Light low-calorie mayonnaise is a healthy replacement for “harmful” sauces from the store... How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise? what is "light" mayonnaise

The mayonnaise that we usually buy in the store contains more ingredients than homemade mayonnaise. And unfortunately, these are often components designed to reduce the cost of production and also preserve the product for a long time: preservatives, flavor enhancers and oxidizing agents. And if you consume it in large quantities, the daily calorie intake will be exceeded, which will inevitably lead to obesity and weight gain.

The fat content of mayonnaise is always indicated on the packaging and the higher the percentage of oil content, the tastier it is. However, lovers of artificial, factory-made mayonnaise should think about what is more important: the beauty of the figure or the taste of this widespread dressing for dishes and salads. Mayonnaise can be divided into three main types: store-bought, light and regular, and the third and most healthy - homemade.

Light mayonnaise

It is also called “low-fat” (usually from 20 to 30% fat), it contains less vegetable oil, and it is prepared with the addition of water. But, as you know, it is impossible to mix water and oil into a homogeneous emulsion, so its composition, as a rule, includes emulsifiers. Light mayonnaise has a low calorie content of KKK compared to regular mayonnaise, but does not provide any benefit to the body at all. Its calorie content (depending on the type) is from 160 to 250 calories per 100 grams.

Regular mayonnaise

Only mayonnaise, which has 65% fat content or higher on the label, is produced without stabilizers. The calorie content of regular fat mayonnaise varies among different manufacturers from 450 to 800 calories per 100 grams.

Soy mayonnaise

It contains liquid or powdered soy milk instead of egg yolk. However, nutritionists warn that soy is not the healthiest product. It has a negative impact on the endocrine system and blocks the production of some enzymes produced by the pancreas. And we really need them for proper digestion. For this reason, many nutritionists do not recommend consuming soy sauce more than twice a month. The calorie content of soy mayonnaise is 350 calories per 100 grams.


Most often, olive only smells like olives and contains flavorings. Look for mayonnaise that lists olive oil on its packaging. The calorie content of mayonnaise with real oil is 625 calories per 100 grams.

Mayonnaise Provencal

A high-quality one should include the following ingredients: eggs or egg powder, salt, mustard, sugar, vinegar and spices and 67% vegetable fat. If the composition contains starch, then it is not advisable to buy such Provencal for a diet menu - this can provoke the proliferation of unfavorable intestinal bacteria. Calorie content of Provencal mayonnaise is from 680 to 750 calories per 100 grams.

Homemade mayonnaise: its benefits and preparation options

It is the most beneficial for health and weight loss. This homemade sauce contains many useful substances: vitamins E, D, K, which help reduce cholesterol levels and are involved in the regulation of metabolic processes. It contains Omega-3 acid, which accelerates the process of fat breakdown.

Its calorie content is approximately 630 calories per 100 grams. To make 1 kilogram of mayonnaise, you will need 6-8 yolks, depending on the size of the eggs. And if you are patient, then you are guaranteed an excellent sauce with a smooth, beautiful surface, excellent taste and uniform consistency:

  • To prepare mayonnaise, you will need eggs (6 yolks), olive oil or vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, sugar.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites and stir the yolks with 60 grams of mustard (if you like a sharper taste, you can add more).
  • Add a level teaspoon of salt and a pinch of sugar to slightly soften the harshness of the mustard.
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender or spoon, but very thoroughly.
  • Pour the oil into the mixture gradually (about 2 glasses of 200 ml each) in a thin stream, stir all the time or continue to beat with a blender at low speed.
  • Add the vinegar last. Take a low percentage: 9% or 6%. Add about 6 teaspoons.

Curd and mayonnaise sauce is a delicious low-calorie replacement for dubious sauces from the store.

This homemade mayonnaise can be easily varied. For example, add to it:

  • onion or garlic,
  • mustard grains or capers,
  • tomato paste or herbs,
  • any spices or herbs to your taste.

This sauce is also perfect for...

By the way, you can beat with a submersible blender - it will be much faster than with a whisk. But to do this, you need to take a container that is narrower and higher - for example, a jar or a special glass.

Shall we take a musical break?

Listen to the charming Toni Braxton - Spanish Guitar and move on to another low-calorie mayonnaise recipe :)

Don't you eat eggs at all? Well, well... And for you I have a wonderful recipe for homemade mayonnaise :)

Light mayonnaise without eggs

Why buy an incomprehensible sauce at the store? You can make it at home in literally 5 minutes!

There are several ways to do without eggs. Including a very simple one...

Let's take a minimum of products:

  • Milk -150 gr;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 g;
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp;
  • Fructose, salt;


1. In a glass for an immersion blender, mix milk, fructose, salt and start beating at high speed, adding vegetable oil little by little.

2. The mixture will thicken, but not very thick yet. In order for the consistency to become what we need, add lemon juice without stopping the blender. And the mayonnaise will become thick almost immediately.

By the way, the milk should be cool, not warm.

The blender must be submersible or stationary, but very powerful.

A whisk or mixer will not work here.

If the sauce does not thicken, put it in the refrigerator for a while and then whisk again. Or add more lemon juice, but not too much - otherwise it will be sour. :)

The energy value of mayonnaise without eggs is 275 kcal per 100 grams.

  • Protein - 9.79 g;
  • Fat - 47.17 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1.91 g;

You can also reduce your calories! Use skim or soy milk or yogurt.

Do you see? At any time you can make mayonnaise yourself - without harmful preservatives, trans fats and even without eggs! :)

You can diversify the taste with all sorts of additives: from mustard and celery to cheese and mushrooms...

And such a delicate and light sauce is very suitable for.

Of those who have tried delicious homemade mayonnaise, only a few continue to buy this sauce in the store :)

By the way, watch an interesting film about this from the popular science series “Food Living and Dead”

Yes, I forgot to write right away...

Homemade sauce has one drawback...

It can be stored from 5 days to 2 weeks maximum!.. : (

After all, it contains no harmful preservatives. But long-term storage is rarely required - it is usually eaten right away! :)

  • Mayonnaise made from quail eggs is more delicate and healthy.
  • Raw egg sauce requires careful quality control - make sure the eggs are fresh.
  • It is believed that olive oil is better than others, but in this case the sauce may be bitter. Therefore, it is worth taking part olive and part sunflower oil.
  • You can use good vinegar instead of lemon juice.
  • If mayonnaise is too thick, add a teaspoon of water (or 2 tsp) and beat it again.

If you also know how to make mayonnaise at home, please share your methods in the comments. :)

And if you cook according to my recipes, tell us about your impressions: did everything work out, did you like the taste?

I wish you health and good mood!

Olga Dekker.

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P.S. Losing weight can be a pleasure rather than a grueling ordeal.

For everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight, I specially compose.

P.P.S. I also created a special weight loss program without fasting and training :)

With the help of delicious dishes you can lose weight, increase your self-esteem and even completely change your life. How - you will find out about this

How much does light mayonnaise cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Currently, food manufacturers offer consumers various types of such a beloved sauce as mayonnaise. The history of mayonnaise began in the middle of the 18th century in the city of Mahon, which is currently called the “capital of mayonnaise.” As legend has it, one day the city of Mahon on the island of Menorca was besieged by the British, who wanted to oust the French from the territories they had previously conquered. At that time, the Duke of Richelieu, Marshal of France, and also the nephew of the famous Cardinal Richelieu lived in the city.

The besieged city had practically run out of provisions; the Duke had to subsist exclusively on scrambled eggs or omelettes. Richelieu ordered his cook to come up with some other dish. Since the only ingredients left were chicken eggs and olive oil, the cook had to use some cunning and be smart. This is how the first mayonnaise was invented, which the cook prepared by beating eggs with salt and olive oil.

The Duke of Richelieu appreciated the new type of sauce, which was later called “Maon” for a long time. It is worth noting that the mayonnaise that we buy in grocery stores is far from the “Maon sauce” prepared according to the classic recipe. Light mayonnaise is a type of sauce made industrially. The main difference between light mayonnaise and other types lies in the chemical composition of the product.

The calorie content of light mayonnaise is indeed quite low. According to average data, the calorie content of light mayonnaise does not exceed 299 Kcal, while the average for regular sauce is 627 Kcal. It is worth noting that light mayonnaise contains no more than 30% fat. The composition of light mayonnaise includes such ingredients as: water, thickeners, dried egg yolk, acetic acid, salt and sugar, as well as vegetable oil, starch and protein concentrate, food additives, including emulsifiers, preservatives, and also flavorings.

Light mayonnaise is used to prepare the same culinary products that use classic sauce in their recipes. However, light mayonnaise is a less calorie, and therefore dietary, subtype of sauce. Therefore, light mayonnaise can be used occasionally and only in small quantities in the dietary menu.

Calorie content of light mayonnaise 299 kcal

Energy value of light mayonnaise (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Light mayonnaise prepared at home is the best way for the whole family to enjoy tasty treats and not gain extra pounds.

Historical reference. Mayonnaise is an invention of French chefs who, back in the 18th century, after the capture of the city of Mahon (by troops under the command of Cardinal Richelieu), decided to move away from endless omelets and scrambled eggs. Mayonnaise was made by mixing vegetable oil and eggs with the addition of salt and spicy seasonings. The new dish stunned the authorities and the officers liked it. The sauce, highly praised, went around the world and became indispensable for many gastronomic inventions.

Mayonnaise comes in varying degrees of fat content. According to the new standards, only a product with 50% fat content is considered mayonnaise, but something that contains less than 15% fat is “mayonnaise sauce.” So, we should think about what we want to cook in the end.

Light mayonnaise is the dream of housewives all over the world. How to make it so that you get a tasty and at the same time low-calorie product. The answer to the question is very simple - replacing high-calorie vegetable oil with other products. Here are a few examples of preparing mayonnaise in a new way.

Light mayonnaise “Healthy diet”

This version of light mayonnaise uses only natural and fresh ingredients, which are useful not only individually, but are also absolutely harmonious when combined. Preparing the dish will take no more than fifteen minutes.

Mayonnaise consists of:

  • 1 PC. - egg yolk;
  • 200 gr. - low-calorie (low-fat) yogurt without additives;
  • 0.5 cups - oil (olive, sunflower or flaxseed);
  • 0.5 tsp - mustard (from a jar);
  • 1.5 tbsp - vinegar;
  • 0.25 tsp - salt;
  • 0.25 tsp - sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Using a mixer or blender, beat the yolk, mustard, salt, sugar until a homogeneous, airy white mass.
  • Add the oil in small portions to the container with the foam and mix it at high speed until a semi-finished product is obtained, the consistency of which resembles a thick cream.
  • Then add yogurt there. Mix the combined ingredients thoroughly.

Healthy mayonnaise for your diet is ready! Let the product sit in the refrigerator for a few minutes. You only need to store homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator for no more than a day in a closed container.

Mayonnaise "Monastic"

For preparation you need:

  • vegetable oil - 150 milliliters;
  • vinegar - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • mustard - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • premium wheat flour - 170 grams;
  • water at room temperature - 600 milliliters;
  • sugar and salt - 2 tablespoons each.

Making mayonnaise:

  • In a saucepan (preferably stainless steel, so as not to burn), mix the flour with water, breaking up the lumps.
  • Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring with a spoon until thickened (similar to jelly). Let cool.
  • In a bowl, mix oil, mustard, vinegar, salt and sugar and beat into a thick mass with a mixer.
  • In small portions, combine the jelly from the pan with the sauce and whisk everything well again until a homogeneous product is obtained. Let's stand.

Homemade mayonnaise "Provencal"


  • chicken egg - 1 piece (it is better to take homemade);
  • refined sunflower oil - 1 cup (the thickness of the mayonnaise depends on the amount of oil);
  • ready mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon (can be replaced with alcohol or apple cider vinegar);
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • sugar – ½ teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Place in the blender bowl one by one:
  • salt and sugar;
  • egg yolk and pepper;
  • lemon juice and mustard.
  1. Turn on the blender at high speed and slowly add oil little by little.
  2. Whip the contents until it thickens. You can sometimes stop the mechanism to check the quality of the resulting mass.

Homemade Provencal is not exactly a dietary and light mayonnaise, but it turns out to be very tasty, and if you add finely chopped dill, garlic, fresh cucumber or chopped sweet bell pepper to it, then its calorie content will decrease significantly and you can eat it even while at home. diet.

In addition, this mayonnaise has the most beneficial properties:

  • The eggs included in the dish contain amino acids and proteins necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems;
  • vegetable oils are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that make the skin velvety and youthful, and hair and nails beautiful;
  • Lemon is a supplier of vitamin C, which helps the immune system.

First of all, let's agree that when we mention “mayonnaise,” we mean a product that meets a very specific definition.

I offer my version, I hope it will withstand everyone...or at least almost everyone.

"Mayonnaise is a cold sauce in the form of a thick emulsion prepared by beating yolks and/or whole eggs and one or more types of vegetable oil (for example, olive, sunflower, corn, soybean, grape seed) with possible additions of natural acidulants (for example, lemon juice , wine vinegar), herbs (e.g. mustard, white pepper), spicy vegetables (e.g. garlic) and spices (e.g. salt, sugar)"

Also, for convenience, we will call an industrially produced product labeled for sale as “mayonnaise” and not corresponding to the definition proposed above, for example, MPP (industrially produced mayonnaise).

For me, these settings are absolutely default, and have been for quite some time. And I asked my question, “trickly,” based precisely on these definitions of mine (and fortunately not only my own). Some did not catch this moment, or did not catch it right away.
So – further discussion will be about the product of home or restaurant cuisine, but not about the industrial ersatz version.

Now let's try to agree on the proportions of "classic" mayonnaise. As you know, the Lord gave us tablets with a detailed breakdown of the mayonnaise recipe by yolks - butter, etc. does not exist in nature. We will rely on common sense.

It is known, and this was noted in the discussion, that 1 yolk can bind up to 500 - 600 ml of oil. I propose to consider mayonnaise prepared with an emphasis on these proportions as classic. The logic here is this - traditionally, yolks have been and remain the most expensive ingredient in mayonnaise. Judge for yourself.

The egg weighs 50 - 60 grams. (shell consists of 10% of the egg weight).
Protein makes up about 58% of the weight of the entire egg. The yolk weighs 32% of the entire egg. Let's say 20 gr.

In the UK, a normal high-quality egg (read: yolk) from free-range chickens costs about 20 - 25 pence
Half a liter of regular refined vegetable oil costs the same.
And even decent EV olive oil costs just £2.50 for half a litre.

In the past, the price gap between butter and eggs was, I'm sure, even wider. Do you see what I mean?
In other words, the logic of a thrifty housewife who is not too concerned about weight loss is something like this - the fewer eggs that can be used to prepare a given volume of mayonnaise, the better. That's what they've always done, no doubt.
And the finished “classic” product consisted of, conditionally,

1 yolk (20 gr.)
500 ml. vegetable oil (this is more than half a kg of weight)
some amount of sour, spicy and other additives

Now let's talk about “lightness” - that is, about the energy value of mayonnaise.

First of all, let us note that “lightness” and “heaviness” are relative concepts and we need a “reference point”. I propose to consider this “classic” mayonnaise, the proportions of which we have just outlined.
Any mayonnaise that is “lighter” than this “classic” can already be considered “light”.

Therefore, I fully support what I said. begemotik64

In other words, by reducing the amount of oil per yolk, but maintaining the emulsion structure, we lighten the mayonnaise.

After all, as we have already found out, the yolk can hold both 500 ml of oil and 50 ml.
In this case, both sauces will have every right to be called mayonnaise. In this case, the first sauce will have more calories than the second.
And the second one is, accordingly, “easier” than the first one.
We will make mayonnaise even lighter without giving up the use of proteins in the process of its preparation.
It is worth considering, however, that by increasing the inclusion of only yolks (and not yolks with whites), we slightly increase the amount of saturated fat per unit weight of the finished mayonnaise.
The fact is that although the yolk consists of only 32% fat, almost all of these fats are saturated.

And one more point that is directly related to the “lightness” - “heaviness” of mayonnaise is the calorie content of oils and the presence of saturated fats in them.

So - a quick inspection of vegetable oils in my kitchen gave the following results -

1. The calorie content of vegetable oils ranges between 820 – 900 kilocalories per 100 ml. No patterns were observed between the type of oil (e.g. refined - unfiltered, olive - sunflower) and the increase - decrease in calorie content.
2. EV olive oils contain more “bad and harmful” saturated fats than refined ones (sunflower or grape seed)

A straightforward conclusion is mayonnaise, in which part of the EO of olive oil is replaced by refined oil - for example. Sunflower ones are easier because they contain less saturated fat.

So, here are my answers to the questions I asked earlier.

- What is “light” mayonnaise?

If we talk formally, “light” mayonnaise is mayonnaise in which the yolk or egg contains less oil than theoretically could, and the oils are selected taking into account the calorie content and the amount of saturated fat they contain.
“Lightness” of mayonnaise is a relative and very conditional concept.

- Does such a product have a right to exist in principle?


- Does such a product have the right to be called mayonnaise?


- How tasty or tasteless can such a product be?

Could be quite tasty

In a separate line, it should be noted once again that even “light” mayonnaise (and not MPP) is, of course, not a “dietary” product and everything stated above should be considered solely as an entertaining theory, nothing more...

The question of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of designating any real mayonnaise as “light” remains open. Formally, one may be slightly less caloric than the other... But in life, IMHO, all this does not play a big piano, because in order to lose weight (or not gain weight) you need to move more and eat less.
And going to the pool is much healthier than replacing regular mayonnaise with a lighter one, even the most homemade one.)))))))))))))

Some numbers on the topic.

An ordinary chicken egg weighs 50 - 60 grams.
There are three parts to an egg: the white, the yolk and the shell. Protein makes up about 58% of the weight of the entire egg. It consists of 87% water and 12% protein. The yolk weighs 32% of the entire egg.
49% of it is water, 32% is fat and 17% is protein.
About 10% of an egg's weight is in the shell.
Source -