Pork cutlets in the oven for children. Recipes for delicious and healthy cutlets for children

Cutlets are not the most difficult dish, but, nevertheless, not everyone succeeds.

How to cook delicious cutlets? What is the secret of the cutlet recipe?

My son, like probably all children, really loves cutlets. It seemed to me that the recipe for cutlets was simple: you take minced meat, salt and pepper, mold cutlet shapes, fry on both sides and all the delicious cutlets are ready. But every time I cooked cutlets, for some reason they turned out to be not at all as tasty as I would like.

The most delicious cutlets I have ever tried are made by my husband’s mother. Every time we came to visit them, I never ceased to be amazed at how fluffy, juicy and tasty her cutlets were. What is the secret of the cutlet recipe, I asked myself.

One day I asked Svetlana - How can I cook such delicious cutlets?
“Under no circumstances use store-bought minced meat,” was her main advice.

I bought a meat grinder and again rushed into battle to conquer the recipe for delicious cutlets. But imagine my disappointment when the cutlets again turned out tasteless. Apparently this was not the only secret of the signature cutlet recipe.

Then I decided to take Svetlana’s master class lessons. And while we were cooking, she gradually revealed all the secrets of the recipe for delicious cutlets.

I am pleased to share with you the secrets of the recipe for making delicious cutlets:

1. Do not use store-bought minced meat, it contains soy, parts of skin and other tasteless elements... To prepare delicious cutlets, you need fresh beef tenderloin. No pork. Since pork is not very healthy for children and adults.

2. If the meat was stored in the refrigerator, it should be defrosted first and it will be better if this process occurs naturally. That is, without using a microwave. Take the meat out of the freezer in the morning, and by evening it will be ready to cook delicious cutlets.

How to properly prepare minced meat for a delicious cutlet recipe:

3. Remember that by the time the minced meat is prepared, the meat should be chilled, but under no circumstances frozen. If you cook cutlets from frozen minced meat, they will look “wooden”.

4. For minced meat you only need beef meat, onion, salt and pepper. If you want to cook really tasty cutlets according to a signature recipe - no bread! It only spoils the taste of the cutlets and prevents them from forming a homogeneous mass.

5. Cut the meat into small pieces, peel the onions, and turn the minced meat through a meat grinder 3 times. Why so many? - you ask. It is this feature that provides airiness to delicious cutlets.

6. Salt and pepper. You shouldn’t overdo it with pepper, otherwise the cutlets will start to taste bitter and the children won’t like it. When I cook cutlets for my son, I don’t add pepper to the minced meat at all.

How to make and fry delicious cutlets:

Let's move on to sculpting and frying the cutlets. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. But this process also has its secrets.

7. The shape of the cutlets should ensure that the meat remains juicy, so in no case should the cutlets be flat. Place the minced meat in your palm and cover with your other palm. The shape of the palms folded towards each other should resemble the roofs of houses. Inside we got the right shape for delicious cutlets.

8. Place the formed cutlets in a heated frying pan, after pouring a little vegetable oil into it. First, fry the cutlets over high heat until golden brown on both sides, turning them over.

9. After this, reduce the heat, cover the frying pan with a lid and leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes. With the lid closed, the meat and onions will release their own juices.
If you follow all the secrets of the cutlet recipe, then your kids’ delicious and favorite dish will be ready.

Let's summarize the signature cutlet recipe:

Only fresh beef and juicy onions, chilled but not frozen meat, the correct shape and observance of the frying sequence - these are all the secrets of the recipe for delicious cutlets!

Who among us doesn't like cutlets? Since childhood, each of us knows and loves this dish - tasty, aromatic and juicy. In addition, a lot of ways to prepare cutlets allows you to introduce them into the diet of children from the age of one and a half years. So, let's prepare dinner for the whole family: beef cutlets. Both mom and dad and the baby will definitely like them!

The benefits of beef cutlets for children

  • Beef is a healthy and easily digestible meat. It contains many B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on vision and skin, are involved in metabolism, promote the production of hemoglobin, and are needed for muscle mass and the health of the nervous system.
  • Phosphorus and potassium regulate metabolic processes, have a positive effect on the health of the skeletal and circulatory systems.
  • Iron is important for hematopoietic processes and prevents.
  • Of course, beef contains a lot of protein, which is very necessary for a child’s growing body.

Cutlets are a dish made from chopped meat. A child from one and a half years old can handle it. In addition, the shape of the dish and its consistency allow the baby to master cutlery: the child is quite capable of eating cutlets with a fork on his own.

Juicy beef cutlets - recipe

So, let's prepare delicious beef cutlets.

Required Ingredients

  • minced beef – 350 grams;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal;
  • a little boiling water to pour over the flakes;
  • 1 small onion.

Cooking sequence

You can cook it in 3 ways.

The basis of the minced meat for our cutlets is meat. You can buy ready-made minced meat, or you can make it yourself by choosing a suitable piece of meat for this, clearing it of films and fat. When preparing minced meat, you will definitely need a meat grinder or blender.

To highlight the taste of meat and give it aroma, we will take a medium or large onion, peel it and finely chop it. You can use a blender, just do not puree the onion.

We do the same with garlic.

To fix the minced meat so that it holds the shape of the cutlets, we need raw potatoes, which we wash, peel and grate on a fine grater or chop very finely in a blender. Now everything is ready for cooking.

In a deep bowl, mix the minced meat, chopped potatoes, onion and garlic, then break the eggs, salt and pepper to taste. To add juiciness to the cutlets, add a tablespoon of milk to the minced meat. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed to evenly distribute the ingredients. You can mix the minced meat with a spoon, or you can use a blender - this will take less effort and time.

Place the steamer closer and start cooking the cutlets. You must wet your hands with cold water so that the minced meat does not stick to them and forms well. Scoop the minced meat with a tablespoon, roll it between your palms, giving it the shape of a cutlet and place it in a steamer. Try not to place the cutlets too tightly so that they do not stick together. Close the steamer and set the “steaming” mode. Cooking time for steam cutlets is half an hour. After the time has passed, turn off the steamer and let the cutlets brew for some time. These 10 minutes are just enough to set the table.

When every person remembers cutlets, associations immediately arise: mashed potatoes, spring salad, which, in my opinion, are inseparable in this wonderful union.

And this wonderful aroma, while the cutlets are fried in a frying pan, evokes an appetite - you just want to eat it.

Children are also not indifferent to this dish. However, it is not possible to offer a child food prepared in this way at any age. After all, it is undoubtedly harmful to the children's stomach.
However, mothers will find a way out of any situation. And they will prepare the much-loved cutlets in a completely different way.

Which one? - you ask. It's very simple - cutlets baked in the oven. They are no less tasty, appetizing and aromatic. Baked food is a great alternative to fried foods.
Let's cook this wonderful thing along with mashed potatoes.

The recipe is suitable for children from 1.5 years old. For younger children, it is better to steam these cutlets.

For this we need:

  • minced beef or (pork + beef) - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • oat flakes - a handful
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • butter - a piece
  • milk - 0.5 cups

Baby beef cutlets in the oven - recipe with photo:

Using a meat grinder with a fine grid, grind the onion and add it to the minced meat. Pour 4-5 tbsp there. oatmeal.

Mix everything well, don’t forget to add a little salt and beat in one egg.

Grease a parchment-lined baking sheet with olive oil to prevent the cutlets from burning.
We form cutlets and place them on a baking sheet.

Place baby beef cutlets into a preheated oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. At the end of cooking, place a small piece of butter on each cutlet and bake for another 5 minutes until the cutlets are golden brown.

In the meantime, while the baby cutlets are baking, prepare the mashed potatoes.

Cut the peeled potatoes lengthwise into 4 parts.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan with cold water and place on the fire. Add salt to taste after boiling water in a saucepan and cook until fully cooked.
Using a potato masher or blender, grind until smooth.

Mashed potatoes turn out especially tender and tasty if you beat them with a piece of butter and hot boiled milk.

The baby beef cutlets are already cooked in the oven. And the tender puree is also ready.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what chicken cutlets for children are, the recipe for this dish. You will learn several cooking variations, and also get acquainted with valuable tips.

Knowing how to properly cook cutlets from chicken breasts for children (as well as from other parts of the chicken) will allow you to create a delicious dish and do it quickly.

  1. Ideally, you need to put two, maximum three eggs per kilo of minced meat. If there are more than the specified amount, then all you will achieve is the friability of the ground meat during the cooking process.
  2. You can add bread pulp, but even here you need to know when to stop. Place no more than 250 grams per kilo of minced meat. If you add more, you won't be able to taste the meat in your dish; the bread will overwhelm everything. Do not forget to pre-soak the bread you use in milk.
  3. If you pre-beat the meat, you will end up with a more tender and strong dish.
  4. Remember that the presence of skins is unacceptable in minced meat; if you are preparing chicken cutlets for a 1-year-old child, they will add excessive fat to the dish.
  5. Before you start cooking, you need to put the minced meat, with the ingredients already added, into the refrigerator. Thanks to this, the taste of the finished dish will significantly improve due to the absorption of meat juice by the bread.

Cooking with semolina

Minced meat cutlets can be prepared using semolina instead of flour or bread.

During the preparation process you will need:

  • seven st. spoons of semolina;
  • three eggs;
  • three onions;
  • four tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • kilogram of prepared minced chicken;
  • salt.

With added bread

For this option you need to take:

  • half a kilogram of fillet (chicken);
  • one fourth glass of milk;
  • egg;
  • onion;
  • white bread - approximately one hundred grams;


A steamed dish allows you to preserve as much as possible the biologically active substances that are so valuable for the child’s body.

To prepare such a product you need to have:

  • chicken fillet – two halves;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • oatmeal - two tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley;
  • butter – about 30 grams.

In addition to the actual base for future cutlets, you can make a sauce from milk. For it you will need:

  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of butter.

With vegetables

Many kids will like this dish. We'll cook it in the oven rather than fry it, so the dish will be even healthier.

To prepare cutlets with vegetables you need to have:

  • minced chicken – two hundred grams;
  • egg;
  • carrot;
  • semolina - two tbsp. spoons;

If your baby likes vegetable cutlets, then try making them.

My son loves minced chicken cutlets. I cook them mostly in the oven. For this dish I use minced meat, made independently from chicken fillet, onion, egg and bread crumb. We didn't like the cutlets with added vegetables.

Now you know what methods and options for preparing chicken cutlets exist. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new formulations. The child will appreciate it if he can try cutlets with oatmeal, and then with carrots and zucchini. Give preference to baking, cooking in a slow cooker or making steamed products. Remember that a child’s body does not need fried food.