Mate: a tea that is drunk with caution. Mate tea, benefits and harm to human health

The world-famous South American mate tea is a drink made from the leaves and shoots of a tree called Paraguayan holly, and also Paraguayan tea or mate. This is a unique drink in its composition and tonic effect with a centuries-old history.

Paraguayan tea is spelled hierba mate in Spanish. In Russian, two spellings of the word are considered correct - “mate” and “mate”. They are pronounced the same way - with an accented “e” at the end. Although the whole world pronounces the name of tea with an emphasis on the letter “a” (the first syllable).

The word “mate” also refers to a vessel for tea or other drinks made from a hollowed out and dried pumpkin. But in the Russian language, an analogue of the name of such a vessel has taken root - calabash (or calabash, calabash).

History of tea

The exact time of origin of mate has not been established, but this drink was valued by the Indian tribes of South America in the 16th century. The mention of the word “mate” as the name of a vessel is found in literary works of the early 17th century, “mate potion” - in the first half of the 18th century. But tea itself existed long before that.

The South American Gaurani Indians have a very beautiful legend. In it, the goddess of the Moon and the goddess of the Clouds descended to earth. Through carelessness, they were almost attacked by an angry jaguar, but were saved by an old man from the Gaurani tribe. As a reward, they gave the old man a Paraguayan holly seed and a recipe for amazing tea.

Since the late 16th century, European colonization of South America led to the popularization and spread of this type of tea. Today it is considered Argentinean, although its use is part of the national traditions of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Properties and composition of tea

An infusion of holly leaves has unique tonic properties due to the chemical composition of the raw materials from which it is made. It includes:

  • more than 10 acids beneficial to the human body, including nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), ursolic acid;
  • caffeine, tannin (tonics);
  • protein;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2), rutin (vitamin P), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), choline.

Beneficial features

The list of beneficial properties of tea is very impressive. It is noted that as a result of its use:

  1. Blood pressure is normalized.
  2. The heart is better saturated with oxygen.
  3. Blood circulation throughout the body (including the brain) is stabilized.
  4. High cholesterol levels are reduced.
  5. The immune system becomes more resilient.
  6. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are restored.
  7. The nervous system is strengthened and stress resistance increases.
  8. Potency increases in men.
  9. The craving for alcohol and smoking decreases.

The main quality of tea is its high tonic properties. Mate tea is useful as an effective way to relieve fatigue, refresh your head, and give vigor and strength.

Can the infusion be used for weight loss?

It is believed that mate infusion can be used for weight loss and can help in the fight against extra pounds. It has a stimulating effect on digestion and improves metabolic processes in the body. Thus, mate tea acts on weight loss.

Of course, it is absurd to expect that a drink will magically “burn fat.” Losing weight is a long-term process associated with food restriction and increased physical activity. And exotic tea can be a good help in this.

Harm from use, contraindications

The benefits and harms of drinking tea are determined by a person’s individual characteristics and state of health. Like any highly active product of natural origin, tea has a number of contraindications for use:

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood.
  2. The presence of an inflammatory process, accompanied by fever and high blood pressure.
  3. Kidney disease, stones in the urinary or gall bladder.
  4. Allergic reaction to tea components.

If you have serious health problems, it is better to consult your doctor about the possibility of regularly drinking tea.

Reviews from doctors

In discussing the possible harm from consuming mate, a lot of controversy is caused by the large number of carcinogens in the infusion. Carcinogens are poisonous and can trigger cancer. According to doctors, this effect is associated with the use of an infusion at very high temperatures.

Tea should be brewed at a temperature no higher than 80 degrees Celsius, and drunk moderately hot (not boiling water).

The properties of yerba mate were tested by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization. According to research results, very hot tea was officially included in the list of carcinogens.

Calabash with bombilla

A true calabash (or calabash, calabash) is made from a specific variety of gourd. It was from these that the Indians made calabashes, generously decorating the walls of the vessels with scorched or cut patterns. Subsequently, the Spaniards, who adopted the mate recipe and the dishes for it, began to make calabashes from certain types of trees (rosewood, oak), as well as porcelain, ceramics and even silver.

In memory of the round pumpkin, the calabash for brewing tea remained in the shape of a small pot-bellied pot. In order to drink mate from a calabash, it is equipped with either a reed or bamboo stick, or a special straw - a bombilla.

Bombilla is made of silver or cupronickel. It is all permeated with small holes, which filter the tea as it rises along it, clearing the infusion of small particles of tea leaves. Calabash and bombilla are essential attributes of a proper ceremony for brewing yerba mate tea.

Tea recipe

You should brew mate tea correctly, armed with special utensils and infusion raw materials. To prepare traditional mate, the “tea master” will need:

  • calabash;
  • bombilla;
  • a flat lid that can be used to tightly cover the top of the calabash.


  • mate powder;
  • boiling water.

Despite its exotic nature, the brewing ritual is not so complicated and consists of the following steps:

Step 1. Pour mate into the calabash. The vessel should be 65-70% filled with tea raw materials.

Step 2. The neck of the calabash is tightly closed, and the vessel itself is shaken vigorously several times. This is necessary so that the large parts of the tea leaves are at the bottom, and the “dust” is on top.

Step 3. The water temperature for brewing tea should not exceed 80 degrees. Since water boils at a temperature of 90 degrees, after boiling it is allowed to cool slightly.

Step 4. Boiling water must be poured so that the distribution of raw materials in the vessel is preserved. To do this, the vessel is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees, and boiling water is slowly poured along the wall. Gradually, the calabash takes a vertical position, filling completely.

Step 5. To prevent the bombilla from becoming clogged with tea leaves, its upper part is tightly sealed with a finger, and the other end is inserted into the vessel, carefully moving it along the wall to the very bottom.

Step 6. The drink brews quickly. The recommended time is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes (no more than 5 minutes). The tea is prepared immediately before drinking, and the longer it is steeped, the more bitterness will prevail in the taste.

How to drink mate tea

Traditionally, everyone gathered for tea drinks mate directly from the calabash through one bombilla. The first sips are taken by the “tea master”, and then the calabash is passed around. It is slowly strained, capturing the grounds at the bottom.

It was considered indecent and even offensive to come to a tea party with your bombilla. Such tea drinking was both a beautiful ceremony and a ritual of uniting friends, uniting people into a strong union.

How to brew a drink without calabash

If there is no calabash and bombilla, it doesn’t matter. Mate tea can be brewed in a regular porcelain teapot and then poured into cups through a strainer. Of course, the tea ceremony will lose its South American charm, but the taste of the tea itself will not suffer from this.

Types of mate tea

Based on the territory of origin of raw materials, mate tea is divided into Argentine, Brazilian and Paraguayan. To create raw materials, both dry holly leaves and their stems are used:

  • tea without stems is stronger, richer and more fragrant (mate sin palo);
  • the stems in the brew give the infusion a soft taste (con palo variety).

Other main varieties of mate:

  • organic – tea leaves are collected by hand and “aged” for at least two years;
  • traditional - the aging period is one year;
  • “mild” - not as bitter as other varieties;
  • “with smoke” (barbagua variety) - this feature is provided by special processing of the leaf.

For tea lovers, tea is available with all kinds of fruit and berry additives. For example, popular varieties: with the aroma of orange - mate aguante tea, with cherry or raspberry, apple, lime, lemon. An option is mate herbal tea. Mint and lemon balm leaves are added to the main raw materials. For people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, ginkgo biloba mate tea will be especially useful.

Additional Information! Another drink called terere is also prepared from mate raw materials. To do this, pour the calabash with tea powder with cold, clean water or juice, adding spices and herbs.

Bagged mate

Argentine mate tea is popular in tea bags for brewing in a regular cup. Today in Russia, all popular varieties of yerba mate can be purchased in packaged packaging.

Tea bags are also popular in European countries, where complex tea rituals are not held in high esteem, and people are accustomed to brewing and drinking tea as simply as possible.

About the step-by-step instructions for brewing mate, about the equipment that will be needed to prepare the drink, and about its taste characteristics in this video:

It’s easy to prepare mate tea yourself, armed with special utensils and raw materials for brewing. It is popular due to its tonic, healing and taste properties. However, there are also contraindications to drinking this drink.

Hot mate tea is interesting for its ancient history, and brewing and drinking it according to all the rules constitutes a beautiful exotic ritual.

“Mate” is a very popular drink that has become particularly popular. For many people, it symbolizes a unique lifestyle, and they cannot see themselves without bombilla and sausage.


Paraguayan tea – “Mate”– prepared from crushed and dried leaves and young shoots of the Holly tree, common in South America. The finished drink is close in its properties to black tea: it tones and invigorates, has both a bitter and sweet taste. The color of the tea leaf can be green, golden and brown. The first two varieties are formed naturally; the raw material acquires a brown tint after special roasting.

In Europe, the Spaniards were the first to enjoy “Mate”. The beneficial properties of the drink were appreciated by the Jesuits and were able to enrich themselves from it. Subsequently, the tea was successfully sold throughout Europe under the name “elixir of the Jesuits.”

Types and varieties

The most popular types of Mate tea are presented below:

  • Barao Premium– made from leaves grown in the shade of the forest. The finished tea has a rich, mild taste and a long-lasting, strong energy effect. The leaf is presented in a fine “Brazilian” grind.
  • La Merced Barbacua- a variety that is considered classic. In addition to the leaf, there are small sticks of raw materials. During the production process, the collected leaves are subjected to a smoking process (special roasting), which gives the finished drink the most intense taste and aroma.
  • Roapipo– only hand-picked leaves are suitable for this variety. The drink is classified as the highest grade, 100% organic product. Ready-made “Mate” is distinguished by a long-lasting, gentle effect.
  • La Merced Campo & Monte- a mixture of raw materials produced in Misiones and Corientes. The drink has a long-lasting energy effect, pleasant, rich taste.
  • La Merced Monte- An Argentine variety that belongs to the classics. It is commonly called “yerba mate”. The leaf is grown in the hilly areas that extend into the province of Misiones. The tea has a medium strength and an interesting, signature aroma.
  • Pipore Roja– a type of tea that allows you to get a soft drink, optimal for beginners or for daily use.
  • Rosamonte Especial– a variety of special selection, with sticks. The finished drink has a rich, strong aroma and taste.


The composition of Mate tea is presented in the table.

Substance Useful action
Alkaloids – mateine, theobromine, caffeine, theophylline
  • Tone.
  • Promotes vasodilation.
  • Improve muscle tone.
  • Activate oxygen metabolism.
Saponins - based on ursulic acid
  • Hemostatic effect.
  • Improving water-salt metabolism.
Flavonoids – quercetin, rutin
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Suppression of pathogenic microflora.
  • Astringent properties.
Phenolic glycosides
  • Antimicrobial properties.
  • Diuretic activity.
  • Adaptogenic and stimulating effect.
  • Does not allow nervous system disorders.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.
Beta carotene
  • Normalizes the activity of the respiratory system.
  • Improves vision.
  • Improves the condition of hair and skin.
Vitamin C
  • Participant in collagen synthesis.
  • Detoxifier.
  • Strengthens vascular walls.
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Relieves pain from burns and frostbite.
  • Blocks thrombus formation.
  • Protects blood vessels.
  • Activates the work of the reproductive and endocrine glands.
  • Reduces vascular permeability.
  • Improves heart function and ascorbic acid absorption.
B vitamins
  • Affect the energy potential of the body.
  • Participate in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, tissue respiration.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Regulates the state of the central nervous system and the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Complete metabolic processes.
  • Restores epidermal cells.
  • Contains important amino acids.
  • Improves oxygen exchange.
  • Maintaining a normal volume of intracellular fluid.
  • Regulation of heat exchange.
  • Equalization of low pressure.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol.
  • Participant in the synthesis of protein compounds.
  • Prevents heart attacks.
  • Relieves increased excitability and irritability.
  • Participant in nervous activity.
  • Blocks the development of paralysis.
  • Blocks the concentration of fluid in connective and muscle tissue.
  • Eliminates fatigue and apathy.
  • Normalizes sugar.
  • Stimulates cardiac activity.
  • Participant in hematopoiesis.
  • Affects the growth and formation of new cells.
  • Normalizes heart function.
  • Affects bone health.
  • Supports immunity.
  • Blocks the development of anemia.
  • Strengthens memory.
  • Blocks exhaustion and fatigue.

In 1930, scientists became interested in the drink. They wanted to figure out why the Indians and shepherds tolerate life in the open air so easily. The team of researchers came to the conclusion that Mate contains all the components necessary to maintain full functioning.

How to choose the right one

The choice of a quality drink should obey the following principles:

  • Manufacturer country– Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay (indicated on the pack).
  • The best mate– organic, exclusively hand-made. The packaging contains an Organico certificate.
  • Best before date– you need to make sure that the drink is fresh.
  • Package– the quality of the paper, color, and inscriptions speaks for itself. A good product contains a detailed summary in the language of the importing country.
  • "Mate" is a mixture of shoots and leaves. The more leaves contained in dry raw materials, the softer the drink.
  • Additives in the form of various flavors do not affect the quality of the product - it is a matter of taste.

Price and where to buy

You can buy high-quality “Mate” in:

  • Specialized online stores.
  • Tea salons.
  • Stalls.
  • Boutiques.

The cost of the drink varies from 600 to 1500 rubles. for 500 grams.

Benefits for the body. Contraindications and harm

The drink, made from high-quality raw materials, has the following beneficial effects:

  • Saturation of the body with a complex of vitamins.
  • Tonic drink - vigor lasts from 8 to 10 hours.
  • Relieving muscle pain and tension.
  • Pressure stabilization.
  • Increased concentration.
  • Neutralization of the negative effects of alcohol.
  • Removal of foreign substances from the body.
  • The most powerful antioxidant – fights premature aging and disease.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.
  • The basis for weight loss.
  • Elimination of depressive states, improvement of mood and emotional background.
  • Normalization of sleep.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Increases libido, healing powers of other herbs.
  • Not addictive.
  • Normalizes the functions of the digestive system.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • High acidity of gastric juice.

The taste of true “Mate” is revealed in special dishes. Porous calabashes contain oxygen in their walls, which contributes to the full development of the taste and aroma of the drink.

How to drink

Before using Mate, you should consider important features:

  • Pregnant women, mothers during lactation, and young children should refrain from drinking the drink.
  • The drink is a good help for the prevention of damage to blood vessels and the heart. Under its influence, the blood is better supplied with oxygen, potassium strengthens the muscles of the heart.
  • Mate tea perfectly suppresses appetite, which is important for obesity.
  • When consumed regularly, tea protects against overwork, fatigue, and nervous tension.

How to brew correctly. Storage

The drink is usually prepared in different ways, which allows you to get completely different taste sensations.

Classic "Mate"

Cooking method:

  • Grass is placed in the calabash (2/3 of the volume).
  • The vessel is shaken and tilted so that the tea leaves move to one wall.
  • A small amount of warm water is poured into the calabash, t 35-40°.
  • You must wait until the liquid is absorbed.
  • Hot water t 65-70° is added to the vessel.
  • A bomb is inserted into the deepest part of the container, and hot water is added to the end.
  • After two minutes the drink is ready.

When brewing, it is not necessary to use calabash; the Paraguayans and Argentines themselves use metal and ceramic mugs, plastic cups, the main thing is that there is a bombila.

Cold "Mate"

Cooking method:

  • Tea leaves can be brewed with cold grapefruit juice or specially prepared cold decoctions of herbs (mint, verbena).
  • In the case of cold pouring, the drink must steep for at least four minutes.
  • For brewing, regular or special varieties of “Mate” (terere) are used.

Boiled "Mate"

Cooking method:

  • “Mate” is poured into the Turk 1/10 of the volume and slightly moistened with warm water.
  • The mass is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat.
  • When the foam rises, the Turk is removed from the heat, after a minute it is filtered through a mesh.
  • You can add honey, sugar, orange zest to the drink and serve.

"Mate" in French press

Cooking method:

  • Grass is poured into the press at 1/10 of the volume.
  • The tea is moistened with warm water.
  • When the liquid is absorbed, “Mate” is filled with hot water to the full volume and infused for two minutes.
  • The drink is pressed out and ready to drink.

Tea should always be stored in a sealed container, away from strong-smelling foods, spices and seasonings. A ceramic container is considered ideal, as it will not allow the tea to absorb moisture and will retain its natural aroma.

Paraguayan mate tea appeared in Russia relatively recently, but is already very popular. The taste of the aromatic tonic drink is reminiscent of both tea and coffee. However, it is not addictive. In its antioxidant and tonic qualities, mate is superior to green tea. And all thanks to the fact that it contains more than 200 vitamins, microelements and other substances beneficial to the human body.

Composition and beneficial properties

Mate tea is of plant origin, therefore it is a dietary product. 100 grams contain only 5 calories, practically no fats and carbohydrates.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies and confirmed that the drink contains substances that benefit the body.

The following table lists the beneficial components of mate tea and their effects on humans:

Components Effect on the body
Caffeine, mateine, theophylline
  • tone;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • improve metabolism;
  • assist in vasodilation
Ursulic acid
  • exhibits a hemostatic effect;
  • restores water-salt balance
Rutin, quercetin
  • act as antioxidants;
  • protect against fungal diseases;
  • have an astringent effect
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • develops memory and attention
  • relieves symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract
Beta carotene
  • reduces the manifestations of respiratory tract diseases;
  • protects skin from redness and irritation;
  • improves vision
Vitamin C
  • relieves inflammation;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthens the immune system
Vitamin E
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • responsible for reproductive function;
  • relieves pain from burns
Vitamin P
  • improves the absorption of ascorbic acid;
  • regulates blood pressure
Vitamin B
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases endurance;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • promotes bone formation;
  • improves heart function
Pantothenic acid
  • is an essential vitamin for beautiful skin;
  • activates hair growth
  • regulates the functioning of the neuromuscular system;
  • increases blood pressure
  • eliminates toxins;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieves fatigue
  • is necessary for insufficient hemoglobin levels;
  • supports the immune system

Thanks to such a rich and varied composition, mate tea has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, namely:

  • supplies a complex of all necessary substances for normal life;
  • keeps you alert for a long time (from 8 to 10 hours);
  • slows down the aging process;
  • helps fight extra pounds;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • counteracts depression, normalizes the emotional background;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • reduces dependence on smoking and alcohol;
  • maintains cholesterol at the desired level;
  • promotes the accumulation of phosphorus;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Harm and contraindications

Along with numerous beneficial properties, this tonic drink can also cause harm to the body. It contains a large number of carcinogens that can stimulate the development of malignant tumors. Cancer of the mouth and esophagus is caused by the tradition of drinking mate tea very hot. Because of this, there is a possibility of developing bladder diseases.

A high content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates was found in the composition of mate. Therefore, the combination of drinking a large amount of Paraguayan tea with alcoholic beverages, tobacco or fried meat has a negative effect on the human body.

This tonic drink also has a number of contraindications. So, it should not be used:

  1. 1. People who suffer from kidney disease, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  2. 2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. 3. People who are allergic to theophylline and theobromine.
  4. 4. Patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

There is probably not a single person who does not know about this unusual drink. And this is not surprising, because mate tea is an integral part of the culture and traditions of many South American countries. The drink is known for its tonic properties, since it contains mateine. Outwardly, it resembles green tea, but in its taste and aroma, mate (or mate) is a completely special drink.

What is mate tea

Mate tea, or, as it is also called, Paraguayan tea, has nothing to do with the traditional drink made from the leaves of tea bushes. To make mate, dried and ground leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly (yerba mate) are used.

This evergreen plant, or rather tree, is found wild in Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. To produce the drink, it is grown on special plantations.

Paraguayan holly (lat. Ílex paraguariénsis)

Mate tea is often classified as a group of ethnic teas. This category includes drinks of different nations, which are similar to tea in structure, method of brewing and consumption. There are a lot of such drinks in the world, but five are the most widespread: kudin, rooibos, honeybush, lapacho and mate.

The taste of mate is unusual. It has both a slight bitterness, a sweetish aftertaste and a rich herbal aroma. A properly prepared drink has a clear, light green infusion.

Origin story

The exact time of the appearance of mate tea is difficult to determine today. However, there is information that the Indians living on the territory of modern Paraguay knew this tonic drink not only before the arrival of Europeans, but even long before our era.

After the Spanish conquistadors conquered the Inca Empire, they set out to conquer Paraguay. It is from this period that the first historical references to this drink date back to.

The Indians called mate the “divine elixir of life” and drank it, passing the calabash to each other like a peace pipe. At first, the conquistadors were surprised by the reverent attitude of the indigenous population towards this tea. However, the Spaniards soon appreciated the drink for its ability to cure scurvy and fever.

How is mate made?

Real Paraguayan tea should have a golden-green color and consist of three components:

  1. Stems that contain all the main useful substances.
  2. Leaves that give the drink its characteristic taste and astringency.
  3. Light dust, which indicates that the raw materials were dried correctly.

Unlike traditional tea, for the production of which the top buds and young tender leaves are plucked from the tea bush, to produce mate, the entire shoot is cut off from the tree. Collection is carried out from early spring to late autumn. After this, the raw materials undergo the following processing:

  • quick drying;
  • additional drying;
  • coarse grind;
  • excerpt;
  • fine grinding;
  • package.

Harvesting Paraguayan holly leaves

Depending on the processing method, several types of drink are distinguished:

  1. Green. Manufactured using traditional technology.
  2. Fried. During its production, a frying stage is added.
  3. Gold. Produced in Argentina and considered especially valuable. In the process of its production, the raw materials are processed with smoke over fires, and then in clay ovens, for which special wood is used for kindling.

Today, not only traditional mate is produced, but also packaged (green and with various additives) and even instant. They say that it was developed specifically for the Argentina national football team: this drink is convenient to take with you on trips.


Holly leaves have a rich composition, and the mate drink, in terms of the presence of microelements and vitamins in it, is comparable to green tea, and even surpasses it. While green tea contains 144 active substances, Paraguayan tea contains 196 beneficial components. Mate tea contains:

  • a group of alkaloids including caffeine, theobromine and theophylline;
  • vitamins A, C, E, P and group B (B1, B2, B5, B6);
  • choline, flavonoids, amino acids and saponins;
  • trace elements - magnesium, iron, sodium, sulfur, manganese, potassium, copper.

The caffeine contained in the drink is called mateine. A number of experts believe that it is identical to caffeine in chemical composition, but differs from it in properties. Thanks to the presence of this potent substance, tea from Paraguay has a tonic effect, and mate extract is used to create a number of energy and tonic drinks.

In South America, there are two types of this tea. One of the drinks has a strong stimulating effect because it contains mateine ​​in high concentration. The second type of tea has a much milder tonic effect on the body.

Beneficial features

Tea has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps improve memory. It stimulates mental and physical activity, but its beneficial properties do not end there:

  1. The drink removes toxins from the body and helps fight stress.
  2. Thanks to a large number of vitamins, it strengthens the immune system.
  3. The drink is a powerful adaptogen, antioxidant and immunomodulator.
  4. It is an excellent tonic because it contains mateine, but its effect does not lead to insomnia.
  5. Tea stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse blood vessels.
  6. By studying the beneficial properties of mate tea, scientists have found that it is a strong rejuvenating agent.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should take a closer look at mate tea and its unique properties. The benefit of mate is that it is a natural stimulant and helps burn excess calories and break down fat. The drink itself is low in calories, and it can significantly reduce appetite, while providing the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all its beneficial properties, mate tea also has contraindications, which include:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • tendency to deposit salts in the body.

You should not drink mate tea too hot. Drinking a drink that is too hot has been found to be suspected of being carcinogenic to the human body. It is also not recommended to drink it in unlimited quantities.

How to brew mate tea correctly

It is customary to drink Paraguayan tea from a special vessel - a calabaza, in which it is brewed. Traditionally, these vessels are made from gourds. It was from these fruits that in ancient times the Indians began to make the first containers for this drink.

Today, calabashes can be made from different materials, but the original “pumpkin” vessels are still widespread and very popular. However, the recipe for making this drink has remained virtually unchanged. Let's look at how to brew mate:

  1. The calabash is filled with tea leaves to about 2/3 of the volume.
  2. The hole in the calabash is covered with the palm of your hand, shaken several times, and then the tea leaves are slightly moistened with water.
  3. Water for preparing mate must be purified and soft.
  4. A bombilla is placed inside the swollen tea leaves, tilting the calabash at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. The bombilla is inserted once, it is not taken out, and it is never used to stir the drink.
  6. Then the calabash is completely filled with hot water.
  7. The water temperature should be no higher than 75–80 degrees.
  8. Mate tea is steeped for 1 minute and then drunk.
  9. One tea leaves can be brewed up to 7–9 times.

Culture of mate consumption

The mate drink is drunk either through a reed or using a special metal tube called a bombilla. At one end there is a strainer, which serves as a kind of filter that prevents tea leaves from getting into the mouth.

Mate tea should be drunk after it has cooled slightly, but this drink should be consumed immediately after brewing. If it sits longer, the infusion will acquire a bitter taste. As soon as the tea is drunk and the liquid in the calabash is finished, you can immediately brew it again.

It is not customary to add sugar to this drink, but you can highlight its taste with lemon juice. Many people also drink mate with milk, cream or fruit extracts. However, true connoisseurs are skeptical about such versions of their favorite drink, preferring to drink it in its pure form.

- This is a very tasty tonic drink containing a large amount of caffeine, prepared from the dried crushed leaves of the Paraguayan holly, which is also called “grass”. That's why the drink has this name.

The plant itself, the leaves of which are the main ingredient of this tea, is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 15 meters and has a high distribution area in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly usually grows wild or is grown on special plantations.

Meaning of the word "Mate" has an interesting history. It originates from the language of the ancient Quechua tribe and means "gourd jug for drinks or food" The Guarani Indians, who inhabited what is now Paraguay and Brazil, used mate to treat heartburn and many other diseases, and also used sweet stevia leaves as a sweetener.

Beneficial properties of mate tea

In general, this drink is used as a means of helping to reduce the effects of depression and neuroses, and in turn, relieving such familiar symptoms as insomnia, fussiness, anxiety, nervousness and emotional imbalance. In fact, mate tea helps suppress the release of the hormone adrenaline. By drinking this drink, a person does not disrupt the sleep cycle.

Most people note that after drinking mate, they spend less time sleeping and get enough sleep faster. And this is due to the fact that the body simply plunges into the stage of deep sleep, relieving fatigue and tension. Tea is also recommended as an excellent tonic that improves digestion and liver function, as well as having a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system and making our blood vessels clean and elastic.

If you use mate during a cold, you can get better faster, as it stimulates the immune system and resists diseases. This tea is a kind of “pantry of useful properties”, because it contains a huge variety of useful vitamins A and B, but are especially prevalent B1 and B2, as well as trace elements, which are magnesium, sulfur, manganese, potassium and iron. Mate, in its composition, can be compared to ordinary tea. Although, when brewed strongly, this drink has a bitter taste.

Contraindications for Mate tea

Speaking about the benefits of this wonderful tea, I would like to note that it also has contraindications. For example, people with high acidity and kidney disease, and especially those prone to salt deposits (stones, sand), are not recommended to drink mate. Including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How should you drink this unusual drink correctly?

Firstly, you need special dishes. The traditional utensil for preparing mate is called calabaza. It is a small vessel in which mate is brewed and drunk. And another indispensable attribute for drinking tea is BOMBILLA. If translated literally, this is a “straw” through which mate is drunk (length 15-25 cm).

Secondly, the correct brewing of tea, consisting of 6 rather painstaking steps. And finally, thirdly, the tradition of drinking this tea. They drink mate slowly, trying to sip in small sips the very thick of the remaining tea from the bottom of the jug.

The infusion time for tea is from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and it is during this time that you need to drink it, otherwise the mate begins to become very bitter. Mate is a tasty and unique drink that has undoubted healing properties. Everyone should definitely try this wonderful Paraguayan tea and enjoy its extraordinary taste!