Is it possible to fry fresh mushrooms? How to properly fry fresh mushrooms

Mushroom dishes popular in many cuisines around the world. They are a complete source of vegetable protein, are well absorbed by the body and are considered dietary. To diversify your daily diet, it is not at all necessary to prepare complex dishes from mushrooms. You can simply fry the mushrooms and serve them as a main course.

Fried mushrooms: simple and tasty

Main advantage fried mushrooms- This rich aroma and concentrated mushroom flavor. Pronounced aroma and taste qualities Mushrooms can be preserved using any frying method.

Unlike boiled mushrooms, fried ones look more appetizing and do not require additional dressings or sauces.

Pickled mushrooms have a more attractive appearance, but the taste and mushroom aroma not so rich. Some types of pickled mushrooms can be fried, but even with this preparation the aroma and mushroom taste are not so rich.

Fried mushrooms can be served as a separate dish or in the form of chips. Unlike fried mushrooms, stewed ones always turn out juicy. They are used as an addition to main dishes or added to sauce.

What mushrooms can be fried?

To prepare delicious fried mushrooms, you need to choose them correctly. For frying, you can use chanterelles, champignons, boletus, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms.

Milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms are not suitable. They are a little bitter and therefore require preliminary preparation.

How can you fry mushrooms?

To prepare fried mushrooms use various ways frying Mushrooms can be cooked on a gas, electric or induction stove. They are also great for kebabs, barbecues or grilling. open fire.

Depending on the cooking method, certain dishes are used for frying mushrooms:

  • shallow or deep frying pan;
  • grill pan;
  • electric grill;
  • deep fryer;
  • grill grate.

More recently on modern kitchens a new kitchen equipment has appeared - a multicooker. You can also use it to cook fried mushrooms.

The cooking method is selected according to individual preferences and the recipe of the dish.

Which way is better?

The taste, aroma and structure of fried mushrooms directly depend on the method of their preparation.

  • When frying in regular frying pan The mushrooms turn out juicy and aromatic. But such a dish contains a lot of calories, since it is prepared using a large number of oils When cooking fried mushrooms in a frying pan, you can add a variety of vegetables to them. This is how they prepare independent dish or a side dish for meat and fish. Mushrooms fried in a frying pan are often served along with boiled cereal.
  • Grilled mushrooms tend to be drier. Their aroma and mushroom taste are more intense. Crispy strips improve the appearance, the dish looks more attractive and appetizing. Their calorie content does not increase, since no additional fat is used during cooking. Such mushrooms can be eaten as an independent dish or added to salads and pie fillings.
  • To prepare mushroom chips, use a deep fryer. Such mushrooms always come out crispy, aromatic, with an appetizing golden crust. They are used as cold snack, added to salads and first courses, used as decoration.
  • In a slow cooker, you can fry mushrooms either deep-fried or in a simple way. Fried mushrooms cooked in a slow cooker are no different from those prepared in a frying pan. The advantage of this type of frying is the minimum time required.
  • Fried mushrooms cooked over an open fire have a distinct aroma and mushroom taste. Mushroom dishes prepared in this way are low in calories and have an appetizing appearance. The only disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of cooking at home. But for a picnic, grilled mushrooms are very suitable dish, as it appeals to adults and children, and is quick to prepare.

What dishes can you prepare with fried mushrooms?

Fried mushrooms are used in cooking as an independent dish and as a component complex dishes. They are added to soups, sauces, main courses, gravies, and salads.

A variety of dishes are prepared based on fried mushrooms. various fillings for pies, dumplings, pancakes and other products made from rich and unleavened dough.

It turns out very tasty vegetable stew with the addition of fried mushrooms, roast and milk soups.

Fried mushrooms go well with almost all vegetables, meat and cereals, so there is great amount various recipes dishes using them. These dishes can be used on the daily menu and used to decorate holiday feasts.

Assorted mushrooms – hunting hodgepodge

Ingredients: chanterelles 450 g, porcini mushrooms 250 g, butter 150 g, fresh lard 100 g, onions 200 g, vegetable oil 50 g, cream 150 g, fresh parsley 50 g, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: chop the lard and onion small cube. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, add lard and onion. Fry until golden crust. Add peeled, washed mushrooms, chopped in large pieces. Fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. Add pepper, salt and cream. Simmer for 15 minutes over moderate heat. Serve in portions, garnished with chopped herbs.

To make fried mushrooms tasty, juicy, beautiful and with an indescribable aroma, any housewife should know how to deliciously fry mushrooms. When throwing them into a frying pan, many people forget that they contain a lot of water, as a result of which they are not fried, but rather stewed. If you want to learn how to fry mushrooms, read on.

How to cook fried mushrooms

Mushrooms need to be washed. They should be washed quickly, because they absorb moisture well, which they already have in sufficient quantity. Place clean mushrooms on paper towel and leave them for a while to dry. The same applies to those that you boiled before frying. Drain the cooked mushrooms in a colander, place them on a paper towel and wait until the excess water drains.

Before you put them in the pan, you need to warm it up well. The pan should be piping hot, not lukewarm.

Add enough butter to the pan so that the bottom of the pan is completely covered. The champignons should be placed in a dry, hot frying pan and the mushrooms should be fried for several minutes, stirring constantly. Only then add oil to the pan.

Place the mushrooms in the pan and begin to fry them, without reducing the heat, for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. During this time they should become golden color, will appear delicious aroma. Excess water evaporate from them. Therefore, do not cover the mushrooms with a lid.

Now reduce the heat, add the onions cut into half rings, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Fry the mushrooms for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Before turning off the heat under the pan with the fried food, add finely chopped green onions and parsley. Once they are in a bowl, pour the sauce over them.

Sauce for fried mushrooms

To cook delicious sauce For fried dish, take:

  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar

Grind the garlic on a grater or in a garlic squeezer, add a little olive oil and a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Stir. The sauce for fried mushrooms is ready. It is topped with delicious fried mushrooms before serving.

Now you know how to deliciously fry mushrooms. If you don't believe me, check it out! Your loved ones will definitely appreciate your efforts. From one appearance It will make your mouth water, and what a aroma!

Secrets of delicious fried mushrooms

Once again I will repeat the basic rules of how to deliciously fry mushrooms

  • You need to wait a few minutes for the excess water to drain off.
  • Don't start cooking fried mushrooms by overcooking them onions, put it down later.
  • First, fry the mushrooms high fire in a hot frying pan, and then you can reduce the heat and add onions.
  • You can only fry and eat.

The housewife now knows how to deliciously fry mushrooms. Bon appetit her family!

Frying is one of the most simple ways cooking mushrooms. Having mastered it, you will be able to make amazingly tasty dishes from any forest products. There are incredibly many recipes for cooking fried mushrooms. Every housewife should take note of some of them.

How to fry mushrooms

First of all, the sequence of processes depends on which category the product belongs to. Some mushrooms need to be boiled first, others can be cooked straight away. You can pour boiling water over them several times and immediately fry the following:

  • white;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • Champignon;
  • boletus;
  • saffron milk caps;
  • honey agaric;
  • umbrellas;
  • chanterelles.

Be sure to find out how to properly fry mushrooms of the variety you have. Butter must be boiled for a quarter of an hour before cooking. This applies to both larch and ordinary variety. You can fry the russula after boiling them for at least five minutes. Any mushrooms considered conditionally edible can only be cooked in a frying pan when boiled. These include ordinary and conical morels, greenfinches, svinushki, and rows.

Before cooking or directly frying, mushrooms should be sorted and washed. Damaged ones are thrown away, areas with minor damage are carefully cut off. Depending on the type of mushrooms, they are soaked and cleaned using one method or another. It is advisable that mushrooms be fried in unflavored vegetable oil, butter or lard. The fire should be medium. You can drain the released juice or wait until it evaporates on its own. Salt at the very end.

Fried mushroom recipes

General principles You already know the preliminary preparation of the main ingredient. Next you should talk about what foods, seasonings and sauces mushrooms are combined with. Parsley, dill and basil, onions, and garlic go well with them. You can add sour cream, potatoes, canned vegetables. Some types of meat are excellent, for example, chicken, pork. Mushrooms cooked in batter or breading are very tasty. Remember a few of the most good recipes.


These mushrooms are very popular. Fried butternuts turn out crispy, it seems as if they are springy in the mouth. Goes great with sour cream. Butter must be boiled briefly before cooking. They should be fried over high heat without a lid so that they do not turn into a sticky mush. Remember how to cook butter in a frying pan.


  • boletus – 600 g;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp;
  • onion – 1 large head;
  • vegetable oil– 100 ml;
  • carrot – 1 medium;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the boletus and wash it well. Cook in salted water for a quarter of an hour from the moment it boils.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Place the butter in a colander and fry over high heat for 10 minutes. Don't stop stirring them.
  3. Peel the vegetables. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Stir in butter. Fry for another 5 minutes. Add some salt.
  4. Season the dish with sour cream, stir and turn off after a minute.


Dish prepared according to next recipe, it turns out very piquant due to the set of spices included in the composition. Fried champignons can be a complement to meat, boiled potatoes. It is worth noting that champignons are the easiest to cook. They do not need to be boiled, soaked, or even peeled before cooking. It is advisable to choose small champignons so that they are well saturated with seasonings.


Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the champignons thoroughly. Cut each into two halves.
  2. Fry the champignons with rosemary and garlic in vegetable oil for ten minutes. Stir constantly.
  3. Transfer the champignons to a deep container. Pour vinegar, add chopped pepper and parsley, and salt. Mix well and serve.

White mushrooms

Very tasty dish, which even a beginner can cook. Porcini mushrooms fried in sour cream are tender, soft, and look appetizing, as you can see by looking at the photo where they are shown. Before cooking, they need to be boiled for 10 minutes, or soaked in salt water for half an hour. This is necessary so that all of them leave harmful substances and bitterness.


  • porcini mushrooms – 750 g;
  • ground paprika – 2 pinches;
  • sour cream – 300 ml;
  • coriander – a couple of pinches;
  • bulbs – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. Boil them for 10 minutes. or fill with salt water for half an hour.
  2. Chop the onion. Cut the mushrooms.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the onion until transparent, stirring. Do not cover with a lid.
  4. Add porcini mushrooms and cook for a quarter of an hour. Salt and pepper.
  5. Pour in sour cream, stir the dish. Simmer covered over low heat for a little less than half an hour.

Milk mushrooms

The debate over whether it is safe to cook this type of mushroom in a frying pan continues to this day. Don’t be afraid, it’s harmless, but before frying the milk mushrooms, they must be properly prepared. Then they will stop being bitter. The recipe for fried mushrooms involves the use of potatoes, because these products go well together. This dish is perfect for family dinner.


  • milk mushrooms – 0.75 kg;
  • salt;
  • onion – 300 grams;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the milk mushrooms and sort them out. Fill in cold water, salt, soak for at least three hours.
  2. Next, the milk mushrooms need to be boiled. Fill them with warm salted water. Put it on fire. Cook for 20 minutes from the moment it boils.
  3. Peel the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings and the potatoes into strips.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the milk mushrooms in it for 10 minutes. Then add the onions and potatoes, stir. Fry until all components of the dish turn golden.
  5. Turn the heat to minimum, add salt, pepper, and chopped dill. Fry covered until full readiness potatoes.

How to fry frozen mushrooms

It's very easy to do. If you picked your own mushrooms, cook them before freezing. At low temperatures the product can be stored for a very long time without losing its useful properties. Before frying frozen mushrooms, you don’t even need to defrost them; you can cook them right away. If you have some in the refrigerator similar product, remember what to do with it.


  • frozen honey mushrooms – 0.8 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • pepper, salt;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • dill - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place honey mushrooms on it and simmer over low heat for a little more than five minutes. They must be covered with a lid.
  2. Turn the heat to medium. Simmer the honey mushrooms for the same amount of time, but without a lid.
  3. Add chopped onion to the pan.
  4. Potatoes need to be cut into strips. Place it in the pan five minutes after the onion. Fry for a quarter of an hour over medium heat.
  5. Salt the dish, pepper, mix with chopped dill. Fry for a couple more minutes, then remove from heat.


These are some of the most delicious forest mushrooms. Ripe boletus mushrooms are boiled before frying, and young boletus mushrooms are cooked immediately. The latter turn out to be denser and crispier, ideally combined with tender fried or stewed potatoes. Feel free to serve them with sour cream or cream sauce. Fried boletus mushrooms are a dish loved by many people.


  • boletus - 0.75 kg;
  • pepper, salt;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 2 large.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and wash the boletus mushrooms, remove the sections on the stems. Cook for 20 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the boletus into pieces.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Throw in coarsely chopped garlic. Fry until golden brown, then remove.
  4. Place the boletus mushrooms in the frying pan. Fry them, stirring until they evaporate excess liquid.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings. Place it on the frying pan. Stir. Remove the dish from the heat when the onions turn golden.

How to fry dried mushrooms

This product is also very easy to prepare. Before frying dried mushrooms, they are soaked in water for a couple of hours. During this time, they swell, become soft and increase in volume. Soon you will get acquainted with a recipe that suggests cooking them in batter. This dish is very appetizing. Can be served with potatoes, pasta, porridge.


  • dry mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • salt pepper;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the mushrooms with cold water just above their level and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain them and dry them.
  2. Beat the egg well, add salt and pepper. Place the breadcrumbs into a suitable bowl.
  3. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan.
  4. Dip each mushroom first in the egg and then in breading mixture, put it on the frying pan.
  5. Fry without a lid for half an hour, turning on different sides. Make the heat medium.


Very delicious mushrooms, whose calorie content is minimal. Before frying russula, they must be kept in salted water for an hour. They are washed, peeled, and the skins are removed from the legs and caps. When frying russula, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to them. This will give them extraordinary flavor notes. Fried russula look great, so you can serve them even festive table. If you don't believe me, take a look at the photo of them.


  • Russula – 1 kg;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 350 ml;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the russula, wash, and chop coarsely.
  2. Chop the onion, chop the greens. Crush the garlic.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the onion in it until golden brown. Then put the russulas, sprinkle them lemon juice. Fry for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Salt the dish, pepper, add bay leaf and sour cream. Mix the russula. Cook over low heat, covered, for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Before turning off, stir in garlic and fresh chopped herbs.

Oyster mushrooms

Very delicious product. Oyster mushrooms are one of the most commonly found types of mushrooms in stores. They are very easy to prepare. Before frying oyster mushrooms, they do not need to be soaked or peeled. They turn out soft with a slight crunch. Serve fried oyster mushrooms You can use it with any side dish. If you look at the photo depicting these mushrooms, you will understand that they look great, so they can be present even in holiday menu.


  • oyster mushrooms – 750 g;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 300 ml;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • marjoram – a couple of pinches;
  • onion – 1 large head;
  • ground black pepper – three pinches;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • nutmeg– 0.5 tsp;
  • carrots – 1 large.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and dry the oyster mushrooms. Cut them into equal pieces.
  2. Peel the vegetables. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Crush the garlic.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry onions in it. When it becomes translucent, add carrots. Fry over medium heat until the vegetables soften.
  4. Place oyster mushrooms and garlic in a frying pan and stir. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Salt, pepper, add nutmeg and marjoram. Pour in sour cream, stir, cover with a lid. Remove the oyster mushrooms from the heat after five minutes.

Find out other recipes.


One of the dietary, but very healthy and nutritious foods, are considered mushrooms. They contain a large amount of proteins; these plants also contain important amino acids and minerals required for normal functioning. human body. But to get maximum benefit from ready-made dish, you need to know how to fry mushrooms at home. They are used as fillings and also as independent snacks, therefore, the taste and aroma of the delicacy will depend on the cooking process.


To understand how long to fry mushrooms, you need to take into account the type of plant and kitchen appliance on which you will bake. The average cooking time in a frying pan takes from 20 to 40 minutes. You should also pay attention to the size of the mushrooms, since a finely chopped product will fry much faster than whole specimens. Add salt only at the end of the process.

The plant can be fried in a slow cooker, oven, or even over a fire, but the taste of the dish and the baking time will change. During the cooking process, it is important to take into account that mushrooms consist of 90% water, which begins to release during heat treatment.


Freshly harvested mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt and debris, the root on the stem must be separated and washed thoroughly. The preparation of some types requires preliminary soaking and boiling in salted water for about half an hour, so that you do not have to fry for a long time. Be sure to settle in liquid: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, volushki and russula. Such procedures help eliminate the risk of poisoning from these plants.

After heat treatment saline solution, put the fungi in a colander, allowing excess liquid to drain.


Champignons are the most popular mushrooms; they are quick and easy to prepare, while possessing a special taste and unique aroma.

If you want to learn how to properly fry this type of plant in a frying pan, then listen to the advice of professionals:

    • chopped mushrooms become ready after ten minutes over medium heat;
    • to obtain a crispy crust, you can increase the intensity of the flame;
    • no need to close the lid when frying;
    • frozen product should first be cooked at moderate temperature until the liquid evaporates, and then increase it;
  • canned champignons should be washed and only then fried (about five minutes).

Mushrooms can also be fried with onions, which are added after a few minutes of baking and the ingredients are cooked together. This recipe is considered classic, as is the preparation of champignons with potatoes. It is not necessary to fry mushrooms for pizza, since they have time to bake in the oven already as part of the dish.


First of all, the butter should be boiled in salt water during required quantity time (about 10 minutes). Then, when dried, they are placed in a heated frying pan with any type of oil and baked, constantly stirring for about a quarter of an hour until excess moisture evaporates. If you use frozen boletus that has not been previously boiled, the frying time is doubled, while the first half of the mushrooms are cooked under the lid. At the end the plant acquires dark color and browns.


Before frying in a pan, it is recommended to soak the product in water for three hours and then cook. Boiled mushrooms place in a bowl with hot butter or vegetable oil and bring to readiness for ten minutes, stirring regularly. You can fry frozen chanterelles in the same way, increasing the time by about five minutes.

Honey mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms must be boiled for ten minutes in salted water, which is changed several times, while frozen ones can be fried immediately. Preparation takes no more than fifteen minutes at open lid. When honey mushrooms begin to shoot in the frying pan, they can be considered ready.

White mushrooms

If it is not possible to cook porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms), then they are scalded with boiling water and soaked in salt water for half an hour. You need to fry over high heat until the liquid evaporates, and then reduce the flame, add oil and cook for another five minutes.

How long to fry boletus mushrooms after freezing? Cooking will take no more than a quarter of an hour at low temperature.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms can be fried after pre-boiling in salted water. After drying, they are placed in a hot frying pan and cooked in oil for about 15 minutes, without covering. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the dish, otherwise the oyster mushrooms may become too dry and tough.


It is recommended to fry freshly picked forest boletuses for at least half an hour, just like frozen mushrooms. Boiled plants are cooked for just 15 minutes over high heat and stirred constantly. Bake them until golden brown crust and then sprinkle with seasonings or spices to taste. These mushrooms are suitable for adding to other dishes and can be stored for about three days.


Such delicious gifts forests can be cooked without pre-cooking, but at the same time they should be young and medium-sized. To disinfect, soak them in salted water for half an hour and fry on hot frying pan with oil for the same amount of time. It is better to heat treat larger and older specimens and then fry them until cooked.

Milk mushrooms

Dried mushrooms

Dried plants are placed in hot water for two hours. It is necessary to do this, since you need to give them shape and more juicy taste. Fry dried mushrooms you need it with oil under a closed lid on a low oven intensity. After five minutes of cooking, you can turn up the flame to get a golden brown crust.

Frozen mushrooms

Raw frozen plants are boiled in boiling water for about 10 minutes and only then placed in a hot bowl with oil. Ready frozen you need to simmer in a frying pan under a closed lid for seven minutes over low heat, and then open and fry for another five minutes at medium temperature.

Advice! You can fry frozen mushrooms without first defrosting them.


There are many different recipes for roasting mushrooms. They are fried with the addition breadcrumbs, flour and sour cream. These plants are baked with potatoes, vegetables and just onions. You can pepper the mushrooms, sprinkle with seasoning and various spices to taste. The method of preparation and inclusion in other dishes depends on the type and size of mushroom specimens used.

Oyster mushrooms with onions

Fry finely chopped onion in oil, add chopped mushrooms and fry for 15 minutes under the lid, constantly stirring the contents of the dish.

Mushrooms with cheese

Fry the mushroom slices in hot oil, after they have browned, add a mixture of cream, pepper, spices and salt. After complete readiness, add in small handfuls grated cheese and serve the dish after it melts.


Fry the chopped onion in 50 ml of oil, add mushroom pieces (400 g), add seasonings and spices and cook until golden brown. Bouillon cube dilute with water, pour the liquid into the pan and simmer. Mix flour, water and sour cream, whisk and add to the dish. After 5 minutes, turn off the oven and cover the mushrooms with herbs.


Pour warm water over the assorted mushrooms for seven minutes, strain the infusion, and place the plants in a frying pan with fried onions. After 5 minutes sprinkle small pieces garlic, and after another minute add liquid and simmer until done.

With nuts

Cut the boiled porcini mushrooms and fry in oil until a golden layer forms. Drain the separated juice and mix it with apple cider vinegar and return the mixture to the pan. Sprinkle with chopped herbs, onions and grated walnuts, stir and bake for two minutes.

Mushrooms are a source of protein and other useful substances. Knowing the rules for frying such a product, you get the opportunity to get not only a delicacy for the holiday table, but also safe dish homemade.

Mushrooms are especially popular during Lent and among vegetarians.

All mushrooms can be divided into four groups, depending on their nutritional value.

The first group is porcini mushroom and milk mushrooms.

The second is champignons, saffron milk caps and fried mushrooms.

The third is chanterelles, morels, honey mushrooms.

The fourth is raincoats, moss mushrooms and oyster mushrooms.

How long to fry mushrooms depends on their type.

Let's figure out how to fry mushrooms so that they turn out really tasty.

How to fry mushrooms - basic cooking principles

The time for frying mushrooms depends on their type.

How long to fry mushrooms: russula, milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps. These mushrooms must be soaked for three to four hours, then dried and fried in a frying pan for forty minutes. They can be fried breaded.

How long to fry russula mushrooms. In addition to soaking, it is advisable to pre-boil the russula for half an hour and then fry for the same amount of time.

How long to fry boletus mushrooms. Porcini or boletus is most valued in cooking for its bright taste and aroma. It is pre-boiled for about 20 minutes, after which it is fried for the same amount of time.

How long to fry champignon mushrooms. They do not need to be boiled first. In addition, it is better not to wash the champignons, but to wipe them with a damp cloth, as they absorb water very quickly, which can cause the cooking process to be significantly delayed. The champignons are fried raw for half an hour.

Before frying mushrooms, they need to be properly prepared. As mentioned above, some mushrooms must be pre-soaked, including saffron milk caps, volushki, chanterelles, russula and milk mushrooms. It is also advisable to boil these mushrooms to minimize the risk of poisoning. Russulas are fried only after boiling them in several waters.

So, mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned and washed well, especially wild mushrooms, to get rid of sand and dirt. Then the mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. Cooking time depends on the type of mushroom. Basically it is from ten minutes to half an hour.

Boiled mushrooms are placed in a sieve to remove excess moisture. Traditionally, mushrooms are fried with onions. It is chopped into half rings and fried until transparent in hot oil. Then add mushrooms, pepper, salt, mix and fry, stirring constantly, from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Champignons are not boiled before frying. They are cut into slices and placed raw in a frying pan. Fry until lightly browned. At the end they put a little butter to make the taste of the mushrooms tender and fry for another seven minutes. The champignons are salted at the end.

Frozen mushrooms are first dipped into boiling water, lightly salted, and boiled for about five minutes. Then they are thrown into a sieve and transferred to a frying pan. Fry until the moisture evaporates. Add onion, pepper and salt. Continue to fry over low heat, stirring constantly, for about ten minutes.

Mushrooms can be fried not only with onions. The most popular dish fried mushrooms with potatoes. They are also fried with cabbage, carrots, garlic, eggs, etc.

You can fry mushrooms in batter or breading of flour or breadcrumbs.

How to fry mushrooms in a frying pan - recipe 1. Oyster mushrooms fried with onions


50 ml vegetable oil;

iodized salt;

two onions;

300 g oyster mushrooms.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onions, rinse and finely chop.

2. Rinse the oyster mushrooms under running water. Cut off the base. Place the mushrooms on a towel to dry slightly. Then cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Place chopped onion in a frying pan with oil. Fry the onion until it becomes translucent and soft. Now add the mushrooms to the pan, stir and fry covered, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.

4. At the end, salt the mushrooms, season with spices and pepper. Serve fried mushrooms with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Recipe 2. Fried mushrooms with cheese


10 g butter;

300 g mushrooms;

1 bay leaf;

1 pinch of salt;

1 pinch of spices;

100 g cheese;

100 ml cream;

1 pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and place in a colander. When all the moisture has gone, cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the mushrooms to it. If desired, you can add onions and garlic.

2. In a deep bowl, combine the cream with salt, spices and pepper. Mix everything well.

3. As soon as the mushrooms are browned, pour them into the pan cream sauce and add bay leaf. Stir and simmer over moderate heat until fully cooked. After five minutes, remove the bay leaf.

4. Grind the cheese into small chips. If you wish, you can use soft curd or cream cheeses. Place a handful of cheese in the pan, stir, then add the next handful. This is done so that the cheese does not stick together into a lump, but melts evenly. Turn off the heat and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

How to fry mushrooms in a frying pan - recipe 3. Mushroom frying


50 ml sunflower oil;


400 g mushrooms;

1 bouillon cube;

80 ml sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil, preheating it, until golden brown.

2. Peel and dry the mushrooms with a damp towel. Cut them into random small pieces. Add them to the onion, mix, season with the mixture provencal herbs, salt, oregano and allspice. Fry until the mushrooms are browned.

3. Dilute the bouillon cube in water. Pour the resulting broth over the mushrooms, lower the heat under the pan and simmer for five minutes.

4. Dilute the flour in a partial glass of water, add sour cream and whisk everything until smooth. Pour the creamy sauce into the mushrooms, boil and cook, stirring continuously, for another five minutes. At the end add chopped herbs. Serve as an addition to spaghetti or other side dish.

Recipe 4. Fried dried mushrooms


half a bunch of fresh herbs;

onion head;

a pinch of black pepper;

three cloves of garlic;

a pinch of salt;

50 ml vegetable oil;

dried mushrooms – 150 g.

Cooking method

1. You can use any mushrooms; it is best to use them for this dish. mushroom platter. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with warm water. Soak them for about seven minutes.

2. Place the mushrooms in a sieve. Strain the resulting mushroom infusion through cheesecloth.

3. Pour some oil into the pan and heat it well. Place the onion, quartered into rings, into the frying pan and fry until soft. Add the soaked mushrooms to the onion and continue to fry, stirring constantly, for about five minutes.

4. Add peeled and chopped garlic and fry for just another minute.

5. Pour the mushroom infusion into the frying pan, add salt and pepper and simmer over low heat until fully cooked. When all the liquid has evaporated, the mushrooms are ready. Crush them with chopped herbs and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Recipe 5. Fried mushrooms with nuts


half a kilogram of fresh porcini mushrooms;

kitchen salt;

three quarters of a cup of peeled kernels walnuts;

ground black pepper;

two onions;

80 g butter;

Apple vinegar;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the porcini mushrooms, wash them well and boil in water, lightly salting it, for a quarter of an hour. Place them on a sieve to remove all moisture. Then cut the mushrooms into thin slices and place in a frying pan with heated oil. Drain off the released juice. Fry until golden brown, remembering to stir constantly.

2. Combine the juice from the mushrooms with apple cider vinegar, pepper and mix. Pour this mixture over the mushrooms. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Rinse and chop the parsley and cilantro. Pass the nuts through a meat grinder.

3. Add greens, onions and nuts to the mushrooms, stir, heat for two minutes and turn off the heat. Cool completely, place in a mound on a serving platter and garnish with herbs.

    If possible, wash mushrooms before frying, especially champignons. Simply wipe them with a damp towel. Otherwise they will absorb a lot of moisture.

    Try to use young mushrooms for frying; they are much more tender and tastier.

    Salt the mushrooms at the end of frying so that excess moisture does not release during the cooking process.

    Stir the mushrooms with a wooden spatula so that they do not change their taste and smell.