Coarsely ground wheat groats are called. Cereals made from oats, wheat, millet, barley and sago

Since ancient times, wheat cereal has been a mandatory dish on the table of any noble person. It symbolized the wealth and prosperity of the owner of the house. If you follow the classic recipe, dishes made from wheat cereals turn out appetizing and tender. For a long time it was served as an independent product, and only a few years later wheat porridge began to act as a side dish for meat or fish.

Cooked food from wheat cereals is not only tasty, but also very healthy for the human body. It is not for nothing that wheat dishes are introduced into the diet of patients with diseases of the digestive system. What types of wheat cereals exist will be discussed in the article.


In turn, the germ contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic, which are real allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Wheat cereals are obtained from two types of grains - soft and hard. The first is characterized by a protein content of ten to fifteen percent, the second - more than twenty percent. However, the second variety is more often susceptible to death due to unfavorable weather conditions than the first, while soft wheat consistently produces a bountiful harvest. But cereals are produced exclusively from durum wheat.

In production, wheat grains are used to obtain cereals. The grain itself consists of three main parts: the germ, the shell and the endosperm. The latter is a mealy core containing a set of useful and nutritional elements.

Wheat groats, in essence, are crushed endosperm, which has been well cleaned from the other two main parts. The size and shape of the grains determines the type of cereal. Wheat germ contains a small amount of protein, phytoestrogens, phytosterols and oil with vitamin E, which is very useful and valuable for the human body.

Their regular consumption helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. But during the production of cereals, the germ and shell are removed from the grains. This is done so that food prepared from wheat cereal does not have a bitter aftertaste. However, industrial production gives the removed elements of wheat to pharmaceutical companies. Which, after some procedures, sell wheat germ as a dietary supplement.

You can make porridge from dried bulgur grains and processed with boiling water. It is not produced by grinding, it is not crushed, but whole.

Benefits and contraindications

There are quite a lot of wheat varieties today. But the agricultural industry distinguishes only two varieties of cereals, calling them soft and hard. The first, soft wheat variety is characterized by a low protein content. In this regard, this variety is sent for the production of flour, which is subsequently used in confectionery production for the preparation of bread and various pastries.

The durum variety has a fairly high protein content in the composition of this cereal crop. Therefore, it is used to produce pasta and various cereals. The grains are subjected to mandatory processing, which, depending on the method, either completely or partially removes the shell and germ. After which the grains are sent for grinding, after which they acquire the appearance of grain that is familiar to us.

Wheat crop is considered one of the lowest calorie crops, and therefore it is often used to produce dietary dishes.

One hundred grams of the product contains approximately three hundred thirty-five kilocalories. Before using any product, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with its beneficial properties and possible contraindications. First of all, wheat cereals are very popular due to their strengthening effect and an impressive amount of beneficial vitamins and microelements that are important for the human body. So, the usefulness of this product is as follows:

  • wheat cereals are an organic source of energy and strength;
  • strengthens the human immune system;
  • promotes the loss of extra pounds;

  • promotes the healthy functioning of the digestive system;
  • has a strengthening effect on the walls of capillary vessels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds or cuts;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • wheat crops are natural regulators of lipid metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol levels in blood vessels;
  • improves the activity of the heart, brain and blood vessels;
  • improves the quality of hair follicles, skin and nail plates;
  • helps remove toxic substances, waste, heavy metal ions, as well as residual elements from taking antibiotics from the body;
  • With regular consumption of wheat porridge in the morning, the body receives the dose of energy and strength it needs, and prolonged digestion of fiber and slow carbohydrates gives a feeling of fullness for quite a long time.

Wheat porridge can cause any harm to the human body only if there is a low level of acid in the stomach, an allergic reaction to wheat and increased flatulence.

Patients who have recently had their appendix removed should also exclude wheat cereals from their diet for the first time. This type of cereal contains starch, and therefore dishes prepared from wheat cereals are not recommended for people suffering from or prone to diabetes.


Today there are several varieties of wheat cereal. The main criteria are the processing method, the size and shape of the grain. Let's look at the main types of wheat cereal.

  • The first type of wheat cereal is called "Artek". The cereal has crushed grains, which, using specialized production processing, were freed from the grain shell. As a rule, grains of this variety are polished. It is also worth noting that Artek has the lowest fiber content. Very often used by chefs to prepare various side dishes and desserts.
  • For wheat cereal "Arnautka" Durum wheat, the variety of which bears the same name, is selected as a raw material. The appearance of the cereal is glassy grains. Most often, Arnautka is used to produce pureed porridges.

  • Wheat flakes obtained by heat treatment using steam or a special press. Used for preparing porridges and various sweet dishes.
  • For getting bulgura Wheat is first processed using steam, then cleared of bran. Bulgur tends to have a characteristic hazelnut flavor, which gives dishes an interesting taste. This variety is very popular in Asian and Mediterranean countries. This type of cereal is truly exotic in Russia, and most often it can be found in pilaf, in combination with rice and various types of meat.
  • It is unlikely that there is a person on Russian territory who would not know about the existence wheat porridge. During the production process, the grains are freed from the shell, then sent for crushing and grinding. This species is characterized by the content of a large amount of protein in its composition, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

  • Few people know, but everyone loves semolina It is made from soft wheat, the grains of which are separated from the shell in advance. The grinding of this grain is much finer than that of wheat grain. However, semolina cannot boast of a high fiber content. Semolina has fewer benefits, and its preparation takes no more than ten minutes.
  • Couscous is a national dish in many northern parts of Africa. It is prepared from large and durum wheat. Often served with sliced ​​vegetables, all types of meat and herbs. There is couscous, which has a more delicate and mild taste. To prepare it, only finely ground wheat is used, which is first placed in water for several hours, after which it is carefully sifted using specialized equipment.

Poltava groats are also one of the varieties of wheat crop, which, in turn, is itself divided into four categories. They vary in grind size.

  • Coarse grind (often called coarse grind)– has grains that are not crushed, only polished. Thanks to it, the grain takes on a long shape with a rather sharp tip. The appearance of the cereal may resemble pearl barley and is often used for making soups.
  • Medium grind (second)– has grains that undergo a crushing process. They have an oval shape, with a sharp tip. Used for making porridge.
  • Medium grind (third)– differs from the previous category only in shape, it is more round. The grains also undergo a crushing process. Used for preparing porridges or casseroles.
  • Fine grind (fourth)– visually may resemble medium-ground grains, but smaller in size. And it’s also great for making porridges, cutlets or meatballs.

Composition and calorie content

One hundred grams of wheat cereal contains three hundred thirty-five kilocalories. Of these, sixty-four kilocalories belong to proteins (sixteen grams), nine kilocalories belong to fats (one gram), two hundred and eighty kilocalories belong to carbohydrates (seventy grams). The popularity of wheat cereals is due to the high content of various vitamins and microelements that are essential for the body to function normally.

In addition to protein, wheat cereals contain quite a significant content of valine, threonine, proline, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, isoleucine and tryptophan.

These vital amino acids are the building blocks for internal cells. Useful plant fibers help cleanse the intestines.

A set of B vitamins, as well as the presence of niacin and biotin, help the body properly and better absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These vitamins also have a calming effect on the nervous system. Thanks to a fairly large amount of indigestible dietary fiber, wheat cereals have a delicate cleansing effect on the intestines, removing heavy metal ions, toxins and toxic substances from the body. Regular consumption of dishes made from wheat grains helps reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and improve the quality of hair follicles, nail plates and gums.

See below for details on how to eat different cereals.

Wheat is one of the most important grain crops in the world. This cereal is used to produce flour, cereals, pasta and confectionery, as well as some types of beer and vodka. There are a huge number of varieties and types of wheat, but the most widespread are hard and soft varieties. We will not dwell in detail on such differences in varieties as ear size, grain shape and other botanical features, but will pay attention to the most important consumer qualities.

Durum wheat– This is a product with a high protein content. It contains a lot of carotenoids (organic pigments that give the product a yellow color), so durum wheat flour can have a creamy tint. The grain of such wheat is quite hard and difficult to grind, the flour turns out to be “coarse”, but, as a rule, it forms high-quality gluten, which makes the dough elastic and elastic. Durum wheat flour is used to make the best pasta, high-quality semolina and much more.

Products made from durum wheat may be labeled as follows: “durum”, “durum wheat”, “semolina di grano duro”, etc.

Soft wheat– contains a relatively small amount of protein. The starch grains in this flour are larger, the flour turns out to be white, crumbly, more finely ground, and often forms weak gluten. These qualities are best suited for delicate, delicate confectionery, cakes and pastries.


I've already mentioned the concept of gluten several times, so let's figure out what it is.

Wheat contains substances glutenin and gluadin, which form proteins gluten free. The quantity and properties of this protein are an important indicator when choosing the type of flour for preparing certain products. When flour and water are mixed, gluten affects dough properties such as firmness and elasticity. A conversation about the types of wheat flour and the culinary properties of gluten is the topic of another article, but it should be noted that gluten can be strong allergen. There are frequent cases of gluten intolerance, in addition, this is a rather difficult food for infants to digest, so wheat porridge should be introduced into a child’s diet with caution, no earlier than 7-8 months, and even later. Semolina porridge, for example, is not recommended for children under one year of age.

More often Wheat groats It is made from durum wheat, for example, the Durum variety, and is a coarsely ground polished wheat grain. In this case, the grain is freed from the embryo and most of the seed and fruit membranes. Depending on the processing method, the shape and size of the grains (small, medium, large), the grain is divided into types and numbers (the most famous are “Artek” and Poltavskaya No. 1, 2, 3, 4).

The color of wheat groats can be yellow (from spring wheat) or grayish (from winter wheat).

As mentioned earlier, durum wheat varieties are very rich in proteins (proteins), so dishes made from wheat cereals (porridge, soups, meatballs, pilaf, etc.) give the body a good boost of energy, this is an excellent product for people leading an active lifestyle or doing heavy physical labor. In addition, wheat dishes are easily digested and absorbed, which makes it possible to include this product in dietary menus and the diet of children (due to the gluten content, wheat dishes should be offered to babies no earlier than 7-8 months - 1 year). Porridges and side dishes made from wheat cereals can significantly expand your menu and serve as an excellent alternative to some types of pasta.

Depending on the composition and manufacturer, the calorie content of wheat cereal varies around ~ 310-340 kcal per 100 g of dry product. Wheat cereal contains phosphorus, iron, vitamins B and PP.

It is believed that the beneficial substances contained in wheat cereals help activate the body's protective functions and increase immunity.

- this is actually the same wheat cereal, characterized by higher purification and fine grinding. The granule size is 0.25 - 0.75 mm, which ensures a very high cooking speed. Semolina can be produced from durum wheat, such varieties are considered the highest quality and healthiest, however, in Russia such semolina is not often found on sale (marked on the package - “T”), soft wheat, the most common option in our country (labeled “M” ) or a mixture of two types (marked “TM”, durum wheat content – ​​up to 20%).

I looked through a huge amount of literature and Internet resources in search of the differences between semolina and wheat cereals. And almost everywhere I found information about the exceptional benefits of wheat cereal and the disadvantages of semolina. This is strange to me, because essentially they are the same product. Perhaps the whole point is precisely that wheat groats are mainly a product of durum wheat, and most of the semolina sold in Russia is made from soft varieties, perhaps this is due to the technological features of production, in general, if you know a more precise explanation, Please leave your comments at the end of the article.

So, what is “harmful” or beneficial in semolina porridge, which is probably familiar to every Soviet child?

Like all wheat products, semolina contains gluten, that is, as has been written many times, it can cause allergies.

Semolina contains phytin, according to some data, phytin promotes the removal of radioactive cesium from the body, but binds calcium, which leads to the leaching of this element from the body. This is not good for a baby whose bones are actively growing, so more and more often we come across recommendations that semolina porridge should be introduced into the child’s diet after one year, and until three years of age, include it in the child’s diet not constantly, but from time to time. But for older people, this property of semolina, on the contrary, can be very useful, as it helps prevent hypermineralization of blood cells, ligaments and other parts of the body.

The “minus” of semolina porridge for young children is that semolina is very rich in carbohydrates such as starch. The child's body does not need a large amount of starch; the child's digestion is not ready for it. But at an older age, say, after three years, semolina porridge can take its rightful place in the baby’s diet.

Semolina, rich in “starchy” carbohydrates, is very high in calories (from 320 to 350 kcal per 100 g of dry product), it gives the body a lot of strength and energy. At the same time, semolina contains very low fiber(only about 0.2%). Thanks to this, semolina porridge is very well absorbed without irritating the stomach and intestines. It can be an indispensable product for people recovering from an illness or having problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Very often, children and adults eat semolina porridge with pleasure. I'm not talking about the liquid "something" strewn with lumps and foams, which you and I may once have had the misfortune of seeing in a kindergarten or hospital. I'm talking about a tasty, tender, homogeneous, not overcooked porridge, pleasant density and consistency, in addition, semolina porridge is easy to diversify by adding fruits, berries, nuts, jams, it can also be prepared with the addition of juices, fruit and vegetable purees, almond or coconut milk, etc. and so on. And you shouldn’t get carried away with such porridge, precisely because of its high calorie content, especially if you have problems with excess weight.

Semolina porridge contains a large amount of protein, potassium, vitamin E and B1, and it cooks quickly, which helps preserve a maximum of vitamins, and it’s still not worth talking about its uselessness and unnecessaryness, it’s just that, as they say, everything has its time, place and quantity.

Couscous (Couscous)

For some time now, couscous has become very popular in Russia, much of the credit for this goes to tourists who visited Tunisia, Morocco and other North African countries, where couscous is considered a national dish.

Generally, Couscous is a variation on the theme of semolina :). A simplified production technology looks like this: Semolina is sprinkled with water and from this mass future couscous grains are formed, which are rolled in dry semolina. All this is dried and sifted through a sieve. Grains that are too small repeat the process again.

Semolina from durum wheat is mainly used to produce couscous. Sometimes couscous is made from barley or rice.

Wheat couscous has all the qualities of the cereal from which it is produced, just like all wheat products, it contains gluten and is quite high in calories, 350-360 kcal per 100 g of dry product.

Couscous is very quick to prepare, just pour boiling water or broth over it and leave covered for some time, or you can boil it for a few minutes, and you can add a little vegetable oil to the boiling water so that the grains do not stick together. Ready couscous is served with meat, fish, vegetables, various spices, it can be seasoned with lemon juice and garnished with fresh mint leaves. Couscous is used to prepare sweet dishes flavored with dried fruits and nuts or fresh fruit.


Bulgur- This is another cereal made from wheat (usually durum varieties). To obtain it, wheat grains are steamed, dried (ideally in the sun), cleared of bran and then ground.

Thanks to thermal steam treatment, bulgur dishes cook quite quickly, while retaining the maximum amount of vitamins. Side dishes and pilaf are prepared from bulgur; it is added to soups, salads, minced meat, etc.

The calorie content of bulgur is approximately 345-360 kcal per 100 g of dry product. Bulgur, like all the grains described above, has all the pros and cons of wheat products, and, of course, contains gluten.

Bulgur dishes are famous not only for their taste, but also for their amazing nutty aroma. In order for the cereal to open up most brightly, it is calcined in oil. A wok pan is ideal for this sacrament. You can use vegetable oil, sunflower or olive oil, but melted butter is best. The butter needs to be melted and heated thoroughly, after which the bulgur is added to it (there is no need to rinse the grains with water beforehand) and, stirring, it is fried over high heat until the famous nutty aroma appears. Next, the bulgur is cooked in the same bowl with the addition of the required amount of boiling water, or it can be used to season soup, or it can be used to stuff vegetables before baking; in general, the scope for culinary imagination is almost limitless!


Spelled, it is also sometimes called spelled (although in most cases, when we talk about spelt, we mean Triticcum dicoccum, while spelled is Triticcum spelta, see Margarita’s comments on May 29), one of the most ancient and valuable cereals. It was cultivated at the dawn of human civilization and was known in Babylon, Ancient Egypt, and the Roman Empire. Until the 19th century, spelled occupied a worthy place in the human diet. Porridges were prepared from it, added to soups, and dishes similar to risotto were made. It is believed that spelled is the ancestor of modern varieties of soft wheat. A distinctive feature of spelled grain is that it is tightly wrapped in floral films and separated from them with great difficulty; such “armor” protects the grain from loss of moisture, diseases, and pests, and during the cooking process the grains do not boil into porridge, but remain intact. Spelled is a very unpretentious plant, but it requires clean soils without mineral fertilizers and any other human “concerns.” The composition of spelled is distinguished by a very high protein content (27-37%), containing 18 essential amino acids, iron and B vitamins in spelled more than in most varieties of modern wheat, but the plant is not rich in gluten, that is, gluten. Thanks to this composition, spelled perfectly saturates and gives a lot of strength and energy. Remember how Pushkin wrote in “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”:

“Give me some boiled spelt...
Balda lives in the priest's house,
He sleeps on the straw,
Eats for four
Works for seven..."

Well, then a huge number of things are listed that Balda manages to redo after eating his spelled :) For such valuable qualities, spelled is glorified by modern nutritionists and fans of healthy, environmentally friendly food.

However, in the modern world, spelled has been almost forgotten and is practically not grown on an industrial scale. Despite its unpretentiousness, spelled yields are not large, in this it is very much inferior to more prolific varieties of wheat, in addition, spelled is difficult to thresh and obtain flour from it, which, it must be said, is rather poorly stored. Conclusion: if you get your hands on spelled cereal, be sure to try such a valuable and healthy product!

Wheat is the queen of grains. She was always treated with respect. Its spikelets, grain and products made from it were even considered sacred by many peoples. It can be grown almost anywhere. It is not for nothing that wheat is distributed on all continents of the globe. It is divided into hard and soft varieties. Today we will look at what is made from wheat and why it is so popular. After all, this grain is extremely versatile and can be used in many situations. Flour, cereals, pasta, confectionery, and even vodka and beer - this is not the most complete list of products made from this grain. This is its main value. We will also mention whether you should consume wheat germ. We will consider the benefits, harms and advice of doctors on this matter below.

Nutritional qualities

Wheat contains more than 60 percent starch and 22 percent proteins. It contains fats and fiber. Many healthy microelements have been found in wheat, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, as well as vitamins, especially group B. Almost all the protein of this cereal is absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is used to make special nutritious cereals for healthy breakfasts. The most basic protein found in wheat is gluten. On the one hand, it is useful, but there are many people for whom this substance is a strong allergen. Therefore, it is not recommended to give small children under one year of age those based on wheat flour.

Types of wheat

To correctly answer the question of what is made from wheat, you first need to consider how its soft and hard varieties differ. The latter have a very high protein content. Flour from such wheat can be cream-colored. The grain from it is difficult to grind, but the dough turns out to be very elastic and elastic. has little protein. The flour from it turns out to be crumbly, and the products are very tender. Therefore, bakers and confectioners value it very much. It’s not for nothing that the most delicious desserts are made from this flour. Spelled is considered the ancestor of all modern varieties of soft wheat. It was cultivated back in Ancient Egypt. Its grain is difficult to remove from the shell; it contains more vitamins and nutrients than current types of grain, and, on the contrary, less gluten. Nowadays it is not grown on an industrial scale, although nutritionists highly recommend this particular plant.


What is made from wheat? First of all, flour. And they bake bread from it. It is the most nutritious and delicious. In terms of its qualities, it surpasses bread made from any other flour. But to make bread, soft varieties of wheat are needed. Its calorie content is 242 calories per 100 grams of product.

People have long been unable to imagine life without bread. He was always considered the main one on the table. Even the Gospel speaks of the “bread of life.” And in many cultures it has a sacred status and has become a symbol of food. Moreover, it is not only tasty, but also convenient. They eat it for breakfast, take it with them to work or on a hike in the form of sandwiches. However, the healthiest bread is made from high-quality wheat flour, not treated with chemicals, purified water and natural sourdough. Preservatives, vegetable oils, yeast, milk, and eggs are often added to store-bought products. And the flour in this bread is refined. That is, all useful substances are removed from it. Therefore, it is best to bake your own bread. After all, then you control the entire process of its production.


But not only bread made from wheat is on our table. Cereals are often made from this grain. It comes in many types. The most famous in our area is semolina. This is a coarse grain. It is used not only to prepare the well-known semolina porridge, but also various casseroles, dumplings, puddings, and pies. It is most often obtained from soft varieties of wheat.

Cereals are useful because during processing the grain is not freed from all the shells. It is polished and crushed. Porridge is used to make porridge and add it to salads. You can also bake baked goods from it. In Asian and African countries, another type of wheat cereal is very common - couscous. To obtain it, wheat grains are dipped in water, then ground, rolled into miniature balls and dried. Another type of cereal is also popular - bulgur. To prepare it, wheat grains are steamed, and thus they retain most of their valuable properties. Pilaf is often made from bulgur. It can completely replace rice. Couscous has a neutral taste, so it is often combined with vegetables, meat, fish, and spices. Bulgur is best heated in oil or fat. Then its taste will be fully revealed. Durum wheat is used to make bulgur and couscous.


This biological leavening agent is actually a fungus or microorganism. It is most often made from wheat flour. In production, liquid yeast is used, with which bread is baked on an industrial scale. In the household we are faced mainly with pressed and dry products. Such yeast needs to be activated. They are mainly dissolved in warm water or milk. Sometimes, to avoid baking with added chemicals, people make yeast from wheat at home. This process is quite labor-intensive. But the bread becomes as “homemade” as possible. Yeast is prepared from good wheat flour. Half a glass of it is mixed with 150 grams of warm water and left for three days. The temperature should be room temperature. Every day, add a spoonful of warm water to the mixture. Then it is boiled over low heat, and when it cools down, another spoonful of flour is added. The mixture is left for another two days. During this time, add another spoonful of flour. Finally, the mixture is covered with a towel and waited for another two days. The yeast is ready, but it doesn't last long.


Wheat mash - or, colloquially, moonshine - was one of the most popular alcoholic drinks among the Eastern Slavs until the nineteenth century. Bread vodka was even considered a medicine. This is a strong drink. At a minimum, it must have 32 degrees of alcohol. It is prepared with wild yeast from grain, infused with added sugar. The highest quality moonshine is wheat mash. To prepare it, take 4 kilograms of grain, fill it with water and add 800 grams of sugar. The wheat is left for 5 days in a dark place without a lid, and when fermentation begins, syrup is prepared. It is boiled in a volume of 1 kilogram of sugar per 5 liters of water and poured into the starter. Then the container is closed with a lid, placed under a water seal and maintained at room temperature so that the wort forms after 6 days. It is filtered and distilled using any apparatus. Since the resulting drink is very strong (up to 80 degrees), it is diluted with water.

What wheat is pasta made from?

It would seem that the answer to this question is very simple. These are flour products of different shapes, and before they are eaten, they are boiled. But real wheat pasta is Italian, or at least prepared according to a recipe from this country. They should be made only from flour and water. Durum wheat is used for their production. Of course, eggs, vegetables, and milk are often added to pasta. But this won’t be quite the same. There are many proteins that are healthy for the body, no fat, and the nutrients are balanced. Therefore, such products do not make you fat, and the body receives everything it needs. In other countries, including Russia, pasta is often made with the addition of soft flour. This is already pasta. If you eat them, especially with fatty sauces, you can really quickly gain excess weight.

This product is often considered essential for a healthy diet. Doctors and scientists are discussing how beneficial it is for the body and whether it can cause harm. It is an established fact that sprouted wheat not only contains the same nutrients and valuable substances as grain, but also in much greater quantities. This is especially true for iron. This happens because the seed “comes to life” and the enzymes that are in it begin to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, they do in advance everything that our gastrointestinal tract needs to do. We just have to internalize it all. Therefore, those who eat sprouted wheat receive a huge boost of vivacity and energy. Such a product can cause harm to children under 12 years of age, those with stomach ulcers, those who are allergic to gluten, and those who have recently undergone surgery. Doctors also note that sprouted wheat contains a large amount of pectin protein, and this can have a bad effect on metabolism.

This type of grain is superior to spring grain in protein content. However, among the 22 types of winter wheat, only a few are classified as durum, the rest are classified as soft. Therefore, it is mainly used to make bread, confectionery, and desserts. What else is made from winter wheat? It makes delicious buns. But pasta is good only from several varieties of such grains. It mainly produces pasta. Cereals made from winter wheat differ in color from spring wheat - it can be fawn or with a shade of gray.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))

Even in ancient times, wheat porridge was considered one of the obligatory dishes on every table and even a symbol of abundance and prosperity. When cooked correctly, it has a delicate and airy texture. In addition, this cereal is very beneficial for the human body. You will learn about the healing properties and ways to cook wheat porridge below.

The benefits and harms of wheat porridge

There are many varieties of wheat itself, but in agriculture, only two types of cereal are more often used - soft and hard. The first does not contain much gluten, so it is used for the production of flour. It is used in confectionery and bakery products. Durum wheat contains a lot of gluten, which is why it is used to make pasta and cereals. During the processing process, the grains are partially or completely freed from the shells and the germ, then polished. The result is wheat cereal. Otherwise it is called durum.

Dishes made from wheat cereals are considered suitable for dietary nutrition. Their calorie content is about 316 kcal per 100 g. Before cooking with such cereals, find out more about the benefits and harms of wheat porridge. It is especially valued for its general strengthening properties and the large amount of substances necessary for the human diet. Using recipes made from wheat cereal, you can feel its effect on yourself:

  • is a natural source of energy;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps with weight loss;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • helps to heal wounds faster;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • promotes the removal of antibiotics, toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • when consumed for breakfast, it fills you with energy for the whole day thanks to the slow carbohydrates in the composition;
  • saturates the body with fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins B, C and E, fatty acids, vegetable protein and amino acids.

Such porridge can only cause harm if there is low acidity of the stomach, individual intolerance and flatulence. You should not abuse it during pregnancy, because gas formation may increase. People who have recently undergone surgery to remove appendicitis should avoid eating wheat porridge. Since cereal contains a lot of starch, it is not suitable for people with diabetes or those prone to it.

Types, names of wheat cereals

Depending on the processing method, size and shape of grains, a classification of types and names of wheat grains is made. You can combine them into the following list:

  1. Artek. It consists of crushed grains, freed from the shell and germ and polished. Doesn't contain much useful fiber.
  2. Arnautka. The raw material for it is the durum wheat variety of the same name. The cereal will look like glassy grains. It is intended just for consumption in the form of porridge.
  3. Wheat flakes. Beans steamed and pressed. They are used not only for cooking porridge, but also for making desserts.
  4. Bulgur. This type of cereal is made from wheat that has not only been steamed, but also cleared of bran. The grains have an unusual nutty flavor.

Poltava groats are another variety. It is divided into 4 groups:

  1. Large, or No. 1. These grains are not pre-crushed; they are only polished, giving them an elongated shape with a pointed end. Visually they resemble pearl barley. Used as a seasoning for soup.
  2. Average, or No. 2. This type of grain is classified as crushed. Their shape is oval, but also with a pointed end. Most often used for porridge.
  3. Another average one, but already No. 3. These crushed grains differ from No. 2 only in their rounded shape. Suitable for porridge or oven casserole.
  4. Small, or No. 4. This type of grain differs from the third number only in a smaller form. Ideal for porridge, cutlets or meatballs.

How to cook wheat porridge

Traditionally, there are several ways to cook wheat cereal. This is done with water, milk or broth. The dish will be nutritious if you cut meat or fish, eggs, vegetables or mushrooms into cubes, add salt and add bay leaves and ground pepper for taste. You can chop fresh herbs there too. Sweet porridge with fruits, dried fruits, honey or nuts is no less appetizing. There is such a dish as porridge mix, which includes a mixture of buckwheat, millet or rice. Instructions on how to cook wheat porridge are very simple:

  1. For 1 cup of cereal you will need to take 2 cups of water. The quantity may be different, but a proportion of 1:2 is required.
  2. Next, pour water over the cereal, after boiling, add salt and simmer the dish over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and season the porridge with butter.

Wheat cereal in a slow cooker

It’s even easier to cook porridge in a slow cooker. This device even has a special program. It’s called “Porridge”. It can be replaced with the “Pilaf” mode. Wheat cereals are cooked in a slow cooker using almost the same technology as in a saucepan:

  1. Take 100 g of cereal, rinse thoroughly, then put in a bowl and add hot water, then leave for half an hour.
  2. Next, you need to lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Then you can put the soaked grains into it, adding about 500 ml of milk or more water.
  3. Add sugar and salt to taste, cook for 35 minutes in the “Porridge” program, and when finished, leave in the “Warming” mode.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water

There are several simple secrets, using which you can cook wheat porridge in crumbly water. In this recipe, the grains should not be washed under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will not achieve the crumbling effect. Another important step is toasting the cereal. It leads to dextrinization of starch, which reduces the viscosity of the product, which is why it becomes crumbly. The process of preparing such porridge includes the following steps:

  1. Fry about 1 cup of grains in a dry frying pan until a pleasant nutty aroma appears.
  2. Next, pour it into already boiling water, add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Cook over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed.
  4. Fill with oil, cover the pan with something warm and let the porridge brew for about half an hour.

Do I need to wash wheat grains before cooking?

Finely crushed varieties may not be washed before cooking. Although some housewives still do not skip this stage, believing that this way they make the grains more beautiful and clean. Most recipes recommend washing wheat groats before cooking if it is Poltava. In addition, if you need crumbly porridge, then you shouldn’t skip this step either. In any case, when the water for the porridge begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam and debris from the surface.

Wheat porridge recipe

There are many recipes for wheat porridge with the addition of a variety of ingredients. It can be viscous, liquid or crumbly. In each case, only the proportions of cereal with water or milk change. If you haven’t had time to eat the porridge fresh, you can easily make hearty cutlets or meatballs out of it. It will also turn out very tasty. The main ways to prepare porridge from wheat cereals are presented in the recipes.

Wheat porridge with milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 136 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Wheat porridge with milk tastes better if you cook it sweet. It's perfect for breakfast. The porridge is not too cloying, but moderately sweet. Although the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste. If desired, it is not forbidden to add a spoonful of honey or a few raisins. If the porridge seems watery to you, then next time increase the amount of cereal to 2/3 cup.


  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat cereal – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • milk – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire and boil.
  2. Next, add salt, add sugar and at the same time add the cereal itself.
  3. Wait for the next boil, reduce the heat to low, close the lid, and simmer the dish for 40 minutes without stirring the porridge.
  4. When finished, add oil, stir, let it brew for another 10 minutes.

Recipe for wheat porridge on water

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for wheat porridge in water is not particularly complicated from the method of cooking it in milk. Only in this case you get a dish that can be either independent or a side dish, for example, with meat, liver or fried mushrooms. Chop a couple of carrots and onions, fry them - and it will also turn out very tasty. The viscosity of the porridge is easily adjusted. If you prefer crumbly, then simply do not rinse the grains before cooking and fry them additionally.


  • butter, salt - to taste;
  • wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cereal in a pan of water and add salt immediately.
  2. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. At the end, season with oil.

The secrets of how to cook wheat cereal are very simple. They concern not only the ingredients themselves, but also the dishes. If you want to cook wheat porridge really tasty, check out the following tips:

  1. The porridge is richer in taste and aroma in a cast iron cauldron. Although a thick-walled pan will also work.
  2. You can season the finished porridge not only with butter - olive or flaxseed oil is often used.
  3. If you like a more homogeneous porridge, then you first need to grind the cereal in a coffee grinder or hand mill.

Video: How to cook wheat porridge

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Wheat is the most popular grain crop in the world: flour and bioproducts, cereals, pasta, animal feed, bedding and heating briquettes are made from it. Grain is grown on all continents except Antarctica, but the crop shows the highest yield in temperate climate zones.

Wheat production

The cereal crop is unpretentious, and selected varieties are resistant to diseases, pests, drought or high humidity, frost and various soil conditions. However, the optimal conditions for the natural growth of grains are: temperature from +2 to + 25`C and air humidity from 55% to 65%. For this reason, in temperate climates, wheat shows good yields at the same planting per square meter, and grain is characterized by a high content of nutrients and protein.

Based on climatic conditions, the world's largest wheat producers are:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • India;
  • France;
  • Canada;
  • Ukraine.

All grain varieties are divided according to vegetation type into winter and spring, and according to grain structure - into hard and soft varieties.

Durum wheat is called durum (Latin meaning: triticum turgidum). It is distinguished by its high content of protein and carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow color of the ear. Due to the formation of high-quality gluten, durum flour is used to make elite varieties of bread and pasta, bulgur, and semolina. It also improves gluten-poor types of soft flour.

Soft wheat varieties (the Latin name of the species is triticum aestivum) are characterized by less protein. The flour made from them has a finer and more delicate grind, and is white and light. Many bakery and confectionery products and sauces are prepared from it.

Wheat cereals

The most famous product made from cereal is wheat bread, but it is not the only product made from cereal. What other wheat products exist:

  • Cereals;
  • Flour;
  • Pasta;
  • Alcohol;
  • Starch.

At the end of 2017, more than 1.75 million tons of wheat cereals were sold in Russia, and almost every region of the Russian Federation has its own production of cereal products. In total, the industry includes about 250 enterprises. Most of them specialize in the production of semolina. Buckwheat ranks second in popularity, followed by pearl barley, millet, egg, oatmeal and rice.

Some of the largest producers of wheat cereals in the Russian Federation are:

  • Moscow Bakery Plant;
  • Firm Agroalyans and Angstrem, St. Petersburg;
  • Makfa, Chelyabinsk;
  • Kaliningrad Russian Cereal Company;
  • Meta-RV, Voronezh.

Crushed grain is used for production: the type of cereal and its quality depend on its size.

So semolina is made from the smallest, flour-like grains, and wheat is obtained from grain of a larger fraction. Coarsely ground cereals contain more minerals, vitamins and healthy fiber, and those made from flour-like raw materials are better absorbed.

Whole wheat

The benefits of whole grains are in complex carbohydrates, which account for up to 75% of the total composition. Whole wheat porridge is prepared simply: the washed grain is poured into boiling water, covered with a lid, and a little salt and sugar are added. Boil for about 30 minutes, then leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

The presence of fiber in grain improves digestion and stimulates the natural removal of toxins. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, metabolism, and the state of the nervous and endocrine systems. These are all benefits, but the harm is explained by the gluten content in wheat, which means it is contraindicated for diabetics and for colitis and thyroid diseases. For patients with gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers and those who are prone to flatulence, it is better to limit the amount of whole grain porridge in the diet.


Wheat semolina is made from fine grinding and is thoroughly cleaned. The average grain size is about 0.5 mm. Semolina is also produced from durum wheat (durum) in mills. It is both healthier than soft wheat semolina and higher in calories (100 g of cereal contains about 330 kcal).

Semolina made from durum or soft wheat contains many essential and essential minerals, amino acids and vitamins, but has almost no fiber.

Cereals are divided into three classes.

  1. Class M contains a minimum of fiber, ash, protein, but a lot of starch. It takes no more than 7 minutes to prepare.
  2. Class Tk is characterized by high ash content, a higher percentage of fiber and proteins, but a lower starch content. It cooks for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The MT grade has average levels of protein, fiber and starch, but does not have good taste. Typically, semolina of this type is used in the preparation of muffins, desserts, sauces, pies and other dishes.

Wheat cereal is ground, polished grains without germs and with a small amount of fruit membranes. What kind of grain is it produced from: from durum wheat or from high breeding breeds of soft wheat, rich in gluten and fiber.

It is divided into Artek and Poltava. Poltava wheat groats differ from Artek in the size of the grains. It contains a lot of protein, sucrose and raffinose, monosaccharides and pure starch. It also contains minerals such as iron and potassium, zinc and selenium, vitamins thiamine, riboflavin.

The taste of artek is higher than that of Poltava and even semolina. In Greece, the word artos, consonant with artek, was used to call bread. Artek grains are slightly larger than those of semolina, have the same color and are cooked for about 15-20 minutes.

Eating wheat porridge helps improve immunity. It is recommended for diseases of the stomach and digestive system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels. If there is no allergy during pregnancy, it can be included in the diet up to 3 times a week.

When breastfeeding, doctors advise consuming wheat porridge no earlier than two months after birth. The high content of fiber and protein components can provoke allergies in a newborn.

Spelled is a Russian traditional and healthy food. These are unique varieties of soft wheat with a non-threshing shell. Its composition surpasses many durum cereals in nutritional qualities. The protein content in grain reaches 40%. Before cooking, it is recommended to germinate, dry and grind the cereal. This will preserve the maximum of nutrients and improve the digestibility of the cereal.

Spelled is actively used in various diets, and its average glycemic index is 45 units. Carbohydrates that enter the body along with spelled are absorbed gradually and are completely converted into energy. Regular consumption of spelled has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, bone and muscle tissue. People with allergies to gluten, as well as those suffering from celiac disease, should treat cereals with caution.

Bulgur is prepared from crushed grains, which are previously subjected to short-term heat treatment. After threshing, the wheat is cleaned and boiled until soft. The water is drained and the grain is dried on baking sheets at high temperature. During processing, the wheat darkens and hardens. The next stage of preparation is soaking and beating, during which the grain shell breaks. The grain is dried again with hot air. The grinding is freed from husks and undergoes final threshing. After which the grains are sorted by size.

List of vitamins in bulgur:

  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phylloquinone;
  • Choline;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Pantheonic acid;
  • Folic acid.

Regular consumption of bulgur has a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. Nutrients help restore normal metabolic processes, improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails. Bulgur is one of the cereals that are easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended during diets, the recovery period after operations, childbirth, stress and depression. The only contraindication is gluten or fiber intolerance.

Couscous is made from semolina, which is moistened and ground with durum wheat flour. Couscous has all the qualities of semolina, and its inclusion in the diet helps normalize metabolism, increase tone and strengthen the immune system. Vitamins help overcome chronic fatigue and depression, insomnia. Regular consumption of couscous porridge restores water-salt metabolism and improves brain function.

Restrictions on use are available only for people with gluten allergies.

This cereal is made from milk-ripe wheat. In this phase, the grain has already collected all the necessary nutrients, but has not had time to harden. After mowing, the wheat is formed into sheaves and left to dry under the sun. Then the ears are burned on fire: the straw should burn together with the grain shell, leaving the grain itself intact.

Next, the grain is threshed, peeled, aged under the sun and crushed. Thanks to production technology, freekeh contains 4 times more dietary fiber than other grains. It contains a large amount of minerals and essential amino acids. Cereals are recommended for those who want to lose weight quickly, as well as for diabetics, people with diseases of the stomach, heart, blood and vision.

List of GOST standards for wheat cereals

The all-Russian classifier OKPD 2 has been developed for different types of products, including products made from whole and crushed wheat. It is valid from 01/01/2014 along with additions and clarifications. The state standard (GOST) is a standard that is used when comparing similar products. It is developed for all types of goods as a norm, rule and quality requirement.

GOST for semolina

GOST 7022-97 provides for 3 types of white or cream-colored semolina. The letter M corresponds to semolina made from soft grains, T - from hard grains, MT - a mixture containing no more than 20% durum. The smell of the cereal should be clean and fresh, the taste should be pleasant, without a hint of acid or bitterness. The ash content indicator is associated with careful separation of the grain shell, and the maximum is equal to:

  • 0.6 for soft grain cereals;
  • 0.85 for durum wheat semolina;
  • 0.7 for mixed composition.

Class M cereals may contain flour. Mixed semolina may be uneven in color, and durum semolina may contain glassy and hard particles. The requirements of this GOST are used for couscous.

Wheat grain standard

GOST 276-60 defines the requirements for wheat cereals. Depending on the type of processing and the size of the fraction, Poltava grain is divided into large, medium, and small. Cereals are produced from durum grades 1-3. A lower class may be used if the following conditions are met:

  • The amount of impurities is no more than 2%;
  • The amount of grain impurity is no more than 5%, including up to 3% of sprouted grain;
  • The amount of wheat of other types is up to 15%.

Main characteristics of Poltava cereals:

  • 1 - large (polished grain of elongated shape, freed from germs);
  • 2 - medium (polished oval grain);
  • 3 and 4 - medium (may contain larger particles, with small inclusions of fruit or seed coats).

Artek is polished small crushed grains. They should not contain germs, but the presence of outer shells is acceptable. The smell of the cereal is fresh, the color is even, without obvious dark inclusions. The requirements of this GOST are also accepted for bulgur and freekeh.


The inexpensive cost of wheat cereal and the ease of obtaining explain its popularity throughout the world. The product is included in many traditional dishes of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, cuisine of North Africa and the Middle East. The benefits of whole grains and cereals made from them are enormous: vitamins and minerals strengthen the nervous system, improve the functioning of the digestive system, heart and thyroid gland, and help increase concentration and performance. The only drawback is the calorie content if cooked with milk and added sugar. This is worth remembering when preparing wheat porridge for breakfast or as a side dish for the main dish.