Cocoa butter: useful and medicinal properties, application. Exotic cocoa bean oil and its unique properties for humans

The main ingredient in the manufacture of world confectionery masterpieces is cocoa butter. Thanks to him, chocolate from a liquid hot delicacy turns into a solid bar and acquired the look and taste that attracts everyone so much.

What is cocoa butter?

Natural natural fat, in which there are no additives. Produced from the seeds of cocoa beans growing on the chocolate tree, which is native to South America. A relatively new product in the history of mankind quickly gained recognition. After all, only at the beginning of the 19th century, after the invention of the press, they learned how to extract it. And even later, scientists discovered the valuable qualities of natural cocoa butter, which have more than 300 medicinal and beneficial properties. It is not for nothing that the chocolate tree, discovered back in the 16th century, is called the "food of the gods." Scientists say: natural cocoa bean oil works wonders with the human body. Knowledge of the properties, composition and methods of application of the product is very interesting and, of course, will be useful in everyday life, because. experts strongly recommend using on a regular basis.

Natural cocoa butter is known for its characteristic light yellow, creamy color, milky aroma with a hint of chocolate. The usual texture of the product is hard and brittle, easily melting at temperatures above 32 C. The oil melts completely and quickly in contact with the human body, as well as in the mouth, leaving no waxy aftertaste.

It is used in almost all areas of the food and cosmetic industries. Cocoa butter is natural and deodorized. Deodorized oil, unlike natural, has no smell, it is produced in a different way. When cleaning, involving the use of chemicals, the product does not lose its useful properties.

Composition and nutritional value of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is the most valuable and significant component of cocoa beans. In fact, it is a mixture of fatty acids. Saturated fats make up 57-64%, unsaturated fats - 46-33%.

The composition includes:

  • arachidonic acid: provides protection for the body against unfavorable flora and bacteria;
  • stearic acid: has a strong emollient effect;
  • palmitic and lauric acids: have moisturizing and healing properties;
  • linoleic acid: nourishes hair and skin;
  • oleic acid: is the strongest antioxidant;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins A, B, F, C and E;
  • minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc, calcium, chromium, etc.;
  • calorie content 900 kcal per 100 g;
  • Theobromine is a natural antibiotic.

The composition of the product is chemically stable, not subject to oxidative processes, and helps to extend the life of any product with its use.

Contains the substance phenylthylamine, known as a love drug. Phenylthylamine is identical to the chemical that appears in a person in love. That's why chocolate has been called the "hormone of happiness." And all this thanks to cocoa beans and its oil.

Useful properties of cocoa butter

  1. Supports the work of nerve cells (substance theobromine).
  2. Provides complete blood circulation.
  3. Strengthens the immune system (vitamins A, E, C).
  4. Helps to cope with viral diseases.
  5. Has expectorant properties.
  6. It has the ability to envelop inflamed tissues and relieve pain.
  7. It has a positive effect on the entire body. Has tonic properties. Useful general massage using cocoa butter
  8. Heals wounds and burns (even of moderate severity).
  9. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  10. Stimulates the work of the brain, increases mental activity.
  11. Improves the endocrine system.
  12. Promotes weight loss by suppressing appetite. It is necessary to apply dosed, because. it has enough calories.
  13. Treats hemorrhoids and problematic anal fissures. It is especially useful during an exacerbation of the disease.
  14. Helps with eczema and fungal infections.
  15. Eliminates postpartum stretch marks and cracks on the chest during feeding.
  16. Strengthens hair, removes split ends.
  17. Eliminates mimic wrinkles. Rejuvenates the skin of the face and body.

The use of cocoa butter in medicine

In the group of valuable products of plant origin, the second place is given to cocoa bean oil (the first is coconut oil). Recall the recommendation of scientists: apply on an ongoing basis. Only in this case, it will provide indisputable and invaluable help to our body: in treatment, in nutrition, in cosmetology.

How to use cocoa butter?

    Viral diseases. With influenza and acute respiratory infections, it is enough to lubricate the mucous tissue of the sinuses with oil, which will serve as a kind of barrier for the penetration of viruses into the body. The same use is useful in influenza epidemics, as a prophylactic, especially for children.

    Cocoa butter for cough. Anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties are used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia.

    Recipe: Melt 1/2 teaspoon of butter in a glass of hot milk (at one time). The drink is used for coughing, whooping cough, bronchitis, the lungs need cleaning and additional blood flow.

    Chair problems.

    Recipe: take one teaspoon of cocoa butter for two to three weeks at night, either alone or with tea or milk. The state is normalized, the problems go away.


    Recipe: to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to introduce 1 teaspoon of oil in a solid consistency into the rectum, first give the drug the shape of a candle or pencil.

    Erosion of the uterus.

    Recipe: Melt 1 tsp of oil in a water bath, add sea buckthorn oil (10 drops). Soak a tampon with the remedy and use it vaginally at night. The course of treatment is 20 days.


    Recipe: 1/2 tsp. oils should be taken 20 minutes before meals twice a day, morning and evening. Natural cocoa butter removes cholesterol, reduces the formation of plaques in the vessels.


    Recipe: melt a tablespoon of butter in a water bath, take early in the morning on an empty stomach. The remedy is used as a choleretic agent for blind probing: put a heating pad on the right side, lie down for 2 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week.

    Angina, sore throat.

    Recipe: place cocoa butter in a water bath, add propolis powder in small portions, stirring constantly. The proportion is one part of propolis to ten parts of oil. Take half a tablespoon an hour after eating.

    Anesthesia of shallow burns, itching, varicose ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, cracks in the chest in nursing mothers. How to use: use externally, gently lubricating the affected areas.

Cocoa bean oil is an environmentally friendly, natural, potent healing agent that does not have side effects from long-term use. British scientists have found that the components of a valuable product (theobromine, etc.) make it more effective in treatment than conventional drugs. Practitioners have recognized the healing properties of milk with cocoa butter. A glass of hot milk, to which a teaspoon of amazing cocoa bean butter has been added, will help in the treatment of a number of diseases, increase immunity, and protect against ailments.

Cocoa butter in cosmetology

An indisputable fact was the use of vegetable oils by manufacturers of cosmetics. A large number of studies on the properties of cocoa butter have shown that the product is able to transform our skin (especially dehydrated, dry and flaky) and hair. Cocoa butter becomes especially useful for the skin in the cold autumn and winter season, when dry and frosty air dehydrates it. Cocoa bean butter for the body effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, penetrates deep into the cells, makes the skin supple, smooth, elastic and saturates with nutrients.

Cocoa butter for face

The product can be used by people with any skin type. For owners of dry skin, experts advise applying directly to the face (after cleansing), preferably at night.

For combination, normal and oily skin, it can be used as a base under a moisturizer or as an independent remedy. There is no single and absolute right way to use oil. But there is a recommendation from cosmetologists: cocoa butter is a rich source of antioxidants and emollients. To increase the water balance of the skin of the face and optimal hydration, use in tandem with moisturizing creams.

Dry or combination skin type:

  • Facial Scrub: Mix two tablespoons of melted butter with a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of oatmeal and chopped walnuts. Apply the mixture to a wet face, massage the face for several minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Nourishing mask: mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley with melted cocoa butter, apply on face, hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

aging skin

  • Mix a tablespoon of grape seed oil, aloe juice (a tablespoon), melted cocoa butter (a teaspoon). Apply to the face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with contrast water (warm and cold). The mask does an excellent job of moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;
  • Face mask: mix cocoa butter, liquid honey, carrot juice (one teaspoon of each ingredient), lemon juice (10 drops) and 1 yolk mix, apply gently on the face for 15 minutes. After the mask is washed off, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Oily skin

  • Homemade cream contains the following components: almond, rapeseed and cocoa butter, essential tinctures of lavender and rosemary. Mix the prepared components of the cream together and put in a glass jar, store in a dark place.
  • Unusual nourishing mask: mix one teaspoon of cocoa butter, condensed milk and any fruit juice and apply on the face. After keeping the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Cosmetologist's advice: the product is universal. Don't be afraid to use it in combination with essential oils and healing herbs you know. Use to rejuvenate the neck, get rid of "crow's feet", dark circles under the eyes. Strengthen their eyelashes and eyebrows.

cocoa butter for hair

A prepared mask will help strengthen your hair, which includes: rosemary (2 tablespoons) and melted cocoa butter (3 tablespoons). Rosemary must first be infused for 2 hours in hot water. The mask is applied to the hair for two hours, covered with a plastic bag and a towel. It is recommended to use a medical mask 2 times a week.

Hair care mask

Ingredients: cocoa butter, burdock, rosemary and ginger, extracts of burdock, violet, oregano, dog rose, chamomile, calendula, calamus root oil extract, cognac. It is used for health purposes, gentle hair care, to strengthen the hair roots and prevent hair loss. Thanks to the softening properties of cocoa butter, the mask envelops the hair, prevents split ends, instantly restores damaged hair. Use once or twice every 7 days, keeping on the hair for 2 hours under a plastic wrap and a towel.

cocoa butter in cooking

The product is an excellent addition to salads, cereals, seafood dishes, pastries, making homemade chocolate, creams for cakes, chocolate icing, sweets and desserts. A confectionery additive is not so easy to find on the free market. Contact our online store. Get a valuable natural product and be healthy!


  1. L. Nikolaychuk, E. Nikolaychuk, O. Goloveyko. Healing vegetable oils.
  2. All about healing oil - pumpkin, linseed and more. RIPOL classic (Health and beauty)
  3. I. Dubrovin. All about ordinary vegetable oil.
  4. N.Dogareva, O. Bogatova. Dairy products. Part 2.
  5. Composition of cocoa beans. Center for Health and Nutrition, November 20, 2012
  6. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, No. 5, 2015
  7. V. Sellar. Encyclopedia of vegetable oils, 2011.

Cocoa butter refers to those natural products that, due to their unique properties, are used in various fields of production, from cooking to pharmacology. It is added to masks, cosmetics, and is also used in traditional medicine.

Cocoa butter is a fat that is obtained by processing the fruits of the chocolate tree. As it is not difficult to guess, it serves as the basis of chocolate, and the more it is included in the composition, the more useful is everyone's favorite delicacy. Unfortunately, natural chocolate cannot be found in simple supermarkets now, as it consists of cheaper components. Connoisseurs of quality and adherents of a healthy diet, as a rule, make the product on their own or buy it in specialized stores. "Live chocolate" is not a cheap pleasure.

What does cocoa butter look like?

Many people think that cocoa butter looks like chocolate, but in reality it is a mass of light yellow color. Most often they sell it in bars, which break easily at room temperature, and at 32-35 ° C they begin to melt and become colorless. Before use, the oil is melted in the hands, or in a water bath (depending on the quantity). It is important to remember that it should not be brought to a boil.

The taste is bitter, but quite pleasant. The aroma is very "delicious", reminiscent of cocoa or chocolate.

Chemical composition of cocoa butter

Like any oil, it differs in refined and unrefined. The latter is considered the most useful, since it contains much more useful vitamins and elements.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, K, H, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc.

Organic acids: arachidic, lauric, linoleic, myristic, oleic, palmitic, stearic.

In addition, cocoa butter contains caffeine, xanthine, amino acids, polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants. Thanks to the latter, the likelihood of developing cancer is reduced, and a young and healthy appearance of the skin is also maintained.

Calorie content of cocoa butter 899 kcal per 100 g

Useful properties and health benefits of cocoa butter

  • has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties,
  • boosts immunity,
  • treats colds,
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • improves the condition of blood vessels,
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol,
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system,
  • eliminates cough
  • treats cervical erosion,
  • fights hemorrhoids
  • cancer prevention,
  • improves brain function,
  • lifts the mood
  • protects from UV rays
  • accelerates the healing process of burns and wounds,
  • relieves ulcers and scars,
  • stretch marks prevention,
  • fights cellulite,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair,
  • moisturizes the skin
  • improves skin elasticity,
  • improves skin color
  • treats skin diseases
  • eliminates fine wrinkles,
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

Contraindications and harm of cocoa butter

  • individual intolerance,
  • increased nervous excitability,
  • diabetes,
  • overweight,
  • headache,
  • children under 3 years old,
  • diarrhea,
  • hypertension,
  • insomnia.

Doctors advise to be extremely careful in the use of cocoa butter for pregnant women, as it is an allergen, and during this period the body is more susceptible. Therefore, it is worth abandoning it completely or using it in small quantities.

Do not take cocoa butter at night. It excites the nervous system, which can lead to loss of sleep.

In addition, the product is not suitable for cosmetic use by owners of oily skin. But many still add it to their funds, but in small quantities.

How to choose cocoa butter

A quality product can be purchased at specialized health food stores or for making homemade cosmetics. When buying, pay attention to the price, color and aroma.

The price for a quality product is very high, about $ 2.5-3 per 100 g.

The color, as mentioned above, should be light yellow, even cream. If the oil is too white, then it is rancid, or it is a substitute.

Real cocoa butter has a pronounced cocoa flavor. If there is no smell, then you have a fake.

How to store cocoa butter

The ideal storage condition is a dark and cool room. Store the product in a container with a tight lid.

Expiry date of cocoa butter 2 years.

Application of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Cocoa butter treatment. Folk remedies

From colds and runny nose. Treat the nostrils with the product from the inside 1 time per day.

Against cough. 1) Like a lollipop, suck on a piece of cocoa butter in its natural form 4-5 times a day.

2) 1 tbsp. melt the butter in a water bath (32-35 ° C), add 1 tbsp. propolis and stir. Take a mixture of 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

3) Apply the product to the chest area with massaging movements - blood flow to the lungs increases, so that the patient's condition becomes better.

With hemorrhoids. 1) Before going to bed, gently place a small, hard piece of oil into the rectum.

2) Dip a cotton swab in cocoa butter and place it inside. The procedure is recommended to be done before going to bed.

With erosion of the cervix. Mix 1 tsp. product with 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Take a cotton swab and soak it in the resulting mixture. Then insert it deeper into the vagina at night.

The duration of treatment is 14-17 days.

From burns and wounds. To speed up the healing process of wounds, scratches, burns (including sunburns), apply cocoa butter to damaged areas of the skin.

The use of cocoa butter in cosmetology

Cocoa butter is loved to be added to cosmetic skin and hair care products, as it works wonders. It is not necessary to buy ready-made cosmetics, it is best to make it yourself. So you will be completely sure of its useful composition.

Cocoa butter for the face at home

Its cosmetic and therapeutic effect on the skin is obvious: it moisturizes and maintains the natural water balance. Therefore, cocoa butter will be especially useful for owners of dry skin, in addition, it eliminates flaking. After regular use, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic and acquires a healthy color.

For oily skin, the product in its pure form is not suitable. It should be added to your favorite masks and products in a very small amount.

Cocoa butter contains vitamins A, E and K, which are essential for skin health. Thanks to them, the product is famous for its rejuvenating effect. The oil eliminates fine lines and fights other signs of aging.

Masks for dry skin. 1. The easiest way to use the product: melt it in your hands and apply a thin layer on your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then use a paper towel or towel to remove the residue.

2. 1 tsp cocoa butter + 2 tbsp. chopped parsley. Apply the mask on your face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with water.

Wrinkle mask. Mix well 1 tsp. honey + 1 tsp cocoa butter + 1 tsp carrot juice (optional) Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter is good for hair. It stimulates their growth, fights hair loss, strengthens the structure, adds shine, makes them more manageable and gives them its wonderful aroma.

Hair Mask. Before applying cocoa butter to the hair, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. So it is better absorbed and easier to wash off. Massage the product into the scalp with massaging movements and distribute it along the entire length of wet hair. Warm your head with a film and a towel. The mask should be kept for at least 2 hours to obtain the desired result. Rinse with shampoo afterwards.

For a noticeable effect, this procedure must be done 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

The use of cocoa butter in cooking

One of the most successful areas of its application is the manufacture of confectionery. We bring to your attention recipes for healthy delicacies that will cheer you up and do not harm your health.

Recipes with cocoa butter

  • raw chocolate,
  • cake "Spicy note",
  • banana ice cream,
  • chocolate coconut candy.

With proper use of high-quality cocoa butter, it will bring amazing results for the whole body.

Today we listen to the song of the Italian singer Mina - lo Faresti (cacao cacao)

Natural cocoa butter, whose benefits and harms are discussed in the article, is obtained by pressing the fruits of the chocolate tree (Theobroma cocoa) from ground grains. It is used in cooking as a fat base for chocolate and desserts (but not in all "chocolate" desserts, manufacturers often use cheaper fats, such as palm analogue or lauric-type chemical substitutes). It is also used in cosmetology as part of masks and creams to moisturize and protect the skin due to the presence of fatty acids. They are equally actively used both in the industrial manufacture of cosmetics and as part of homemade masks.

Benefits of fatty acids

The benefits of cocoa butter for the body are due to the high content of fatty acids. In total, 100 g of them contains 62.5 g. They have a positive effect both externally and internally:

  • Oleic (up to 43% or up to 26.875 g of the total content), due to its chemical stability, tends to prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, this product will not harm even patients with atherosclerosis (reduced vascular patency due to the formation of cholesterol plaques on their inner walls);
  • Stearic (up to 34% or up to 21.25 g) has the properties of a thickener. Because cocoa fat is popular in cosmetology - stearic acid allows you to maintain the necessary consistency of creams and masks. This also explains the fact that it is often used in the manufacture of medical ointments and suppositories. When applied to the skin, it forms a protective film. In the body, it is part of lipids that perform the function of an energy depot, that is, it tends to form fat deposits that break down and turn into energy spent on motor activity and respiration;
  • Lauric and palmitic (up to 25% or up to 15.625 g), when applied externally, are able to prevent the evaporation of water and the loss of water by cells, because they act as emollients (fats that are fixed in the stratum corneum of the skin) - they penetrate under the stratum corneum and create a barrier that prevents evaporation. In the body, these acids help regulate the water-salt balance of the intercellular fluid;
  • Linoleic (2% or 1.25 g) is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, enzymes necessary for the synthesis of hormones, normalization of vascular tone and muscle contractions;
  • Arachidic (traces) is good for the stomach, as it inhibits excess production of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, and also stimulates the production of mucus in the stomach, which helps protect the stomach lining.

Cocoa fat substitutes (such as palm and lauric type substitutes) do not contain these beneficial substances. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase chocolate and desserts with cocoa butter, although they are more expensive due to more complex pressing processes. Palm, for example, is pressed directly from the soft fruits of the palm tree. Whereas, to extract cocoa butter, you must first extract the grains from the fruits of the chocolate tree, then grind them. Only from this mass is the oil directly squeezed out.

Other useful properties

Vitamin E in the composition is contained in a small amount - 2 mg, while in palm oil - 33.1 mg. Nevertheless, it has an antioxidant effect - it increases the resistance of cell membranes to the penetration of free radicals through them. Free radicals - the results of peroxidation that occurs in the body, can accumulate in cells, form insoluble compounds in them and increase the likelihood of developing cancer.

Phosphorus (2.4 mg) is also present in the composition. It is part of the bone tissue, teeth and nails. Increases their density, reduces porosity, makes them resistant to breaking, reduces fragility.

Application in the production of cosmetics

Stearic acid in the composition has a number of properties necessary in the production of cosmetics for the skin of the face and body. Its properties as a thickener are actively used in the production of masks, creams, soaps. When applied externally, cocoa butter forms a thin film on the skin, invisible to the eye. This is due to the inability of stearic acid to be absorbed completely. The film has a protective function, and also slightly evens out the skin, making it easier to apply makeup. It also increases the resistance of the epidermis to the negative effects of temperature differences (the skin of the face does not dry out).

The properties of lauric acid in the composition of the oil make it suitable for moisturizing the skin of the face and body. It is used as part of moisturizing type masks, which prevent the retention of moisture on the surface of the skin.

In addition to the fact that the product is part of ready-made cosmetic products for the face, it can also be used as part of homemade masks.

Advice! The easiest way to use such a product is to melt a small piece of butter in the palm of your hand (it melts at a temperature of 35 degrees) and apply to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. You can apply this mask for maximum facial hydration 1-2 times a week.


In addition to beneficial properties, cocoa butter also has harmful ones. It can be harmful in the following cases:

  • With obesity or increased weight control, it is better not to use it inside, because this will harm the figure due to the high content of saturated fatty acids that accumulate in the body as body fat;
  • The product (like chocolate and cocoa) contains obligate allergens with a high degree of sensitizing activity, i.e. they tend to provoke skin or respiratory allergies more often than other products, which can harm allergy sufferers;
  • Despite its widespread use in cosmetology, the product can cause allergic reactions and contact type, i.e. those that occur when an allergen is applied to the skin, which can also be harmful;
  • Cocoa butter contains caffeine in a small amount (no more than 5 mg per 100 g), therefore it should not be used by people with diseases of the nervous system, as well as mental ones, because it can be harmful and have an unpredictable effect on the nervous system.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it read here.

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In the article we are talking about cocoa butter, its beneficial properties, use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. You will learn how to use a natural remedy for the skin of the face, body and hair, and how to take cocoa butter for a cough.

Useful properties of cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a vegetable fat that is obtained from grated cocoa.

Grated cocoa is ground grains (beans) of the fruits of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa butter has a hard and brittle texture, a whitish-yellow color and a characteristic chocolate aroma. At a temperature of 32-35 degrees, the oil melts and becomes liquid.

Ingredients of cocoa butter:

  • oleic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • lauric acid;
  • palmitic acid;
  • linoleic acid;
  • arachidic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin K;
  • tannins;
  • caffeine.

How does cocoa butter affect the body:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • contributes to the acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • improves digestion.

The main use of cocoa butter is confectionery. The cocoa bean product is used as a fat base for making chocolate, chocolates, pastries and other products.

A natural product is used in the perfumery and pharmaceutical industries - as a fragrance, for the preparation of suppositories, cosmetic creams and ointments.

Cocoa butter has been widely used in cosmetology. The tool is used in its pure form and as the main ingredient for the preparation of masks at home. The presence of tannins and caffeine provides wound healing and tonic properties of the product, so the oil is used to improve the appearance of facial skin and stretch marks on the body. The benefits and harms of cocoa butter depend on its use.

Types of cocoa butter

On sale you can find unrefined and refined cocoa butter.

Unrefined butter is a product squeezed from the beans of the chocolate tree and has not undergone subsequent purification. Such a tool contains the maximum amount of useful substances, has a thicker consistency, bright aroma.

Refined oil is a product that has undergone special purification. It is softer and more delicate, includes a smaller amount of fatty acids. This oil is lighter, it has no smell at all. After the refining procedure, the shelf life of the product increases. Refined oil can be used by pregnant women without fear of developing an allergic reaction.

For cosmetic and medical purposes, it is more appropriate to use an unrefined product, as well as for flavoring chocolate and desserts.

Cocoa butter in cosmetology

In cosmetology, cocoa butter is valued for its beneficial properties. The product has a moisturizing, regenerating and softening effect. The fragrant agent acts on the skin of the face and body as an antioxidant, has an anti-cellulite effect. Oil smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, promotes better absorption of nutrients.

For face

A natural product is used to care for dry and aging skin. With systematic use, cocoa butter smoothes wrinkles, retains moisture on the surface of the skin, and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

The tool can be used for the face in its pure form. You don't even need to melt it for this. Upon contact with the skin, the oil will become thinner and easier to spread. You can apply the product instead of a cream before going to bed.

To combat fine wrinkles on the skin around the eyes, mix cocoa butter with liquid vitamin E, adding 2-3 drops of tocopherol to a portion of the product. Gently apply the mixture on the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off after time.

For body

For the body, cocoa bean oil is used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and eliminate existing stretch marks. Natural remedy improves skin elasticity, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, moisturizes the upper layers of the epidermis.

For these purposes, lubricate the stomach, thighs and chest daily. The product can be applied neat, mixed in equal proportions with olive oil or sea buckthorn oil. Apply the product with light massage movements, rinse off after 20-25 minutes.

Cocoa butter helps to eliminate cellulite. Use a tool for lymphatic drainage massage, massage problem areas for 10-15 minutes. It is possible to carry out wraps with the product. To do this, grease the zones with cocoa butter, wrap with cling film and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

For hair

Chocolate tree oil is also used for the beauty and health of hair. The agent is melted in a water bath and applied to the entire length of the curls or only to their tips. The product is used both in pure form and as part of various masks. The exposure time depends on the specific recipe; in its pure form, the oil can be kept on the hair for 30-50 minutes.

Regular use of hair oil makes them obedient, shiny, lush at the roots. The tool improves the structure of each hair, seals split ends.

Cocoa butter has a dense texture, so it is not recommended to use it in its pure form for oily hair types.

For lips

Since the oil has a wound-healing effect, it is used to treat cracked or dry lips. The agent is applied in a thin layer 3 times a day. The oil is used to protect against frost in winter and sunlight in summer.

If you add sugar or honey to melted cocoa butter, you can use it as a home scrub. Scrub your lips for 3-5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizing or nourishing balm.

Cocoa butter for cough

Chocolate tree oil is used not only in cosmetology, but also in home medicine. The product is actively used to treat cough in adults and children. You can cure a cough with a remedy for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. However, do not forget that the main treatment should be medication.

To eliminate a cough, melt ½ teaspoon of cocoa butter in a glass of hot milk and drink the drink. With the help of a remedy for diseases of the respiratory system, a back and chest massage is performed.

Cocoa butter in cooking

Cocoa butter is one of the main ingredients of white, milk, dark and bitter chocolate. By the way, if dark and bitter varieties of bar sweetness can be prepared without vegetable fat, then white chocolate cannot be made without cocoa butter.

The product is also used in the manufacture of sweets, bars, cakes, creams, icing. You can add cocoa butter to pastries, cereals, puddings and even drinks.

Cocoa butter for children

Products with cocoa butter can be safely given to children if they do not have an allergic reaction to it.

Also, the remedy is used to treat cough, this is most relevant for young children, when not all medications are allowed.

Cocoa butter during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cocoa butter should be used with caution - products containing fat from cocoa beans can be consumed in the absence of personal intolerance.

But even with a normal reaction of the body, it is recommended to limit the consumption of chocolate and other desserts. The caffeine in cocoa butter increases blood pressure. The product impairs the absorption of calcium by the body.

External use of the product will help to avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs and chest, improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, hair. Therefore, the cosmetic use of cocoa butter during pregnancy is possible.

What is the cocoa butter equivalent

The cocoa butter equivalent is a substitute for a natural product, or to be more precise, a whole group of substitutes. The cocoa butter equivalent is hydrogenated vegetable fats - cottonseed, rapeseed, soybean, palm and others. Such oils undergo special processing, which allows them to acquire the properties necessary for use in the preparation of chocolate.

The cocoa butter equivalent is used to make chocolate bars, sweets and other confectionery products cheaper.

How to melt cocoa butter

You can melt cocoa butter in a water bath, the product begins to melt at a temperature of 32-35 degrees. If you want to use the product in its pure form for the skin of the face and body, you do not need to melt it first. Upon contact with the skin, it will become liquid.


The use of cocoa butter has no categorical contraindications. Do not use the product internally and externally in the presence of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to use cocoa butter and products containing it for insomnia and overweight.

How to store oil at home

Store cocoa butter in a dry and protected from sunlight place at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years from the date of production.

Where can I buy

You can buy oil from cocoa beans in a specialized store or online stores of natural cosmetics, organic products.

The average price for 100 g of cocoa butter is 150 rubles.

Before the advent of scientific medicine, at all times and on all continents, people collected bit by bit knowledge about the beneficial properties of plants, used them as the only possible means of healing, and then this knowledge was orally passed on from generation to generation - at least until the advent of writing.

Exotic for temperate latitudes, cocoa beans, according to archaeological research on the territory of modern Mexico, were used by the distant ancestors of the Aztecs, in the 18th-15th centuries. BC. Having destroyed the civilization of the Aztecs, the conquistadors brought cocoa to Europe, having managed to adopt from the keepers of ancient knowledge only a recipe for a drink made from ground cocoa beans; after some time, Europeans learned how to make chocolate from it.

Therefore, the properties of cocoa were first studied from a culinary point of view, and the use for medicinal purposes began later, from the middle of the 16th century, and was already based more on scientific knowledge about the composition of cocoa butter. But traditional medicine did not stand aside, and several simple ways to use cocoa butter are used quite successfully, along with drugs that include cocoa butter and its individual components.

Cocoa butter: properties and biochemical composition

The main principle of traditional and alternative medicine, known since the time of Hippocrates, says: "Do no harm!" Therefore, using any methods of treatment, you need to carefully consider the composition of the medicine or folk remedy. Modern possibilities of medicine allow us to study the composition of any folk remedy at the molecular level.

Indeed, cocoa butter has useful elements that are successfully used in pharmacology. Unlike cocoa powder, natural fruit oil contains only two vitamins:

tocopherol (vitamin E)- a powerful immunomodulator and antioxidant. As part of cocoa butter, it is ideally absorbed by the body, therefore it is necessary, first of all, for people suffering from a lack of tocopherol: with acanthocytosis, congenital muscular dystrophy, dyserythropoietic anemia of the second type.

100 g of cocoa butter contains 12% tocopherol.

vitamin K- a fat-soluble vitamin involved in blood clotting processes. When applied externally, it has a wound-healing effect. Vitamin K takes part in protein synthesis, metabolic processes of bone and connective tissue, normal kidney function, promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Due to the fact that this vitamin is synthesized in the intestine, its deficiency is rarely observed. In the absence of pathologies associated with a deficiency of this vitamin (low blood clotting), excessive consumption of cocoa butter can cause an allergic reaction. Increased doses of vitamin intake inside provoke a thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the formation of plaques.

100 grams of cocoa butter contains 21% vitamin K.

It should also be taken into account that it enters the body with products containing it in sufficient quantities:


cow's milk and dairy products,


olive oil.

Vitamin B4 (choline) is present in a small amount in cocoa butter - 0.04%. The greatest value in cocoa butter is the rich composition of fats.

Saturated fatty acids:

Stearic 33.2%

Palmitic 25.4%

Myristic 0.01%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

Oleic 32.6%

Palmitoleic 0.2%

Polyunsaturated fats:

Linoleic 2.8%

Linolenic 0.1%

Monounsaturated fats stimulate the production of enzymes during digestion. Oleic acid of vegetable origin is a "light" fat, unlike animal fats and does not require additional energy costs for its absorption, it is one of the components of subcutaneous fat. Triglycerides are essential for the protective and reproductive functions of the body. They are involved in blood clotting regulation of blood pressure.

The physical properties of cocoa butter are largely determined by the composition of fatty acids, which have a relatively low melting point: at temperatures above 32-35 ° C, the oil passes from a solid into a liquid and viscous mass, after which it is completely absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes.

As you know, fats are ideal conductors of fat-soluble vitamins. For this reason, cocoa butter is an ideal product for use in pharmacology and the production of cosmetics.

Cocoa butter: use in traditional medicine

Based on the foregoing, some readers will have to be disappointed: numerous folk recipes based on cocoa butter, used for coughs, against stress, are an unfounded fiction of “experts” in traditional medicine, whose recipes are “full of the world wide web”. In addition to the warming effect, cocoa butter does not bring any noticeable benefit for colds. With the same success, for warming, covering the skin with a greasy film, you can use any vegetable oil that contains plenty of vitamin E. Cocoa butter gives a more noticeable effect in the use of homemade cosmetic masks - vitamin E, which improves skin regeneration, contributes to this.

But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the folk methods of treating cough, stress, burns, lesions of the mucous membranes with cocoa butter. The properties of the fats included in its composition are very useful in these cases, along with traces of essential oils, which, despite processing and pressing, remain in the product. The pleasant smell of chocolate will especially appeal to children. Cocoa butter is a kind of vehicle for other, more active and effective components containing the necessary vitamins and other additives.

Before moving on to cocoa butter based recipes, good news. Cocoa beans do have many useful properties and the most valuable vitamin and mineral composition, but cocoa butter must be combined with natural cocoa powder, that is, almost returned to its original state, in order to get the benefit, which, most likely, was known to the Aztecs, who believed cocoa sacred fruit.

Important detail: the powder should have a reddish tint, so pay attention to the quality and terms of sale when buying, and choose cocoa butter in a pharmacy to have maximum confidence in its quality. Since we are talking about the use of cocoa butter in traditional medicine, use one more tip: do not try to replace cocoa butter and powder with chocolate, because not all varieties are made on the basis of natural cocoa bean butter. Most often, cheaper substitutes are used to increase the volume of the popularly loved delicacy and ensure its low cost.

Cocoa butter: use in the treatment of cough, sore throat

Honey (liquid) 1 tsp

Warm milk 200 ml

Cocoa butter 1 tsp

Cocoa powder 20 g (optional)

Boil the milk, after adding cocoa powder to it. Cool to 32-35o, put a spoonful of honey and cocoa butter. Drink warm at night.

Such a drink has a warming and enveloping effect, relieves irritation of the mucous membrane during a hysterical cough.

Contraindication: allergy to milk, cocoa powder (essential compounds), honey.

Cocoa butter (for external use) for coughs, bronchitis can be used as a base by adding menthol oil, balm to it. For warming and soothing effect during acute attacks of coughing, combine the "star" or mint extract (oily) in equal proportions, and rub the prepared ointment on the chest (except for the heart area), along the respiratory channels, the back area, between the shoulder blades. Wrap the patient in a soft and warm cloth. It is desirable to carry out rubbing simultaneously with the adoption of the drink (recipe above). Cover with a blanket.

Cocoa butter: use in the treatment of burns, cracks, abrasions, skin diaper rash

Minor damage to the skin can be cured on its own by preparing an ointment from turmeric and cocoa butter. Turmeric powder (Indian saffron) is an excellent natural antiseptic. Add it to cocoa butter (50/50), mix and lubricate the wound. Turmeric has a drying effect, draws out pus, and healing oil helps to avoid cracking. Dressings with prepared ointment must be changed in the morning and evening. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Before use, put a small amount on a sterile napkin and let it warm up at room temperature, then apply to the wound.

In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories are made on the basis of cocoa butter, for the treatment of erosion and some gynecological diseases. Cocoa butter at the same time serves as the basis for administered drugs.

A folk remedy for the treatment of undeveloped forms of hemorrhoids is built on this principle: sea buckthorn oil is mixed in equal amounts with cocoa butter. Frozen until solid, then rolled out in the form of candles and put in the anus.

Cocoa butter: use for stress

The very process of preparing a cure for stress based on cocoa butter should be entrusted to the patient. The main danger of this medicine is its overdose or allergic reactions to chocolate components.

True, caffeine and theobromine, which have a calming effect, are contained in cocoa butter in very small quantities, but in this case, the essential oils contained in chocolate give a positive effect.

It is a cup of hot chocolate that helps to relieve stress in the best possible way. Just be sure to use cocoa butter for its preparation.

The properties of butter, which is often used in the preparation of desserts, will not have the proper healing effect. By the way, theobromine, obtained from cocoa beans, is also used in the pharmaceutical industry as a cough suppressant.

Cocoa butter: properties and contraindications

Having decided to use alternative methods of treatment, do not forget to first consult with your doctor. In our time, in addition to traditional medicine recipes and a huge amount of scientific and almost scientific information, it is important to remember that there is official medicine, which, with a reasonable approach, can successfully coexist with traditional healing.

For persuasiveness, we will give one example at the conclusion of the article: it is known that in the presence of a gallstone, it is extremely dangerous to start the probing procedure on your own.

Indeed, cocoa butter has a choleretic effect, but using such a folk remedy without consulting a gastroenterologist and without having previously done an ultrasound scan is tantamount to suicide. What if someone wrote on the net that such a folk remedy helped him? If you are not sure, do not experiment on yourself.

Even such a seemingly harmless product as cocoa butter, if used improperly, can lead to extremely unpleasant and unforeseen consequences.

Be careful and take care of your health! Believe that the doctor also closely follows the "discoveries" in traditional medicine, but he, moreover, has scientific knowledge and can carefully study the anamnesis before advising something.

We all love delicious chocolate. It literally melts in your mouth and all thanks to its main ingredient - cocoa butter. In this article, we will talk in detail about cocoa butter: properties and applications, where it can be purchased and how to store it properly so that it does not lose its qualities.

It is obtained from the seeds of the chocolate tree - cocoa beans. They go through a long process of processing - from fermentation to drying and roasting, after which they fall under the press. The resulting oil is filtered and poured into molds where it solidifies. The result is a solid and fragrant light yellow substance that melts when heated.

This oil has a wide range of applications and is a universal female assistant.

What wonderful properties does it have, besides a wonderful and delicate taste? Cocoa butter is widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine, used in most confectionery products. You can also use this product for your home use.

properties of cocoa butter

Chocolate is widely used to make various sweets. But cocoa butter: properties and uses are not limited to one cooking. The product has many useful qualities, which include anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, regenerating and analgesic healing properties.

It should be noted that this product is imported and is not grown in our country.

Cocoa butter is also considered an effective cough suppressant due to its enveloping properties. It perfectly heals small wounds and cracks on the skin, removes wrinkles and dryness, thanks to its nourishing and moisturizing qualities.

This is a versatile lip care product, especially in winter.- oil helps with cracking and drying of the skin. It relieves inflammation and eliminates the effects of acne, hides crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

Cocoa butter: useful properties and contraindications - if we compare both criteria, we can say with confidence that the product is absolutely safe and natural. The only contraindication to its use may be individual intolerance and allergies.

How useful is cocoa butter?

Useful properties are not unlimited. There are practically no vitamins in cocoa butter. A, D and E are contained in extremely small proportions. But this is well compensated by the absence of trans fats, which can be found in all other vegetable oils.

The benefits of the product are due to the rich content of nutrients and enzymes.

Benefits of cocoa butter , if he has such a composition that is not rich in vitamins?

It is based on fatty acids. These are oleic, stearic, linoleic and palmitic acids. More than half of the mass of the product is occupied by the first of their list. It is useful in lowering cholesterol levels.

If we replace the usual fats that we eat with cocoa butter, the likelihood of strokes and atherosclerosis decreases.

Tannin, xanthine and caffeine in its composition have a good effect on the health of hair and skin, so the oil is often used for cosmetic purposes.

How to use cocoa butter?

The easiest way to use cocoa butter - make chocolate out of it. Melt the product in a water bath and mix with cocoa powder and sugar in a ratio of 1:1. Any ingredients to taste can be added to the mixture, from honey and candied fruit to berries and other dried fruits. In a similar way, you can prepare confectionery glaze.

The possibilities of using this natural substance are very wide. This oil has been used not only in cosmetology and confectionery, but also in gynecology and traditional medicine. This is a universal tool that should be at hand for any hostess.

Cocoa butter for colds is a great helper on the road to recovery

  1. It is used for colds, cracked lips and heels, hemorrhoids and bronchitis. Cocoa butter has properties that help get rid of these diseases as soon as possible and is great for home use.
  2. It is suitable for the prevention of influenza, SARS - lubricate the nasal mucosa with it before going outside and you will protect yourself from infection.
  3. Cocoa butter has no age restrictions in its use, it can be used to treat young children. This is a good natural alternative to cough drops - replace them with small pieces of oil, about 6 peas of the remedy per day. They must be dissolved in the mouth.
  4. Warm milk with honey will be even more effective if cocoa butter is added to it. Add a small piece of this substance and a couple of teaspoons of honey to warm milk. Stir the ingredients until they dissolve and drink warm. Young children can be given a tasty alternative to this healing mixture. Melt 1/4 bar of natural chocolate and a spoonful of cocoa butter in a water bath. Combine them with boiled warm milk 0.5l. Give the medicine a quarter cup at a time.
  5. The folk method of treating atherosclerosis is also based on the use of cocoa butter. It must be taken 15 minutes before breakfast and before dinner, half a teaspoon. This will remove excess cholesterol from the body.
  6. The product is a good choleretic agent. With cholecystitis, they use 1 tablespoon of melted butter on an empty stomach and go to bed, placing a heating pad under their right side for about one and a half to two hours.
  7. In gynecology, cocoa butter is used to treat cervical erosion. A teaspoon of the product is mixed with 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil and a tampon is soaked with this mixture, which is used at night. The procedure is carried out daily for 2-3 weeks.

Cocoa butter: properties and applications in cosmetology

Cocoa butter, properties and application in cosmetology - The composition includes fatty acids and esters of glycerol, it contains many useful amino acids. It is often added to cosmetics to prolong their shelf life.

In cosmetology, most users are satisfied with the results

  • Anti-cellulite and antioxidant properties - oil softens and moisturizes the skin, regenerates its cells and smoothes wrinkles. It gives it elasticity and elasticity, helps to preserve youth and beauty.
  • Wound healing and anti-inflammatory - protection from sunlight and help with burns. The substance saves from burning and itching, eliminates redness and swelling.
  • Soothing and toning - massage using this product helps to cope with stress. It relaxes muscles and calms the body, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and helps with insomnia.
  • Revitalizing and nourishing - nourishes the skin with useful substances, restores the structure of damaged hair. Saturates dry and brittle hair, can be used in combination with other folk and cosmetic products. Butter enhances the effect of useful components contained in cosmetics.

Cocoa butter for face

Cocoa butter for the face is popular for its regenerating and softening properties. It is part of various anti-aging masks and creams and has a pleasant smell.

Application of cocoa butter for the face

A good cosmetic effect is achieved due to vitamin A and fatty acids. They stabilize the water-lipid balance, maintain tone, protect the skin of the face from various external factors. Cocoa butter helps to get rid of pigmentation and spider veins on the face

You can carry out cosmetic procedures using it at home.

  1. Use this recipe for wrinkled and dehydrated skin. Mix egg yolk with a teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of melted butter, add 10 drops of carrot and lemon juice to them. Apply the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. To consolidate the effect - massage the skin with an ice cube.
  2. For all skin types, a universal mask with the addition of milk is suitable. Mix a teaspoon each of melted cocoa butter, whole milk and natural fruit juice. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then wash with cool water.
  3. For the skin around the eyes, you can use the oil in its pure form - it will not cause complications in the form of swelling and redness, and will help smooth out wrinkles. To achieve the best effect - combine it with peach, almond or sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1 to 2 and apply with light movements on the skin around the eyes.
  4. To cope with chapping and cracking of the lips - lubricate them with cocoa butter at night. It will protect the skin from winter frosts, soften and heal cracks in the corners of the lips.

cocoa butter for hair

Cocoa butter for hair is successfully used in cosmetology. It helps to restore damaged and brittle hair, acting on their structure from the inside. This is a great product for dry hair.

The product can be rubbed into the scalp by melting it in a water bath or used as a component for therapeutic masks.

The use of hair oil - enzymes heal each hair and make them healthy and beautiful

  • Heat a tablespoon of cocoa butter and mix it with egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of kefir and burdock oil to the mixture. Massage the mask onto the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair. Wrap them in cling film and wrap them in a towel. Wash your hair with warm water after one and a half to two hours. Apply the mask every three to four 2-3 weeks.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of rosemary into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour, then strain. Add 3 tablespoons of the melted product to the water and distribute the mixture through the hair. Wrap your head in a film for 2-3 hours, wash everything off with shampoo. The course lasts 2 weeks and consists of 10 procedures.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter and mix it with burdock oil 1k1, add 5 drops of vitamins A and E, grapefruit essential oil. Apply the mask to your hair and wash off after an hour and a half with warm water. Use it once or twice a week. The entire course is 10-15 masks.

cocoa butter for skin

Cocoa butter for the skin plays an important role in most of its regeneration processes.

Based on cocoa butter, creams and masks are made to nourish the skin of the face.

  1. It activates microcirculation and strengthens its capillaries. It protects the skin from overdrying and eliminates irritation, great for foot and hand skin care.
  2. Its intensive effect helps in the prevention of premature aging and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Even with their presence - cocoa butter helps to cope with this problem. It smooths them out and makes them less noticeable.
  3. With weathering, frostbite and burns - the oil eliminates inflammation and wounds on the skin. They can lubricate jams on the lips and cracks on the heels - they will tighten many times faster. The use of the product will serve as a prevention of further damage.
  4. With dry hands and feet, rough skin of the elbows and knees - melted butter will moisturize and soften the skin, protect it from cracking and peeling. For greater effectiveness - it can be mixed 1k1 with olive oil and lubricated with problem areas on the body.
  5. To protect exposed skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation or strong wind with frost, you should use cocoa butter before going out or visiting the beach. The skin will not be weathered and frozen, and the tan will form an even, beautiful layer and last for a long time.

How to store cocoa butter?

Purchasing the product is quite easy. In small dosages, cosmetic oil is sold in pharmacies, and bulk goods can be bought in natural food stores or in the market.

Any product has optimal storage conditions

Another question is how to store cocoa butter?

  • Thanks to the antioxidants in its composition, it will not go rancid and has a long shelf life of three to five years. Even if a light white coating forms on it, which often happens on chocolate, this does not mean that the product has deteriorated.
  • The date of manufacture is still worth asking when buying a product, and also paying attention to whether it is a cosmetic oil or not. If so, then you can't eat it.
  • It is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container. It is not necessary to place the product in the freezer. It will be harder to use and melt. Recommended storage conditions - a cool dark place, sealed dishes, temperature and humidity not higher than 18C and 75C, respectively.

Cocoa butter is obtained by processing the crushed beans of the chocolate tree, which grows in South America. The natural product has a yellowish color, in the normal state (16–18 °C) it hardens and breaks easily. In contact with human skin, the oil acquires a soft, elastic consistency, and when heated, it turns into a colorless liquid with a characteristic aroma.

The beneficial properties of cocoa butter are explained by the presence of fatty acids in its composition: oleic (~ 43%), stearic (~ 34%), lauric and palmitic (~ 25%). Cocoa butter has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the condition of blood vessels, and when applied externally promotes skin cell regeneration, stimulates collagen production.

Natural butter is traditionally used in the confectionery industry to make chocolate. The product, which has undergone deep cleaning, is used in cosmetology and medicine for the production of ointments, creams, rectal suppositories, and laxatives.

Cocoa butter - 5 health benefits

Application of cocoa butter


On an industrial scale, cocoa butter is used in the manufacture of chocolate bars, it is part of sweets and other confectionery products.

Young children will like milk porridge with the addition of ½ teaspoon of butter. It is not used for frying and stewing foods, since a significant part of the useful properties are lost when heated.

Cocoa butter for face

Elimination of wrinkles

A mask prepared according to the following recipe will help increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin of the face: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa butter; 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 egg yolk; 5 drops of lemon juice. Mix all components thoroughly, apply a thin layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, remove the mask by washing with warm water.

Restoration of aging skin

Cocoa butter is used as part of anti-aging face masks. Adopt this method: finely chop parsley, mix 1 tablespoon of chopped mass with 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter melted in a water bath. Apply the mixture on your face with light massaging movements, rinse with lukewarm water after 30 minutes. It is recommended to make such a mask every other day for a week, then you need to rest for 14 days and repeat the course.

Acne removal

The anti-inflammatory properties of cocoa butter can be helpful for problem skin. To get rid of acne and acne, apply a mask of 1 tablespoon of freshly prepared mashed avocado combined with cocoa bean and wheat germ oils (1 teaspoon each) for seven days in a row. The composition is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin of the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with lukewarm water. To achieve a better result, the course is repeated, but not earlier than in a week.

Strengthening eyelashes

Your eyelashes will be thick and long if you lubricate them daily with melted cocoa butter. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, then the remnants of the product are removed with a cotton pad dipped in boiled water. You can also apply a mixture of equal amounts of cocoa butter and rum to the eyelashes. This method is usually used at night, after waking up, rinse the eyelids with water.

Lip balm

For irritated, chapped, cracked lips, a composition containing cocoa butter and vitamin E solution is used. Mix 1 teaspoon of these ingredients, add 1 drop of rose oil, keep the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and apply a thin layer on the lips.

Cocoa butter for body care

Moisturizing cream

To nourish and retain moisture in skin cells, an aromatic emulsion of cocoa butter (1 tablespoon), coconut oil (1 teaspoon) and lavender (3-4 drops) is used. Regularly lubricate the skin after taking a bath or shower to preserve the beauty and youth of your body for a long time.

Anti-cellulite procedures

To eliminate the tuberosity of the skin in the thighs and buttocks, rubbing the problem areas with oil in combination with ground cocoa beans will help. Massage is performed 1-2 per week, the result becomes noticeable after about a month.

You can apply another option: mix 2 tablespoons of heated cocoa butter with 1 tablespoon of honey, apply the composition to the skin, wrap with cling film, wrap with a towel. After half an hour, take a warm shower. Use this method no more than twice a week.

Stretch marks

Postpartum scars and stretch marks will become less noticeable if you generously lubricate the skin with softened cocoa butter for 10-15 days, putting a cling film on top. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, after which the remaining oil must be washed off with warm water. A second course, if necessary, is carried out after a week break.

Bring 30 g of cocoa butter to a liquid state, add 10 g of castor oil and 5 g of jojoba oil. To remove stretch marks, lubricate the skin twice a day after morning and evening showers. The mixture, prepared for future use, should be stored in a dark glass bottle in a cool place.

To give the skin an aesthetic appearance, massage using the following tool will help: take 2 tablespoons of olive, coconut and cocoa butter. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, add an incomplete teaspoon of orange essential oil. Problematic skin is treated 2 times a week.

Strengthening chest muscles

Cocoa butter can be used to increase the elasticity of the bust. Of course, it will not work to increase its natural size, but on the other hand, the breast will acquire the correct shape, and the skin will become soft and elastic. For this purpose, the area around the mammary glands is lubricated with slightly warmed oil and massaged with intense movements. The procedure should be repeated every other day, combined with a simple exercise: raise your arms bent at the elbows to chest level, tightly close your open palms until you feel tension in the muscles. Hold this position for 10 seconds, lower your arms, relax. You must complete the exercise at least three times.

cocoa butter for hair

Nourishing mask

Mix 1 dessert spoon of cocoa butter and grape seed essential oil, add 1 tablespoon of warmed honey. Apply the composition to slightly damp hair, evenly distributing along the entire length. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo after 60 minutes. The mask is used 2-3 times a week.

Against hair loss

In half a glass of kefir, stir the yolk of 1 egg, pour in 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and melted cocoa butter. Moisten your hair abundantly with the resulting mixture, wrap your head with a film, tie it with a warm scarf or towel. After 1.5–2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo under running water. With intense hair loss, carry out the procedure daily for a month. After taking a break for 7 days, the treatment course can be continued.

Strengthening the roots

Prepare a decoction of rosemary (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain). Add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa butter to warm liquid, stir until completely dissolved. Apply the mixture to your hair, hold for a quarter of an hour, rinse your head with warm water and shampoo. Do this mask twice a week for a month. Then you should take a break for 30 days and repeat the course again.

Folk medicine recipes with cocoa butter

Prevention of colds

To protect yourself from infection with SARS and flu, apply a small amount of cocoa butter to the nasal mucosa before going outside. The same method will help get rid of a cold. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a day.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

A glass of hot milk with 1-1.5 teaspoons of cocoa butter is an excellent cough remedy for children and adults. With bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, it is recommended to use this tasty medicine 3-4 times a day. Chest massage with softened cocoa butter will help speed up recovery.

Relief of symptoms of hemorrhoids

Soak a dense cotton tourniquet with cocoa butter melted in a water bath and insert into the rectum like a rectal suppository (remove before emptying the intestines). For the same purpose, you can use a solid piece of butter. This simple operation is usually performed at bedtime for several days or weeks until a noticeable positive result occurs.

Treatment of cervical erosion

Heat 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter in a water bath, add 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil, mix. Soak a cotton swab with this composition and insert it deep into the vagina. With non-started erosion of the cervix, recovery occurs in 15–20 days, provided that this method is used daily. If necessary, you can continue treatment, taking a break for 1 month after a three-week course.

Burn healing

Thermal injuries from careless handling of hot liquids or sunburn are easily cured with cocoa butter. Lubricate the damaged area with a thin layer of oil to relieve pain and speed up tissue repair.

Cocoa butter - contraindications

  • With all the benefits of cocoa butter, you need to observe moderation when eating it. A high-calorie product provokes a set of extra pounds, and also increases blood glucose levels, which is not safe for people who are predisposed to diabetes or already suffering from this disease.
  • An excess of cocoa butter in the diet can cause indigestion, nausea, intestinal colic, diarrhea, and increase gas formation.
  • In hypersensitive individuals and patients with coronary heart disease, chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heart rate, migraine, and insomnia are sometimes noted.
  • In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, GERD), you should not introduce cocoa butter into your menu without first consulting a doctor.
  • With caution, the product is used for glaucoma (intraocular pressure jumps are possible) and a tendency to bleeding (blood clotting decreases).
  • In some cases, the external use of cocoa butter causes allergic reactions in the form of a rash, itching, redness of the skin.

What else is useful?