Mangosteen (mangosteen), what kind of fruit, beneficial properties of a tropical fruit. Mangosteen syrup for weight loss – syrup or powder

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit whose homeland is considered to be the countries of Southeast Asia, where it is cultivated. The plant is best suited to a tropical humid climate; in other climates it is grown in botanical gardens. We will talk about the beneficial properties of exotic in this article.


In Latin, the fruit is called Garcinia mangostana; its other names are also known - mangosteen, mangosteen, mankut. The fruit is spherical in shape, with a dense dark purple peel.

At the bottom of the fruit there are peculiar petals, by the number of which you can find out how many segments it consists of; the number ranges from four to ten lobes. The mangosteen pulp is white, fleshy and juicy, the core contains seeds. The size of the fruit is up to 8 cm in diameter. According to the description, its taste resembles an orange.

Composition and nutritional value of mangosteen

  • vitamins:, almost all -,;
  • microelements: , ;
  • macroelements: , ;
  • xanthones (polyphenols);
  • sucrose.

The nutritional value:

  • calorie content of mangosteen - 65 kcal/100 g;
  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15.5 g;
  • fats - 0.6 g.

Did you know?Mangosteens are used not only in cooking; furniture is made from tree wood, black dye is made from the peel, its enzymes are also used in tanning leather, and young branches of the tree are chewed in Africa to clean teeth and strengthen gums.

Beneficial features

Regular consumption of the fruit has a wide range of beneficial effects on the body. Fresh fruit juice creates an alkaline environment in which pathogenic microorganisms die, while beneficial microflora are preserved.

Metabolic processes and digestion processes are improved, and cholesterol levels in the blood are regulated. Due to this, harmful fats are burned faster, which promotes weight loss. Improved metabolism has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The fruit strengthens the body's immune system, the active substances in its composition protect against aggressive environmental influences. The B vitamin group improves brain activity, memory and concentration, and performance.

It has a beneficial effect on the skin thanks to enzymes that promote the production of elastin and collagen.

Vitamins E in the composition nourish and moisturize the skin. The fruit has a wound-healing and regenerating effect, helps eliminate dermatological problems, having a detrimental effect on fungi and bacteria.

The mineral-rich composition improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle, participating in the process of hematopoiesis, reduces migraine attacks, and normalizes blood pressure. The ability to neutralize inflammatory processes is useful for joint diseases: rheumatism, arthritis.

Thanks to regular consumption, the functioning of the endocrine system improves, the general hormonal background and tone of the whole body are normalized. A number of studies have shown the negative impact of xanthones on the cells of malignant tumors; under the influence of these substances, the cells die.

Harm and contraindications

  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • simultaneously with blood thinning medications;
  • with sedatives.

Important! The fruit is exotic and unusual, so an allergic reaction is possible, but there are no toxic substances in the composition. You should try a small amount to ensure there is no intolerance.

Application in medicine

Pharmacologists use the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the fruit, add them to drugs for the treatment of skin diseases, and to cosmetics.

Did you know? According to an ancient Buddhist legend, Buddha Gautama was the first to find and taste this fruit, and he also discovered the unusual and nutritious fruit for people. Accordingly, it is called the fruit of the Gods.

Mangosteen is also popular in folk medicine for the treatment of the following conditions:
  • dysentery;
  • diarrhea;
  • urethritis, cystitis;
  • fever;
  • pain symptoms and cycle disorders during critical days;
  • stomatitis and gum inflammation;
  • bleeding;
  • wounds and burns.

Medicines are prepared from pulp, juice, seeds, peel, tree bark and leaves.

Where to buy and how to choose?

Considering the overseas origin of fruits, finding them fresh is problematic, so you should know the selection criteria:

  • large fruits with greenery at the top are more juicy and contain fewer seeds;
  • the leaves should be green;
  • the peel should be intact without visible damage or cracks, dense and not dry;
  • when pressed, the peel should spring back slightly;
  • color - uniform, without spots.

Important! If the integrity of the peel is damaged, the color is uneven, there are light or dark spots - this indicates a violation of transportation rules and possible spoilage of the product.

How to eat mangosteen?

The fruit is peeled with gentle circular movements with a sharp knife, being careful not to touch the pulp, or the peel is cut at the bottom and removed.
Mangosteen can be eaten fresh, juiced, or prepared in fruit and vegetable salads. Fruits are canned, preserves and jams are made, frozen and dried.

Desserts (mousses and jellies) and cocktails with milk are made from the pulp. Added as a filling to pies and pastries, ice cream and other desserts. The fruit is also added to sauces and dressings in main courses. The fruits add an exquisite taste to seafood dishes: shrimp, squid and others.

Storage conditions

Mangosteen is stored in a cool, dry place for no more than twenty days. Then the peel, followed by the pulp, dries out, losing its properties and taste. Can be stored for about two weeks in the refrigerator on the vegetable rack.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in countries where the fruit is cultivated, the sales season begins in May and lasts until approximately September.
Due to the difficulties of transportation, fruits are rare in our stores, but you can find an alternative - juice or candied fruits. When properly processed by the manufacturer, they do not lose their beneficial properties.

And the queen is mangosteen. There are several names for this fruit - mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia and mangkut. It is often mistakenly called magnostine.

Mangosteens grow throughout Asia, in almost all tropical countries. There are especially many of them in Indonesia, and that is where they are the sweetest. For example, Philippine mangosteens are much more sour, they often corrode the mouth just like some pineapples, which never happens with Thai mangosteens. Mangosteens are also very good in Vietnam. This fruit has a very pleasant unusual taste, sweet and sour. But it’s quite difficult to describe... this fruit is a must try. And once you try it, you will hardly be able to forget this taste. This taste can roughly be described as a cross between pineapple, peach, strawberry and grape. The pulp is white, very tender and refreshing, melts in your mouth. Inside each fruit there are several cloves that resemble cloves of garlic in appearance. Some lobules contain seeds (one per lobule), some do not. The number of segments in the fruit is indicated by the pattern at the bottom of the mangosteen - how many petals are on it, how much pulp is inside.

When purchasing mangosteens, make sure they are slightly soft when pressed. Very hard stone ones should not be taken, this means that they have already deteriorated. This is the property of mangosteen - when overripe and spoiled, they become oak-like. When they are fresh and good, they are easily crushed with a little pressure. These mangosteens are very easy to clean by hand. But if you don't want to get your hands or nails too dirty, you can use a knife to make a cut in the center of the mangosteen and open it in half. The easiest way to peel a mangosteen is to press your hands on the fruit, and it will open in half.

Mangosteen season usually occurs twice a year in every tropical country. For example, in Thailand they bear fruit in winter and summer. There are many of them in Indonesia in winter.

Mangosteen grows on tall trees with a spreading crown and large bright green leaves. These are the ones.

Beautiful and delicious mangosteens!

These are the inside of mangosteen, like garlic:

The dark areas in the lobules are bones:

And these are mangosteen seeds:

The most frequently asked questions about mangosteen

What does mangosteen taste like??

Sweet with a slight sourness. Vaguely reminiscent of... fruit drink. The most refreshing fruit I know!

What is the consistency?

Juicy fruit, like some kind of berry. Not creamy.

How to choose a mangosteen?

Feel each fruit when purchasing before putting it in your bag. Take only squeezable fruits! Oak mangosteens = already rotten. It’s almost impossible to find unripe mangosteens, but, by the way, they look different - they have a very light skin, pink-violet, and since they are not oak, they are also easy to open with your hands, it’s just that the flesh will not be so sweet and tender.

How to clean and eat mangosteens?

Forget the knife. Mangosteen is eaten with your hands! Just press on the fruit and it will easily open, providing you with its delicate, refreshing and incredibly tasty pulp.

Is it possible to taste and love mangosteen the first time??

This is exactly what usually happens. Everyone loves mangosteen!

Where does it grow the most??

In Thailand and Indonesia. However, if you come during the off-season, there will either be no mangosteens at all, or there will be few of them, and they will be of poor quality and expensive.

Which country tastes better??

Again in Thailand and Indonesia. , for example, is not a mangosteen country at all - they are sour, expensive and there are few of them.

Mangosteen season?

Summer and winter. Usually 2 seasons per year.

Varieties and types of mangosteens

Surely, there are different types and varieties of mangosteens, but I don’t know anything about them. Mangosteen yes mangosteen.

Video about mangosteen:


Mangosteen is an exotic tropical fruit that grows wild only in the Malay Archipelago. Currently, it is grown mainly in Thailand.

These fruits have a very specific appearance. Their white flesh is covered with a dark purple skin.

The taste of mangosteen is distinguished by its refinement, and the fruit is used for food along with the peel. Juice is also prepared with it, because the skin contains the largest amount of useful substances.

These fruits in various countries are called mangosteens, mangosteens, garcinias, mangkuts, the queen of fruits.

In this article we will show the exotic fruit in the photo, talk about the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit for weight loss, treatment of diseases, and its contraindications.

How to choose, peel and eat correctly

Mangosteen combines taste and. When purchasing, you should choose the largest fruits, because small ones have very little juicy pulp, which usually consists of seven segments with seeds.

Good quality fruit must have brightly colored, slightly soft, and their skin smooth and springy when pressed.

If the mangosteen is hard, dry to the touch, and has cracks in its skin, it is overripe. You should not purchase such copies. The fruits should not have yellow spots or traces of mold.

These fruits can be store in a cool, dry place for about three weeks, subsequently the pulp loses its juiciness and then dries out completely.

When eating, cut the peel of the fruit in a circle, trying not to touch the pulp. Remove the top half and pull out the slices with a fork.

The remaining peel can be added to juice or used for treatment, after drying in the sun and grinding into powder.

How to choose mangosteen:

Composition, calorie content, nutritional value, glycemic index

The calorie content of mangosteen is about 70 kilocalories per hundred grams product. Based on this, based on the weight of each fruit, its calorie content can be calculated. Glycemic index – 35.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

  • proteins – 0.51 grams;
  • fats – 0.44 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 14.79 grams;
  • dietary fiber – 5 grams;
  • water - 79.26 grams.

The chemical composition of mangosteen is enriched with:

What is good for the body

Mangosteen contains special substances - xanthones. There are 39 types of them in these fruits - this is the highest concentration of all food products.

They have unique antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and antioxidant properties. Therefore, these fruits help to quickly increase immunity. The body does not perceive negative environmental factors.

Also These fruits contain protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

Large number of vitamins and minerals allows a small amount of fruit to heal the body and get rid of diseases.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you about the beneficial properties of mangosteen:

Benefits for women, men and children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly

With its inclusion in the menu the cardiovascular system is strengthened, insomnia disappears, the quality of sleep improves, headaches go away, the functioning of the brain and digestive system is normalized, and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Helps stimulate the activity of the endocrine system and stabilize hormonal levels.

The fruit quickly cleanses the body, which leads to its rejuvenation, increasing tone. For women, it helps regulate the menstrual cycle.

The fruit is included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women if allergic reactions do not occur to it.

The beneficial substances contained in it will help avoid birth defects of the fetus and properly form its nervous system. Thanks to antioxidants, the cells of the mother and child will be protected from external influences.

During feeding, the baby will receive from milk a large amount of substances that contribute to its proper development.

Mangosteen can be included in the menu for children after one year. They will be happy to eat this delicious fruit and drink the juice made from it.

But you need to start with a small amount to check the reaction to this exotic fruit.

Potential harm, contraindications

We talked about the health benefits of mangosteen, let’s find out if there is any harm. Mangosteen has no contraindications.

But it should be consumed in moderation by people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and those who experience frequent migraines. The fruit increases blood viscosity.

When it is included in the menu an allergic reaction may occur or individual intolerance.

Therefore, you need to start with a small amount so as not to harm your health.

Sweet and sour fruit widely consumed fresh whole or canned. Medicinal syrups are prepared from it.

In many Asian countries, pre-roasted fruit seeds are eaten.

What to cook

Desserts, fruit salads, juices, cocktails are made from mangosteens, and in many Asian countries they make very tasty jam or jam.

Fruits can be frozen, but, as with heat treatment, fruits somewhat change their specific taste and lose a number of useful substances.



  • mangosteen (pulp) – 500 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • pectin – 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • Boil water, add sugar to it, cook for several minutes;
  • Grind the mangosteen pulp, put it in the resulting syrup, and boil for ten minutes;
  • add lime juice and pectin to the resulting mass and cook over low heat for another five minutes;
  • Place the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Fruit salad


How to cook:

  • Peel the oranges, remove the film from the segments, cut them into pieces;
  • grate the lemon zest and squeeze out the juice;
  • cut mangosteens, feijoas and strawberries into cubes;
  • Roast and chop walnuts;
  • combine sour cream with sugar, lemon juice, beat;
  • Combine fruits, pour sauce, sprinkle with raisins.

Fruity and creamy cocktail


  • mangosteen (pulp) – 500 g;
  • cream – 200 milliliters;
  • water – 200 milliliters;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g.

How to cook:

  • Grind mangosteen into puree;
  • Squeeze juice from lemon;
  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.

Other Applications

For weight loss

Mangosteen is good for reducing appetite, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it for breakfast, then there will be no desire to have a snack before lunch. The fruit burns excess fat in the body.

The fruit has the ability to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, waste, cholesterol, remove excess liquid.

This also helps in losing excess weight. The condition of the skin, hair and nail plates improves.

Mangosteens are fruits with a very short shelf life, so good fruits are often very difficult to find in our country. That's why fresh fruit can be replaced with syrup or peel powder, which also promotes weight loss.

Some people grow the fruit indoors, but the difficulty is that they have to wait about ten years for fruit.

For the treatment of various diseases

An extract is made from the pericarp and used to treat arthritis, radiculitis, and various inflammatory processes.

Peel pieces, dried and powdered Using a coffee grinder, brew it like regular tea. What they treat:

If you make a paste from the powder, then it can be apply for skin diseases like a compress.

In cosmetology

The powdered peel is diluted with warm water or kefir. until pureed and used as a scrub, applying to the face and lightly massaging.

It helps remove toxins from the skin, cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and irritation, improve blood circulation, and get rid of acne.

Face masks with mangosteen peel powder cleanse, moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth the skin:

  • for dry skin: 1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of powder with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the mixture well, add a few drops of coconut oil to it;
  • for oily skin: In 1 tbsp. l. powder add 1 tbsp. l. crushed, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of blue clay;
  • for normal skin: To 1 tbsp. add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk to a spoonful of powder.

Masks are applied to the face for 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Mangosteens are tasty fruits the size of a small tangerine. Their fruits contain unique nutrients that help eliminate many diseases.

Of course, it's a pity that due to their short shelf life, few people are yet available in fresh form. But you can experience their exotic taste by drinking syrup or juice made from them.

And having visited those countries where it is grown, for example, in Thailand, it is worth trying them and preparing their medicinal peel.

An exotic fruit of the Clusium family grows in Southeast Asia. Mangosteen (also known as mangosteen or garcinia) is valued for its medicinal and dietary qualities and contains vitamins and macroelements that are essential for the body. The mangosteen tree has a pyramid-shaped crown and can stretch up to 25 m in length. The bark is scaly, dark, almost black, with orange latex (Gummi-resina Gutti) in its hidden passages. Leaves are green, opposite.

Mangosteen: features

The fruit is oval in shape and very beautiful - a thick dark purple or lilac peel hides inside a white pulp full of sweetness, which is easily divided into slices, and tastes like a tangerine or grape (some will notice the similarity with lychee). There is a bone inside each lobe. The fleshy pulp is eaten fresh, pickled, baked or made into jams, teas and soft purees are prepared. Creams for stretch marks, creams, shampoos are made from mangosteen, and strong furniture is made from the bark of the tree on which the fruit grows. In Ghana, leaves replace chewing gum, and decoctions, thanks to fiber, can restore the gastrointestinal tract and internal intestinal microflora, relieve diarrhea, constipation and yeast in thrush.

The peel, which is often mercilessly thrown away in a hurry to get to the juicy fruit, contains a large number of xanthones (up to 60), which stimulate memory and improve the functioning of the heart muscle (bad cholesterol is removed, the risk of diseases such as ischemia and stroke is reduced).

Xanthones absorb free radicals, destroy viruses, preventing them from entering cells, and strengthen the immune system. Tannin, which is also contained in the peel, easily heals scratches and inflamed wounds, and treats acne.

Mangosteen composition:

  • Ascorbic acid (protects against flu, colds);
  • Nicotinic acid (reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages and smoking);
  • Phytonutrients;
  • Catechin;
  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin D, E;
  • Pectin (in peel);
  • Cellulose;
  • Fatty acids (in seeds);
  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus.

100 g of product contains only 75 calories. The fruits are quickly digested and create a feeling of fullness for a long time. Not only the peel or pulp of the fruit is useful, but also freshly squeezed juice - it maintains the alkaline balance and accelerates lipid metabolism.

Mangosteen: medicinal uses

The fruits are unique - with the help of the juicy pulp you can not only normalize intestinal function or lose weight, but also relieve headaches, restore restful sleep, and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. Antioxidants slow down skin aging, clear blackheads and pimples, treat dermatitis, eczema, acne, and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Lotions with fruit juice relieve swelling and relieve joint pain due to arthritis and radiculitis. The juice is very popular, fights obesity, and is recommended by doctors for recovery after surgery.

  • Cystitis;
  • Urethritis;
  • Neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  • Skin diseases (crushed tree bark is used);
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Leukemia;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes.

The fruits strengthen the skeletal system, saturate with energy, and improve mood.

Harm and contraindications

Mangosteen can trigger allergies, especially for tourists who are unfamiliar with the fruit but want to satisfy their curiosity. Refrain from eating the fleshy lobules if you are taking blood thinning medications: scientists have proven that garcinia affects blood clotting. While the juice of the fruit can be drunk by pregnant women, the pulp from the skin or rind cannot be consumed. If you eat mangosteen in large quantities, you can cause the opposite effect - absent-mindedness, lethargy, or drowsiness instead of activity.

How to choose and clean garcinia

The best time to purchase is winter or summer. If the peel is too light, it means that the fruits were picked ahead of schedule, they did not have time to ripen (they can “reach” condition even when picked). The peel should be clean, free of stains (any dark spot indicates rot), and firm to the touch. A hard fruit is overripe, the pulp inside will be shriveled, and if it is too soft, it will be spoiled. Garcinia can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.

Separate the tail (peduncle), cut the skin with a knife, pry it with your fingers - the fruit easily breaks into halves. The white slices are easy to pick up with a fork. The size of the fruit does not exceed a tangerine, but there are also larger specimens. The larger it is, the more juicy pulp there will be inside.

In contact with



Beneficial properties and contraindications of mangosteen

The exotic fruit mangosteen, also known as mangosteen or mangosteen (lat. Garcinia mangostana), belongs to plants of the genus Garcinia. Distributed in Indonesia and Malaysia. Today it is also cultivated in parts of Southeast and South Asia and exported throughout the world.

Mangosteen fruits are dark purple and spherical in shape. The peel is quite hard, about 5-10 mm thick. The pulp is white, soft, fleshy and juicy, divided into 4-8 segments, and tastes like an orange. There are bones inside.

Fun fact: This fruit was Queen Victoria's favorite treat, which is why it is sometimes called the "king of fruits."

Scope of application

Fresh fruits are consumed raw. This is a delicious dessert that is on the menu of every self-respecting Thai restaurant. And in Malaysia, delicious jam is made from mangosteen pulp.

You can find canned or frozen fruits on sale. Although they lose their unique aroma during processing, this is the price to pay for a long shelf life.

The twigs of the plant are used as chewing sticks in Ghana (West Africa). Furniture is made from beautiful dark brown wood. The peel of the fruit contains a black dye, which is used in China to tan leather.

Various parts of the plant have found use in traditional medicine recipes in Southeast Asia.

The nutritional value

It is a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. The peel contains phytonutrients and bioactive chemicals that are beneficial for health.

Mangosteen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antiviral properties. Contains about 60 xanthones (a record number) - natural phenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial properties.

The peel is rich in pectin, and the seeds are rich in fatty acids, vitamin C and phytonutrients.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen

The medicinal properties of this fruit became known back in the 18th century. Today, many of these properties have received scientific substantiation.

Also read the article: Useful properties of persimmon.

The harm of mangosteen in detail

According to scientific data, xanthones affect blood clotting. Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating mangosteens to people taking blood thinning medications.

Allergic reactions are also possible.

There is no consensus regarding the use of mangosteens during pregnancy. It is better for you to consult your doctor.

Where to buy and how to choose?

These fruits can be found in large grocery stores. Pay attention to the supplier: the delicacy must be from China, Thailand or other countries in Southeast Asia. You can also order the delicacy online.

Choose fruits with a large number of leaves crowning the top. As a rule, they are juicier and contain fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen?

Wash the fruit under running water. Use a sharp knife to cut a circle around the peel. The cut should be deep enough, since the thickness of the peel is about 7-10 mm. Inside you will find white pulp in the form of cloves, like cloves of garlic. Juicy slices can be easily removed from the peel using a spoon.

Meet another exotic fruit that you can eat with a spoon - lychee.

Sweet and sour jam

  • 200 g fruit pulp,
  • 70 g sugar,
  • 70 g water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. lime juice,
  • 1 tbsp. l. pectin

Make sugar syrup from sugar and water. Add syrup to the fruit pulp and cook until soft. Then add 2 tbsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. l. pectin for gelling. Simmer until the jam thickens.

Store the finished jam in an airtight container.


  • 250 g mangosteen puree,
  • 100 g liquid cream,
  • 1 glass of water.

Mix all ingredients in a blender, add sugar to taste.

If you like to discover new healthy foods, pay attention to mangosteen. Even if you don’t like the taste, no one can take away the joy from new experiences.

Mangosteen fruit - beneficial properties and contraindications

Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit and its contraindications for use in treatment and weight loss.

Mangosteen - what it looks like, photo of the plant

Mangosteen (there are variations in pronunciation - mangosteen, mangosteen) is an exotic fruit that grows in a tropical climate. The main admirers of the fruit are residents of Thailand, Indonesia and Southeast Asian countries. Mangosteen is present in their diet every day; traditional dishes are prepared from it.

It is impossible to grow this exotic fruit in our country. The trees on which mangosteen grows die at air temperatures below +5° C. But thanks to suppliers, the exotic fruit can be found on supermarket shelves.

The peel of a ripe fruit is a shade of violet, lilac, quite hard, has a bitter taste, but it is easily removed, and inside the exotic fruit (up to 7-8 cm in diameter) is divided into light slices - from 4 to 8 pieces (personally, I associate these slices with cloves of peeled garlic). There is a small bone inside each lobe.

The amazing, orange-like taste (although some compare it with the taste of grapes), and many beneficial properties for the human body will cover the rather high cost of mangosteen.

Composition and calorie content of mangosteen

The fruits of an evergreen tree have a huge chemical composition:

  • xanthones;
  • catechin;
  • proanthocyanidins;
  • vitamins of groups A, C, E, B and D;
  • microelements (calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and others).

100 grams of mangosteen contains 63-72 kcal.

Mangosteen - beneficial properties of the fruit

What are the benefits of mangosteen, a tropical fruit?

In Asian countries, the beneficial properties of mangosteen fruits have been used in traditional medicine since the 18th century. The fruits are saturated with unique substances necessary for human growth, development and nutrition. To treat diseases, not only the fruits are used, but also the bark and leaves of the tree.

The polyphenolic compounds in mangosteen help heal cells damaged by free radicals. In the body, under their influence, the aging process is inhibited and mental and physical abilities are maintained at a decent level. Antioxidants in mangosteen prevent the development of cancer and trigger self-rejuvenation mechanisms.

  • Caring for the cardiovascular system.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

The bark and leaves of the tree are used in the preparation of medicinal infusions. This remedy, when applied to damaged areas of the skin, helps accelerate healing; medicinal infusions also help with inflammation of the joints and spine.

The fruit has a low calorie content and is ideal for a snack between meals. At the same time, the coarse dietary fiber of mangosteen perfectly saturates the body, and a person does not feel hungry for a long time.

  • Digestive health.

Fresh mangosteen fruits are rich in fiber, which is essential for good digestion. Fruits support the intestinal microflora, preventing opportunistic microorganisms from exceeding the population. Mangosteen helps cope with constipation and other digestive system problems.

  • Normalization of hormonal levels.

Fruits and juice, mangosteen syrup normalize metabolism, accelerate lipid metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands.

  • It has antiviral activity, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
  • Antiallergic properties have been noticed.
  • There is information about the gradual regeneration of liver cells with frequent consumption of the fruit.
  • Helps get rid of migraine-like pain.
  • Helps increase the body's energy.

Mangosteen juice

Mangosteen juice has recently appeared on world markets. It is recommended to be used for well-being and recovery after serious illnesses and surgery. Mangosteen juice is also used to treat obesity and is used in weight loss programs and various diets.

The juice makes the pH alkaline, which is considered healthier and optimal for the body.

The juice of the plant is used both in the prevention of cancer and as an additional supportive agent in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Medicinal uses of mangosteens

In Eastern medicine, the health benefits of mangosteen are appreciated and it is actively used to treat:

  • diseases of the digestive system, a decoction of leaves and peel is used (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and worms);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, thrush, urethritis);
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • brain disorders (migraine, neuralgia, Alzheimer's disease);
  • skin diseases, fruit peel powder is used (seborrhea, acne, burns, eczema);

Harm and contraindications of mangosteen

Like any product, mangosteen should be consumed in moderation. Harm from exotic fruits can occur:

  • If a person is taking medications that act to thin the blood. The fact is that mangosteen contains substances that affect the process of blood clotting. The combination of medicines and fruit is unacceptable.
  • The fruits have a calming effect to some extent; they slow down the reaction rate and reduce alertness. Therefore, people whose work activities are associated with increased danger are recommended to consume mangosteen on weekends and during vacations.
  • Due to the individual characteristics of the body, mangosteen components can cause an allergic reaction. When the first symptoms of fruit intolerance appear (skin rash, joint pain, redness of the skin and itching), you should take an antihistamine.

To avoid the harmful effects of mangosteen on the body, it is also important to choose the right fruit.

Fruit selection

The best time to purchase mangosteen is during the harvest season - summer and winter. At other times of the year, fruits on store shelves are sold in substandard form. Such fruits cannot benefit a person.

Ripe fruits are dark purple in color. The light shade of the fruit indicates that the harvest was harvested ahead of time and the fruits did not have time to ripen. If dark spots appear on the peel, then the mangosteen is already overripe.

When pressed, the fruit should be firm and elastic. A hard skin means the fruit's flesh has rotted.

Before eating, Thais place the mangosteen pulp on crushed ice. Thus, they achieve a refreshing effect from eating the fruit. The light exotic taste of mangosteen goes well with squid, shrimp and fish. These fruits can be added to fruit and spicy salads, and made into milkshakes.

How to eat mangosteen

After making a circular cut, remove the peel from half the fruit; the slices can be pricked with a fork or removed with a spoon.

Basically, the fruit is eaten fresh, although the Thais and Chinese are happy to make desserts and jams from the fruit.

The seasonal price in East Asia fluctuates around $1 per kilogram. Imported fruits are gaining in price.

In a cool, dark, dry place, the fruits can last up to a month.

Mangosteen fruit in cosmetology

The healing properties of mangosteen allow it to be used for cosmetic purposes.

Thus, the fruit extract is used in the production of shampoos, face creams and other cosmetic products. Particularly popular is stretch mark cream with mangosteen. This product moisturizes and tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and healthy appearance.

It is important to understand that the cream will not be able to remove old stretch marks completely. Its use will only help smooth out and make them less noticeable.

Mangosteen: what is it and how is it useful?

If you like to try new exotic fruits, then one of them is mangosteen. The benefits and harms of this unusual natural delicacy are similar to other fruits. In short, it helps the body maintain health, and harm appears only in rare cases of allergies or reactions to chronic diseases. But what is it, why should you try it, and who will benefit most from it?

  • 1 About the benefits
  • 2 About harmfulness
  • 3 Medicinal uses

About the benefits

Mangosteen looks like a smooth little pomegranate with large leaves. Its skin is incredibly thick, it's more like a skin. Inside are sweet fruits the size of an average head of garlic.

The fruit tastes somewhat like a mixture of grapes and lychee.

Any product that nature gives us is full of beneficial properties. Mangosteen is no exception. When you take it, pay attention not only to the sweet pulp, but also to the skin. The latter contains a lot of xanthones. In terms of their usefulness, they are superior to vitamin C, E and everything useful that is contained in aloe juice. And the more antioxidants we get into the body, the easier it is for us to cope with aging and reduce the risks of cancer.

The most important feature of mangosteen, because of which you should definitely try the Thai fruit at least once, is xanthones. These are biological substances that are very similar in function to antioxidants, but much better. In particular, they prevent cell mutations. In total, scientists have counted 200 species of xanthones, and 39 of them are found in mangosteen.

To get any benefits from the fruit, eat it fresh. The Thais make jam from it, but any heat treatment deprives the product of nutrients.

To get the most benefits from the fruit, make a porridge-like puree from the pulp and inner layers of the skin. The amniotic skin, like the fruit itself, has the highest concentration of nutrients. Just mix the pulp with the tender peel and you can eat it.

Against the backdrop of a rich vitamin composition, mangosteen can:

  • strengthen your defenses, which will be useful to you during winter epidemics;
  • cleanse the blood so that there are no problems with the skin, especially the face;
  • regenerate liver cells, which are destroyed by alcohol;
  • optimize the entire digestion process if there are any difficulties with it.

You are unlikely to find mangosteen juice at your market or in the nearest store. Still exotic. At least that's how it is in my city. That's why I order it from iHerb from time to time. This is such a superfruit juice. Some might call this pampering. It's a bit expensive for one sweet juice, but it's not quite an ordinary juice. It also contains a concentrate of goji berries, cherries, pomegranate, goya, and apple. In general, the result is simply a phenomenal explosive mixture with an incredibly high content of xanthones. And all this in one organic liter of concentrated drink.

I don’t just drink it, but add a couple of tablespoons before meals. In autumn and winter, it noticeably gains strength. And this is logical - after all, in winter we eat less fresh fruit, which means there are fewer vitamins. And here is such a great help.

Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this fruit. Substances from mangosteen:

  • regulate fat levels;
  • control blood sugar levels, which is especially useful for those who do not want to face diabetes;
  • burn fats that have just appeared in the body.

And a couple of big statements: eat mangosteen several times a week if you don’t want to face such serious diseases as:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • loose gums;
  • glaucoma;
  • leukemia;
  • eczema;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • melanoma.

Do not think that this fruit alone will save you from the listed diseases, but it will certainly help you stock up on those substances that will bring the body back to normal and at least slow down the development of all these problems. And at the very least, you won’t even know about them. What I wish for absolutely everyone. 😉

To understand how to eat mangosteen correctly, watch this short video. Everything will become clear to you right away.

About harmfulness

How can such a super-healthy fruit be harmful? It's more about caution. For example, pregnant women should not consume mangosteen. There is a risk, if only because you do not know how the body will react to new taste sensations and the very combination of substances in mangosteen, and you will agree that pregnancy is not the period when you need to indulge in experiments. You just never know. Similar warnings apply to nursing mothers.

But if you have already tried mangosteen before pregnancy, then you probably won’t have any problems.

Calorie content of mangosteen – 65 kcal.

On the advice of doctors, you should not eat mangosteen if you are taking any medications for the cardiovascular system. The reaction between fruit and drugs has not been studied and may have an undesirable effect.

This can also include discomfort when eating unripe or overripe fruits. Do you know what happens if you eat green apricots? It's the same here. And it’s very easy not to guess, because it’s difficult for us to understand Thai sweets the first time. When you buy, touch the fruit, it should seem to spring back. If it is very hard, the fruit is not yet ripe, and if it is too soft, then it has already deteriorated.

Mangosteen can cause the most serious harm only in the form of an allergic reaction. If you notice irritation on the skin, then exclude the fruit from your diet. The reaction will go away on its own. Sometimes it is useful to focus on the sensations of taste - if you like the taste of the fruit, there will be no problems. And sometimes the body itself tells you that it doesn’t need it. Although this doesn't always work, it doesn't hurt to listen. 😉

Medicinal use

Mangosteen is used in folk medicine, like any other fruit. In this case, the Thais will help us by saving the peel for treatment at home. Please be careful as this information is for reference only:

  • The skin of the fruit is separated, dried in the sun and then crushed in a mortar. The decoction is prepared in water and is used against intestinal infections, diarrhea, gonorrhea, and cystitis.
  • Another medicine based on mangosteen helps with diarrhea: the pulp is well baked, soaked in warm water and a puree-like paste is prepared from it.
  • Sepals are also used. They are dried for several days in direct sunlight, crushed and prepared as a decoction. The remedy is used against fever and inflammation in the mouth.

Now you know what mangosteen is and what its benefits and harms are. I think it's worth a try. After all, everything that nature gives us strengthens the body better than any medicine. 😉

Mangosteen fruits are small, the size of a large tangerine, round in shape, with a dark purple peel, green leaves and white pulp in the form of 5-7 small cloves, resembling garlic in appearance. Some segments are only juicy pulp, and some contain small seeds that do not separate from the pulp very well. Mangosteens grow on very tall evergreen trees with a voluminous crown. From the moment the tree is planted, at least 9-10 years must pass for it to begin to bear fruit. The mangosteen tree blooms once or twice a year, depending on the climate. And at least 100 days must pass before the fruits fully ripen. One mature tree produces approximately 500 fruits. And the flowers develop on new shoots that have grown over the past year. They are white and quite large. It turns out that wild mangosteens do not occur in nature; they are a natural hybrid of two other wild plant species. The mangosteen is an asexual plant; all its flowers are both female and male, self-fertilizing. And another feature of the queen of fruits is that her flowers do not produce nectar, so when she blooms, neither bees nor any other insects fly to her flowers, unlike all other plants.

The taste of mangosteen always has a pleasant slight sourness, even when it is very ripe. Unripe mangosteen can contain quite a lot of acid and corrode the mouth just like burning pineapples.

The taste of mangosteen combines something between peach, apricot, strawberry, pineapple, and grapes.

Beneficial properties of mangosteen

How to eat mangosteen

You also need to know this interesting point with mangosteens.

Notice the flower pattern on the bottom of the mangosteen. As many petals as there are on it, so many lobes of pulp are in this fruit. This works with absolutely every mangosteen.

Growing mangosteen

Mangosteen fruit

General information

How to eat mangosteen?

Mangosteen fruit: benefits and harms, how to properly peel and eat mangosteen

We grow mangosteen

Surely, many already know about the king of fruits, durian, but it also has a queen. This title was awarded to another delicious exotic fruit - mangosteen. This fruit, which belongs to the clusiaceae family, is native to Southeast Asia. There is no specific country that can be called the country of origin of mangosteen, but it grows in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and parts of America, Colombia and Africa. Mangosteen is suitable only for tropical climates; it is a very heat-loving plant that dies when the temperature drops to +10 degrees.

Mangosteen fruits are small, the size of a large tangerine, round in shape, with a dark purple peel, green leaves and white pulp in the form of 5-7 small cloves, resembling garlic in appearance. Some segments are only juicy pulp, and some contain small seeds that do not separate from the pulp very well.

Mangosteen - queen of fruits

Mangosteens grow on very tall evergreen trees with a voluminous crown. From the moment the tree is planted, at least 9-10 years must pass for it to begin to bear fruit. The mangosteen tree blooms once or twice a year, depending on the climate. And at least 100 days must pass before the fruits fully ripen. One mature tree produces approximately 500 fruits. And the flowers develop on new shoots that have grown over the past year. They are white and quite large. It turns out that wild mangosteens do not occur in nature; they are a natural hybrid of two other wild plant species. The mangosteen is an asexual plant; all its flowers are both female and male, self-fertilizing. And another feature of the queen of fruits is that her flowers do not produce nectar, so when she blooms, neither bees nor any other insects fly to her flowers, unlike all other plants.

The taste of mangosteen always has a pleasant slight sourness, even when it is very ripe. Unripe mangosteen can contain quite a lot of acid and corrode the mouth just like burning pineapples. The taste of mangosteen combines something between peach, apricot, strawberry, pineapple, and grapes.

Beneficial properties of mangosteen

In addition to its amazing taste, mangosteen has many beneficial properties. For example, this fruit has antifungal, antiviral and bactericidal properties, kills cancer cells, relieves inflammation, maintains microbiological balance, protects our immune system, relieves fatigue, promotes fat burning, slows down the aging of the whole body, removes kidney stones, increases mental activity, relieves against depression, good for the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, allergies, ulcers, diarrhea, fever (has a cooling effect) and other ailments. Mangosteen contains a lot of useful substances, vitamins and microelements. It is most valued for its content of vitamins E, C, B, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, thiamine, etc.

As you can see, mangosteen is incredibly healthy, so when you come on vacation to tropical countries, do not forget to include it in your diet. At the same time, mangosteen does not contain fat, and its calorie content is 70-74 kcal. Therefore, this tropical fruit can be eaten in any quantity without any harm to your figure.

How to choose a good mangosteen

There are several secrets on how to choose a good mangosteen. When purchasing, you need to lightly squeeze each fruit, and when you press it should not be oaky, this indicates that the mangosteen has already deteriorated inside and is not suitable for food. Also, mangosteen leaves should be green, not brown. Brown leaves come from old mangosteens, which are a little risky to take; they can be either good, but on the verge of spoilage, or completely spoiled. Don’t be lazy to feel every mangosteen you buy, because good and spoiled fruits look the same. We are all accustomed to the fact that if a fruit spoils, it is immediately noticeable visually, but not in the case of mangosteen. First, it deteriorates inside, then its peel becomes very hard, then the leaves darken, but overall it never looks rotten.

How to eat mangosteen

Eating mangosteen is quite easy. To open this beautiful little fruit, you first need to remove the top (leaves) with a slight twist to the side, then press down on the center of the fruit. This makes it very easy to get the pulp out. When mangosteens are fresh, the top comes off very easily without much effort. It only sometimes happens that the mangosteens have been lying around for some time after picking, but have not yet deteriorated, and then their tops are not so easy to tear off. In this case, you can place the fruit between your palms and squeeze. But such a fruit will be somewhat more difficult to open, and probably some part of it will already be spoiled.

If you want to cut the mangosteen beautifully, then you need to make a cut along the entire mangosteen, but carefully, so as to cut only the peel and not touch the pulp. This method is suitable for very fresh mangosteens with soft skin. Do not try this with hardened mangosteens - it can cause injury.

You also need to know this interesting point with mangosteens. Notice the flower pattern on the bottom of the mangosteen. As many petals as there are on it, so many lobes of pulp are in this fruit. This works with absolutely every mangosteen.

Growing mangosteen

Growing mangosteen at home as a houseplant is quite difficult, but it is still possible if you put some effort into it. This is a very moisture- and heat-loving plant that dies if the temperature drops to +10 +15 degrees. Mangosteen loves the high air humidity that it receives in its homeland in the tropics. You can buy or order mangosteen seedlings online, or you can bring their seeds from your vacation in a tropical country. Enjoy the mangosteen, and save the seeds, they will be useful to you to replenish your collection of house plants. Seed germination is very fast - literally a few days. But then the plant develops very slowly, so you need to be patient. While the mangosteen is small, it needs especially a lot of moisture and more shade. Only at the age of 2-3 years does he need bright open sun. It is believed that mangosteen loves clay soils.

Mangosteens are best eaten where they grow. After all, they are often brought to Russia, but the quality is not the same. They tolerate transportation well, but are not stored for a long time. Therefore, in Russia you cannot taste good mangosteens; they will either be unripe and sour, or oaky to the touch, which means they will be spoiled inside. And in tropical countries, the season of this fruit is different - somewhere in winter, somewhere in summer, etc. It is believed that Thai mangosteens have the best taste and are the sweetest. In general, mangosteen is one of the ten most delicious fruits in the world.

How to eat mangosteen

Mangosteen fruit

Today we will learn all the most interesting things about a tropical fruit with the intriguing name mangosteen. This fruit grows on an evergreen tree, reaching the size of a large tangerine when ripe. The homeland of this plant is considered to be the south-eastern part of Asia, but today it is cultivated in all areas with a tropical climate. After we found out where this tree grows, let's take a closer look at its most interesting part - its delicious fruits.

The ripe fruit of this plant has a purple-burgundy skin color and is inedible. But underneath is what is of gastronomic interest to us. Inside the mangosteen there are from 4 to 8 segments of fruit pulp, as well as the seeds of the plant. The taste of this tropical miracle is very pleasant; it perfectly quenches thirst with its aromatic and very juicy sweet and sour juice. In addition to its excellent taste, the mangosteen fruit has very beneficial properties and extremely high nutritional value. But this is far from the main thing that mangosteen is useful for humans. The most valuable substances contained in it are xanthones. These elements are a true gift from nature to humanity. They can improve memory, stimulate the immune system, and also increase the body's immunity to negative environmental factors. The nonsense is that mangosteen fruits are the only known source of these elements on the entire planet Earth. Add to this the fact that mangosteen contains fiber protein - the most important “part” for building muscles, and you get an almost ideal food for humans!

How to eat mangosteen?

Can't wait to try it yet? Wait a little, first we’ll find out from real gourmets how to eat mangosteen. First you need to know how to choose the right fruit that is ripe but not overripe. A ripe mangosteen should be almost burgundy, very firm to the touch and always large. After all, the thickness of the peel does not depend on size, so in small fruits the edible part is very small. These fruits are most delicious from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Now let's move on to the peeling process itself. We make a shallow cut from the cutting through the lower part of the fruit, and another similar one crosswise. We break the peel and see what we will eat - white slices with seeds attached to them (the seeds should not be eaten). Bon appetit!

If you want to treat your friends to a curiosity you brought from vacation, keep in mind that the shelf life of this fruit is very limited. Even in ideal conditions, in a dry and dark room, it will last just over three weeks after being picked.

Why not grow exotic mangosteen at home? This is not an easy undertaking, but it is quite doable. Keep in mind that the seeds of this plant remain viable for only a short time. No more than 4-5 weeks should pass from the moment the fruit is removed from the tree. If the seeds were packaged properly (wrapped in slightly moistened moss or fiber), their shelf life increases to 8-10 weeks. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, then a mixture of light soil and high-moor peat. Next, we plant the seed to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, a little Wet the soil and cover the container with film. Growing mangosteen at home is greatly complicated by the poorly developed root system, which is why many prospectors fail. You will be able to see shoots only in 5-6 weeks. After you have learned how to plant a mangosteen tree, be patient, because it can only grow to 25-30 centimeters in two years. Well, until the time when you first taste the fruits of the mangosteen tree, at least ten years! Mangosteen loves high humidity, but the soil in the pot should be moist, not wet. Watering should be frequent, but not too abundant. The optimal temperature is 28-30 degrees.

In addition, other unusual fruits can be found in Southeast Asia - Dragon's Eye and Durian.

Mangosteen is called the queen of fruits. The king of fruits is durian. and the queen is mangosteen. There are several names for this fruit - mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia and mangkut. It is often mistakenly called magnostine.

Mangosteens grow throughout Asia, in almost all tropical countries. There are especially many of them in Thailand and Indonesia, and that is where they are the sweetest. For example, Philippine mangosteens are much more sour, they often corrode the mouth just like some pineapples, which never happens with Thai mangosteens. Mangosteens are also very good in Vietnam. This fruit has a very pleasant unusual taste, sweet and sour. But it is quite difficult to describe it. This fruit is a must try. And once you try it, you will hardly be able to forget this taste. This taste can roughly be described as a cross between pineapple, peach, strawberry and grape. The pulp is white, very tender and refreshing, melts in your mouth. Inside each fruit there are several cloves that resemble cloves of garlic in appearance. Some lobules contain seeds (one per lobule), some do not. The number of segments in the fruit is indicated by the pattern at the bottom of the mangosteen - how many petals are on it, how much pulp is inside.

When purchasing mangosteens, make sure they are slightly soft when pressed. Very hard stone ones should not be taken, this means that they have already deteriorated. This is the property of mangosteen - when overripe and spoiled, they become oak-like. When they are fresh and good, they are easily crushed with a little pressure. These mangosteens are very easy to clean by hand. But if you don't want to get your hands or nails too dirty, you can use a knife to make a cut in the center of the mangosteen and open it in half. The easiest way to peel a mangosteen is to press your hands on the fruit, and it will open in half.

Mangosteen season usually occurs twice a year in every tropical country. For example, in Thailand they bear fruit in winter and summer. There are many of them in Indonesia in winter.

Mangosteen grows on tall trees with a spreading crown and large bright green leaves.

Tropical fruit mangosteen: how to choose and eat

These are the ones.

Beautiful and delicious mangosteens!

The dark areas in the lobules are bones:

And these are mangosteen seeds:

The most frequently asked questions about mangosteen

What does mangosteen taste like? ?

Sweet with a slight sourness. Vaguely reminiscent of... fruit drink. The most refreshing fruit I know!

Juicy fruit, like some kind of berry. Not creamy.

How to choose a mangosteen ?

Feel each fruit when purchasing before putting it in your bag. Take only squeezable fruits! Oak mangosteens = already rotten. It’s almost impossible to find unripe mangosteens, but, by the way, they look different - they have a very light skin, pink-violet, and since they are not oak, they are also easy to open with your hands, it’s just that the flesh will not be so sweet and tender.

How to clean and eat mangosteens ?

Forget the knife. Mangosteen is eaten with your hands! Just press on the fruit and it will easily open, providing you with its delicate, refreshing and incredibly tasty pulp.

Is it possible to taste and love mangosteen the first time? ?

This is exactly what usually happens. Everyone loves mangosteen!

Where does it grow the most? ?

In Thailand and Indonesia. However, if you come during the off-season, there will either be no mangosteens at all, or there will be few of them, and they will be of poor quality and expensive.

Which country tastes better? ?

Again in Thailand and Indonesia. Philippines. for example, this is not a mangosteen country at all - they are sour, expensive and there are few of them.

Summer and winter. Usually 2 seasons per year.

Varieties and types of mangosteens

Surely, there are different types and varieties of mangosteens, but I don’t know anything about them. Mangosteen yes mangosteen.

Video about mangosteen:

Beneficial properties and contraindications of mangosteen

The exotic fruit mangosteen, also known as mangosteen or mangosteen (lat. Garcinia mangostana) belongs to plants of the genus Garcinia. Distributed in Indonesia and Malaysia. Today it is also cultivated in parts of Southeast and South Asia and exported throughout the world.

Mangosteen fruits are dark purple in color and spherical in shape. The peel is quite hard, about 5-10 mm thick. The pulp is white, soft, fleshy and juicy, divided into 4-8 segments, and tastes like an orange. There are bones inside.

Fun fact: This fruit was Queen Victoria's favorite treat, which is why it is sometimes called the "king of fruits."

Scope of application

Fresh fruits are consumed raw. This is a delicious dessert that is on the menu of every self-respecting Thai restaurant. And in Malaysia, delicious jam is made from mangosteen pulp.

You can find canned or frozen fruits on sale. Although they lose their unique aroma during processing, this is the price to pay for a long shelf life.

The twigs of the plant are used as chewing sticks in Ghana (West Africa). Furniture is made from beautiful dark brown wood. The peel of the fruit contains a black dye, which is used in China to tan leather.

Various parts of the plant have found use in traditional medicine recipes in Southeast Asia.

The nutritional value

It is a rich source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. The peel contains phytonutrients and bioactive chemicals that are beneficial for health.

Mangosteen has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antiviral properties. Contains about 60 xanthones (a record number) - natural phenolic compounds with a wide range of beneficial properties.

The peel is rich in pectin, and the seeds are rich in fatty acids, vitamin C and phytonutrients.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen

The medicinal properties of this fruit became known back in the 18th century. Today, many of these properties have received scientific substantiation.

According to scientific data, xanthones affect blood clotting. Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating mangosteens to people taking blood thinning medications.

Allergic reactions are also possible.

There is no consensus regarding the use of mangosteens during pregnancy. It is better for you to consult your doctor.

Where to buy and how to choose?

These fruits can be found in large grocery stores. Pay attention to the supplier: the delicacy must be from China, Thailand or other countries in Southeast Asia. You can also order the delicacy online.

Choose fruits with a large number of leaves crowning the top. As a rule, they are juicier and contain fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen?

Wash the fruit under running water. Use a sharp knife to cut a circle around the peel. The cut should be deep enough, since the thickness of the peel is about 7-10 mm. Inside you will find white pulp, in the form of cloves, like garlic cloves. Juicy slices can be easily removed from the peel using a spoon.

Meet another exotic fruit that you can eat with a spoon - lychee.

Sweet and sour jam

  • 200 g fruit pulp,
  • 70 g sugar,
  • 70 g water,
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice,
  • 1 tbsp. pectin

Make sugar syrup from sugar and water. Add syrup to the fruit pulp and cook until soft. Then add 2 tbsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. pectin for gelling. Simmer until the jam thickens.

Store the finished jam in an airtight container.


  • 250 g mangosteen puree,
  • 100 g liquid cream,
  • 1 glass of water.

Mix all ingredients in a blender, add sugar to taste.

If you like to discover new healthy foods, pay attention to mangosteen. Even if you don’t like the taste, no one can take away the joy from new experiences.