Culinary processing of mushrooms. Processing and harvesting mushrooms

Mushroom sorting. Each type of mushroom has its own taste and processing method. Some mushrooms can be fried in fresh, and others only after boiling. But it is best to pre-boil all the mushrooms, and then apply other types of heat treatment, although the taste of some of them is reduced. It is advisable to distribute the mushrooms by size to facilitate their subsequent processing.

Cleaning mushrooms from debris. Needles, moss, leaves and other forest debris are cleaned with a soft brush, cotton swab or soft cloth. Remove debris from the top of the cap using a knife, because he sometimes sticks very tightly. Dirt is removed from the folds of the mushroom with a brush. For drying, you should especially carefully clean the mushrooms from contamination; cut off the damaged, darkened and softened parts with a knife. For very mature mushrooms, the spore-bearing part of the cap is cut off. Some mushrooms have a stem viscous consistency, it is completely cut off. In russula, they oil the late ones, starting from the edges, remove the skin from the cap, because after heat treatment it becomes slimy.

Washing and soaking mushrooms. You should not get carried away with prolonged washing of mushrooms, because... they absorb a very large amount of water and their consistency deteriorates. It is better to rinse them under running water and let the water drain. Porcini mushrooms are doused with boiling water 2-3 times, tubular and lamellar mushrooms are cooked for 4-5 minutes. This is necessary to reduce volume, add softness, and eliminate crumbling when slicing.

To remove acid harmful to the body from marsupial mushrooms, which turns into water during cooking, boil them twice in boiling water; after each boiling, the broth is poured out and the mushrooms are washed. hot water.

Dried mushrooms are washed several times in warm water and soaked in cold water for 2-4 hours. After this, these mushrooms are boiled without salt in water in which they swell for 40-60 minutes.

When using salted and pickled mushrooms, they are separated from the brine and the spices are removed. Excess salt and vinegar is removed by washing or soaking.

In addition to cooking, mushrooms are subjected to: poaching, stewing, frying, baking. Washed large mushrooms are cut into pieces. Porcini mushrooms, champignons, saffron milk caps, and russula are consumed together with the stems. For other mushrooms, the stems are separated from the cap, the cap is cut into equal pieces, and the stem is cut into circles.

Heat treatment of mushrooms. Heat treatment significantly changes the properties of mushrooms. First of all, it reduces or eliminates their toxicity, eliminates the bitter taste, and reduces nutritional value and weakens their taste and aroma. It is imperative to cook mushrooms that contain toxic substances that dissolve in water: common strings, brittle russula, pink frills, yellow and black milk mushrooms. They are boiled in large quantities water for 15-20 minutes and the broth is drained. Because of their bitter taste, bitter mushrooms, real milk mushrooms, white milk mushrooms, fire mushrooms, pig mushrooms and others require heat treatment. They are boiled for 5-15 minutes to remove the bitter taste.

The following heat treatment methods can be used:

  • - bring the water to a boil (for 1 liter of water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt), lower the mushrooms and leave for 5-15 minutes, and then quickly rinse cold water and let it drain;
  • - place the mushrooms in cold salted water, bring to a boil, remove from the heat and allow the mushrooms to cool in the same water.

You cannot dry mushrooms using a weight, because... they crumble and lose a lot nutrients.

For some types of processing, mushrooms are blanched (russula, saffron milk caps). They are doused with boiling water or immersed in boiling water for several minutes, or kept over steam.

If the mushrooms cannot be processed on the day of collection, then they can be stored for one night, peeled, but without washing or cutting them, in a cold room or in the refrigerator at t = 2... 6 ° C.

If the mushrooms are cooking, you can pour cold water over them.

During heat treatment, various physical and chemical changes occur in mushrooms, as a result of which they acquire new properties characteristic of culinary processed products. They acquire pleasant taste and smell, which promotes better absorption of products. The importance of heat treatment is that it destroys microorganisms located on the surface of the raw material. When cooked, the tissue of mushrooms softens to some extent. The main reason for this is the physicochemical changes in cell wall carbohydrates. The membrane of fungal cells is fiber impregnated with chitin. It is the main carbohydrate of cell walls.

The connection between cells becomes weak during heat treatment. Dissolution pectin substances, half a fiber of cell membranes weakens them, but does not lead to complete destruction. Since mushrooms contain fat, its partial change occurs during heat treatment. Hydrolysis of fats is accompanied by oxidation, since free fatty acids are oxidized faster than glycerides. Proteins are denatured during heat treatment and coagulate in protoplasm and cell sap. During coagulation of protoplasm, the leathery layer is destroyed and diffusion of cell sap substances occurs through the cell membranes.

This leads to the fact that during cooking, poaching and stewing, the mass of mushrooms decreases, because There is a loss of water and nutrients as a result of their diffusion into the broth. Mushrooms mainly contain vitamins A, B, C and D. It has been proven by many studies that vitamin A is retained completely or almost completely during heat treatment. B vitamins are partially destroyed, and some of them turn into decoction during cooking and stewing. Of all the B vitamins, only B 1 (riboflorin) can be distinguished, which is the most resistant to heat, regardless of the processing method, its loss is no more than 11%. The loss of vitamins also depends on the amount of water taken for the decoction. How more water, the less vitamins remain in the product. Vitamin PP is significantly better preserved than B 1 and B 2.

Those mushrooms that soften better, i.e., are fried. in which, during the formation of the crust, protopectin has time to transform into pectin. For baking, mushrooms are pre-cooked. When baking, the same processes occur as during cooking. However, some processes are different. This is the formation of melanoidins in the crust, caramelization of sugars. The formation of a specific taste and smell is due to the formation of new substances during heat treatment. When cooking mushrooms, various volatile substances are released, which are not contained in the raw form in the products. Constant integral part volatile substance is hydrogen sulfide. It is formed as a result of post-denaturation changes in proteins. Hydrogen sulfide is formed gradually as a result of the elimination of sulfur, which is part of amino acids. These substances dissolve in the water in which the product is cooked. Thus, they play a significant role in shaping the taste and smell of boiled mushrooms.

The formation of a specific taste and smell during frying and baking is caused by melanoidins, as well as breakdown products of proteins and carbohydrates.

September is the month of mushroom pickers. It was during this period that, due to slight cooling and periodic rains, forests in the Moscow region actively grew. autumn mushrooms- boletus mushrooms, pigweed mushrooms, honey mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms. But sometimes harvested turns out to be too large, and it is unclear where to put your “prey”. The RIAMO in Lyubertsy columnist found out how to process and what to cook from mushrooms.

Mushroom processing

Before you make plans to cook mushrooms, you need to process them first. The primary selection of mushrooms takes place already when a person decides what needs to be put in the basket and what not. However, it wouldn’t hurt to put all the mushrooms on the table and sort them out. You should only put those in the pan that you are absolutely sure about. If you are not so sure, you can ask a mushroom picker you know with extensive experience. But the best thing is to throw the suspicious mushroom in the trash.

Anything left on the table needs to be cleaned. In boletus and russula, use a knife to remove the covering film under which the white cap is hidden. It is enough to clean porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms from twigs, leaves and needles.

After this, the cap of each mushroom must be cut into two parts, separating it from the stem. After which the mushroom must be inspected for the presence of small holes. If they are present, it means that fungus worms have been in the mushrooms. In this case, you can safely throw them away.

Before putting mushrooms in a frying pan or pan, they must be washed. To do this, you need to pour enough cold water into a bowl so that the mushrooms float there, and place your “prey” there. Stir, and then use two palms to transfer the mushrooms to any other container.

It must be remembered that some mushrooms, such as mushrooms or milk mushrooms, must be soaked before cooking.

The collected mushrooms can now be safely placed in the pan. Next, you need to pour a little water so that the mushrooms do not burn. When the mushrooms float to the surface, you should throw the contents of the pan into a colander, first placing a clean bowl under it. Then pour water into the pan again and place the mushrooms in it, cook until tender. How long to cook mushrooms depends on their type. For example, boletus - boil for 7 minutes, and chanterelles and russula - for at least 20 minutes. After boiling, the mushrooms should be rinsed with cold boiled water.

What to cook from mushrooms

Mushroom soup

The easiest way to use mushrooms is to make soup from them. For this, in addition to mushrooms, you will need 1 onion, 2-3 potatoes, Bay leaf, vegetable oil, to taste - herbs, salt and pepper. By the way, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms and porcini mushrooms go well in the soup. But boletuses and boletuses will lose their shape and will look unsightly in the soup.

Dried mushrooms must first be soaked for 2 hours in two liters of water. The infusion should be filtered and put on fire, adding water.

The potatoes must be peeled, cut into cubes and thrown into the same pan. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in vegetable oil. In the same pan you need to fry the mushrooms and add salt to taste.

Then everything fried can be thrown into a pan and cooked until the potatoes are ready. About five minutes before the end of cooking, the soup should be salted, peppered and a bay leaf added for flavor. You can serve it with or without herbs, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Another favorite dish that never gets boring is potatoes with mushrooms. To prepare you will need several potatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil and salt and pepper. Among the mushrooms you should choose chanterelles, honey mushrooms and russula.

The potatoes need to be peeled and cut into thin slices, the onions should also be peeled and chopped, and the mushrooms should be chopped large pieces. Next, you need to heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes until fully cooked.

In another frying pan, fry the mushrooms in oil, then pour in 1 tablespoon of oil and fry along with the onions. The resulting mixture can be added to the potatoes, seasoning the future dish with salt and pepper to taste. After mixing, the potatoes and mushrooms must be heated for 1-2 minutes.


To prepare julienne, you need to stock up on onions, sour cream and Parmesan. It is also worth preparing salt and pepper, thyme and oregano. Usually julienne is made from champignons. But they are also suitable Forest mushrooms: white boletus, boletus and boletus.

It will take no more than half an hour to prepare julienne.

The onion should be cut into thin strips, and the mushrooms into thin slices. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it until slightly golden brown. Then you can safely add mushrooms. First, all the liquid will evaporate from them, after which they should be fried.

In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, mushrooms should be baked for 10-15 minutes. Then add grated Parmesan and place in the oven for another two minutes. It is better to serve julienne hot, and sprinkle dill or parsley on top.

Pickles for the winter

If there are still supplies of mushrooms that have nowhere to go, it is best to pickle them for the winter. You can salt anything, but the best ones for this are pigs, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms and tremors. It is better to select mushrooms of the same size and type. For especially large ones, it is better to cut off the legs in advance. Some of them need to be soaked so that they do not give off bitterness. For example, volushki and milk mushrooms should be kept in cold water a few days.

All salting is divided into cold and hot. Since mushrooms used to be salted in oak barrels, they were pre-soaked for several days. At the same time, the water was changed several times. After soaking, the mushrooms need to be placed in a container in layers, not forgetting to salt each layer and add horseradish, oak and currant leaves, allspice and bay leaf. Per kilogram of mushrooms you will need 40 g of salt. Place a weight on top of the mushrooms and make sure they are completely immersed in the brine. These pickles will be ready in about a month and a half.

Hot pickling involves boiling mushrooms in brine. For the brine you will need salt, bay leaf, cloves, currant leaves and three peppercorns. After putting the pan on the fire and bringing to a boil, do not forget to remove the foam and stir the mushrooms as needed. All spices are added gradually during cooking.

When the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan, you need to take them out and put them in a basin so that they cool faster. Then they should be placed in clean, dry jars and filled with brine from the pan. Pickles should be stored under plastic covers in a cool, dry place - in the refrigerator or cellar, if you have one.

The stem of the mushroom is cut at the base or, if the mushroom is not familiar enough, carefully pulled out. The lower part of the mushroom stem is characterized by some signs that allow us to determine its type, in particular, to distinguish fly agaric mushrooms (thickening and ring) from edible mushrooms. The leg of a porcini mushroom due to its nutritional value entirely used for food. The legs of honey mushrooms and variegated umbrellas are distinguished by their viscosity; they can be cut off or broken off from the cap. Not a single mushroom should be abruptly pulled out of the ground, as this will cause great harm mycelium.

The mushroom basket should be low and wide. In a tall, narrow basket, mushrooms become wrinkled and are difficult to remove. You can also use boxes, but in a mesh or bag, especially made of plastic, the mushrooms crumble.
The knife for picking and cleaning mushrooms should be small and sharp, preferably made of stainless steel. A dull knife only chops mushrooms. In the forest, wormholes and other damaged parts are removed, debris and leaves are removed. At home, they once again carefully sort through the mushrooms, clean them and prepare them for processing.

Sorting by type. It is advisable to process and prepare mushrooms by type, since their taste and cooking methods are different.
If there are few mushrooms, then first of all you should separate mushrooms that can be fried fresh from mushrooms that require heat treatment. It is advisable to distribute the mushrooms by size to facilitate their subsequent processing.

Clearing debris. Needles, leaves, moss and other forest debris are cleaned off with a wide soft brush, cotton swab or soft cloth. Debris adhering to the smooth mushroom cap is scraped off with a knife. From mushrooms that do not require heat treatment, debris is removed especially carefully, cleaning the folds with a brush, since they are often used dry; For frying, drying and baking, unwashed mushrooms are used, or they are quickly washed and immediately dried.

Cleaning with a knife. Using a sharp stainless steel knife, cut out all darkened and softened areas, as well as those parts that are damaged by forest pests. For older tubular mushrooms, the tubular part of the cap is cut out. For some mushrooms that have a viscous stem, it is cut off entirely. For russula, late and granular russula, remove the skin from the cap, starting from the edges, since after heat treatment it becomes slimy.

Washing. You should wash and soak the mushrooms as little as possible. Mushrooms that are used for frying or drying are not washed. Mushrooms used for other types of processing are quickly washed with cold water and placed on a sieve, sieve or flat board to drain. Only mushrooms with an uneven surface - morels, stitches. variegated blackberries, etc. - should be washed longer to remove sand adhering to the folds of the cap.

Soaking. Salted mushrooms or mushrooms that have a bitter taste are soaked to improve them taste qualities, dry mushrooms - to restore moisture in them. The washed mushrooms are placed in cold water and soaked until the desired results are obtained, usually within 2-6 hours. When soaking bitter or salty mushrooms, change the water every hour so that unwanted substances dissolve faster. The water in which dry mushrooms were soaked is used for food along with the substances dissolved in it. After prolonged soaking, especially if the mushrooms are soaked immediately after cooking, many valuable nutrients also dissolve in the water.

Slicing. Washed larger mushrooms are cut into pieces. Porcini mushrooms, champignons, saffron milk caps and russula are consumed together with the stems. To make the prepared dish or canned food look more beautiful, mushroom stems are cooked separately. The mushroom cap is carefully cut into equal pieces - divided into four parts, six parts, etc. The mushroom stem is cut into thin circles, thus breaking the vertically arranged viscous fibers that make it up, and a more tasty mushroom dish is obtained.

Heat treatment. The purpose of cooking mushrooms is to reduce (eliminate) the bitter taste or toxicity. It should be taken into account that heat treatment reduces the nutritional value of mushrooms and weakens their taste and aroma. Therefore, mushrooms should be used whenever possible without prior heat treatment. In no case should you heat porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, champignons, morels, umbrella mushrooms, summer mushrooms and caps. Most russula and rows also do not need cooking. Chanterelles, caps, boletus stems and some other mushrooms become viscous after cooking.

Mushrooms that contain toxic substances soluble in water should be cooked: common strings, russulas that are stinging and brittle, pink volzhankas (volzhanka), yellow and black milk mushrooms. Boil for 15-30 minutes in plenty of water. The broth is drained, as it can cause poisoning in animals.

Because of their bitter taste, many mushrooms require heat treatment: bitter mushrooms, violin mushrooms, real milk mushrooms, camphor, alder, sweetish and non-caustic milk mushrooms, serushkas, white mushrooms, some types of russula, moths, some types of talkers, pigs and many others. It is enough to cook these mushrooms for 5 to 15 minutes so that the bitter taste in them disappears. The unpleasant taste of gall mushroom does not disappear even after cooking.

There are several ways to cook mushrooms:
* Bring water to a boil, add 1/2 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. The mushrooms are dipped in boiling water and kept there for 5-15 minutes, then transferred to cold water so that they cool faster.
* Dip the mushrooms into cold salted water and quickly bring to a boil. After boiling, remove the dishes from the heat and allow the mushrooms to cool in the same water or pour over them with clean water.

After the water is drained, the mushrooms are transferred to a cloth bag or on a sieve to drain the water. It is not advisable to dry mushrooms by pressing firmly, because this removes many valuable substances from the mushrooms.

Blanching. To maintain integrity and elasticity during cold salting and fermentation, mushrooms are blanched. Russulas with a flat cap are mainly subjected to this treatment. big size, as well as saffron milk caps. The washed mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and scalded with water for a few minutes, dipped in boiling water or kept over hot steam. After such a quick heat treatment, the mushrooms become more elastic and, when placed in a storage container, do not break.

Short term storage fresh mushrooms. If it is not possible to process the mushrooms on the same day, they are stored for one night (no more!) peeled, but not washed or cut. The mushrooms are transferred to a wide basket or some flat dish and stored openly in a cool room with plenty of air access: in the basement, barn, corridor, etc. Very good place storage is a refrigerator with a temperature of +2--+6°. Mushrooms to be cooked can be filled with cold water. The soaking container should be wide and low. Before processing, the mushrooms should be carefully sorted again and any damaged parts that may have occurred during storage should be removed. Previously unnoticed individual wormholes, softened spots and other damage can increase so much during storage that most mushrooms become unfit for consumption.

After the “quiet hunt”, hopefully a productive one, we will visit one more section of the mushroom workshop. It is not as extensive as the previous one, and is in every house, in every apartment. This area is an ordinary kitchen, where you also need to show some skill in handling mushrooms. Unfortunately, fresh mushrooms They don’t last long and they spoil. Within a few hours after collection, especially in summer in warm or rainy weather, they may become unusable. The only way to save forest gifts- quickly prepare a dish or process it. If this is not possible, the mushrooms should be placed in a sieve, colander or enamel pan(do not cover with a lid) and put in the refrigerator, but no more than a day or two. In any case, regardless of what the collection is intended for, mushrooms cannot be felled haphazardly. The fact is that, in addition to differences in categories, those types that will be eaten are also divided into edible and conditionally edible. Moreover, these groups include mushrooms of various categories.

Edible mushrooms are those whose cap and stem do not contain bitterness, harmful substances or an unpleasant odor. They can be boiled, fried and served immediately after collection, processing and proper preparation. Edible mushrooms include the following types: porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, oak mushrooms, chestnut mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, champignons, yellow chanterelle mushrooms, fly mushrooms, winter honey fungus, summer mushroom, autumn mushroom mushroom, boletus mushroom, Polish mushroom, russula (with the exception of stinging, beautiful, brittle, inconspicuous, which are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms), ram mushroom, oyster mushrooms, talkers, bigheads, umbrella mushrooms, puffballs, blackberries, greenfinch, goat, lacquer, yellowing chanterelle, marsh butterwort, red flywheel, gray-pink fly agaric, dung beetles, rowers, golden scale.

Conditionally edible are mushrooms containing bitter or harmful substances, having unpleasant smell(not always, though). They can be eaten only after soaking, boiling and removing the decoction or after salting and fermentation. The group of conditionally edible mushrooms includes all milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, valui, volnushki, morels, gladysh, bitter mushroom, rubella, spruce mokruka, serushka, violin and some others. As a rule, mushrooms of the second group are suitable mainly for pickling and pickling; sometimes they are boiled and only then fried. Thus, it is advisable to arrange mushrooms from the basket by type, since their taste and cooking methods are different. For example, white ones are selected separately for drying in one vessel, and large boletus, boletus, boletus, etc., which are not suitable in size or appearance for salting, pickling, roasting, or for so-called black drying, are taken into another vessel. For salting, they set aside milk mushrooms, volnushki, valui, and podgruzdki. In the frying pan - chanterelles, honey mushrooms, small boletus, boletus, aspen mushrooms, etc., you can also add a few white ones here for a bouquet.

Having divided the mushrooms by type, they begin to process them. First of all, they should be cleared of pine needles, leaves, moss and other adhering forest vegetation. Remove debris with a wide brush, cotton swab or soft cloth; if the cap is smooth, scrape it off with a knife, preferably made of stainless steel. A knife is also used to cut out all darkened, softened and damaged areas damaged by forest rodents, animals, insects, and slugs. Finally, no matter how carefully we select the mushrooms during the “silent hunt,” the wormy ones still end up in the basket and must be removed. After cleaning from debris, the mushrooms are washed in cold water, with the exception of those intended for drying. Then they are thrown into a sieve, sieve or colander. Morels, blackberries and other mushrooms with an uneven surface need to be washed longer to allow the sand to fall off. Sometimes they do it differently. Mushrooms are placed in large saucepan , basin or bucket, fill with water. A wooden circle with a small weight is placed on top, thereby preventing the mushrooms from floating up. After a few minutes, all the dry leaves and grass stuck to them will get wet and will fall off when cleaning. You should not keep mushrooms in water for a long time, as it is absorbed by the caps, especially if the mushrooms are not young. After this, they begin cleaning. When cleaning, if the mushrooms have not yet been divided into caps and stems in the forest, cut off the stems, scrape off the soggy leaves and grass from the caps with a knife, and cut off areas affected by pests. The lower part with the remains of the root is removed from the legs. If there is dirt on the sides of any leg, they are cut off or cleaned off with a knife. This is usually how mushrooms prepared for pickling or pickling are processed. Many mushrooms contain easily oxidized substances that darken almost instantly when exposed to air (saffron caps, boletuses, butter mushrooms, fly mushrooms, champignons). Darkened mushrooms look rather unattractive. To prevent this from happening, when cleaning and cutting these types, you must do everything quickly and not allow the cleaned mushrooms to be exposed to air. You need to immediately immerse them in water, to which a little salt or vinegar is added in advance. Large caps of washed mushrooms should be divided into four, six or more parts. Cut the legs into thin slices. Butterflies cause a lot of trouble. It's not easy to remove the sticky skin from the caps, which tastes bitter if left on. However, it is quickly cleaned off; you just need to hold the mushrooms for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then discard them in a colander, sieve and rinse in cold water. The bitter taste of some mushrooms can be reduced or even eliminated by heat treatment. But it will harm white mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, champignons, umbrella mushrooms, and summer honey mushrooms: after cooking, these species become viscous. As a rule, conditionally edible mushrooms are subjected to heat treatment, and the broth is then drained, since it is quite bitter and poisonous. For cooking and cooking mushrooms in general, you need enamel or aluminum cookware. Under no circumstances should you use copper, cast iron or tin utensils, as the metal of such utensils reacts with mushrooms. They soon darken (for example, light mushrooms become dark after being in a cast iron pot), lose vitamins and can even become poisonous. The most famous are two types of heat treatment. In the first case, bring the water to a boil, add salt (0.5 tbsp per 1 liter of water). Dip the mushrooms into the pan and keep in boiling water for 5 to 15 minutes. Then transfer to cold water to cool faster. In the second, the mushrooms are dipped in cold salted water and brought to a boil. Then the dishes with mushrooms are immediately removed from the heat and allowed to cool. The water is drained, and the mushrooms are transferred to a colander or sieve to drain the water. There is another way to get rid of the bitter taste of mushrooms. After cleaning and washing, they are soaked for 15-20 minutes, and sometimes more (2-6 hours) in cold water salted or acidified with vinegar. After such a “bathing”, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the mushrooms, or even better, boil them. So, although it is a difficult, monotonous task, the mushrooms are processed. Thus, you protect yourself from possible poisoning and unpleasant taste sensations. But now forest gifts can be safely eaten or harvested different ways for future use

Mushrooms contain proteins, fats, sugar, minerals, vitamins A, C, B, PP and group B. They are rich in extractive substances, therefore they have good taste and aroma, they are widely used for making soups and sauces. Edible mushrooms according to their structure there are: spongy - white, boletus, boletus, boletus; plate-shaped - champignons, russula, chanterelles, honey mushrooms; marsupials - morels, lines. To enterprises Catering mushrooms come fresh, salted, dried, pickled.

Fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms are processed immediately, as they quickly deteriorate. Primary processing mushroom processing consists of the following operations: cleaning, washing, sorting and slicing.

Porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelles, russula are processed in the same way: cleaned of leaves, needles and blades of grass, cut off the lower part of the stem and damaged areas, scrape off the contaminated skin and wash thoroughly 3-4 times. When processing russula, the skin is removed from the cap. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water. The legs of butterflies are cleaned and the caps are cut off, spoiled and wormy areas are cut out, the mucous skin is removed from the cap and washed.

Mushrooms are sorted by size into small, medium and large. Small mushrooms and caps of medium mushrooms are used whole, large ones are chopped or chopped. Porcini mushrooms are doused with boiling water two or three times, the remaining mushrooms are boiled for 4-5 minutes so that they are soft and do not crumble when slicing.

Champignons are supplied to the enterprises from greenhouses. They must not be overgrown, the plates on the underside of the cap are

pale pink color. When processing champignons, remove the film covering the plates, peel the root, remove the skin from the cap and wash in water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar so that they do not darken.

The morels and strings are sorted out, the roots are cut off, placed in cold water for 30-40 minutes to soak the sand and debris, and washed several times. Then the mushrooms are boiled for 10-15 minutes in a large amount of water to destroy and remove the toxic substance - helvic acid, which turns into a decoction when cooked. After boiling, the mushrooms are washed with hot water, and the broth must be poured out.

When processing fresh mushrooms, it is necessary to carefully select them, since some of them are similar to inedible and poisonous mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms. The best dried mushrooms- white, since when cooked they give a light, aromatic and delicious decoction. Boletus, boletus, and boletus darken when dried, so they are of little use for broths.

Dried mushrooms are sorted, washed several times, soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, then the water is drained, filtered and used for cooking mushrooms. After soaking, the mushrooms are washed.