Museum of Russian traditional drinks "ochakovo" and tour of the factory. Museum of Russian traditional drinks "ochakovo" and tour of the factory From the beginning to the present day

Beer and soft drinks are popular in Russia. According to statistics, an increasing number of Russians are choosing domestic brands. This is due not so much to the crisis as to the change in consumer priorities. Buyers are more interested in local companies and piece goods that meet domestic traditions. The Russian brand without foreign capital is Ochakovo, a producer of beer, non-alcoholic cocktails and wines.

Ochakovo is a group of companies under a single brand

The Ochakovo Group of Companies is represented on the market by the following enterprises:

  • breweries in Penza, Tyumen;
  • agricultural land on which raw materials are grown and processed for production needs;
  • own vineyards and production facilities for making wine;
  • beverage production potential: 260 million deciliters per year.

From the beginning to the present day

"Ochakovo" (brewery), was launched in 1978, on the eve of the Olympics. The purpose of the enterprise was the production of drinks for athletes. The first drink bottled at the plant was Zhigulevskoye, Barley Ear, Stolichnoye beer. Since 1979, production facilities have been replenished with lines for bottling non-alcoholic carbonated drinks "Pepsi", "Fanta".

The enterprise passed into private hands during the formation of a market economy in Russia. Concern "Ochakovo", since its inception, has always been 100% domestic and during its existence has not sold a single share of the enterprise to foreign companies. In fact, this is the last bastion of Russian business in the beer and soft drinks market, since the entire segment has been bought out by foreign giants, and only a small share is occupied by private brewing companies.


For all the time of work, the Ochakovo group of companies has developed, introduced into production and produces the following list of products:

  • vodka;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • low alcohol cocktails;
  • juices;
  • water;
  • mead;
  • kvass.

In total, the company's assortment includes seventy items of products that are produced by the Ochakovo brewery. "Ochakovo" is also care about the consumer. Only natural ingredients and raw materials are used in production, which is confirmed by certificates, laboratory tests and the company's philosophy.

Traditional soft drinks

Ochakovo (brewery) became the leading producer of kvass brewed according to traditional Russian recipes. The secret of healthy homemade kvass is double fermentation. The own starter recipes created at the enterprise make it possible to produce a line of natural fermented drinks. The most popular throughout the territory of the Russian Federation is the dark kvass "Ochakovsky", made according to the classic recipe. This healthy drink occupies the lion's share of kvass in Russia.

The produced line of fermented drinks consists of 4 types of kvass and one type of mead under the common brand Ochakovo Brewery Ochakovo. Products are produced under separate trademarks:

  • branded kvass "Ochakovsky";
  • kvass for children "Kvasenok";
  • kvass traditional "Russian kvass";
  • kvass white "Family secret";
  • mead "Mead M".


From the moment of creation to the present day, the main product of the enterprise is beer under the auspices of the Ochakovo brand (brewery). Moscow, since the summer of 1980, has been receiving at the enterprise not only traditional but also beer with new tastes and characteristics. In total, 11 brands of beer are produced:

  1. Zhigulevskoe. Welded according to classical technology.
  2. "Zhigulevskoe special party". Beer created according to the technology corresponding to GOSTs of the USSR,
  3. "Barley ear". Beer with a classic recipe, restored by the factory's specialists.
  4. "Ochakovo", the company's branded beer. Available in the following assortment: "Ochakovo Original", "Ochakovo Classic", "Ochakovo Special". Natural additives give each brand of beer a special taste.
  5. "Capital Double Gold". Premium class brand, the recipe of which was developed for distribution among the Soviet elite. Today, "deficiency" is available to everyone.
  6. "The Brewer's Secret" The beer recipe follows German traditions and beer production technologies.
  7. "Tow". The novelty of production is a light beer with a delicate aroma of hops and a pleasant aftertaste.
  8. Altstein. Bremen beer recipe is simple: malt, water, hops. But the ingredients are of the highest quality, which is why the beer has a pleasant taste and is easy to drink in good company.
  9. Khalzan. Another novelty of the concern, which is designed for the general public. It has a bouquet of fresh aromas and a pleasant aftertaste.
  10. "People's". An affordable drink with the characteristics of a quality beer. Low cost is achieved by the absence of advertising costs.
  11. Radler. consisting of parts of beer lager and natural juice, suitable for lovers of light beer with an original taste.

Low alcohol drinks and cocktails

The Ochakovo brewery in Moscow offers a range of drinks based on natural ingredients, without the addition of preservatives and with the preservation of the classic taste, for cocktail lovers. The concern produces 5 types of cocktails, some of which have different tastes:

  1. "Gin tonic", "Gin grapefruit";
  2. "Sidor";
  3. "Vodka-lemon", "Vodka-cranberry", "Vodka-currant";
  4. "Mojito classic", "Mojito strawberry";
  5. "Straight".

Soft drinks and juices

In order to spread the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, the Ochakovo company encourages fellow citizens to consume more natural juices and healthy non-alcoholic cocktails, as well as clean water. To do this, the concern's specialists produce bottled water, fruit and vegetable juices. Under the leadership of the Ochakovo brand (brewery), branded stores offer an assortment of five types of drinks, as well as two positions of natural juices:

  1. Juices Houdini, Juice-Tim. Offered in glass and PET packaging, the juices are made from fruits, vegetables or blends. The absence of preservatives, high nutritional characteristics, natural ingredients make them indispensable for baby food.
  2. Vegetable pickle "The Secret of Hippocrates". A natural fermented product is useful in everyday life and will help after a stormy feast.
  3. Refreshing Mojito Cocktail. Non-alcoholic version of the popular cocktail, and the absence of alcohol makes it healthy and tasty.
  4. Lemonade "Ah!": classic recipes for carbonated lemonades are presented in the assortment: "Emerald Tarragon", "Cream-soda", "Sayan Secret", "Pear Orchard", "Extra-sitro". Adults will like these products as a memory of childhood, and children will like tasty and healthy drinks.
  5. "Juice-Team", a carbonated drink with natural juice. It has several flavors: Orange + Ginger, Orange + Mango, Orange + Carrot.
  6. Water "Radiant" - from artesian sources of the foothills of the Caucasus. Perfectly balanced composition of natural water. Available in two versions: non-carbonated, carbonated.


The Ochakovo group of companies includes the Southern Wine Company, which grows grapes on its own plantations and produces wine from it. "Ochakovo" (brewery) offers lovers of quality wine an assortment of dry and semi-sweet wines:

  1. YUVK dry wine: Muscat, Muscat Viorica, Saperavi, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Traminer.
  2. Semi-sweet wine YUVK: Saperavi, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Muscat Viorica.

The main advantage of the Ochakovo group of companies is the love for their work, concern for the health of the nation, the production of quality products and the desire to make the country prosperous.

MPBK "Ochakovo" has been on the market for more than thirty-five years, and all this time it has been effectively working and developing. Today, the company includes more than 10 enterprises.

The plant was founded in 1978 on the eve of the Olympics-80, the company was instructed to quench the thirst of athletes around the world. Today, "Ochakovo" seeks to form a market for products - natural, healthy, without the addition of preservatives, artificial additives and other substances harmful to the body. "Ochakovo" is exclusively natural drinks produced on environmentally friendly raw materials, which is why the company's products are decorated with the sign "100% natural product".

The Ochakovo company is one of the most modern enterprises not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The Moscow Ochakovo beer and non-alcoholic plant, like all regional plants, is equipped with the most modern equipment from leading European companies: "SIG Simonazzi" (Italy), "Sidel" (France) "Buhler" (Switzerland-Germany), "Steinecker" (Germany), "Holvrieka" (Belgium), "Filtrox" (Switzerland), "CFT" (Italy).

The company confidently holds the highest level of quality in production and constantly expands the range. The Moscow enterprise is designed to annually produce 750 million liters of beer, 200 million liters of low-alcohol cocktails, 154 million liters of soft drinks, 200 million liters of natural kvass, 8 million liters of spirits and wine.

Ochakovo offers a wide range of products, including beer, kvass, juice, mead, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, drinking and mineral waters, wine and vodka.

Without exception, all kvass are made using the technology of double fermentation: yeast and lactic acid. Only such kvass is good for health and corresponds to the cooking traditions known in Rus' from time immemorial.

In CJSC MPBK "Ochakovo" all types of beer are produced according to the classical technology. High-gravity brewing and the addition of unmalted materials over 20% are not acceptable.

Ochakovo is represented on the beer market by such brands as Ochakovo, Barley ear", "Capital Double Gold","The Brewer's Secret"», Altstein and others. Among the kvass are Ochakovsky, Kvasyonok and the new white sour kvass Family Secret. Gin-Tonic and Mead are widely known on the market of low-alcohol cocktails.« M. A new direction was launched - the production of high-quality natural 100% Goodini juice mixtures and juices and nectars "JuiceTeam". The new category is designed to provide Russian consumers with high-quality, natural and healthy juices.

Ochakovo products are recognized both in Russia and abroad: Ochakovo drinks are supplied to 60 regions of Russia and more than 30 foreign countries, such as the USA, Germany and others.

Competitive advantages of Ochakov drinks:

  • Naturalness. Ochakovo produces drinks exclusively from natural raw materials, the history of which is well known.
  • Innovation. All beer and non-alcoholic factories have equipment from the best world manufacturers, and professional technologists of the highest Soviet school and modern European-level specialists are working on the creation of drinks.
  • Traditions. Ochakovo is always looking for traditional recipes. The unique developments of brewers, kvass makers and technologists make it possible to convey the real taste and all the beneficial properties of drinks to a wide range of consumers.
  • Technologies Ochakovo considers it important to produce beer and kvass in accordance with classical technology
Year of foundation Location Key Figures

Alexey Kochetov (President)

Industry Products

Beer, low-alcohol cocktails, kvass

turnover Net profit Website

Brewing company "Ochakovo"- Russian manufacturer of beer and soft drinks.


The core of the Ochakovo group of companies is the Ochakovo Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant (CJSC MPBK Ochakovo), launched in Moscow in 1978. The Moscow Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant was built on the eve of the Moscow Olympics-80 in order to provide participants and guests of the holiday with beer and soft drinks.

In the first years of operation, the plant produced only beer: Stolichnoye, Zhigulevskoye, Barley Ear. In 1979, equipment for bottling soft drinks was installed at the plant, which, in particular, helped to provide the population and guests of the capital with Pepsi and Fanta drinks during the 1980 Olympics.

In the 2000s, the owners acquired and created a number of other businesses: breweries in Krasnodar, Penza and Tyumen, malt houses in the Lipetsk and Belgorod regions. The company also owns vineyards on the Taman Peninsula, produces dry wines ("Southern Wine Company").


The company's share in the beer market is about 4%, low-alcohol cocktails - more than 10%. Ochakovo is the largest kvass producer in Russia.

In 2006, the market share of bottled kvass was 48.6%, Deka was in second place with 15.8%.

In the ranking of the most dynamic companies in Russia according to the Sekret Firmy magazine, CJSC MPBK Ochakovo ranks 292nd, with an average annual growth of 10.2% over the past 5 years, and an increase of 42% in 2008.


In December 2009, members of the Ochakovo trade union abandoned their parent organization - the Trade Union of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the City of Moscow and created their own Interregional Association.

The interregional trade union of workers of the Ochakovo beer and non-alcoholic plant was created on February 15, 2010 and at the very beginning consisted of about 600 people. Now the trade union represents the interests of more than 2,000 workers from branches and subsidiaries of the Ochakovo company. Almost all top managers of the Ochakovo company are members of the trade union.

The balance of power on the kvass market in Russia is as follows for September 2009: Ochakovo 37%, Deka 30%, Eugene Bougele Vine (TM Pershin, Pepsi distribution) 6.5%, Coca Cola HBC (TM Kruzhka i Bochka) 6%, Baltika (TM Khlebny Krai) 2.3%.

Belonging to the Ochakovo plant, the Bakhus company, which produced such low-alcohol cocktails as Sidor, Orange and Gin Tonic, declared bankruptcy. The Vedomosti newspaper writes about this. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, Bakhus does not work for the whole of 2009 - the production of cocktails has moved to the Penza branch of Ochakovo and to the company's main plant. In 2008 Bakhus produced 3.9 million decaliters of low-alcohol drinks worth 1.1 billion rubles. This is about nine percent of the entire Russian market. Tax claims for 2005-2006 led to the bankruptcy of Bakhus. According to the Federal Tax Service, Bakhus used a circular scheme, which allowed saving on income tax and VAT. Bakhus disagreed with the decision of the tax authorities, but in early June 2009 the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District took the side of the Federal Tax Service. As a result, Bakhus will have to pay more than 700 million rubles in taxes, fines and penalties to the treasury. If Bahus fails to return the funds to the tax authorities, then the Federal Tax Service will receive the right to recover funds from Ochakovo. The amount of the fine is significant for the company, since the plant's net profit for the whole of 2008 amounted to 400 million rubles. At the same time, Ochakovo's revenue exceeded 12 billion rubles.


Changed 1 logo. The current one is the 2nd in a row.

  • In 1978-2001 the logo was the word "OCHAKOVO" in white letters and capital letters with a capital "O" at the beginning and end.
  • From 2001 to the present, the logo is the word "OCHAKOVO" written in capital red letters in semi-bold capital letters.


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Ochakov (armored cruiser)
  • Ochakovskoe

See what "Ochakovo (company)" is in other dictionaries:

    Ochakovo (brewing company)- This term has other meanings, see Ochakovo. CJSC MPBK Ochakovo Type Closed Joint Stock Company ... Wikipedia

Excursion to the plant "Ochakovo" begins with a museum of traditional drinks. In Moscow, this is the only such museum, which presents about 700 exhibits showing the process of beer and kvass brewing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Of course, there are other museums of drinks in the capital, but only Ochakovo has a museum of beer and kvass.

Together with the guide, we walked through the main production sites. On such excursions, children are usually told about how kvass and lemonades are made, while adults learn about the technology of beer production and, of course, taste it.

"From now on, nothing more was used for any beer than malt, hops and water in all our cities, market places and throughout the earth" - Bavarian Beer Purity Law of 1516 (Das Reinheitsgebot).

Ochakovites claim that they brew beer adhering to this law and that even they are the only large factories in Russia who comply with its requirements. Hence - modern equipment and these complex production complexes of pipes and containers. However, beer today can be brewed without adhering to the classical technology, i.e. some producers replace malt with unmalted materials. Therefore, you need to carefully read the label. Hops, malt, water and yeast - this is the recipe for a classic beer.


There are a minimum of people at the plant, since all processes are automated

Elena Dudina, head of the brewery, can talk endlessly about her work. She explained why most beers from some manufacturers are bottled literally from one barrel. We are talking about "high-gravity" or high-gravity brewing. This technology allows you to quickly prepare the product, bypassing the generally accepted traditions. First, dense beer is brewed, with a high degree, and then diluted with water in different proportions.

Kvass bottling line

PET bottles are blown out of these blanks.

A stand for comparing kvass and kvass drinks from different manufacturers. Here, Ochakovites compare their real kvass with other kvass and kvass drinks - obtained by adding non-natural ingredients: flavorings, citric acid and other additives that cannot be in real kvass.

The excursion that I got on was an anniversary one, the museum of Russian traditional drinks opened exactly five years ago. On this occasion, special guests came here. Do you recognize?

Alexander Fedorov is the same merchant from the beer label.
- Do they often recognize you on the street?
- Thank God no! Rarely, saleswomen aged mostly.
- Aren't you tired of living in one image for so many years? Shaving a beard is prohibited by contract?
- What do you! Of course not. I can shave if I want.

General Director of Ochakovo Vladimir Antonov opens a new part of the exposition

Part of the outdoor exposition - gifts to the plant from the Ministry of Defense.