You can make wine from compote. How to make wine from fermented cherry compote

Wine is a fairly popular drink among both sexes. A homemade, self-made drink is considered especially tasty and valuable. But how to cook it? And is it possible to make wine from compote?

Winemaking has long been considered the lot of the elite, since few people managed to make wine from improvised ingredients, and wine prepared on their own was highly valued. A product created by one's own hands is appreciated even now, but winemaking itself has become available to everyone.

Wine can be made from both fresh berries and compote. It is not uncommon for compote prepared for the winter to ferment, turn sour, and upset housewives have to pour it out, but it is from it that the most tender and delicious wine is obtained. The recipes for such drinks are quite simple, and for beginners who are just wondering how to make wine from compote. However, in order to succeed the first time, you need to know some features.

General manufacturing rules

First of all, you should pay attention to the dishes. To make the wine tasty, it must be wooden or glass. In no case do not use plastic, because of it the drink will lose its aroma.

The utensils used must be clean. The fermentation process should take place only in the drink, but if there is mold on the jar, it will enter the process, and the wine will eventually turn out with a moldy taste.

To enhance fermentation, raisins are added to the drink in certain proportions. It should be noted that it does not need to be washed before adding, since it has a number of bacteria on the surface, which are designed to speed up the process.

The color of the added raisins should depend on which berries were used in the compote, so if it is from berries or apricot, then it is better to take yellow raisins, but if it is from plums, raspberries, grapes, it is better to add blue.

To add sweetness to the drink, sugar is added, the amount of which, in turn, depends on how sweet the compote is. So, for raspberry compote, for example, you need less sugar than for currant.

To make wine from sour compote, you will need a water seal, however, if you don’t have one, you can handle it with an ordinary rubber glove. Poke a hole in one of your fingers with a needle and put a glove on the jar. While the glove is standing, the fermentation process is going on. As soon as she "fell" - the wine is ready.

Wine can be made from both old compote and freshly made.


Despite the general technology for making homemade compote wine, each of them needs its own recipe, taking into account the characteristics of the berries.


In order to make wine from plum compote, you will need 3 liters of compote, ¾ cup of sugar, and a handful of raisins. First of all, the compote must be filtered so that there are no pieces of plum left in it, but you do not need to throw it away, it will come in handy in the future.

The next step is to prepare the sourdough. For him, you will need 250 ml of compote, sugar and raisins. It is necessary to heat the raw materials to 30 degrees, pour dry ingredients into it, mix the mixture and leave it for four hours in a warm part of the room. After that, the delivered must must be poured into a clean dish in which the wine will ferment, and the remaining 3 liters of pure compote must be poured into it. After that, you need to put a water seal on the jar and leave it in a dark, warm place until the fermentation stage is over.

After that, you can do the remaining pieces of plums. They need to be ground with sugar, and this syrup is heated over a fire. After it cools down, add water to it, after which the fermentation process will begin in the container. After the first jar stops fermenting, you need to pour the resulting syrup into it, mix thoroughly and strain. The wine is almost ready, all that remains is to pour it into bottles and put the wine in a cool place for at least 2 months. And, homemade compote wine is ready. The made drink can be tasted both immediately, after 2 months, and let it brew longer.


If you want to make wine from cherry compote, you will need:

  • 6 liters of drink;
  • 2 cups raisins;
  • 2 cups of sugar.

Before you start cooking, raisins should be soaked in half of the drink and left in a warm place for 2 hours. The remaining 3 liters of the drink must be mixed with sugar. After 2 hours, both must be swept away, combined into one container. After that, you need to wait for the end of the fermentation process and bottle the wine so that it is infused in a cool place for at least 3 months. After which the drink from the cherry drink is ready. The cherries themselves are not needed for the recipe.


In order to make wine from apple compote you will need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.

First you need to strain the drink. Pieces of apples must be covered with a few teaspoons of sugar. In the compote, you need to add raisins. Both mixtures must be infused in the dark and warm for 2 hours, after which they must be combined and mixed.


Wine from strawberry compote - the recipe is rather unusual. You will need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 8 spoons of honey;
  • a teaspoon of rice.

Basically, the recipe for strawberry compote wine at home is similar to other wine recipes, however, it has interesting features. So, the drink needs to be filtered, rub the strawberries with honey and leave it in a warm place, but not for 2 hours, but for 4 days. Rice at the same time must be added to the strained compote. After 4 days, after the must has fermented, both parts of the future wine must be mixed and left in a warm place until the end of fermentation.


How to make wine from compote if compote is apricot? It's pretty simple, you'll need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 100 grams of fresh raspberries;
  • 1 bed of honey;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

For sourdough, you need to add a small amount of water to raspberries and sugar. After the fermentation process in the sourdough begins, it must be added to the compote, mixed and left until it runs out. After that, the wine needs to be decanted, add honey and bottled.

Recipe with yeast

It is also possible to make wine from compote based on yeast. As a base, it is best to use cherry compote, although if it is absent, you can replace it with any other. You will need:

  • 3 liters of drink (prepared without sugar);
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of yeast.

Compote must be filtered, poured into a clean container, add yeast and sugar to it. Then leave it warm until the sugar is completely dissolved so that the wine does not get a sour taste. On the container you need to put on a water seal, or a rubber glove. The fermentation period for such a drink will be long, about 1.5 months. It is also recommended to cover the container with a warm blanket to further stimulate the process. After that, the wine is filtered again and infused in a cool place for 2 weeks.

In addition, it is possible to make wine from pear, blackberry, peach, raspberry and grape drinks, regardless of old or new raw materials. Pears, blackberries, peaches, raspberries may be needed to induce fermentation, so do not rush to throw them away right away.

In connection with such a variety of recipes, the question arises, is there a universal recipe for making homemade wine from fermented compote? Yes, there is such a recipe. It is enough to mix 3 liters of compote with a handful of raisins and add a little sugar. Its amount depends on the taste that you ultimately want to get from the drink. If you cook without a recipe, then you will have to experiment with the amount of sugar, but as a result you will get the perfect taste for yourself. Masters who make such wines on a regular basis note their delicate, refined taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

If the prepared sweet drink turned sour in the heat, abundant foam and an alcoholic smell appeared, you should not despair - the drink can be revived by turning it into a homemade from a fermented compote. You need to add a little sugar, natural yeast, and you can invite friends to taste the original liquor.

It is possible to prepare alcohol not only from sour compote, in a similar way, homemade sweet blanks that have expired in the pantry are processed in a similar way.

Cooking methods

Almost any sweet liquid brewed from fruits and berries is subject to processing. How to make wine from homemade compote, general rules:

  • it is necessary to prepare a clean glass container (jar) with or a glove;
  • the liquid should be carefully filtered, separating the thick;
  • strained compote must be heated to 30 ° C to speed up the fermentation process;
  • natural yeast (raisins, grapes, rice) is added to the warm composition;
  • sweetness is provided by the addition of sugar or honey;
  • if mold appears on the surface of the compote, it must be carefully removed and the liquid boiled for 5 minutes;
  • to make homemade wine from compote, 300 g of sweets, 50 g of unwashed raisins and 7 g of dry yeast are taken for 3 liters of liquid with the addition of sugar;
  • for 3 liters of unsweetened workpiece, the rate of granulated sugar is doubled.

How to prepare sourdough?

To make compote wine at home, yeast is needed. You can use a purchased product or make your own sourdough:

  • more often unwashed raisins are used at the rate of 50 g per 3 liters of workpiece. At the same time, it is recommended to use light fruits for light liquids, and dark fruits for compote with intense color;
  • rice has fermenting qualities, preferably round, which must be added to wine from compote 50-70 g per 3 liters of drink;
  • in the summer, high-quality sourdough is prepared from raspberries(200 g of fresh berries are kneaded with 100 g of granulated sugar and 100 ml of water). If the liquid has fermented, the leaven must first be kept for 1.5-2 hours. In other cases, the yeast substitute is placed immediately after preparation;
  • have a sedative effect germinated wheat grains(a handful of seeds are soaked in clean water until 5-7 mm sprouts form). The recipe involves the use of 50 g of raw materials per 3 liters of sweet liquid.

Preparation of alcohol from compote

Apple cider wine recipe:

  • strain the pieces of apples and fill them with 100 g of sugar in a separate bowl, put in heat for 2 hours;
  • add 50 g of raisins to the liquid, insulate the jar with a blanket;
  • combine parts of the compote, add 200 g of granulated sugar, mix the composition thoroughly, put a water seal or fasten a rubber glove on the neck of the dish;
  • maintain the optimum temperature for fermentation (18-25°C) for 2 weeks;
  • drain the sediment and remove fruit from the container;
  • pour the liquid into bottles and transfer to the cellar for maturation (1.5-3 months).

If a cherry, plum or grape drink needs to be processed, wheat yeast can be used. The calculation of the number of components is carried out for 3 liters of the original product:

  • pour 300 g of sugar into the liquid;
  • Add 50 g of sprouted grain to the compote;
  • put a rubber glove on top of the neck or strengthen the water seal to prevent air from entering the workpiece;
  • insulate the container with a blanket to provide constant heat for the fermentation process;
  • readiness is determined by the termination of the release of bubbles, the clarification of the composition and the settling to the bottom of the wheat grains;
  • it is necessary to drain the purified liquid from the surface of the sediment;
  • the wine should be placed in a dark cool for ripening, the process of which lasts 2-3 months.

How to make wine from compote if the original drink fermented and became moldy:

  • carefully remove mold stains from the surface;
  • boil the composition for 5-10 minutes;
  • add 400-500 g of sugar and mix until it is completely dissolved;
  • put 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • wrap the container by putting a water seal on the neck or putting on a thin rubber glove with 1-2 punctures near the finger;
  • after 2 weeks, strain the liquid and put it in the coolness of the cellar to ripen. The process takes about 2 months.

The finished wine must be poured into bottles of a smaller capacity, hermetically sealed. You can store the drink up to 5 years.

Before processing the product, it is necessary to visually assess the condition of the dessert. The drink is not suitable for winemaking if the following changes are present:

  1. The liquid is completely permeated with threads of mold, which is almost impossible to get rid of completely.
  2. There is a distinct musty smell.
  3. The compote tasted very sour.

With a little work and imagination, you can replace outdated fruit and berry preservation with delicious wine.

Currently, store shelves are filled with wines from a huge number of producers. Nevertheless, home winemaking confidently holds its position. After all, do-it-yourself alcohol is not only a natural product, but also a significant savings in the family budget. In addition, the winemaker has endless possibilities to influence the taste of wine by experimenting with the ingredients. Thus, homemade compote wine is an excellent solution for all lovers of natural alcohol.

If someone has accumulated a lot of old compote at home or has fermented several cans with it, then the recipes described below are also for you. Read how to make delicious wine from such blanks at home.

plum recipe

From the fermented plum compote, you can make a soft intoxicating drink that all your household members will appreciate. With the same recipe, pear and apple compote can also be processed.

Composition and correct proportions of ingredients:

  • plum compote - 3 liters;
  • sugar - from 100 to 250 grams (it all depends on the sweetness of the feedstock);
  • raisins - 60 grams.

Step by step sequence of actions.

1. Open a jar of compote and filter it to separate the berries from the liquid.

2. Wine needs yeast to ferment. We get them from the skin of unwashed raisins.

In order for the fermentation to be as fast and active as possible, we will make a starter from raisins. To do this, in a small saucepan, heat 250 ml of compote to a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius. Then grind the raisins with sugar. Transfer the resulting mass to our pan. Cover it with gauze and leave it warm for 5-6 hours.

3. During this time, active fermentation will begin in the starter. You will understand this by hissing and a pronounced sour smell. Pour the starter into a fermentation container and add the remaining compote to it.

4. Install a water seal on the container. Those who are used to it can use a rubber glove with a puncture in one of the fingers instead.

5. The container should be in a warm place, where there is no access to direct sunlight.

6. At the end of fermentation, the wine must be carefully drained through a thin hose or tube so as not to catch the sediment formed at the bottom.

7. Pour the young wine into clean jars and send it to the cellar to ripen for 3 months.

If you are very impatient, you can taste the wine before the expiration of this period. True, in this case, the taste of the drink will be harsh, and the plum aroma will not be so pleasant and formed.

The fortress of homemade wine from plum compote will be 12-15 degrees.

Easy Strawberry Recipe

Strawberry compote is most often drunk. However, no one is immune from the souring of the drink. In such a situation, it should not be thrown away. It is better to make wine from compote, which will have an incredible strawberry aroma and taste.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • strawberry compote - 3 liters;
  • fresh honey - 300 grams;
  • raisins - 70 grams.

Proper preparation.

1. Pour strawberry compote into a clean glass or food plastic container, dissolve honey in it and add raisins.

2. Cover the container with clean gauze and place in a warm room to activate fermentation. It will start within 2-3 days.

3. Now you need to strain the wort, discard the berries and install a water seal on the fermentation tank. Leave the future wine in a warm dark place. As a rule, the fermentation process takes 14-16 days.

4. Young wine must be poured into glass bottles and transferred to the cellar for aging for 2-3 months.

Before serving the wine, let it stand warm for a while so that the notes of honey become brighter.

cherry recipe

Cherry compote allows you to make a soft and very tasty drink, reminiscent of shop wine in taste and aroma. Only with its moderate use, you can not worry about the morning hangover.

  • cherry compote - 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • raisins - 100 grams.


1. Pour the compote into a container of suitable size, add sugar and raisins to it. Stir. Cover with a piece of clean cloth and leave for a few days.

2. After the start of fermentation, we install a water seal and transfer it to the pantry.

3. When the water lock ceases to show signs of life, carefully drain the young wine from the sediment. We filter it through a cotton-gauze filter.

4. We send in tightly closed jars to the cellar for ripening for six months. If you want to achieve the purity of the wine, then 2-3 times it is necessary to drain the drink from the sediment.

Grape recipe with yeast

In order to get a sufficiently strong and tasty wine from grape compote, you should strictly follow the recipe below. The resulting alcoholic drink will be incredibly tasty and aromatic.


  • grape compote without sugar - 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • dry yeast - 15 grams.

If possible, use wine yeast instead of regular baker's yeast. In this case, follow the instructions written on their packaging. Wine yeast allows you to make the taste of wine softer, and the aroma brighter.


1. Pour compote without berries into a clean bottle. Add sugar and yeast to it.

2. Install a water seal.

3. We leave the bottle in a warm place, additionally wrapped in a blanket. Fermentation will last at least 6 weeks.

4. At the end of it, the young wine must be drained from the sediment and poured into a container for ripening. This process will take another month.

Have a delicious tasting!

Compote wine- This is an excellent alcoholic drink that can be prepared from products that are always in the house. You can cook it at any time of the year, because for this you need home preservation.

Compote homemade wine

You will need:

6 liters compote
- granulated sugar - 390 g
- a handful of raisins

Cooking steps:

If you use a fresh drink, then it must be drained into a container for making wine and left warm for several days. Fermented compote can be immediately mixed with sugar and a handful of raisins. Sugar will serve as "food" for the yeast, which decomposes on the surface of the grape berries. Put on a rubber glove on the neck, let stand until the fermentation process begins. Strain liquid, bottle. Vinzo should be infused for three to four months. After this time, it can be consumed.

Cook also

How to make wine from compote

Required products:

- 50 g of granulated sugar
- raspberries - 90 g
- 3 liters of apricot compote


Rub unwashed raspberries together with sugar, add a little water, leave to ferment for four days. As this time passes, add raspberry sourdough to the apricot compote. The sourdough can be sweetened in advance - add 190 g of granulated sugar for 3 liters. Stir, leave for 10 days to ferment. After a week, strain the liquid, pour into clean bottles, add a little honey for taste, leave for a couple of months to infuse. Filter the infused wine. Pour and leave for another month.

Rate and recipes, a detailed description of which is.

Compote wine at home

You will need:

a teaspoon of rice
- honey - 245 g
- sour strawberry compote - 3 liters

Cooking steps:

Pick up a container for fermentation, pour a sour drink, add some rice and honey. Rice grains are a source of fermentative microorganisms. It can be used in place of raspberries or raisins. Cover the container with a water seal or put on a rubber glove. Leave for four days to complete the fermentation process. Filter young wine through gauze, pour into clean bottles, let it ripen for 2 months, and then you can take the first sample.

It will turn out very tasty.

How to make homemade compote wine

This drink is valued for having a pleasant tart taste. Housewives do not have to worry about the fact that homemade wine will acquire the taste and smell of fermentation. The taste of the drink is amazing! Making it is pretty easy. Mix the main component with sugar, a little sourdough. To obtain a quality drink, it is necessary to use wooden and glass equipment. It is strictly forbidden to use metal and plastic utensils. There is a risk of losing a pleasant aroma.

The process of making wine using this technology is no different from making other varieties of wine. Some winemakers add rice or raisins to the recipe. These products contribute to the fact that the wort ferments more. This directly affects the taste of alcohol. The best wine is obtained from granulated sugar, raisins and compote. You can add a little honey. Before starting cooking, pour the liquid into a glass or wooden vessel. Enter granulated sugar, throw in a few raisins. Cover the container with a rubber glove. Put the wort in heat, infuse the drink for 1 month. This time is necessary for the main process - fermentation. Pour the liquid into clean glass bottles. For about a month, let it brew and ripen. Alcoholic drink is ready to drink! It can also be prepared with yeast. You can get them with unwashed berries and sugar. Ready-made yeast is introduced before fermentation begins. After that, the process described above is repeated.

compote wine recipes

cherry recipe

You will need:

Sugar - 0.4 kg
- a handful of dried grapes
- cherry compote - 6 liters


For 2 days, put the drink in a warm place. If fermented compote is used, then this item can be skipped. Thoroughly mix it with sugar and raisins. Install a water seal or glove on top of the vessel. It remains to wait until the fermentation is over. Filter alcohol, bottle. Withstand alcohol for 4 months. The finished drink has an unsurpassed aroma and amazing taste.

Learn and cook apple compote.

apple recipe


Small handful of raisins
- sugar - 0.3 kg
- apple drink - 4 liters


Place all components in a glass container, stir. Use a large wooden spoon to mix. Do not use blenders, as the wort will acquire a metallic taste. Install a water seal. The wort should stand warm for several weeks. After the young drink has completed the fermentation process, filter it and bottle it. Keep in a cool room for aging.

Enjoy and

How to make compote wine at home

You will need:

A few pieces of raisins
- granulated sugar - 200 g
- 3 liters of compote

How to cook:

Pour the fermented drink into a glass jar or other container, add sugar, throw in some raisins. Put a latex surgical glove on the neck. Move the vessel to a dark place and let it stand for several weeks. The glove is an indicator of the fermentation process. At first, it fills with air, and as soon as it begins to deflate, this indicates that the alcoholic drink is almost ready. Roll the gauze in several layers and strain the liquid with it. Pour the wine into bottles, close them tightly, let stand for several months in the basement or closet. As soon as this period has passed, you can uncork the bottle and enjoy the excellent taste.

Wine from fermented compote

Instead of raisins, rice is also used in recipes. Only 5 grains are enough for cooking. The remaining steps are the same as in the previous recipes. On the forums, you can often find reviews that fermented compote produces mash, vinegar, but not tasty wine. However, this is not quite true. In order to be sure of this, try to cook it at least once. It is really very easy to prepare.

Try this recipe too:

1. Filter compote through several layers of gauze or a rare fabric. It is better to drain into an enameled container. Squeeze the fruits for years, as they contain a large amount of liquid. Put the container on the stove, warm it up slightly.
2. Dilute granulated sugar in a warm solution. Pour the sweet blank into a glass container, pour raisins or rice cereal, close with a water seal. If there is no water seal, a regular medical glove will do.
3. Drain the wine from the sediment (if it has formed), bottle it. Put the bottles in a cool place so that it ripens there for two to three months.

Cooking methods:

1. You can prepare a delicious alcoholic drink from sour raw materials if it does not have a strong taste of vinegar. If the compote is not very sour, then in the process of fermentation, the sour taste will disappear. You can fix it by adding granulated sugar. For 3 liters of compote you will need 400 g of granulated sugar and a handful of rice cereal or raisins. They do not need to be washed, because there are a large number of yeast fungi on their surface.
2. If alcohol is prepared from light berries and fruits, then light varieties will do. For wine from chokeberry, grapes, cherries, dark dried grapes, dark varieties of rice groats must be used.
3. Alcohol is prepared from fermented compote according to general rules. Fermentation does not affect the quality of the product. Three liters will take 350-400 g of sugar, a handful of rice or raisins.
4. If mold has formed on the surface of the sweet compote, then it can also be used to make wine. You just need to carefully remove it and boil the drink.

Connoisseurs will appreciate and.

Another Cherry Recipe

Wine is prepared according to the general rules. For 3 liters of liquid, 50 g of dried grapes and 195 g of granulated sugar will go. Raisins give alcohol a rich and rich taste. If raisins are used, then rice cereal is not needed.

Recipe with grapes

Vinzo is often prepared without the use of granulated sugar, because it is already included. However, it can also be added to taste. For example, 290 g of sugar, 1.5 tsp are enough for 3 liters of compote. dry yeast and a handful of raisins.

A few cooking tips:

1. Wine from cranberries, raspberries, cherries are perfectly clarified, do not need aging, so they can be consumed already in the first year.
2. For the preparation of alcohol, unripe fruits should not be used, since they contain an increased amount of methyl alcohol, which is harmful to health.
3. It is not recommended to use brewer's yeast for fermentation. They "feel bad" when exposed to high concentrations of alcohol. Fermentation will stop prematurely, and granulated sugar will remain unfermented.
4. Do not use refined sugar for fermentation. It contains ultramarine blue paint, which inhibits the activity of yeast.
5. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees, acetic bacteria actively multiply. If the wine is not removed from the sediment in time, it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.
6. Bottled alcohol must be stored lying down.

Many housewives love to do home canning. Often such blanks begin to take up an extremely large amount of space in an apartment or in a cellar. And sometimes - jam or compote does not withstand the shelf life and turns sour, begins to ferment. How to make wine from fermented compote - the recipes that we offer you will help you save the results of your work, albeit in a slightly modified form.

Homemade wine from fermented compote - recipe with photo

Ingredients for making wine from homemade fermented compote:

  • washed three-liter glass bottle;
  • a lid for it with a special device called a water seal;
  • pan - enameled or food grade stainless steel.

Step-by-step preparation of homemade wine from fermented compote:

Take the compote, strain it through several layers of gauze, wring out and pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan. Put on fire, warm slightly - up to about 30 degrees, like milk or water for yeast dough. Only in this case, as a starter, we will use not yeast, but unwashed raisins. Unwashed - because it is on the surface of such raisins that bacteria live, which will accelerate and activate the fermentation process that has already begun. Throw a handful of such raisins into a saucepan with liquid, and put it in a warm, dark place for about a day.

Then add sugar to the liquid, mix well and pour everything into a glass jar of sufficient volume. Close it with a water seal or, if you do not have such a device, craftsmen have long adapted to use an ordinary rubber medical glove instead, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Such a glove will also be convenient if you use a jar with a non-standard neck. Just pull a glove on top of it (you first need to pierce 1-2 fingers in it with a regular sewing needle) and put the whole structure in a warm, dark place for fermentation.

A rubber glove will play the role of not only a water seal, but also a fermentation indicator. If it is actively inflating, this means that fermentation is proceeding normally. If the glove inflates weakly or completely falls off, this means that you need to add a little more raisins to the jar. Some recipes call for rice, but raisins are better.

After the fermentation is over and the glove falls off, the wine is carefully drained from the sediment, filtered again, poured into clean sterile bottles and stored for about 2 more months. This period is necessary for the wine to fully mature.

How to make wine from fermented cherry compote - recipe

Cherry is a very popular berry. And many housewives have a wide variety of cherry preparations, including compotes. If you have such a compote that has been standing for a long time or it has fermented, do not rush to throw it away - cherry compote makes homemade wine that tastes just great.

Ingredients for making wine from fermented cherry compote:

  • cherry compote - 3 l;
  • sugar sand - 200 g;

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fermented cherry compote:

If your compote has not yet begun to ferment, then you need to wait for this process to begin. To do this, simply open the jar and put it somewhere in a warm place for a couple of days. Well, if the compote is already fermenting, then you can immediately start preparing the must for future wine. Pour a small amount of compote - about 1 cup, pour raisins into a small container and fill it with compote. Leave for a couple of hours.

Strain the rest of the compote through cheesecloth, pour it into a saucepan or into a glass jar, add granulated sugar, mix well so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the raisins, along with the compote in which it soaked. Stir again, cover with a water seal or rubber glove and place in a warm, dark place. Now you will only need to wait for the end of fermentation. It may take 15-20 days. After that, the compote is carefully drained from the sediment, trying not to touch it. The most convenient way to do this is with a thin pharmacy rubber hose. Place the wine container on a raised platform, lower one end of the hose there, take the other end into your mouth, draw the liquid into yourself and lower the other end into the container, which is below the level of the wine container.

If necessary, the young wine can be further filtered. Then it must be poured into sterile bottles, corked and stored in a dark, cool place with a temperature of about 10-15 degrees. There the wine must mature for another 3 months. After that, it can be opened and drunk. Homemade wine made from fermented cherry compote will surely delight you with its rich taste, color and aroma.

How to make wine from fermented strawberry compote at home

Almost every zealous housewife has strawberry jams and compotes. And if your strawberry compote has fermented, we offer a simple recipe that will allow you to make very tasty homemade strawberry wine from such compote. You can proudly serve such wine even on the festive table.

Ingredients for making wine from fermented strawberry compote:

  • compote from strawberries or garden strawberries - 3 l;
  • natural honey - 300 g;
  • unwashed rice - 1 teaspoon.

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fermented strawberry compote:

Take a suitable size glass jar, fill it with compote, put honey and add rice. Rice can be replaced with one handful of unwashed raisins or ripe raspberries - of course, also unwashed. The jar should be about two-thirds full of the mixture. Close it with a water seal or a rubber medical glove, as mentioned above, and put it in a warm, dark place for a week.

After the fermentation is over - in case you use a glove, you will immediately notice this by its position - the finished young wine is carefully drained from the sediment, filtered, poured into sterile bottles, corked and stored in a dark cool place, where the wine must be kept for another 30 days. After that, you can taste it and serve it to the table.

How to make wine from fermented apple compote - recipe with photo

Apple compote is no less popular than cherry or strawberry. Therefore, if it ferments, you can also make homemade wine from it.

Ingredients for making wine from fermented apple compote:

  • apple compote - 3 l;
  • sugar sand - 300 g;
  • unwashed raisins - 0.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fermented apple compote:

Open the compote, strain it, put the apples in a separate container and cover with about half of the granulated sugar. Leave to infuse in heat for 2 hours. Pour the compote itself into a clean three-liter glass jar, add raisins, the other half of granulated sugar, apples, mix well, close with a water seal or a rubber medical glove with pierced fingers, put in a warm dark place for fermentation for 15 days.

At the end of fermentation, drain the wine from the sediment, strain, pour into sterilized glass bottles, close with corks and send to a dark, cool place to ripen for another 2 months.

How to make wine from fermented plum compote - recipe

Plum homemade wine has a beautiful color and a pleasant mild taste. Its strength will be about 15 degrees.

Ingredients for making wine from fermented plum compote:

  • plum compote - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • unwashed raisins - 0.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fermented plum compote:

Strain the compote, pour off about 1 glass of liquid, heat it slightly and pour raisins in a separate container, sprinkled with a small amount of sugar. Let it brew warm for 2-3 hours. This will be the starter for the future wine.

After the start of fermentation in the sourdough, it must be poured into a three-liter glass jar and strained compote is added there, closed with a water seal or a rubber glove and placed in a warm, dark place for fermentation.

Grind the plums from the compote with the remaining sugar, put it in a warm place for a couple of hours, let it ferment, then put it on the fire and, stirring, cook a thick syrup. Cool, pour into a separate glass container. Also close with a water seal and leave to ferment in a warm place.

After the plums and compote liquid ferment, carefully drain them from the sediment, strain and mix together. Pour everything into sterilized glass bottles, close with corks and send to the cellar to ripen for another 3 months. After that, the wine can be tasted and served at the table.

Video with a recipe for making wine from fermented compote