formation of the cuisine of the peoples of Europe

The development of European cuisine began in the Middle Ages. The perfection that European cuisine menu recipes have achieved is explained by the skill of cooks who served at the courts of kings, kings, and nobles. The kitchen of the common people has always been more modest and simpler. The poor, for example, could not afford to eat meat every day, hence there are so many natural products in European cuisine - mushrooms, berries, fruits.

If you are interested in the use of berries in dishes, then this one will introduce you to all kinds of desserts. And, of course, sweet pastries are not complete without berries. We will tell about it.

The tastes of Europeans have been transformed from era to era under the influence of numerous historical events and the merger of cultures, but it is European cuisine that is called classic, because we and our neighbors on the continent have always been very pedantic in food and demanding in terms of quality and freshness of products.

Main dishes and the best products of Europe

What dishes are included in European cuisine? The most famous and best dishes of European cuisine are prepared from meat, usually beef. The cult of meat is associated with the inaccessibility, high cost of this product. A European feature is the method of cooking meat over an open fire, with sauce and marinade. Meat is traditionally served with garnishes of fresh and stewed vegetables, cereals, flour products.

The first courses of European cuisine - soups - are obligatory on the table of any European today.

In different parts of the mainland, recipes differ: thick bean stew, refreshing cold gazpacho, rich chicken broth, fish soup. But the very fact of European love for soups is explained by the historical sedentary nature of peoples, attachment to their hearth and their fields. Not surprisingly, the farming features of farming have enriched our table with dishes from eggs, poultry, and dairy products.

A separate chapter in the mainland cookbook is salads of European cuisine. The popularity and variety of salads is explained, firstly, by the passion for natural products, healthy eating, harmonious combinations, and secondly, by the abundance of sauces that European chefs owe to the French. European cuisine salad recipes are based on vegetables and herbs, often fish, cheeses, flour products (pasta, crackers), legumes are added to them.

The reverent attitude of the inhabitants of the European part of the world to desserts. Not a single holiday is complete without dessert, sweet is the logical conclusion of the meal.

Meringues, eclairs, waffles, charlottes, mascarpone and vanilla ice cream are considered the highest achievements of confectionery art all over the world.

Significant importance in European cuisine is given to low-alcohol drinks: wine and beer. Their meaning is to awaken the appetite, improve the digestion of food, enrich the taste of dishes, warm or refresh.

Travel Europe!

European cuisine in pictures is ruddy lush pies with fillings and the thinnest pizza with red tomato slices. This is a thick juicy piece of fried meat and thin frog legs. This is the legendary Caesar and no less famous borscht.

Modern European cuisine, despite its popularity, unfortunately, has absorbed only "tops". Recipes of European cuisine restaurants are unified and of the same type. In the meantime, leafing through the cookbooks of the peoples of Europe is an exciting experience. It is interesting to study photos and menus of European cuisine, learn the history of recipes, try new combinations of flavors. And, of course, it is worth making culinary journeys to different parts of Europe again and again from your own kitchen.

European cuisine- this is a rather conditional category for generalizing dishes. In fact, in itself it combines recipes only on a territorial basis. Many dishes from different parts of Europe are sometimes diametrically opposed in the principles of their preparation, and the most diverse products can be used. So, for example, traditional Ukrainian soup is hard to compare with French soup. In the first case, we will rather talk about a liquid dish cooked in meat broth with the addition of pieces of vegetables, in the second case, you will most likely see “too thin puree” with crackers. The difference is obvious!

It should be understood that Eastern European, Southern European, Northern European, Western European cuisines differ significantly, and therefore it is simply not possible to combine them into something! So what then is the notorious cuisine of European countries ?!

The classification feature "European cuisine" most often refers to the national cuisines of such countries: Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, England, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Thus, it is obvious that the main backbone of the countries belongs to Western Europe, to some extent there is Southern Europe, and in addition England, which territorially belongs to Northern Europe. Such unity, by the way, is quite easy to explain by the common history, which, to a large extent, influenced culinary trends.

Common to these countries is the presence in the diet of appetizers, salads, first courses (soups), hot second courses, and desserts. As for snacks, they are mostly represented by all kinds of sandwiches (meat and sweet), as well as toasts. They are usually served with a glass of freshly squeezed juice or with a cup of coffee or tea. The first courses are represented by a wide variety of puree soups. They can be either purely vegetable or with the addition of meat ingredients, as well as fish.

Particular attention in traditional European cuisine should be given to hot second courses. Their diversity is so great that it is simply amazing! This is meat in various culinary treatments (mainly beef) and meat products (fried, smoked boiled sausages and sausages), as well as fish. In addition, poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck), as well as offal, is widely used in the preparation of second courses. Also quite famous dishes belonging to this category are Italian pasta and ravioli. Vegetables and cereals are most often used as a side dish.

The most popular dishes of European cuisine are desserts, since their choice is wide, the taste palette is diverse, and, accordingly, they can satisfy almost any taste preferences. In the menu of restaurants and cafes you will find all kinds of cakes, pastries, pies and pies, cookies, muffins, casseroles, meringues, puddings and much, much more.

A unique feature of traditional European cuisine has been the widespread use of eggs in the preparation of many dishes. They are not only fried and boiled, and then served as an independent dish, but also added to soups, main courses, desserts (for example, biscuit dough) and even some drinks!

When analyzing the features of European cuisine, one should also take into account the fact that the traditional cuisine of France, which brought all kinds of sauces, had the strongest influence on it. They are designed not to create the main taste of the dish, but only to emphasize it, subtly shading the main taste notes. In general, the creation of sauces in European cuisine is a whole science. Another feature traditional for European cuisine is the generous use of vegetables in the preparation of dishes: appetizers; salads; second courses; side dishes. The products are selected with the utmost care. They must be environmentally friendly and meet a lot of standards.

In general, European cuisine is a mix of the best dishes from Western and Southern European countries, as well as from England. Therefore, we advise you to pamper yourself with them at least occasionally. And for this it is not necessary to go to an expensive restaurant. You can organize a real extravaganza of taste at home! To do this, you just need to use those recipes with photos (step by step pictures) that are given on our website. With their help, cooking even the most complex dish will become quite a feasible task, in some ways even exciting!

This cuisine is one of the richest. She absorbs everything that was given and produced by her people. We can say that this term is generalizing and includes elements of many cuisines of the world that are on its borders. All dishes vary depending on the region in which they appeared. Traditions, cultures and taste preferences in food are implied, which affect the food itself. Thus, in neighboring countries we see different simple recipes and types of preparations. But they also have a lot of similarities. The biggest of them was the abundance of dishes that involve meat and vegetables. Also, various sauces and seasonings are used to them, which will emphasize the natural taste of food. By the way, the use of a small amount of flour is also characteristic.

In the recipes of European culture, they only try to emphasize the true taste of all culinary masterpieces. Quite often, when eating, they used various alcoholic beverages prepared at home. Thus, the inhabitants tried to improve digestion and increase their appetite for a meal. In addition, we are seeing an abundance of recipes that use chicken eggs. They are used not only as a separate component, but also as an addition to various types of food. They are used in frying, boiling, to create dough and even as the main ingredient for making spirits. For example, such as liquor. Over time, European cuisine began to expand and national cuisines began to pass on their simplest recipes to each other, exchanging culinary secrets. Even then, cooking was called a true art form.

Probably not worth mentioning such well-known dishes as the Hungarian "goulash soup", the Czech "fried pork" and the Romanian "Mamalyga". They flew around the world talking about their unusual taste. Even now, they have kept their recipe and can be seen on the table in every kitchen in the world. Nowadays, European cuisine is fraught with a whole storehouse of recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Over the last century, even dishes of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine have been added to them. A variety of cooking methods and ingredients give rise to unique food that can be easily prepared even at home. It is full of a variety of sweet and savory pastries. It is believed that some confectionery products carry with them the history of ancient times. Although this applies to many recipes that have survived. Now we have a kind of mixture of modern and ancient cuisine, where components of different nations are combined.

We have collected for you the most delicious, unusual and simple recipes. You can bring your family closer to modern or ancient Europe by simply preparing something new for them. And we will help you with this.

European Cuisine European cuisine is more than an abstract concept. Represented by different regions, they vary greatly. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing in common between them. In some European countries, they prefer stew, in others, fried fish, and others prefer vegetables. They are united by the general composition of the menu, which includes soups, main courses, appetizers, salads, desserts.

European cuisine - dishes for a full meal

The variety of European cuisine menus is a unique opportunity to cook new, often unusual dishes every day and surprise your loved ones. Today there may be traditional Ukrainian borscht, tomorrow - French puree soup, the day after tomorrow - Spanish gazpacho.

Soups of European cuisine belong to different types: dressing, transparent, combined, mashed potatoes. They differ in the way of preparation - they can be hot and cold. Accordingly, European soups have a completely different taste, and there will always be an original tasty dish on your table.

The main dishes in European countries are prepared from meat, vegetables, potatoes, fish and seafood, mushrooms. They are stewed, fried, boiled, baked, seasoned with sauces that give them completely new flavors. In some cuisines, original sauces have long become an independent type of dish.

Do not forget about the variety of salads that give variety to dinner, making it complete, balanced. Sauces also play a major role here. Mayonnaise, creamy, Dijon mustard, vegetable oil and lemon juice dressing with honey, spices and spices turn European cuisine salads into bright original dishes.

Such different European cuisine

In addition to classification according to the method of preparation and choice of products, dishes common in European countries are distinguished geographically. Speaking about Europe, five groups are considered.

Northern European cuisine includes English and Irish cuisines popular with culinary specialists, as well as Finnish, Swedish, Estonian and many others, characterized by an abundance of fish and seafood dishes.

Southern European cuisine is primarily Mediterranean: Greek, Italian, as well as Bosnian, Macedonian and the cuisine of other countries that are part of the former Yugoslavia. It has a lot of vegetables, fish and seafood.

Western European cuisine is perhaps the most popular today. This group includes French, German, Belgian cuisines. It includes exquisite foie gras, julienne, gratin.

Central European cuisine is the dishes of countries closer to us: Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, etc. They, like the dishes of Western European cuisine, are characterized by the use of a large amount of meat, potatoes, cereals.

Eastern European cuisine, which includes dishes popular in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Our favorite borscht, potato pancakes, pancakes, dumplings belong to it.

There are many interesting, often very rare recipes in European cuisine that you can cook if you take a short trip through the pages of our site. We offer not only a complete, detailed description of the most complex dishes, but also include step-by-step photographs. It is not difficult to understand any recipe with them.

You do not yet have much experience in cooking - with us you will delight your loved ones with a hearty variety of dinners prepared in European countries, and lay a chic festive table, surprising your friends with your abilities.

Perhaps every person loves to travel around Europe, there are many cities and places worthy of attention. But sights are not everything in life. Think of food that can be as different as the countries where it is popular. Whether you're high in the Alps or lounging by the shining sea, there are sure to be European dishes to try.

Vienna Schnitzel from Austria

Nothing compares to this dish, which is an incredibly thin piece of meat fried in breadcrumbs. The cutlet is made from pork or chicken. This is such a famous dish that it was named after the capital. Without him, Austrian cuisine would not be the same.

Flemish carbonade from Belgium

The state, famous for waffles and delicious potatoes, may surprise you. Try the Flemish meat dish, reminiscent of a French roast, but cooked not with wine, but with beer. After all, Belgium is famous for this foamy drink.

Banitsa from Bulgaria

Bulgarian cuisine can be described as an eclectic mix of Russian, Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern. First of all, you should eat banitsa, a pastry made from tender filo dough stuffed with cheese and eggs. However, there are variations of the baking recipe, which can be both salty and sweet. For example, on New Year's Eve, talismans for good luck are hidden in the banitsa.

Black rice from Croatia

Black rice or risotto is the Croatian interpretation of the cuttlefish ink dish. You can try it in any seafood restaurant.

Halloumi from the Republic of Cyprus

Once in this island nation, first of all try halloumi, a semi-hard cheese made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk. This is one of the rare varieties that do not melt when roasted.

Veprsho-knedlo-zelo from the Czech Republic

This is a way to combine three main dishes of the Czech Republic on one plate. The legendary recipe combines roast pork, bread dumplings and stewed cabbage.

Snobred from Denmark

This is a special kind of bread. You can make it by wrapping dough around a stick and frying the resulting bun over a fire. When you take the baked dough off the stick, you can fill the remaining hole with whatever you like, like jam or chocolate spread.

Kiluvoileib from Estonia

A sandwich with sprats is a favorite snack of Estonians. To some foreigners, the appearance of this dish seems repulsive, but the combination of fish and eggs on rye bread is perfect. This is an option that is equally popular with both locals and tourists.

Roast venison from Finland

Roasted reindeer meat is one of the most beloved Finnish dishes. It is said that it tastes like veal. The dish is eaten all year round and is one of the most traditional.

Raw steak from France

You already know that you can't help but try baguettes and pastries, but do you have the courage to eat raw meat? Steak tartare is a real delicacy that is best cooked in France.

Kesespetzle from Germany

Under this name hides cheese dumplings, which are served sprinkled with fried onions. This is a dish that everyone should definitely try. It is brought to the table right in the pan where it was cooked, piping hot.

Moussaka from Greece

This dish is common throughout the Mediterranean, but is especially loved by the Greeks. It is made from several layers, including fried eggplant, minced meat, chopped tomatoes, garlic, spices, potatoes, cheese and bechamel sauce.

Kurtoskalach from Hungary

Kürtoshkalach, known as “stove cake”, is a dessert made from dough covered with butter and fried until golden brown, after which it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon, and ground nuts. Ice cream or even chocolate paste is put inside.

Black pudding from Ireland

This dish is much less popular than the local beer, but it's worth a try. Black pudding is made from blood pudding made from lard, blood and oatmeal.

Ribollita from Italy

Tuscan traditional roast is made from bread, legumes, vegetables. This dish is referred to as "poor people's cuisine". Previously, it was prepared from the leftovers from the master's table of the servant.

Sklandrausis from Latvia

Sklandrausis are traditional Latvian vegetable patties made from potatoes and carrots. They are usually sprinkled with cinnamon and served with milk.

Šaltibaršai from Lithuania

Book the picturesque Šaltibarschai. This is a wonderfully delicious pink beetroot soup served cold.

Quetchentaart from Luxembourg

This is a plum cake that is especially popular in September, when plum season begins.

Pastizzi from Malta

This is a salty pastry made with ricotta or peas. The texture of the dough resembles a croissant. It is a popular snack in nightclubs.

Bitterballen from the Netherlands

Deep fried meatballs are often served in bars. They are especially good with mustard sauce.

Feathers from Poland

This is the best Polish dish. Dumplings stuffed with meat or vegetables are cooked better here than in other countries.

Pastel de nata from Portugal

These cakes can be found on every corner of the Portuguese streets. The filling is made from egg cream. Dessert is best enjoyed when fresh, straight out of the oven.

Sarmale from Romania

Consider that you have not been to Romania if you have not tried these cabbage rolls with minced meat, stewed in tomato juice and water.

Khalushki from Slovakia

The traditional dish here is reminiscent of gnocchi made from sheep's cheese and sprinkled with pieces of bacon or smoked meats.

Mlinci from Slovenia

These are tortillas that are served as a side dish for turkey or duck. Roast them in a cast iron skillet.

Paella from Spain

The best Spanish appetizer is tapas, and the main dish is rice paella with vegetables, meat or seafood seasoned with saffron.

Kottbullar from Sweden

Traditional Swedish meatballs are served hot with cream sauce, jam and potatoes.

Fish and chips from the UK

If you visit Britain and do not try this dish, you will make a serious mistake. Order fish garnished with peas and vinegar sauce like the locals do.