Apricot kernel oil properties. Effective nose and throat treatment with apricot oil

The benefits of many cosmetic oils for beauty and health have long been known. The oil obtained from apricot kernels is one of the most affordable and versatile. Due to its rich composition, the product has a wide range of applications.

Characteristics of apricot oil

Apricot oil is the base. It is obtained from the seeds of ripe fruit using a cold pressing method. This technique allows you to save all the useful properties of the product. Light yellow oily liquid with a characteristic nutty aroma.

Apricot kernel oil is sometimes referred to as "liquid gold".

Apricot kernels, which are usually thrown away when eating the fruit, are the raw material for obtaining the most valuable oil.

Composition and useful properties

Apricot oil is based on saturated and unsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic (60%). Has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • Linoleic (30%). Nourishes the skin and improves the condition of tissues, activates protective functions.
  • Palmitic (6%).

It is their properties that determine the high cosmetic and healing effectiveness of the product.

The oil also contains:

  • Vitamin E. This is a good antioxidant that promotes the production of collagen and elastin fibers. It is present in the product in large quantities - 4 mg per 100 g.
  • Category B vitamins. Protect against pathogenic flora and UV exposure.
  • Vitamin A. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin C. Enhances natural defenses.
  • Potassium and magnesium. These elements maintain a high level of moisture, activate blood flow, thereby contributing to sufficient cell nutrition. They are the key to a healthy and attractive appearance of the skin.

Features of selection and storage

High-quality apricot oil is sold exclusively in glass containers. The container must be completely sealed and stored on a separate rack, protected from ultraviolet radiation. The mark of quality is the marking with the Latin name of the product. It is put down by the most responsible manufacturers.

At home, the oil must be stored in the refrigerator. Close container tightly after each use.

Apricot kernel oil should be stored in a glass, tightly closed container.


High-quality apricot oil has practically no contraindications for use. An exception is individual intolerance.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the product when purchased for oral administration. The kernels of the fruit contain amygdalin, which, after entering the body, turns into a toxic substance. Its overdose can lead to serious health consequences. Responsible manufacturers exclude a harmful element from the composition of the oil at the production stage. The purchase of oil in trusted outlets and pharmacies guarantees safety in any way of use.

Taking apricot oil internally

It is useful to use apricot oil inside for problems with the heart and blood vessels, swelling, anemia, diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract and thyroid gland. The product is recommended for beriberi, frequent stress, as well as for general rejuvenation of the body. It is necessary to drink 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

In Russia, oil intake is not very common, but in European countries this product is used in the preparation of desserts, alcoholic beverages and salad dressings. It is important that the oil is of high quality and intended for culinary purposes.

Use in cosmetology

External use of apricot kernel oil is widespread for face and body care. Proper use of this natural product can miraculously improve the appearance without serious costs.

Apricot oil goes well with many other oils. From the base oils, avocado or wheat germ oil, as well as almond and jojoba oil are perfectly combined with it.

For nails and cuticles

Just a few treatments with apricot oil can visibly improve the condition of nails and soften cuticles.

Well-groomed nails are an important component of female beauty.

Before use, the oil must be slightly warmed up in a water bath.

The product can be used in the following ways:

  • Apply a drop of oil on each nail and rub gently.
  • Massage the nails with a mixture of apricot and ylang-ylang or pine essential oils. Each component is taken in the amount of 10 drops. This procedure will prevent delamination.
  • To make the nail plates more transparent, a mixture of half a teaspoon of oil and a drop of lemon or any other citrus ether will help. The composition is gently rubbed into the nails.

For face

Apricot oil can be called emergency help for facial skin in need of hydration, nutrition and vitamins. The result of its application is the elimination of wrinkles and inflammation, improved color and increased elasticity. The product is often used as an independent tool, but other components are added to it to obtain an additional effect.

Proper care will delay the appearance of age-related changes


In a mixture of masks, the base of which is apricot kernel oil, various esters are usually added. They should be applied immediately after preparation.

There are several recipes for different purposes:

  • To improve the texture of combination skin. Mix 1 tbsp. l. apricot oil with esters: 2 drops of citrus and the same amount of mint. Apply the composition every evening - about 20 minutes before bedtime, remove excess with a napkin.
  • To eliminate wrinkles. There is only one ingredient in this mask - slightly warmed apricot kernel oil. They need to moisten the prepared gauze (with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose) and apply it to the face. To keep warm as the second and third layers, it is necessary to use polyethylene and a towel. After 20 minutes of exposure, the mask is removed with warm water.
  • To eliminate inflammation. Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. apricot oil and esters of lavender, lemon and tea tree, taken 2 drops each. The composition is applied with a cotton pad and covered with a towel previously soaked in hot water. When the towel has cooled, soak it again in hot water, repeat these steps three times.

Additional components of masks can cause allergies, so before using these mixtures, you need to do a sensitivity test.

Video: anti-aging face mask

Anti-aging cream

How to prepare anti-aging cream at home:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tsp. apricot oil and glycerin.
  2. Chamomile flowers, poured with a quarter cup of boiling water, let it brew for two hours.
  3. Mix apricot oil with butter and add to the infusion together with glycerin.

Use the mixture as a cream, applying 2 hours before bedtime. Keep refrigerated.

The product is not suitable for oily skin prone to the formation of comedones.

Hair care

Apricot oil is shown to activate hair growth and get rid of brittleness, eliminate excessive greasiness and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

How to use:

  • Apply a few drops of oil to the hair before visiting the beach - the product will be completely absorbed and protect them from sun exposure.
  • Shampoo enrichment - 15–20 drops of oil per 100 ml. Washing with such a tool will make the curls outwardly more attractive and healthy.
  • To prevent delamination of the ends of the hair, you need to apply apricot oil on them for 10 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • To eliminate dandruff, apply a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. apricot kernel oil and 3 drops of rosemary ether. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • With hair loss, a mixture of 1 tbsp will help. l. oil and the same amount of honey, supplemented with a few drops of rosemary ether. Such a mask should be left to act for an hour, warming the head with a towel.

Apricot oil will add shine to hair

For body

The use of apricot oil for the body is indicated for maintaining elasticity, hydration and getting rid of cellulite. To make the skin soft and silky, you can take a bath with butter, honey and cream. The components are added to warm water in equal amounts - 20 grams each. Take this bath for 20 minutes.

Wrapping will help get rid of cellulite:

  1. Supplement 40 grams of apricot oil with esters of any two citrus fruits and rosemary - each you need to take 10 drops.
  2. Rub the resulting mixture into problem areas, wrap with cling film and insulate.
  3. Wash off the composition after 40 minutes.

During exposure to the mixture, you can lie down or do any kind of physical activity.

A mixture of avocado and apricot oils, enriched with esters of citrus, juniper and pine, is also effective against cellulite.

Apricot massage oil

Ideal apricot oil for massage. It absorbs well and is often used as a base. "Apricot" massage has a relaxing and healing effect. The oil helps to quickly achieve a warming effect.

It can be used in its pure form, as well as combined with esters of orange, neroli, lavender, patchouli.

Use for tanning

Apricot oil can be considered an indispensable product for the hot season. It reliably protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, not inferior in effectiveness to expensive lotions and creams. Oil should be applied half an hour before going to the beach. The tool will not only protect the skin, but also help to get a beautiful tan that will last for a long time.

Apricot kernel oil for pregnant women

Changes that occur to the body during the period of bearing a child contribute to the appearance of stretch marks. Apricot oil, natural and safe even during pregnancy, will help prevent their formation. It should be used daily, gently massaging the abdomen.

Massage during pregnancy should be carried out as efficiently as possible

For children

Apricot-derived oil is often recommended by pediatricians in child care. Acting delicately, the oil does not cause unwanted reactions and is indicated not only for softening and moisturizing, but also for the treatment of prickly heat and seborrheic dermatitis, which often appear in newborns. The oil will also help with irritation from diapers. ENT doctors often recommend apricot kernel oil for instillation into the nose, in order to restore the child's mucosa after the use of aggressive drugs.

Use for the throat and nose during a cold

The properties of the elements present in the composition of apricot oil make it possible to use it for instillation into the nose in order to prevent colds in cold weather and alleviate the condition with acute rhinitis. The product does not cause addiction and adverse reactions, therefore it is indicated even for children and pregnant women. Overdrying of the inner surface of the nose with the formation of crusts with a prolonged runny nose contributes to the accumulation of mucus that is difficult to remove, which serves as a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Effective moisturizing, with which apricot oil does an excellent job, contributes to the timely removal of unnecessary contents from the nose, accelerating the healing process. Before the introduction of oil, rinse the nasal passages with saline.

A single dose for children - 1-2 drops in each pass, for adults - 4 drops. The tool can be used to lubricate the inner surface of the nose. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of the common cold if, before instillation, inhalation is made from equal doses of oil and vitamin A.

The complex effect of apricot kernel oil and vitamin A will reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, eliminate vascular fragility and activate the protective function.

Inhalations are a quick way to relieve cold symptoms

How to use:

  • In the treatment of a sore throat, rinsing with a warm solution of 2 tsp can help. oil and 0.5 liters of water. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus, lemon or rosemary ether.
  • A nasal instillation mixture of apricot oil and a few drops of eucalyptus or fir ester will relieve the flu.
  • Hot inhalations are indicated for dry cough and congestion. The procedure is carried out as follows: the patient, covered with a towel, is located above a container of hot water, where you must first add st. a spoonful of apricot oil and 2 drops of lemon or fir ether.

Even the most effective modern means in many respects are inferior to products created by nature itself. Natural herbal preparations have healed and maintained the beauty and health of a person for centuries. It is known that apricot oil was widely used for various purposes several thousand years ago. This product has not lost its relevance today. Thanks to the oil of the "golden fruits", a number of diseases are successfully treated today and youth is prolonged.

The excellent taste of the fruits of the apricot tree is familiar to many, although the history of its origin is still under a veil of secrecy. Some scientists believe that China is the birthplace of the fragrant fruit. This assumption is confirmed by the information that it was in the Celestial Empire that they learned to extract the most valuable oil from apricot kernels. This processing method is still used today, because it allows you to get a pure product of the highest quality.

The composition of apricot oil is saturated with such useful substances:

  • carotenes;
  • pectin:
  • mineral elements (including potassium and magnesium salts);
  • a whole complex of vitamins, including vitamin E and ascorbic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • phytosterols;
  • fatty acids and other useful elements.

There are natural wax and stearins in the composition of the "golden fruit" oil.

The finished oil substrate has a pleasant light shade, and nutty notes are guessed in its smell.

Useful properties for the body

In ancient times, natural oils were practically the only means of treating diseases.

Useful properties of pomace from apricot kernels are in demand today, and they are expressed as follows:

  • in a powerful antibacterial effect (has a detrimental effect on putrefactive bacteria);
  • in tonic power;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes;
  • antiseptic qualities;
  • good softening and moisturizing;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • preventing the appearance of signs of aging on the skin.

Due to its soft texture, when applied externally, apricot oil is evenly distributed on the skin and is perfectly absorbed without leaving greasy marks.

Important! The product does not provoke allergies, which allows it to be used for skin care of infants.

Apricot oil: application

Ancient manuscripts found in China confirm the version of scientists that the predecessors of modern doctors widely used apricot seed oil in their practice. They were treated for tumors and ulcers, ear diseases and hemorrhoids. Later, in the Middle Ages, the product was added to baths, and then the first cosmetic products were created on its basis: ointments, perfumes, balms. It is interesting that the cost of the oil of "golden" fruits was comparable to the price of precious metals in those days.

Today, the use of apricot oil affects a variety of areas. It is used in:

  • medicine;
  • pharmaceutical industry;
  • cosmetology.

The product is used as a separate element, and in combination with other natural remedies. For example, it perfectly interacts with essential oils, dissolving them well.

Based on this unique product, persistent perfumes, anti-cellulite preparations and hygiene products for the smallest children are created. Apricot oil is actively used for massage ... Perhaps it is worth telling in more detail for what purposes the product can be used at home.

Apricot kernel oil for face

Excellent results are obtained by regular use of apricot oil as a facial skin care product.

Product features:

  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • restores elasticity;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • promotes healing of abrasions and small wounds;
  • quickly localizes foci of inflammation.

These properties are especially helpful in the treatment of dermatitis and other skin problems.

An excellent effect is demonstrated by such popular procedures for women as masks based on apricot oil. Due to the content of collagen in the composition of the product, such cosmetic manipulations nourish well, and also tighten the skin, eliminating age-related changes.

The product also helps with problem skin.

It is enough to make a special mask once a week, which contains the following ingredients:

  • apricot oil - 25 g;
  • a mixture of tea tree, lemon, lavender oils (each component is taken in 2 drops).

After mixing all the components, the mixture is applied with a cotton pad to the surface of the skin. It is recommended to moisten the tampon with warm water before use.

Apricot oil is used for the face with increased dryness of the skin. In this case, a nourishing mask is recommended from a small amount of oil heated in a water bath (25-30 grams). The temperature of the composition should be about 37 degrees, which corresponds to the background temperature of the body.

  • Soak a gauze pad in oil and place it on your face. You can use the neckline.
  • From above you need to cover the compress with a film, and then with a terry towel.
  • After 25 minutes, you can remove the oil compress and rinse your face with warm water.

How to apply to the skin around the eyes

It is worth noting that in modern cosmetology apricot oil is used to solve various problems. Its ability to moisturize and perfectly saturate the tissues with nutrients helps to remove the network of wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes. The recipe is extremely simple: you need to treat the area around the eyes with oil daily, covering the lower and upper eyelids.

Apricot eyelash oil

Vitamin-rich oil substrate is very beneficial for the sensitive structure of eyelashes. With regular use, eyelashes become thicker and longer.

There are two application options:

  1. Make-up removal with a swab moistened with 2-3 drops of oil.
  2. Special procedure for strengthening eyelashes.

The last option requires preparation.

  • Cotton swabs should be soaked in warm apricot oil and applied to the eyelashes.
  • A film is applied over the compress.
  • The procedure takes a quarter of an hour.

The same manipulation can be performed using a mixture of oils: pine, jasmine, sandalwood and apricot. All components are added to the composition drop by drop.

Application for hair

The product also has a beneficial effect on the structure of curls. It is recommended to use apricot hair oil in the summer to protect them from the effects of sunlight. To make a wild mane silky and shiny, you can dilute the oil (20 drops) with a small amount of shampoo and rinse your hair. With regular use of the product, it is possible to quickly get rid of dandruff and skin itching.

Nail Recipes

The ability to soften fabrics can be used to remove cuticles. To this end, you must first warm up the product (it is preferable to do this in a water bath), and then gently rub it into the nail plate and into the skin around it. After a few minutes, you can proceed with the cuticle removal procedure.

Apricot kernel oil helps to improve the condition of nails if they are constantly processed.

  • apricot oil - 12 drops;
  • essential components of pine, bergamot, patchouli, ylang-ylang are taken in the same dose, equal to 12 drops.

The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the nail plate with light massaging movements.

Apricot oil for stretch marks

Since the apricot oil substrate has regenerative qualities, it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic against stretch marks. The oil is absolutely safe, so there are no restrictions on its use during pregnancy. During the intensive growth of the fetus, it is enough to treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen and thighs with the agent - these are the places whose skin is most prone to stretching.

For instillation into the nose

At the first sign of a runny nose, you can drip apricot oil into your nose to moisturize the mucous membranes and relieve inflammation.

Contraindications and possible harm

As noted earlier, apricot oil practically does not cause negative reactions. Very rarely, its use causes allergic manifestations. It is not recommended to use a nasal instillation agent if a person has a tendency to nosebleeds. To eliminate possible risks, a sensitivity test should be done before use.

Helpful advice. In order for the oil not to lose its useful qualities, it must be stored properly. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a container with a tightly fitted lid. The drug should not be exposed to light and high temperatures. Under favorable conditions, apricot oil retains its properties from 6 to 12 months.

Apricot oil fully justifies the comparison with gold, since its beneficial properties can provide invaluable support to the body. Unique in its nature, the product will help preserve youth and natural attractiveness for many years.

Apricot oil is obtained by cold pressing apricot kernels. Thanks to this method, it does not lose many useful properties. This oil is an environmentally friendly product that is of natural origin.

Description of apricot oil

Apricot kernel oil has a light yellow color and a sweet nutty smell. It has a fairly high viscosity.

Apricot oil belongs to the group of carrier or base oils. Such oils serve as a base for other oils to enhance their effect.

For storage, the oil is placed in a dark, cool room, tightly closing the container. It does not lose its useful properties during the year.

Apricot oil: composition and action

Apricot oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, C, B, F, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as minerals, especially iron, cobalt and copper, which promote hematopoiesis. It contains a significant amount of triglycerides, natural waxes, stearins, pectins, enzymes.

Apricot oil has a refreshing, regenerating, healing, soothing, tonic, antibacterial, antiseptic, softening and antioxidant effect.

The advantages of the oil include the fact that it is easily and deeply absorbed, without leaving greasy stains on clothes, and is able to quickly spread on the skin, making it supple and elastic.

Apricot oil is used both independently and mixed with other vegetable oils in equal amounts.

apricot oil for skin

Apricot oil:

    intensely nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin;

    prevents dryness and flaking of the skin;

    stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;

    promotes elasticity and firmness;

    restores metabolism and water balance of the skin;

    intensively rejuvenates the body;

    increases the regenerative properties of the skin;

    smoothes not only small fresh wrinkles, but also old deep ones;

    slows down skin aging and promotes its rejuvenation;

    tones the skin;

    prevents the expansion of pores;

    relieves acne and age spots;

    improves complexion, giving it a healthy appearance;

    relieves redness, skin inflammation and itching;

    tightens scratches, cracks and abrasions, heals burns;

    removes cellulite and relieves stretch marks;

    relieves swelling and tightens sagging skin.

Apricot oil tones and improves the skin

Apricot kernel oil, unlike many others, can be used to care for any skin, including sensitive skin of the eyelids and lips. It nourishes, moisturizes and softens dry and sensitive skin, relieves irritation and relieves peeling. For normal, oily and combination skin, the oil will provide nutrients and moisturize, narrow pores, improve complexion and relieve existing problems.

The oil will be especially useful for dry, rough and aging skin, which is deficient in vitamins and moisture. It is also recommended for sensitive and problematic skin. Apricot oil is also suitable for delicate baby skin. It is able to save babies from prickly heat, diaper rash and dermatitis.

The oil is also used to remove make-up. Creams are prepared on its basis.

Due to its pleasant aroma, the oil is widely used in the perfume industry.

Face masks

Mask with vegetable oils

Apricot oil is mixed with any vegetable oil or with a mixture of oils in equal proportions, essential oils of tea tree, lavender and lemon are added (a few drops each). The resulting mixture is smeared on the skin of the face and neck for half an hour.

To enhance the nourishing effect of the mask, the oil mixture should be heated, and the face should be wrapped with cling film and a towel for 20 minutes.

The mask is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially recommended for problematic skin.

Spot mask

Patchouli or chamomile oil (2 drops) is added to apricot oil (20 grams). The mask is applied to the skin for half an hour. It will remove stains and relieve fatigue.

Mask for mixed skin

Apricot kernel oil is combined with peach oil in equal proportions, lemon essential oil is added (a few drops).

If such a mask is applied to the skin daily, it will restore fat metabolism, even out the complexion, make the skin supple and remove wrinkles.

Mask for problem skin

Mix avocado oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil and almond oil. The resulting mixture is added to apricot oil. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities.

The mask is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes.

Body masks

Cellulite Removal Mask

Juniper, orange, lemon and rosemary oils (2 drops each) are added to apricot oil (40 grams). The mixture is applied to problem areas and insulated. Keep 30-40 minutes.

The mask will also help soften rough skin.

oil bath

Oil (20 grams), combined with cream, honey or salt, is added to baths. You can stay in this bath for 20 minutes.

The bath will make the skin soft, silky, give it firmness and elasticity, tones the skin. In addition, it will bring a lot of pleasure.

Bath with apricot oil will give you pleasure

Apricot hair oil

Apricot oil is ideal for hair care, it will have a particularly significant effect on dry, brittle and lifeless hair.

Apricot oil:

    will provide hair with nutrition and moisturize them;

    accelerate the movement of blood, providing hair follicles with additional nutrients and oxygen;

    restores the work of the sebaceous glands and relieves hair of oily sheen;

    prevent inflammation;

    strengthens hair and eliminates brittleness;

    eliminate dull color;

    gives hair elasticity, volume and shine;

    get rid of dandruff;

    stop hair loss and accelerate hair growth;

    prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

You can add oil to your shampoo and rinse (15-20 drops of oil per 100 milliliters of shampoo) to give your hair softness, shine and silkiness.

Hair Mask

Warmed apricot oil is rubbed into the scalp and wrapped in a towel. After half an hour, wash off with shampoo.

Hair Moisturizing Mask

Apricot oil (20 grams) is mixed with peach or almond oil (20 grams). add sandalwood, ylang-ylang or lavender essential oil (2 drops).

Apricot kernel oil will give the skin of the hands a flawless look, heal superficial wounds and soften the cuticle. It also solves the problem of brittle nails.

Apricot oil for hands and nails

Mask for hands and nails

The oil is heated. Then it is rubbed into the skin of the hands, into the cuticle and applied to the nails.

Cuticle softening ointment

An ointment made from an equal amount of apricot oil and lanolin will help soften the cuticle.

Remedy for delamination of nails

Bergamot, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood or pine oil are added to apricot oil in equal proportions. Lubricate the nails with the mixture and massage.

Thanks to apricot oil, nails become stronger

Apricot eyelash oil

Oil will also be useful for eyelashes. It will give nutrition and hydration, make eyelashes fluffy, long, thick and shiny.

Eyelash compresses

First you need to take cotton wool and roll rollers out of it. Then they take apricot oil (2-3 grams), drip essential oils of jasmine, sandalwood or pine into it. The prepared rollers are impregnated with the mixture. Put them on the eyelashes and cover with a film. Hold for 10-15 minutes.

You can simply apply oil to the eyelashes at night with a brush.

Apricot oil in medicine

For prevention, in order to strengthen the immune system, to nourish the body and eliminate inflammation in the body, apricot oil is taken orally.

For internal use:

    improves the activity of the cardiovascular system;

    metabolism is normalized;

    the concentration of bad cholesterol decreases.

Apricot oil will help prevent the development of many diseases:


    kidney disease;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    diseases of the digestive tract, including gastritis and constipation;

    diseases of the nervous system;

    thyroid diseases;



Also, the oil will relieve stress and depression.

Some drugs used for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration are dissolved in apricot kernel oil. It is also included in the composition of many ointments.

Oil is also instilled into the nose at the end of colds in order to restore the mucous membrane.

Apricot massage oil

Apricot oil is also ideal for massage. It has a relaxing and healing effect. It is often used as a base oil as it blends well with other oils. It helps to quickly warm up the skin and is easily absorbed, helps to rejuvenate the body and gain healthy, beautiful skin color.

One of the most popular base oils, extracted from apricot kernels, is valued by many not only for its unique healing properties, but for its delicate aroma and surprisingly pleasant texture, which gives the most delicate sensations when applied to the skin. This is one of the most ancient and legendary base oils, the first use of which is attributed to the medicine of Ancient Tibet.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the oil were known as early as 5 thousand years ago, and in Europe it began to be actively used about two thousand years ago. In the first centuries of our era, it was actively used for tumors and ulcers, and at the beginning of the 17th century it was literally worth its weight in gold. Despite the fact that apricot trees themselves can be found in orchards on almost all continents, apricot kernel oil remains one of the most expensive due to the small volume of industrial production. But at the same time, it remains an absolute favorite among nutritious and vitaminizing base oils.

Properties and characteristics

A unique base oil, which many people compare with and get by traditional and technologically simple cold pressing from apricot kernels. Raw seeds, by the way, have a very strong almond smell, while oil has a delicate, almost imperceptible, very delicate and charming, with a more pronounced nutty undertone.

According to the chemical composition, apricot kernel oil is very close to the two above-mentioned "brothers", it retains a unique combination of unsaturated and monosaturated acids, but the main advantage of the oil is an unusually high content of minerals and vitamins, which, thanks to the combination with fatty acids, are actively absorbed by the epidermis. In addition to vitamins C, A and B, which are common for base oils, it contains an active form of a rare vitamin F, unique tocopherols and salts of magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It is thanks to this composition that apricot oil is famous for its nutritional and vitaminizing properties. Outwardly, this base oil is transparent, fluid, very liquid, with a soft, barely perceptible yellowish color.

When buying a base oil, specify its composition: in the production of oil from apricot kernels, cherry plum pits are also often used, which affect the vitamin composition of the oil and the mineral content. Usually, the oil from prefabricated seeds is cheaper, and the oil from their pure apricot kernels is more effective, but it is very difficult to find a truly absolute without home mixtures. Complementary oils from essential oils are, and.

When applied to the skin, this base oil has a noticeable refreshing effect, it is quickly absorbed, penetrates deep into the skin, never leaves marks on clothes and instantly restores skin elasticity. It is distributed over the skin quickly and evenly, restores the natural barrier of the epidermis, improves metabolism, the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Apricot oil perfectly transports useful trace elements, so it is most often used as a carrier base oil. True, given the considerable price, it is wiser to dilute it with other basic, more affordable ones. In such mixtures, apricot oil will not lose its nutritional properties.

Apricot kernel oil is completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

The healing properties of apricot oil, so beloved by many, are used primarily for healing damage to the skin, including cuts, burns, and abrasions. This oil helps to quickly cope with dry dermatitis. With a general regulating and anti-inflammatory effect, this base oil heals rough skin. Also, oil from surprisingly fragrant apricot kernels actively contributes.

Skin care with apricot oil

Oil extracted by pressing from the kernels of apricot kernels is most actively used in cosmetology. While this base oil is actually perfect for sensitive and allergenic, dry or mature skin, it works great for any other skin type as well. Apricot oil has a refreshing, regenerating, soothing and tonic effect, actively relieves redness and dermatitis, and restores skin elasticity.

Apricot base oil with regular use gives the skin a surprisingly beautiful and delicate, and most importantly even color. It can be used for so-called "quick" masks that restore tired skin before important events. This oil has a moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin not only of the face, but also of the body, neck, and décolleté. This is one of the best oils for complex care for such delicate skin of the eyelids. It actively restores the tone and natural elasticity of sagging skin.

One of the main benefits of this base oil is to restore the normal balance of problematic and combination skin.

Due to its delicate texture and the absence of active acids, apricot oil can even be used daily as the main skin care product for a baby, including for the treatment of irritations of various origins.

Combination with other essential oils

Apricot base oil blends wonderfully with all essential and fatty base oils. It can be used to create a base personal blend or a comprehensive skin care product. Most often, of the base oils, it is combined with almond oil, adding to them from a tenth to a half of apricot oil.

  • For massage, it can be used even for newborns, while usually one drop of neroli, lavender, chamomile, orange is added to apricot oil, depending on the purpose.
  • From cellulite and roughening of the skin, this base oil is used in a mixture with restoring avocado oil (in equal proportions) with the addition of a couple of drops of aromatic oils

Natural oils have always been valued, not only as cosmetics, but also as medicines. One of the most popular and affordable oils is peach oil, which is obtained from the seeds of fruits by cold pressing with subsequent filtration.

It is a liquid with an unobtrusive pleasant smell and taste.

In medicine, the use of peach oil for the nose and throat is considered very effective, as it acts very gently and effectively. What kind of help can peach oil provide in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose?

Indications for use: useful properties

The healing properties of peach kernel oil were appreciated by the ancient Chinese, because it contains a wide variety of biologically active substances, including:

  • vitamins A, P, D, E, C, group B;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • minerals: Fe, I, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn;
  • enzymes;
  • saturated and unsaturated acids, including oleic, linoleic, arachidic, palmitic, stearic, etc.;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.
Such a rich composition determines the vast scope of the drug, so the list of what peach oil can be used for is quite long. This:
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • colds;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • synechia;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns, etc.

When taken orally, it contributes to:

  • body rejuvenation;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • strengthening immunity.
Source: site Often the tool is used in otolaryngology, as it helps to quickly cope with:
  • rhinitis of various etiologies;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis (mainly sinusitis);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Thus, the use of peach oil for the nose and throat is possible in almost any diseases of the ENT organs.

Application for the nose

Often, otolaryngologists with a long work experience advise patients to instill oil in the nose from a runny nose with SARS, flu or other ailments, 2-3 drops up to 5 times a day, as it contributes to:

  • liquefaction of snot;
  • separation of dried mucus from the inner membranes of the nose;
  • moisturizing dry mucous membranes;
  • death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • prevention of complications, especially sinusitis.

In order for the manipulation to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline or any other saline solution immediately before its implementation.

Such a procedure will not become superfluous in the treatment of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. But in such cases, it should be only one of the components of therapy, but by no means the only treatment. You can increase the effectiveness of manipulation by adding 10 ml of St. John's wort oil to 30 ml of peach oil (in its absence, you can prepare a decoction of dry plant materials).

With the release of thick green snot, indicating a bacterial infection, a mixture of essential oils (tea tree and lavender, 1 drop each) and peach (1 tsp) will help. 3 drops of the resulting composition are dripped into each nostril three times a day. You can also use a mixture of 30 ml of the product and 10 ml of propolis tincture. It is instilled 4 drops 3 times a day.

Quite often, with various diseases, in particular, atrophic rhinitis, and simply when living in conditions of increased dryness of the air, the mucous membranes dry out, which causes severe discomfort.

It is easy to cope with this with the help of natural products. To get rid of dryness in the nose, it is recommended to lubricate its inner surfaces or just for 10-15 minutes. insert oil-soaked cotton or gauze swabs three times a day.
Few people know, but with the help of peach oil, it is easy at home to restore the vocal cords that have suffered from excessive stress. It is instilled into the nose, tilting the head as far back as possible so that it flows freely down the nasopharynx.

This simple procedure can replace the complex manipulation of the irrigation of the vocal cords, carried out within the walls of medical institutions. Therefore, it should be adopted by everyone whose work activity is associated with the need to talk a lot, that is, call center operators, teachers, singers, sellers, pharmacists, etc.

Peach oil can help a child no less than an adult, because the use of this remedy has no age restrictions. But children should bury half the number of drops.

A runny nose often provokes the development of otitis media, and the younger the baby, the more often such complications are observed.

Peach oil is also useful in this case, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is injected into each ear, 2 drops (with bilateral lesions). Preliminarily, the medicine is warmed to room temperature, tightly clasping the bottle with your hand or in a water bath.

For a newborn

Since peach seed oil has a very mild effect and does not irritate the mucous membranes, it can even be used for instillation into the nose of a baby.

This procedure is carried out as a morning and evening toilet, as it helps to remove dried crusts of mucus from the nasal mucosa of the crumbs, which prevent normal breathing and sleep of the baby.

Attention! You can start cleaning the nose only after a couple of minutes after instilling the oil.

Also, nothing can prevent the use of peach oil for the treatment of rhinitis in newborns. Initially, the nasal passages are washed with saline solutions, but only by carefully instilling the liquid, since it is forbidden to use sprays for the treatment of children under 1 year old! 1-2 drops of the drug are injected into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

In addition, the remedy is used to treat synechia (fusion of the labia) in newborn girls and eliminate diaper rash, which are so common in infants. But before you start using the oil for one purpose or another, you must make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs.

Cosmetic oil is not suitable for therapeutic measures, because it can contain all kinds of fragrances and other chemicals. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of ENT diseases, the drug should be bought at a pharmacy, especially since its price is usually lower than cosmetic.

Peach oil for throat: application

If a child or adult has a sore or bothersome sore throat, an irritating dry cough is present, these are most likely signs of developing pharyngitis or laryngitis. But even in these cases, peach oil will be indispensable. If they lubricate the throat and spray into the mouth through any sprayer available in the house (for example, an old bottle of thermal water), it will carefully cover the irritated mucous membranes with a thin film and quickly eliminate the sore throat.

You can also inhale twice a day with this natural product. For their implementation, 5-10 drops of oil should be diluted in water and poured into an inhaler. The procedure will help moisturize the mucous membranes, soften the throat and facilitate nasal breathing.

For the fastest possible therapeutic effect, it is necessary to combine the use of peach oil with the intake of other medicines or folk remedies.

Peach oil is excellent for treating sore throats in young children, including infants. If the baby still does not know how to gargle, you need to treat the tonsils and the inner surfaces of the cheeks, as well as the tongue, if possible, with a bandage moistened with a bandage (it can be wound around your finger for convenience) 4 times a day.

Is it possible to drip peach oil into the nose: contraindications

No matter how natural and safe the medicine is, it can still not always be used. Therefore, dripping it into the nose or taking it orally is not recommended in the first place if there is an individual sensitivity to it.

It is very easy to check how the body relates to the product. To do this, a small amount is applied to clean skin, for example, the forearm or elbow bend, and the skin reaction is evaluated immediately, after a few hours and the next day. If no changes are observed, it can be used for medicinal purposes. In general, allergies to peach oil are extremely rare, so it is classified as a hypoallergenic product.

Also, you should not resort to using this remedy for diseases of the nervous system, especially those associated with increased excitability, since it stimulates the central nervous system.

Where to buy peach nose oil and which one to choose?

For medicinal purposes, it is better to purchase a remedy at a pharmacy, fortunately, now it is not difficult. After all, this drug is produced by many different pharmaceutical companies. Its cost depends on the name of the manufacturer and the volume of the bottle (25, 30 or 50 ml), but this usually does not affect the quality of the product. Thus, you can buy peach oil for both 25 rubles and 200.

Nevertheless, for inhalation, it is better to choose peach essential oil. And in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is additionally worth purchasing and adding tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, cedar or other oil, which has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, to the solution.

A huge advantage of peach oil is the possibility of its use during pregnancy. Ladies in position often face colds and cosmetic problems due to a decrease in immunity and physiological changes that are characteristic of this crucial period. Therefore, for them, peach oil can be a real salvation.

It can be used both to treat the above-described ENT diseases, and to prevent the formation or fight existing stretch marks on the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body. In addition, applying the product mixed with water or your favorite cream on the face will help the skin to acquire a healthy, rested look, which is usually difficult for pregnant women, even on a daily routine.