How much salt per 1 kg of pink salmon. How to pickle pink salmon at home - different ways (recipes)

Fresh pink salmon can be salted where it was caught, and it is sold chilled, more often frozen. If the fish was bought in this form or stored in the freezer, then it must be thawed gradually in the refrigerator.

But it is better not to wait until the end of the process and start preparing the fish while it is still firm and holding its shape, so it is easier to remove the skin from it.

Usually pink salmon in the store is already gutted, if not, then you first need to cut it along the abdomen and take out the insides, separate the head.

To remove it, you need to cut the body of the fish along the back, remove the fins, carefully cut the skin at the head end and remove it.

At the next stage, you need to remove the spinal bone along with the ribs, after making a deep incision along the midline of the back to the spine. All parts of the fish unsuitable for salting can be used in the ear.

If pink salmon is salted with skin, then the fins can be cut with scissors, having previously cleaned the scales.

Having decided how to pickle pink salmon in pieces or whole, you need to pay attention to the salting time.

The period indicated in the recipes is approximate, it depends on the size of the pieces and the temperature regime: the larger the pieces and the lower the temperature, the slower the process will be.

Salt salmon for salmon

Salted salmon is a delicious, but expensive, gourmet product. You can pickle ordinary pink salmon for salmon. The fish will be tender and retain the beautiful salmon color. To do this, it is better to take fish after deep freezing, it is safer, because this recipe provides a quick way.


  • pink salmon - 1 pc.,
  • salt - 7 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to pickle pink salmon for salmon?

1. Make a brine: pour salt and sugar with boiling water, mix well, if the salt does not dissolve, you can put on fire. Leave until cool. 2. Remove the skin from slightly thawed frozen fish, after cutting off the head and tail. Cut the carcass into fillets, removing the bones and cutting off part of the abdomen. 3. Cut the fillet into beautiful pieces of the same size at an angle of 45 degrees, about one centimeter wide. 4. Pour a tablespoon of cognac into the chilled brine and dip the pieces of the future "salmon" for a quarter of an hour. 5. Put the fish in a single layer on paper towels, and blot the pieces on top with them. 6. Since pink salmon, compared to salmon, is a rather dry fish, immediately after salting it must be put into a sudok in layers, smearing each with vegetable oil. Leave the fish like this for about an hour, after which it can be served at the table.

Fish salted in this way turns out to be lightly salted, tender, quite fatty. Those who like fish with a slightly spicy taste can season with black pepper when layering.

Salt pink salmon in brine

Pink salmon can be salted in brine in a spicy version with spices. There you can add bay leaf, peppercorns. You can take cloves, but you need to be careful with it, as it tends to interrupt all other flavors. Add it to the brine no more than one, maximum two pieces.


  • pink salmon - 1 kg fillet,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l. without a slide
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • water - 100 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • black peppercorns) -4 pcs.,
  • allspice peas - 4 pcs.,
  • laurel - 3 leaves.

How to pickle pink salmon in brine?

1. First you need to prepare the brine by pouring sugar and salt into hot water. When it cools down, add vegetable oil. 2. Freeze the finished fillet slightly and cut with a thin sharp knife into small pieces 5-8 mm thick. 3. Lay pink salmon in a container in layers, shifting them with spices. 4. Pour the fish with brine and oil. It needs to cover all the pieces. 5. Before putting the container in the refrigerator, it must be tightly closed with a lid. Soak there for 12 hours or just leave pink salmon overnight. It will be ready the next morning. 6. When serving, drain the brine or, laying out the pieces with a fork, you need to wait until it drains.

Salt pink salmon in a dry way

Pink salmon can be salted without brine and marinade, using salt and sugar. To do this, the fish must be cut into fillets with or without skin, as desired. You can also take a whole fillet for salting or cut it into pieces immediately.

Thinner pieces are obtained from skinless fillets. In order for the pulp not to wrinkle when slicing, you need to take a sharp and thin knife, as well as slightly freeze the product itself.

When salting the whole fillet, the cooking time should be increased by six hours, if the fish is salted with the skin, then in this case you need to add 10-12 hours.


  • pink salmon - 1 pc.,
  • salt - for 500 g of fish 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • sugar - for 500 g of fish 1 tbsp. l. without a slide.

How to salt pink salmon in a dry way?

1. The finished fish fillet with or without skin should be cut into pieces (thinner ones will be ready faster). 2. Mix salt and sugar in a bowl. 3. Pour about ¼ of the spices into the bottom of plastic, glass, porcelain dishes and lay out half the fillet. If fish with skin is salted, then you need to place the meat up. 4. About 2/4 of the mixture of salt and sugar is poured onto the first layer of the fillet, the second half of the fillet is placed on top, skin up. 5. Sprinkle the remaining spices evenly on top. Cover with fish tightly and refrigerate. 6. After 5 hours, shift the pieces of fish, swapping the layers: bottom to top. 7. Pieces of skinless fish about five centimeters wide will be ready in 10 hours. After that, they need to be freed from excess salt by rinsing under running water or with a napkin. 8. Fish can be served directly to the table or first pour vegetable oil for 2-3 hours.

Salting whole pink salmon at home

For such salting, you can use a thin cotton fabric. Salt must be taken large, preferably sea. You can get a spicy salting product if you use coriander seeds, dill, chopped bay leaves and allspice when salting.

All of these ingredients can be mixed with salt, or just one or two can be used to taste. Do not take too many spices, for one fish weighing up to one and a half kg, no more than 5 g.


  • pink salmon - 1 pc.,
  • sea ​​salt, coarse - 1 tbsp. l. for 500 g of fish,
  • spices (coriander, dill seeds, allspice, bay leaf) - 5 g.

How to pickle pink salmon at home as a whole?

1. Prepare pink salmon by gutting it and cleaning it from scales. In this recipe, the tail, head and fins can not be removed, but it is better to use them in the preparation of another dish - fish soup. 2. Rinse salmon, pat dry and wrap in cloth in one layer. 3. Put the fish on another piece of fabric, you can take a denser piece. Top generously sprinkle with salt, if desired, spices and wrap. 4. Put the fish in a bag, roll it tightly, tie it up and put it in the refrigerator. 5. After 24 hours, the fish must be removed from the bag, the cloth removed, and the salt shaken off. 6. Cut into thin slices and serve. 7. The remaining fish can be tightly wrapped again in a cloth, shaking off excess salt from it. Put in a bag in the cold, for a period of not more than ten days.

How to store salted pink salmon?

Pink salmon, salted in thin pieces, can be stored for about a week, but not more than ten days, if you fill it with vegetable oil so that it covers the fish. In this case, onion rings and allspice peas can be put in the oil, they will give a piquant taste.

Fish salted in the "wet" way can be stored in brine, just remember that the longer the fish is there, the more salty it will be. Salt draws out the juices from the fish, it becomes drier, therefore, before serving, it must be washed and also poured with oil, it will soften the taste.

Fish salted in brine with oil, fish can be stored in the cold for up to five days.

Whole fish salted in a piece of cloth or gauze can also be stored in it for up to ten days.

If the fish was prepared for the future in large quantities, but will not be consumed in ten days, then it can be stored in the freezer. To do this, it must first be cleaned of excess salt, put in a container.

Salted red fish is a delicacy that hardly anyone will refuse. However, many gourmets are sure that only trout and salmon are suitable for salting, but pink salmon is not the best option, because it turns out to be rather dry. But let me disagree with you, because the whole point is how to salt pink salmon. Today we will bring to your attention several recipes for salting pink salmon at home, using them, you will create a real culinary masterpiece that will not yield to either salmon or trout.

You will need:

  • pink salmon - 1 medium-sized carcass,
  • salt - 2.5 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method

  • We clean the fish. Gutted. We remove the fins and the head (by the way, they should not be thrown away, because you can cook delicious ones from them). Cut in half lengthwise, remove the spine. Rinse and dry with paper towels. If desired, divide into pieces of medium size or leave as is.
  • Mix salt and sugar.
  • Rub the fish pieces with the prepared mixture.
  • At the bottom of the container in which we will salt the fish, pour a little vegetable oil and spread the pink salmon. Sprinkle with the rest of the salt and sugar mixture.
  • We cover the dish with a lid. Leave the fish for 3 hours at room temperature. After that, put the pink salmon in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Before serving, we clean the fish from excess salt. Cut into portions and sprinkle with lemon juice if desired. An excellent addition to the fish will be olives and fresh vegetables.

Salted salmon in brine

You will need:

  • frozen pink salmon - 1 carcass,
  • table salt - 5 tablespoons,
  • water - 1 liter,
  • vegetable oil - optional.

Cooking method

  • We thaw the fish a little. We remove the skin from it, remove the head and spine. Cut into small pieces.
  • We boil water. Let's cool down. Dilute salt in it.
  • We send pieces of pink salmon to the prepared brine. Salting time - 15-30 minutes, depending on your taste preferences.
  • Put the salted fish on a paper towel. After all the excess liquid is absorbed into the paper, we transfer the fish to a glass jar or plastic container and send it to the refrigerator.
  • After 5 hours, the fish is ready to eat. If you plan to store salted pink salmon for a long time, then it will not be superfluous to sprinkle it with vegetable oil a little (we recommend using refined oil for this purpose).

How to salt pink salmon with herbs and white pepper

You will need:

  • pink salmon - 1 carcass,
  • salt - 2.5 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • freshly ground white pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • dill - 1 bunch.

Cooking method

  • Mix salt and sugar.
  • We fillet the fish, that is, remove the skin, cut off the head, cut out the spine. Cut into slices about 3 cm wide.
  • Rub the fish pieces with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  • Sprinkle with white pepper and chopped dill.
  • Wrap the fish in cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • After the specified time, you can take a sample, but first do not forget to remove the excess spices with a paper towel or napkin.

Salted pink salmon with spicy honey-mustard sauce

You will need:

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 kilogram,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • orange - 2 pieces,
  • dill - 1/2 bunch.

For sauce:

  • mustard - 20 grams,
  • olive oil - 40 grams,
  • vinegar - 20 grams,
  • honey - 20 grams.

For submission:

  • olives,
  • greens (parsley, dill),
  • lemon juice.

Cooking method

  • My fish fillet. We discuss. Place in a glass or plastic container with a lid.
  • Peel oranges and cut into rings.
  • My dill. We discuss. We chop finely.
  • Mix salt and sugar.
  • Rub the fish with the mixture.
  • Sprinkle with herbs and cover with orange slices.
  • We cover with a lid. We put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • After the specified time, prepare the honey-mustard sauce. To do this, mix the prepared ingredients. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Cut the fish fillet into thin slices. Serve on a beautiful platter. If desired, pour lemon sauce, decorate with your favorite herbs and olives. Serve with honey mustard sauce.

Bon appetit to you, your household and your relatives and friends who have looked at the light!

Most people buy frozen pink salmon, as they live far from sea areas. Salted pink salmon is a very tasty and healthy product that is not at all difficult to cook at home.

Pink salmon meat is plastic and rich in protein. For the specific color of the meat, pink salmon was nicknamed "pink salmon." The presence of a large amount of fatty acids in meat makes pink salmon one of the most useful fish.

The delicate and elastic texture of pink salmon meat allows you to quickly absorb salt. Cooking pink salmon at home can take no more than 24 hours. Start cooking fish immediately after defrosting it.

It should be noted that in 85 grams of lightly salted pink salmon there are 10 grams of excellent fish oil.

Fish meat has a slight bitterness, and this factor should always be taken into account in the salting process. The presence of salt will minimize bitterness, and sugar and spices will give fish meat a delicate taste.

The following seasonings can be added to pink salmon meat:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • black pepper;
  • white pepper;
  • peppercorns;
  • rosemary;
  • mustard;
  • garlic;
  • Bay leaf.

There are several options for homemade salting of pink salmon:

  • the sugar present in the brine can give the dish a piquant taste;
  • for cooking with oil, it is better to use ordinary vegetable oil;
  • if in the process of cooking pink salmon it is covered with a load, then it will begin to secrete juice;
  • the use of powdered sugar will allow you to get a more delicate taste;
  • only rock (coarse) or sea salt is suitable for salting;
  • it is advisable to cook pink salmon in glass, ceramic or plastic containers.

Interesting! 100 grams of salted meat contains 19% of vitamin A.

It is necessary to defrost the frozen fish carcass in a natural way, without forcing this stage. It is possible to remove the skin of the fish before cooking, although most recipes call for salting with the skin on.

Salted pink salmon is considered a delicacy, so the salting process must be taken seriously. Before cooking, the head, fins and bones are removed. Therefore, only the pulp of the insanely delicious pink salmon meat is subject to salting. After proper cutting, you should get two pieces of fish meat, which are called fillets. Other recipes call for smaller pieces of fish.

As already mentioned, there are several ways to prepare salted pink salmon. Here are some of them:

  • Salted pink salmon. This method involves keeping pink salmon meat for a short time in a salt solution.
  • Salted pink salmon. All kinds of spices and aromatic herbs are added to the salt solution.
  • Dry salted pink salmon. The fish is simply rubbed with salt or salt and sugar, without the use of water.
  • Salted pink salmon in oil. The basis of the marinade for cooking pink salmon meat is vegetable oil.

After freezing, the texture of pink salmon meat loses some of its qualities due to the appearance of ice in the tissues, which slightly soften the fresh product. When cutting a carcass, attention should be paid to how easily the tissues are separated from the bones. If the bones are easily separated from the meat, then the carcass has undergone several freezing / thawing processes. Naturally, such meat will not allow you to get a quality end product. If the process of separating the bones was not so easy, and the meat is tender and elastic, then you can start the salting process. The larger the carcass, the meatier the fillet and the easier it is to cook.

A simple recipe for cooking consists in simply rubbing a salt-sugar mixture into pink salmon meat. At the same time, salt should be taken 2 times more than sugar. Mixtures should not be spared. This means that the meat must be processed generously and thoroughly.

After that, the fish is placed in the refrigerator for one day. The concentration of salt and sugar is prepared depending on the degree of salting. The less salt, the less salty the product will be. But here it is also very important to maintain proportions with sugar. Fish prepared using this technology is stored for a short time.

The simplest recipe involves the presence of fish and salt. Salt is poured into glass or ceramic dishes, with a ball of about 1 cm and the fish fillets are laid out skin down. From above, fish meat is also sprinkled with salt. After this process, it is better to put the fish in the refrigerator, but before that:

  • cover the fish with a lid;
  • put a load on the fish fillet;
  • or cover the fish fillet with cling film.

The fish is cooked for 24 hours. This technology is the basis of all recipes.

The Japanese salt pink salmon with sea salt. The cooking technology is as follows:

  • Weighty pieces of fillet, skinned, dried with a paper towel.
  • The same pieces of fillet are generously sprinkled on all sides with sea salt and placed in 3-4 layers of paper towels.
  • In this state, the fish is placed on a sieve, and some vessel is placed under the bottom.
  • All this is placed in the refrigerator for one day.

The Japanese believe that sea salt makes meat more natural, natural, with a specific soft pink tint.

It should be recalled that the longer the fish is kept in the salt composition, the saltier it will be. Therefore, it is not recommended to salt fish for more than 3 days.

Dry salting, with the use of spices and sugar

In addition to the usual, simple salting of fish, there are options when sugar and spices are added to the salt. The following method of cooking pink salmon is proposed:

  • The spine and other bones are removed from the carcass.
  • The fillet is divided into two parts.
  • The meat is treated on all sides with a mixture of salt, black pepper, sugar, chopped dill and parsley. On top, you can put a few leaves of parsley and pour lemon juice.
  • Put one piece on top and another on top.
  • Keep the fish for a couple of days in the refrigerator.
  • After this period, the fish must be cleaned of excess salt and seasonings.

Need to know! In order for the fish to be evenly saturated with lemon juice and spices, it must be turned over 2 times a day.

In this recipe, replace lemon juice with vinegar, and pepper with grain mustard.

"Wet" salting involves the presence of a saline solution with spices, prepared in water. It is prepared as follows:

  • Up to 2 liters of water is poured into the dishes and brought to a boil.
  • 2 bay leaves, 70 g of salt, 1 teaspoon of peppercorns are added to the water.
  • All this is cooked for 10 minutes.
  • After the broth has cooled, it is filtered.
  • Pieces of fish are poured with this composition.
  • Placed in the refrigerator for one day.

In this amount, you can pickle up to 5 kg of fish. If the carcass is smaller (about 3 kg), then the number of components must be reduced by 2 times.

Pink salmon meat is not very fatty and has a slightly bitter taste. To make the meat fatter allows vegetable oil. If you use it in the recipe, then pink salmon is unlikely to be distinguished from salmon.

Cooking technology:

  • Boil water, then cool and add 5 tbsp. spoons of salt.
  • Thawed fish is cut, with the removal of all bones and cut into pieces, up to 4 cm wide.
  • Sliced ​​fish is placed in brine for ten minutes.
  • After that, pink salmon meat is placed in glass or enameled dishes and poured with vegetable oil.
  • The oil-filled fish is set in the refrigerator for about forty minutes.
  • If the fish is not completely filled with brine, then every 15 minutes the pieces should be turned over.

As a result of such actions, a finished product is obtained, which corresponds to salmon in taste and color. In this case, you need to take a carcass weighing up to 1 kg.

If, as a result of salting pink salmon, the fish turns out to be very salty, then it can be soaked in plain water.

Salted pink salmon goes well with salads, cold appetizers, sandwiches and tartlets. Not only is pink salmon very tasty, it is also very healthy. Home salting guarantees a high quality of the final result, since the recipes do not contain various flavorings and preservatives that cause significant harm to human health.

Pink salmon belongs to the salmon family. It is a valuable commercial fish.

Tender pink salmon meat can be boiled, salted, fried. And with the right preparation, this fish acquires a wonderful taste. Salted pink salmon is especially popular.

Salting pink salmon at home is quite simple. We offer a simple recipe for salting.

We will need:
pink salmon carcass;

Bay leaf;
black pepper.

First you need to cut the fish. Cut off the head, tail and fins. Gut all the insides and rinse.

Cut the salmon carcass in half.

Remove the spine and large costal bones.

Let's prepare the mixture for salting pink salmon. For a medium carcass (1 - 1.5 kg), mix one and a half tablespoons of salt with one tablespoon of sugar. Add some black pepper to taste.

Salt the two halves of pink salmon with the mixture. Put the bay leaf and wrap the pieces as shown in the photo. The bay leaf will add flavor to the pink salmon.

Place the salted fish pieces in a bowl and cover with a lid. Leave the fish for 24 hours for salting.

Cut into serving pieces and you can serve.

Salted pink salmon is perfect for preparing mouth-watering sandwiches, delicious salads and many other dishes that, thanks to the taste of red fish, can become your signature recipes.

Pink salmon is not only incredibly tasty fish, but also very healthy. Pale pink slices will decorate both a festive and everyday table. Many housewives are of the opinion that the store product will not be of high quality, fresh and tasty, so they try to quickly salt at home. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this.

How to pickle pink salmon in brine?

There are several recipes for making brine. Olive oil is added to one, various spices are added to the other.

On a note! If you include apple cider vinegar in the brine, the fish will turn out softer and more tender. In addition to it, lemon juice can be used for this purpose.

It is advisable to keep the fillet under pressure when salting. Then you need to put it in the refrigerator, not forgetting to grease with olive or other vegetable oil, which will add juiciness to the dish. When choosing a recipe, you should focus on the preferences and tastes of your household. Some people like a dry dish, others prefer a more juicy one.

Salting pink salmon at home

Before proceeding with the preparation of the brine, it is necessary to cut the carcass. How to do it right? First, it is thoroughly washed under running cold water, then the abdomen is cut open using a sharp knife, the insides are removed. Next, the head and fins are cut off. After that, it is necessary to rinse the carcass again under running water.

An incision is made along the back, part of the carcass is carefully separated from the ridge. Then other bones are separated. If you plan to salt the skinless fillet, it should also be removed. The result is a pulp ready for salting. It can be used as is or cut into pieces.

On a note! The largest amount of trace elements and vitamins is found in the skin of fish.

On a note! If the fish is frozen, you will have to defrost it. To do this correctly, you need to place the carcass in the refrigerator on a shelf remote from the freezer. This promotes gradual and uniform thawing.

How delicious to pickle pink salmon slices?

To pickle the flesh without skin, the finished product must be cut into portions. For 2 kilograms you will need:

  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • sunflower or olive oil - to taste.

The onion is chopped into thin rings, on which the fish is placed. Then put a small amount of pepper, onion and then the layers are repeated until the ingredients run out. After that, everything is poured with oil, the container is covered with a lid, and placed in the refrigerator for about 16 hours.

How to salt salmon whole salmon at home?

To cook a delicious dish, it is not necessary to cut the fillet. You can salt it whole. For this, any method of preparing brine is used. Its simplest version consists of the following ingredients:

  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 liter.

On a note! If you add bay leaf, the dish will turn out more fragrant.

Salting time depends on taste preferences. If you like slightly salted fillet, it will take less time. It is recommended to get a piece after a few hours and try it. If it is badly salted, you should wait a little longer.

There are many recipes for salting pink salmon at home with the preparation of brine. To find the right option, do not be afraid to experiment. Above are the recipes that are the most famous. They are time-tested and approved by many housewives.

Salty product is suitable for decorating sandwiches. Butter is spread on a slice of a loaf, a fillet is laid out, a sprig of parsley or dill is placed on top. It turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful sandwiches, which are not ashamed to put on the festive table. For decoration and taste, you can add red caviar. In addition, salted pink salmon is used to make salads.