Honey lemonade. Lemon and honey drink

How about combining business with pleasure and making a refreshing drink that is not just tasty, but also healthy? Ginger lemonade with honey is just what you need - it will pleasantly surprise gourmets with its spicy taste and will delight connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle with its huge content of vitamins. From our master class you will learn how to prepare a real elixir of health, youth and longevity with a unique taste and aroma at home.

The recipe is very simple, so once you master it, you can experiment yourself and add additional spices or vary the proportions to taste.

Since the main ingredient in our recipe is lemon juice, let’s remember the easiest way to squeeze it. Of course, when you have a citrus juicer at hand, the question disappears by itself, but if you don’t have it, you shouldn’t be upset.

  • Place the ripe, washed lemon in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cool so that your hand can tolerate it, and cut it in half.
  • First, insert a teaspoon into one half - it should reach the rind, turn it over and squeeze the lemon until the juice comes out.
  • Then, continuing to squeeze it, we begin to rotate the spoon inside.

Thanks to heat treatment and this method of squeezing, you will get a whole half. We do the same with the other part of the lemon.

Now that we have remembered how to make lemon juice yourself easily and quickly, preparing the drink will be simplified even more.


  • - 4 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 50 g + -
  • — 2 l + -


  1. Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it in any usual way.
  2. Combine it with honey and stir until smooth.
  3. Grate the ginger, measure out the required amount and add to the honey-lemon mixture.
  4. When we see that the honey has completely dispersed, add 100 ml of warm boiled water and mix again.
  5. At the very end, add the remaining amount of water. It is better to use carbonated water - this will make the drink foamy and even more tasty.
  6. Pour everything into a bottle, cork it and let it brew at room temperature for an hour and a half. After the time has passed, strain the lemonade through a sieve and cheesecloth to remove the ginger pulp and pour into glasses.

Serve with crushed ice or cubes. Bon appetit!

Recipe in blender

Well, for those who don’t want to bother with making juice at all, we recommend the following recipe.

  • Place ½ lemon into a blender along with the zest - to do this, wash it thoroughly and rub it with a sponge to remove waxes.
  • There we also put peeled and cut into slices ginger root (1 cm), add 20-30 g of honey, pour a glass of water with or without sparkling water and beat well.
  • You need to grind and mix everything for at least 1 minute so that the honey is thoroughly dispersed and the ginger is completely crushed.

Then we filter the resulting mixture through several layers of gauze directly into a carafe and begin to slowly add water. You can also use carbonated or plain. Add it in portions of 150 - 200 ml, constantly tasting the drink to be able to track changes in taste and not dilute it too much.

How can you make homemade lemonade from ginger and lemon if you can’t get fresh root? Very simple!

It is enough to use ground ginger from bags. It is better to brew this spice in advance with 100 ml of boiling water and let it cool to room temperature under the lid. For 1 liter of water you will need 1 tsp.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing ginger lemonade; even a novice cook can make this recipe. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

The light, sour taste of homemade lemonade will perfectly refresh and help quench your thirst.

Homemade lemonade with mint

For lemonade, it is better to use ripe, clean fruits, because everything is used: from zest to juice. The main thing is that there is not too much lemon juice, otherwise the lemonade will become too sour and tasteless. The second most important ingredient is water. Choose carefully filtered or mineral water with a neutral taste.

You can use mint, fresh berries or fruits as additional ingredients in lemonade. If children will not drink lemonade, you can add a little orange or lemon liqueur.

1. Classic homemade lemonade

2. Lemonade with honey and mint


Mineral water 1 l

Honey 3 tbsp.

Lemon 2 pcs.

Ice cubes to taste

Mint leaves to taste

This lemonade has an excellent taste, saturates the body with vitamin C, and also strengthens the immune system.

What could be better than natural, tasty and healthy lemonade?

Extract the juice from the lemons, add honey to it and mix well. Finely chop mint leaves. Then add mineral water, chopped mint leaves and ice. Mix everything well in a shaker or just with a spoon. When serving, decorate the edges of the glass with sugar and a sprig of mint.

3. Tea lemonade


Tea (infusion)

Lemon 1 pc.

Honey 4 tbsp. l.

Mint (dry) 1 tsp.

Difficulty: easy. Servings: 4 Prep time: 15 min. Cooking time: 10 min. Calories: 50.

Tea lemonade / archive

Very easy to prepare, healthy and vitamin-rich drink, delicious both hot and cold.

1. Brew strong black tea with mint and let it cool.

2. Cut the lemon in half, cut half into circles, and squeeze the juice out of the second.

3. Strain the lemon juice and mix with honey. Combine the resulting mixture with tea.

4. Place ice and lemon slices into the jug with the resulting drink. The drink is ready!

Advice: A drink is prepared in the same way with other citrus fruits, berries and juicy fruits. Honey can be replaced with rosehip syrup or other fruit syrup. Any tea is suitable for the base - herbal, green, etc.

4. Lemonade with strawberries


Mineral water 1.5 l

Strawberry 250 g

Lemons 2 pcs.

Sugar and ice to taste

Another idea for summer days, with the hot sun, warm breeze and endless picnics.

Strawberry lemonade is a wonderful idea for summer days

It is very difficult to say anything about the amount of sugar: if the lemons are not very sour, then, of course, you need less sugar. And vice versa. So add sugar gradually and taste to find the perfect taste.

Grind the strawberries in a blender, you should get a berry puree. Add lemon juice, strawberry puree and sugar to mineral water. Take some more strawberries and maybe another lemon - cut into thin slices. You can put it in glasses and/or place it in a jug. Don't forget the ice!

Of course, all adherents of a healthy diet, and even more so, people who want to lose excess weight, know about the incredible benefits of products such as lemon, honey and ginger. It is impossible to overestimate their positive effect on the body, and the list of healing properties can be endless. In a nutshell, lemon is a source of vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes, fight fatigue, ginger enhances metabolism, honey fights a huge number of diseases, and contains many trace elements and nutrients in high concentrations. And all these three invaluable products can be combined in such a wonderful drink as lemonade with ginger and honey. Making ginger lemonade at home is very simple and quick, the drink can be consumed daily, or can be served at a holiday as a delicious cooling non-alcoholic drink.

To make homemade ginger lemonade you will need:

  • 2 medium lemons;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey, it makes no difference whether it is liquid honey or already candied;
  • 40-60 grams of ginger root;
  • 700-750 ml of water, it should be filtered or just boil the water and cool.
  • You will also need a blender and a strainer.

Recipe for lemonade with ginger and honey:

1. Squeeze juice from lemons. If lemonade will be served to guests, then first cut off several thin pieces to decorate the glasses. Strain the resulting juice from the seeds. Photo 2.

2. Peel the ginger root (the easiest way to do this is with a teaspoon) and cut it into pieces. Photo 3.

3. Place ginger pieces in a blender, add honey, lemon juice and water. Grind everything in a blender (about 1 minute). Photo 4.

4. Strain the resulting mixture again.

Serve lemonade with ginger and honey in glasses garnished with lemon slices and granulated sugar. Before serving, you can put pre-prepared ice in it. You can make the drink even healthier and piquant by adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the ingredients.

Ginger lemonade with honey is ready. Drink to your health!

All kinds of cocktails, drinks with added honey. All drinks are healthy and tasty. You should not prepare large quantities, as honey drinks may ferment.

Sita (full)- water sweetened with honey, honey infusion, boiled honey on water. It was used to prepare sweet delicacies beloved by the Eastern Slavs. We ate kutya when we were full.

In Ancient Rus', “dissolved” honey was a popular drink that was consumed after meals. From the word “full” comes the expression “eat until you’re full,” that is, “you ate everything and it’s time for something sweet—you’re full.”

One of the recipes for preparing food was to pour boiling water over honeycombs placed in a barrel. After dissolving the honey in water, the drink was filtered from the wax and consumed chilled.

To get full, honey, sometimes even in honeycombs, was poured with warm water (up to 30 °C), but not hot, as otherwise the wax in the honeycombs would begin to melt. Sometimes the food was boiled over a fire; herbs, spices, and hops could be added for flavor

Tonic "Dibrova"

200 g chokeberry juice, 100 g black currant juice, 2 g citric acid, 100 g sparkling mineral water, 90 g honey.

Mix all ingredients. Cool the mixture and serve with ice cubes.

Honey-raspberry cocktail “Dibrova”

200 g raspberry juice, 75 g honey, 1.5 g citric acid, 130 g sparkling water.

Dissolve honey in raspberry juice, add citric acid and stir. Then add sparkling water. Serve chilled with pieces of ice.

Cold honey drink

40 g honey, 5 g citric acid, 1 liter of water.

Place honey in hot water and boil for 4-5 minutes. Then add citric acid. To keep the drink clear, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze. Serve chilled.

Apple water with honey

500 g apples, 1 liter of water, 5 tablespoons of honey, zest of 1 lemon.

Pour water into sliced ​​apples (without seeds). For flavor, add lemon zest and then honey and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool the drink, strain and serve. (Very useful for children).

Egg and honey drink

4 yolks, 0.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of honey, juice of one orange (if you use ready-made juice, then take 50 g of it)

Mix egg yolks with honey and dilute with hot water (necessarily boiled). Hot water must be added very slowly so as not to overcook the yolks. Add orange juice to the cooled mixture. (Very useful for children).

Viburnum for future use

Viburnum berries, sugar or liquid honey.

After the first frost, when ripe viburnum becomes softer and the bitter-sour berries gain sugar, you can begin preparing it for the winter. The berries must be washed well, placed in an enamel bowl and sprinkled with granulated sugar approximately equal to the weight of the berries. Instead of sugar, you can take honey. Then stir so that some of the berries are crushed. Transfer the mixture into glass jars, fill them 4/5 full and top with liquid honey. Cover the jar with parchment and tie it.

Viburnum steamed with honey

Viburnum berries, sugar or honey, water.

Separate the berries from the branches, wash them well and put them preferably in a clay pot, but you can also put them in a cast iron or enamel pan. Add honey at the rate of 1/2 and 1/3 of the weight of the berries, add water, close the lid tightly and steam in the oven for 10-12 hours, longer if possible.

There is another way. Place the washed berries in a clay pot, add a little water, close the lid tightly and steam for 2-3 hours. Then wipe the viburnum, put it back into the pot, add honey and hot water and steam for another 8-10 hours.

Viburnum, prepared by the first method, is used mainly as a filling for pies, and by the second - as a sweet.

Honey-oat drink

0.5 cups of oats, 2.5 liters of water, 2-3 tablespoons of honey.

Wash the oats, add water and cook until half the water has evaporated. Strain the broth, add honey, boil and cool.

Refreshing honey drink

1 kg honey, 1 kg raspberries, 400 g vinegar (table)

Soak the raspberries in vinegar for 5 days, stirring occasionally and crushing the berries with a spoon. Then strain through a cloth, add honey and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the warm mixture into bottles. By diluting 3 tablespoons of liquid with a glass of water, you get a refreshing drink.

Honey lemonade

1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey.

Mix lemon juice thoroughly with honey and dilute with boiled water to taste.

Cherry dessert

1 kg of cherries, 1 kg of honey, zest of 1 lemon.

Place ripe cherries in a jar, sprinkle with thinly cut lemon zest and pour in fresh honey. After two weeks, drain the juice, pour the cherries into a bowl, put the remaining honey at the bottom into the drained juice, stir, put the cherries back in the jar. The berries need to be poured with stirred juice.

Vitamin drink from rose hips with honey

1 tablespoon of dried rose hips, 1 tablespoon of honey.

Wash the rose hips and brew them in a glass of hot water.

boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour the rosehip broth into a clean glass container and, covering it with gauze, leave in a dark place for 10-12 hours. Strain the mixture through a double layer of gauze and squeeze out the rose hips. Add honey to the resulting drink and stir. Vitamin honey drink should be used within 12-24 hours after production, until vitamin C is destroyed. An adult can take 2 glasses of this drink a day, children - one.

Orange honey drink with cream

1 egg yolk, 6 tablespoons honey, a glass of orange juice.

Beat the egg yolk, add honey, orange juice, mix well and add cream to taste.

Strawberry honey drink

400 g milk, 2 tablespoons honey, 1/2 cup mashed strawberries, salt to taste.

Mix milk with honey and strawberries, add salt and beat until smooth.

Raspberry honey drink

250 g milk, 2 tablespoons raspberry juice, 1 tablespoon honey.

Add raspberry juice and honey to the milk. Stir and dilute with water to taste.

Cherry honey drink

1/2 cup cherry juice, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoons honey, salt to taste, 100 g milk.

Mix cherry and lemon juice, add honey, salt and mix thoroughly in milk.

Lingonberry-cranberry drink with honey

For 1 liter of drink: 50 g lingonberry juice, 70 g cranberry juice, 50 g honey.

Add lingonberry and cranberry juice, honey to the water, stir everything and cool.

Sbiten (hot drink)

1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of honey, bay leaf, spices (ginger, cloves, cinnamon, pepper) to taste.

Place honey in a saucepan or samovar with water, add bay leaf and crushed spices. Then boil the sbiten well.

Cranberry drink with honey

For 1 liter of drink: 125 g of fresh cranberries, 75 g of honey.

Sort the cranberries, rinse, mash with a wooden pestle in a non-oxidizing bowl and squeeze out the juice. Pour water into the cranberry juices and boil for 5-8 minutes. After straining, add honey and squeezed juice to the broth. Allow the honey to dissolve, then cool the drink.

Honey drink

1 glass of boiling water, 20-25 g of honey, 1 g of citric acid.

Place honey in hot water and boil for 3-4 minutes. If desired, you can add citric acid. The resulting drink should be clear, so it must be carefully strained. Serve cold.

Drink made from honey, carrots and lemon (from Polish cuisine)

2 tablespoons of honey, 1 kg of carrots, one and a half glasses of water, juice of one lemon, salt, dill to taste.

Thoroughly peel the carrots with a brush, grate them on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice, mix with cooled boiled water, season to taste with salt, lemon juice and honey. You can add finely chopped dill to the finished drink.

Honey drink bal (Kyrgyz cuisine)

25 g honey, 0.05 g black pepper, 0.05 g bay leaf, 1 g ginger, 5 g cinnamon, 1 g cloves.

Place ginger, cinnamon and cloves, black peppercorns, bay leaf into boiling water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, close tightly, and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Add honey, stir and strain. The drink is served hot.

Cold honey

100 g honey, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup strong hot tea, 1 cup sugar, 2 lemons.

Grind the yolks with honey, dilute with strong hot tea, whisking over heat, add lemon juice. Cool, pour into tall glasses and keep in the freezer. Before serving, top each glass with whites beaten with sugar, juice and zest of one lemon. To do this, pour the whites into a tall mug or saucepan, add the zest, sugar and lemon juice at the same time. Beat until the mixture becomes fluffy and dense and all the sugar has dissipated.

Cocktail of viburnum juice with honey

Per serving of cocktail: 2 kg of berries (2/3 cup of viburnum juice), 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2-3 cubes of edible ice.

To prepare viburnum juice, separate ripe viburnum berries from the branches, sort and rinse well. Then put them in a saucepan, add water at the rate of 1/4 liter per 2 kilograms of berries, put on fire and bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the pan from the heat and squeeze the juice from the berries through cheesecloth, strain it.

To prepare the cocktail, pour viburnum juice into a mixer, squeeze lemon juice into it, add honey and edible ice and mix well (when preparing in a mixer, crush the ice pas-deau first). Pour the drink into a glass or tall glass and serve immediately.

Viburnum flip

Per serving: 1 tablespoon of viburnum juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, egg yolk, 1/2 cup of cold milk, 10 g of whipped cream, 1 ice cube.

Flip is a North American refreshing drink that has become widespread in Europe. It is prepared from egg yolk, fruit and berry syrup or juice and milk with the addition of sugar or honey. Milk is sometimes replaced with fruit drink.

Pour the yolk into a shaker (mixer), add honey, viburnum juice, cold milk, food ice and mix for two minutes. Do not mix longer because the flip may become watery and lose its flavor.

Flip can also be prepared in a mixer. Mixing time 40-45 seconds (to prepare in a mixer, use finer ice).

Strain the drink into a glass or glass and top with whipped cream.

Drink "Midnight"

For 4 servings - 250 g of viburnum, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of natural honey, 1 bottle of sparkling or mineral water (for example, Narzan), edible ice cubes.

Ripe viburnum berries, collected after the first frost, are separated from the branches, sorted, washed well, covered with granulated sugar and placed in a cool place for 6-8 hours. During this time, juice should be released abundantly, which must be squeezed out and mixed with honey. Then pour the juice into a jug and add sparkling water. The ratio of juice and sparkling water can be changed to taste; 1/3:2/3 is considered optimal. Add edible ice cubes to the jug; ice can also be placed in glasses with a drink.

Lingonberries with honey (Mari cuisine)

400 g lingonberries, 150 g honey.

Sort out the lingonberries, wash them, put them in a saucepan, add honey and boil for 5 minutes. Serve chilled.

Honey-cream drink with orange juice

100 g cream, 1 yolk, 1 dessert spoon of honey, 40 g orange juice.

Grind the egg yolk with honey, gradually adding orange juice. Stir the mixture well with cream and pour into glasses. The drink is served chilled.

Cocktail of orange and lemon juice with honey

100 g honey, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1 raw egg.

Shake everything well and serve with pieces of ice.

Cocktail “Marinka” (Croatian cuisine)

Mix in a mixer: half a peeled and chopped apple, half a banana, a tablespoon of honey, 100 g of milk.

Pour into a tall glass and top up with Coca-Cola.

Honey drink with linden blossom

800 g of honey, 10 liters of water, citric acid to taste, linden flowers (they are taken dried and in such quantity that the drink turns out to be a beautiful golden color).

Boil water, pour in linden flowers and let it brew for half an hour. Strain, add honey, citric acid to taste and cool well.

The drink can be fermented. Add yeast (10-15 g) to a warm drink and leave for 12-24 hours. When preparing a drink in this way, first take one part of honey, and add the rest when drinking.

Sbiten folk

Honey - 1 kg, hops - 20 g, spices to taste, water - 4 l.

Take water to boil and cool slightly. Dissolve honey in warm boiling water, add hops and spices and bring to a boil, then continue to simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours. Pass the resulting sbiten through cheesecloth and cool.

Serve sbiten cold.

Sbiten Suzdal

Honey - 150 g, sugar - 150 g, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf - 15 g each, water - 1 liter.

Take boiled water and add honey to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes, then add spices and simmer for another 5 minutes. Strain the drink and color it with burnt sugar.

Milk-honey-lemon cocktail

Milk - 3/4 cup, honey - 2 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Stir honey, previously combined with lemon juice, into well-chilled milk, beat and serve immediately.

Blackberry drink with honey

Blackberries (juice) - 350 ml, honey - 70g, water - 650 ml.
>Bring water to a boil, dilute honey in it, add blackberry juice, bring to a boil again and cool. To prepare the juice, pour boiling water over the prepared blackberries for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander, rub through a sieve, add sugar and water, bring to a boil (for 1 kg of blackberries - 100 g of sugar, 400 ml of water).

Chilled coffee with honey

Black coffee - 100g, honey - 28g, food ice - 20g.
Brew black coffee. Stir it with honey, cool and serve in cups, placing a piece of ice in each.

Sea buckthorn juice with honey and mint

Sea buckthorn - 3 cups, honey - 50g, water - 1 cup, field mint decoction - 1/2 cup.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave in the cold for 2 hours.