The maximum amount of alcohol content. Permissible alcohol limit in ppm: up-to-date information

The maximum allowable ppm rate for driving a car in 2019 is 0.16 ppm in the exhaled air, or about 0.3 ppm in the driver’s blood.

For 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs developed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which the result of a blood test with a content of 0.3 ppm or more will be confirmation of the state of alcohol intoxication. This method will be used if the motorist is too drunk or for some other reason cannot use the breathalyzer.

Norma ppm driving in 2019

In the year of the yellow dog, the ppm rate in exhaled air while driving a car will not change and is 0.16 ppm. Until 2019, the measurement was carried out exclusively with the help of a breathalyzer, and any indicator above the permitted one leads to a fine and deprivation of rights. No limit on the threshold of alcohol in the blood of a motorist has been legally established.

Now this moment will be corrected, and when analyzing the driver’s blood, it will be enough to find 0.3 ppm there for administrative responsibility to begin to operate. It should be understood that 0.3 ppm is quite a bit, and you won’t be able to drink on purpose before traveling by car.

Depending on weight, for a healthy adult, a result of 0.3 ppm requires the following amount of alcohol:

As can be seen from the table, a glass of vodka or a glass of beer is already enough to make it dangerous to drive. In addition, the breathalyzer can show overestimated levels of alcohol in the exhaled air after consuming the following products:

  • Nonalcoholic beer.
  • Fruit juices and fruit drinks.
  • Sweets with cognac and liquor, confectionery with alcohol.
  • Kefir, yogurt, tan and other fermented milk products.
  • A number of medicines, tinctures and alcohol-based medicines.
  • Overripe bananas.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Mouth fresheners.

Unlike alcoholic beverages, alcohol from foods is quickly processed and excreted from the body. After 15-40 minutes, this amount of alcohol can no longer be detected either by a breathalyzer or by a blood test. But one bottle of beer can be excreted up to 4-6 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, gender, weight and other indicators.

Drunk driving penalty

In 2018, the penalty for drunk driving remains the same as last year. At the same time, new changes in the legislation are possible during the year, the tightening of traffic rules and administrative liability for drunk driving.

At the beginning of 2018, the following liability is provided for extra ppm behind the wheel:

  1. At the first fact of violation, the punishment is a fine of 30,000 rubles, as well as deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one and a half to two years.
  2. In case of repeated violation, the amount of the fine increases to 50,000 rubles, and the rights will be deprived for three years.
  3. In the event that a person who has already been fined and deprived of his rights again turns out to be drunk at the wheel, he will be arrested for 10-15 days. All this time the person will be in a prison cell.
  4. Transferring control of a vehicle to a person in a state of intoxication (it does not matter whether a person is deprived of rights, has them or did not receive them at all), threatens the owner of the car with a responsibility similar to driving while drunk on his own: 30,000 fine and deprivation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years. A similar responsibility will have to be borne by the one who was driving at that time.

There are prerequisites for tougher punishment - many State Duma deputies and ordinary citizens are supporting the initiative. It is likely that drunk driving will move from the category of administrative offenses to the category of criminal.

Table of alcohol excretion from the body

In order to approximately imagine the time of excretion of various alcoholic beverages from the body and calculate the period after which you can drive, you should use the calculation table:

For a more accurate calculation, use from the human body.
It should be understood that the information in the table is not final. Each person's body is different, so you should always leave as much time as possible before getting behind the wheel.

To drink or not to drink while driving is a question that always sounds relevant. How it is allowed, how much per mille is allowed according to the norms of the new law in 2019 - is described in the article.

In Latin, ppm literally means “per thousand”. It is one thousandth or one tenth of a percent.

This unit is designated "‰" and serves, among other things, to determine the amount of alcohol in the composition:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • vapors exhaled by humans.

The ratio between milligram per liter and ppm is 0.45.

1 ‰ = 0.45 mg/l.

How to measure it

Two methods are common:

  1. When the presence of alcohol in the air mass exhaled by a person into a special tube is determined.
  2. When blood alcohol content is detected. A driver suspected of drinking alcohol is sent to a medical facility where blood is taken from a vein.

In both cases, breathalyzers are used with a small error of 0.05 ‰.

The new legislative norms are drawn up taking into account the permissible error that may arise:

  • when taking alcohol-containing products;
  • due to the presence of endogenous alcohol in the body.

On a note! Endogenous alcohol is the presence of ethanol (monohydric alcohol) inside a person. Fermentation is constantly taking place in the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of microbes, sugar breaks down, resulting in the formation of alcohol. It is absorbed by the mucous membrane and enters the liver with blood. At the same time, the concentration of alcohol is quite high. It is 0.04-0.15 ml per 100 ml. This is facilitated mainly by fermented milk products and bacterial fermentation products.

Method 2 gives the greatest objectivity. It is he who is the source of the information entered into the protocol, which later serves as an evidence base.

What is the norm

According to Art. 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, before driving a vehicle, during driving and after an accident, you can not take substances that contribute to intoxication.

At the same time, administrative responsibility threatens a person with a concentration of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of gases exhaled by him, exceeding the permissible error. Its value is expressed as 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ‰. For comparison, in 2013 it was 0.01 mg.

In the amount of alcohol, this is expressed as follows: 33 g per average weight of a male representative, equal to 80 kg. The calculation can be made independently using the online calculator:

How much did you drink?

ml by strength


ml by strength


ml by strength


Your mass

Hours passed

Alcohol concentration (ppm)

You can get behind the wheel through

Where did such a figure come from? As mentioned above, the error of the instrument is 0.05 ‰. Given this indicator, in order to comply with the rights of drivers, a triple margin was taken and a calculation was made:

  • 0.05 x 3 = 0.15 mg/l
  • 0.15 mg/l + 0.01 mg/l (stock) = 0.16 mg/l

For indicators of alcohol in the blood, the limit is 0.35 mg / l or 0.778 ‰.

How to avoid a fine

Alcoholic drinks

The period of weathering of alcohol from the body is quite long.

Some averages:

Name Fortress Time Beverage volume Human weight
Beer 4-6 about 30-40 min 100 g 80 kg
Champagne 11 about 1 hour 15 minutes
Vodka 40 about 4 hours 20 minutes
Cognac 42 about 4 hours 40 minutes

Just feeling that a person has already sobered up is not enough. The test may not be in his favor.


As already mentioned, alcohol in the blood is produced without the use of alcohol-containing liquids.

The most "dangerous" products include:

  • all sour milk;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • beer without alcohol content;
  • oranges;
  • overripe bananas;
  • juices (warm);
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • black bread.

But you can detect a large concentration of alcohol only with a large amount of their use. If one sandwich with sausage and candy is eaten, this will be taken into account precisely because of the introduction of a discount on the error. And until 2013, you could get a fine by drinking a glass of curdled milk.

What awaits a drunk driver

Important! Since July 2013, the Code of Administrative Offenses has been amended with regard to fines related to intoxication. In order not to focus on outdated information, you need to take them into account by examining the data from the tables.

Violation Punishment until July 2013 In 2019
Art. 12.8
When a car is driven by a drunk person Rights are taken away for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Rights are taken away for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Fine 30 thousand rubles
When the function of driving a car is transferred to a drunk person
When driving is a drunk person who:
  • does not have a driving license*
  • deprived of this right
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 5 t. on those who are not subject to arrest**
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 30 thousand rubles instead of arrest
Art. 12.26
When the driver does not want to carry out a medical examination for 1.5 - 2 years
  • Deprivation of VP for 1.5-2 years.
  • Fine 30 thousand rubles
Same action:
  • in the absence of a driving license
  • upon deprivation of VP
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 5 t. inability to arrest
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 30 thousand rubles except for arrest
Art. 12.27
When a driver drinks alcohol after an accident Deprivation of VP for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Deprivation of VP for 1.5-2 years.
  • Fine 30 thousand rubles

*On the basis of Article 27 of the Road Safety Law of 10.12.1995 No. 196 FZ, only a person who has passed the exam and received a certificate can drive a car. In Russia, its citizens must have a national identity card, and foreigners - national or international.

**In accordance with art. 3.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, arrest cannot be applied to:

  • pregnant women;
  • female persons whose children have not reached the age of 14;
  • minors;
  • disabled people of 1 and 2 groups;
  • military;
  • called up for training;
  • employees of a number of executive structures with a special title.

Punishment under the Criminal Code

The above penalties apply when the violations considered do not have signs of a criminal offence. If they exist, punishment is imposed on the basis of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Administrative violation with negligent consequences Kind of consequences

(criminal act)

Punishment Mandatory additional punishment
Public works for the period Imprisonment for a period
Drunk driving Serious bodily injury

up to 3 years

up to 4 years Inability to work in certain positions

conduct a definition activities

death of a man Not provided from 2
Death of 2 or more persons from 4

These sanctions, both for administrative violations and for criminal offenses, are applied when the fact of intoxication has been proven against the offender.

To do this, the excess of the amount of alcohol in the exhaled air or in the blood is established -

0.16 mg/l (0.356 ‰); 0.35 mg / l (0.778 ‰) - respectively.

Criminal punishment can be applied to persons who have committed the indicated acts and who have refused to undergo an examination.

Drinking alcohol while driving can not only "run into" trouble, but also commit a criminal offense. Therefore, one should be moderate in drinking before driving. Permissible levels of alcohol in the blood are indicated in the article.

The drink-driving ban does not prevent individual drivers from consuming alcohol. They believe that a little alcohol is not scary.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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How many ppm is allowed for a Russian driver in 2019? Until 2013, in the Russian Federation, the norm for drivers was considered to be “zero” per mille of blood alcohol content.

But since ordinary products can show the presence of an alcohol component, the law has been amended. How many ppm is allowed for 2019?

Basic moments

Any type of alcohol includes an alcohol-containing component, since it contains ethyl alcohol or ethanol.

Alcoholic drinks are invariably popular, because after taking them, a person feels a sharp rise in strength, vivacity, and an improvement in mood.

But such “stimulants” also have side effects, in particular:

  • dispersion of attention;
  • slowing down the reaction;
  • decrease in mental abilities;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

In addition to the physiological impact of alcohol, there is also a psychological impact. So a drunk driver can:

  • underestimate the difficult traffic situation;
  • be in a false state of excitement or oppression;
  • Difficulty in driving calculations.

Plus, to all of the above, the possible inadequacy of behavior is added. From this it is clear why it is forbidden to consume alcohol-containing drinks and products while driving.

At the same time, a drunk driver is not at all a drunken subject with absolutely uncontrollable behavior.

In order for alcohol to begin its action, it is enough to drink a little beer or a light alcoholic cocktail.

Many drivers flaunt that, to a certain degree of intoxication, they can drive a car perfectly. Sometimes you can't even tell by the appearance of the driver that he is drunk.

But the degree of tolerance of alcohol does not change the essence of the matter, it affects any organism. This necessitates the approval of the ppm norm.

But the danger to the driver is not only alcoholic beverages. Some seemingly ordinary products contain a certain amount of ethyl.

Certain medications can also raise blood alcohol levels. Due to this, a check of a completely non-drinking person can show the content of alcohol in the blood.

Required terms

Per mille is a value that determines the degree of intoxication. It is calculated based on the blood alcohol content.

A value of 0.1 ppm is equivalent to 0.045 mg of alcohol per liter of blood. Per mille is a quantitative indicator.

Measuring with its help the degree of intoxication allows you to accurately determine the presence of ethyl alcohol in the body.

At the same time, this type of measurement can also determine that the driver consumed alcohol-containing products the day before.

Ethyl alcohol disappears from the body for a long time. And even when the subject believes that he is completely sober, the test will show the presence of alcohol in the blood.

This fact should be taken into account when drinking strong drinks before the trip. As an example of calculations, a table of periods for the complete elimination of alcohol from the human body.

What products are prohibited

According to chemical processes, the formation of alcohol occurs from water with the presence of sugar. Due to fermentation, a reaction occurs in which carbohydrates are converted into alcohol.

Many foodstuffs are produced using the fermentation process. For example, kefir, kvass, soda. Quite quickly, the formation of alcohols in overripe fruits.

Some products do not contain alcohol at all at first glance. It is unlikely that the average person will consider alcohol-containing:

  • chocolate candies;
  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • warm natural juices;
  • oranges;
  • overripe bananas;
  • yogurt, curdled milk, kefir;
  • black bread sandwich with sausage.

What is the surprise of the driver, who ate a piece of rye bread with sausage for breakfast and drank tea with chocolates, when a certain amount of ppm was found during the check by the traffic police inspectors.

While the law on zero ppm was in effect, many drivers were fined and even deprived of their rights for drinking a glass of kefir or kvass.

This aspect has caused a lot of controversy. This was the reason for the amendments to the legislation.

Legal regulation

Now an unacceptable degree of intoxication is recognized as the amount of ethyl alcohol in a volume that exceeds 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air.

Prior to the approval of this amendment, administrative punishment was applied even if 0.01 ppm was detected in the blood. This often led to unreasonable fines and punishments.

As for the provision provided for under these articles, in the event of a primary violation, a fine of thirty thousand rubles is imposed on the driver.

In this case, the driver loses the right to drive transport for a period of one and a half to two years.

In the event of a secondary violation, a fine of fifty thousand rubles is applied and the driving of the vehicle is prohibited for a three-year period.

When the fined driver again gets behind the wheel in a state of intoxication, he may also face an administrative arrest lasting from ten to fifteen days.

If the medical examination is refused, the driver is automatically recognized as drunk and is subject to appropriate punishment.

If the driver transfers control to a person who is in a state of intoxication, he is also fined thirty thousand rubles and loses the right to drive transport for a period of up to two years.

Also deserves attention. Although the maximum period for which a driver can lose his license is three years, a repeated violation is also taken into account.

And the period of deprivation is added as soon as the previous punishment ends. All drivers, including those who operate a scooter, are liable for drunk driving.

How many ppm is allowed to drive in Russia in 2019

After the legislation regarding the content of ppm in the blood of the driver changed, many were interested in the issue of consumption rates.

What can you eat and drink in the evening, and in what volume, so that in the morning alcohol does not exceed the permissible value?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. It depends on the specific organism. Meaning are:

  • the amount drunk;
  • regularity of consumption;
  • gender;
  • body weight;
  • age category;
  • the presence of certain diseases;
  • individual characteristics of metabolism.

For example, a middle-aged man weighing about eighty kilograms will drink a bottle of ordinary light beer. One bottle of beer contains approximately 0.32 ppm.

Alcohol will be completely eliminated from the body in about three hours. But if a fragile girl drinks the same amount, then it will take much more time for complete weathering.

In the evening, on the eve of a morning trip, you can drink a glass of light wine, a glass of beer or a glass of vodka without fear of possible consequences.

With such a number in the morning, the indicator will not exceed the norms established by law.

After which drug alcohol is detected in the blood

Many car owners are unaware that taking certain medications can show the presence of ppm in the blood.

Of course, such an option can be assumed when it comes to various alcoholic tinctures of herbs. But conventional antiviral agents can also contain a percentage of alcohol.

And it is quite likely to lose a substantial amount of money and the right to drive a vehicle for a long time just for taking preventive drugs during the flu season.

Alcohol content is observed in such preparations:

There is a certain amount of alcohol in such popular medicines as motherwort and valerian tinctures, barboval and corvalol. Taking these medications will invariably show the presence of alcohol in the blood when tested.

Permissible norm

The new edition clearly shows how much alcohol is allowed. This is 0.16 ppm and no more.

The amendment is due not only to the fact that certain products can contribute to the detection of alcohol in the blood.

The possible measurement error was also taken into account, since the instruments used can show ± 0.05 ppm.

Sometimes drivers wonder how much ppm is allowed in Moscow? After all, some laws provide for strictly defined provisions for specific regions.

There are no differences in this case. operates equally throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

That is, now the driver can drink a glass of kefir at lunchtime or quench his thirst in the heat with a glass of kvass, or calm his nerves with Corvalol.

During measurements, a certain amount of ppm will be detected, but it will not exceed the allowable value.

Of course, the new amendments, as before, do not allow the use of alcohol-containing drinks while driving.

Knowing the allowable rate, you can independently calculate the amount of alcohol that can be consumed on the eve of the trip.

For this, it is possible to use a special calculation algorithm - the Vedmark formula. To use it, you need to know:

According to the Vedmark formula, different correction factors are used - 0.6 for women and 0.7 for men.

This is due to the fact that the female body is more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than the male. The calculation will be like this:
In one hour, about 0.1 ppm disappears from the female body, and 0.15 ppm from the male body.

Although individual characteristics and circumstances also matter. But it is possible to roughly calculate the amount of permissible drinking.

How is blood alcohol level measured?

There are two ways to measure your blood alcohol level:

A blood test during the examination is considered more objective. It also becomes a decisive method for determining the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Based on the blood test, data on the amount of alcohol are entered into the protocol, and they become the basis for the charge.

Patrol services use breathalyzers to determine the degree of intoxication. These are devices that measure the level of alcohol in the blood in ppm.

There are such types of breathalyzers:

At the same time, breathalyzers are divided into personal and professional. The latter are used by traffic police officers.

Some types of breathalyzers show the result in mg / l, and not in ppm. You can translate the value in ppm using the Dubrovsky formula.

According to this algorithm, the alcohol content in the exhaled air depends on the product of the alcohol concentration of the drink drunk and a number of correction factors.

Video: the permissible rate of alcohol while driving. Why exactly 0.16 ppm? Just about complex

The formula is rather complicated, but its main essence can be reflected. To convert the readings of the breathalyzer in ppm, you need to divide the value displayed in mg / l by 0.15.

When the breathalyzer showed the presence of alcohol in the blood, but in fact the driver did not drink alcohol, it is possible to prove the case.

Formally, the use of a breathalyzer is not considered an examination. Objectively, it is purely conditional and mainly when the amount per mille significantly exceeds the permissible norm.

To clarify the results, you must go to the hospital.

It is also important to know such a nuance that the traffic police officer is obliged to measure in the obligatory presence of two witnesses.

If the driver asks, then the passport of the measuring device must be presented and the numbers of the breathalyzer must match the passport data.

Among other things, the used breathalyzer must be entered in the register of medical equipment of the Ministry of Health.

Penalties for violation

Under the current legislation, the penalties for drunk driving are:

If a drunk driver gets into

It is also important that when paying a fine for drunkenness, it will not be possible to use a fifty percent discount from the state for timely payment.

How much kvass and kefir can be consumed

With alcoholic beverages, everything is more or less clear, since their etiquettes indicate the alcohol content.

A half-liter package of kefir, consumed immediately, will show a value of 0.19 ppm. But after fifteen minutes, no traces of alcohol in the body will be found.

After a jar of kvass (about 250 grams), the ppm index will be 0.4, and this is an occasion for a more detailed medical examination.

As in the case of kefir, traces of alcohol disappear quickly. But still, after drinking these drinks, it is advisable to wait a while, and then get behind the wheel.

Of course, the new rules have made life easier for drivers. But it is better to know which foods are not desirable.

Permissible per mille of alcohol while driving 2019 in Russia - how much you can drink so that your rights, norms in blood and exhaled age are not taken away, as well as the calculation for the amount drunk and how much alcohol disappears. The maximum punishment is the deprivation of a driver's license for two years, as well as a fine of about 30 thousand rubles. For a repeated violation - already 300 thousand fines, imprisonment for 3 years, as well as imprisonment for up to 2 years. Since almost every second man at least once a year gets behind the wheel after a corporate party or a family holiday, where it is simply impossible not to miss a glass, this information will be extremely useful. Naturally, there is no call for drunk driving - just a reference for motorists.

Permissible ppm level for 2019 in the Russian Federation:

In blood

In exhaled air

It is curious that in a person who does not drink at all, or even in a child, a breathalyzer can show from 0.02 to 0.20 ppm. In patients with diabetes, this figure can be a large figure. This is the imperfection of Russian legislation. In Ukraine, for example, the minimum threshold level is 0.2, and in Europe it is quite possible to drive up to 0.8 without a fine.

The dose of alcohol in ppm per average man and how much it disappears:


Promille in the blood after drinking

After how much it will leave the body, hours.

Bottle of beer 0.5 liters

Bottle of wine 0.7 liters

Vodka, 100 grams

Cognac, 200 grams

Whiskey, 100 grams

Kvass, 500 ml

Kefir, 500 ml

Alcohol affects everyone in different ways, the body can immediately begin to break down alcohol, or it can release it additionally, especially after sweet or some satisfying foods. Therefore, from a bottle of beer, you can already lose your rights. Of course, the norms for per mille of alcohol driving in 2019 in Russia are completely draconian, as in Sudan. In Europe, for example, they drink wine all the time at dinner, there are more speeds on the roads, and there are fewer accidents.

Five facts about drinking and driving:

Fact #1: Most accidents occur when reversing.

Oddly enough, after drinking, it is easiest to dent the car when reversing maneuvers. This is due to a malfunction of the cerebellum.

Fact #2: Novice drivers drive better drunk.

Alcohol gives confidence to the driver, in small doses it even improves the reaction. However, the lack of experience and the awakening desire to go crazy can do a lot of trouble.

Fact #3: Drunk driving is more common among masturbators.

According to statistics, almost 87% of drunk drivers caught at least once in their lives engaged in masturbation. At the same time, the state is in no hurry to deal with the root cause of drunk driving.

Fact #4: Most drunk drivers are caught on New Year's Eve.

During New Year's Eve alone, about 10-12 thousand drunk drivers are caught in Moscow. Basically, they come across at 3-4 o'clock in the morning, when they reinforce the traffic police squads.

Fact number 5: If you teach to drive drunk from childhood, the likelihood of getting into an accident is halved.

Residents of one of the villages of Bavaria from childhood gave their children beer, forcing them to drive a car after that. Only 50% of these children died or remained disabled after an accident.

Of course, the permissible per mille of alcohol driving in 2019 in Russia should be raised to a higher level, but speed limit measures should be tightened.

Currently, the sober driver service is gaining popularity, which allows you to get to your destination by attracting a third-party driver.

⚡️How much per mille of alcohol is allowed while driving in 2019, penalties and fines for drunk driving in Russia. Table of the complete elimination of alcoholic beverages from the body.

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The allowable recorded amount of alcohol in the driver's body, at which you can avoid punishment in 2019 is: Less than 0.3 grams of alcohol per liter of blood or less than 0.16 ppm of alcohol in exhaled air.

If there is more alcohol in the body, the driver will be punished under one of the most stringent Articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.8 part 1 (traffic police fine 30,000 rubles + deprivation of rights for up to 2 years).

Law: Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of intoxication, if such actions do not contain a criminally punishable act -

There are not a number of situations involving drunk driving. In all cases, large traffic police fines, deprivation of a driver's license, and in some cases criminal liability are provided.

Table of fines for alcohol while driving (all cases considered)

No. Articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the essence of the violation (for 2019) Punishment (for 2019)
12.8.1 Driving a vehicle while intoxicated
12.8.2 Transfer of vehicle control to a drunk driver Fine 30,000 rubles. and deprivation of rights from 18-24 months
12.8.3 Driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication without a license (not yet received or already deprived) Arrest for 15 days
264.1 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Repeated driving of a vehicle while intoxicated Fine 200,000-300,000 rubles. or imprisonment up to 2 years
12.26.1 Refusal to undergo a medical examination for intoxication Fine 30,000 rubles. and deprivation of rights from 18-24 months
12.26.2 If you do not have a license (have already been deprived or have not yet received) and you refuse to undergo a medical examination for intoxication Arrest up to 15 days
12.27.3 Use of alcohol or drugs after an accident or stop by a traffic police officer Fine 30,000 rubles. and deprivation of rights from 18-24 months

What is ppm?

A ppm is a unit of measure that represents a thousandth. Those. 1 ppm means a concentration of one thousandth per liter of blood or exhaled air. Thus 1 ppm equals 1 gram per liter of air or blood.

Example: A driver has 0.2 ppm of alcohol in his blood. This means that 0.2 grams of alcohol is found in a liter of blood.

Measurement methods

As follows from the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which defines the punishment for the presence of alcohol in the body, there are two ways to determine the presence of blood in the body:

  1. blood test,
  2. Air analysis.

Both procedures are called medical examination.

Air analysis is the most common method for determining if a driver has been drinking. In the people, this method of examination is called "blow into the tube."

Air analysis can be carried out by a traffic police inspector at the place where the driver stops. Remember that if you have doubts about the procedure, you can refuse it. There will be no punishment for this. But for refusal, you may be asked to undergo a medical examination by donating blood in a medical institution. You cannot refuse this procedure - a fine and deprivation of a driver's license will follow.

A blood test is performed in two cases:

  1. The driver does not agree with the result of the air analysis,
  2. The inspector does not agree with the results of the air analysis, since there are clear signs of intoxication.

How many ppm is acceptable driving in 2019?

In 2019, the allowable alcohol limit is 0.3 ppm in blood and 0.16 ppm in exhaled air. The fact that the law prescribes the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood does not mean that the state has officially allowed drinking while driving.

The presence of a permitted norm is intended only for one thing: to exclude situations where a driver is deprived of his license due to a meager amount of alcohol in the blood. This situation could happen: because of the drunk medicines, kvass, and in some situations simply because of the presence of an error in the measurements.

Periods of complete elimination of alcohol from the human body

“Removal of alcohol from the body” is the most popular question among drivers who “took on their chest” on the eve of the trip. There is no method that would allow you to accurately calculate how long alcohol will disappear from the blood.

According to estimates, an average of 7-10 g of alcohol is processed in one hour. As a result, 40 g of 40% vodka disappear from the body in 3.5 - 4 hours. Time will decrease if you do not go to bed after drinking, move. However, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. The age of the person who drank
  2. The weight of the person who drank
  3. The way a person ate while drinking.

Drunk driving ticket

The fine for drunk driving in 2019 is a fine in the amount of 30,000 rubles and deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of one and a half to two years.

1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of intoxication, if such actions do not contain a criminally punishable act, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to drive transport vehicles for a term of one and a half to two years.