Can be made from veal tenderloin. How to cook the most tender veal medallions? Pan-fried tenderloin: recipes from T-Bone


Date: 03/05/2016


Hello my dear readers! If there are real “meat eaters” among you, then they will certainly appreciate the dish that we will prepare today. It cannot be considered particularly complex. You just need to know some subtleties of cooking. So, today we will look at how to prepare the most tender veal medallions.

First of all, I want to warn you that you should prepare this dish only from meat that you are sure is suitable for frying. If not, then it’s better to make something else out of it, or rather, choose a different cooking method - stewing, for example, or baking. The easiest way for a beginner to start preparing medallions is from the tenderloin - it is softer than the meat of any other part of the carcass. When it comes to “texture,” tenderloin has plenty of competitors, but in terms of tenderness, it is the undisputed favorite.

Where can you get cuttings for medallions, you ask? It is best to get it from trusted butchers at the market or in butcher shops with a good reputation. Usually butchers are very sociable and cheerful people; they will tell and show you everything you need. I have been going to the same butchers at the market for 25 years, you could say we are “friends”. I know who their names are, who their wives and children and grandchildren are. For so many years we have almost become close. Simple human relationships in such matters as choosing good meat, it turns out, are also very important!

After you have become the owner of the treasured piece, you should attend to its preparation. The recipe, of course, must be chosen in advance. Although, you can not “bother” at all and vulgarly fry veal, cut into thick slices, in butter. It will already be very tasty. Especially if you don't dry it out.

For those who like very well-done meat, I would not recommend making medallions from veal tenderloin. Never pound the tenderloin pieces before frying. This is the biggest and most common mistake. By departing, you create irreversible changes in the internal structure. When frying, such “exhausted” “beaten” meat will intensively release moisture and turn into an indigestible mess, and not a delicacy.

A little “educational education” has been carried out, now with a clear conscience we can proceed to the main part of our meeting. We arm ourselves with a sharp knife, a cutting board, a good mood and head to the kitchen! Today I am not giving a step-by-step detailed recipe - rather, it is a guide to action and main directions. Following them, I advise you to improvise, and you will succeed!

Recipe for veal medallions with photo


  1. Tenderloin.
  2. Coarsely ground black pepper.
  3. 1 tablespoon butter.
  4. A few sprigs of rosemary or thyme (optional).
  5. Salt.

How to cook

Love the medallions medium rare. They are the most delicious. Experiment not only with technology, but also with your preferences. Over time, tastes change - verified!

My comments

  • Before cooking, each piece of veal can be wrapped in a strip of smoked bacon or. The wrap should be “overlapping” and additionally secured with a piece of toothpick.
  • Veal fillet can also be prepared in the same way as.
  • Some people prefer to bake medallions in the oven, but I believe that we have already covered the best cooking methods.
  • Very soon I will introduce you to excellent frying pans, casserole dishes and casserole dishes made in Italy with many advantages. Follow the news on the blog! Prices for my readers will be the most favorable.
  • I recommend looking at the Astia online store for good knives, kitchen appliances and equipment.

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Fried beef tenderloin is one of the most tender and soft options for how to cook beef in a frying pan. Compared to other cuts of beef, tenderloin is considered the softest and most tender. But on the other hand, beef tenderloin is quite expensive.

To cook, the tenderloin must be cut, always across the grain, into pieces of approximately equal thickness - 1 - 1.5 cm. This thickness is needed so that the meat is completely fried, but does not have time to burn or dry out (become tough). If you want to get a rare beef tenderloin steak, then you need to cut it thicker - 2-3 cm.

All pieces should be salted evenly and then placed in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. The fire on the stove should be set to maximum. Fry on each side for about 3-4 minutes. There is no need to close the lid.

01. Piece of beef tenderloin - 600 grams

02. Beef tenderloin cut into thin (1 - 1.5 cm) pieces

03. Tenderloin in a frying pan in oil

04. Tenderloin already fried on one side

05. Ready-made juicy fried beef tenderloin pieces

06. Roast beef tenderloin cut

As a side dish for fried tenderloin, the following are perfect: potatoes (fried, boiled and mashed), buckwheat, rice, pasta, vegetables or just bread.

Veal has a delicate taste, which is why it is often used for cooking. Veal tenderloin is located under the ribs, and therefore practically does not suffer during the life of the animal. For this reason, the meat has a soft and tender texture and is much more expensive than other parts of the calf's body.

Features and differences from pork

Veal is considered a nutritious and easily digestible meat that can be eaten even by children starting from 8 months of age. In terms of nutritional content, veal tenderloin is similar to beef: it is rich in B vitamins, vitamin E and PP, which promotes bone growth and the formation of new cells in the child. The beneficial microelements contained in meat form blood cells and help improve the structure of the skin, hair, and internal organs.

Veal meat contains a rich complex of vitamins and minerals, which makes it possible to use it for preparing dietary dishes. These substances improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, boost the immune system and normalize the functioning of the heart.

Veal should be eaten if you have iron deficiency anemia. But at the same time you need to combine it with products containing ascorbic acid. It is also useful to eat tenderloin for people involved in heavy physical activity to replenish the lack of protein and iron in the body.

Veal has some similarities to pork, and therefore it is important to know how to distinguish them. This is quite easy to do. Firstly, veal meat is pale pink in color, while pork is pink in color. Secondly, veal tenderloin weighs slightly more than pork tenderloin and can reach 800–900 grams.

With this product you can lose extra pounds. But to achieve the effect, you must eat boiled or baked meat. It is important not to overeat and not include it in your daily diet.

Eating veal tenderloin is prohibited if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to cow protein. In addition, meat can be dangerous for people with gout.

Selection rules

Before purchasing a good veal tenderloin, you need to pay attention to some nuances.

  1. The piece should have a uniform pale pink color without any blemishes. Otherwise, you may purchase a product that has been improperly stored.
  2. Fresh meat is distinguished by white fatty streaks. Yellowness indicates a long stay on the counter.
  3. A fresh cut quickly regains its shape with light pressure, while an old one retains its dent for a long time.
  4. When purchasing a packaged product, you should make sure that there is no water in it, as this indicates pre-freezing.
  5. A high-quality and fresh piece has a delicate, pleasant smell. If there is a strong specific smell or if there is no aroma, you should refuse to purchase.
  6. You should buy meat from trusted places. Dangerous products will have a low price and be sold by dubious sellers.

It is best to store veal tenderloin in a plastic bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

If the product will not be used for cooking in the next two days, then it must be frozen in the freezer.

You can defrost meat only once, since repeated freezing will lead to a change in its quality. The piece may become rough and fibrous or spoiled.

To extend the shelf life of meat, you need to place it in any marinade. It usually consists of water, onion and vinegar, but other types of marinade can be used.

Best Recipes

Veal tenderloin has a delicate and juicy taste, and therefore is used to prepare many dishes. But before you start cooking meat, you need to trim off excess fat and the seed coat. This process can be avoided if you first purchase a cleaned piece.


To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g veal tenderloin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 g cream;
  • 25 grams of vinegar;
  • 25 g butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • sunflower oil.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We thoroughly wash and dry the meat, then cut it into thin pieces. We lightly beat all the pieces using a special hammer, after placing them in a plastic bag.

Rub the meat with salt and pepper. Place it in a heated frying pan greased with sunflower oil. Fry each piece on both sides until golden brown. Place the fried chops on the pan and bake for an hour.

Separately, cut the lemon and apple pulp into cubes. Chop the onion. Fry everything in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, then pour vinegar and cream into the pan, add salt and pepper. As soon as the sauce has reduced by half, turn off the stove and pour the contents of the frying pan into the pan with the prepared chops.

Additionally, the dish can be decorated with lettuce leaves and tomatoes.

Steak in a frying pan

To prepare veal steaks you will need:

  • 800 g veal tenderloin;
  • 40 grams of melted butter;
  • 35 ml olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The meat is washed and cut into pieces approximately 1 cm thick. Salt and pepper each piece, then place in a preheated frying pan, greased with melted oil and olive oil. Fry the meat on both sides for 10 minutes, then place it on a flat plate.

Steaks can be eaten as an independent dish, or served as an addition to a side dish.

Wiener Schnitzel

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 900 g veal tenderloin;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of wheat flour;
  • 40 g breadcrumbs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Wash the tenderloin and cut it into thin slices. Beat the pieces with a kitchen hammer, add salt and pepper. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with 3 tablespoons of water. Place the frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil into it. Dust each slice with flour, then dip in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Place the pieces in a frying pan and fry on both sides for 4 minutes. After frying, remove excess oil using paper napkins.

You can cook delicious schnitzels in the oven. To do this, you must first fry them on both sides until golden brown, and then place them on a baking sheet. Schnitzels should be baked at 200 degrees for 6–7 minutes.


To prepare the dish, you will need to cut the tenderloin into thin slices, salt and pepper them. Then you need to grill the veal chops on both sides for 6 minutes.

This recipe calls for a special homemade sauce that will add incredible flavor to the chops.

To make the sauce, use a blender to chop 1 small onion, 5 cloves of garlic, 4 sprigs of thyme and a teaspoon of ground pepper. In a separate bowl, heat 90 ml of olive oil, then add 20 grams of cumin, chopped onion, garlic and thyme, as well as a teaspoon of sugar.

After the sugar has completely dissolved, pour half a glass of apple juice, 30 grams of ketchup and a teaspoon of vinegar into the bowl. Season everything with salt and pepper to your taste and cook for 6-8 minutes. The finished sauce is poured into a gravy boat and served to the table.

For the recipe for tenderloin stuffed with mushrooms, see the following video.

Veal is an excellent dietary meat for young animals; of course, it is much more tender than the meat of adult bulls. Regular inclusion of fresh veal dishes in the diet is especially beneficial for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the human body. Veal is less fatty than beef, it is one of the best types of meat, and veal tenderloin is the best part of the carcass, a delicacy.

You can cook well veal tenderloin baked in the oven in foil; this is a simple recipe that does not require any special skills.

Veal tenderloin baked in the oven


  • veal tenderloin;
  • dry ground spices;
  • unground spices (coriander seeds, fennel seeds, sesame seeds, etc.);
  • red or rose table wine;
  • garlic;
  • a piece of lard;
  • a piece of natural butter;
  • greenery.


Before baking in the oven, it’s a good idea to marinate the veal tenderloin in red or rose non-sulfated table wine. Also add dry ground spices to the wine (for example, a ready-made mixture such as khmeli-suneli, or create a mixture to your taste). If you can't find good wine, you can marinate the meat in good beer. Marinate the meat in one piece for at least 2 hours. Before wrapping in foil, quickly rinse the piece of meat with cold running water and dry with a napkin.

Using a sharp knife, you can stuff the veal tenderloin with small pieces of garlic and pork (in general, this is not necessary, nor is marinating, but it will be juicier and more flavorful).

Cut a piece of foil to the desired size (it’s better to fold it in half). Spread with foil or lard. Throw in sprigs of greenery, seeds, put meat on top, sprinkle it with seeds and herbs and pack in foil, trying to make sure that the juices released during baking do not flow out.

Place the meat wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at a temperature of about 220 degrees C for at least 1 hour. Let cool slightly before unrolling the foil. Cut the meat into slices and place on a serving plate. We decorate with greenery; you can arrange cucumbers in one form or another in a circle. It is good to serve potatoes or young green beans or green peas as a side dish. It is also good to serve baked veal tenderloin with mushrooms, some kind of hot sauce (garlic-lemon, tomato), fresh fruit and table wine.

Tender meat is very tasty at home. Cook veal in foil in the oven according to the best recipes.

Baked beef in a large piece is a very impressive, and at the same time very simple dish, something like the usual pork boiled pork. The main thing when preparing it is the correct choice of the right piece of meat. Not every part of the carcass is suitable for whole roasting, and only from a young animal. The most tender will be veal in the oven in foil, but you can also get a very tasty dish from beef. To make the oven meat juicy and soft, you need to buy either a tenderloin (more expensive) or a thick end (cheaper). And when you have purchased the desired piece of meat, all that remains is a mere trifle - wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven, but first prepare it a little.

  • Meat - 1-1.2 kg
  • Garlic - 3 large cloves
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  • Ground black pepper

We wash a piece of meat, dry it with a paper towel, and remove films and tendons. If there is a layer of fat, then leave it.

Mix a tablespoon of prepared mustard, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and three cloves of garlic in a bowl. passed through a press, ground black pepper and a heaped teaspoon of salt.

Coat the meat on all sides with the mixture.

Place in a container, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Line a baking dish with foil, shiny side up. Lay out the marinated meat.

Wrap it in a tight envelope so that the juice does not leak out during baking.

Bake for about an hour and a half at a temperature of 220 degrees. The time depends on the size of the piece of meat and the desired degree of doneness. I’m afraid of rare meat, so I bake it until a light juice comes out when pierced.

When the meat is ready, unfold the foil and leave in the oven for another 10-15 minutes so that the meat browns a little. The same principle applies to cooking beef in an air fryer. Place the baking dish on the LOWER rack and cook at MEDIUM fan speed. 5 minutes may be enough for browning, so be careful not to overdry it.

The finished meat should be allowed to rest for about 15 minutes, and then cut into portions. The juice formed during baking can be drained, strained and thickened with a small amount of fried flour, add grated horseradish or butter. Pour the sauce over the pieces of veal baked in foil and serve, preferably with vegetables.

Recipe 2, step by step: veal baked in the oven

Veal baked in the oven with vegetables turned out surprisingly tasty and soft, although this was the first time I had cooked it. The recipe for baked veal is quite simple and will only require patience from you, since it takes about 1 hour to prepare.

  • Veal – 300 gr
  • Green beans – 100 gr
  • Sweet bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Ground white pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Wash the veal, remove the veins (if any) and cut into small pieces. Make a marinade from mayonnaise, mustard, salt, black and white pepper. Place the meat in the dish in which we will bake and mix with the marinade.

Peel the carrots, remove seeds from bell peppers and rinse. Cut vegetables into small pieces.

Mix vegetables and veal.

Add green beans, minced garlic clove and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Mix everything and let marinate for about 10 minutes.

Place the veal with vegetables in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Serve the dish piping hot, washed down with dry red wine.

Recipe 3: how to cook veal in the oven

Fans of veal know very well how much healthier this meat is than pork. Firstly, the low fat content allows you not to limit yourself in serving sizes, and secondly, properly baked veal in the oven cannot be compared in taste and tenderness with any other meat.

  • veal fillet - 1 kg:
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • ground black pepper.

For baking, it is best to use fresh meat that has not been frozen. But if it so happens that you have an excellent piece of veal, but frozen, then to successfully implement the recipe you should defrost the meat correctly. This should be done very carefully, preferably at room temperature. It’s best to put it in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for a day and it will reach the desired condition. It is very important to send meat into the oven that has “relaxed”, that is, its fibers must be completely defrosted.

There are several baking methods. Let's use the basic recipe and bake the veal in foil, stuffed with carrots and garlic.

The carrots should be peeled and washed. Then we cut it lengthwise, and then cut the large parts into smaller ones, but with a pointed end. As a result, we should get something like small cones with which it will be easy to stuff the veal tenderloin.

Peel a few cloves of garlic, and then cut each clove lengthwise into two parts.

Wash the veal tenderloin in warm water, lightly dry it with paper towels, and then stuff it with carrots and garlic. In order to easily insert pieces of carrots and halves of garlic cloves into the meat, deep cuts should be made in the meat. Using a sharp knife, pierce it in different parts (on all sides) and alternately stuff it with carrots and garlic.

Then salt and pepper the meat on all sides. We tear off a piece of foil, which will be 3-4 times the size of the veal, place the meat in the center and cover with foil on all sides. It turns out that we have, as it were, “sealed” the veal, thanks to which the meat juices will not evaporate, but will remain inside and it will turn out juicy and tender.

Place the veal wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and place it in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

Bake it for exactly 2 hours. Then take it out and let it cool slightly without unrolling the foil.

Cut the veal into portions and serve, garnished with sprigs of herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: veal with potatoes in the oven (step by step)

  • Veal tenderloin – 1 kg
  • Rosemary - 5 sprigs
  • Sage - 3 sprigs
  • Thyme - 3 sprigs
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Broth – 300 ml
  • Potatoes -7 pcs.
  • Large onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Flour - 1-2 tbsp.

We place the veal in a cooking net, or tie it with baking twine. If you have a flat piece, roll it up. We place sprigs of aromatic herbs under the mesh (string).

Fry the meat in a frying pan on all sides. Salt and pepper. Transfer to a baking dish.

Place potatoes around, cut into medium cubes and mixed with onion half rings. Spread rosemary, cumin and sage over the potatoes. Drizzle everything with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Pour over heated broth.

Bake for about 1 hour.

We get the veal. If it is easily pierced with a knife and clear juice flows out, it’s ready. If pink liquid is released, the meat should be returned to the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Take out the arrosto and wrap it in foil.

Pour the resulting juice into the pan where we fried the veal. Mix the potatoes and add salt. Let's check for readiness. If necessary, place it back in the oven until done.

Add 1 tbsp to the pan with the meat juice. flour, stir well, bring to a boil. Salt.

Cut the baked veal into thin slices.

Serve baked veal with potatoes and sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: juicy veal with vegetables in the oven

Tender veal with light vegetables and sauce in the oven. I want to offer a recipe for veal - the meat of a young calf. It is called the healthiest, and it is much more tender than beef. The optimal, easiest and healthiest combination is with vegetables, for example, carrots, beans, bell peppers and onions (and in fact, who has what vegetables in the refrigerator). I suggest giving the meat a spicy, slightly sour taste, so as seasonings we’ll take mayonnaise, mustard, lemon, a clove of garlic and a bouquet of pepper. Also in the photo there is no cream, flour and butter - we will need them for the sauce.

  • veal 400 g
  • carrots 1 piece
  • green beans 200 g
  • bell pepper 1 piece
  • onion 2 pcs
  • garlic 1 clove
  • lemon 0.5 pcs
  • mustard 1 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp.
  • bouquet of pepper 2 pinch
  • cream 400 ml
  • flour 2 tbsp.
  • butter 1 tbsp.

We cut the veal into portions, keeping in mind that it will probably shrink during cooking, so we don’t cut it too small.

We beat the meat.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of mustard. Squeeze out a clove of garlic.

Squeeze lemon juice in there. Add a bouquet of pepper and salt to the seasoning. Mix.

Coat the pieces of meat with seasoning. It will seem that a little of it, in fact, is enough for all the pieces.

Especially when we mix them. It’s great if you have time and you can put the meat in the refrigerator to marinate for an hour or two; if not, it doesn’t matter, the meat will have time to absorb the seasonings in the oven.

We cut vegetables: onions and carrots into rings, bell peppers into longitudinal pieces.

Place the meat in a baking dish.

Place beans on top, then chopped vegetables.

If we bake a dish like this, it will be dry. You can, of course, add mayonnaise, but I suggest spending 5 minutes and making something like bechamel sauce. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a hot frying pan, fry 2 tablespoons of flour in it (add the flour and stir). Then pour the cream into the frying pan gradually (2 cups in total), stirring constantly and rubbing the pieces of flour. Let it boil.

Pour the sauce over the dish (along the entire perimeter so that the vegetables do not dry out). Place in the oven at 180 degrees for one hour.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: soft and tasty veal in the oven

A few fresh, simply prepared ingredients and you have a warming, satisfying meal. Eggplants and onions, the aroma of which is revealed during frying in the oven, complement the taste of tender veal. It is recommended to serve this dish as a second dish or as a separate dish for dinner. Veal baked with vegetables will decorate any holiday table and your guests will appreciate your culinary skills. To prepare a vegetarian dish, veal steaks can be replaced with cheese. Let's go with mozzarella cheese. You need to spread it on the tomatoes.

  • Basil – 15 g
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs (2 medium sized eggplants)
  • Coriander - 1/3 bunch.
  • Onion – 250 g
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Tomato – 400 g
  • Veal – 4 pieces (4 steaks)
  • Cumin - 2 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp. (Balsamic vinegar)
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.

Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with balsamic vinegar. Coat the veal steaks on both sides with the resulting marinade.

Grind peppercorns and add cumin seeds. Sprinkle this mixture over the meat, pressing in the cumin, and place in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 200*C. Place the onion, chopped into large slices, into a heat-resistant bowl, pour boiling water over it and let it sit in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Then the water must be drained.

Cut the eggplants into 2.5 cm pieces.

Add the eggplants to the onions, pour in the remaining oil.

Grind the garlic in a mortar and add to the vegetables, mix everything.

Heat a large roasting pan over high heat. Fry the steaks on each side, then transfer them to the dish in which they were marinated. Place the vegetables in a hot pan and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until soft. Then place the veal on top, pour over the remaining juice in the dish and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces and place on top. Place in the oven and cook until the veal is cooked through. Season to taste and serve sprinkled with chopped coriander and basil.

Recipe 7: veal in a sleeve in the oven (with photo)

  • veal (soft part) - 1.5 kg
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Clean fresh veal from films and veins, stuff it with chopped garlic cloves, salt and pepper, brush with olive or sunflower oil and leave to marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

Peel the vegetables and cut into slices (if the tomatoes are not very large, cut into halves). Season the vegetables with salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil and stir.

Place the marinated meat in a baking sleeve, place vegetables there, tighten the holes in the sleeve and place in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 1 hour.

Check the readiness of the meat by piercing it - the juice that comes out should be clear.

If desired, the baked meat can be browned - to do this, cut the sleeve and place the meat and vegetables under the grill for 10 minutes.

Cut the veal into slices, serve the vegetables as a side dish; the juice released during baking can be used instead of sauce.
Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: tender veal in a pot in the oven

Veal baked in a pot turns out very tasty and surprisingly juicy, not at all tough, so this dish can easily be served for lunch or dinner, even for children, garnishing it with mashed potatoes, porridge, and boiled pasta. Choose steamed veal to create this dish - it has a bright pink color. If the meat is dark burgundy in color, then this means that this is not veal, but beef. To ensure that all the baked pieces melt in your mouth after heat treatment, try to choose meat without blue veins inside. Choose a bouquet of spices according to your taste: dried thyme, rosemary, oregano, herbs de Provence, etc.

  • 400 g veal
  • 0.5 tsp. dried thyme
  • 3 pinches of cumin
  • 1 onion
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 ml boiling water
  • 0.5 tsp. salt

If possible, buy veal with a little fat - it will melt during baking and the meat will absorb it, becoming juicy. Wash the veal in water, cut off the blue veins and membranes, leaving clean flesh. Cut into pieces of equal size.

Pour the chopped meat into a deep container and add spices to it. Gently press the meat with a little pressure so that it absorbs the whole bouquet of spices and leave for 1 hour. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice or soy sauce.

After the specified time, peel the onion, rinse and cut it in half. After that, cut it into half rings and place it together with the sliced ​​meat in a pot, where we first pour vegetable oil. Add boiling water, bay leaves and cover the pot with a lid. Make sure that the liquid in the pot is no higher than the shoulders, but not the edges, otherwise it will spill out during baking. Place the pot in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and bake for about 1 hour. But if you use beef, then increase the cooking time for the meat to 1.5 hours and do not forget to add liquid if it evaporates.

After baking, carefully remove the pot and open the lid, keeping in mind the steam. Place the meat on a plate and garnish it with baked or boiled vegetables, cereals, boiled pasta, etc. You can add a little sauce or fresh herbs.

Recipe 9: French-style veal in the oven

  • veal meat -600 gr.
  • onion - 2-3 heads
  • potatoes -7-8 pieces
  • cheese -250-300 gr.
  • mushrooms -250-300 gr.
  • spices - paprika, rosemary, coriander, cardamom

For the sauce:

  • milk - 500 ml.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • flour - 70 gr.
  • nutmeg
  • salt pepper

Cut fresh young veal into pieces and lightly beat. Then cut across the grain into pieces, this way it will remain juicy and cook faster. But you can leave the steaks whole and not cut them into pieces. Both methods are considered correct.

Place the cut pieces into the prepared glass dish. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices.

Peel the onion and cut into thinner half rings. Place on top.

Cut the mushrooms into pieces and place on top of the onion. I have frozen white mushrooms. This year they had a harvest. But you can also use champignons, it will also be delicious.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Lay out the next layer. Salt and pepper.

Prepare Bechamel sauce. Melt the butter.

Add flour, stir well and lightly fry in oil.

Gradually pour in slightly warm milk in a slow stream. While constantly stirring, I use a whisk for this.

Add half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg. If the nut is whole, then scrape off the shavings with a sharp knife, directly into the milk. It adds a wonderful hint of nutty flavor to the sauce. Add salt, ground black pepper and spices.

Continue stirring until thickened. It is not necessary to bring to a boil. When it thickens to the consistency of thick sour cream, turn off the heat. Pour the contents of the mold with Bechamel sauce.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. After this time, take out the pan, the dish should be a pleasant golden color. And sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Place the dish back in the oven for another 15 minutes. Then take it out, cover it with a cutting board, and top it with a towel. Let the dish sit and rest for at least 15-20 minutes.

Then cut into portions with a knife and place on a plate in layers so as not to disturb their integrity.

Recipe 10, simple: veal with garlic in the oven

Veal baked in the oven is a good option for a romantic or family dinner. The meat can be marinated overnight and then grilled just before lunch or dinner. This will make the meat softer and juicier.

I think veal is better suited for this recipe, but if veal is hard to find or perhaps quite expensive, beef can be a good substitute. If you decide to cook beef, just increase the frying time a little.

Veal baked in foil can be served hot straight from the oven in a whole piece or cut into portions. It can also be used cold.

  • 1200 g boneless veal;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons mustard;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander;
  • salt - to taste.

Prepare the meat: Wash the piece of veal in warm water and pat dry with paper towels.

Place 2-3 tablespoons of mustard in a bowl. Peel the garlic cloves and press the garlic into a bowl through a press.

Add spices (ground black pepper and coriander, ½ teaspoon each) and mix everything well.

Take a baking dish (I use a small rectangular ceramic dish) and line it with a sheet of foil. The foil should be large enough to wrap the entire piece of meat. Rub the meat well with salt on each side and place it in a bowl on top of the foil.

Generously spread a piece of meat with a mixture of mustard and spices - on the top and bottom sides. Also spread the mixture over the sides of the piece, making sure that the meat is covered with the mustard mixture on all sides.

Fold a sheet of foil over the left and right sides and curl the edges of the foil so that the meat is enclosed in an airtight foil casing. Set the prepared meat aside to marinate for at least 30 minutes (you can leave the meat like this in the refrigerator for half a day if necessary).

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C, set the oven shelf to the middle level and send the veal bowl in foil to cook for about 3 hours (if you like the ham pink inside, reduce the time by 20-30 minutes if the piece of meat is larger than what is shown in recipe - increase time).

I don't like the meat to be raw inside, so I cook it until it releases its juices when pierced with a knife (if you need to check the doneness of the veal, simply remove the meat from the oven, unwrap the foil and taste. If it takes longer to bake, wrap the veal back in foil, place in the oven and continue cooking).