Nutmeg. The benefits and harms of a well-known seasoning

Nutmeg is a well-known spicy spice widely used in cooking and traditional medicine due to its many beneficial and medicinal properties. It can relieve pain, stress, improve sleep, calm the stomach and increase cognitive function. It is recommended for cleansing the body, with toothache, to strengthen the immune system. It prevents leukemia and improves blood circulation. Once upon a time, these nuts with a spicy aroma were worth their weight in gold for their delicate refined taste and healing properties, they could make a spice seller a very rich person.

What does nutmeg look like and where does it grow?

Nutmeg is not actually a nut, but the fruit of the tropical nutmeg tree. Outwardly, it looks like an apricot or a small peach.

Muskatnik is a tall evergreen tree belonging to the Muscat family of the same name. The homeland of the nutmeg is tropical forests. There are about 400 species of these plants, but only 80 of them give this fragrant spicy spice. The rest also have similar fruits, but do not have less flavor and value.

The Moluccas, once called the "Spice Islands", are considered to be the birthplace of nutmeg. An adult tree can reach a height of 20 meters. When grown from seed, the first harvest can be obtained only after 7-9 years. Muskatnik lives for about 70-75 years and about 2000 nuts can be obtained from one tree per year.

Muskatnik gives two spices at once - this is the nut itself and mace, the outer red membrane that covers it. Both of these spices have a subtle spicy sweet flavor, but the nut is more pronounced.

Initially, nutmeg was grown on the island of Banda, which is part of the Moluccas. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of the island have been harvesting the fruits of the nutmeg tree and using them for cooking and as a remedy. They also traded nutmeg with other islands surrounding it. From there he first came to Europe.

When Europeans first became acquainted with this spice, it captivated them not only with its exquisite aroma, but also as a means of stopping the spread of the plague. No wonder in those days 1 pound of nuts cost as much as a cow.

In general, the history of nutmeg is shrouded in constant wars and battles. The first "spice islands" were discovered by the Portuguese, who were soon forced out by the Dutch and controlled the supply and prices of spices for decades.

The excitement around this spice died down when the French, followed by the British, secretly took the nuts to their conquered tropical islands.

Today, nutmeg is grown commercially in many tropical countries, including the Caribbean and India.

Muskatnik blooms with small pale yellowish flowers shaped like a bell.

The fruit is light yellow in color, enclosed in a fleshy shell that cracks in half when the nut ripens.

The extracted nut is covered with a red membrane and in its shape resembles an apricot or plum stone.

Ripe fruits are collected (up to 3 times a year) and dried for 2 months. Modern technology has greatly accelerated this process, reducing it to a few days.

After drying, the membrane is removed from the nut, which is used as an independent seasoning. Apart from the spicy spice, valuable nutmeg oil is obtained from the nut.

Benefits of nutmeg and what it contains

In nutmeg, the main value is oils, which account for almost 40 percent. Most of it is a substance called elemicin. It is he who, when overdosed, causes hallucinations. Therefore, more than 3-6 pieces of fruit per day should not be consumed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

The rest of the essential oils are:



and other connections.

In addition, it contains:

Vitamins: C, thiamine, riboflavin and others;

Minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, zinc, chromium, cobalt and others;



Unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic, caprylic, formic and others.

All these compounds give the nut a number of useful and healing properties, contribute to the normal functioning of the body, and have a beneficial effect on the internal organs and skin.

Like all nuts, it contains a lot of calories. In 100 grams, it reaches 520-550 kcal. Why such difference? Nutmeg as a seasoning is often mixed from several species that differ from each other in smell and nutritional value. This applies only to the powdered form.

Nutmeg beneficial properties

By adding nutmeg to your meals during cooking, you can improve metabolic processes, reduce hunger, stabilize the digestive tract and solve a number of problems associated with digestion. Nutmeg is often recommended to be added to the diet in weight loss programs. The range of its useful properties and effects on the human body is very extensive. Among the main ones it should be noted:

Preventing the development of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity and helping to eliminate bad breath.

Help in relieving headache and toothache (essential oil contains a number of compounds with analgesic properties).

Relieves fatigue, stress, improves concentration and attention.

Helps improve blood circulation.

Eliminates flatulence, including after the use of products that increase gas formation.

Normalizes digestion and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helps with diarrhea, vomiting, the first symptoms of poisoning.

It has diuretic and choleretic properties.

Normalizes metabolic processes.

Helps cleanse the body and remove harmful carcinogens.

Effective as diuretic and choleretic natural remedies.

Relieves pain in the musculoskeletal system in diseases and injuries.

It has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive sphere.

Increases libido and improves erectile function.

Helps restore the menstrual cycle.

Relieves unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Nutmeg oil is widely used in cosmetics for skin and body care, in the perfume industry.

Nutmeg medicinal properties

Nutmeg has been used by local peoples for centuries as a medicine. It can be used for:

Violations and malfunctions in the nervous system;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

With a decrease in potency in men;

Sexual disorders and decreased libido in women;

skin diseases;

Weakened immunity;

Body poisoning.

Nutmeg has the following properties:








Nutmeg helps with:

high temperature;

Colds and viral diseases;





heart problems;


Varicose veins;


Weakening of potency;

Nervous tension.

It is chewed to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fumes, cigarettes.

However, it must be remembered that an overdose can lead to a hallucinogenic effect.

Nutmeg for gastrointestinal problems

Its main use for such problems is the elimination of bloating and increased gas formation. These properties are provided to him by camphor, eugenol, safrole, present in the essential oil.

Pectin, sabonol and zinc are powerful anti-ulcer agents. In total, it contains about 20 compounds that have a calming and relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles.

It is often used for:

Bloating (take 1 gram of powder after meals three times a day);


Violation of the digestion of food;

Loss of appetite (sprinkling food with spice before eating);


Insufficient secretion of saliva.

Nutmeg stimulates the production of gastric juice, which improves digestion and digestion of food. It is taken either before meals or after meals, depending on the problem. It can be used in conjunction with other herbs and spices in the form of a tea, adding ginger, cinnamon to relieve discomfort associated with digestion and stomach function.

In addition, the dietary fiber that is present in it increases intestinal motility.

Nutmeg for respiratory and colds

It is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. To relieve cough, bronchitis make warm compresses soaked in essential oil of nutmeg. To do this, the napkin is heated and applied to the chest. Such compresses help with the first signs of respiratory diseases.

You can add a pinch of ground nuts to any warm drink.

Nutmeg for insomnia

Many consider it the best remedy for sleep disorders. All you need to do is add a pinch of ground nutmeg to warm milk. Its action occurs in 2-6 hours. Therefore, you need to take it a few hours before bedtime. Its sedative effect lasts up to 8 hours. This must be taken into account when taking late. For example, if you drink milk with a nut at 10 pm, then the next morning you can feel sleepy.

Keeping in mind the undesirable consequences of the nut, it is taken no more than 1-10 grams. You need to start taking nutmeg with small doses.

Using nutmeg for insomnia can help restore sleep. However, there may be other reasons that milk with nuts alone cannot solve.

Nutmeg for hypertension

Due to the presence of potassium, it has hypotensive properties and can lower blood pressure. Potassium is a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. Although it is used very rarely for this purpose, you need to know about these properties.

Nutmeg to improve circulation

The main action is provided by the compounds that make up the essential oil. These compounds are able to reduce the degradation of nerve endings and improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

By influencing blood circulation, it helps to relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms associated with this problem.

These and anti-inflammatory properties ensure the use of nuts for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A lozenge or ointment prepared from a powder (5 grams of nutmeg powder and any vegetable oil) reduces swelling and pain. The ointment is applied directly to the affected area.

Nutmeg as an aphrodisiac

Nutmeg is an aphrodisac. It is often added in small amounts to other herbal ingredients that have similar properties.

They season dishes with a romantic date. It allows you to relax and calm down, relieve constraint and tension.

No need to wait for some violent passions. However, if someone is very anxious, stressed, sleepless, nutmeg can be a good help and remove any barriers to sex. It can help make you a more pleasant and cheerful partner.

Make small tablets by taking equal proportions of nutmeg and cinnamon, adding a little ground cloves and water. You can add some flour for binding. Eat them to calm down and remove any bitterness and trouble.

Nutmeg can also support male sexual health and is used locally for benign prostatic hyperplasia, premature ejaculation and impotence.

Nutmeg use in folk medicine

Europeans, having become acquainted with nutmeg, found it to be used not only in cooking, but also began to be used for treatment. Perhaps they adopted some information from peoples where this spice is not at all exotic. Look at several recipes for the treatment of various diseases.

Nutmeg for varicose veins

The action of nutmeg in this disease is based on its ability to improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation.

At the first symptoms of the disease, it can be taken daily as a powder on an empty stomach for three weeks.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

Brew 20 grams of nutmeg powder with a glass of boiling water. Insist and filter, add 100 grams of honey.

Drink the infusion three times a day for 15 grams (1 tablespoon). Keep refrigerated.

A weaker infusion is prepared from half a teaspoon of ground nuts to a glass of boiling water. After insisting for 15 minutes, add one tablespoon of honey to it. Drink half a glass in the morning one hour before breakfast and at bedtime two hours after the last meal.

Alcohol tincture of nutmeg with varicose veins

To prepare, take:

100 grams of nutmeg (grind)

500 ml vodka

Remove in a dark place for 10 days. Take it 3 times a day, 20 drops, diluted in a small amount of water. Duration of admission - 3 months.

Nutmeg to increase potency

There are several ways to use nutmeg to improve and increase potency.

The first is the reception of ground powder. To do this, buy a ready-made nut in the form of a powder or grind it yourself. Take 1/3 teaspoon, dividing it into three equal parts. Can be taken with water or added to food. In order not to exceed the dosage, use the following calculation formula: 1 gram of powder for every 10 kg of body weight. The total amount should still not exceed the daily rate. Maximum - one to two teaspoons.

Nutmeg can be added to a drink, cocktail (except alcoholic drinks), salad, or seasoning meat.

The second way is to make a tincture. Take 150 grams of nutmeg and ginger root. Add 5 grams of anise and pour one liter of vodka or alcohol. Insist for a week. Drink tincture every day for 1 tablespoon.

This tea recipe is suitable for both men and women. For its preparation, they take in equal proportions nutmeg, lavender flowers, ginger root and cloves. Add five rose petals to this collection and brew 500 ml of boiling water. You can add honey or sugar to the finished tea.

Nutmeg to improve memory

Prepare a tincture by taking a tablespoon of ground nutmeg, cumin seeds and anise. Pour in 1 liter of red wine. Insist for 2 weeks and filter. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

You can make a tincture by taking cognac instead of wine. This tincture is drunk 25 ml three times a day.

Nutmeg for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

For pain in the muscles and joints caused by rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, an ointment made from ground nuts and vegetable oil is rubbed. To prepare it, heat the vegetable a little and add walnut powder. Mix thoroughly to make a paste similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

After applying the drug, wrap the sore spot well and leave until the heat acts. Maybe overnight.

Instead of powder, you can use essential oil, which is rubbed with light massage movements and wrapped. Be sure to dilute with any vegetable oil.

As a prophylactic to relieve inflammation, you can take a tincture made from 100 grams of nutmeg and 500 grams of vodka. Drink tincture 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day, previously diluted with water. Duration of admission - 14 days.

In addition, you can take such a mixture. Take 12 parts of celery root, 4 parts of rue leaves, 3 parts of nutmeg and 2 parts of cloves. All grind in a blender and mix well. Take 1 teaspoon before meals.

With neuralgia, muscle pain, you can add a few drops of essential oil to an ointment or cream prescribed by a doctor or do it yourself by taking vegetable oil, beeswax, powder or walnut oil.

Nutmeg contraindications overdose

Nutmeg in high doses can cause:

Violation of concentration;


Heart palpitations;

Stomach upset;

dry mouth;

redness of the eyes;

increased sweating;

Temperature increase;

Pain and aches in the body;


It is forbidden to treat with nutmeg in the presence of epilepsy or mental illness.

In small doses, it is safe during pregnancy and lactation, provided a doctor's advice is obtained. This does not apply to nutmeg used in cooking recipes. As a rule, in cooking it is used literally on the tip of a knife.

It should not be consumed in large quantities with alcohol. In addition, it may interact with certain medications. Therefore, be sure to consult with your doctor about the compatibility of the treatment.

Nutmeg is primarily a seasoning that gives a delicate, refined aroma and taste to many dishes. And only then - the medicine. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this is an exotic seasoning that came to us from overseas countries and is not so dear to our body.

Nutmeg as medicine

Nutmeg is dangerous

Spice Islands ... Yes, you heard right. In ancient times, this was the name of the Molluk Islands, which are now part of Indonesia. It was thanks to them that Europe learned about nutmeg and color (macis) and immediately appreciated their delicate taste and medicinal properties.

The chemical composition of the spice

This spice is a source of methyl eugenol, safrole, myristicin, elemycin, vegetable protein, starch, vitamins (gr. B and A), mineral components (magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus).

It consists of 20-40% fatty oil, 4-15% essential oil.

Essential medicine

Few people know that in addition to cooking, thanks to its sedative, carminative, astringent, tonic properties, nutmeg is used in medicine. In small quantities, it is an excellent medicine. Nut:

  • circulatory stimulator;
  • helps with urinary incontinence;
  • favorably affects the immune system;
  • improves the absorption of food in the small intestine;
  • eliminates diarrhea;
  • helps to improve digestion;
  • useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the muscles of the heart;
  • helps with migraines and insomnia;
  • inhibits the growth of hormone-dependent benign tumors;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • necessary for men: enhances potency, helps with premature ejaculation;
  • various medicines are prepared from it, and tinctures and lotions are an excellent remedy for myositis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

Also, nutmeg is a great assistant in cosmetology. It fights acne and blackheads as it has anti-inflammatory properties. The nuclei contain an enzyme involved in the production of elastin, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, eliminating and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Forewarned is forearmed!

The fruits are also known for their intoxicating property. In small quantities, they do not cause any harm to the body. But in large doses (2-3 pieces or 5 tsp) there are contraindications to its use, since they lead to hallucinations and euphoria, to a rapid heart rate, stomach cramps, problems of spatial orientation, a state similar to intoxication. If you suspect an overdose of nutmeg kernels, you should immediately call an ambulance. In a normal state, a person comes only after 3-4 hours.

That is why the seasoning should be kept out of the reach of children, and there is also a contraindication for ladies in position and during lactation.

Video about the medicinal properties of nutmeg

Healthy Recipes

So, a lot has been said about the beneficial properties of spices. It's time to put it into practice. We offer a selection of recipes with the addition of freshly ground nuts.

For headache

  1. A slurry is prepared from spice powder and water and applied to a sore spot on the head until the pain disappears.
  2. You can also put a compress on your forehead soaked in a solution made from milk and nutmeg in a ratio of 2 tbsp. : 2 tsp respectively.

For diarrhea

  1. From 1/3 tsp. seasonings and 1 tsp. warm ghee (this is a type of ghee used in South Asia) is mixed and consumed 2-3 times / day, slowly licking the spoon.
  2. Take 125 ml. water and low-fat yogurt, 1/3 tsp. nutmeg and dry powdered ginger and mix thoroughly until smooth. Drink the mixture immediately in one gulp.
  3. Eat a banana mixed with nutmeg powder.

Toxicosis and morning sickness in pregnant women

Drinking medicinal milk (1/2 cup), flavored with a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom, will help to cope with the problem.

Arthritis pain

For good digestion

In 1 st. serum is dissolved in 0.5 tsp. nutmeg, ginger and cardamom and drink warm. The same recipe has an excellent effect on diarrhea.


60 ml of almond oil, 30 g of yellow wax, 90 ml of nutmeg fatty oil are combined by fusion. Having brought to homogeneity, 24 drops of essential oil of nutmeg kernels are poured into the mass and mixed. The resulting medicine is used in the form of rubbing for stomach cramps, intestinal colic, exhaustion, children's vomiting and diarrhea, paralysis of the limbs, scrofulous rash.

Application for insomnia and impotence

In 1 st. warm milk dissolve 0.25-0.5 tsp. spices and drink warm at night.

With hemorrhoids

Memory improvement

For cooking use wine in an amount of 1 liter. Give preference to Madeira, Cahors or Vermouth. Anise seed, ground nutmeg, cumin seed in the amount of 1 tbsp are poured into the wine. everyone. The bottle is well closed and left to infuse for two weeks. The resulting medicine is drunk 50 ml three times a day. The recipe can be modified by using cognac instead of wine. In this case, the drug is drunk 25 ml three times / day.

When trembling hands

Rosemary, sage leaves, calamus root, nutmeg essential fruit, clove buds are mixed in equal parts by weight, and ground into powder. 50 g of the dry mixture is taken, ½ liter of vodka is clogged and left in the sun for 40 days to infuse, not forgetting to stir the contents of the jar from time to time. The resulting medicinal tincture is used as a hand rub.

With thrombophlebitis, endarteritis and varicose veins

A tincture of 200 grams of grated walnut, filled with 1 liter, will help. 40-degree vodka, infused for 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered and consumed in 25 drops. three times a day. The duration of treatment is limited to ½ l. tinctures. When the volume is drunk, a break is made for a week, and then the course of treatment is repeated.

Compress for myositis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism

Any vegetable oil is slightly heated and mixed with grated nutmeg until a thick paste is obtained, and while still warm, spread on a sore spot, cover with a film on top and wrap with a warm cloth. Withstand the compress until it cools completely (as a rule, it is 10-20 minutes).

For pain in the stomach and intestines

  1. Nutmeg powder is eaten in the amount of 0.5-1.5 g three times / day.
  2. Pour 1.5-3 g of chopped spice into a thermos, pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, close and leave for an hour. The finished medicine is consumed in 50 ml 3-4 times / day. It can also be taken for headaches.

The benefits of "Kalmyk tea"

Put 1 tbsp in a container. dry tea (preferably green varieties), pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. To the filtered hot tea add 100 gr. cow butter, 3 l. milk, 1 tsp spices, mix thoroughly, salt to taste and put on fire. Boil 5 min. after boiling, turn off and drink like tea.

Cleansing the body

A useful medicinal powder is prepared from ground nutmeg, cloves, celery root, rue leaves in a ratio of 3: 2: 12: 4 parts, respectively. The remedy is recommended to be eaten before each meal, 1 tsp.

Eczema on the scalp

Put 0.5 tsp in a container. ginger root, one crushed essential nutmeg, 1 tsp. cinquefoil root (otherwise called galangal), pour ½ liter of alcohol and leave warm for two days. The resulting product is rubbed into the affected skin. At the same time, they drink an infusion of elderberry and yarrow flowers (based on 0.2 liters of boiling water, take 1 tsp of raw materials).

For acne

A paste of sour cream consistency is prepared from homemade milk and spice powder and applied evenly to the cleansed face. They walk with a mask for 2 hours, and then they wash with cold water.

This overseas nutmeg spice has spread throughout the world. It is used as a seasoning in cooking, added to cosmetics, used for treatment. How the kernels of the fruits of this tree are used, what are the benefits and harms of them are interesting questions that it is advisable to deal with.

What is nutmeg

India, Brazil, the Malaysian island of Rune and African countries are the places where the evergreen dioecious tree with leathery leaves prefers to grow. It belongs to the Muscat family. The plant has female flowers in the axils of the leaves, which become fruits of bright color with a burning-spicy taste. On fragrant nutmeg - a nutmeg tree - more than two thousand of them grow in a year. Fruiting is ongoing. What the fruit looks like can be seen in the photo.

nutmegsare located inside the fleshy pericarp in a large seed. The kernels have a pleasant spicy smell, which becomes more saturated with time. The aroma depends on the size of nutmeg - the larger, the thinner, more pronounced. After harvest:

  • the seed is dried;
  • smash;
  • take out the kernels;
  • to increase the shelf life, soak in sea water with coral lime.


A pleasant smell is determined by the substances that make up the structure of the nucleus - elemicin, myristicin. With a calorie content of 527 kcal,contains nutmeg:

  • vitamins A, PP, E;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • fiber;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oils;
  • starch.

What is useful nutmeg

The most common use of nutmeg is in cooking. Residents of different countries add seasoning to national dishes. Knownbenefits of nutmegfor other areas. When used:

  • improves digestion, digestion of food;
  • the muscles of the body are toned;
  • calms the mind and nerves;
  • skin rejuvenation occurs;
  • hair growth is stimulated;
  • eliminates the smell in the mouth;
  • immune forces increase;
  • fatigue is removed.

The unique product contains a hormone of joy that improves mood and copes with depression. Nutmeg contributes to:

  • exacerbation of sexual desire, being an aphrodisiac;
  • restful sleep;
  • fight bacteria;
  • memory improvement;
  • stimulation of the memorization process;
  • treatment of diseases;
  • stop the blood;
  • weight loss.

For women

Regularly using nutmeg for cosmetic masks, at aromatherapy sessions, massage, a woman will notice significant changes, comparing with her photo of two years ago. Fresh skin, a bright look, a great mood - this is the result of a moderate amount of spice. There are othersbeneficial properties for women:

  • disclosure of sexuality;
  • increase in sexual desire;
  • removal of painful symptoms during menstruation;
  • normalization of the menstruation cycle;
  • reduction of unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • help in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the nut. Oriental healers used the spice in their healing tinctures to improve men's health. Witches and shamans performed rituals with her.Nutmeg for menis an aphrodisiac, but it has a less pronounced stimulating effect on them than on women. However, moderate use of the nut helps to solve the problems of sexual disorders:

  • eliminate premature ejaculation;
  • deal with impotence.


The use of this seasoning should not be abused, especially used as whole kernels.Nutmeg is badif you eat more than 2 pieces per day. Substances safflower and myristicin, which are in the composition, cause irritation of the nervous system. This results in:

  • intoxicating effect;
  • problems with consciousness;
  • mental disorder;
  • clouding of mind;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

This nutmeg composition is harmful as a seasoning for the work of internal organs, when used frequently and in large quantities. Essential oils:

  • act irritatingly on the tissues of the kidneys, liver, provoking diseases - cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis;
  • increase the secretion of juice in the stomach, pancreas, causing the occurrence of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, ulcers.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to its constituent components, the nutmeg seed is used in the treatment of numerous diseases. Recipes with it are recommended by doctors in clinics and traditional healers. There are suchmedicinal properties:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • reduce pressure - it dilates blood vessels;
  • improve brain function;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve painful symptoms;
  • boost the immune system;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • stop diarrhea due to astringent action.

The nuclei contain potassium, which helps in the prevention, treatment of diseases of bones and joints. The use of moderate doses contributes to:

  • restful sleep - stops insomnia;
  • strengthening teeth and gums;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • removal of nervous excitement;
  • easier breathing;
  • destruction of bacteria in the mouth;
  • decrease in acidity of urine - improves kidney function;
  • stop the division of cancer cells;
  • stimulation of the heart and blood vessels.

How does nutmeg work

The effect of the application depends directly on the dosage. Taking a large amount can cause hallucinations, drug intoxication - even death. At low doses, anotheraction of nutmeg:

  • acceleration of digestion processes;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • warming during massage with essential oil;
  • soothing, relaxing with aromatherapy;
  • removal of depressive conditions;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • improvement of brain function;
  • getting rid of extra pounds.

Human brain activity

The kernels of the fruits of the plant have a beneficial effect on the activity of the human brain. Due to the presence of elemycin, myristicin in the composition, they are used:

  • in the treatment of depressive conditions, as a tonic effect;
  • in order to increase concentration;
  • improving memory processes;
  • reducing the degradation of the nervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease, increasing the functions of attention, language, spatial and visual perception.

Psychoactive influence

In narcology, it is believed that substances in the composition of nutmeg havepsychoenergetic impactlike a drug. Seek medical attention in case of overdose. Their use in large quantities, fresh or dried, can cause severe poisoning, which will be accompanied by:

  • euphoric state;
  • loss of spatial orientation;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lack of coherent speech;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • a state of coma.

For weight loss

It seems that a product with such a high calorie content cannot be used for weight loss. If you remember that it is necessary to use it in small doses, it will become clear that this will not have a negative impact. Activenutmeg for weight loss So:

  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • accelerates fat burning;
  • improves the quality and speed of the digestion process;
  • reduces appetite;
  • improves digestion of food.

Application of nutmeg

In the form of essential oils, the inclusion of nutmeg in compositions for perfumery is very popular. The plant is included in the recipes of cosmetics.Where is nutmeg used?Besides? It is very popular with home cooks. Aromatic seasoning:

  • added to dishes, drinks;
  • put in baking;
  • together with cloves, marinade is added during canning;
  • treat various diseases;
  • used by traditional healers.

In cooking

This seasoning is most loved by culinary specialists around the world. A special aroma is obtained if you grind nutmeg yourself, and do not use ready-made ground powder. Where is this spice added?The use of nutmeg in cooking diverse:

  • dishes with fish, meat;
  • vegetable side dishes;
  • sauces;
  • all kinds of desserts;
  • bakery;
  • additive to drinks - coffee, wine, tinctures, kefir;
  • teas with seasoning and addition of cinnamon, cardamom.

The spice is also used in the food industry. Nutmeg is included in culinary recipes:

  • marinades for cooking sausages;
  • mustard;
  • ketchups;
  • sauces;
  • tomato pastes and juices;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • canned fish;
  • preparations from vegetables;
  • curry mixes;
  • alcoholic beverages - mulled wine, punch, beer;
  • pickling fish;
  • preparation of jam, preserves;
  • chocolate
  • cocoa.

In folk medicine

Many useful recipes with this plant are used by traditional healers. They consume the spice in the form of powder or essential oil. It is recommended to drink with milk or make a tincture of vodka. It is important not to abuse the quantity.The use of nutmeg in folk medicine helps:

  • cope with a cold if you add half a spoonful of seasoning, ginger and cardamom to tea;
  • fall asleep when you drink milk with nuts at night;
  • urination, if you brew half a teaspoon of seasoning in a glass of boiling water;
  • when taken orally in a fresh, grated form with thrombophlebitis.
  • chop the nutmeg kernels and ginger - take a glass each;
  • add anise seeds - 150 grams;
  • pour a liter of vodka;
  • withstand the solution for 7 days, systematically shaking;
  • filter out;
  • use according to instructions.

In medicine

As an addition to the main appointments, it is often usednutmeg in medicine. This is done with the help of essential oils, which contribute to:

  • relief of breathing with bronchitis, pneumonia with cold and hot inhalations;
  • calming the nerves and disinfecting the air during aromatherapy;
  • creating a warming effect during massage;
  • reduction of pain during the application of compresses on sore joints;
  • relief of depression with the use of therapeutic baths;
  • in gynecology - the removal of menopausal symptoms;
  • improvement in varicose veins.

In cosmetology

Essential oils obtained by steam distillation from nutmeg kernels are often used in cosmetic formulations. Due to their useful property to activate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, they have a beneficial effect on the skin. Finds thisthe use of nutmeg in cosmetology:

  • compositions for hair that improve their growth, appearance;
  • face masks that regenerate the skin.

You can look like Hollywood beauties in the photo if you use homemade recipes with nutmeg kernels. A homemade scrub will not be harmful when they are very finely ground, mixed with kefir and oatmeal. This will help resolve issues:

  • removal of excess fat from the skin;
  • acne problems;
  • epithelial renewal;
  • correction of acne scars;
  • improve blood circulation for a refreshed complexion.


Using this substance, even as a seasoning, it should be remembered that an overdose causes serious problems - hallucinations, death. The recommended serving is no more than 0.1 grams per kilogram of body weight. Should be considerednutmeg contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • sensitivity to components;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • joint use with alcohol - convulsions are likely;
  • excitability;
  • old age and childhood;
  • individual intolerance;

Nutmeg is the fruit of the evergreen Muscat tree (other names are Myristic or Muskatnik). The islands of Sumatra and Java are considered to be the birthplace of this tree. But today, large plantations of these trees grow in India, Brazil, and some African countries. The life expectancy of a nutmeg tree is approximately 100 years, from the age of 5, nutmeg blooms and bears fruit and is able to maintain fruiting up to the age of 40. Up to 10 thousand fruits can ripen on one nutmeg tree annually.

Nutmeg is similar in appearance to an apricot or peach, and as it ripens it splits in two. The seed is inside the nut and it is covered by the seed. To obtain a ready-to-eat product, it is necessary to dry the seedling in the sun, then carefully separate it, and the seeds themselves are re-exposed to dry already over a charcoal flame. Dry them until the seeds acquire a brown color. The spicy taste and aroma of the seed and the seed itself are similar. But the difference is that the seedling is called matsis - nutmeg color. Whereas the seeds are actually nutmeg. Macis is considered to be a more expensive spice - this product on the world market is found many times less often than nutmeg seed.

Nutmeg is used in many areas. In particular, it has found its application in cooking and the food industry. Essential oil is produced from nutmeg, which is an important component in the production of tobacco products, perfumes, and aromatherapy. Essential oils of nutmeg are also used in medicine, especially often it is used in eastern states.

Useful properties of nutmeg

Of the beneficial properties of nutmeg, we usually know only that it is a psychedelic. But traditional medicine has thoroughly studied the beneficial properties of nutmeg and offers its own recipes in which they will be fully useful to people.

The usefulness of nutmeg is due to the presence in it of different:

  • essential oils;
  • fats;
  • proteins and starch.

The presence of aromatic fractions in the composition of nutmeg determines the psychotropic effect that it has on a person.

What are the beneficial properties of nutmeg can be taken into service?

  • Nutmeg has a strong stimulating and tonic effect on a person, improves digestion;
  • Traditional medicine recommends the use of nutmeg in the treatment of peptic ulcer;
  • Apply nutmeg and at elevated temperature, diarrhea, flatulence;
  • Used in small quantities, nutmeg strengthens the immune and nervous systems, promotes memory development;
  • With the help of nutmeg, it is possible to cure staphylococcal infection and various types of benign tumors;
  • The systematic use of nutmeg is an excellent prevention of malignant neoplasms;
  • It has general strengthening and analgesic properties;
  • Its use is effective in osteochondrosis.

Useful composition of nutmeg

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Mineral name Content in 100 g of nutmeg (mg) % of the recommended norm per day
Potassium 600 12,32
Calcium 250 21,31
Magnesium 200 60
Sodium 25 2,5
Sulfur 100 20
Phosphorus 400 55,03
Chlorine 30 3,8
Aluminum 1,5 150
Bor 0,2 6,67
Vanadium 0,17 170
Iron 60 570
Iodine 0,01 3
Cobalt 0,005 5,25
Silicon 50 250
Manganese 3,8 228
Copper 0,5 51
Molybdenum 0,025 25
Nickel 0,04 20
Tin 0,035 500
Selenium 0,019 62,7
Strontium 0,2 13,33
Titanium 0,045 15
Zinc 2,8 32,83
Zirconium 0,025 8,33

Nutmeg, used in reasonable quantities, is a valuable product for the health of the body. It is able to overcome diseases, give the finest flavor to dishes and cosmetics. However, when using it, care should be taken not to exceed the recommended norms.

Medicinal value of nutmeg

Ayurvedic medicine believes that nutmeg, whose healing properties show a persistent therapeutic effect, has a carminative, tonic and astringent effect on the human body. From time immemorial, Indian Aesculapius have been using fruits to improve the activation of digestion. The spice has established itself as the best natural remedy for dealing with insomnia, nervous irritability and sexual impotence.

Successfully eliminates gynecological diseases (mastopathy, menstrual irregularities) and benign formations. It also prevents the localization of staphylococcal infection and tubercle bacillus. The therapeutic effect of aromatic fruits was confirmed by leading experts in Israel and Germany.

Harm and contraindications to the use of nutmeg

With irregular and excessive use of nutmeg in the body, serious disturbances in the functioning of metabolic processes can occur.

With excessive concentration in the body, nutmeg can provoke heart attacks, tachycardia and a sharp increase in blood pressure. In addition, movement coordination, severe dizziness and other signs of severe food poisoning may be disturbed.

The constituent components of the nut are some toxic and hallucinogenic substances that, at high concentrations, can cause a euphoric feeling, hallucinogenic species and narcotic convulsions.

You can eat no more than three nutmegs per day, otherwise it can lead to coma or death.

Toxic miracistin is able to cross the placental barrier, causing harm to the fetus.

Also, pods of nutmeg are contraindicated:

  • patients suffering from allergic reactions;
  • with epileptic seizures and severe mental disorders;
  • during lactation and children at a young age.

Due to the fact that nutmeg powder is recognized by doctors as a natural herbal antibiotic, it is impossible to combine the intake of nutmeg with alcohol and certain medicines.

Nutmeg in the treatment of diseases

  • For pain in the intestines and stomach. Powdered nutmeg is taken three times a day for 0.5 - 1.5 g. You can also prepare a medicinal infusion: the daily rate of powder (1.5 - 3 g) pour 200 ml of boiling water in a closed container (thermos), insist for 1 hour. Take 3-4 times a day, 50 ml. The infusion helps with frequent headaches, diseases of a nervous nature, diarrhea;
  • Diarrhea(diarrhea). For 1 cup of kefir (yogurt), add 1/3 tsp. ginger and the same amount of nutmeg powder;
  • Outwardly. As an aid in the treatment of colds (rubbing for the chest), in the treatment of myositis (muscle inflammation), rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain, osteochondrosis, etc., you can use a mixture (paste) of powdered nutmeg and vegetable oil. Gradually mixing the powder with the oil, prepare a paste of the consistency of thick sour cream, which is applied warmly to the affected area (rub with light massage movements);
  • Tremor of the upper limbs. Tremor is the involuntary shaking of the hands. As an aid, it is recommended to use a tincture of herbs: sage leaves, rosemary, nutmeg chips, ginger root and cloves (spice). The ingredients are taken in equal parts by weight, ground on a coffee grinder into powder. For half a liter of vodka, 50 g of powder is needed. Infuse in the sun for 40 days, periodically shaking the contents. The tincture is used externally, for rubbing the limbs;
  • To improve memory. For 1 liter of wine (Cahors, Madera, Vermouth) - 1 tbsp. ground nutmeg, anise seeds and cumin. Insist 2 weeks. Take three times a day, 50 ml. You can also prepare a medicinal tincture on cognac, only take such a drug already in 25 ml;
  • Eczema on the head. For 0.5 liters of alcohol - 1 nutmeg (grind), 0.5 tsp. ginger and 1 tsp. galangal (Potentilla root). Insist in a warm place for 2 days. Rub on eczema-affected areas of the skin. Additionally, take inside an infusion of yarrow flowers and byzina flowers (1 tsp per 200 ml of boiling water; this is the daily dose);
  • To cleanse the body. Chronic infections are one of the causes of arthritis and joint pain. To remove the infection and normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to take a medicinal powder prepared from a mixture of herbs: 2 parts of cloves (spice), 3 parts of nutmeg, 4 parts of rue leaves, 12 parts of celery roots. Use 1 tsp. before every meal;
  • Haemorrhoids. For ingestion, a decoction of nutmeg is recommended. Pour 2-3 nuts with 1 liter of water (pre-grate on a fine grater). Boil in glassware for half an hour. Drink instead of water until you feel better;
  • For varicose veins.A simple recipe will help to localize the heaviness, pain, cramps and burning in the venous ducts. It is better to fight the disease in the early stages, when the veins on the legs are still barely noticeable and there are no significant seals. Take one fruit, grind it in a coffee grinder - you get a teaspoon. Take daily for three weeks - in the morning on an empty stomach. When the expressed symptoms disappear, you can use it once every two days. Well helps to overcome varicose veins tincture of honey (100 g), nuts (20 g) and a glass of boiling water. Drink the drug 15 g - three times a day;
  • With sclerosis. The following prescription will 100% replace medications. At least that's what folk healers say. Purchase a set of components in advance: 125 g of fragrant nutmeg spice, two hundred grams of linseed oil and alcohol. Mix all the ingredients and leave for half an hour in a closed container. Take a tablespoon every day a few hours before meals. Plant raw materials are allowed to be consumed on an ongoing basis without interruption;

  • At osteochondrosis and arthritis help pasta, prepared on the basis of vegetable oil and nutmeg. The oil is mixed with the powder in a ratio of 2 to 1, that is, for 2 teaspoons of oil you need 1 teaspoon of grated nuts. The mixture is mixed and rubbed into the sore spot. Then leave for a while and wipe off the residue with a paper towel.

Selection and proper storage of nutmeg

Muskatnik bears fruit throughout the year, so mature fruits are harvested three times a year. The maturity of the fruit is determined by the cracked pulp, from which the seedlings are visible. After harvesting, the nuts are separated from the pulp and dried in the sun.

After preliminary drying, the nuts are laid out on special grates and subjected to heat treatment by fire for several weeks. In this case, you need to turn them over regularly.

After complete drying, nutmeg acquires a brown tint, and its shell is easily broken.

The finished nut as a whole looks like an elongated nut, in the form of an egg, with a pattern of light veins. In this case, one end of the nut should be light, and the opposite end should be a dark brown shade.

Experts recommend storing nutmeg as a whole, without crushing it. In this form, it will be stored for a longer time without losing its taste and healing properties. At the same time, for storage, it is recommended to pack the nutmeg in a foil bag or in a glass sealed container and put it in a cool, dry, dark place.

If necessary, whole kernels of nuts should be taken out and grated or chopped in a blender.

Nutmeg is an evergreen tree native to the Moluccas (Run Island), Indonesia. You can often find other names: nutmeg, myristic, nutmeg. Along with most representatives of the flora, the plant has beneficial properties for the human body and can harm if consumed excessively. The benefits and harms of nutmeg are a matter that requires detailed consideration.

What it looks like and where it grows

It is an evergreen tree with spreading branches. Fruits up to 40 years, lives more than 100 years. Height reaches 9-11 meters. The fruits are yellow and orange, with a core. The edible part of the nutmeg is in the photo.

The core of the stone is a brown oval, reaching 3 cm in length, 2 cm in width, weighing up to 5 g. It grows in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Grenada and Africa. At the moment, Indonesia is in first place in terms of imports.

The chemical composition and calorie content of nutmeg

Chemical composition:

  • essential oil (5–15%);
  • fatty oil (40%);
  • pigments;
  • starch;
  • pectin;
  • saponins;
  • protein substances.

Comment! It is in fatty oil that toxic substances are found - triglycerides of myristic acid.

The main elements of essential oil:

  • camphene;
  • beta pinene;
  • terpinene-limonene;
  • linalool;
  • safrole;
  • myristicin.

Important! If you suspect intoxication, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Calorie content of nutmeg per 100 grams is 525 kcal.

Proteins - 6-7 g, fats - 40-50 g, carbohydrates - 49 g.

What is useful nutmeg for the body

It is worth noting the beneficial properties of spices.

  • It contains vitamins A, B2, B6, PP, C, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and calcium.
  • In addition, the composition contains substances that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.

The video will tell you in detail about the beneficial properties of a valuable tool:

For women

Myristics is good during the days of menstruation in women. Eugenol has analgesic properties, and the iron contained in the composition stimulates the reproduction of red blood cells.

The spice will benefit in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Young fruits of nutmeg are used as an aphrodisiac to enhance sexual desire and arousal.

A warning! Whatever the benefits of the fruits of the nutmeg tree, abuse should be avoided so as not to harm the body.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating

In addition to benefits, nutmeg can cause harm. Not recommended during pregnancy, during lactation. Many experts advise to refrain from drinking during these periods altogether. If there is a need for nuts, it is better to give preference to walnuts, pine nuts or hazelnuts. They will not harm the unborn baby, but the benefits from them are tangible.

Nutmeg for children

Muskatnik is categorically contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Moreover, it does not have an attractive taste for babies, and there is no useful reason to include the product in a children's diet.

Children over 3 years old can use, for example, confectionery products, which contain spice in moderate doses. But in order to avoid harm, it is still better not to risk it.

Is nutmeg good for weight loss

Especially to lose weight spice will not help. The best way is moderate activity, sports and proper nutrition. You need to balance the diet in accordance with your daily needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates and go in for sports or at least go out for a walk in the fresh air more often.

A healthy product will be a great addition to low-calorie vegetable salads, stewed vegetables, rice, soups.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

The medicinal properties of the core of the nutmeg are extensive. But do not forget: nutmeg will not cause harm only when consumed in moderation.

A harmless dose for an adult is 30 g: 1 nut - approximately 5 g.

Benefits of using:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves sleep, awakens appetite and strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves general condition in arthritis, varicose veins, rheumatism, migraine.
  • Due to the beneficial properties and low glycemic index, nutmeg is acceptable for diabetes.
  • At the beginning of a cold, it strengthens the immune system, stimulating it to actively fight the virus (tea with the addition of a pinch of crushed fruit).
  • It has been proven that thanks to the content of magnesium and potassium, blood pressure and heart rate are stabilized.
  • Normalizes the digestive tract, helps with diarrhea and constipation, reduces gas formation.
  • It has a positive effect on the digestion process, increases appetite.

Nutmeg in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of nutmeg were known even to the inhabitants of ancient Rome.

There are many simple recipes with a useful miracle spice in Russian folk medicine.

What is the use of nutmeg for the human body and how to use nutmeg for various diseases?

The remedy is especially useful for digestive problems. To relieve intestinal bloating, people use a simple yogurt recipe with ginger and nutmeg as a healthy breakfast.


  1. Ginger is best taken in the form of a dry powder.
  2. Pour yogurt into a container.
  3. Add a pinch of ginger.
  4. Grate some nuts.
  5. You can drink a cocktail both before meals and after meals.

Muscat tea with ginger will help not to get sick in the cold autumn.

  1. Brew tea. It is better to give preference to tea without the addition of flavors.
  2. Grate fresh ginger and walnut.

Useful seasoning eliminates toothache, odor and kills bacteria.

Nutmeg with the smell of alcohol is an effective hangover aid.

It is easy to use: rub the cut side of the nut against your teeth or drink strong tea with a pinch of spice.

The fruit of myristics is used in folk medicine in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and varicose veins.

Healing Paste:

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a steam bath.
  2. Mix with grated nutmeg.
  3. Apply the resulting mass to the painful area of ​​​​the body, wrap it with a film, wait 10-20 minutes.
  4. After that, the area can be lightly wiped with a damp cloth.

Nutmeg tincture on vodka is very popular. It is recommended to rub it for arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, colds. Saves from frostbite in winter.

  1. Grate 200 grams of the core of the fruit.
  2. Pour 1 liter of vodka.
  3. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. Aged tincture is used for rubbing.

Comment! It is believed that nutmeg green tea effectively fights infections of the genitourinary system, promotes the dissolution of stones, increases sexual desire, fights impotence and ejaculation.

The use of nutmeg in cosmetology

The aromatic product is popular in the manufacture of perfume compositions. The woody, warm and spicy note gives perfumes and eau de toilette an oriental touch. Most often used in men's perfumes. Equivalent to aphrodisiacs.

Manufacturers of selective (niche) perfumery use the spice to create exclusive compositions.

Many famous fragrances include a spicy-woody note: Polo Double Black Ralph Lauren, Organza Givenchy, Bleu de Chanel and others.

The spice is used in the production of anti-cellulite, anti-aging cosmetics: creams, lotions, wrapping masks. Thanks to its warming and stimulating blood circulation beneficial properties, nutmeg-based cosmetics are an excellent helper in the fight against the problem.

If you pay attention to the composition of toothpastes, you can find nutmeg oil there. Antiseptic properties help fight bacteria, eliminating bad breath.

Facial masks and scrubs

A nutmeg-based face scrub is quite easy to prepare.


  • olive oil (base);
  • nut fruit;
  • natural coffe.

Preparation and application:

  1. Add coffee grounds to the base.
  2. To warm.
  3. Grate the core of the nutmeg fruit into the mass.
  4. Apply to the skin and cleanse it with gentle circular motions.

This recipe is contraindicated for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers.

Ground nutmeg for hair

The beneficial properties of ground nutmeg are used to treat alopecia and to accelerate hair growth.

  1. Take jojoba oil, olive or burdock as a base.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of essential nut oil.
  3. Rub the resulting mass with soft massaging movements into the base of the hair.
  4. Put on a hat, wrap your head in a warm towel and hold for 15-20 minutes.

A slight tingling sensation may be felt during the process. The result of the mask is the strengthening and shine of the hair without harming the scalp. It is allowed to use both essential oil and grated mass.

Nutmeg essential oil: benefits and uses

Useful properties of nutmeg oil are expressed in warming, softening and antiseptic properties.

It is used for inhalation, air disinfection, aroma coulombs fill. In addition, they are included in the composition of cosmetics, tinctures and compresses.

For aromatization and disinfection - 4-5 drops per 20 sq. m. premises.

For bathing - 2 drops.

Attention! It is very important not to overdo it with the dosage during inhalation, so that it brings benefits, not harm. Allergy sufferers should consult a doctor before use.

Nutmeg in cooking

In cooking, spice is a great step to create savory dishes. It is used in the preparation of first, second courses, desserts and drinks.

The spice is an excellent addition to puddings, pies, vanilla desserts and even custard.

It is a traditional ingredient in the world famous gingerbread cookies.

Pairs well with the following products:

  • pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • cheese and cheese dishes;
  • fish, meat, including white;
  • tomatoes, potatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • baked fruits.

On a note! It is often present in recipes for pizza, vegetable stews, coffee drinks and cocktails.

Meat or fish marinated with spicy spices will pleasantly surprise guests and become a decoration of any festive table.

Attention! It is necessary to add seasoning to the dish before the end of cooking, as the product may become bitter and lose its aroma. When kneading the dough, the spice is added immediately after grinding.

Benefits of nutmeg with milk

Nutmeg with milk at night is especially useful after a hard day. The milk is warmed up a little (it can be chilled), a little grated walnut fruit is added.

The drink helps to relax the body, provide good sleep, relieve anxiety and headache.

What is the effect of eating nutmeg with kefir

But from the use of nuts with kefir, a useful result cannot be achieved. Fermented milk products, mixed with the composition of nutmeg, can give an unpredictable effect and harm not only the liver, but also the human psyche.

Attention! When using spices for useful therapeutic and preventive purposes, you should always follow the measure. In the presence of chronic diseases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

How to grind nutmeg

It's very easy to grind. You will need a grater or food processor. You can use a coffee grinder.

Important! The food processor must be of high power with a special sharp blade for solids.

Harm of nutmeg and contraindication

Nut spice can transfer its beneficial properties to the body, and may cause irreparable harm to it.

It is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, epileptics, people with severe mental disorders, women during lactation, pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not use the fruits of myristics, since the reaction of the body can be unpredictable, up to the threat of premature birth.

Another limitation is children's age. Children are not advised to eat raw spice, only as part of food dishes in strictly limited quantities.

Carefully combine the spice with strong alcohol and drugs. It's better not to let that happen.

Since the fruit has a direct effect on blood pressure, it should be eaten in small doses. With excessive accumulation in the body, it can cause tachycardia, heart attacks, and increased blood pressure.

Important! If, after use, nausea, convulsions, dry mouth occur, the heartbeat has increased, a headache has appeared, this is the result of poisoning. It is worth contacting a doctor immediately.

How to choose and store nutmeg

  • Quality cores are light brown and brown.
  • In diameter - 1.5–2 cm, oval.
  • The fruits must be strong and not have visible damage, dots, holes, dents, mold.

Comment! Fresh, properly collected and dried product cannot be crushed by hand. If the nut is good to press, it is old and will not give great flavor and benefits.

Store nut fruits in a dry place, in an airtight container or in a tin. So for a long time useful properties and a wonderful smell will be preserved.


The benefits and harms of nutmeg are a very important issue. The product has gained high popularity for a reason. You can fall in love with the spicy aroma of incredibly delicious culinary dishes with this spice, and the beneficial properties will help strengthen immunity and improve well-being. But do not forget about moderation in use in order to avoid harm to the body.