Meat broth in a slow cooker. Chicken broth in a slow cooker

It is pleasant and convenient to prepare chicken broth in a multicooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Scarlet, Moulinex, Vitek and other models). The broth turns out amazingly rich and tasty.

Ingredients for chicken broth in a slow cooker:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken broth in a slow cooker: recipe step by step

How to cook chicken broth in a slow cooker? It is best to use a whole chicken, which will be cooked with the bones. You can cook breast and legs at the same time if you bought them in separate sets.

Rinse thoroughly with cold running water. Cut into equal size pieces. Peel the onion, wash it and cut it in half. Cut the carrots into large circles.

Place chicken, carrots and onions on the bottom of the multicooker for broth. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Pour water.

In what mode (program) and how long to cook chicken broth in a slow cooker (soup)

Close the multicooker. Set "Quenching". We set the time to 1.5 hours. We rest until the sound signal.

When the chicken broth is ready in the slow cooker, separate the meat from the bones, place in plates and pour over the resulting strong broth. The taste and smell are incredible. Serve hot broth with crackers or donuts. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken broth in a slow cooker recipe video

It's quick and easy to prepare in a slow cooker. It is worth noting that such a meat broth can not only be consumed as a first course, but also made into a tasty and beautiful aspic.

Chicken broth in a slow cooker: detailed recipe

Required ingredients for the dish:

  • chilled or (soup) - ½ part of the carcass;
  • large onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh greens (leeks, parsley, dill) - for serving;
  • allspice black and fine sea salt - add at your personal discretion;
  • medium carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • noodles, rice cereal - for seasoning the broth (use as desired).

Preparation of the meat product

Typically, chicken broth is prepared in a slow cooker when a person needs a light but nutritious lunch. In order to make such a fragrant and liquid dish, you should take ½ part of the soup carcass, wash it well, clean it of any hairs on the skin and divide it into portions.

Vegetable processing

To make chicken broth in a slow cooker more aromatic, tasty and satisfying, it is also recommended to add products such as large onions and fresh carrots. They should be washed and cleaned. You should not chop the processed ingredients, since after cooking the broth they will still be removed.

Heat treatment of the dish

Chicken broth is quite easy to prepare in a slow cooker. To do this, pour purified drinking water into the bowl of the device, and then put all the processed pieces of meat into it. Next, you need to salt the ingredients and put them in stewing mode (or “Soup”) for 1.4 hours. 15-25 minutes after the start of the program, it is advisable to open the multicooker and remove all the foam that has collected on the surface with a slotted spoon. At the same time, it is recommended to add whole onion heads and fresh carrots to the broth.

After the stewing program (or “Soup”) has finished, the cooking appliance should be opened and then all chicken pieces and vegetables should be removed. They need to be set aside, and the meat broth should be slightly cooled.

To get clear chicken broth, it is advisable to strain it through a fine sieve (you can do it several times). Next, the broth must be poured back into the multicooker and heated in the appropriate mode.

How to serve for dinner (different options)

Broth made from a chicken carcass is recommended to be served at the table along with black wheat bread and plenty of fresh herbs. It is advisable to serve the meat separately with round boiled potatoes and chopped carrots. If you have prepared the broth with the aim of making a hearty and rich soup from it, then 10 minutes before stopping the stewing program you need to add cereal or other products to it.

If you want to add a clear meat broth to any aspic, it is recommended to additionally flavor it with aromatic spices and garlic (in a cold state), and then strain it again through a fine strainer and combine it with the swollen gelatin.

Why is it so convenient to prepare this chicken broth in a slow cooker? In fact, the broth turns out delicious in a regular saucepan. But it’s worth paying tribute to fashion, which screams from all angles about a multicooker - the best assistant for any housewife. I can't help but agree with this statement.

This is because the multicooker cooks really tasty and high-quality food. If in a regular saucepan the broth boils away and can become cloudy and unsightly, then in this case we get a real tasty broth from chicken (or other meat) in the right volume. You can cook it for up to two hours so that the meat is very tender.

By the way, jellied meat in a slow cooker and stew in a slow cooker are prepared in a similar way, but more on that later. Now I propose to prepare chicken broth, which can later become the basis for preparing many dishes: stewed potatoes, any porridge, sauces, soups and other dishes.

By the way, a multicooker is indispensable in the country or on vacation, where there are no good conditions for preparing nutritious food. And you always want to eat tasty and healthy food. Therefore, I recommend taking the multicooker with you on vacation or on a trip. After all, it won’t take up much space, and its dimensions are similar to a small electric stove. Well, let's start cooking delicious chicken broth in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for the dish “Chicken broth in a slow cooker”:

  • - water - 2 l.;
  • - chicken (any parts of it) – 700-1000 g;
  • - onion – 1 head;
  • - carrots – 1 pc.;
  • - bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • - allspice peas – 2 pcs.;
  • - salt, pepper - to taste.

How to make chicken broth in a slow cooker:

Let's start by thoroughly washing the chicken parts. In my case it's my shins. It is necessary to remove the remains of feathers and unnecessary skins. If necessary, scorch the surface of the pieces of meat with the skin so that it is clean.

Place the meat in the multicooker bowl. Cut the peeled carrots into four pieces lengthwise. Add pepper and salt there. By the way, this can be done in the middle of the broth preparation process. Add bay leaf and allspice peas.

Fill the contents of the bowl with water. We take about two liters of it.

Peel the onion and place it whole in a bowl. You can make a shallow cut crosswise on one side. Now you're ready to make chicken broth. Place the bowl in the multicooker. Close the lid. Set the stewing mode to 1.5 hours.

After half an hour, you can open the lid and remove the noise on the surface of the broth. Cover the lid and let the chicken broth cook until the end of the set program.

After cooking, we remove the entire contents of the bowl. Strain the broth to get rid of possible clots. We divide the meat into parts. It can be added to the bowl when serving the broth or later used to prepare soup or other dishes.

Ready-made chicken broth will make an excellent aspic if you add gelatin and all kinds of meat products to the liquid. Vegetables are also added to the aspic. Any porridge cooked in chicken broth is also delicious. Regular wheat or other porridge will become rich and very tasty if you cook it only in broth.

The pure broth will help you warm up on cold days. It will calm and at the same time charge with energy, which is necessary for every person. This broth will not hurt when you have a loss of strength or during illness. Add green onions or garlic to it and you will see how quickly you will get back on your feet.

You can cook wonderful pilaf with chicken broth, or stew stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls in it. This dish is useful for diet food or for a children's menu. In general, drinking chicken broth is a pleasure. No wonder this dish is one of the most popular in most families.

The recipe “Chicken broth in a slow cooker” was prepared by Olga Kiklyar

Broth is the base for most soups. You can make broth from any type of meat. If you cook the broth on the stove, you may encounter the formation of foam, which results from cooking the meat. This foam needs to be constantly removed, which is not very convenient. This is why it is better to cook broth in a slow cooker. With this cooking method, you will not need to remove excess foam and add boiled water.
How to make broth in a slow cooker? Let's look at cooking recipes for different types of meat.

First, let's look at how to cook beef broth in a slow cooker.


  • Beef on the bone
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf.

To begin with, it should be noted that the broth will be richer if you take the meat on the bone.
Rinse the meat thoroughly with water and place it in a slow cooker. Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion in half. Cut the carrots into slices.
Place the onions and carrots in the slow cooker with the meat. Pour in enough water. Season with spices to taste. Add bay leaf.

Close the multicooker lid. Set the “Extinguishing” mode. Beef broth in a slow cooker is usually cooked for 2 – 2.5 hours.
After cooking is complete, strain the broth through a sieve. This is necessary in order to remove the onions, carrots and bay leaves from it.

Now let's look at how to make chicken broth in a slow cooker.


  • 500 grams of chicken
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe for making chicken broth in a slow cooker:

Wash the chicken thoroughly, cut into pieces and place in a slow cooker. We also place peeled and coarsely chopped onions and carrots there. Salt and pepper to taste. You can also add any seasonings. Fill everything with water (to the mark). Close the lid of the multicooker. Set the “Quenching” mode for 1.5 hours. There is no need to remove the foam when preparing chicken broth. It will settle on the walls of the multicooker.

After the cooking time is over, strain the chicken broth through a sieve.

The finished broth can be cooked in advance. As a rule, meat broth keeps quite well in the refrigerator. This broth can be stored for several days. In addition, you can freeze the meat broth in the freezer. Pour the prepared broth into molds and place them in the freezer.

  • Ingredients:
  • meat with bones – 1.5 kg;
  • minced meat for pulling – 300 g;
  • roots (carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery, turnips) – 300 g;
  • onions - 1-2 bulbs;
  • greens (leeks, celery stalks, parsley, dill) - a bunch;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • black peppercorns – 5-6 peas;
  • allspice, cloves - two each.

In European cooking, it is very common advice to prepare meat broth in advance and use it as needed. This recommendation applies 100% to almost all domestic dishes. Even borscht, famous for the special taste of meat cooked together with vegetables, turns out impeccable in a previously prepared meat broth.

Keeping a stock of meat broth in the refrigerator (or even the freezer) is always a good idea. This method greatly simplifies and speeds up the preparation of many soups. In addition, hot beef, chicken or fish broth can easily serve as a first course - especially if you serve it with pies, croutons, and hot sandwiches.

Broth also helps in preparing second courses. Buckwheat, wheat, barley and rice porridges cooked in meat broth are much tastier than side dishes cooked in water. Sauces, gravies, and dressings for many main courses require the use of broth.

The classic broth recipe is so simple and universal that adjustments can only be made to it at the level of selecting vegetable additives or choosing a clarification method (if necessary).

The broth cooked in a slow cooker is especially good. When turned on in the “stew” mode, the smart kitchen appliance does not overheat the broth and does not allow it to boil violently. Thanks to the ability to cook slowly, a multicooker retains much more aromatic and extractive substances in the broth than a gas or electric stove.

Properly prepared broth in a slow cooker is clear, aromatic, and tasty. It stores well (up to six months in the freezer) and helps save not only time, but also money.

In some cases, culinary practice involves preparing broth in a slow cooker exclusively from meat. For example, chicken broth made from a one-year-old rooster or a rejected domestic hen is especially valuable precisely when no seasonings (except salt) were used during its cooking.

It is not difficult to spoil fish broth made from sturgeon, salmon and other delicacy fish with spices. As a rule, such a broth is thick, rich, has a delicate aroma and complex taste. Enjoying fish soup cooked in good fish broth is akin to the pleasure of solving a complex intellectual problem. “Reading” all the shades of taste, feeling all the facets of the aromatic composition of a triple fish soup is no less pleasant than looking at a picturesque masterpiece. And the pungent smells of spices can irreparably interfere with an exquisite experience...

Broth made from beef, pork, lamb, goose and other meat, as a rule, does not have an independent taste value and a rich aromatic palette. That's why classic beef broth (and even more so lamb broth) is usually improved during the cooking process. Aromatic roots and herbs do a great job!

Often the broth turns out cloudy. The degree of transparency of the meat broth depends on many factors, but the “treatment” is always the same: pulling and filtering. The most effective is a pull from chilled minced meat, shaken in a small amount of liquid, and poured into the broth shortly before the end of cooking.

The floating layer of cooked minced meat absorbs settled foam flakes and fine suspension. This minced meat is ideal for many main courses. Beef broth, clarified with minced meat, takes on new shades of taste and becomes truly clean and transparent.

Selecting meat for cooking beef broth requires a balanced approach. A sinewy shank, a chopped thigh, a tail, dorsal vertebrae, and gristly brisket - these are the best raw materials for cooking broth.

Dark beef with layers of yellow fat gives a richer flavor to the broth. You should not cook together parts of carcasses that are clearly of different ages: young meat will cook quickly, but while the old meat reaches its condition, the young meat will boil into fibers.

The composition of vegetables used when cooking broths is not constant, and largely depends on the personal preferences of the cook. However, the rule of the triple union of roots, onions and herbs is unshakable.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the meat and rinse with cold water without soaking. Chop joints and bones to facilitate digestion.
  2. Place randomly chopped roots, a bunch of herbs, meat, spices into the multicooker container and fill with water up to the mark. Turn on the “quenching” mode for 3-4 hours.
  3. Half an hour before readiness, remove the broth. Pour half a glass of ice water into a bowl with very cold minced meat and stir. Pour the mixture into the broth and continue cooking. At the end of cooking, remove the minced meat with a slotted spoon.
Remove meat and bones from the finished broth and filter. After cooling the broth in the refrigerator, you can skim off the fat. It is better to store the broth in single servings. Can be frozen.

The skimmed fat is used to prepare breze (solyanka, meat soups). Boiled meat, deboned, and minced meat used for pulling are suitable for preparing dumplings and meat pies, navy-style pasta, and meat salads.

Alternative video recipe: