Honey cake with dark layers. Homemade honey cake

The honey cake recipe appeared about 200 years ago, when the cook of Emperor Alexander I prepared a delicious dessert for his wife. The name of the culinary specialist has not been preserved in history, but the Russian honey cake has become a classic of confectionery art.

Now there are many recipes for delicious honey cakes, but initially the famous cake was honey cakes with sour cream. How to cook a delicious honey cake at home? The chef speaks.

A simple honey cake recipe

Each housewife has her own recipe for making a honey cake at home, because a cake baked with her own hands is much better than factory baked goods, to which dyes, preservatives and flavors are also added. Why artificially improve the taste of an already wonderful dessert?

To prepare the dough, you will need some liquid honey, flower or linden, eggs, sugar, butter (it should not be replaced with margarine), flour and baking powder.

First, honey, sugar and butter are melted in a water bath, then beaten eggs, baking powder and a little flour are added, beating the mixture well with a mixer and rubbing so that there are no lumps. Kneading the dough in a water bath makes the cakes especially soft and tender. After the mixture is removed from the heat, the dough is brought to such a consistency that it can be rolled out, and then put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Interestingly, German honey cake is prepared using yeast, and there are also lean recipes without eggs and butter.

Honey cake cream recipe

Cream for honey cake is made simply - sour cream is whipped with sugar, sometimes condensed milk is added to it. Sour cream should be very fresh, chilled and with a high percentage of fat to make the cream more airy and velvety. With a cream prepared on the basis of liquid sour cream, the cakes are perfectly saturated, but there will be no cream layer between them. If the sour cream is liquid, pour it into cheesecloth, folded several times, and leave for 3 hours to drain excess liquid. The sour cream will thicken and beat well.

If you use powdered sugar instead of sugar, the texture of the cream will become more pleasant, and the grains of sugar will not squeak on your teeth. You can add coconut flakes, nuts, jam, jam, chopped fruits, a little orange or lemon zest, cocoa or chocolate to the cream. Very tasty in this cake and custard.

By the way, honey cake is also made with butter cream: for this, soft butter (at least 82.2% fat) is whipped with boiled condensed milk for 10–15 minutes, until the mass increases in volume. If you coat the cakes with different creams, alternating layers, the cake will acquire an original taste, since the sour cream sourness will pleasantly shade the sweetness of condensed milk and the honey cake will turn out not so cloying.

How to make cakes for honey cake

The settled dough is divided into pieces according to the number of cakes, and each piece is thinly rolled into a circle. The remaining dough at this point should be covered with a napkin or cling film, otherwise it will dry out. Typically, a standard recipe produces about 7-10 cakes, which can be leveled by placing a plate, mold, or other template on top.

The cakes are pierced in several places with a fork, laid out on a baking sheet and baked in turn for 5–7 minutes in the oven. After baking, the shape of the cake is corrected by cutting off the edges with a knife, moreover, they turn out to be more even and beautiful just when they are cut off in finished form. After that, the cakes are smeared with cream and sprinkled on top and on the sides with chopped biscuit scraps, nuts and chocolate. When covering the cake with cream, do not forget about the edges of the cakes so that they are also well saturated and soft.

A few secrets from the confectioner

Do not use buckwheat and acacia honey for dough: despite the incomparable taste and aroma of these types of honey, the cakes will be a little bitter. Honey must be liquid so that the dough is homogeneous in structure, so it is better to melt the candied honey in a water bath.

Before kneading the dough, be sure to lay out the eggs from the refrigerator - they should be at room temperature, and it is better to sift the flour so that the cakes are light and airy. When the dough is kneaded in a water bath, the water in the saucepan should not boil, but gurgle slightly, that is, the fire should be made small. If you use baking powder instead of soda, add it at the end of kneading. Some housewives advise adding soda not during the preparation of the dough, but to the eggs when beating - this way they increase in volume faster.

Another valuable tip: when you start collecting honey cake, first put a little cream on the dish, and then lay the first cake layer to make the cake juicier and softer.

Classic homemade honey cake: step by step recipe with photo

We offer you a step-by-step honey cake recipe. With our instructions, you will quickly master this pastry art.

Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., butter - 50 g, sugar - 600 g (300 g each for dough and cream), liquid honey - 150 ml, soda - 1 tsp, flour - 500 g, sour cream - 500 g.

1. Fill a large pot with water and put on fire.

2. In a small saucepan, mix the eggs with sugar and beat the mass well until fluffy.

3. Add butter, honey and soda to beaten eggs.

3. Put the saucepan in a water bath and stir the mixture for 15 minutes until it doubles in volume. The mass should become light and airy.

4. Pour 1 tbsp. l. flour and stir, breaking up lumps, for another 3 minutes.

5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and knead a soft and plastic dough with the remaining flour.

6. Divide the dough into 8 balls, wrap them in cling film and keep in the refrigerator for half an hour.

7. Roll each bun into a round and thin cake.

8. Put the cake on a baking sheet, oiled or covered with baking paper. Bake for 3 minutes at 180°C.

9. Cut the cakes around the edges and cool them, and crumble the trimmings.

10. Make a cream of sour cream and sugar by whipping the mixture with a mixer.

11. Assemble the cake by spreading cream on the cakes.

12. Sprinkle the honey cake crumbs left over from the cakes.

13. Leave the cake for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature to soak, and then keep it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

A classic honey cake can be decorated with chocolate or nut sprinkles, and a little crushed fruit can be added to the cream. Cook more, because the cake is eaten very quickly. Good appetite!

Exquisite honey cake with cognac

This is the recipe for the most delicious honey cake that can be prepared for any holiday, and if the children taste the cake, cognac can be replaced with fruit syrup.

Melt in a water bath 1 cup sugar, 100 g butter and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Beat separately 3 eggs and 1 tsp. soda, pour in the egg and butter, and then remove the pan from the heat and quickly knead the dough, adding 4 cups of flour. Divide the dough into 8 parts and roll out each round cake, and then bake at a temperature of 200 ° C for 7-10 minutes. Align the edges of the warm cakes and soak them with a syrup made from 130 g of sugar, 120 ml of water and 2 tbsp. l. brandy - for this you need to mix water with sugar, bring to a boil, cool and add brandy. Put the cakes on top of each other and grease them with a cream made from 0.5 kg of sour cream, whipped with a glass of sugar. Grease the top and sides of the honey cake with cream and sprinkle with biscuit crumbs, and then decorate the cake with nuts, chocolate or marmalade to your liking. Invite guests and enjoy a delicate dessert that melts in your mouth!

Quick honey cake in an hour and a half

If there is no time, you can use this recipe, which differs from the classic cooking scheme. You are not baking 7-10 cakes, but one tall biscuit, which is cut into several cakes.

Beat 4 proteins with a glass of sugar, and then gradually add 4 yolks, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tsp soda slaked with vinegar and 1.5 cups of flour. The dough should be like thick sour cream. Pour it into a mold greased with oil and bake a biscuit for half an hour at a temperature of 170-180 ° C.

The finished biscuit will be high (about 10 cm), fluffy and airy. Cut it into 5 cakes and spread with a cream made from 400 ml of thick sour cream and 0.5 cups of powdered sugar. Add some raisins and walnuts to the cream, decorate the honey cake with them, let the cakes soak and serve the dessert on the table!

On our website you will find many honey cake recipes with photos and detailed instructions for making this cake. Thanks to the chef of Alexander I for coming up with this delicious dessert that makes life seem even more beautiful…

Honey cake is a win-win dessert that will please everyone and always: both at a cozy family tea party and during any celebration. The classic honey cake recipe is loved by households, and guests can be surprised with a new flavor and aroma of the cake. In addition, it is not difficult to bake a honey cake, and you can do it in the oven, in a slow cooker, and even in a frying pan.

Honey cake "Mom"

This is a classic honey cake recipe. The list includes basic products, without any of which something else will turn out. The good thing is that you don’t have to fool around with cakes for a long time: there will be only two of them. Well, and, of course, in the kitchen of any housewife there is always something to make sour cream, traditional for the classics.

Need to prepare:

  • butter - one hundred grams;
  • fresh chicken eggs - three pieces;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass for dough, a glass for cream;
  • honey - three to four tablespoons;
  • about 2.5 cups flour (may need a little more)
  • soda - a teaspoon is enough;
  • fat sour cream - liter.

We start the dough.

  1. We cut the butter with a knife. Then we put the pieces in a saucepan and wait until they melt over a small fire.
  2. Add granulated sugar (half a cup) and honey. When you get a liquid syrup, pour soda into it. The mixture will immediately begin to "grow".
  3. While it is cooling, beat the eggs until fluffy. We send it to the syrup.
  4. Then slowly add flour powder and carefully mix: you need a homogeneous consistency.
  5. If the dough is too "flowing", you need more flour. It should not be steep, but still quite viscous.
  6. Take a round baking dish with high sides. Lubricate the bottom with oil, lay out half the dough and “smooth out” on the container.
  7. Preheat the oven to medium temperature and put the first cake there. It will bake for 20-25 minutes. When it is golden brown and the toothpick comes out dry, we will remove it. Let it cool down.
  8. In the meantime, we send the cake from the second part of the dough for baking. We do everything in the same way as with the first.
  9. While the cake is ripening, prepare the cream. It's easy: you just need to beat a liter of sour cream with a glass of sugar. The mixer will help to cope with the task quickly.
  10. We move one cake to a dish. We put the second one on top so that its lower part is the top of the cake. Get an interesting shape.
  11. We coat the cake well with cream. Let's not forget about the sides.
  12. Now the dessert should spend several hours in the refrigerator. During this time, the cream will thoroughly soak the cakes. Cake "Mom" according to the classic recipe for honey cake with sour cream - ready.

It is not so difficult to prepare it, and the products you will need are quite affordable:

  • sifted flour - 400-450 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 380-400 grams;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 100-120 grams;
  • butter (softened) - 260-280 grams;
  • liquid honey - two or three tables. spoons;
  • a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • milk is a glass.

We are working on this plan.

First, let's deal with the cream preparation.

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan (or saucepan). In it - a spoonful of flour, an egg, sugar (about half).
  2. We mix everything. We put the container on a fire of minimum power and brew the cream: a homogeneous consistency should be obtained.
  3. We set aside the "semi-finished product" to cool.
  4. When its temperature drops to room temperature, add sour cream and soft butter. Mix with a mixer.

The next step is the dough.

  1. In a deep bowl we put all the remaining sugar, honey and 80-90 grams of soft butter. We make a mixture. It will need to be sent to a water bath to melt.
  2. When we see that the sugar has dissolved, we introduce three testicles in turn. Mix and again - in a water bath, for four to five minutes.
  3. Then add flour and soda. After kneading, the dough is obtained.
  4. We divide it into seven identical parts. We roll each one - these are future cakes.
  5. The oven has already reached the desired temperature - 200 C. It's time to flour the bottom of the baking sheet, put the cakes in turn and send them to the oven.
  6. Cut out circles from the finished layers - you can use a plate that is suitable in size. Break the rest of the dough into crumbs - to decorate the cake.

Now we are “building” a honey cake.

  1. Every single cake in turn is generously covered with cream. I put one on top of the other. Pour the prepared crumbs on the very top.
  2. Do not forget to cover the sides of the honey cake with cream.
  3. After that, put the "Miracle" in the refrigerator. After eight hours it will be possible to feast.

It must be remembered: the cream is homogeneous and especially tasty if it is made from components of the same temperature.

We bake with condensed milk

There are a lot of types of cream for honey cake. But it is possible not to strain and not to conjure over the cream, saving time and effort. The classic honey cake recipe with condensed milk is an excellent confirmation of this.

Ingredients you will need:

  • condensed milk (can be boiled) - it is high-quality milk from an iron can, and not a “condensed product”;
  • granulated sugar - not less than a glass;
  • raw testicles - three pieces;
  • butter (can be replaced with creamy margarine) - 50 grams for dough and another 200 for cream;
  • up to 600 grams of flour;
  • soda - a teaspoon;
  • honey (if there is no natural, artificial is also suitable) - 4 table. spoons.

Today is a day off, but how can Saturday pass without delicious homemade cakes!

Medovik is a cake that was on the tables of our grandmothers, perhaps most often. There are many variations for its preparation.

We offer you the top three most delicious recipes, according to the editors of the site.

Honey cake"


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 stack;
  • margarine - 125 g;
  • wheat flour - 3-4 glasses;
  • butter (for cream) - 300 g;
  • boiled condensed milk (for cream) - 2 ban.;
  • walnut (for decoration) - 200 g.


Melt margarine in a water bath, then add sugar, honey and heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Then add soda and continue to stir until the mass increases in volume and whitens.

Now remove our container from the “bath” and let it cool. Add eggs, mix well. Add flour and knead into a soft, elastic dough.

Divide the dough into 8 equal parts . Roll each “ball” into a cake (preferably immediately on baking paper), then simply transfer the cake along with the paper to a baking sheet - it’s much easier than shifting the cakes themselves.

Bake them in the oven at 180 degrees 7-10 minutes every. Bake the rest of the dough (cuttings from cakes), cool and chop - for sprinkling.

Let's get to the cream : Beat the softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping whisking, add boiled condensed milk in small portions to the butter and continue to beat until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.

We put the cakes on top of each other, layering with cream. Top the cake with cream too. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with chopped scraps. Decorate as desired.

Angarsky cake (honey)


  • butter (or margarine) - 150 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 2 stacks;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 2 stacks;
  • sour cream (in cream) - 400 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.


Put butter, sugar (1 cup) and honey in a saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring, until boiling. As soon as it starts to boil, add soda. Stir vigorously for 10 seconds. When everything turns into foam, remove from heat.

Wait for the contents of the saucepan to cool, to speed up the process, you can put in a container of cold water. We get something that looks like caramel, smells great and appetizing. Whisk in the eggs one at a time and then add the flour.

We get a viscous dough, but thick enough. Spread half of the dough on a greased baking sheet. It is better to put baking paper or a non-stick mat. It's best to do this with wet hands.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees . The crust is thin so it bakes quickly. 10-12 minutes . Cut the finished cake in half (it turns out to be large, almost the entire sheet). We do the same with the second half of the test.

While the cakes are cooling, do sour cream (beat sour cream with sugar). We put the cakes one on top of the other, cut them so that they are even and the same. Crush the scraps and use for sprinkling.

Assemble the cake, smearing the cakes with cream, if you wish, decorate. It is better if the cake stands in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, it is well saturated with cream. By the way, if you add flour, you get a very tasty cookie :)

Honey cake "Beloved"


  • margarine - 100 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • honey - 1 stack;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • condensed milk - 400 g;
  • sour cream (30% fat) - 500-600 g;
  • butter - 100 g.

You know, usually in the recipes for "Honey cake" they begin to tell the classic story of its origin. And I want to tell another. If you are not interested, you can, no doubt, go straight to the recipes with photos step by step below in the text. But I found the story funny.

Unfortunately, I don't remember where I read it. I remember exactly - it was an English-language culinary blog. The woman, the author of the blog, has a Russian husband. All the acquaintances, as soon as they found out about this and, knowing her passion for cooking, immediately asked "is it possible to cook something Russian." And she was not at all a great connoisseur of our cuisine. Of all the familiar options, I decided to focus on this particular cake, which I once tried in a pastry shop. In order not to bore you with a long story ... In general, as a responsible person, she began by searching for a recipe on the Internet, more precisely in RuNet, skipping pages through a translator program. And I was shocked that there were hundreds of them and all different and not similar! How so? As I understood from her words, in the West, as a rule, all recipes for the same dish differ little from each other. She chose the one that most closely resembled the taste sensations she got from eating cake at a candy store. Started cooking. And then - shock! The cakes are hard as a sole, the cream (sour cream) all flows down the sides. I was upset, I wanted to throw it away, but at the last moment I restrained myself and put it in the refrigerator “until tomorrow”, just in case. And how surprised she was when in the morning she got exactly what she wanted, soft, soaked, tender, delicious, melting honey cake.

Classic honey cake recipe

Traditionally, the dough is brewed in a water bath and this is exactly the classic. Everything else is a variation on a theme. But the cream may be different. We will first look at how to prepare the dough and bake the cakes. And only then we will move on to the recipes for creams.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • softened butter - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.


  1. We will put the dough in a water bath, so from the very beginning we take a pan suitable for this. I put butter.
  2. We pour sugar.
  3. We add soda.
  4. We break the eggs.
  5. I put honey. It can be both liquid and candied. Liquid is easier to work with, so you can melt the thick one in the microwave or over hot water, or you can put it as it is, this does not affect the taste in any way.
  6. Mix well. In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil, put ours with the ingredients on it. We reduce the fire and continue to interfere, heating.
  7. After a while, usually it takes 15-20 minutes, the mixture will turn white and become more fluffy.
  8. Remove from the bath and sift the flour into it.
  9. The dough will be somewhat runny. You can do it as follows: correctly, if you have time, put it in the refrigerator overnight. There it will thicken. If there is no time or no desire, add more flour until you feel that it can be kneaded with your hands.
  10. Transfer to a floured cutting board and knead a little with your hands.
  11. We divide into several identical parts according to the number of layers. Usually 8-10.
  12. Roll out with a rolling pin, cover with a plate and cut with a knife. Don't throw away the cuttings! We still need them.
  13. We put the blanks on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or a silicone mat.
  14. We bake in an oven heated to 200 ° C until cooked. Ready cakes turn brown and become hard.
  15. We also bake the trimmings. Let everything cool down.

Blanks can be made in advance and stored in the cold, in foil. Before moving on to the cream, let's first look at another version of the honey cake test.

A simple honey cake recipe


  • eggs - 3pcs;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • honey - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • soda - 1 tsp without a slide;
  • vinegar - 30 ml.

How to bake:

It's time to move on to creams that you can make at home for the cake. The most popular are sour cream and custard. Let's see their recipes and photos.

Sour cream for "Honey cake"

In the Soviet Union, many prepared sour cream. Perhaps because it was one of the most inexpensive and affordable options.


  • sour cream of maximum fat content - 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

How to whip cream:

  1. And we will beat him up. By the way, I remember in childhood we had such a hand mixer in the form of a jar with a screw cap, into which two whisks and a handle were inserted. You twist it, the whisks rotate and whip the sour cream.
  2. Of course, in the modern world, we will take an electric mixer. Sour cream should be cold, and sugar - the finer the better. Whisk until it dissolves completely.
  3. We coat the cake and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Cream with sour cream and semolina

Very gentle, not too fluid, but soaks the cake well.


  • sour cream - 3-4 tsp;
  • semolina - 1/2 cup;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 70g.

How to weld:

Custard for "Honey cake"

It is also very popular and delicious. In order for the cake to acquire a caramel hue, add chocolate.


  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • butter at room temperature - 200g;
  • eggs - 3pcs;
  • chocolate - 100g;
  • starch - 3 tsp

How to brew:

How to decorate "Honey cake"

Usually those same trimmings from cakes crumble after cooling. Sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs.

You can rub the chocolate, decorate with finely chopped nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts.

Sometimes pieces of prunes and nuts are placed between the cakes on a layer of cream. Or fruit, but it seems to me that the fruit in this cake is somehow not very good. But it's up to you.

Choose for yourself your favorite honey cake recipe and cream for the layer. In any case, both recipes are very successful, each is good in its own way. And bon appetit!

Everyone knows and loves the delicate, tasty and fragrant honey cake, but not everyone knows how to cook it. The store-bought version does not always live up to our expectations, it's true, and homemade cakes cannot be compared with anything. If you have never baked a honey cake, then this recipe is for you. I took many detailed photos of how to make honey cake at home.

This is a classic honey cake recipe with a slightly modified recipe for my taste. For the cake, I always make two creams - sour cream and condensed milk cream. Sour cream gives tenderness, and cream on condensed milk - an amazing creamy taste. At what, it is the taste, and not the feeling that you are eating a colored piece of butter, from which roses are usually made on store cakes. From my detailed recipe, you will learn how to cook a honey cake with condensed milk.

If you still want a classic honey cake, make a cake with only sour cream.

For honey cakes:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs (100 gr)
  • Sugar - 300 gr (1 cup + 2 tbsp)
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Flour - 550/600 gr
  • Honey - 150 gr (4-5 st / l)
  • Soda - 1 tsp

For sour cream:

  • Sour cream 20% - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 300 gr (1 cup + 2 tbsp)

For the condensed milk cream:

  • Condensed milk - 360 gr (1 can)
  • Butter - 200 gr

Recipe for honey cake in a water bath. Therefore, you will need two pans. A smaller saucepan - we will cook the dough in it, and a larger saucepan in which we will make a steam bath. The difference in the diameter of the pans should be such that the pan with the dough rests on the pan with water (does not fall through), and the steam escapes freely. How to make a steam bath, you will see in the photo below.

You will also need a pot lid to cut perfectly even cakes. The volume of the glass is 250 ml.

How to bake honey cake

Before you start preparing the dough, put water on the stove to heat for a water bath.

It is best to boil water in a kettle, and then pour as much water into the pan as needed (more on that below).

We begin preparing a fragrant dough for our honey cake.

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.

The more fluffy beat, the better. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

Add honey, butter and soda to beaten eggs. Soda does not need to be extinguished.

We put a pan with honey mass in a water bath.

To do this, pour enough water into the lower pan so that it barely touches the bottom of the upper pan and does not splash over the edges during the boil.

Don't make too much fire. Water should boil moderately.

We will prepare the fragrant dough for the honey cake for about 15 minutes. The color will begin to change before your eyes.

Stir the mass with a spatula. It will start to caramelize very quickly.

Zapaaah - song! Such a fragrant honey aroma appears in the kitchen! =)

Beautiful caramel stains appear on the surface of the honey mass.

And gradually the honey mass becomes brighter and more fragrant.

The mass at the same time increases in volume by about 2 times, becomes lush and airy.

When the mass increases in volume (after 10-13 minutes), add 1 cup of flour, mix thoroughly with a spatula so that there are no lumps and brew the dough.

We brew - this means we do not remove from the water bath for about 2-3 more minutes, constantly stirring with a spatula.

The mass will gurgle slightly and acquire a beautiful shade.

Remove the dough from the heat and begin to gradually add the rest of the flour, stirring the dough with a spatula.

Beware it's hot!

When the dough becomes difficult to mix with a spatula, transfer it to the flour on the table and knead.

You should get a soft, plastic, not too hard dough.

Divide the dough into 7-8 equal parts, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes so that the dough for the honey cake cools down a bit.

Now we bake cakes for the honey cake.

Roll out the ball slightly larger than the diameter of the lid.

We bake cakes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about 2-3 minutes.

Watch carefully, the cakes bake very quickly.

We cut the hot cake with a lid directly on the sheet and transfer the cake to a flat surface until it cools completely, and break the trimmings and put them in a bowl. Swollen bubbles can be carefully cut with a knife.


Immediately out of the oven, the cakes for the honey cake are soft, and after cooling they harden. This is normal and it should be. Once the cake is soaked, it will melt in your mouth.

Now let's prepare two wonderful creams for honey cake: sour cream and condensed milk cream.

Beat sour cream with sugar, adding 1 teaspoon of sugar.

And beat the condensed milk with butter. The butter should be at room temperature, but not too soft.

The cakes and two creams for the honey cake are ready, it remains to assemble the cake.


It happens that on the eve of the holiday you have very little time and there is no time to mess with the cake, but you really want homemade cakes. I can advise you to bake the cakes in advance (1-2 days in advance), and make the cream the day before the celebration and assemble the cake for impregnation. Pre-prepared cake layers can be stored at room temperature (like regular cookies) under the lid, slightly opening it for air circulation so that the cakes do not become damp.

Pour any cream on the dish and lay the cake on top - so the bottom cake will be softer, soaked in cream.

Another thing is important: more cream - tastier and more tender cake =)

Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs with a blender or knead with a rolling pin.

Sprinkle crumbs generously over the top and sides of the cake. We leave the honey cake at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours and put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours, and preferably overnight.

Honey cake with condensed milk and sour cream - the recipe of my culinary fantasy. In any case, I have not seen such an option for preparing a honey cake before. But, having prepared a honey cake a few years ago according to the classic recipe with the addition of condensed milk cream, now I cook only this way.

Honey cake - calories per 100 grams = 444 kcal

  • Proteins - 6 gr
  • Fats - 18 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 67 gr

Have a good holiday and a pleasant tea party with such a beautiful and fragrant honey cake! =)

Best regards, Natalie Lissy