Bloody Mary non-alcoholic cocktail. Bloody Mary - more than just vodka and tomato juice

The Bloody Mary cocktail (in the English version - Bloody Mary) is a world-famous alcohol with a strength of about 27 degrees. Its main ingredients are vodka and tomato juice. Additionally, spices, some types of sauces and lemon juice are added.

This alcoholic cocktail contains approximately 60 kcal per 100 g.

Let's look step by step and with photos on how to make the drink yourself in several options correctly and without wasting extra time.

To get the right alcohol that will delight you with its taste, you should follow these recommendations:

  • It is best to use expensive, high-quality vodka, having first cooled it thoroughly;
  • Tomato juice, on the contrary, should stand at room temperature. It must be salted before cooking. Freshly squeezed juice with a small pulp content is ideal. To do this, you can simply puree ripe tomatoes in a blender;
  • Fresh lemon juice can be replaced with lime juice, and the amount of spices can be varied according to your own preferences;
  • Ice is not on the ingredient list. The only exception is the non-alcoholic variation of the drink or preparation in a shaker. In this case, you need to take no more than 2-3 large cubes.

How to drink this alcohol correctly:

  • In one fell swoop - if the alcohol is made in a glass;
  • Take quick sips through a cocktail straw – if cooking is done in layers in a tall glass;
  • If the mixture is made in a shaker, then you can drink it slowly through a straw in small sips.

Original Bloody Mary recipe

Cocktail ingredients:

  • Vodka – 50 ml;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • Tomato juice – 100 ml;
  • Worcestershire and Tobasco sauces - a couple of drops each;
  • Pepper and salt - a couple of pinches each.

The classic recipe at home can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Combine all the ingredients from the list in a shaker, mix well, pour into a glass and serve with a straw;
  2. Pour pepper and salt into the bottom of a tall glass (Highball type), add sauces, first pour lemon juice, then tomato juice. Place the blade of the knife at an angle to the inner wall of the glass and carefully slowly pour in the “little white” so that it forms the top layer and does not mix with the previous one. For decoration, you can choose a sprig of celery.

There is also a Russian version of this drink. The cooking instructions do not change, but the number of ingredients is reduced by eliminating sauces and lemon juice.

Recipe with egg

The ingredients in it are absolutely identical to the previous cooking scheme, so we will not duplicate them. Only one chicken egg is added.

The cooking process is slightly different and is as follows:

  1. Carefully break the egg into the bottom of the glass so that the yolk is not damaged;
  2. Mix lemon and tomato juices, add salt and pepper, add sauces and carefully pour the mixture onto the yolk so as not to break its integrity;
  3. Similarly with the previous recipe, slowly pour vodka over the blade of a knife or a teaspoon to create a layered “liquid dish”.

This variation has an excellent anti-hangover effect and will help you quickly recover in the morning after a stormy party.

Non-alcoholic variety ("Bloody Maiden")

There is also a non-alcoholic Bloody Mary cocktail recipe. It will especially appeal to lovers of tomatoes and other vegetables.

The first option uses the same ingredients and proportions as in the classic recipe. The only thing missing is vodka. The ingredients are mixed in a shaker, and the finished mixture is poured into a glass. At your discretion, you can add a couple of ice cubes.

The second variation is more original, vegetable and tasty and contains several additional components:

  • Large tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • Onion - half a small head;
  • Red bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • Tomato juice – 250 ml;
  • Ground cayenne pepper and cumin - a quarter teaspoon each;
  • Lime or fresh lemon juice – 70 ml;
  • Fresh cilantro leaves - a quarter cup;
  • Salt – half a teaspoon;
  • Olive oil – 2 large spoons;
  • Black peppercorns – 2-3 pcs.

For decoration:

  • 4 slices of lemon or lime;
  • Cayenne pepper – 1/4 small spoon;
  • A handful of coarse salt.

Let's prepare it step by step:

  1. We cut the tomatoes in half, and the onion into thick half rings;
  2. We place these vegetables on the grill along with the bell pepper, which we leave whole. Sprinkle them with olive oil;
  3. Tomatoes need to be baked for two minutes on each side, and onions and peppers for 5 minutes;
  4. Peel the prepared vegetables (except onions), remove the seeds from the pepper;
  5. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix;
  6. Squeeze the juice out of three citrus circles, dip the edges of the glass into it, and then into a container with coarse salt and cayenne pepper;
  7. Fill the glass with the mixture and garnish with a slice of lemon or lime. After this, you can enjoy the refreshing taste of an amazing drink.

Bloody Mary with tomato ice

This original drink is offered in European bars and is called “Ice and Blood”.

You will need:

  • Frozen tomato juice – 6 cubes;
  • Porto (fortified wine) – 10 ml;
  • Vodka – 40 ml;
  • Slice of lemon;
  • Pepper and salt - to taste;
  • Tobasco and Worcestershire sauces - a couple of drops each.

Step-by-step cooking scheme:

  1. Place red ice cubes in a glass, add all the ingredients from the list except port. Stir;
  2. Pour in the remaining ingredient and garnish the drink with a lemon wedge.

Fortified port wine gives the cocktail a unique blood-red color and makes it beautiful.

There are several other types of cocktails where vodka is replaced with another alcohol:

  • Brown Maria - whiskey;
  • Bloody Mary - tequila;
  • Bloody Geisha - sake;
  • Bloody Bishop - sherry;
  • Michelada - Mexican beer.

Try several options for preparing this popular cocktail, experiment with alcohol and proportions of sauces and spices, and you will certainly find your own unique combination.

Video: Bloody Mary cocktail recipe

For several decades now, the Bloody Mary cocktail has become widely known among visitors to drinking establishments and restaurants. The drink quickly won the sympathy of customers due to its pleasant taste and natural ingredients. It is also easy to prepare at home as all the ingredients can be bought at your local supermarket.

general characteristics

A simplified version is a mixture of tomato juice and vodka; in its original version it can include many different spices, additives and decorations.

This long drink is presented in the “Modern Classics” category of the International Bar Association (IBA).

It has an intoxicating effect, its degree depends on the amount taken, state of health, well-being, and other factors. A non-alcoholic cocktail provides the body with vitamins and nutrients and will help overcome hangover syndrome.


The history of the creation of the Bloody Mary cocktail begins at the beginning of the 20th century - a certain George Jessel presented a hangover remedy with a loud name, including tomato juice and Russian vodka. The issue of the New York Herald Tribune dated December 2, 1939 contained a note about the new drink.

Fernand Petiot began to dispute Jessel's authorship 25 years later, reporting his invention in the 1920s while working at a pub in Paris. The New Yorker mentioned this fact in its issue, published on July 18, 1964.


It is believed that the drink got its name thanks to Mary I Tudor (1516-1558), the first crowned queen of England, whose reign fell on 1553-1558. It was a terrible time in the history of England, as the ruler was particularly cruel. Bloody Mary became the only queen who does not have a single monument in her honor in the country.

Another popular version of the name is associated with the name of the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway, who, according to friends and acquaintances, was addicted to alcohol. With the name of the drink, the journalist wanted to immortalize the name of his fourth wife, Mary Welsh, who struggled with her husband’s drunkenness.

In Poland, bar and pub regulars drink a local version with friends, called Krwawa Manka. They associate the separation of liquid in the drink with the white and red colors of the country’s national flag.

Preparing the Components

To prepare the drink, you need to prepare all the required ingredients and utensils in advance, taking into account some key factors:

  1. You should choose high-quality vodka from a trusted manufacturer, pre-chilled.
  2. The juice should be as thick as possible, perhaps even freshly squeezed and with pulp. Temperature: room temperature. It is the contrast between the temperatures of cold and warm that makes it possible to achieve stratification of liquids.
  3. Ice is added only to non-alcoholic types or when mixed in a shaker.


The most common composition of Bloody Mary is tomato and lemon juice, vodka and spices. However, bartenders at different establishments prepare many varieties with all sorts of ingredients.

The basic composition of the Bloody Mary cocktail, recognized by the Union of Bartenders of All Countries (IBA):

  • tomato juice – 90 ml;
  • vodka – 45 ml;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • Worcestershire sauce - 2-3 drops.

Ingredients such as salt, black pepper, Tabasco, dry celery - no more than a pinch.

The components are carefully combined, the resulting composition is poured into a container for serving to the client. The most commonly used is a highball - a glass glass that has the correct cylinder shape.

In Latin America, there is a recipe without tomato juice, when using beef broth as a basis, the result is “Bull Volley”. When using a mixture of broth and tomato juice, the waiter will offer the customer "Bloody Bull". Worcestershire sauce may also be omitted and Tabasco used instead.

In Russia and other parts of the world, the form of decorating the drink with layers is common. Pour juice and vodka into a chilled glass using a knife blade. Filling the container in this way makes it possible to fill it with balls of liquids; they do not mix with each other, that is, the visitor is invited to drink vodka and wash it down immediately. For a spectacular performance, bartenders accompany the process of filling a glass with a colorful show - setting fire to alcohol, juggling bottles and shakers.

Serving by flipping the glass looks very impressive; this trick is performed only by professional bartenders. Vodka is poured into a narrow shot glass, after which it is covered with a large glass so that its bottom is in contact with the top edge of the shot glass without gaps. Quickly turn the glass over, while pressing the glass firmly against it so that the vodka it contains does not spill out. Then pour the juice (choose the thickest one) around the glass and carefully remove the glass. Ideally, the alcohol will remain inside.

Decorations and garnishes

If desired, the cocktail served can be garnished with a sprig of celery or parsley, shrimp or a slice of lemon. Many bartenders can add ice, as well as various garnishes:

  • brine:
  • olives;
  • mushrooms;
  • carrot;
  • pieces of cheese.


As a substitute for vodka, another alcohol may be present in Bloody Mary, which will not spoil it at all, but will only enhance the effect of surprise and a bright palette of taste sensations:

  • gin – “Bloody Hammer”;
  • sake – “Bloody Geisha”;
  • tequila – “Bloody Mary”;
  • whiskey – “Brown Mary”;
  • sherry - “Bloody Bishop”;
  • beer – “Michelada” (Mexico);
  • moonshine - “Bloody Sam”;
  • moonshine and chili pepper puree - “Sam the Maniac Killer.”

For visitors who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their diet, the menu of establishments offers drinks that do not contain an alcohol base.

"Bloody Maiden"

You need to prepare:

  • thick tomato puree – 100 g;
  • lemon (freshly squeezed) juice – 15 g;
  • Tabasco, ground pepper, Worcestershire sauce, salt - to taste.

It is convenient to use a shaker and serve with ice.

Homeland: unknown exactly: either America or France

History of the cocktail: dates back to the 2nd quarter of the 20th century. The first drink named after the Queen of England from the Tudor family, Mary 1st “Bloody,” was an anti-hangover recipe by George Jessel. It was only a mixture of vodka and tomato juice (1:1). It is to him that the New York Herald Tribune newspaper of December 2, 1939 refers.

However, a Parisian bartender, an employee of the New York bar, Fernand Petiot, almost a quarter of a century later (in 1964), challenged the invention of George Jessel, saying that it was he who invented the true cocktail recipe back in 1920, which also included spices and salt , lemon juice and other ingredients.

At the same time, a cocktail was created in Poland, which became a symbol of the country’s white and red flag. The drink consisted of tomato juice and vodka, which divided the glass in two.

In the Soviet Union it was one of the favorite (and affordable) cocktails. It was more reminiscent of Jessel's two-ingredient, lightly salted recipe. Many perceive it in this form even now, easily preparing it at home.

Types and varieties: despite the simplicity and small number of components, there are many cocktail options. It exists, for example, in national varieties (Russian, American, etc.). It also comes with various variations of alcohol in the composition (whisky, gin, etc.). There is also a very original non-alcoholic version, which is called the “Bloody Virgin” or “Virgin Mary”. At first glance, it is difficult to imagine this cocktail. Since getting rid of alcohol in the recipe, we are left with essentially only tomato juice. But this recipe actually goes beyond just the juice (it's included at the end of this article).

By the way, the alcohol that forms the basis of the cocktail largely determines the name of the cocktail. Thus, the replacement of vodka with whiskey led to the emergence of “Brown Mary”, tequila - “Bloody Mary”, sherry - “Bloody Bishop”, sake - “Bloody Geisha”, Mexican beer - “Michelada”.

Effect on the body: twofold. The drink can be both sobering and intoxicating. It all depends on the amount you drank, the time of day when you decided to take it, and many other circumstances. The non-alcoholic version saturates with vitamins and microelements, relieves hangovers and improves immunity, especially if prepared with freshly squeezed juices.

How to drink correctly:

option 1: in one gulp/ (if you are preparing the drink in a glass, or “for a hangover”)

option 2: through a cocktail straw, but also quite quickly (if you cook in a tall glass in layers “for intoxication”). The essence of drinking comes down to the fact that vodka is drunk first, which is immediately washed down with juice.

option 3: if you prepare a drink in a shaker, you can drink it slowly through a straw (especially if you like the taste of tomato juice).

Price: different in every bar. Although this drink is usually quite affordable. In this regard, it is prepared almost everywhere.


  1. You need to take good quality vodka and cool it very much (almost until thick) before preparing it.
  2. Tomato juice, on the other hand, should be at room temperature. It is better if it is thick, perhaps freshly squeezed (with pulp!). You can get juice for a cocktail in a regular blender by loading ripe tomatoes into it and making a puree. In addition, the juice needs to be slightly salted (in advance), and if you use freshly prepared juice, then also sweeten it with a pinch of sugar.
  3. If desired, lemon juice can be replaced with lime juice, and the amount of spices and salt can be adjusted according to taste, desire and mood.
  4. No ice is added to this cocktail! The exception is the non-alcoholic version of the drink or the case when you prepare Mary in a shaker. But even in these cases, take only 2-3 pieces, which should be quite large (they will melt more slowly).

The Bloody Mary cocktail is most often the choice of friends who decide to sit together over a “glass” of tea. Or friends who don’t want to get drunk quickly, as well as students saving on snacks. But there are people who simply adore the combination of tomato juice and “white milk”, and who order it always and everywhere.

Cocktail recipe “Classic”


  • vodka (chilled) – 50 ml
  • salt and pepper - 2 pinches each

This is how you should cook:

Option 1: mix all ingredients in a shaker and serve with a straw.

Option 2: pour salt and pepper into the bottom of the glass (glass), drip sauces, lemon juice and pour tomato juice. Using a knife blade (or a teaspoon) slowly pour vodka onto the side of the glass, trying not to mix the layers.

Sometimes, at home, the cocktail is simplified using only spices, salt, tomato juice and vodka. This option is especially common in the countries of the former USSR and has a prefix in the name - “in Russian”.

Here, in the post-Soviet space, another version of the cocktail was invented. This recipe with egg. Its components almost completely duplicate the classic recipe, but the cooking process is slightly different. In general, this cocktail could be called a tomato flip (due to the egg in the composition), but Russian people classified it as a variety of “Mary”. It has an excellent anti-hangover effect, and in the morning, after a stormy feast, it will be like a godsend for you.


  • vodka (chilled) – 50 ml
  • tomato juice (not chilled, thick) - 100 ml
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 15 ml
  • salt and pepper - 2 pinches each
  • “Tabasco” and “Watchester” sauces - 2-3 drops each
  • egg – 1 pc (or 2 yolks)

This is how you should cook:

  1. Pour the egg into the bottom of the glass so that the yolk remains intact.
  2. Mix tomato juice with lemon juice, salt, pepper and sauces and carefully pour over the egg (do not break the yolk!). You can adjust the spiciness and saltiness of the juice to taste.
  3. Carefully pour vodka onto the juice along the edge of a knife (or a teaspoon), so that layers form in the glass.

Finally, the last alcohol-free recipe we promised.

Cocktail “Bloody Virgin” (“Virgin Mary”/non-alcoholic “Bloody Mary”)

Option 1.


  • tomato juice (not chilled, thick) - 100 ml
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 15 ml
  • salt and pepper - 2 pinches each
  • “Tabasco” and “Watchester” (Worcestershire) sauces - 2-3 drops each

This is how you should cook:

All components are mixed in a shaker and poured into a glass. If desired, you can add a couple of ice cubes.

Option 2.


  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • red bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • onion – ½ pc.
  • tomato juice – 250 gr.
  • freshly squeezed lime/lemon juice – 70 gr.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • cumin - 1/4 tsp.
  • ground cayenne pepper - 1/4 tsp.
  • fresh cilantro leaves - 1/4 cup
  • black peppercorns – 2-3 pcs.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

For decoration:

  • coarse salt (preferably sea salt) – 1 handful
  • cayenne pepper - 1/4 tsp.
  • lime/lemon – 4 mugs

This is how you should cook:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half, the onions into thick half rings, there is no need to peel the bell pepper. They will need to be placed on the grill, drizzled with olive oil first. Bake the tomatoes for 1-2 minutes on each side, onions and peppers for 5 minutes (on both sides). Peel the finished tomatoes and peppers. Discard the pepper seeds.
  2. Mix all the ingredients of the cocktail in a blender and place the drink in the cold. Meanwhile, rim the glass by moistening the edges with lemon juice and spinning it on a plate with salt and pepper. After you fill the glass with the drink, place a lime circle on the rim.

As with all well-known and popular recipes, the authorship of " Bloody Mary"Several bartenders apply at once.

Who came up with " Bloody Mary«

According to one version the authors believe Fernanda Petiot. In the 20s of the last century he worked in a Parisian bar " Harry's New York", America's favorite place. One day he mixed equal parts vodka and tomato juice in a glass to create a new cocktail. Later, I began to add spices to it.

Name " Bloody Mary" suggested one of the visitors, in memory of Mary, who worked at the Ladle of Blood bar in Chicago. In 1934, Fernand returned to New York. To the owners of the bar " King Cole“I liked the new bartender’s cocktail, but not the name. They asked to change the name, but customers still ordered Mary. And when people in the city began to talk about how “Bloody Mary” was a great hangover drink and people went to the bar for this cocktail, they immediately liked the name.

According to another version, the author of "Bloody Mary" is called George Jessel. As one New York newspaper wrote in 1939, it was invented by the author as a cure for hangovers. The proportions were indicated: 50% vodka and 50% tomato juice, but there were no spices, like Ferdinand.

There is another version, that the initiator of the appearance of “Bloody Mary” was the producers of tomato juice (it was at that time that packaged juice appeared) in order to increase their sales. It was then that the opinion arose that the cocktail had good anti-hangover properties. Which, in fact, is not surprising: alcohol, vitamins from juice and spices that bring the body back to life.

It is possible that they were also the authors of the legend that the cocktail was named in honor of the Queen of England Mary I Tudor, who was called Bloody Mary because she mercilessly dealt with Protestants. The version is beautiful, but somehow it doesn’t fit with the composition at all.

How to make Bloody Mary

Eat two fundamentally different ways preparing a cocktail.

First, American: simply mix all the ingredients in a shaker with ice and pour into a glass. It's too easy for me. If I need to drink several dozen guests at the same time, I will do so.

But I prefer the serving option, when tomato juice and vodka are poured in layers; there is nothing complicated about it. In America, it is called Eastern.

Bloody Mary Ingredients

  • Siberian vodka – 50 ml
  • Tomato juice – 120 ml
  • Lemon juice – 10ml
  • Celery – 1 sprig
  • Tabasco sauce - 5-7 drops
  • Worcestershire sauce – 5-7 drops
  • Selle – 1 g
  • Ground pepper of two types – 1 gr.

Vodka " Siberian “I didn’t choose it by chance. Proven quality since the times of the USSR, because in cocktails we drink vodka in its pure form. If you stir, you can take any, the juice and spices will “drown out” the whole taste.

Worcestershire sauce – companies only « Lea & Perrins. This company is the only one that holds the license for the original Worcestershire sauce recipe ( his appearance is a whole novel, but I’ll tell you about that another time). Worcester is now quite difficult to find in stores, compared to Tabasco. No means no.

Wet the edge of the glass with water and dip it in salt to create a white stripe.

Pour warm (this is important, otherwise there will be no layers) tomato juice into a glass in a thin stream.

Add a little Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce, squeeze in lemon juice and add a little salt.

Stir the juice carefully so as not to stain the sides of the glass.

Sprinkle a little pepper on the juice. It is important that the pepper should be ground in two ways – coarse and fine; large pieces will float later.

Today, in many Russian bars, a person can meet the legendary “Bloody Mary” cocktail. It is considered one of the most famous and is easy to prepare. The increase in popularity was facilitated by the release of a thriller with exactly the same name.

The legendary Bloody Mary cocktail appeared in the French capital in a bar called Harry's New York Bar. This event took place at the beginning of the 20th century, and more specifically, in 1921. Fernando Petiot (nickname Pete) was considered the creator of this drink, although he himself gave the palm to the unknown George Essel. And yet, Pete’s merit is that he was the first to add various sauces and spices to the cocktail. They were the ones who “made” Bloody Mary.

We must not forget about this, because today most people think that the cocktail itself, apart from mixed tomatoes and vodka, is nothing.

Worcestershire was the first sauce Pete added to a drink. Even some time after moving to New York, he tried to add something new to the cocktail, to improve it. Pete didn't ignore the Tabasco hot sauce either.

At the very beginning, only citrus pieces were added to the cocktail. And that's all. A sprig of celery, the presence of which is considered traditional today, appeared in the cocktail due to the oversight of one bartender at the Ambassador Hotel in Chicago. He simply forgot to put a special stirring stick in the drink. But the woman who ordered from him was not at all taken aback and began stirring the drink with a sprig of celery.

The cocktail received the name “Bloody” solely because of its color, and “Mary” - in honor of Mary Pickford, a famous Hollywood actress at that time. Mary was one of the first to participate in tasting the new cocktail.

Classic cocktail recipe


  • Celery (sprig).
  • Tomato juice (150 ml).
  • Tabasco and Worcester's sauce (three drops each).
  • Lemon juice (15 ml).
  • Good quality vodka (75 ml).
  • Spices (ground black pepper, salt - one gram).

Cooking process:

  1. You need to take a highball prepared in advance and pour a certain amount of vodka into it.
  2. Add lemon juice and spices to it. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Add tomato juice, a few drops of each sauce. Stir everything well again.
  4. At the end add a sprig of celery.

Now making a Bloody Mary cocktail doesn't seem so difficult. But if a person prepares it himself at home, then the recipe can be changed a little, that is, some ingredients can be removed, while maintaining the final taste.

You don't need to add Worcester's or Tabasco sauces to the cocktail. Their absence will not spoil the drink in any way, but will make the ingredients more accessible.

By the way, it's worth noting this: Worcester's sauce is a sweet and sour condiment often used, for example, in the British Isles or England. It is made from vinegar, sugar and fish. Purchasing sauce on the territory of the Russian Federation is quite problematic.

With another sauce (Tabasco), things are a little simpler. You can buy it in almost any supermarket. It contains salt, vinegar and, of course, hot pepper. That is why this sauce is very spicy.

You don’t have to worry about trying to add a gram of salt and pepper to your cocktail. It is better to build on your taste preferences. You should start with a sliver of wood and continue from the result obtained. But it is not recommended to give up celery. After all, it perfectly complements the cocktail.

Cooking option with celery

When preparing a cocktail, you must follow several basic steps, namely:

  1. First of all, vodka (75 ml) is poured into the glass.
  2. After this, you need to add lemon juice, pepper and salt (one gram each) and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add ice cubes (several pieces).
  4. Add tomatoes (150 grams).
  5. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  6. Place a sprig of celery.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this option for preparing a cocktail is slightly different from others. Here you need to add salt, lemon juice, pepper after vodka, and only then ice, but in other recipes it’s the other way around. Thanks to this, the taste of the drink is brighter and more unusual.

Original Bloody Mary with egg

This option for preparing the drink was invented by Russian bartenders. This recipe almost completely duplicates the traditional drink, but the preparation method is still slightly different. Next we will tell you how to properly make a Bloody Mary with an egg.


  • Vodka (50 grams).
  • One egg (chicken).
  • A pinch of pepper, salt.
  • Tomato juice (100 grams).
  • Lemon juice from half a lemon.


  1. Carefully place the yolk in the glass and make sure it is not damaged.
  2. Mix salt, tomato and lemon juice and pepper.
  3. The resulting liquid is carefully poured into the glass, keeping the yolk intact.
  4. Also carefully add vodka (chilled).
  5. No need to stir.

The result is a three-layer cocktail. At the very bottom is the yolk, in the middle is tomato juice, and at the top is vodka.

Non-alcoholic cocktail

This cocktail is best drunk before lunch. Just like the traditional drink, it is unusual and spicy. This is why even pregnant women can enjoy it, but in small quantities.

This cocktail is classified as a long drink, that is, a drink that is made in large volumes. Mostly they are drunk in small sips through straws. Bloody Mary, which is prepared according to the Russian recipe (with egg), is served with a pair of straws. Thanks to this, a person is able to independently regulate how juice and vodka flow. A sprig of celery is usually used as a snack. By the way, this drink is considered a good remedy in the fight against headaches and hangovers.