Madeline Hatter (Desperate Madness) - character biography, photos and reviews of dolls. Madeline Hatter's diary, Madeline Hatter's story What does Madeline look like from Ever After High

Time to drink tea! Madeline Hatter, the daughter of the Mad Hatter from Wonderland, will be happy to make tea and take out a tray of cakes from her magic hat. In her hat, in general, there is everything that you want to order! Doll Madeline Hatter is the most smiling and funny girl in Ever After High School, she loves to play charades and speak in riddles. She learned this in Wonderland, where little Maddie will definitely return to become the new Mad Hatter.

Because of these habits, her classmates at Ever After High think she's a little weird... or VERY weird, but she doesn't get offended. She loves all her friends. And she has no enemies. And she knows for sure that a smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence, and all the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen! That's what it means - an easy character, everyone wants to buy a Madeline Hatter toy in the Magic Dolls online store, she is so cute. The best series and collections of Ever After High toys at a super price are already on sale.

Who is the doll hat expert?

The Medellin Hatter doll has a feature that no one else has (except, perhaps, Kitty Cheshire, who is also a roommate) - she is the only one who hears the storytellers who tell. She herself knows many wonderful stories that she will gladly tell her little mistress!

Madeline Hatter

The Mad Hatter's Daughter

My parents story:

Fairy tale: Alice in Wonderland

A few details about myself:

Secret desire of the heart:

And explore this very crazy world and have the most famous Hat and Tea shop in the fairyland in the whole magical world!

Roommate: Kitty Cheshire

My "magic" talent:

With my Magic Hat, I can get anything. Tea sets, school books, white rabbits...and it's all somewhere deep inside my hat.

Romantic Story:

Oh, I'm looking forward to meeting over a cup of tea with a guy who, like me, is crazy. and adoring all sorts of madness there!

Exceptional moments:

In general, a lot of people think that I'm crazy. Therefore, no one really believes me when I say that I can easily see into the future.

My favorite subject:

Ximia. I love making all sorts of magic potions to make things bigger or smaller!

My Least Favorite Subject:

I don't like having discussions. If people spoke more in the language of riddles, maybe then this lesson would be better given to me.

My best friends:

Raven Queen and Cedar Wood Actually, I like them all!

Name: Madeline Hatter


Daughter: The Mad Hatter

Side: Rebel

Favorite Food: Tea with pancakes

Roommate: Kitty Cheshire

Madeleine Hatter is a student at EverAfterHigh School (Long and Happily). She really wants to know this crazy world. Madeleine is a cheerful and positive person, she never loses heart and encourages others. She would like to live an interesting and fun life, she always strives to learn something interesting.

Her favorite subject: Chemistry. Madeline loves to brew potions that make people grow or shrink!

Her least favorite subject: Debate. If more people spoke in riddles, then maybe Madeline would love this subject more.

More than anything, Madelyn Hatter wants to explore this crazy world, as well as open the most famous hat shop and tea shop!

Magical Ability: Jolly Madi can take anything out of her magic hat. It can be a tea set, a white rabbit or textbooks.

Appearance: Madeleine Hatter has fair skin. Light makeup on her face is made in purple and pink tones. The beautiful Madi has long curly hair with turquoise and dark pink strands, and beautiful blue eyes.

Madeleine wears a beautiful, but at the same time unusual dress. The top of the dress is light golden in color, and the short sleeves are dark purple. The skirt of the dress consists of three layers. The first layer is purple with a beautiful golden pattern. The second layer is blue. The third layer is black, it is also decorated with multi-colored sequins. The skirt of the dress is adorned with a beautiful big blue bow, which will give Madeleine a very pretty look! In addition to her unusual, but at the same time very beautiful outfit, the beautiful Madi wears blue gloves with white polka dots and a very interesting hat in the form of a purple cup, because Madeline loves to drink tea! Also, Madeleine Hatter wears white tights with blue polka dots and white shoes with a very unusual yellow heel. Madi also completed her original look with golden teaspoon earrings, a blue necklace with various stones and a purple ring in the form of a small rose. Madeleine Hatter stands out from the big crowd at EverAfterHigh with her unique yet beautiful style!

Madi chose a special outfit for the vow day. She wore a beautiful orange-and-blue striped dress, adorned with a black collar with multi-colored sequins and a purple collar. In addition to the dress, Madeleine wore beautiful purple gloves decorated with bows, a purple hat and unusual earrings in the form of small teapots. To look even more beautiful, Madeleine Hatter made a big fluffy ponytail on her side, which perfectly complements her inimitable look!

Relationships: We don't know anything about relationships with parents yet.

Friends: Madeleine Hatter's best friends are RaveQueen, daughter of the Evil Queen, and SeriesHood, daughter of Little Red Riding Hood.

Love: according to Madi herself, she would like to drink tea with a guy who loves madness as much as she does.


D ying dong, ding dong! Madeline Hatter sends her regards to you. And to bow in addition to the riddle. Madeleine is me, or Maddie for short.
*Translated from Riddlish: “Hi, my name is Maddie. Would you like to hear the riddle?

What comes from your heart, but is done with the help of the mind; What is the bell ringing about, and what is not what it was from the very beginning? Give up? The correct answer is "change"! This is a word that many fairy tales do not like very much. They usually like to do the same thing over and over again. Little Red Riding Hood always wonders why Grandma has such big teeth. Goldilocks always eats Little Bear's porridge. And my dear father, the Mad Hatter of Wonderland, always throws a puzzle-filled tea party with a mysteriously normal girl named Alice. As children of these legends, we study at Ever After High. But we don't just go to school... we live, eat and sleep there. The headmaster says we must masterfully live our parents' stories, or "follow our destinies." For me, it's like candy canes. My fate is just a wrapper-stick! But my best friend to the END, Raven Queen, is not so lucky. Her mom is the creepy Evil Queen, while Raven herself is creepy cool. And it's so sad! I'd hang up my hat too if it was my destiny to deliver poisoned apples. But here I take out the cups before I put the kettle on. Let me start from the very beginning.


TO Every year before school starts, Principal Grimm asks all students to come for Orientation Week. Of course, this is mandatory, but he prefers to be polite. This year is special. On Legacy Day, we will open the Tome of Legends and vow to follow in the fabulous footsteps of our parents. I'm looking forward to throwing my first tea party in Wonderland! Of course, there is a small problem: they sealed the portal to our house. Apparently, the Queen of Hearts "lost a few cards from the deck" and became the Queen of Psychics. Wonderland was declared too dangerous. Because of this, Princess Lizzie Hearts is terribly upset, and it is very annoying. Lizzie is really so warm despite all her cries “FROM THE SHOULDER THAT!” And “OFF YOUR SHOULDER!”

Anyway, we all gathered in the Enchanted Hall for the "Back to School" meeting. I always find the seats in the Enchanted Hall uncomfortably hard. For royal students, there are comfortable throne chairs on the upper balcony, but that's another story. I was digging through my magic hat for a seat cushion when I saw something strange: a dark room, covered in cobwebs. I knew immediately that I had a vision.

It happens from time to time. You see, the world is so crazy that sometimes I see the future through the prism of madness. It's very funny and exciting, especially because I never know when it's going to happen! Unfortunately, for some reason no one believes me. OK! Inside the dark room was a cracked mirror. And not just a mirror...

magical Mirror. The silky fog began to dissipate, and then the mirror suddenly looked directly at me and uttered one word ... Raven.

The vision ended abruptly and I found myself back in the Enchanted Hall. I tried to tell Raven about what I saw, but she looked so sad and thoughtful. Maybe the headmaster, as usual, was talking about accepting his fate. Or maybe I was speaking Riddlish again. You know about Riddlish, right? This is the language of wonderland riddles. I sometimes forget that non-Wonderlanders take it as crazy babble.


“MADELINE HATTER!” Professor Rumpelstiltskin screeched my name loudly. I joined a group of my friends: Cedar, Blondie and Kitty Cheshire. Kitty is also from Wonderland. She smiles all the time, even when she's not happy, which seems to happen to her all the time. No matter what Kitty says, she and I are great friends. “Oh, my fairy godmother. This is Maddie. Tell me, will you ever disappear?”

I love her riddles! Let's see… "disappear"… Kitty disappears when she gets bored. That is, she "bored". And it was "You". I love tea and riddles and she knows it. Here it is! “With me you don’t miss-tea-eat! Great riddle, Kitty!”

At first she sighed, but then perked up and scribbled something on a piece of paper. “Another Mystery for Maddie” She gave me a drawing of a monster destroying a city. “What does it deserve in your opinion?”

“Oh Kitty! It is so simple". A picture deserves a thousand words, but where is the best place to look for words? In library! I rushed to look for an answer, and Kitty howled with laughter. I'll show her! She won't beat me at riddles!


I I love it when something unexpected happens! For example, I expected help from the librarian, but all she did was shushed on me. So I flipped Monster Encyclopedia And History of the Villages and the Monsters that Destroyed Them, but they were more intimidating than helpful. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a knock coming from afar. There was something familiar about it. It wasn't a knock that says "Hi, I'm at the door". No, it was more like "Find me if you can". I LOVE hide and seek! I also love “knock-knock – who's there?” jokes. And here it was two in one! I was just about to start when the librarian kicked me out. No problem. "See you tomorrow", I tapped back.


H The inscription on the door of my dorm room said that my roommate is Raven! Yey! She's been feeling so bad lately that I can't wait to cheer her up with Maddie's epic tea party! I unpacked my best teapots when Raven opened the door and happily sang my name! I hugged her tightly and handed her a huge cup of strong tea, asking her how her day went. She rolled her eyes and puffed out her cheeks.

While I was twiddling my thumbs, she was on field trips with other fairy tale "villains." Apparently, they bow to the fact that she is the next Evil Queen. Just a fabulous failure! But I know how to make Raven say "Oh yeah!" She likes this game from Wonderland called “What If”. It's a poetry game where you figure out how to turn something boringly ordinary into something wonderfully extraordinary!

Raven started the game: “I won't go to sleep in bed...” I imagined a soft and cozy place to sleep. I know! “I will spend the night in bread!” Now it was my turn. I wanted to make Raven smile. Oh, well, of course! “Evil will not be Queen...” Raven had trouble with that, like she couldn't find a rhyme for "Queen". After a moment's thought, she whispered: "I don't know".

Yes! Victory for me! "Ha! I won, Raven! Let's play again!"

I wish I could still live with Raven. What a pity that Principal Grimm allowed Apple White to switch rooms to be her new roommate.


I woke up from a knock and tapped in response: “It’s not time, I’m coming from the yard!” I followed the knock back to the library. This must be how Hansel and Gretel felt, following the breadcrumbs!

When I passed the last hall, I came across a wall. But it was a wall with a secret door! I knocked: “I found you, now let me in”.
FLASH, and I was taken from the school library to a labyrinth filled with dusty old books. The knocking was much louder here. Corridor after corridor, I twisted and turned and circled, until finally I came to a room where books were scattered everywhere, and a bearded old man pounded on the table. And imagine my surprise when he spoke Riddlish!

“Knock-knock, down brought the sound, and my mouth frowns in reverse”.
*Translation: “I am so happy! Someone has finally heard my summoning knock!”

I smiled: “White knight, sunshine, name yourself in response?”
*Translation: “Hello! What is your name?"

“Every crown, whistle and strong boiling water of tea! The book is sad, like a mime, his face is hidden by make-up.
*Translation: “Oh, you must be the daughter of the Mad Hatter! I am the Master Librarian, Giles Grimm."

Librarian Grimm was cursed with a babble spell and locked in the Vault of Lost Stories. Now he is looking for a spell that would break the spell. Then it dawned on me… Raven knows a lot about spells! I told him about it, but he got worried. Many people think the same. It would seem that the daughter of the Evil Queen should be easily given witchcraft, but her spells usually do not work the way she wants. Because of this, people believe that she is harmful, and also simply because of who her mother is.

“She is very nice” I reassured him, “She doesn’t even want to be the Evil Queen”.

Suddenly Librarian Grimm jumped up from his chair and said that I should bring Raven to him. He needs to tell her something.


I searched Raven. Finally, when I no longer knew where to look, I went back to the library and found her there! What a luck! I tried to explain to her what had happened, but she did not understand. Maybe I spoke Riddlish again. So I just took her to the Vault of Lost Stories.

When I brought her in, the librarian Grimm closed the book he was reading.

“Before dawn, the dust is a pillar! I break through the walls with my forehead!
*Translation: “I am desperate! When will I finally find the right spell?

I approached him. “Clover, horse shoes! Feathers, friend, let's find clues!
*Translation: “Lucky for you, Raven and I came to help.”

The next phrase in Riddlish was complete nonsense. But when he pointed to Raven, I was sure what he meant: “Listen, daughter of the Evil Queen. Fate is a myth. If on Legacy Day you vow to rewrite your own destiny, everyone else can choose their own too.
noe Long and Happily”.

Remarkably! This is exactly what Raven wanted. She doesn't have to be the Evil Queen! No one should follow their parents' stories! Even me!

Wait... even me? I love that I'll be the next Mad Hatter. Tea parties... Riddle games... Fun conversations with rabbits... Oh well, I'll worry about that later. Raven finally has hope. But now she needs to find Happily ever after.

A series of Ever After High dolls has replenished with another successor to the heroes of the famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland".

Mad Hatter's daughter Madeline Hatter also loves eccentricities and pranks, like her dad. She was born on June 8th. Her oddities come from the cheerfulness and recklessness of her character, because she was even nicknamed the "school lunatic".


Since the parent of this strange girl was a mad Hatter who drank tea all the time, Madeline Hatter is partial to hats and tea sets. At the same time, it is the hat that gives her magical abilities: the heroine Hatter can get whatever she wants out of her hat.

Because of her natural oddities of nature, Medellin herself is forced to suffer. No one believes her and does not take seriously what she says, although the heroine can predict the future. The students of Ever After High think she's crazy. This is the greatest curse of the heroine.

Medellin Hutter with her father.

The girl's favorite subject at Ever After High is Chemistry. In this lesson, students learn how to brew various potions that can increase or decrease a person. Most of all, she dislikes studying the conduct of a discussion: Medellin prefers that all people speak in riddles. So she understands them better.

The friends of the girl Hatter are and, and the heiress of the same fairy tale shares the room with her.

Medellin has not yet waited for her prince, but the heroine dreams that he would be like her in everything and also love madness.

Clothing style like Medellin from Ever After High.

Overview of the base doll

The Ever After High core doll collection features Madeline Hatter in everyday wear. The base Madeline Hatter doll, unlike the other characters, is slightly shorter and has large eyes and a round face. Her hair is heavily curled: they are highlighted with crimson and light blue. The doll's dress is well thought out, with a blue satin sash under the bust. The bodice is made of white matte mesh fabric, and crimson sleeves in the form of lanterns flaunt on the shoulders.

The base model of the Medellin Hutter doll.

The skirt on the dress is three-layered: below is a shiny black organza, the middle skirt is blue and white striped, and the top is made of crimson satin with a floral golden pattern.

On Madeline Hatter's hands are neat short blue gloves with white polka dots, on her feet are white tights with blue polka dots and white shoes with a golden platform.

The neck of the doll is decorated with a translucent blue necklace with a golden insert, a lilac hat in the form of a cup is on the head, and a handbag in the form of a teapot is in the hands. The basic collection with a doll traditionally comes with a stand, a comb key, a questionnaire with a book, and pictures with the heroine adorn the packaging.

Of all the students of Ever After High, the heroine looks perhaps the most extravagant. At least, this is how it represents its basic series, which the pictures on our website will help you evaluate.

Sugar Coated Collection 2015

Collection Sugar Coated (Sugar cover).

All dolls from the Sugar coated collection.

Series Legacy Day

On Legacy Day at Ever After High, when the heroes had to announce their fate, the girls were especially careful in choosing their outfits. Madeline Hatter was no exception.

Box Legacy Day.

The Legacy Day doll is especially striking with its extravagant dress. On the head of the cartoon character Ever After High is a small golden hat with a blue ribbon, and her hair is curled and gathered into a huge ponytail on the side.

Close-up photo of Medellin's face.

The bodice of the dress is a blue jacket with silver stripes with a raspberry inset on the chest and three-quarter sleeves. Madeline Hatter wore blue breeches just below her knees on Legacy Day, hidden under a sheer full skirt with crimson and silver frills. The heroine of Ever After High put golden shoes on her feet, and black gloves on her hands. Accessory included in the Heritage Day set includes a small pouch, necklace and ring, as well as a book and key (see pictures).

Collection Way to wonderland (2015)

Madeline Hatter doll from the Way to wonderland collection

tea party

Since Madeline Hatter is a big fan of tea drinking, she simply could not have a tea party without her. Pictures of the doll from this series on our website show that the heroine of Ever After High looks simply charming.

Photo by Medellin Hutter from the Tea Party collection.

Her hair is beautifully styled with a hoop, on which a cup-shaped hat flaunts. The doll's dress is simple and elegant, made in light lilac and blue tones.

She has a lilac blue-checkered bow on her chest, and a transparent lilac frill trimmed with lace on top of her skirt. On her hands are black gloves, and on her feet are golden shoes in the form of cups. The Ever After High doll set comes with a sofa, table, tea set, three-tier plate of cakes, a chair and a table for tableware in the form of a tree. Madeline Hatter accessories include a cup ring.